#mobil mpv
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Nissan Hyper Tourer Concept, 2023. The third in its series of advanced electric-vehicle (EV) concepts that will feature at the 2023 Japan Mobility Show. It combines the essence of omotenashi (Japanese hospitality) with various advanced technologies, including autonomous driving.
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iotomagz · 2 years
Toyota Innova Hybrid Bakal dijual dengan Harga Mulai dari Rp455 Juta-an
Toyota Innova Hybrid Bakal dijual dengan Harga Mulai dari Rp455 Juta-an
Toyota Innova Hybrid Bakal dijual dengan Harga Mulai dari Rp455 Juta-an iotomagz.com – Baru baru ini PT. Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) telah memamerkan model terbarunya Innova hybrid. Toyota Innova hybrid ini telah disematkan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang dilengkapi dengan voice command. Penyematan teknologi terkini dan ramah lingkungan di Toyota Innova terbarunya ini tentu akan mempengaruhi harga…
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koransekolah-blog · 2 years
3 Rekomendasi Pilihan Mobil Keluarga Terbaik untuk Pasangan Muda
3 Rekomendasi Pilihan Mobil Keluarga Terbaik untuk Pasangan Muda
Mobil Keluarga – Memulai babak baru atau lembaran baru sebagai pasangan muda. Tentu banyak persiapan yang sudah masuk dalam list pokok. Salah satunya adalah impian memiliki kendaraan keluarga. Dalam memilih kendaraan yang cocok untuk keluarga baru. Banyak pertimbangan yang harus diperhitungkan. Salah satunya adalah perihal perlu atau tidaknya kendaraan keluarga. Memilih kendaraan keluarga…
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kimsuyeon · 4 months
hi if its alright with you can I please ask your stage gif process 🩵 (I don't mind if its not too detailed but if you use vapoursynth or topaz or anything)
hiii! omg thank u for wanting to know 🥺🥺 i actually use two methods, depending on the source file (and how lazy i feel). either vapoursynth or mpv. i'll show u both!
long, the example gif has a flashy background, somewhat clear. i hope.
i source from .ts files on k24hr or twitter, fancams, and then the youtube version (which i then run through handbrake before vs or mpv) if there's absolutely no other choice. i try to avoid show music core because its backgrounds make sharpening hard, but i'm using one from there for this tutorial :) i will also use beyond live / blu-ray files when available (i.e. 4th world tour gifs i did of twice)
-> only use the deinterlace (60 slow) when it's 1080i 30fps! i use this on files from k24hrs. if the file is already 60 fps (i.e. those from srghkqud on twitter), i don't deinterlace or preprocess. i use finesharp on .7 any time i use vs!
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this gif is 268 x 520 px! i leave the delay at .02 and set frame rate to 60fps. on the left, it is just changed to 60fps and run through vs with the above settings. the gif on the right is sharpened!
i change my sharpening settings on every stage (and most other sets as well)! i use an action, and then adjust by the background and quality of the source! this is using my stage sharpening - but i have removed a smart sharpen and reduced opacity of other filters i use on different (clearer) files!
show music core has these really visible leds in their background, so sharpening it tends to be harder! i avoid using my 500px smart sharpens when it looks like this, and use high pass and bigger radius smaller amount smart sharpens!
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sharpening settings for above: 8.0 high pass on soft light blending (40% opacity), 241 .2 smart sharpen (60% opacity), 15 15 smart sharpen (50% opacity) i should also note that on really really pale stages, i use camera raw filter to fix whites / highlights before i add the other sharpening! this does really slow down export time and can be frustrating, so i reserve it for then!
then i color! sometimes i use ezgif (which hasn't lowered quality that i've noticed) to adjust the speed, if i feel it needs it! this gif has a fine speed so i've left it as is, but i normally speed up gifs by 120% on their speed feature to make the choreo look a little faster!
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left: unsharpened except vs finesharp, colored right: sharpened, colored
my coloring focus is always restoring skin, everything else is pretty much purely stylistic. i try to leave colors in the background the same! i do really like making blonde hair pinker or more toned (since they're often yellow, i always make a point of essentially toning their hair for them - i.e. tsuki in dang! set)
when i color the rest of the set, i keep the first gif open next to it to make sure everything matches! i normally copy and paste the coloring group and adjust as needed :D
also, i check how it looks in tumblr on desktop + mobile, since web safe colors adjust the look of your gifs a lot (the ones with the little dots in the middle are web safe, everything else isn't) and try to fix what doesn't look quite right. i also ask my friends if something is wrong but i'm not sure what (mainly nini (@withyouth) so shout out to her for putting up w/ me, a big part of the stage gif process)!
mpv: -> i press 'd' and make sure it is deinterlacing (again, only 1080i ones get deinterlaced)! and then i screencap. i followed this guide on setting up mpv, and always use minimal compression settings for everything i screencap.
-> i turn my files into dicom files (you can just rename them on mac, on windows it is multistep) and then scipt->load multiple dicom files (faster than loading image into stack and, in my opinion, clearer too)!
for windows: -> alt+d in your screencap folder, cmd. enter. type ren *.* *.dcm into the window. enter. close the command window!
i make my frame animation + frames to layers. once it is on the timeline, i go ahead and crop before i do anything else. i tried to make the cropping like the vs gif, but it's not identical!
sharpening: since i didn't use finesharp, i can add more in ps. this is my normal stage sharpening with nothing added or removed!
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left: deinterlaced, screencapped, cropped right: deinterlaced, screencapped, cropped, sharpened -> 8.0 high pass (soft light, 65%), 500 .3 smart sharpen, 241 .2 smart sharpen (60% opacity), 15 15 smart sharpen (50% opacity)
coloring: same one as the vs gifs!
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left: vapoursynth, fully complete right: dicom, fully complete
i normally use mpv, but sometimes i don't feel like waiting on the screencaps, or i think finesharp will add texture + depth that the original doesn't have (too smooth of a filter, whatever) so i use vs! my taeyeon mr. mr. and le sserafim rock ver. sets were both done via vapoursynth, though the sharpenings are different from each other and what it shown here (i change sharpening a lot, and sometimes by set... sorry.. KJHDFGJKH)!
anyways i hope this was helpful!!! thank u for asking it means a lot u want to know!! if u want more stuff answered or shown, u can always ask :D and i hope it's clear 😭😭 i know i ramble a lot
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entertainmentpdf · 3 months
hi!! my exams are done!! can you teach me how to make gifs <3
hi ofc! I'm on mobile rn so the formatting isn't what I'd like it to be, if anything confuses you lmk <3
typically I find it best to have these three things when giffing:
highest quality possible download of whatever you want to gif (try and find ones where the quality is 1080p and higher). try sharemania for music videos (you'll need an account though), install 4k video downloader for downloading things from youtube because yt has a tendency to reduce quality. try some direct download sites from here to find shows and movies, sadly you'll have to go through a bunch of ads to get to the final page but they should be safe
photoshop/photopea, photopea is basically online photoshop but I find that it actually has less features. you can use it if you want but if you want to download free photoshop you can find it here
mpv player, basically what it does is allow you to take screencaps of the scenes you want to gif which means the result it higher quality. here's a tutorial on how to set it up and use it
I realise that this is a lot of downloading and might look a bit overwhelming but trust me gifmaking involves a lot of downloading
okay now that we have that out of the way (I hope) here's a few useful tutorials I found helpful for basic gifmaking!
this one is a really helpful walk-through guide on photoshop gifmaking
if you're using photopea try this one or this one
if you need more help on colouring try this, my current method is based on that with a few tweaks here and there to get it to how I like it
that should be it for now I think! try practising with basic gifs first to get the hang of the method before moving onto things like layouts or blending or typography and whatnot, I once tried that and nearly quit altogether 💀
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gr8brandz · 9 months
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OTOHEROES Inflator Pompa Angin Ban Mobil Elektrik LCD Display - YD-787
https://tokopedia.link/SxRx7AktJCb - https://shope.ee/506WIYGa4T     
====================================================Spesifikasi: Tekanan Udara: 30 L/menit Daya / Power: 100 W / 10 A Tegangan: DC 12 V Material: ABS Dimensi: 14.7 x 20.5 x 7 cm Panjang Selang Angin Pompa: 60 cm Panjang Kabel Daya: 280 cm
Informasi: Alat ini bukan pompa mobil biasa. Selain bentuknya yang keren dan futuristik, inflator ini juga dilengkapi senter LED dan layar digital untuk mengetahui tingkat tekanan ban mobil Anda. Cocok sekali dibawa di dalam mobil ketika Anda bepergian jauh, misalnya saat mudik lebaran. Pompa ini lebih dikhususkan untuk mobil ukuran sedang.
Fitur: Pompa Ban Pompa mobil elektrik ini mampu menghasilkan angin yang cukup untuk mengisi angin mobil Anda. Efektif untuk mengisi angin ban mobil Anda ketika di perjalanan dan sulit menemukan tukang tambal ban.
Multifungsi Inflator ini dapat digunakan untuk memompa atau mengepeskan ban, serta mengecek tekanan pada ban. Jadi, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengecek kondisi ban kendaraan Anda.
Layar LCD Selain bentuknya yang modern dan futuristik, inflator ini juga dilengkapi senter LED dan layar digital untuk mengetahui tingkat tekanan mobil Anda. Alat ini sudah dilengkapi layar LED yang mampu menampilkan satuan PSI, KPA, BAR, KG/CM saat Anda ingin mengetahui besaran tekanan ban mobil Anda.
Dapat Digunakan di Banyak Barang Pompa ban portable ini ditujukan untuk digunakan di mobil, baik sedan, SUV, dan MPV. Power nya sendiri bisa dari cigarette plug di mobil Anda. Pompa ini juga memungkinkan untuk dipakai pada ban motor, perahu karet, bola, dll.
Isi Kemasan 1 x OTOHEROES Inflator Pompa Angin Ban Mobil Elektrik LCD Display - YD-787 3 x Nozzle 1 x Panduan Penggunaan ==================================================== https://shope.ee/A9lt8Dkz3M https://tokopedia.link/vfg3UqLVZzb
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belimobil · 2 months
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Beli Sekarang Mobil Baru Mitsubishi New Xpander pada bulan April 2024 Disini Dapatkan Promo Menarik:
• Harga mulai Rp 311 Jutaan
• DP Kredit mulai Rp 35 Jutaan
• Cicilan Kredit Ringan
• Bunga Kredit Rendah
• Tenor Kredit hingga 5 tahun
• Cashback Spesial
• Free Paket Servis 4 Tahun
• Free Kaca Filim
Mitsubishi Xpander merupakan mobil keluarga MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle) yang memiliki tampilan eksterior dan interior yang stylish, nyaman, dan mewah. Sehingga dapat digunakan daily activity diperkotaan maupun bepergian ke luar kota.
New Xpander terbaru juga dilengkapi banyak fitur modern yang canggih dan sistem keselamatan yang tinggi.
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 4 months
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"It certainly is dangerous! But sometimes it's the fun that matters... Yes! So that's Gad & Zooks! Why, I only have a very faint memory of the duo! I got lots to keep up.. especially my family.. whom I didn't see the past few months. The expedition must have stopped by then.."
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And there's the missing kids I need to investigate in Lys Town.. Are you sure you wanna do this, Stella? I won't force you.. but if you are ready, we can go to Lys town in...
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"In my car! I converted the tardis to a car! I name the time mobile!!!!"
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"Hahahahaha! It's the aesthetics! Stella would know.." The Doctor tosses a sack of coins at Stella with a scroll full of runic writing, "Since I cannot complete the mission, some of the funds will go to you. Now, Stella... take a look of this!"
*There was a bright flash of thunder and smoke, revealing a large MPV appearing in front of them as the Doctor activates a touch pad*
"Sadly, I cannot change the course of this world, involve in any mumbo jumbo politics, share any advanced tech or do any unsanctioned stuff. Those were the conditions imposed by the Empress when she allowed me to keep this vehicle..."
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I'll brief Stella along the way but your family...
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"It's fine.." The Doctor tosses another scroll to the guard, "Take this to them, and Princess Twilight. They will know what to do."
"Ready? Then hop in!" The doctor opens the doors with another flick of the hooves.
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"Oh, you know it!" Stella giggled. She always liked to have fun on her adventures, whether it's through the thrills, through combat, or through interacting with other ponies. "I hope those two dorks are also having fun. If that's even possible here."
"A car?" The cosmic unicorn's curiosity was piqued. "Well, I do like cars." She caught the scroll and coins, scanning them into her PDA. Might not be good to put them into hammerspace, the scroll might be too important.
As the vehicle appeared before her, it indeed had her interest. "Well, not quite what I'm into... but I suppose it'd handle dirt roads quite well. Better than most of my cars, anyway." She giggled again.
"I suppose I can understand that. Gotta keep the balance." She nodded, gladly hopping into the vehicle. "Well, I'm ready if you guys are!"
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komca · 1 year
I wanted to ask (if that's okay) what kind of device you use for editing your gifs? Do you use a laptop or something else?
Hope you have a great day!
Haiiii !
It's always ok to ask dw :)
I gif on laptop only, windows. It's less the device and more the softwares that are important tho.
Each gifmaker has their preferred combination of softwares and editing process. Gifmaking is all about trial and error 🤓
Here's mine :
4kdownloader / JDownloader / ☠️ → i mostly gif mvs, fancams and other ytb content so for hq downloads these are my go-tos.
mpv player (installation tutorial) → video player, i use it to take note of timestamps and choose scenes/shots.
Vapoursynth → cropping + screencapping or clipping (+ denoising if necessary)
Photoshop cc 2020 (or cs6) aka where the real magic happens → sharpening + color correction + colouring + typoraphy/layouts/effects.
tumblr mobile app → to check layout and colouring accross devices 🤡
My editing/colouring style is pretty basic imo, but I do love colourful sets so that’s what I spend the most time on :))
I know you only asked about what I use but
Here are some links to comprehensive masterposts that are super helpful for beginners (or if you just want to know how it works really) : 1 | 2 | 3
And if you have further questions you can join the @pscentral server, there's always someone who might be able to help :))
Thank you for the question, Have a great day as well <33
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Mitsubishi DX Concept, 2023. An electrified crossover MPV concept that hints at the Delica of the future which will be presented at the Japanese Mobility Show
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bladesofkyber · 1 year
ever since i got a new laptop i’ve been on the struggle bus with gifs. between figuring out screencapping on mpv and working on visual filters for said caps, i just can’t figure out the timing in ps. everything feels either too slow or too fast or too choppy. idk i figured using the newer computer would help not hinder. just mad confused, like why do things look great on dash but weird on mobile? is this a me thing or a tumblr thing. and that’s only with gaming gifs. idk.
i’ve always done a VF at 30FPS on games but they’re just coming out weird AF. some of it can be chalked up to the display, better screen means different settings. if i don’t use a VF to adjust frame rate, mpv will cap at 60-120fps and that’s unrealistic to gif. it’s huge and unusable.
if i have to cap on one computer and transfer to another to make gifs im gonna be so annoyed there has to be a better way to figure out these settings.
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harrelltut · 11 months
Eye Already SEE U... Envisioning ANU GOLDEN 1968 9 Ether [AGE] Architecturally Intelligent [A.i.] 2223 Gen X NIBIRUAN ME [MICHAEL] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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not the golden 9 ether military monk mode illuminati?!?!?!
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OMMMMM I.B.MICHAEL [IBM] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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iCare1921.com about My Professional Visions [MPV] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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Shhh... I.B.MICHAEL [IBM] behind the veil of 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC
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eye already told you... i.b.michael [ibm] just handling my father's international business machine [ibm] powers & international sky business communication [b.c.] patent policies of QUANTUM 1994 HARRELL T-Mobile’s 1999 Y2K 2000 Interplanetary MOON [I’M] Universe of ANU GOLDEN 9 SKY Ether Ethereal [ECLIPSE = Occulted] URANIAN Satellite [U.S.] Pyramid [UP] SUN Compu_TAH [PTAH] Machine [PM] PLANET @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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eye ancient compu_tah [ptah] machine engineer [me] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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I.B. MICHAEL [IBM] PROGRAMING & CODING [PC] Apple, Inc [A.i.] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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iCare1921.com @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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"they" watching harrelltut on Tumblr
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kalyantoursudaipur · 1 year
Book Tempo Traveller in Udaipur for Sightseeing Tour — Kalyan Tours
Kalyan Tours is a leading tempo travel provider in Udaipur. We offer comfort and luxury on rent in tempo traveller in Udaipur. Tempo traveller is a great way to explore the city at your own pace. We have huge fleet of tempo travellers including, Mercedes C180, Toyota Innova and Toyota Qualis. We also have a wide range of luxury vehicles for rent like Ford Mustang, Fiat 500, Proton Persona and Nissan Qashqai to name a few.
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Tempo travel is the most convenient way to travel in Udaipur. After booking your trip you can easily access our website and book a taxi car via your mobile, office or any other device. We are happy to inform you that we have many taxi service in Udaipur. We offer the best car rental service with an excellent customer experience. You can book a cab at any time, anywhere and at an affordable rate.
Our fleet of vehicles includes luxury cars, sedans and MPVs. Our drivers are well trained and experienced professionals who know how to get you from one place to another safely. They will make sure that you have a smooth journey wherever you go.
One can also avail their services for airport transfers as well as car rental throughout India . They are experts at providing services for all types of travelers so no need to worry about anything else but having fun on road with them! You can contact them for airport transfers in Udaipur. They have huge fleet of cars and buses which will surely help you out in any situation that arises during your trip.
If you need a ride on rent then contact us today. We are experts at providing services for all types of travelers so no need to worry about anything else but having fun on road with them! Our drivers are well trained and experienced professionals who know how to get you from one place to another safely.
We provide services for all types of travelers, from families to groups. If you are looking for a ride on rent, then Kalyan Tours is the best place for you. We have a wide range of vehicles that can fit your needs and budget. We have a huge fleet of Tempo Traveller cars that include luxury vehicles like Mercedes C180, Toyota Innova and Toyota Qualis as well as sedans like Ford Mustang, Fiat 500, Proton Persona and Nissan Qashqai which are available at competitive prices. Our drivers are trained professionals who know how to get you from one place to another safely while keeping an eye on traffic rules in their respective cities so no worries about being late anywhere!
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Super Hornet that fell from the USS Harry S. Truman is removed from the Mediterranean Sea
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/08/2022 - 19:31 in Aeronautical Accidents, Military
Merely illustrative photo of a Super Hornet being released from the USS Harry S. Truman.
The U.S. Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet that crashed from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman last month was recovered from the seabed.
According to the service, the Carrier Air Wing (CVW 1) aircraft was successfully recovered on August 3, less than a month after it was launched and fell into the sea in an unexpected weather on July 8.
As revealed, the fighter was recovered from a depth of approximately 9,500 feet (2,895 meters) by a team from Task Force (CTF) 68, Rescue and Diving Supervisor of the Naval Maritime Systems Command (SUPSALV), Harry S. Truman, Naval Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic and the U.S. Sixth Fleet boarded the multifunctional construction ship (MPV) Everest.
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The Everest MPV. (Photo: Maritime Construction Services)
The aircraft was recovered using a remotely operated vehicle CURV-21 to connect specialized ropes and lifting lines to the aircraft. A lifting hook was attached to the rigging to lift the aircraft to the surface and hoist it on board Everest.
The U.S. Navy regularly employs the CURV-21 (video below) to help recover sunken aircraft, including the record recovery of an MH-60S Seahawk helicopter from a depth of approximately 19,075 feet last year. This helicopter crashed in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Japanese island of Okinawa in January 2020.
The aircraft is being delivered to a nearby military facility, where it will be unloaded and transported to the United States, the U.S. Navy said.
"Inherent in Task Force 68 is our ability to adapt to any set of missions - we can quickly mobilize and deploy scalable command, control and communications in order to integrate and provide advanced command and control when and where necessary," said CTF 68 Commodore, Captain Geoffrey Townsend.
This is the second fighter that the U.S. Navy had to recover from the seabed after recovering an F-35C that fell from the USS Carl Vinson while operating in the South China Sea.
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When a British F-35B Joint Strike Fighter crashed in the Mediterranean last year, there was a race to recover this aircraft, as seen above. This was driven largely by concerns that the Russian government could use its own specialized submarine rescue capabilities, which include a fleet of highly specialized ships and submarines, and could then collect confidential details about the stealthjet, recovering all or part of it.
Tags: Aeronautical AccidentsMilitary AviationF/A-18E/F Super HornetUSN - United States Navy/U.S. Navy
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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revawilliams · 2 years
Type Model Mobil Honda yang Berada di Indonesia
Type Model Mobil Honda yang Berada di Indonesia
jenis mobil honda lama - Model macam mobil Honda teranyar bagus sekali perhatian warga Indonesia. Sebab mobil Honda tidak mobil biasa. Tapi mobil Honda sangatlah berkualitas baik. Mesinnya bandel serta ringan dalam perawatan dan bengkel resminya yang udah tersedia di berapa tempat dan kota di Indonesia.
Mutu mobil Honda yang sangatlah baik diperlengkapi dengan body yang memikat jadikan mobil Honda jadi satu diantara mobil mimpi banyak orang. Secara prinsip, mobil Honda terdiri dari 2 type ialah mobil Honda terakhir serta mobil Honda lama. Anda begitu gampang untuk memperbandingkan satu mobil Honda terakhir dengan macam lama. Kalau anda memperbandingkan macam Honda lama yang teranyar maka bisa merasai ketidaksamaan yang paling jelas. Tipe Macam Mobil Honda sangatlah classic dengan bentuk body tertentu. Selanjutnya buat Model Macam Mobil Honda teranyar sangat luar biasa, mewah, dan bagus sama sesuai kemajuan masa terbaru.
Tipe Model Mobil Honda
jenis mobil honda lama - Usaha dalam divisi industri mobil merasakan perubahan yang makin mengalami perkembangan pesat. Sejumlah pabrikasi mobil terus me-launching beberapa produk mobil terkini mereka. Diantaranya Honda yang tetap mengeluarkan tiap tahunnya produk terakhir otomotif mereka dan mobil. Soal ini membikin orang lebih beberapa pilihan saat menyeleksi produk mobil hasil Honda.
Berkata berkenaan mobil Honda tentunya tidak asing untuk kebanyakan warga Idunia dan ndonesia. Sampai sebagian besar warga Indonesia sudah beli produk otomotif mereka seperti sepeda motor Honda ataupun mobil Honda. Pada jumlah warga yang begitu besar membuat negara Indonesia jadi market share yang baik dari usaha mobil Honda. Sampai berdirilah perusahaan mobil Honda Indonesia.
Untuk mengenalkan beberapa produk mobil Honda terkini karena itu perusahaan Honda selalu mempromokan produk terakhir di banyak media pers bikin dan electronic.
Bila diperbandingkan lewat produk kompetitor karenanya produk mobil produksi Honda amat terhebat dan terlaku di Indonesia. Tidak sekedar kualitas mobilnya yang terpilih namun selain itu, produk mobil Honda sangatlah komplet berbagai macam dari model lama dan baru. Buat produk mobil Honda terakhir selalu disukai orang.
Model Tipe Mobil Honda
jenis mobil honda lama -Tipe Type Mobil Honda yaitu salah satunya brand mobil yang sangat disenangi oleh orang Indonesia. Di antara merek mobil yang lain seperti Toyota, Mitsubishi dsb jadi yang terkenal di tanah air merupakan mobil Honda. Pabrikasi Honda dengan teratur keluarkan beberapa produk otomotif terbaru seperti produk mobil. Produk mobil lama Honda atau produk terbaru bisa berkompetisi dengan mobil hasil pabrikasi mobil lainnya. Mutu mobil Honda dikenali lebih teruji, bandel, lebih tahan lama dan oke. Gak bimbang, banyak orang-orang yang memutuskan untuk beli mobil Honda daripada beli mobil merk lainnya.
Pabrikasi Tipe Macam Mobil Honda yang dibuat oleh Soichiro Honda, asal Jepang selalu memperlebar market share serta pabrikasi sampai ke semua dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri telah berdiri Honda Mobil Indonesia yang menggenggam lisensi Honda buat menjajakan beberapa produk mobil Honda di Indonesia. Untuk waktu ini, tingkat pemasaran mobil Honda di Indonesia semakin lebih besar dari tahun ke tahun.
Anda dapat memandang di jalanan raya, beberapa mobil yang lewat ialah mobil Honda dengan bermacam tipe. Seperti Honda Mobilio, Honda BRV, Honda Brio, Honda HRV, Honda Jazz ataupun Honda MPV serta model mobil Honda lainnya.
Mobil Honda dapat dikatakan sebagai rajanya mobil di Indonesia. Sebab kebanyakan mobil yang tersebar di Indonesia merupakan mobil Honda dengan beraneka tipe. Berikut di bawah ini tipe tipe mobil Honda, salah satunya:
1.Mobil Honda SUV
2.Mobil Honda MPV
3.Mobil Honda City Car
4.Mobil Honda Sedan
Datangnya mobil Honda di Indonesia udah terjadi sudah lama sampai kini serta Honda terus jadi nomor satu dalam pemasaran mobil di Indonesia sampai sekarang. Perihal itu gak lepas dari pabrikasi mobil asal Jepang ini selalu berexperimen dalam menciptakan produk mobil terakhir mereka yang inovatif, teruji dan berkualitas. Tiap mobil teranyar yang dikeluarkannya dapat menarik customer pada jumlah cukup banyak.
Berdasar survei, mobil yang tertinggi tingkat penjualannya di Indonesia yaitu mobil Honda ialah model mobil Honda Brio. Type Model Mobil Honda ini bisa menggapai predikat pertama menjadi mobil terlaku di Indonesia dari pabrikasi Honda. Sementara itu di barisan ke-2 , mobil Honda yang terlaris ialah mobil Honda HR-V.
Pemasaran mobil Honda benar-benar konstan dan terus ada dalam rangking ke-2 besar dalam grup mobil yang terlaku atau yang tinggi tingkat penjualannya di Indonesia. Mobil Honda bisa mendahului pabrikasi mobil besar seperti Daihatsu, Mitsubishi, serta Suzuki. Mobil Honda cuman kalah tingkat penjualannya dari mobil Toyota.
Dengan beberapa ragam produk mobil produksi Honda yang dipasarkan sah di pasar membuat penduduk lebih banyak ada pilihan dalam beli mobil Honda. Tercantum mobil Honda ada di dalam 12 model yang tersebar dalam masyarakat di tanah air serta segalanya sangatlah laku. Berbedanya model mobil Honda disamakan dengan bandrol harga, obyek pasar tujuan, dan fitur yang ada di dalamnya.
Sedangkan, sebagai kebolehan merk mobil Honda di tanah air yakni pembelinya di Indonesia benar-benar setia pada produk mobil Honda serta market share atau customernya begitu besar, sesuai sama produk sepeda motor Honda. Berikut di bawah ini macam-macam mobil Honda di pasar, di antaranya:
1.Mobil Honda Brio Anda sudah kenal dengan model mobil Honda ini minimum pernah memandangnya. Mobil Honda Brio sebagai satu diantara produk teranyar hasil pabrikasi Honda yang sukses besar di pasaran. Mobil yang dikeluarkan tahun 2018 ini segera menarik banyak pembeli sampai menjadikan selaku produk mobil paling laris di Indonesia hingga waktu sekarang. Untuk menambahkan keberhasilannya, pabrikasi Honda menghasilkan Mobil Honda Brio teranyar yang disebut All New Brio.
Sebagai ciri-ciri mobil Honda Brio yaitu ukuran mobilnya yang termasuk lebih kecil. Mobil Honda Brio punyai lima macam ialah Brio RS CVT, RS MT, E CVT, E MT, serta Brio Satya S MT. Untuk harga tiap mobil juga bebeda. Yang termurah yakni mobil Honda Brio Satya S MT yang dibandrol harga Rp 146 juta. Sementara itu yang amat mahal ialah mobil Honda Brio RS CVT dengan harga Rp.199, 6 juta.
Mobil Honda Jazz Untuk kalangan muda tentunya kenal dengan Model Type Mobil Honda Jazz. Mobil ini sangatlah diminati oleh kelompok kalangan muda dalam sekian tahun ini lalu sampai sekarang. Lantaran mobil Honda ini dirancang benar-benar apik dengan tipe modern yang paling pas digunakan oleh golongan anak muda yang trendy serta pengin tampil menawan serta energik. Kebolehan tenaga dari mobil Honda Jazz besar sekali, dan dari wujud mobil Honda Jazz punya wujud yang lebih kecil. Harga mobil Honda Jazz di pasar sejumlah Rp 260 juta. Di bawah ini beragam macam dari mobil Honda Jazz misalnya : Honda Jazz RS CVT, RS MT, CVT serta MT.
3.Mobil Honda Mobilio Type Macam Mobil Honda yang cukup laku yang lain yaitu mobil Honda Mobilio yang memiliki sisi artistik amat menarik dengan bermacam spesifikasi hebat yang ada di dalamnya. Sebagai kelebihan Tipe Model Mobil Honda ini ialah sangatlah irit dalam pemakaian bahan bakar. Harga mobil Honda Mobilio terkini senilai Rp 259 juta.
4.Mobil Honda CR-V Harga mobil Honda CRV Rp 539 juta.
5.Mobil Honda HR-V Harga mobil Honda HR-V Rp 419 juta.
6.Mobil Honda Civic, mobil Honda Odyssey, mobil Honda BR-V, mobil Honda City, serta Mobil Honda Accord. Tetapi yang bernama mobil Honda yang anyar atau yang sisa yang pasti sejalan dikonsumsi waktu umur dan penggunaan akan alami kerusakan di bagian body atau mesin. info oki
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