#mml derek pistachion
spc-rambles · 8 months
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So the latest Chibi Tiny Tales short came out and they've got the whole lot here! Not just half of the HnG villains, not just Derek Pistachion but Igor, that one guy from 'The Dog Who Knew Too Much'.
I remember seeing him but couldn't remember his name until I just looked it up!
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articus-icecream · 4 months
HELLOOOO <333 could u tell me about your mml/pistachion hcs? :D
Their skin is rough(because it's bark) but their bodies/muscles are squishy (like us humans! :D)
They only eat meat and have a huge prefrence for human meat
I feel they would have mixed feelings on deez nuts jokes. Some like them and some find them offensive. It depends on the pistachion really
The 'adult age' for them is 30 years
Speaking of ages, by a 100 years one starts to asexually reproduce by having a pistachion tree grow out of their nutshell and sprouts growing from the branches. King pistachion has been the only instance though (I'm not sure about Derek-)
If you were to cut one of their limbs open you'd see rings that show their age
Despite their looks, their anatomy is similar to humans! They vaguely have the same organs and stuff, though their blood is like a thick yet liquidy sap.
They have a way higher immune system and stamina, toughness, strength though.
King pistachion had cried tears of joy once he realized he became a father.
Child pistachions are about 4'9 ft, teen pistachions are about the average size of a human adult and full adult pistachions are taller than human adults! Their height can range from 7ft to 9ft! King is the tallest one (15 ft) and Derek would become the second tallest one! (12-13 ft!)
Despite hating humans they do have standards. None of them would hurt a human baby. They'd simply leave it somewhere safe.
They don't know why they hate humans. Some say it's instinctual. Some would say that they simply want to protect nature from humans. But most of them would avoid that question.
They're neutrual towards insects, but they love bees and butterflies the most!
They hate all birds, espiecally wood peckers.
A lot of them have the same name, so they use numbers to differentiate themselves better
All the female pistachions we have seen are trans. KP is a lil confused/uneducated about lgbtqia+ stuff but he's still supportive :D
Speaking of the female pistachions, since their hair comes from under their shells then it would mean that the other pistachions have hair as well.
Some pistachions would wonder what it would be like to have a human as a friend or as a romantic partner...xtheyxarexallxvirginsxixmeanxwhatx
Sibling wars are LITERAL. But they mostly end in peace and hugs :p
They're love language is physical affection!
The leaves on their lower body are their equivalent of clothes.
Eating pistachios is a hate crime for them.
They're pretty neutrual towards other types of plants that aren't in the nut family or trees but they still take offense at any harm done to them.
They sleep in gardens. Like, half buried in the ground. They can also sleep in beds just fine :p
If a limb is cut off they can just easily regrow it. But if their shell gets damaged there's nothing they can do.
They're all pretty emberrassed that their main weakness is dog piss. Espiecally KP, he's ashamed of it.
I think that's mostly it tbh! I apologize(not really /hj) for no hcs on the other characters ¦p
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bee-tee-rus · 7 months
MML AU where King Pistachion is a single dad going on a T/indr date with you and Derek keeps fucking shit up:
(press "Keep Reading" for the fic)
Your legs bounce with anticipation. You tie the 50th knot out of the paper sheath that your straw came in, now noticing how strong it-- oh! Nope, it finally tore. Broken out of your daze now, you take a look around the little sandwich shop that you sit alone in, wondering when your date will show.
Online dating isn't really your thing, due to the countless articles and stories you've sunken time into reading, giving your paranoia a whole 'nother level of paranoia. But it really can't be that bad, right? You are hyper aware or any potential danger, so it all should be fine.
Some minutes pass, and you just got back to your seat with a Pistachio latte. You laugh to yourself, remembering that the guy's screename who you are supposed to meet was... "King Pistachion". He didn't look like your typical human. In fact, dude didn't look human in the slightest. Like some hot sexy monstrous treeman. Hey, there's a first time for everything! You pat your pocket to be sure you brought tweezers-- in case of any splinters.
RING! The door opens after what seemed like an eternity and you are 99% sure that the being who came through is him. I mean, how many men made of wood really live around here... Actually, that's a great question and you'll look into that later.
The tree man swivels his head and squints his eyes as he looks around the room. I lock my eyes onto him, yet remain silent as he surveys the room. I can't help but feel a bit intimidated. Once he turns my way and meets my gaze, I flash a weak smile and wave. He straightens up, nearly missing the ceiling as a huge smile forms across his face. The man comes forward and then I realize just how much taller he is than I. If this date gets far enough... I wonder how THAT will play out? I shake those unwanted thoughts away.
"H-hi, I'm Anon. Um from the uh... The app." God, why are you nervous?
"I know, as soon as those gems glistened my way, they drew me in... Anon~" the man says with smoothness as he kneels down and grabs your hand, his large stick thumb caressing the top of your hand in a seductive way.
Oh God, he is laying it on a little too thick.
"Uh..." You pull your hand away, feeling awkward from the sudden gesture. "Here, let's sit down and maybe talk some first, kinda get to know each other?"
"Ha ha yes, my little berry. Here... Let me--"
Suddenly, you are light on your feet. In fact, you aren't even on your feet anymore! This man had the audacity to pick you up and carry you bridal style to your seat. Sir, this is a Jimmy John's. He pulls out your chair with one hand and gently sits you down, then goes over to his seat and plops down in it. He leans his chin on his clasped hands as he leans forward to give you his undivided attention. What is with this guy? It seems like he is wanting to get to the good part already, like slow down!
"Haha... " You chuckle nervously, not knowing how to react to his chivalrous antics. "So... Is 'King Pistachion' your real name?"
"Really? No really?"
"Well I suppose if I had a human identity, I would go by 'Pcarl'. The 'P' is silent."
His face looks proud of his swift answer to you. The gears in your brain start turning and churning. There's not a single 'P' in 'Carl', what is he... ? Whatever, you won't question his logic for now.
"Okay, Pcarl..." You look the strange man up and down, not really feeling the name. You get the strong feeling that he just made that up on the spot. "Can I call you KP?"
"If that's what your heart desires, little berry~" he purrs out as he flashes a wink in your general direction.
You let out a sigh and try your best to reel the tree man back to square one with you.
"Anyways, KP, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do for fun? What sorta job do you do?"
"Oh you know. Terraforming foreign lands with my bountiful seed to grow my fiersome army of Pistachion soilders so we can rule this dying planet."
A smirk forms on his face as he leans back with his arms crossed.
With a strained poker face, you can only bring yourself to respond with a repeated question.
"... And for work?"
"Terraforming foreign lands with my bountiful seed to grow my fiersome army of Pistachion soilders so we can rule this dying planet."
Hm, so he's pretty much a Line A to Line B guy. You are uncertain whether you should feel threatened or not. Your thoughts get cut off when you hear an adult male voice boom through the restaurant.
The whiny voice feels as though it is being focused towards us. KP lets out a grumble, face palming and muttering something under his breath. You can only make out a, "Not now" due to the Ed Sheeran music drowning out miniscule sounds. King Pistachion lifts up a finger to you as though he is motioning you to hold on, stands up and turns to face the door where the voice came from. He inhales as his eyes close and brows furrow, then responds.
"What now, Derek? Daddy's busy with 'business'!" KP holds out his hands towards you. So you are a business matter now? You would feel offended, yet the curiosity of this situation keeps you quiet as you become the onlooker of whatever is about to transpire.
This "Derek" was smaller in size compared to his father, being the size of a human adult male. He kinda had a BioShock thing going on with his fashion, with the top hat and tailcoat combo. He stuck some resemblance to his dad, except for the chiseled features of his face. You would think this guy could be a model or something.
"You said you would be quick and it's been 5 hours already!" Derek says with exasperation.
"Derek, stop being so dramatic. I've only been in here for 10 minutes and was this close you getting you a mommy" KP hisses as he presses his index finger against his thumb to emphasize how close he was to--
"What? I never agreed to anything like-- Is that why you have been so flirtatious from the get-go?" You can't believe that this guy really thought that it would take a mere day of cheesy romantic antics to get someone to just marry him.
"It was going so well, I could see in your eyes that your heart began to call out to me." He turns his head to you and looks a little smug, as though he truly believed this date was going great.
"I don't want a new mom! I'm happy with the one we got at home" Derek stomps his foot to assert his belief.
"Your 'mom' is a heat lamp, that's not a mother. That's a machine that aids. We need the touch and love of a real being, especially for when I'm busy with my plans."
"Her name is 'Laura' and you would know that if you ever came home and spent time with us!"
You are assuming that the heat lamp 's name is Laura. It's a bit hard to follow this conversation, yet you try your best since it involves you in the mix. Derek begins to walk towards the table and stands in front of you, rubbing his chin as he thinks.
"How old are you?" He asks as he narrows his eyes, making sure that you do not lie to him.
He huffs as he throws his arms up and spins around to walk away. Derek begins to become as boisterous as he was before.
"Really, Dad? They're not much older from me or your other kids! That's like you're dating my siblings or something!"
"Don't be disgusting, Derek. It's not like that at all, get over it!" King Pistachion 's tone is now becoming more impatient at how his son is publically judging him around strangers. Something flat and green grows from the bush on his head, he reaches and picks it off. Wait, is that... Did he just illegally grow cash?
"Here's $50, just-- PLEASE, go find some entertainment and let Daddy finish business."
The steamed tree man towers over his son, holding out the totally legal cash for Derek to accept. A few seconds pass and Derek silently snatches the cash and leaves. Kind Pistachion lets out a heavy sigh of relief and dusts his hands, sitting back down and his face quickly transforms from anger to... Oh he's gonna keep trying, isn't he?
"So... Anyways, have you ever lay with a man of lumber?" His eyebrow raises as he leans forward, doing his best (and failing) to woo you.
"Uhh... "
This time, you did not hear the door open but you recognize the voice. It's Derek once more, only this time he is holding a yellow dog. You hear the chair scoot and look to find King Pistachion looking horrified. Is this man afraid of dogs?
"D-Derek, put that thing away now! You don't know what you're doing!" KP shakily says as he presses his back against the wall.
Derek chuckles as he pets the blissfully unaware dog that he carries.
"Oh I do know what I am doing, father..."
He puts his hands under the dog's arms and holds it up and far from him, Lion King style. The smile of Derek fades, his head tilted down with his brows furrowed, causing dramatic shadows on his face.
"I just gave this dog a full bowl of water and cranberries... He hasn't relieved himself yet. Now if you don't piss off from this pointless date and take me home..." Derek pats the dog's belly and a swoosh of fluids can be heard. "Then I'll have no choice but to piss you out of here."
What the hell is going on? Without a peep, King Pistachion stands up and heads towards the door. He seems cautious as he passes the airborne pup, squeezing his large frame by his son and through the exit. Derek has a prideful grin, puts the dog down and goes to follow his dad into the parking lot.
You are now out of your seat and rush to the window. You want to see what sort of vehicle these two travelled in. What exactly are these beings? Are they aliens? A science experiment gone wrong? Surely, something like them wouldn't be driving something so basic, right?
Why are you surprised? KP and his son enter a dual colored PT Cruiser, the top half being a pale green while the bottom half is a pale yellow. Ha, it's a PisTachio Cruiser. From here, you can vaguely make out both of their expressions from the car. King Pistachion wears a look of irked defeat and Derek has the smile of someone who got their way. The car drives off and now you are just sitting alone in the shop, not wanting to even finish your pistachio coffee.
"I don't think I like pistachios anymore."
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cracka-whacka · 4 years
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You know exactly which episode this is I have been laughing at this idea through the whole process hence why it's so sketchy
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a-foolish-jester · 6 years
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So I was thinking about my favorite (literal) disaster son, and then I remembered, that I have more than one! And boy do I love drawing crossovers. So I decided to draw Milo as Chat Noir! but you can’t have a Chat w/out his Lady, so I was thinking that since Amanda is all organized and sort of his opposite, that’d work well for Ladybug? 
(I think they’d have the opposite dynamic for a love square scenario? Like for Amanda Milo? horrible disaster boy I won’t go within ten feet of. Chat? His disasters are purposeful and helpful. And Milo’s like Amanda? So organized and prepared! Wow I love her. Ladybug? She’s cool and my friend but not interested romantically, we don’t know each other’s identities)
But then I remembered the crossover ep and the literal opposite(s) of Milo and Murphy’s Law. Cursed Continuation under the cut:
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they,, they literally have the opposite energy of Milo it was too perfect to ignore. and like,, you can’t just have one of them, and lucky us, the Ladybug Miraculous is one of the only ones (i know of at least) that has two parts to it :)) One for each boy. Then I realized Tikki would probably be fuckin torn apart when they transformed, but shhhh
(no love square here,,,, and even if there was it wouldn’t even work as a square there’s 3 people.)
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arendalphaeagle · 6 years
Hey, for the MML fans who have used or still use FanFiction.Net, I managed to get the staff team to add the following characters:
Mr. Block
King Pistachion
Derek/Evil Orton
Marcus U.
Richard C.
Professor Time
Victor V.
The character "Dr. Zone" has also chaned to "Dr. Zone/Orton M."
If your fanfictions have or will have any of these characters, please add them in your fanfics, so they could show up in browser searching. Those of you who have used the "Dr. Zone" tag might also need to replace it with the "Dr. Zone/Orton M." tag. And please spread this around to other MML fans that write on FanFiction.Net. Thank you.
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rubiki5301 · 7 years
What If...
Derek uses the humans he had captured to produce more Pistachions? So it's like he's injecting them with Pistachion's seeds, then the seed will grow and getting its nutrition from the body. Then after the seed grows into a Pistachion, Derek would just let the body from the seed rotten out of nutrition.
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Pistachion Kids AU Drabble: Roaring Lesson
"Come on now Shorty! I know you can do it - Now give daddy your best roar!"
The smaller Pistachion that is Shorty tipped his head at his father with wide, curious eyes. The sprout gave a prolonged 'Mmmm' before letting out a high pitched squeak. Too far from from a roar - It sounded like a hamster defending itself from touchy fingers.
Pistachion kept his lips pursed in trying not to laugh. "Oh that was just a one off!" He heartily assured when the child looked disappointed at himself. "Come on now, try again!"
Shorty gave another 'roar'. It still sounded like a hamster squeak only shriller. Pistachion cringed. This is going to take a bit longer than I thought. He thought and he gave the child weary smile.
"Son, it looks like you could use a demonstration from your old nut tree!" He adjusted the baby on his lap. "So just sit back and relax while you watch and learn from the Pistachion of all Pistachions!" The sprout nodded and did so...
Shorty cringed when his father let out a mighty roar. It was booming, loud and terrifying. The baby nearly slid off his father's lap but Pistachion was quick to catch him in both palms. The baby squeaked slightly as Pistachion gave an apologetic chuckle.
"Sorry Shorty, I just had to," He shrugged meekly. "But truth to be told, that is just what roars are meant to do; Knock the humans-! I mean! Our enemies off their feet! Yes that's it!" Shorty tilted his head and looked thoughtful for a brief minute.
The Sprout nodded his head in understanding much to Pistachion's delight. "You want to give it another try now son? Oh do go ahead!" The huge nut monster grinned when the sprout stood up on the giant palms with a determined face. His chest puffed out boldly and he opened his mouth…
A loud, youthful pistachion roar sounded and Shorty shrieked, jumping from Pistachion's hands and into his leafy collar. Pistachion grew alarmed and instinctively tried to comfort his tiny son. "Shorty it's alright! It is only-!"
He froze.
The laughing of fresh adult pistachions sounded and Jerry, Sid and three other brothers came out highfiving Derek who was responsible for that roar.
"Operation Scare Little Brother Number Four is a compete success!" Derek bumped his chest with a fist in pride aside was being praised by the brothers. "I told you Short Stuff is easy! Man! He was really… Oh! Hey dad!"
Derek and the boys now grinned nervously at their father who towered over them with narrowed eyes - With Shorty remaining hidden in the leafy foliage but looking at his brothers with wary eyes.
Pistachion crossed his arms and cast his sons a questioning look to which the older kids shrunk in wincing.
"Alright Derek, boys, now what did tell you lot about operations on scaring your younger siblings?"
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heloflor · 3 years
And while I’m at it,
The battle against Pistachions in the third act of the PnF/MML crossover be like :
Derek : I have an army.
Cavendish : I have a spouse.
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mysteriesofmilo · 3 years
Milo Murphy's Madness, Thrilling 32!!!
Well folks, we've come to the start of another round of MML character voting. This time only 32 of the original 68 characters are left standing! Here are the results:
Mr. Drako beat Brick 22-4 (84.6%)
Milo Murphy defeated Coach Cobra Big Bowlin' Nolan Mitchell 24-4 (85.7%)
In the closest matchup this round, Derek defeated Loab 13-12 (52%)
Diogee Ex Machina Murphy defeated Recurring Raccoon 21-7 (75%)
In the most lopsided matchup this round, Vinnie Dakota nearly shut out King Pistachion 27-1 (96.4%)
Fuller and Hastings beat out Mrs. White 18-7 (72%)
Balthazar Cavendish defeated Nate Murphy 24-4 (85.7%)
Trucker Ted edged out Savannah 15-12 (55.6%)
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz beat Orgaluth 17-11 (60.7%)
Orton Mahlson beat Ms. Baxter 21-3 (87.5%)
Principal Milder barely beat Grandma Murphy 15-12 (55.6%)
Mr. Blunt(k) defeated Victor Verliezer 17-9 (65.4%)
Amanda Lopez beat C.I.D.D. 24-3 (88.9%)
Scott the Undergrounder beat Marcus Underwood 20-8 (71.4%)
Dr. Eileen Underwood beat future Mr. Block 15-12 (55.6%)
Joey and Laura Murphy beat the Krill Hunter director 17-9 (65.4%)
Martin Murphy beat Fred the janitor 21-6 (77.8%)
Sara Murphy defeated Neal from the comic shop 23-3 (88.5%)
Mrs. Murawski beat Joni 17-8 (68%)
Mort Schaeffer beat Charlene and Sharon Brulee 19-6 (76%)
Perry the Platypus defeated Bob Block 22-6 (78.6%)
Chad Van Coff beat the Octalian commander 20-6 (76.9%)
Mildred beat Basil Bravo 18-6 (75%)
Zack Underwood beat Grandpa Murphy 25-3 (89.3%)
Bradley Nicholson surprised me and beat the abomination known as Cavenpuss 15-10 (60%)
Elliot Decker defeated Jackie 21-4 (84%)
Tobias Trollhammer defeated Mr. Brulee 16-9 (64%)
Veronica beat the cyborg bear 19-8 (70.4%)
Lydia beat the mayor 20-6 (76.9%)
Javier the dude ranch operator beat Mrs Brulee 19-6 (76%)
In the other narrowest victory of this round, the Lumbermaxes barely slipped past Richard Chase 14-13 (51.9%)
And in the other most lopsided matchup of this round, Melissa Chase almost shut out Colonel Niblet and Lieutenant Tennant 27-1 (96.4%)
Now for round 3:
Mr. Kyle Drako vs Milo Murphy
Derek the pistachion vs Diogee Ex Machina Murphy
Vinnie Dakota vs Fuller and Hastings
Balthazar Cavendish vs Trucker Ted
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz vs Orton Mahlson
Principal Elizabeth Milder vs Mr. Blunt(k)
Amanda Lopez vs Scott the Undergrounder
Dr. Eileen Underwood vs Joey and Laura Murphy
Martin Murphy vs Sara Murphy
Mrs. Murawski vs Mort Schaeffer
Perry the Platypus vs Chad Van Coff
Mildred vs Zack Underwood
Bradley Nicholson vs Elliot Decker
Tobias Trollhammer vs Veronica
Lydia vs Javier the dude ranch operator
And the Lumbermaxes vs Melissa Chase
Vote here: https://forms.gle/7qCo1T9cMqD89oyc7
View the bracket here: https://challonge.com/d4ckw1rn
And view the wiki here: https://milomurphyslaw.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters
I've decided to end this round on... Good Friday, April 2nd around 3pm CDT.
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milomurphysblawg · 5 years
I like your MML-art. I don’t know if you happened to get my request or not, so I hope it’s cool if I ask again. Milo and Melissa as Pistachions (you know, having been zapped by Derek’s “MULCH” machine”). What do you think? Again, thanks for your consideration.
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One of the most underrated-scenes in MML, I think, is the final-battle against Derek and the other Pistachions. Doof is confirmed to be who Cavendish and Dakota claim he is. We got an entertaining battle that wasn’t exactly one of those “We’re okay!” scenarios. And seeing most of the named-characters turned into Pistachions themselves was a most-underrated moment. What’s everyone else think? - Gdog90 from Deviantart.
That scene is fantastic! It really raised the stakes!!!
Personally, one of my favorite scenes is probably when the squad are talking about how they each visualize Milo’s perspective in Milo’s World and Mort briefly gives his perspective which is deep and spiritual and then he realizes he was thinking about how he sees the world. It was just funny and nice. (I really like Mort and I want to hear more from him.)
~Kat @lordmushroomkat
What about everyone else? Reblog with your favorite scene, underrated or otherwise!
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noddytheornithopod · 6 years
Okay, here’s my full thoughts on the Phineas and Ferb effect, SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT:
My feelings are growing increasingly mixed. I want to make it clear that I DID enjoy the episode despite the language barrier, and it’s likely many issues I have could be fixed when we get English subtitles, but given how a lot of stuff was handled, I’m not sure how much is gonna be fixed. I mean, many people who watched the Russian dub of AYA didn’t change opinions at all when the English version finally came out. Time for specifics:
- Okay I know what you’re all wondering: how did I feel about Isabella’s appearance? My feelings are like the episode overall, mixed. When I saw her and the Fireside Girls show up to rescue the others I was pretty happy, and seeing her turned into a Pistachion now turned against Phineas and Ferb was quite terrifying. But then... I started to think. I don’t really have an issue with the fact her role was absurdly small (apparently Bradley has more lines lol), I mean based on the promos I was expecting it to be so. My issue was more how poorly integrated into the story she was.
Like, I can see an early version of the episode with her being with Buford and Baljeet (you know, what I thought was the most logical way to go :V), but then they wrote themselves into a corner with Phineas, Ferb, Milo and co being captured and someone needed to get them out. Ergo, Isabella was then written to go guerilla with the Fireside Girls (which does make sense at least) and then show up to untie them and drop off the Milo mech.
Like I said, in-universe this is all perfectly logical. My issue is how Isabella was basically just there to be a plot device, not only that but what is basically a deus ex machina to free the others. She did her plot things, and then all she was there for was to be transformed and brainwashed into a pistachion minion. And then after she becomes herself again, she doesn’t show up with the other friends at the end, which I find pretty weird. Like, okay, Isabella didn’t get to meet the MML characters properly so I can see the reasoning I guess, but it still felt odd that now things were normal she wasn’t hanging out with them? I guess Fireside Girl duties call for a report on the nut people invasion or something lol. Or the rift between her and Phineas is already beginning, cue Act Your Age music.
- SPEAKING OF DEUS EX MACHINAS... I don’t know if they set this up in any dialogue, but I kinda doubt it. But anyway... Professor Time. Besides some things I’ll get to in a bit, the way he resolved everything was my least favourite thing about the ep. Like, he literally just shows up at the end, picks up Orton and takes him back to 1965 to kill Derek. And like... if he was going to do that anyway, does this mean if nobody did anything and Orton just needed to be sent back to his time, everything was basically pointless? Like, I REALLY hope there’s dialogue clarifying this, because if Professor Time just shows up and goes and kills Derek with Orton anyway, it basically renders the episode pointless, which is pretty unfortunate.
This isn’t something I thought about at first, but it’s also pretty weird that we have such major information about Doofenshmirtz being dropped here after his show? Others have better articulated thoughts on this than I do, but it’s pretty odd. I think it was described to me like it was instead about this persona Doofenshmirtz has invented for himself instead of Doof himself.
- Probably the main thing I was initially disappointed with at first was Candace. At first everything seemed fine. I’ve seen some concern over whether she was in character, but so far everything seemed fine to me. Well, until she was captured. Then she was suddenly gone in the final act, only there to be tied up and turned into a pistachion. Like, the scenes with Candace and Milo seem great already, but then suddenly she’s not important. She’s basically THE main character of PnF, and she’s a complete non-presence in the final act. I forget if she even had any lines there. And like Isabella, she doesn’t show up with the others at the end, except with her it makes sense for her to since she got to know the others.
Seriously, she appears and is in the plot, but then suddenly she doesn’t even matter. It’s so messily written. I’ve been discussing her with other people too and they also find it odd that she didn’t really have much agency in the plot, which is probably because we’re used to her being a protagonist, she’s always there with her own strong plot or character arc for the episode while here she’s merely a supporting character. This isn’t her story, sure, but she doesn’t exactly get to do much here in terms of actual plot contribution even if she did suggest weaponsing Murphy’s Law. I also looked at reactions where she didn’t feel too in-character, and while I disagree with the idea overall, I do see that because she’s now a supporting character her defining traits aren’t really there? As a result, the lack of character focus means we don’t get to explore much of how she feels about this, which I guess people find off because she’s such a strong character who always has some major reactions to things. I felt like her pessimism towards Milo made sense, and I mean overall I didn’t think Candace was OOC, but I think it’s more that she was just given such a minor role compared to what she’s used to that she didn’t get much time to shine beyond the Milo interactions.
Also... her introduction was eh. I did like the shadow gag and I get she was focused on her phone and stuff, but it felt pretty random for her to just show up unassuming of anything going on (I mean, everything is fucking decaying around her lol). Also... Ducky Momo Go. It was such a serious “HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS?” moment.
- Say, speaking of “HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS?”... Baljeet dabbing. I have no words. BALJEET FUCKING DABBING. WHAT EVEN WAS THAT?
- Baljeet and Buford are... interesting. Baljeet was probably one of the better handled character in my eyes actually. Like, he wasn’t too big, but it made sense for a character like him. He had memorable moments interacting with Zack and Melissa (and... THAT), and he actually contributed to the plot by helping figure out how to do the whole Milo mech thing. I definitely want to hear his dialogue for sure. Buford on the other hand was completely pointless narrative wise. He was just there because we gotta have all the main Phineas and Ferb characters so we can have our big reunion and then make him an evil brainwashed nut dude in the climax.
- Alongside Candace the other PnF character I feel really got screwed over was Perry. Again, he shows up and is great (even if I was surprised how short his time with Milo was) and is there doing stuff, but then suddenly he’s sideline to the point of basically not even existing. When they go to the island, I forget if he’s even there. Doof could’ve used his company I feel. :V And again in the final act, he’s only there briefly and then is irrelevant once Phineas sees him. Like, he just shows up, beat up some pistachions, Phineas sees him and then he and Diogee disappear from the episode. We really could’ve used your help against Derek and his machine, Perry. :V And yeah, Diogee is similar. He just is there for a bit and disappears from the episode.
- The Island of Lost Dakotas reveal is something I’m going to have to wait on. The stuff we saw seemed good enough, but I’m definitely going to need the English dialogue to make a true judgement. I’ll say this though: I’m not sure if this was the right place to have this reveal. We didn’t get much time exploring Cavendish’s reaction before they got the Dakotas as their army to fight the pistachions, I feel like Cavendish discovering the island is something that deserves its own episode focused on it. In general Cavendish and Dakota were good though.
- Phineas and Ferb were mostly fine I feel. I did see some saying Ferb’s role felt minor, but I felt like he was at least there enough (and to be fair being the quiet one he’s also had this situation before, like in AT2D). That English clip where he says “nutjobbers” just feels off to me though. Like, besides Baljeet, they were actually there doing stuff and had a presence in the story. Milo worked as well I think overall, given he’s the protagonist and such. I did like what we saw of their interactions, and of course the idea of using positive PnF energy to weaponise Milo’s negative energy was really cool.
- Zack and Melissa are kind of a Buford and Baljeet situation. Melissa was there enough to warrant her presence and she was doing stuff, but Zack didn’t really have much of a presence. It wasn’t as bad as Buford, but he didn’t really have anything to do. Where Melissa and of course Zack fail though is the final act - they’re the other main characters alongside Milo in Milo Murphy’s Law, and like Candace their presence was barely there. They didn’t really do anything relevant in the final act after being freed except joining the brainwashed nut people horde. They at least were there at the end, but still I’m not exactly satisfied with their roles in the episode.
- All of the other characters were fine even if they were minor I guess. Minor characters are gonna be minor, lol.
- Most of the gags I caught despite the language barrier were funny. As said, I still enjoyed the episode even if I found its handling of the characters quite botched.
- The music department was good, I can’t wait to hear both Baljeet’s version of Chop Away at my Heart and the Orton and Doof duet. I liked the scoring too, some themes I did recognise from earlier PnF and MML material but some stuff seemed new, I’m not sure if I heard the rock score during the pistachion battle before (around when pnf and milo get the mech and derek is turning their friends into pistachions).
- Animation was fine, I guess? Some stuff looked a bit off but it might have just been lighting or a low budget. I think some of the closer details may be off but I’m not here to nitpick, I didn’t find anything super distracting.
- I think the issues with the characters and plotting are down to one big factor: it’s a crossover trying to cram too much into 44 minutes, that and also meant to resolve story arcs from Season 1 of Milo Murphy’s Law. They wanted to do this big special where all of the PnF and MML characters get to play off each other, but we unfortunately didn’t seem to get much of that (though maybe English dialogue will remedy that). Instead of actually getting to compare and contrast the characters and themes of the show, they had to focus on the plot to resolve the pistachion storyline (a plot solved by a deus ex machina no less). As a result, we get something that’s more plot driven than character driven, which is not what a crossover should be.
Also, this only really confirms my fears about Milo Murphy’s Law being stuck in Phineas and Ferb’s shadow. After seeing something that was this messily written despite being enjoyable, I definitely think Milo Murphy’s Law crossed over with Phineas and Ferb too soon. I don’t feel like they absolutely needed Phineas and Ferb in this storyline, not when they didn’t really get to explore the themes and characters of the respective shows. It’s like they were pushed to have the crossover too early despite always intending to have both shows in the same universe, and thus we get something where the PnF characters are here simply because they have to be instead of it feeling more natural.
Simple things that I think would’ve made it work better? If they had to do the pistachion storyline, give us less characters. It feels so all over the place and imbalanced. I would’ve been fine with just Phineas, Ferb and Candace in the A-plot to be honest. Less awkward spreading out thinly and more time devoted to the central characters of each show. But to be honest... I feel like a crossover shouldn’t have been plot driven like this. The characters here had to resolve a complex plot instead of getting most of their time to be themselves. They could still have some event to generate conflict of course, but it should be something where the characters interacting gets focus and they drive the story instead of it being something where they have to serve a plot first and all of that comes second.
Also I think it should be acknowledged: like Act Your Age (which I feel has shockingly similar parallels to this situation), I think hype backlash is certainly a possibility in how I feel. Like I’m not gonna lie, I am disappointed. Still though, even if it’s a factor, the fact that I’m able to pinpoint the issues I have so easily instead of it just being a vague emotional reaction is a shame.
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muffintonic · 6 years
Yes, I decided to just watch the PnF/MML leak instead of waiting because i’d rather not have to dodge spoilers until January. (Also, i’m still going to buy the new season on iTunes when it comes out, so whatever.)
For just the analysis bits, look for actual paragraphs instead of single sentences.
Doof was seriously considering Cavendish’s offer: his nnnnnnnnnnno was drawn out, it had more of a curious/hesitant tone at the beginning, and he freaking glanced down. In the end, he’s already got a boyfriend, though.
Continuing PnF’s habit of showing Buford and Baljeet hanging out alone, I see....nice.
They’ve already done “Act Your Age” and confirmed that Doof stayed a high school teacher after “Doof 101,” but he seems to be an agent here, so.......”The OWCA Files” takes place...before....this???? So this special takes place.........after “Doof 101??″ PNF USED TO BE SO GOOD AT CONTINUITY; GIVE ME SOME INFO, HERE.
I always love Phineas being supportive of Ferb talking/expressing himself. :’)
Oh, Phineas.
They already played darts across the city in “Bullseye!” and badminton in Across the Second Dimension....isn’t this kind of redundant?
It’s actually pretty lucky that Doof’s time machine has food on it...otherwise they’d have been long-dead.
Cavendish insisting that Dakota be careful a ton of times: good stuff.
How long has it been since they started openly taking over, exactly? For the kids to have been aware? Phineas and Ferb knew long enough to have a satellite workshop with a lot of inventions housed in it...
“Weaponize it?“ Buford, PLEASE.
They already studied good/bad luck in “Just Our Luck,” so this shouldn’t be too hard.
SOLDIERS?? Phineas is Ready for war. D: Poor baby.
“We...have no frame of reference for that“ THAT’S RIGHT, THEY HAVE THE WORLD ON A SILVER PLATTER. Phineas and Ferb are, like, the opposite of Murphy’s Law.
“Lemony fresh.“ God, i’ve missed Buford.
Doof is really stuck on that soda.....mood.
Candace being pragmatic, but also knowing that her brother is going to want to keep Milo around: good stuff.
FOUR MEN AND A PLATYPUS. ....I still don’t like how MML uses cutaway gags (and physical humor, actually)--too Family Guy for my taste.
Oh, shut up, Cavendish. He’s the one who invented time travel in the first place.
So escape is shorthand for “self-destruct?”
They’re going to beat the pistachions with the soda, aren’t they.
Mr. Slushy Dawg reference??
Doof.....already built a time machine all the way back in “Lotsa Latkes,” though.... I miss PnF’s excellent continuity............ (his apartment’s interior in the beginning of this special was different, too, yet we saw in AYA that it hadn’t changed in 10 years...and what happened to Xavier Onassis, anyway?)
I’m still not completely on-board with the whole “Doof-is-Professor-Time-and-he’s-venerated-in-the-future” thing. He wanted to be big and important in PnF after spending most of his life being ignored or actively bullied, but by the end realized that he didn’t need to be the ruler of the Tri-State area or anything to be loved and have a good life....this kind of reveal feels like it’s sort of flying in the face of that.
Why do Dwampy love rap so much? I’m not a fan.
Remember how Candace has super bad luck? Like, Phineas even commented on it in “S’Winter” when she kept getting the brunt of obstacles. Doof seems to have this kind of bad luck, too. My theory: certain people, like the original Murphy, have concentrations of the negative ions that cause bad stuff to happen. Murphy just happened to have a lot, and they got passed down to his descendants. Doof and Candace happen to have negative ions, but just not to the level of those descended from Murphy’s line.
UGH, CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT, GUYS. Wait, wasn’t Doof into “Greevil” (green + evil) and stuff before? What happened to that??
I mean, they don’t really need the suit...Phineas and Ferb can just stand on either side of Milo.
THE POWER OF ORANGE SODA REPELS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ISABELLA!!!!! Looks like she was getting ready for war/a rescue mission, too.
Perry saving Doof from falling...ah, yes, just like always.
Okay, I just can’t take this whole dramatic “compassion” scene seriously because the MML art style looks like Word clipart. Sorry, Dwampy. (I think they should’ve used slo-mo, too)
Perry protecting his family. :’)
BUFORD!! AMANDA!!! (my favorite MML character)
RADIOACTIVE WATERMELON. Why are watermelons such a running gag for Dwampy?
Come to think of it, i’m getting some “Night of the Living Pharmacists” vibes, now.
I think Dwampy left Isabella out for half the special and got her pistachion’d so quickly because they knew she’d be able to save everyone otherwise (like in NOTLP).
Nice speech, Doof!
So....this timeline is originally 15 years too early for Doof to be Professor Time. In AYA, which takes place 10 years in the future, he has white hair. When he comes back through time from the future right here, he doesn’t have white hair. WHAT THE HECK, CONTINUITY?! I’m so disappointed.
God, the way they do time travel in this series is....so confusing. Give me BTTF simplicity any day. Honestly, realistically going back and stopping the whole thing in the first place should have created an altered timeline....or this whole thing happened in an altered timeline in the first place since originally nobody was supposed to be replaced with pistachions until Derek got knocked into the timestream.
Dakota hugging Cavendish and calling him partner: GOOD STUFF.
Again, Doof’s building has to have been rebuilt some time between now and AYA.
Mmmmm, so MML takes place on the other side of town. In Jefferson County. So, now we know PnF takes place in Danville, which is in Jefferson County, in the Tri-State Area.
Okay, it’s confirmed: MML is merely an OVA for PnF. Dwampy honestly should have just either continued PnF, or let it die a good death as a wonderful period piece with fantastic continuity. Seriously, Doof was 47 in PnF and was a teen in the 80s....MML takes place after 2016, so DOOF WOULDN’T BE THAT AGE IN 2016. THERE WERE FLIP PHONES AT THE BEGINNING OF PNF. GOD. I’m beginning to consider not thinking of anything that happens in MML to be canon to PnF, especially since it seems to take place in the “The OWCA Files” continuity where they got Doof’s ocelot backstory (and bedroom) completely wrong.
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MML OC Week Day 2: Relationships
The oldest son of Orton Mahlson and an unnamed spouse. Odell was in first grade when his mother did a disappearing act on the family - He didn't know what her story is, but he knew it's something that broke his father's heart and Odell grew to have a personal bias against mother, disliking her for leaving them and never even giving his baby sister a chance to grow up knowing her.
While Orton's had his hands full of Balsawood Studios work and was out of home most of the day, Odell was juggling between being in charge of the household chores and stuff and also going through middle school.
Odell has a very close relationship to his father Orton who loved both his children deeply. If there was any adult Odell could trust with his troubles the most, it had to be his father; The one who'd pull through his grieving just so he can comfort Odell and give him the best things a son could ask from a dad (including trips to the Balsawood Studios).
His little sister Adriana Mahlson, a seven-year old who's currently a Lil Spark at a Fireside Girls batch, is smart and skillful. And perhaps, a little too playful and she would sometimes drive big brother crazy. Fortunately, Odell manages to survive this and he adores his little sister who in turn, will not hesitate to ask him for cuddles. Sometimes Odell does the sewing for her until she manages on her own because the poor girl keeps pricking her fingers.
Odell would first meet Milo, Cavendish and Dakota in 1965 when they were looking for the intern. He was the first to notice something amiss with his father (who was Derek at that point) and he would eventually join the gang in escaping the Pistachions and helping to defeat them in the end. Decades later in the events of Missing Milo, Odell who is now middle-aged would be the one opening the door and Sara, Zack and Melissa mistake him for Orton Mahlson; Which makes the latter show up from behind his son, causing the kids to gape.
(Spoiler alert for the crossover: I think Odell would be playing the ukulele while Orton and Doofenshmirtz are singing and still holds it even during the rap)
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noddytheornithopod · 6 years
More PnF/MML Crossover Teaser Analysis
You know the drill for this. New teasers came out, I get excited, I take screenshots and analyse them.
First thing’s first: before I show them under the cut, these two teasers showed a LOT and yet we still have no Isabella appearance. They’ve confirmed she’s appearing, but the fact we now have a good amount of B plot footage has me convinced she’s either a spoiler in some way or they neglected to mention her appearance is so miniscule it’s not worth showing in the promos. :V Anyway, time to look at these.
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A promotional still akin to the teaser poster. Still stock images, still Isabella trolling us.
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Confirmation that Candace and Melissa are going to be with Phineas, Ferb and Milo in that warehouse place. It probably does seem Phineas and Ferb are gonna make the tennis robot to rescue the others/escape with them and then meet Milo after the Perry thing if this is indeed the case. Wonder where Zack, Buford and Baljeet are in this scene then, and where do Candace and Melissa go when Phineas and ferb are experimenting with Milo?
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Doofenshmirtz and Milo talking, probably about time travel.
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Now here’s something interesting: Phineas and Ferb have a white board and Milo being near it sets it on fire. I wonder how Phineas is going to react to moments like this: is he going to be understanding of Milo, or will the dire situation end up with him losing his temper like in Mission Marvel? Ferb probably manages as well as he can as per usual.
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This probably is the shot that interests me the most. First of all, “Evil Orton” is now revealed. Seems for whatever reason Derek likes wearing the Dr Zone costume, maybe it’s a pride thing since it’s what he used to basically take over the world.
However, it doesn’t end there. He’s in a pretty interesting location. One, there seems to be some kind of throne or pedestal Derek is on. Second, there also seems to be a screen behind him. I guess it’s to broadcast messages to everyone in Lard World or something?
What has my attention though is the plants and machine. Behind Derek and the machine is lots of grass, like an absurd amount. Is this decoration, or something more? The machine... it might be the thing from the board in We’re Gonna Do It Again (THAT MUSIC VIDEO I SWEAR): a machine that turns humans into plants. If this is indeed what this machine does, is he going to turn humans into more Pistachion type plant people, or is he just going to say... commit genocide by turning everyone into grass? Honestly, making more brainwashed minions or making everyone be stuck as plants are equally horrifying ideas.
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Phineas, Ferb and Milo buckling up in this other machine they use that we haven’t seen yet. I had a feeling this was different to the tennis robot for a while, and I’m now certain this is the case. I wonder what it is though? It might be the weaponisation of Murphy’s Law that many have suggested. Though one wonders what Phineas and Ferb do in the robot, do they power it like Milo? Is this what we will discover “the Phineas and Ferb effect” actually is?
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A clearer view of the scene where we see the gang cornered and the tennis robot jumps in.
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A shot of the tennis robot falling apart, presumably before the moment they meet Milo. Maybe it’s not from battles, but it falls apart because of Milo being close by, being a signal that they’ve found him?
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Another promotional still in the vein of the teaser poster.
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A look inside the tennis robot with the gang presumably escaping and about to meet Milo. Most of them look okay but Zack looks nervous, and more notably Candace seems upset about something. Is she just worried about the situation, or did something happen with her that’s getting her down? Maybe she tried to save Jeremy or Stacy but failed or something, who knows.
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Confirmation this is the time machine, and it indeed works. IDK why it looks like that but whatever.
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A shot of out B plot cast... including Perry. I guess after he does his thing with Milo, he goes back to the time travellers and Doofenshmirtz to help on their mission in trying to fix the past.
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Lastly, we have Diogee and Perry and Milo’s house. Diogee has something, I think it might be the clock Milo had elsewhere? Perry is also getting his jetpack and leaving. IDK if they’re parting ways or just splitting up, especially since Perry is in the shot where Milo returns with the clock.
But yeah, here we go. Now let’s just hope we see this soon.
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