logans-left-claw · 19 days
mornings 🥱🥰
 I let  out a low grunt as i forced my eyes open, the sunlight attacking my eyes as it filtered through the window. i groaned and reached my arm up to twist the blinds closed. the light dimmed and i opened my eyes enough to actually see. I nearly let out an audible coo as i saw Steve. 
He was buried into the blankets, they came up to his ears with how far he was buried into them, and dead asleep on my chest. I smiled at his sleeping form, he didn’t get as much sleep as he needed. I could feel his soft breaths on my chest as he slept. I grinned and lightly ran a few fingers through his hair. 
We stayed like that for awhile until Steve shifted, rubbing his head on my chest as he slowly awoke
“mmmmphh” he grumbled as he rubbed his head on mte. I laugher softly
“that so darlin’?” He huffed and leaned up to nuzzle the hollow of my throat.
“mhm” he yawned, sitting up. I grinned at him
“come baaaaackk”
“nooo cause then i won’t be able to get-“ he cut himself off with a shriek of laughter as i yanked him back down. I giggled as he pressed kisses to my face, wiggling.
“lemme upppp” he cackled.
“neverr!!!” I grinned. He poked my bare side and i let out a laugh as he started to tickle me.
“Lovey!” i snorted, wiggling as he continued. He grinned and wiggled out of bed. I whined and sat up
“naurrrrr” i whined, making grabby hands at him. he snorted and shook his head, I groaned dramatically and stood up, tossing him over my shoulder. He squealed, cackling.
I hummed and went to the small kitchen, dumping him on the counter. he snorted, grinning at me as he jumped down. I hummed softly as i turned on the stove, yawning 
“nice hair” Steve giggled, looking at me. I stuck out my tongue at him
“like you’re one to talk” *i grinned “but nice shirt” i chuckled, nodding to the shirt he wore, which he’d taken from my drawer the night before. it was about two sizes too big for him. he huffed and hugged my side, kissing my shoulder.
“comfy?” i chuckled
“yes” he hummed, nuzzling into me “mmm you smell niceee”
i laughed
“love you Stevie”
“love you too Buck”
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p4rtyp1nkwavs · 2 months
mmmmphh..... I'm gonna lay down for a little bit....
everyone on here is stupid....
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smotherstories · 9 months
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"So, how does it fit?" "Mmmph mph mmmmphh mphhh mmmmpppphhhhh."
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j4d3d-w0m4n · 2 months
*User has locked the setting, so your tits will stay bigger for a whole day*
*user continues groping and pinching your tits softly and is encouraging others to do so♡♡♡*
Mmnhhh T-Thank you user nnhhh mmmmphh mooooo I-I mean bzzztttttt jjh
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Marigold: *arrived in skyrim from windhelm a few days prior, now making his way through the rift looking for a dwemer ruin related to his magic studies* hm? *looks up seeing a group of thalmor justiciars and soldiers headed in his direction* odd… I thought this was stormcloak territory… hm. *keeps walking towards them preparing to step aside for them to pass*
Head Justiciar: Wait- *stops the group as the other high elf approaches, eyes locking with the travelling mer* I know you-
Marigold: I’m certain you’d like to but you dont~ *keeps walking*
Head justiciar: No I definitely know you. You match the description of a live capture and retrieve perfectly. Guards arrest him.
Marigold: oh dear here we go- *blasts one of the guards with a shard of ice right through his skull while zapping another with lightning frying him alive in his armour*
Head Justiciar: *dodges out of the way using another guard as a meat shield* Well don’t just stand there you idiots! Subdue him!
Not Taliesin: *watching as the other justiciars attempt to grab at the high elf only to get zapped* this better not ruin my hair- *charges forward tackling Marigold to the ground, both of them tumbling down a hill with absolutely not Taliesin landing on top, pinning the pretty elf beneath him* Well then, that’s enough of that. *grabs both his wrists tying them together*
Marigold: *giving up easily, not seeing any point to fighting for his life* oh you’re a cute one~
Still not Taliesin: *starts blushing* s-stop that you. You’re under arrest now act like it. *pulls him up to his feet*
Nope not tally boi: *trying to keep a straight face* I take it back you can shut up. *leads him back up the hill*
Marigold: You still haven’t told me why I’m being arrested though so this is officially a kidnapping- Ohh why did you pick me? Do you think I’m cute~?
Absolutely not taliwack: *pulls his hood down over his face a little more* by the eight stooooop-
Marigold: Aw why? Can’t I have fun while I’m being held against my will by such a handsome Mer?
Not Talimctaltal: Stop talking you’re making this weird. Now be quiet before I make you.
Marigold: *pouts* you’re a mean and pretty one. Lucky for you I like that~
Can’t Possibly be trash can tally: *trying to remain professional* I said don’t make this weird- *grabs marigold by his hair gagging him with a rag*
Marigold: mmmmphh~
Might be trash can tally: WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!
Head Justiciar: *looks down the hill* what’s taking so long?
No it can’t possibly be Taliesin: *bright red* I’ve subdued him! Somebody please take him from me!!!
*a few days later*
I can’t believe it’s not Taliesin: *pulling Marigold along by the rope tied to his wrists* Gods why are you so slow?
Marigold: *sore from travelling, the surgery from his childhood making his body hurt all over, looking like he’s ready to pass out* mhmmmmphh… *knees suddenly buckling taking him to the ground*
Head justiciar: *looks back and sighs* We’ll stop for a break. I don’t know what the grand overlord wants with this one but if we turn up with him dead we’ll all be dead. Prop him up by a tree and give him some water. And keep. An eye on him. I mean it. You’re on your last chance now as we speak. *huffs and walks off*
Spreadable right out of the fridge not Taliesin: *sighs and lifts marigold up placing him under a tree, gently removing the gag* are you alright?
Marigold: *too sore to think of a witty remark* mm… *just nods*
Taliesin: you sure don’t look like it- *turns his back to get a water skin from his pack*
Marigold: *looks at him then over towards the tree line knowing once in there he can sneak away undetected* … *casts invisibility on himself and quietly gets up ignoring the pain in his body as it screams in protest from the movement* … *looks to see Taliesin still rummaging through his stuff before quietly tip toeing over to the tree line and disappearing into the forest*
It was Taliesin all along: Ah there it is. *turns around holding the water skin only to see the other high elf long gone* …Shit.
*a few hours later*
Marigold: *staggers out of the tree line onto a path not fair from dark water crossing* gods, now to get my hands free-
Marigold: *spins around in time to catch a flash of blue fur, and an arrow flying right for him* SHI- *falls to the ground unconscious upon impact*
Marigold: *groans waking up feeling his body being jostled by movement and the rumbling of wheels on cobblestone* huh… *sits upright wincing in pain* where?…
Ralof: hey you, you’re finally awake.
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buxomgirlie · 3 months
Follow up on having 2 girls fuck you, I’m imagining what we might say as we do it, talking right over you because you’re too fuckdrunk to say anything other that “please, please, please”:
“oh my god her tits feel amazing, they’re so soft”
“You should see how wet she is, I’ve been brushing against her clit and it’s got her soaked. Her pussy is just begging for it”
“Let it beg, I’m not getting off her tits until I’ve shot a load on them. Mmmmphh, it might hate to be two.”
Oh god damn 😵‍💫
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askfacultystaff · 6 months
.....!!!! Mmmmphh!...... Mmhhp!... (Rush!...) T T
- Human! Ambush to your Rush who's doing embarrassing thing to him, still covering his mouth.
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gluttonygirls · 1 year
Belt snap. The phrasing on the meme is kind of unclear so Ami getting Nue to snap a belt.
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It's a bit of a stunt to do this, leaning under the sink of their apartment to chug straight from it, but as her belly bloats out more and more with every gulp, her belt getting tighter and tighter...
It does work.
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toonyrantssmh · 10 months
tw: fake grooming accusations, gore mention
i may not know the full context as to why certain shxt's been going down but bro. Imagine falsely accusing someone of grooming AND sending gore to other people close to them. That's gotta be the LOWEST form of behavior I've ever seen in almost any fandom. Mannnnnn... people. humans. mmmmphh...
If you send gore and falsely accuse people for fun... get a new hobby. Go outside and get a job. I don't know what to tell you, man.
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borathae · 1 year
Heyyy! I hope it's not too late, but i want to vote for servant boy jimin for the queendom fic (ФωФ) Feel like it would fit well with the story being built so far and servant jimin sounds mmmmphh 🥵
If you've already made up your mind that's all fine and well.
I'll end up reading it regardless ;]
Love your stories and take care d=(^o^)=b
The thing is, I still haven’t made up my mind so I will definitely put your opinion on the list 👀 I kinda like the idea of keeping servant Jimin for queendom but making knight Jimin a whole different universe. I really do love the idea of Jimin being Taehyung’s best friend and servant in the queendom universe 🤔
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normaljenny · 2 months
mmmmphh I'm planning too~💜 i already feel the pre leaking over my asshole 🥴 are you typing one handed rn?
hehehe wouldn't you like to know. slut.
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teddiesbestestpal · 8 months
-Fey’s and Daikimaru’s shared room
Fey ( Morgana’s father) sighs, the primarily black with white highlights and fur accents sabertooth Tiger beastman said as he felt something penetrating his asshole, he woke up, his turquoise blue eyes looking up to see Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) the reddish brown furred and tailed dire wolf beastman with long slightly vibrant reddish brown both curly and spiky hair and as well as a generally muscular body kept fisting him in his ass as Fey moaned.
“ Ahhh! Daiki!” Fey moaned feeling himself being fisted and for a rare moment letting go of his resistance as Daikimaru held him down using his muscular arms, luckily Fey was enjoying himself, eventually Fey sweats more.
“ Mmmph! Fuck! I’m about to burst!” Fey says before cumming all over himself.
“ I hope nobody sees me like this….” Fey says to himself embarrassed about how submissive he was before cleaning the cum off his body with a wipe.
Ornilean and Grizzlie’s shared room.
Ornilean ( Ruferu’s father) the light brown feathered with cobalt indigo blue eyes Ornimegalonyx owl beastman who is slightly chubby bounces on Grizzlie’s ( Teddie’s father) the light cyan blue very chubby Ursus Deningeri bear beastman with black eyes and a zipper around his neck says.
“ Ahhhhh! This is fantastic!” Ornilean says his tiny spectacle glasses slightly bouncing off as Grizzlie smiles warmly at him.
“ Yeah it is! your owl hole feels so nice inviting and warm! by the way I notice your glasses are coming off a little… can I put it away for safe keeping?” Grizzlie asks as Ornilean moans.
“ S-Sure Ah! just keep going!” Ornilean moans as Grizzlie opens the zipper around his neck and puts Ornilean’s glasses inside of it as he continues to thrust inside Ornilean.
“ Hehe~ birds like you are so cute~” Grizzlie says as he starts to rub Ornilean’s erogenous spot on his slightly chubby stomach as Ornilean starts to twitch.
“ Mmmmphh! That’s my special spot!” Ornilean replies moaning uncontrollably as Grizzlie cums into Ornilean’s asshole.
“ Ugh finally… I’ve seen you naked over navigation videos/icons before” Grizzlie says chuckling before pulling out.
“ Yeah… Fey asks me to do those videos…” Ornilean blushes as Grizzlie opens up his neck zipper to reveal Ornilean’s spectacle glasses as he hands them back to him, Ornilean puts them back on.
“ Thanks Grizz…” Ornilean blushes as he lays against Grizzlie on his chubby stomach as Ornilean’s beak kisses Grizzlie’s mouth with passion as the morning sun finally shines through the window.
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bxmblxbee · 2 years
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jamieloveslearning · 2 years
Uggggggggghhhhh my brain is *so bad* rn. Gonna talk in my little short sentences. Might be stupid n cringe but fuck it who cares
Been using coffee + energy drinks to help keep brain alive without meds. Drank two cups today. Now night without it really bad, can't describe how bad not able to think clearly is. Almost like....painful. really weird. Used to be used to it before got meds, but then after long time using em I got used to things being easy. Now the contrast is like a slap in the face.
Had headache all day today too. Because of caffeine? Who knows. Can't draw either, nothing comes out right like I want, just makes me sad. Cause can't think while drawing and think while drawing makes it good.
Hard time eating too. Delicate balance of things makes me hungry. Fully medicated I can't tell I'm hungry cause that's side affect. Without any meds I can tell when hungry MOST of the time but unable to do anything about it even when food right there. Literally. Chips right beside me. I know chips is not dinner but fuck man
Learned a new thing that I relate to. "Autistic joy". Feeling joy about things so simple or mundane and NT ppl not really getting it. I always relate alot to autistic posts and around autistic people feels like home. I fully support self dx but when it comes to me I'm hesitant to call myself autistic. I relate to autistic joy cause I'll get super excited and stuff but I know noone else is excited about it but it makes me so happy and it always makes me feel out of place and self conscious. So yeah.
Mkay brain ran out. Talk tomorrow
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That was one one the nights where i’m really hungry.. so I move to a motel room and order a pizza. In the time I wait for it, i prepare my instruments: some cloth, chloroform, ropes… when the nice pizzaboy i saw days ago arrives, I open the door and hide myself. The poor boy seems to be confuse as he see noone ”Hello…. hey, there is your pizza!” He looks around, but as he turns his back to me, i get out and grab him from behind. He feels he’s in a trap, he struggle like a wild animal.. “What… MMMMPHH MMPH!“ But the chloro kicks in with no mercy, and he fight less and less. In the fumes of chloro, when he’s about to pass out, he ask for mercy under the cloth: “please…. please….. i’m just a pizzaboy…” I steadly keep his face covered and reply: “Shh…. just relax… there’s nothing you can do anymore“
At the end he became just a floppy toy in my arms. A good night is about to begin, for me. Quella era una delle notti in cui sono davvero affamato … quindi vado in una stanza di un motel e ordino una pizza. Nel momento in cui la aspetto, preparo i miei strumenti: del tessuto, del cloroformio, delle corde … quando arriva il bel ragazzo delle consegne che ho visto giorni fa, apro la porta e mi nascondo. Il povero ragazzo sembra essere confuso mentre vede nessuno “Ciao…. hey, c'è la tua pizza! ” Si guarda intorno, ma mentre mi volta le spalle, esco e lo prendo da dietro. Si sente in trappola, lotta come un animale selvatico .. “Cosa … MMMMPHH MMPH!” Ma il cloroformio entra senza pietà e lui si agita con sempre meno fornza. Nei fumi del cloroformio, quando sta per svenire, chiede pietà sotto il panno: “per favore…. per favore … sono solo un ragazzo … ” Mantengo costantemente la sua faccia coperta e rispondo: “Shh …. rilassati … non c'è più niente che puoi fare “ Alla fine diventa solo un giocattolo floscio tra le mie braccia. Sta per iniziare una bella notte. Clip from Bestdeaths.com
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covered-up-bondage · 2 years
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"MMMMPHH!!" "What's that?" "MMMMMPPPPPH!! MMMMMPH!! MMMMMMMMMPHGGH!!!" (Let me out, it's hot and sweaty and I need to pee!) "Sounds like she's having fun, doesn't she?" [They run off into the ocean, leaving her with her screams and sobs of agony.]
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