#mob au peterick
Werewolf mob Peterick, where like Pete is Patrick's pet after being found on the streets and Patrick taking care of him (obviously lol), but if anyone tries to fuck with Patrick he'll change from puppy Pete into a giant wolf - 🍕
Lmao that is so many tags
Most of the time Pete is a sweet little puppy boy who loves getting pet and cuddling Patrick, and a lot of people think he’s just like Patrick’s little toy or whatever, but those are the people who have never faced Pete angry. The people who have faced Pete angry are the ones who leave (if they’re lucky) scratched and bleeding, having had to basically beg for their lives because a large wolf had them pinned to the ground and was inches from tearing their throats out. The only thing that saved them was Patrick tugging Pete away, and even then they could see that the wolf was considering mauling them to death anyways. There never are any repeat offenders...
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fall Out Boy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz Characters: Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Janine Melnitz, Lewis Tully, Oscar Barrett, Kevin Additional Tags: Ghostbusters AU, I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost (Ghostbusters), MANIA references, Alternate Universe - Mob, the dumb mob, Established Relationship, Anal Sex Series: Part 2 of MobStruck AU Summary:
Lights! Camera! Peterick! The Peterick Creations Challenge puts our boys into movie universes this summer, and we return once more to the MobStruck boys as they make a go of going legit. Making an honest living is hard work when the underworld's trying to drag you back, but it's even more work when the netherworld comes calling. Everyone wants a piece of Pete--even the ghosts haunting the club building. If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters LA has just opened its doors (and they're hiring!) but is a paranormal investigation agency really going to solve their problems?
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supersfade · 4 years
my friend sent me one of those one direction tiktoks where it makes fun of those 2012 wattpad fics but now i unironically want to write a mob boss peterick au :(
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vintagemiserie · 6 years
unpopular opinion but mob/gang au where its joetrick instead of peterick
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ao3feed-b99 · 5 years
the Life of a Conflicted Cop
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2RFirsI
by iamyourgodwaitno
In which Pete is a cop and Patrick is a mob boss.
Words: 1171, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Peterick as a cop and a mob boss
Fandoms: Fall Out Boy, Bandom, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Patrick Stump's Fedora, Joe Trohman
Relationships: Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump & Pete Wentz
Additional Tags: cop/mob boss au, i guess, cop!pete, mob boss!patrick, also cop!joe, Fluff, I hope, i tried okay, yes one of the fandoms is b99, cause most of my cop knowledge comes from that, had to shout them out too y'know, One Shot, Short & Sweet
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2RFirsI
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okay so i’m not good at explaining ideas but i have this thought of mob au peterick (and probably puppy!pete) where they get into an argument and pete runs off, but gets like kidnapped or something for ransom by another gang. obvi patrick finds them and saves pete but then after that pete absolutely refuses to leave patrick’s side for any reason. idk just a lot of angst and hurt/comfort i guess?
Love me some hurt/comfort, my dude, fuck it up
Because Pete is Pete, they fight a lot. But it’s over little things like whether it’s really necessary to hang your towel up after showering or whose turn it is to strip the sheets off the bed. This fight is different; this fight comes on because Pete’s head won’t shut the fuck up and he can’t figure out how to tell Patrick that he just can’t right now, which leads to him screaming that Patrick should just go fuck himself, and Patrick screaming back that he should just go fuck himself, and well, it’s really no surprise that Pete ends up running out of the room and out the door because fuck that guy. What is a surprise is when he stops by a gas station to pick up some snacks (because running away is very exhausting, you know) some guys jump him out of nowhere and he wakes up in an entirely new compound that is not his own. And this, of course, is very, very bad. They hold him for ransom, demanding Patrick give over half of his entire savings from the mob, and they beat Pete up just a little for show. Patrick shows up, immediately recognizing the motel visible out the window in the background because these guys are idiots and proceeds to kick ass and save his boy. What he doesn’t expect is for Pete to cling to him for weeks and weeks after. Days, sure, because being kidnapped is traumatizing, but Pete always bounces back. Maybe it’s just taking a little longer this time...Patrick doesn’t mind, he’ll hold Pete all night long and then some if that’s what he needs, he’s just glad that the boy is safe and willing to press in a little closer when he gets scared instead of pulling away like he used to.
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Okay so Pete is a thief who tries to steal from mob Patrick, what happens next is up to you to decide ;-) - 🍕
Oooh love some choice lmao :P
Patrick has to give the guy some credit; no one in the entirety of Patrick’s career running this mob has had the audacity to try and steal from him after learning who he was. And this guy, he certainly knows who Patrick is, because when Patrick’s got a gun pointed at his head, the guy smirks and says “Hello, Mr. Stump. Fancy meeting you here.” Patrick can think of many ways to wipe that goddamn smirk off of his face, the issue is simply picking one. He won’t shoot the guy, not yet; he’s thinking of hiring him on, in fact, because he nearly got away with his attempted theft, the only reason he was caught was because Patrick happened to be up at 2 a.m. to get some cereal. It was pure happenstance, and upon looking around, Patrick realizes that if he hadn’t been awake, he would have never known who had stolen from him; the guy left no trace. He’s not scared either, this nameless thief. He hasn’t tried begging for his life or making a deal, he’s just sitting calmly, waiting for Patrick to make his move. He also doesn’t say anything when Patrick asks who, if anyone, sent him. Patrick thinks in a strange kind of way, he likes the guy, so he lowers his gun and offers him a hand to help him stand instead. “You have a name?” Patrick asks. “Sure,” the thief grins. “But you’ve gotta earn it.” Patrick thinks he just might go ahead and try. 
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I've always imagined that puppy!Pete's origin story to the mob was him being sort of like and illegally traded hybrid that Patrick found at another person's base during a raid, and he cleans Pete up and feeds him and is just generally nice to him, so Pete sticks around and eventually they get together
Aww that’s so sad and also cute!
He’s lived most of his life in a lab but then ends up getting sold to this mob boss who thinks he might be able to use him for like, fighting or defense or something (like a guard dog almost) but Pete is not about that life, so he turns out to be pretty useless on that front. When the mob boss figures out Pete’s not willing to fight (and die) for him, he just locks him away and forgets about him for the most part. Enter Patrick, who has had a problem with this mob boss for a pretty long while anyways and when he finds this pathetic looking little puppy boy locked away in his compound during the raid Patrick finally stages, well, Patrick snatches him right up and finds it’s only half out of spite. Pete has trust issues, obviously, and doesn’t trust this man with the blue eyes and gentle hands, but he does eat what he’s given and doesn’t protest too much at the bath he’s practically forced to have. It takes a few weeks, but Pete begins to open up to Patrick and wanders around the compound a little bit every day. He tells Patrick often that he’ll probably be leaving soon, find his own place and all that, but three years later when he’s curled against Patrick’s side naked, he’s still saying that. 
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Can we get some adorable spoiled!keno mob au headcanons on how each of the pairs celebrate Valentine's day! Hope your feeling better poppet, you truly deserve good things :) - 🍕
Still isn’t Valentine’s day (and is actually farther away than yesterday lmao) but here we go. I’ll split it up by pairing so people can read what they want.
Peterick: Pete is able to convince Patrick they should take a day off because it’s Valentine’s Day, Trick, come on! A day of looovvee, don’t you love me? It’s not the guilt-trip that does Patrick in, but the fact that he knows Pete will pout the rest of the week if he doesn’t. They go out to see a movie, that new Star Wars one, and Pete cuddles against him and holds his hand. Then they have dinner at that one place Patrick’s been wanting to try for ages, and Pete gets an ice cream sundae for dessert. When they get home, Patrick’s surprised to find Pete has decorated their room with rose petals and candles, all too cheesy, but very thoughtful, and Pete looks so excited and proud of his work, tail wagging and eyes bright, so Patrick, of course, takes full advantage of the mood.
Joncer: Spencer says he really just has no time for things like Valentine’s Day, and honestly people should be showing their love for him all the time anyways, so what’s the point? Jon laughs, ruffles his hair and tweaks his ears, but something about him seems kind of disappointed even though Spencer tries to ignore it. He can’t, in the end, and surprises even himself by coming home with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates that he lays in Jon’s lap before kissing him very softly, and almost a little hesitantly as if he were nervous of all things. The smile against his mouth makes it all worth it though, and he tugs Jon back to the bedroom with a smile of his own, and a strange sense of pride in his chest. 
Ryden: Ryan doesn’t dare fool himself into believing that Brendon wouldn’t want to go all out for Valentine’s Day, so he begins working ahead of time so as to not get behind when the actual holiday comes around. His boyfriend wakes to breakfast in bed with heart-shaped waffles and kisses lightly pressed all over his cheeks and then is treated to a spa day with Ryan including couples massages, facials, and a nice, warm bubble bath. He seems more than pleased, tail swishing contentedly as Ryan carefully dries him off, and Ryan thinks (thankfully) that’ll probably be the end of it. But he’s surprised to find a nicely wrapped box sitting on the bed that he knows Spencer must have helped Brendon with, and when he opens it he finds two shiny guns that have he and Brendon’s initials engraved on them. Maybe Valentine’s Day isn’t so bad. 
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An average day in the mob peterick au?
An average day in the Peterick mob is quite different from an average day in the Ryden mob, if you can believe it. Pete isn’t quite as...disciplined as Ryan is when it comes to doing the things he needs to do, so a lot of the day (definitely most of the morning) is spent with Patrick trying to pull Pete’s ass out of bed and making him be an actual fucking boss or so help me god this is going to be the Stump mafia if he doesn’t get his act together. Pete doesn’t much mind the idea of Patrick running the mob (he basically does, anyways) but he does mind the idea of everyone not fearing his name and starting to fear Patrick’s instead. What he doesn’t know is the only reason people fear his name is because Patrick exists in the first place. Once he’s actually out of bed and has eaten some breakfast things flow rather smoothly, but it’s those early mornings everyone dreads when shouting can be heard throughout the compound and violent thuds echo down the halls. 
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mob peterick mpreg?
Oh my gooodddd you’re speaking my language fuck me up 
They weren’t trying for a baby. Honestly, with a job like that, who would try for a baby? They’re always in danger, and when they aren’t in danger they’re preparing to be in danger, and that really just doesn’t leave a lot of time to keep a kid safe and happy. However. When Pete figures out he’s pregnant (Which takes much longer than it should, honestly; he just assumes that he’s getting sick so much because he’s been eating so much as well, and if he’s gaining weight, well he’s eating basically enough for three men! It just makes sense! And he’s stressed, so of course he’s eating a lot!) all thoughts of keeping his mob alive and running fly right out the door, and thoughts of keeping this baby in him alive and running replace them basically immediately. Patrick, for his part, is fucking terrified. He wasn’t even sure he wanted kids in the first place, mob or no, but when Pete’s doctor walks out to cheerfully announce that Pete is having not one, but two fucking kids, Patrick can’t help but feel something warm and sweet mixed in with that cold terror running through his veins. Maybe it’s the way Pete’s entire face lights up, or maybe it’s the thought that they’ve created life together, the fact that growing inside of Pete are two tiny humans that are part Patrick and part Pete, but whatever it is, Patrick is suddenly and completely enveloped in the need to keep his family safe. He’s scared, scared of being a bad father, scared of someone wanting to hurt his children to get to Pete and himself, but he’s also excited in a strange way, and he’s not going to let anyone or anything take that away from him 
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Okay, how bout this: Mob Pete in a meeting with a vibrator in that's controlled by Patrick as punishment - 🍕
Pete smarted off (again) and Patrick decided that if Pete wanted to act so smart, see how well he could do it with a vibrating plug up his ass. The answer: not well. They’re in a meeting and Pete’s half-listening to what Joe is telling him about recent rises and falls in sales, and Patrick nudges him and is like “Hey, pay attention, I’m not gonna listen to everything for you.” and Pete snorts and is like “Yeah whatever.” and Patrick just flicks the little vibrator on and Pete goes still, eyes widening a fraction, and hello, he’s paying attention now, fuck. Joe’s still talking and Pete’s focused on staying still and Patrick’s like “Better?” and Pete’s like “Fuck off, asshole.” and Patrick just turns it up another notch which leaves Pete shifting back and forth, trying get in a somewhat comfortable spot but fuck this thing is powerful and shit it nudges against his prostate and he bites down on his tongue hard enough that it fuckin’ bleeds because holy shit he may cum in his pants right the fuck now. Patrick’s smirking and everyone has at least a vague idea of what’s going on and is kinda like “This again? I really didn’t sign up for this shit when I went to join a crime organization that traffics drugs and kills people.” but they ignore it and Joe finishes up his bit on sales and Pete’s like “Mhm, great, meeting over, see you tomorrow.” and practically sprints to his room to jerk off
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How exactly would punishments and domming Pete work in the mob au? Do they hide it or do the guys already know? - 🍕
It’s like one of those things where Patrick is like “We’re not telling anyone, you have to at least have the semblance of being in charge or no one will respect you.” and Pete is like “yeah sure okay whatever fuck me” and they keep it ‘secret’ but in reality everyone and their mom knows just what goes on behind closed doors with those two. It’s obvious when Pete can’t sit still in meetings, constantly shifting in his chair like his ass hurts (whether it was a good fuck or a spanking is what his men take bets on) and they can tell when an idea is Patrick’s that Pete liked or Pete’s that Patrick decided wouldn’t end up with them all dead just by how Pete will propose it; if it’s Patrick’s, he’ll keep glancing back towards his second and his tone is fairly professional. If it’s Pete’s, everyone else be damned this is what they’re doing and he’s stoked! Sometimes his men will tease them, asking who Pete must have had over the other night making him moan and beg so loud. Pete just laughs and says “Your mom” while Patrick tries very, very hard to hide his reddening face. 
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would you ever write a mob/mafia idea for peterick? like, how they got introduced to the life, and what issues you think they could have since theyre dating?
I mean I have written some mob!Peterick stuff if that’s what your asking? I think you can see it here: 
and here:
Otherwise if you’re asking for like something specific I could write that too! Just lemme know :)
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