#mmpr metallic armor
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infinitysgrace · 2 years
Kat @ Tommy: yeah take your time. i'm just slowly turning evil in a magic tube
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kimberlyannharts · 1 month
I wonder how they’re going to handle Aisha should they ever add her to the game. They’ve made some…interesting choices with their characters who have multiple suits so far (Tanya and Adam being Turbo, when Tanya was arguably more iconic as Zeo and Adam probably would’ve also gotten Zeo as not to double up on MMPR Black Rangers) but they also have Trent’s ATV in the game so just make her Ninja MMPR
I'm only up to episode ten so I could be wrong but the vibe I was getting was that there's one main rep for each season in the actual story and other Rangers from those teams were special event-only additions. So since Rocky is the main Zeo rep, Tanya gets her Turbo form instead (and the Turbo v2 team's In Space forms would get priority, not their Turbo forms - like I know from the intro screen that TJ is In Space Blue.)
But yeah, it's a shame Aisha's only really MMPR Yellow, so she has no alternate forms like the other "replacements" and thus gets left out from stuff like this because MMPR Yellow prioritizes Trini. (This is probably part of the reason why she doesn't morph in Once and Always.) Ninja Yellow and Metallic Armor Yellow are the closest she's got. I hope it can work out that they can include Ninja Yellow, even if it's such a dramatically different suit that it doesn't quite fit the Ranger model template they've got going on for this game, because it would be nice to include her in SOMETHING
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fnrrfygmschnish · 2 months
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Trini: Tyrannosaurus!
Jason: Tyrannosaurus!... wait, what?
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More new additions to my ever-growing Power Ranger collection! Found the Red Ranger complete in box for pretty cheap, and a loose figure of the female version from the "red and yellow rangers swap powers" pack for next-to-nothing, soooo... I got both!
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Which means either of my Red Rangers can finally dual-wield their weapons like the yellow and blue rangers do. 😅
I also managed to luck out in finding ANOTHER of the original rangers...
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...GREEN! This is the "remastered" figure, complete with the removable Dragon Shield that was originally packed in with the "remastered" Red Ranger.
Came without box, but with all the included Green Ranger accessories (Dragon Dagger and several Power Blaster variations, tiny li'l morpher, five extra hands, two huge green energy swooshes, Tommy head, Green Candle) on top of the Dragon Shield. All for... about what I'd probably have paid for a complete boxed red or green from this series. Definitely feel pretty good about getting all the Green Ranger accessories without buying two figures in two big clunky boxes to get them.
Now I'm only missing blue and black from the Season 1 team. After those two, add a couple White Rangers (one regular and one ninja) and my MMPR team will be complete!
(...unless I decide to randomly get the Metallic Armor ones too, but... leaning toward probably not at the moment. Though I may end up going for a Metallic White Ranger, since the original tends to be crazy expensive and the chest armor piece of the metallic version has a nice little bit of extra shininess to the gold parts.)
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Oh hey, here's a fight that actually happened!
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And some other things that actually happened!
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...and, uh, one that didn't. Seems like she's stealing the Red and Green Rangers' powers...!? Uh-oh. 😅
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mmpowerrangers · 7 years
✨Metallic Armor✨
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rangerchronicles · 2 years
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biomic · 2 years
i just realized that considering how hard hasbro is trying to find new ways to milk mmpr that they're even resorting to shit like the metallic armor it's kind of nuts they haven't tried doing a lightning collection bulk and skull two-pack yet
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maswartz · 2 years
MMPR The Movie in the Powerverse
In Universe 226 when the Power Rangers switched to their Ninjetti powers a movie studio took the chance to make a blockbuster movie detailing how the transfer happened and why. The Rangers paid a visit to make sure things would remain “kid friendly” and the studio offered to give a generous portion of the movie’s profit to any charity of the Ranger’s choice. Years after the movie was released a rip in space opened and Ivan Ooze came through only to find himself defeated once more by an alliance of heroes. Differences between the Real movie and the 226 version: The comic relief human characters are a pair named Metal and Maul.
The Command Base is a floating base with a giant generator that shoots the bolts that morph the rangers. Due to their identities not being public the Rangers had original names and personalities Red- Roger- A black guidance councilor at a local school, he tries to reach out to Fred to get him away from the influence of Metal and Maul. Blue- James- A british astronomer who provides exposition about the comet during a press conference in the opening credits. Yellow- Erica- A hispanic mechanic who maintains the Rangers gear in a secret room at her shop. Black- Mitch- A street artist who paints caricatures of people Pink- Wendy- A singer who writes songs about the Power Rangers White- Jason- Owner of the Dragon Dojo, Fred is one of his students and he helps Roger reach out to him. The opening scene has each of the rangers getting an alert on their pager like communicators alerting them to a monster attack. The monster is searching for Ivan’s egg and nearly finds the construction yard before the Rangers arrive and morph. They morph with a call of “We call on the power!” and bolts of ranger colored lightning strike them forming the suits. Suits are balance between MMPR and Thunder Spirits To their surprise the monster doesn’t grow. Alpha teleports them to the Command Base where they demorph with a call of “We return the power” Zordon explains that Zedd and Rita must be conserving their power for an unknown reason and when the rangers mention the monster mentioning Ooze’s egg Zordon explains Ivan Ooze’s backstory. Afterwards he dismisses the rangers with a warning to keep on guard. The next day Metal and Maul force Fred to help them break into the construction yard where they accidentally unleash Ooze’s egg. The two bolt leaving Fred to take the blame. As a result Fred is grounded from a big skate party all the kids and teens are attending. Zedd, Rita, Goldar and Mordant release Ivan from the egg. After creating some Ooze goons to delay the Rangers he invades and destroys the Command Base leaving Zordon on the brink of death and the Rangers without power. The Rangers depart for Phaedos. Ivan Ooze arrives at the skate party and gives out the Ooze while casting a spell on all the kids and teens to unleash their inner chaos and compel them to infect their parents with the ooze. Metal and Maul give Fred a container of the Ooze and it infects Fred’s father. On Phaedos the Rangers encounter the Tengu Warriors before meeting the warrior Dulcea who gives them the power of Ninjetti and directs them to the great temple. After facing many dangers the Rangers gain the Great Power. The Ninja suits are armored like their previous ones but with helmets resembling their ninja animal Back on Earth the enslaved parents have dug up Ivan’s mechanical monsters and the children have taken over a local Juice Bar. Fred arrives and turns on the sprinkler system waking them all from their spell. They all rush to prevent their parents from leaping to their deaths on Ivan’s command. The Rangers call on their new Ninja Zords and face off against Ivan Ooze himself, eventually knocking him into the path of the comet killing him. Metal and Maul volunteer to help Fred clean the Juice Bar to make up for what they did. A grateful city has a fireworks display to thank the Power Rangers as the movie ends. Years later, after their identities were revealed to the world the actual Rangers record a commentary for an anniversary release of the movie. Highlights include:
The Rangers mocking their in movie names, Tommy in particular saying how much fun he and Jason had with his name. Rocky and Adam get into a mini debate on whether the movie was shot in Australia or in New Zealand only for Billy to look it up on his phone. Adam mentioning how his actor went on to have a career in voice acting and Tommy’s went on to mixed martial arts. All six laughing at the cheesy dialogue Aisha questioning how the real Zedd and Rita let them get away with how they were portrayed. They laugh at Ivan Ooze but admit they feel uncomfortable during the scene where he attacks the Command Center Each ranger tells how they saw the movie in civilian form with friends and family. Rocky admits he saw it multiple times. The Rangers talk about how they had a movie night with Zordon and Alpha so they could see the movie too. Alpha was ecstatic while Zordon was more humble, though he did note it was slightly unnerving to watch his movie self die.
Kim complains about her movie self being a damsel in distress. Aisha brings up how when she saw the movie with some friends they pointed out she owned the same outfit as her movie self. Kim calls Dulcea “a reward to the fathers who brought their kids to see the movie” Rocky says if Ninjor wore that outfit he would have walked out of the ninja temple and took his chances in the desert. Adam says he would have been right next to him. Adam brings up how the others would quote “I’m a frog” at him for months after the movie came out. Even getting a call from Zack saying “I left you with a lion dude!” Billy can’t help but point out scientific errors only for Aisha to point out how many laws of physics they broke on a daily basis. When they see the CGI for the zord fight they all break out laughing Tommy complains about how much he was sidelined during the zord fight, especially at being used as a bridge. Billy points out that the nutshot scene has disturbing implications about Ivan Ooze’s anatomy resulting in the others offering to pay him to never say that sentence again. They bring up how since the movie there have been real Silver and Gold Rangers and that none of them have been named Fred. As the ending plays Tommy mentions how tempted he was to play Van Halen from the Falconzord at full volume.
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veeranger · 4 years
Hey, if they're doing the "metallic armor' for the MMPR s3 rangers, I guess that answers how they'll release Aisha's head for Yellow, since she is I think the only Ranger who shares a suit and doesn't have a different suit unique to her. Presumably Rocky as Red and Adam as Black, and I guess unchanged repaints for Billy and White Tommy.
yeah! smart as hell solution to the problem to be quite honest
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bicokun · 4 years
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I was inspired a bit to go back to a very old idea I had to continue the old Beetleborgs TV show. When I was around 11 years old and Beetleborgs Metallix was coming to an end, I hit upon the idea for a new season with new powers a la the MMPR formula, and shifted from the "Metal" of season 2 to "Gem," thus hitting on the admittedly uncreative "Gemollix" subtitle. Little did I realize at the time that there were only two beetle-themed Metal Heroes series. In going back to this concept, I've designed new metal suits based more on samurai armor, while also trying to repeat some of the themes of the previous costumes. This scene reintroduces the adult versions of Drew and Jo McCormick and their friend Roland Williams, reuniting after two decades of silence from the mysteriously vanished season 2 villain, Nukus. He was never personally defeated in the finale, so my concept would be that he went underground (more metaphorically than in the show) trying to find some new power that could defeat his enemies. Being a living literal piece of art he doesn't much care about how long it takes. I think he would have found an evil counterpart to the wish-granting phasm, Flabber, and perhaps then he could create a new army of even more powerful monsters. Meanwhile, the three Beetleborgs have kept their powers, and their civilian abilities have become more pronounced. They are attacked separately by these new monsters, and despite their growth in power can only barely escape. They reunite at Zoom Comics, where they are met with a new comic series. Art Fortunes is, of course, quite old and definitely retired at this point, but it turns out the new comic is being written and drawn by Heather, now going by the last name Baldwin even after her divorce from her ex-husband Joshua. She was mentored by Art and also knows the Beetleborgs' secret, and has created this new series as a way to give them a new boost in power. That's the basic concept. I probably won't do much with it, but I do love going back to old passion projects from over 20 years ago when I was an excited child just beginning to grasp his art.
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mateushonrado · 6 years
Status Post #6595: Power-ups in Power Rangers (Battlizers, Zord forms and Cockpit mode included)
MMPR S1: Dragon Shield Mode
MMPR S2: None
MMPR S3: Ninja Ranger Mode (doubles as a secondary Ranger form), Ninjor Battle Mode and Metallic Armor
Alien Rangers: None
Zeo: None
Turbo: None
In Space: Red Battlized Armor
Lost Galaxy: Mega Defender, Lights of Orion and Red Armored Ranger
Lightspeed Rescue: Lightspeed Megabattle Armor and Trans-Armor Cycle
Time Force: Quantum Megabattle Armor and Battle Warrior Armor
Wild Force: Animarium Armor
Ninja Storm: Super Samurai Armor and Tri-Battlized Armor
Dino Thunder: Super Dino Mode, Triassic Ranger (doubles as a secondary Ranger mode) and Triassic Battlizer
SPD: SPD Battlizer and S.W.A.T. Mode (doubles as a secondary Ranger mode)
Mystic Force: Centaur Megazord, Mystic Titans, Centaurus Wolf Megazord, Centaurus Phoenix Megazord, Mystic Muscles, Legend Mode (doubles as a secondary Ranger mode), Phoenix Unizord, Ancient Mystic Mode and Red Dragon Fire Ranger
Operation Overdrive: Defender Vest and Red Sentinel Ranger
Jungle Fury: Jungle Master Mode, Phantom Beast Mode (doubles as a secondary Ranger mode) and Strike Rider Armor
RPM: Shark Attack Mode (used by Scott in "Clash of the Red Rangers")
Samurai/Super Samurai: Mega Mode, Super Samurai Mode, Super Mega Mode, Shark Attack Mode, Shark Attack Mega Mode and Shogun Mode (doubles as a secondary Ranger mode)
Megaforce: Ultra Mode
Super Megaforce: Super Megaforce Mode (doubles as a secondary Ranger mode) and Super Megaforce Gold
Dino Charge/Dino Super Charge: Dino Drive, Dino Steel, Armor X, T-Rex Super Charge Mode and Dino Super Drive
Ninja Steel/Super Ninja Steel: Ninja Master Mode, Lion Fire Armor and Ninja Super Steel Mode
Hyperforce: Hyperforce Pink Battlizer and Red Sentinel Ranger (used by Vesper in one episode)
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infinitysgrace · 2 years
"Oh you've gotta be kidding. I'm not falling for that again" Tommy says before proceeding to fall for that again
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kimberlyannharts · 2 years
So......a little while ago we had the big milestone of MMPR reaching 100 issues.  Which I’m not going to lie - is a really big deal, and something worth celebrating.  Even if it’s technically cheating a bit because we’ve been splitting MMPR into two for the past few years.  But still!  It’s a big deal, so we’re going to talk about it now that everything’s done and the books are moving on to other things.  It’s Charge to 100 - Mighty Morphin edition!  
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I’m posting the Mighty Morphin side of Charge to 100 first because that’s the preferred reading order they want, but it feels a little weird to do so since.....honestly......Mighty Morphin’s Charge to 100 isn’t really one continuous event like the PR side is.  Ultimately Charge to 100 is a story carried by the events of the Power Rangers side of the book, and thus the two main arcs covered in Mighty Morphin Charge to 100 are........pretty insignificant to the big climax that is MMPR #100.  
Issues 17-22 of Mighty Morphin were taken over by Mat Groom, in a move that was confirmed to be done to give Ryan less of a workload, which already lets you know how important Mighty Morphin was compared to Power Rangers at the time.  But importance to the plot or not, how do these issues hold up by themselves?   
So quick summary.  This is a little weird because again, it’s not so much one continuous event as it is just.....two placeholder arcs but we’ll do our best here.
The Command Center got blown up back in Eltarian War so the MMPRs sans Rocky and M/tt go to to space to find a new one.  After learning about more Eltarian war crimes on Not-Aquitar they decide to pick up a Center stationed on the Lion Galaxy.  Alpha, Aisha, and Tommy infiltrate a colonizer’s party while Kim and Adam steal the thing to steal the Command Center.  Kim starts to have a midlife crisis at 17, she’s so real.  Meanwhile Aradon, a Machine Empire guy mentioned one time during Zeo, invades Earth but Rocky holds him back until the rest of the MMPRs come back.  M/tt’s there but I don’t care about him no matter how much the book wants me to.  The Omegas interrupt the MMPRs’ own book because Jason’s mom dies and they’re back for the funeral.  Trini just kinda casually tells Kim her boyfriend was murdered in another timeline which makes her mid-life crisis to reach a peak and rips holes in the Morphin Grid while testing a prototype Metallic Armor.  She saves everyone’s asses with the power of pink (and retconned Emissary power) and everything’s fine OH WAIT NO NOW THEY HAVE TO BE INTERRUPTED BY THE OMEGA PLOT AGAIN.  See the Power Rangers post for that.       
So, the positives.  Starting with the Command Center Heist arc, right off the bat the Mighty Morphin side of the book builds off of the previous events in a way Power Rangers doesn’t; not just in a “oh the new characters we introduced are still around” kind of way, but in a “the plot is literally a continuation of what happened before” kind of way.  What are the immediate effects of the Eltarian War on the rangers?  How are they holding up?  What do they have to do to move forward?  It starts with the obvious - they need a new Command Center after the last one blew up - and goes deeper and deeper as the issues go on.  This will be in stark contrast to the Power Rangers side, which almost immediately dismisses the events of Ultimate Power and Eltarian War in favor of the new Death Ranger storyline. 
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After years of sidelining and suit-filling to hype up OCs the Stone Canyon Trio finally get stuff to do here!  Specifically Rocky, who stays behind on Earth to care for his siblings while his mom is away, and ends up being the main defense against King Aradon.  Aisha gets fun rapport with Billy and Tommy as they infiltrate the different planets.  Adam.....unfortunately gets the least of the three, with his main contribution being to set up Kim’s identity crisis for her arc with him just.....casually talking about how great he is as a ranger.  Yeah, there’s no real set up here, especially after how previous arcs touched on his insecurities with no real resolution for it.  But you know, after his contribution in Eltarian War can be summed up with “be uncomfortable with a colonizer’s advances”, anything is an upgrade.  In general, ALL of the rangers’ characters get upgrades from how they were portrayed in Ryan’s storylines; there’s no petty drama or in-fighting, the characters actually act like friends, and the heart of the storyline first lies with Rocky's love for his family, and then Kim’s love for Tommy and being a ranger in general.  It’s so much better than Tommy and M/tt getting blasted in the back and everyone’s reactions basically amounting to “eh well, that happened.”
You can tell Mat had a ton of fun tying together all these references to the franchise, as big as endgame villains across the seasons to as small as Rocky having a Levi Weston ringtone.  It’s very cute, though I’ll admit him going so hard for the references makes the 100% original ocean planet, Aegus V, stick out a bit.  “Why wasn’t this Aquitar?” was a common question back when this came out, and it doesn’t help that ultimately their trip to the planet ended up just being a minor stop that didn’t contribute to the plot much except reminding everyone the Eltarians were dicks.  
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That, I think, is the major downside to the Command Center Heist arc - it starts to drag across the middle.  The Rangers spend an issue going to Not-Aquitar to get the Command Center....but it’s being used as a nursery by the natives, so they just decide to get a different one from the Lion Galaxy instead.  Tommy and Aisha spend multiple pages just kinda sneaking around and blending into the party with insignificant characters.  (Adam and Kim’s sneaking at least got a fun Mick cameo.)  M/tt fights the Machines, Grace and Rocky spend a couple pages deciding to use an EMP on the Machines.......but it doesn’t work, so we go right back to fighting.  And this isn’t the worst thing in the world - there are good scenes in-between here, and we honestly get more insight into Eltar’s tyranny over other planets in this arc than we did all of Power Rangers - but when you know in hindsight we’re going to slam on the brakes to allow the Omegas’ storyline to come in, it makes you wish they had trimmed some of the middle down to allow the ending to breathe properly.  King Aradon is a fun and intimidating villain who puts up a tremendous fight for three issues, but in the end doesn’t even get a proper final word or real defeat.  the Rangers come back, Rocky tells him to go, and then we cut to everyone hanging out in the Command Center.  
Another issue, which is more a personal thing that anything, is that while it’s great the arc builds off of the previous storylines, it........does its part to justify what I considered bad or unearned plot points.  Particularly when it came to Zordon; Ultimate Power and Eltarian War hinged on Zordon suddenly being “the bad guy” despite being on the receiving end of injustice, and....yeah, that thought process is enforced here.  Particularly where it comes to Grace and his “rules.”
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Like in a vacuum this is fine.  It makes sense.  It’s nice to finally start moving past the Grace thing, after Ryan started up their conflict back in the beginnings of the relaunch.  But it’s basically fixing something that was only broken because Ryan had suddenly decided to break it.  It’s putting things back to how they were, because bad writing decided to ignore how things were.  It’s annoying, and I’m glad we can move past it.  
Going along with that, because I’m sure you guys want me to comment on it........yeah, M/tt.  How was he in all this.
He was.  fine.  I guess.  Mat did more with M/tt’s whole “public identity” thing than Ryan did all Ultimate Power/Eltarian War, even if the whole thing with the public turning on the rangers seems to be truly dead and buried.  See, the problem with M/tt is even when he’s not intensely aggravating, he’s just boring, because the narrative is still trying to justify his existence as a ranger that’s part of the team.  Which means he can never be anything more than just generic super good ranger and nice guy, and his faults have to continuously be erased.  Like him being rude to Zordon (after Zordon nearly DIED to save Earth) doesn’t get any comeuppance, but instead a giant speech about how he “””””””proves””””””” great rangers don't come from Zordon, something that the franchise has known for thirty years because M/tt’s general low opinion of Zordon is framed as something Zordon has to fix, and not just M/tt being a xenophobic asshole that parrots Grace’s opinions.  
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like I mean.  “you told us you were going to take the green power coin from us by force” YOU STOLE IT FIRST.  YOU STOLE IT FIRST!!!!!!!  
I don’t know.  Obviously Mat couldn’t just kill off M/tt because they wanted all seven MMPRs for #100, but that just kind of sums up the problem with M/tt in the first place.  He’s not a unique character in of himself, he’s just a quota.  He’s there to capitalize off of the Green Ranger through watered-down copies of Tommy’s storylines (which in fairness they do joke about in many, MANY comparisons to Tommy in this arc).  M/tt gives Rocky the Dragon Shield, which is neat to see, but again, it’s really no different than all the times Tommy gave up his shield to Jason and Zack to give them an edge in a fight.  And I’ll give Mat that he does attempt to give M/tt somewhat of an attitude, but we’ll see in the post-MMPR issues that they’ll just dial it back to generic Nice Guy again.  But we’ll get to that when we get to that.
Honestly the best thing about M/tt is HE ISN’T IN THE FOREVER PINK ARC AT ALL!!!!!!!!!  HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE BEST ARC OF ALL OF MIGHTY MORPHIN (but not just because M/tt’s not there)
Obviously I have a bias (look at my username) but it’s not an exaggeration at all that MM 21 and 22 were the standouts of Mat’s run, and possibly the relaunch as a whole.  Admittedly the beginning is a little contrived, because after years of the book hammering in that the rangers knowing about Shattered Grid would be incredibly dangerous for the stability of reality and just the Omegas knowing it was a huge risk, after some light prodding Trini is expositing the shit out of it:
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like I’m not exactly sure what’s left that she can’t talk about when she’s literally telling Kim everything.  But once we get past that we finally get a story centered on a ranger we know without forcing in some kind of OC or new setting or ANYTHING.  A story that builds off of the characters WE KNOW.  IN A WAY THAT MAKES SENSE AND TREATS THEM WELL AND DEVELOPS THEIR CHARACTERS AND RELATIONSHIPS FOR THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And then it comes with bonus fun fanservice like the Metallic Armor, villains from across the franchise, and of course Forever Pink.  It’s just fantastic.
And yes, it also has the Pink Emissary, which........we all know my feelings on that.  At this point I’m just going to accept it as terrible higher-up management because what else can we do.  I guess the only thing that’s kind of weird that I haven’t mentioned before is Pink refers to the decision to erase memories with “we” as if ALL the Emissaries, even the ones that didn’t appear in Shattered Grid, had a hand in it??????  And also like the erased memories thing was just to help the rangers’ mental state rather than something done to protect reality itself???????
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I don’t know.  Everything with the Emissaries ever since PRUniverse has been dumb and confusing but that’s not Mat’s fault so let’s just move on here.  Look at Them:
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All in all, MM Charge to 100 was a vast improvement over what had come before it because it felt like Mat actually gave a shit about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers beyond just an obligation to have them around.  Its biggest shortcomings come from elements outside of Mat’s control; its foundation on the weakness of previous story arcs, its lack of real connection to the “more important” side of the event, and how much its stories had to sacrifice to keep that side prominent.  Even then, MM #22 in particular felt like a better #100 milestone than the actual #100, but............we’ll get to that on the Power Rangers side of things.  
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thegridpr · 8 years
The GRID Episode 91: “Hipster Poisandra”
Welcome to the Shit Show! It's Our First Episode of 2017!
Episode 91: “Hipster Poisandra” is here where we discuss such vital topics such as MASSIVE Power Rangers Movie toy news such as Metallic Action Figure 6 Pack Set, Plsuhies, 5in1 Megazord, Deluxe Ranger Armor, Female Power Swords, Funko Pops, Auto-Morphin Figures, Putty Patrollers & Our Opinions on the VR Focus preview of the Command Center & Zords! PLUS we discuss the Ninja Steel promo & preview clip, the Rangers' last names, helmetless image and the Cockpit Mode! AND more Kyuuranger Character Details! Then there's Meower Rangers.....
PLUS we attempt to review BOOM Comics MMPR Issue #10, AND we review Zyuohger Episodes 43 & 44!
Our Secret Word This Episode is: NINJA Don't Forget we always answer your questions!
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comicsxaminer · 6 years
BBTS Sponsor News: One:12 Hela, Banpresto, Megahouse, Disney D-Select, MMPR, Acid Rain, Transformers, & More!
BBTS Sponsor News: One:12 Hela, Banpresto, Megahouse, Disney D-Select, MMPR, Acid Rain, Transformers, & More!
THOR: RAGNAROK ONE:12 COLLECTIVE HELA The One:12 Collective Ragnarok Hela figure captures the malicious intent of the former Asgardian executioner. Presented in a film-accurate fitted suit with metallic accents and chest plate armor, Hela comes equipped with two Necroswords.  $80.00 http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?PageSize=50&SortOrder=New&Series=7537
NEW BANPRESTO These awesome…
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kimberlyannharts · 3 years
the only problem with this fan fest was they were trying so hard to make the metallic armor cool.  the metallic armor is not cool.
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