#mobile vaccination clinic
mohammedpatel856 · 2 years
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Home Vaccinations
Protect yourself and your loved ones against various diseases with our extensive range of home vaccinations. Book an appointment today and experience home vaccination service that comes with our safe and secure service.
Website : https://www.homevaccinations.co.uk/
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mellifexfarm · 9 months
My flock has contracted Marek's Disease.
Since 2019, after I brought home Lyra and Wren, my flock has been a closed flock. Meaning I take biosecurity very seriously, and opted to not bring any new chickens in or allow other poultry-keepers access to the yard where they are kept. The only birds that were added from 2019 until now have been from hatching eggs. There are a select few diseases that can pass from mother to egg, but not Marek's.
But within the past few weeks one chicken displayed symptoms of leg weakness and became unable to walk. I brought them indoors and started treating for vitamin deficiency, since that is by far the most common cause of sudden lameness in poultry. But she didn't get better, and then Lyra started walking unsteadily, and I knew something else was wrong. I suspected something was wrong with my feed and sent off a sample to get tested for mycotoxins, and switched feeds, because I know a lot of people have had issues with that lately. But then one morning I found Moss deceased in the coop, and it all kind of went downhill from there.
Sebrights are known for having extremely low resistance to disease. They are very inbred. It is the reason I lost Kip to fowl pox when everyone else recovered fine. And why all but one (her unnamed cockerel "emo" son) of the members of my flock who are descended from Lyra are affected. But none of the other tiny breeds I have, Seramas or Kikirkis, are known for being particularly disease resistant either. So. I am extremely cautious at jumping the gun and saying they wont be effected.
I sent off Moss's body for a necropsy on monday and got the results today, September 29th.
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I do not know how this got into my flock. Our nextdoor neighbor got chickens a few months ago, but our birds don't have any direct contact. That is the only way I can think of.
There is a vaccine but it can only be administered to day old chicks. Vaccinating to prevent this was not an option.
It generally takes 4-10 weeks for the disease to develop after the chicken has been exposed, so it had to have been fairly recent. My flock has not been carrying this sub-clinically.
I genuinely don't know how this is going to go from here. There is no treatment for marek's disease. It is a virus. I have ordered a few herbal remedies with vague studies to back up some kind of efficacy helping reduce the damage the virus does and boost their immunity, but its mostly a crapshoot. The only good news I have with all this is that older birds are somewhat less likely to succumb to this disease. And the fact turkies and pigeons can't contract it.
The only birds displaying symptoms right now are Lyra, and Moss's unnamed pullet daughter.
Lyra is tentatively okay. I have crafted a sling for her, and she has been increasing in mobility over the last few days. She did not ever have full paralysis, so I am hopeful. Her daughter and Mouse, one of the younger keep-back pullets from this summers chicks, are the only casualties so far.
I'll be doing all that I can in terms of supportive care, but if any symptomatic birds get to the point I don't think they will recover from I will be euthanizing them. I will not be selling chickens anymore.
This disease has been a nightmare of mine for such a long time and now it is really happening. I am pretty crushed.
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ablasphemyofpoets · 10 months
Vaccine PSA for people in the US
It’s fall and that means time for vaccines! There are two everyone who can should get and an additional one for people over 60.
1- The new Covid booster! This was approved today, 9/13, and distribution will begin this week. Depending on where you are, it will be available the end of this week or beginning next week. You can get this booster if it’s been 2 months since your last one. It offers the best protection against the most current variants.
If you have insurance, the booster should be covered. If you don’t, the government is covering them until 2024. https://www.vaccines.gov/ will help you find where to get a free shot. Covid boosters will be available at health departments, pharmacies, mobile clinics, and doctors offices.
Why should you get one: the current circulating strains are very different from the previous ones with many mutations. Your previous boosters won’t protect against them very well. Healthy people are still getting very sick from Covid and hospitalizations and deaths are still high and will only rise going into winter. Long Covid is also a possibility. Even if you only get a mild case, you could infect someone else who won’t be so lucky. Getting a booster will protect you and your friends and family.
2- The flu shot- You probably do this every year. The flu shot is pretty standard but it’s also important especially with Covid because you can get both sicknesses at the same time. The flu also kills about 35,000 people per year in the US and while most of those people have an underlying conditions, many don’t. Even if you don’t die from the flu, it’s not very much fun and quick shot can help prevent you from getting it or lessen the severity. Getting your flu shot will also help protect the people around you who can’t get the shot because of allergies through herd immunity. It will also help protect the elderly and immunocompromised. Even if you don’t have an underlying condition that could make the flu serious for you, you probably know someone who does.
The flu shot is free at most county health departments and insurance will cover it as well. If you are in college, many colleges offer free shots for students and staff.
You can also get the Covid booster and the flu shot at the same time!
The best time to get the flu shot is between the end of September and the end of October. Getting it then helps ensure that your protection will last through most of the winter and the worst of flu season. It is not recommended to get it sooner than that because your protection will wear off over time.
3- RSV. This vaccine is new this year! However, it isn’t available or recommended to everyone. Right now, it is for pregnant people to protect their baby and for those over 60. Even if you aren’t in that demographic, you might know someone who is and they might not know about it. Talk to the people you care about and encourage them to get this vaccine.
Note that you should not get the RSV vaccine at the same time as your Covid or flu shot. It is recommended to wait 1-2 weeks in between to make sure you get the proper protection.
Insurances should cover this vaccine but make sure to check first! It can be quite expensive if not covered by insurance. Some places may offer it for free or reduced cost to vulnerable groups.
What is RSV? RSV is a mild respiratory virus and is just like a cold for most people. However, young babies and people over 60 are much more likely to develop severe illness and be hospitalized or die from it.
Here are some sources if you want to learn more about any of the information in this post.
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edwordsmyth · 7 months
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"I am going to try to explain to you how we reorganized the autonomy, that is, the new structure of the Zapatista autonomy. I will explain more later in more detail. Or maybe I won't explain more, because practice is what matters. Of course you can also come to the anniversary and watch the plays, songs, poems and the art and culture of this new stage of our struggle. If not, Tercios Compas will send you photos and videos there. At another time I will tell you what we saw good and bad in the critical evaluation of MAREZ and JBG. Now I'll just tell you how it looks. Goes:
First. – The main base, which is not only where autonomy is sustained, also without which the other structures cannot function, is the Local Autonomous Government, GAL .
There is a GAL in each community where Zapatista support bases live. The Zapatista GAL are the core of all autonomy. They are coordinated by autonomous agents and commissioners and are subject to the assembly of the town, ranchería, community, area, neighborhood, ejido, colony, or however each population calls itself. Each GAL controls its autonomous organizational resources (such as schools and clinics) and the relationship with neighboring non-Zapatista sister towns. And control the proper use of the pay. It also detects and reports mismanagement, corruption and errors that may exist. And he is attentive to those who want to pass themselves off as Zapatista authorities to ask for support or aid that they use for their own benefit.
So, if before there were a few dozen MAREZ, that is, Zapatista Rebel Autonomous Municipalities, now there are thousands of Zapatista GALs.
Second. – According to their needs, problems and progress, various GALs are convened into Zapatista Autonomous Government Collectives, CGAZ, and here they are discussed and agreements are made on matters that interest the convening GALs. When they so determine, the Collective of Autonomous Governments calls an assembly of the authorities of each community. Here the plans and needs of Health, Education, Agroecology, Justice, Commerce, and those that are needed are proposed, discussed and approved or rejected. At the CGAZ level there are the coordinators of each area. They are not authorities. Their job is to ensure that the work requested by the GAL or that is deemed necessary for community life is carried out. Such as, for example: preventive medicine and vaccination campaigns, campaigns for endemic diseases, courses and specialized training (such as laboratory technicians, , traditional festivities, etc. Each region or CGAZ has its directors, who are the ones who call assemblies if there is an urgent problem or one that affects several communities.cThat is to say, where before there were 12 Good Government Boards, now there will be hundreds.
Third. – Then follow the Assemblies of Collectives of ZAPATISTA Autonomous Governments, ACGAZ.
Which are what were previously known as zones. But they have no authority, but depend on the CGAZ. And the CGAZ depend on the GAL. The ACGAZ convenes and presides over zone assemblies, when necessary according to the requests of GAL and CGAZ. They are based in the caracoles, but move between regions. In other words, they are mobile, according to the people's demands for attention.
Fourth. – As can be seen in practice, the Command and Coordination of Autonomy has been transferred from the JBG and MAREZ to the towns and communities, to the GAL. The zones (ACGAZ) and the regions (CGAZ) are governed by the people, they must be accountable to the people and find a way to meet their needs in Health, Education, Justice, Food and those that arise due to emergencies caused by disasters. natural disasters, pandemics, crimes, invasions, wars, and the other misfortunes that the capitalist system brings.
Fifth. – The structure and disposition of the EZLN has been reorganized in order to increase the defense and security of the towns and mother earth in the event of aggressions, attacks, epidemics, invasion of companies that prey on nature, partial or total military occupations, catastrophes natural disasters and nuclear wars. We have prepared so that our people survive, even isolated from each other.
Sixth. – We understand that you have problems assimilating this. And that, for a while, they will struggle to understand it. It took us 10 years to think about it, and of those 10 years, 3 to prepare it for its practice.
We also understand that it seems to you that your thinking is scrambled. That is why it is necessary to change your channel of understanding. Only by looking far away, backwards and forwards, can the present step be understood.
We hope you understand that it is a new structure of autonomy, that we are just learning and that it will take a while to get well.
In reality, this statement has only the intention of telling you that Zapatista autonomy continues and advances, that we think it will be better for the towns, communities, places, neighborhoods, colonies, ejidos and rancherías where they live, that is, the bases of Zapatista support. And that it has been their decision, taking into account their ideas and proposals, their criticisms and self-criticisms. Also, as will be seen, this new stage of autonomy is made to confront the worst of the Hydra, its most infamous bestiality and its destructive madness. Their wars and business and military invasions.
For us, there are no borders or distant geographies. Everything that happens in any corner of the planet affects us and concerns us, worries us and hurts us. To the extent of our very small strength, we will support human beings in distress regardless of their color, race, nationality, belief, ideology and language. Although we do not know many languages or understand many cultures and ways, we know how to understand the suffering, pain, sorrow, and dignified rage that the system provokes.
We know how to read and listen to brother hearts. We will continue trying to learn from them, their stories and their struggles. Not only because we have suffered from this for centuries and we know what it is like. Also and above all because, as for 30 years, our fight is for life. Surely we have made many mistakes in all these years. We will surely do more in the next 120 years. But we will NOT give up, we will NOT change path, we will NOT sell out. We will always be reviewing our struggle, its times and ways with a critical eye.
Our eyes, our ears, our heads and our hearts will always be ready to learn from others who, although different in many things, have our same concerns and similar desires for democracy, freedom and justice. And we will always seek the best for our people and for our sister communities. We are, therefore, Zapatistas.
As long as there is at least one, one, one Zapatista in any corner of the planet, we will resist in rebellion, that is, we will fight. See it there friends and enemies. And those who are neither one thing nor another.
Just for now.
From the mountains of the mexican southeast.
Insurgent Subcommander Moisés. Mexico, November 2023. More than 500, 40, 30, 20, 10 years later." https://justpaste.it/ag4ul
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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“Now that there is plenty of Salk vaccine, everyone can receive some protection before the polio season starts. Not to do so is to take unnecessary risks of lifetime disability and even death.” 
President Eisenhower, May 17, 1958. 
Collection DDE-WHCF: White House Central Files (Eisenhower Administration)
Series: Official Files
File Unit: OF 117-I-1 Salk Polio Vaccine (10)
Rubber stamp in black ink: O.F.
Written in pencil and circled: 117-I-1
I am happy to join with millions of other Americans in supporting the drive for polio vaccinations this spring.
Now that there is plenty of Salk vaccine, everyone can receive some protection before the polio season starts. Not to do so is to take unnecessary risks of lifetime disability and even death. I especially appeal to parents to take advantage of this great research discovery to protect themselves and their children against this dread disease.
The national campaign being conducted by the Advertising Council, under the sponsorship of the American Medical Association, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare has my hearty endorsement. I know this campaign will help the physicians, health officials  and community leaders who are now mobilizing local drives and clinics.
The goal of these drives is a polio-protected Nation. If  that goal is reached, 1958 can be the first year in which we cease to count by the thousands the new cripples caused by polio.
written in pencil:
no appt set up due to statement being issued
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aditipandey2804 · 14 days
Marpu - Reimagining Corporate Social Responsibility CSR is not just ticking a box in today's world, CSR is a powerhouse fuelling change. Partner with the Marpu Foundation to supercharge your CSR efforts, align them with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for maximum impact. 1) Why Work With Marpu Foundation? ·      Innovative skills: Marpu’s gave a lot of revolutionary projects in all areas of education, health, environment, and community development that lead to a real development. ·      Collaborative Magic: We work with you to build TSA projects that are communicable of your brand's value and flags both fresh and real efforts. ·      Incredible Change: Because we provide clear ROI information. You will learn in very simple ways how your contributions are transforming lives and communities. 2) Boost Your CSR Efforts ·      Unique CSR Programs: Our CSR programs are entirely developed to be something that keep in mind while reflecting on your business, local community-based programs, or broader global sustainability campaigns. ·      Team Engagement - Motivate and inspire your employees by offering ways to volunteer, which is never a bad idea to help engage employees and help with team building. ·      Improve Brand: Improve brand reputation and help with the target audience where sincere social consciousness is very important. ·      Champion Sustainability: Marpu’s strategic projects tackle the root causes of social and environmental issues, delivering long-term benefits for communities. 3)Align with Global Goals Marpu’s initiatives support the United Nations’ SDGs, ensuring your CSR efforts contribute to worldwide priorities. i)Empowering Through Education: Books for Bright Futures In partnership with TechCorp, the Marpu Foundation launched the "Books for Bright Futures" initiative. This program has revolutionized education in underserved communities by establishing over 100 libraries in rural schools. Each library is stocked with a diverse range of books, digital learning tools, and interactive resources. ii)The "Health for All" program, in collaboration with HealthPlus, has brought critical healthcare services to remote areas. Through mobile clinics, the initiative provides regular medical check-ups, vaccinations, and health education. iii)Championing Environmental Stewardship: Green Earth Teaming up with GreenFuture Corp., the Marpu Foundation's "Green Earth" campaign has made significant strides in reforestation and environmental conservation. This initiative has: Planted Over 100,000 Trees: Across deforested areas, restoring habitats and promoting biodiversity. By offsetting carbon emissions, contributing to a healthier planet. iv)Ensuring Clean Water and Sanitation: Pure Water In partnership with EcoTech Solutions, the "Pure Water" initiative has installed sustainable water purification systems in remote villages, ensuring clean and safe drinking water.
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healthokglobal · 26 days
Home Visit Doctor: Bringing Healthcare to Your Doorstep
Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right, yet many individuals face barriers that prevent them from receiving timely medical attention. For the elderly, individuals with chronic conditions, and those with mobility issues, visiting a doctor’s clinic can be challenging. The concept of a home visit doctor service addresses these challenges by bringing healthcare directly to the patient’s home. This article explores the benefits, services, and considerations of home visit doctor services.
The Need for Home Visit Doctor Services
Accessibility Issues
Mobility Challenges: Elderly and disabled individuals often find it difficult to travel to healthcare facilities.
Geographical Barriers: Those living in remote areas may have limited access to medical services.
Busy Schedules: Working professionals and caregivers may struggle to find time for clinic visits.
Comfort: Receiving care in the comfort of one’s home can be less stressful for patients.
Continuity of Care
Chronic Conditions: Patients with chronic illnesses require regular monitoring and follow-up.
Post-Hospitalization Care: Continued medical supervision at home can aid in recovery after hospital discharge.
Benefits of Home Visit Doctor Services
Personalized Care
Individual Attention: Doctors can spend more time with each patient, providing thorough examinations and personalized treatment plans.
Comfort: Patients feel more at ease in their own environment, which can improve communication and compliance.
Comprehensive Services
Routine Check-Ups: Regular health assessments and monitoring of chronic conditions.
Diagnostic Services: On-site diagnostic tests such as blood tests, ECGs, and ultrasounds.
Preventive Care: Vaccinations, health education, and lifestyle counseling.
Improved Health Outcomes
Early Detection: Regular home visits can lead to the early detection of health issues, allowing for timely intervention.
Reduced Hospitalizations: Continuous care at home can prevent complications that require hospital admissions.
Enhanced Quality of Life
Patient Comfort: Receiving care at home reduces the stress and discomfort associated with clinic visits.
Family Involvement: Family members can be more involved in the patient’s care, providing support and encouragement.
Services Offered by Home Visit Doctors
General Medical Care
Health Assessments: Comprehensive physical examinations and health evaluations.
Chronic Disease Management: Monitoring and management of conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
Diagnostic Services
Laboratory Tests: Blood tests, urine tests, and other diagnostic procedures conducted at home.
Imaging Services: Portable equipment for ECGs, ultrasounds, and X-rays.
Preventive Care
Vaccinations: Immunizations for influenza, pneumonia, and other preventable diseases.
Health Screenings: Regular screenings for conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, and cancer.
Post-Hospitalization Care
Recovery Support: Assistance with recovery and rehabilitation after surgery or hospital discharge.
Wound Care: Management of surgical wounds, pressure sores, and other types of injuries.
Palliative and End-of-Life Care
Comfort Care: Providing relief from pain and symptoms for terminally ill patients.
Emotional Support: Counseling and support for patients and their families during difficult times.
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How to Access Home Visit Doctor Services
Finding a Provider
Online Search: Look for home visit doctor services in your area through online directories and healthcare platforms.
Referrals: Ask for recommendations from primary care physicians, friends, and family members.
Booking an Appointment
Online Platforms: Many providers offer online booking through their websites or mobile apps.
Phone Call: Call the provider’s office to schedule an appointment and discuss your needs.
Preparing for the Visit
Medical History: Have your medical records and history ready for the doctor.
Medications: Keep a list of all medications you are currently taking.
Home Environment: Ensure a clean and quiet space for the examination.
Considerations for Home Visit Doctor Services
Insurance Coverage: Check if your insurance covers home visit doctor services.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Be aware of any additional costs for the convenience of home visits.
Service Areas: Ensure the provider offers services in your area.
Specialty Care: Confirm that the provider has doctors specializing in your specific health needs.
Quality of Care
Credentials: Verify the qualifications and experience of the doctors.
Reputation: Look for reviews and testimonials from other patients.
Safety and Privacy
Infection Control: Ensure the provider follows strict hygiene and infection control protocols.
Confidentiality: Confirm that patient privacy and confidentiality are maintained.
The concept of a home visit doctor service is revolutionizing healthcare by making it more accessible, convenient, and personalized. By bringing medical care directly to patients’ homes, these services address the challenges faced by those with mobility issues, chronic conditions, and busy schedules. With comprehensive care, improved health outcomes, and enhanced quality of life, home visit doctor services are a valuable addition to modern healthcare. Whether you need routine check-ups, chronic disease management, or post-hospitalization care, home visit doctor services provide a practical and compassionate solution to your healthcare needs.
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bjurnberg · 4 months
What is your favorite nurse joy daydream currently?
I’ve got like 20 at all times because I have OC brainrot and it’s terminal. (I’m not sorry and I love Nurse Joy Kanzaki of Gotham General ER.)
So when I’m driving for three hours to visit my sibling for a weekend I imagine Joy and Jason on a roadtrip and what music they’d listen to or what car snacks they’d each want. When I wake up in my warmest comfiest blanket burrito I imagine Joy trying NOT to remember waking up next to him after their accidental nap because they are NOT dating and she should NOT be thinking of his hand on her hip or how his heartbeat sounded under her ear. When I’m at work my thoughts jump sideways to Rhapsody in his new job, not knowing that Jason and Dick take turns checking up on him and are relieved when he smiles and talks to new coworkers. When I binge-watch tiktok and a funny video or rant from a nurse comes up I imagine how Joy would handle the situation.
And when I get “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt” stuck in my head for three days straight it bleeds into the fandom/OC brainrot and gives me something like this:
His Name is My Name Too
Red Hood met her at the loading dock behind an abandoned grocery store.
It had been abandoned for years after receiving code violations for not being earthquake or hurricane safe. The owner didn’t want to lose money updating it, and kept saying he had plans to bulldoze the whole thing but never did. Then he got caught for other shoddy business practices and was serving time but still owned the property and refused to sell.
Red told her all this while he helped unload groceries and medical supplies from the trunk of her car. He was wearing a domino mask today instead of the helmet. Joy noticed he did that most often when dealing with children. Probably so they could see his facial expressions and not get spooked by the voice modulator.
He helped her set up a folding table and a few camp chairs, then threw a plastic picnic blanket over a section of the loading dock.
“You can sanitize your station on the table while I set up lunch. The kids will be watching us already, but won’t come out until they’re confident we have food and don’t mean harm. I’ll call out the signal when we’re done and they’ll have made the choice to trust us or not by then.”
Joy got to work scrubbing the plastic table with cleaning solution before laying down a brand new vinyl sheet and spraying that down with cleaner as well. She’d been part of community outreach programs for years, helping anyone who needed it to get vaccinated and checked out for minor injuries. She loved signing up for the mobile unit the hospital had, visiting neighborhoods so people who didn't have a car or couldn’t do public transit still had the chance to get medical support. And it was all free to the people that showed up, paid for (once again) by one of Bruce Wayne’s many charities that supported unhoused people and the poorer communities.
Doing this without a whole team and hospital grade equipment felt wrong, but when Red had asked if she’d be willing to help out a crew of homeless kids she said yes without hesitation. It broke her heart, but she also knew why some people refused to show up on the free mobile clinic days. Especially kids.
It was always advertised that no one had to show identification or even give a real name, the free clinic was just here to help, but trust wasn’t something Gothamites had in excess. Taking blood for testing was often refused because “I don’t wanna be put in The System!” and any syringe she pulled out could hold poison instead of the latest flu shot. She’d been accused of trying to implant trackers before, or working for Scarecrow, or for being a Chinese spy. (She didn’t bother trying to correct them by that point that she was half Japanese, not Chinese.)
Any kid that showed up alone usually got questioned by adults waiting in line about their home situation (if they had one) and pressured to talk to the Child Services desk. Gregory never left his chair under the pop-up canopy to approach kids. He stayed still and talked only if they came up to him first. He had a jar of candy he let kids dig through whether or not they wanted his help. Joy had only seen him leave his station once and that was to race over to stop a woman from violently dragging a child toward his desk. It wasn’t her child, and she was escorted away by security.
The kids she was planning to help today already knew Red Hood. He’d been keeping them safe, giving them money and food for months. He said it took that long to convince them he wasn’t playing a long con to traffic them, and they only agreed to her visit after a month of discussions.
And only because her name started with a J.
When she asked Red why that mattered he just smiled and said, “you’ll see.”
Now that all her easy-to-travel-with medical supplies were lined up and sanitized alongside the medicines Red had brought (she didn’t ask if he purchased them or not, hospitals had theft insurance) she looked over to see him sitting on the loading dock about ten feet away from the picnic, swinging his legs and whistling.
He’d said they were being watched, so his relaxed posture must be for show. Joy didn’t catch any eyes peeking out of shadows, but a crew of street kids this paranoid would know how to spy without getting caught.
She sat in one of the camp chairs to wait, knowing it might take a while, and listened to Red. He had a strong whistle. Clear and controlled. The tune was easy to recognize but he drew out the notes slowly, tossing in some bird-like warbles for fun. It was nice to see him relax. He didn’t get enough time for that.
Then he stopped, smiled sideways at a rusty dumpster and jumped off the loading dock to stand tall and sang out the words of his song.
“John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt!!”
“His name is my name too,” several voices responded from different directions, and Joy had to force herself not to jump.
Five kids melted out of the shadows. It was hard to tell their ages with how many layers of clothing they wore, but she would guess four of them were between fourteen and sixteen, and the fifth was likely seven or eight.
“Hey kids!” Hood smiled at each, “Thanks for coming out today. This is my friend Joy, she’s a nurse at Gotham General and is really good at her job.”
The two oldest walked over and said hello while the other three went straight to the food. It was all pre-packaged still-sealed items that were easy to eat with your hands. Red had given her the money and shopping list a couple days ago with very specific instructions.
“Like when I brought you food in the hospital,” she’d commented, after reading through it all. His responding grin had been a little brittle.
“Every street kid learns not to trust food that can be tampered with. A warm meal isn’t worth the risk of getting drugged.”
Joy said hello back to the kids and explained what her plans were in detail, showing off the medicines and equipment, answering their questions, and clearly stating she would never touch them without permission or steal their dna for evil science.
That last bit was in response to the youngest asking questions through a mouthful of barbecue potato chips.
They were all quiet, polite, listened to her every word seriously, and never stood close enough to each other that two could be grabbed at once. The crew wordlessly rotated who kept an eye on each adult, and who got to shovel food into their mouths. They’d been taking care of each other for a while.
“So while I’m here, what names do you want me to call you?” she deliberately asked this way so they would know she was expecting fake names, and wouldn’t be able to report them to the authorities.
“John,” one raised his fist in the air, holding a bag of twizzlers while the free hand returned to shoving a turkey sandwich in his mouth.
“Jacob,” the oldest looking one said, also raising a hand.
“Jingle!!” the youngest shouted happily, holding both hands up.
“Jaime,” he said, raising a hand to give her a salute.
“Smith,” said the last, pumping his fist in the air like he was fist bumping the sky. Joy didn’t try to hide her delighted smile at their names, but didn’t get to comment before Smith continued, “My full name is John Smith, but Other John was here first, so I’m just Smith.”
“You coulda picked a new name like me and Jaime,” Jingle shrugged at him.
“You didn’t pick yours!” Jacob frowned at the child, “We gave it to you after you stole that Santa’s bell outside the Walmart last Christmas!”
“Well I chose to keep it!”
“You stole a bell?” Red cut in. He’d also come over to sit down. “Wouldn’t that be hard to conceal with all the noise?”
“The noise was the point!” Jingle smiled broadly, showing a couple adult teeth that were just barely starting to poke through the gums.
“Jingle made enough distraction with the bell,” John said, nodding, “That I could steal Santa’s pot of cash.”
Red whistled in appreciation, “That’s a good score.”
“Thanks,” John said, but he was looking at Joy like he expected something. Suddenly all five of the kids were staring at her from their own positions around the table. Three standing, two seated, but she was surrounded.
“Did you have a question for me?” she asked calmly, ignoring the shiver down her spine.
“You gonna judge us for stealing Santa’s money?”
“You honest?” The question sounded like a threat.
The silence stretched as they stared. They were waiting for her to prove it. Even Red was watching her, lips pressed together to prevent a smile. She explained her thoughts just as she had the medicines.
“Every Santa ringing a bell outside a Walmart in Gotham works for the Salvation Army because Walmart is the only store that lets them use their properties around here. Smaller local stores collect donations for different Wayne charities cuz this is Gotham and people born here know Wayne actually helps people. Unlike the Salvation Army that’s transphobic and homophobic and only helps people they think are good enough but then give the least amount of effort before kicking you back to the curb for asking too many questions or snoring or wanting to keep your dog. But you all look pretty smart to me, so I bet you knew that when you planned your mark, huh? I’m not gonna judge you for taking Santa’s money, not just cuz I hate the Salvation Army, but because that money is supposed to help people who need it. And you needed it.”
Five feral smiles flashed her way before the tension broke and the kids returned to eating.
“Yeah, she’s a good J,” Jacob said, glancing between Joy and Red approvingly.
“Told ya so,” Red smiled back.
“My name’s Joy, not Jay,” she reminded the kid. Jacob snorted.
“We’re all J’s here,” he said and counted on his fingers as he listed everyone off. “John, Jacob, Jingle, Jaime, and even Smith’s first name is a J.”
Jaime leaned forward in the camp chair and wiped mustard off his mouth before saying, “It took them forever to believe Jaime started with a J and not an H. Had to teach them more Spanish words that sound different from what they’re spelled to make them believe me.”
“Like jalapeño,” Jingle nodded sagely.
“Both of you are J’s too,” Jacob continued like he hadn’t been interrupted. “That’s why we’re trusting you.”
Joy’s eyes went wide as her head snapped to stare at Red, then back to Jacob.
“Red Hood told you his name?!”
Red let out a bark of laughter, but Jacob answered her.
“Nah. He just said it starts with a J. We don’t know what his name is but we believe him cuz he never lied to us yet, which is why we all agreed to meet you too. And now we know you’re a good J. Good J’s take care of each other.”
The mind of a child was a fascinating thing.
These five kids were paranoid and clever, aware of every movement and watching every exit, careful of who they met and judging every word she spoke, looking for flaws and traps. But they also had that spark of whimsy - the thing that makes children latch onto arbitrary rules just because it doesn’t hurt. Because they found something as small as a letter of the alphabet to share when they had nothing else but each other.
“So… you’re going to let me stick you with needles and promise to brush your teeth because my name starts with a J and I’m nice?”
They each made noises of agreement.
“It’s like Jacob said,” John grinned around two twizzlers hanging from the corner of his mouth. “We’re all J’s here, and Good J’s take care of each other because -”
He twisted his wrist like he was going to bow, and all five sang in unison:
“His name is my name too.”
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
They both posted when they had their wisdom teeth removed. And we saw Z getting her COVID vaccine in a mobile vaccination spot set up outside a hospital. We've also seen Tom like in a sports clinic. And we know that Tom broke his nose while filming Lost City of Z in the middle of the jungle in Colombia and they had to drive a long way to take him to the nearest town. He broke his nose again while filming Chaos Walking and he mentioned he had an ankle injury while filming NWH and he was forced to rest for a few days. When they are living away from their homes they have to go to local hospitals and clinics. Fortunately the studios foot those bills
Thanks Anon! Yea, I remember their cute wisdom tooth extraction videos lol! Gosh, that seems like ages ago now lol
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homeopathypharma · 10 months
Surveillance Systems for Early Lumpy Skin Disease Detection and Rapid Response
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Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is a highly contagious viral infection that primarily affects cattle and has the potential to cause significant economic losses in the livestock industry. Rapid detection and effective management of LSD outbreaks are essential to prevent its spread and mitigate its impact. In recent years, advancements in surveillance systems have played a crucial role in early LSD detection and rapid response, leading to improved LSD care and control strategies.
The Threat of Lumpy Skin Disease
Lumpy Skin Disease is caused by the LSD virus, a member of the Poxviridae family. It is characterized by fever, nodules, and skin lesions on the animal's body, leading to reduced milk production, weight loss, and decreased quality of hides. The disease can spread through direct contact, insect vectors, and contaminated fomites, making it a major concern for livestock industries globally.
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Surveillance Systems for Early Detection
Traditional methods of disease detection relied on visual observation and clinical diagnosis. However, these methods can delay the identification of LSD cases, allowing the disease to spread further. Modern surveillance systems leverage technology to enhance early detection. These systems utilize a combination of methods, including:
Remote Sensing and Imaging: Satellite imagery and aerial drones equipped with high-resolution cameras can monitor large livestock areas for signs of skin lesions and changes in animal behavior. These images are analyzed using machine learning algorithms to identify potential LSD outbreaks.
IoT and Wearable Devices: Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as temperature sensors, accelerometers, and RFID tags can be attached to cattle. These devices continuously collect data on vital parameters and movement patterns, allowing for the early detection of abnormalities associated with LSD infection.
Data Analytics and Big Data: Surveillance data from various sources, including veterinary clinics, abattoirs, and livestock markets, can be aggregated and analyzed using big data analytics. This enables the identification of patterns and trends that may indicate the presence of LSD.
Health Monitoring Apps: Mobile applications allow farmers and veterinarians to report suspected cases of LSD and track disease progression. These apps facilitate real-time communication and coordination, aiding in early response efforts.
Rapid Response and LSD Care
Early detection is only half the battle; a rapid and coordinated response is equally crucial. Surveillance systems are not only capable of identifying potential outbreaks but also play a pivotal role in implementing effective LSD care strategies:
Isolation and Quarantine: Detected infected animals can be isolated and quarantined promptly, preventing the further spread of the disease. Surveillance data helps identify high-risk areas and individuals for targeted quarantine measures.
Vaccination Campaigns: Based on surveillance data indicating disease prevalence in specific regions, targeted vaccination campaigns can be initiated to immunize susceptible animals and halt the spread of LSD.
Vector Control: Surveillance systems can track insect vectors responsible for transmitting the LSD virus. This information enables the implementation of vector control measures to reduce disease transmission.
Resource Allocation: Effective response requires proper resource allocation. Surveillance data helps authorities allocate veterinary personnel, medical supplies, and equipment to affected areas efficiently.
Challenges and Future Directions
While surveillance systems offer promising solutions, challenges remain. Limited access to technology, particularly in rural areas, can hinder the implementation of these systems. Data privacy concerns and the need for robust cybersecurity measures are also crucial considerations.
In the future, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can further enhance the accuracy of disease prediction models. Real-time genetic sequencing of the virus can provide insights into its mutations and evolution, aiding in the development of more effective vaccines.
Surveillance systems have revolutionized the way we detect, respond to, and manage Lumpy Skin Disease outbreaks. The ability to identify potential cases early and respond rapidly has significantly improved LSD care and control strategies. As technology continues to advance, these systems will play an increasingly vital role in safeguarding livestock industries against the threat of Lumpy Skin Disease and other contagious infections. Effective collaboration between veterinary professionals, farmers, researchers, and technology developers will be key to successfully harnessing the potential of surveillance systems for the benefit of animal health and the global economy.
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cassidyjo100 · 1 year
Introduction of Diseases
Do you know what a disease is? You might say that you know what a disease is but you do not know the literal meaning. According to the Oxford Dictionary a disease is, "Sickness (in a person, animal, or plant); disturbance or impairment of the function (and often also the structure) of the body, a part of the body, or the mind." As a reader, you might have a loved one that has a disease. Have you ever done research on their disease? Some of you might say no, which is okay. That is why I am writing these blogs. These writings are to help you come to a better understanding of these medical problems. I am going to talk about three diseases. One of them being Poliomyetis, this is also known as Polio. I will also talk about how Polio affected us in the past and what happened when you were diagnosed with this disease. I will also be talking about the Chicken Pox because of my experience of them.
During this blog, I will also talk about effective ways to avoid disease. For example, doctors sometimes give vaccines to help your body fight the virus. A virus is a disease that can be avoided with a vaccine. If you are sick from a bacteria, you are given antibiotics to help combat it. If you are diagnosed with a disease before you were given the vaccine, sometimes you are stuck with it for life. For example, when a child is born they are given the vaccine to prevent Polio. This is a disease that can affect your mobility if it is severe. A famous United States president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, had this disease which caused him to be in a wheelchair. As you can see, disease can affect anyone. That is why I am going to type about how effective vaccines are and the different types of vaccines.
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Some disease's do not have a vaccine for them. For example, some people in the population have Crohn's disease. This type of disease is not curable and has forever-lasting symptoms. Doctors can prescribe prescriptions to help control the severity of the pain but not get rid of the disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, Crohn's disease "causes swelling of the tissues (inflammation) in your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition." As you can see here, these symptoms can affect a person's daily life. During this blog, you can figure out how to help alleviate these symptoms as I go more in depth about the common diseases.
As you can tell, there are a lot of disease that many people can get. Sometimes it can be a virus or a bacterial sickness. Sometimes you can be born with a disease and not have a cure given to you. In this blog, I will go more in depth with bacterial and viral infections along with vaccines. I will also mention symptoms of these four diseases and the history of Polio. I hope you enjoy!
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AMAR are saving the lives of future generations. Will you help?
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If you work in healthcare, then you'll want to read this! People talk about conflict and displacement, reconstruction and development but how often do we hear them talk about the right to give birth in a safe environment?
Life-altering moments like conflict is stressful for women and their partners, and this can trigger a period of poor mental health or lead to a worsening of existing mental health conditions. This is why providing care for women and their babies is vital to the greater well-being of society.
Fleeing a conflict is traumatic but having to escape whilst carrying an unborn child adds further stress to this. Almost one in five women will experience a mental health condition during pregnancy or in the year after giving birth, the UN's health agency said last year.
The AMAR International Charitable Foundation assists mothers and children as the most underserved group of all displaced people. AMAR provides specialised care for the under-fives and ensures that all of its healthcare projects target pregnant women, mothers and children.
AMAR’s Primary Healthcare Centre's also have designated mother and child doctors, to allow female patients the comfort of speaking with a doctor of the same sex, where women can be open to discuss issues like puberty, reproduction and childcare.
In locations where women face isolation, AMAR’s mobile health clinics travel to those area's and delivers primary health care services. These clinics visit communities on a regular basis and provide check-ups, vaccinations, food supplements and support, if further treatment is required.
The AMAR Foundation was founded in 1991 by Baroness Emma Nicholson. Since then, AMAR has earned itself a solid reputation in the provision of healthcare services to people experiencing displacement as a consequence of war. 
Please send your questions to @AMARLondon on Twitter or call 0207 799 2217 for more information. You can also make a donation to AMAR’s work by clicking here.
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
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thegreenalien · 2 years
I just remembered last Saturday I was talking to one of my teachers out in the parking lot and at the heb in their lot the mobile vaccination clinic like for animals was set up you know for like. Parvo, distemper, fiv, rabies etc. and she saw and asked what it was and I was like “they’re giving vaccines to the dogs and cats :)” forgetting that recently “vaccine” has become synonymous with “coronavirus vaccine” and she was like “shut up no way they’re giving it to the dogs now”
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boatarenttahoe · 4 days
Pharmaceutical CDMO Market Developments, Trends & Opportunities till 2032
Pharmaceutical CDMO Market provides in-depth analysis of the market state of Pharmaceutical CDMO manufacturers, including best facts and figures, overview, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions, and the most current global developments. The research also calculates market size, price, revenue, cost structure, gross margin, sales, and market share, as well as forecasts and growth rates. The report assists in determining the revenue earned by the selling of this report and technology across different application areas.
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth Rate of Pharmaceutical CDMO in these regions till the forecast period
North America
Middle East and Africa
South America
Key Attentions of Pharmaceutical CDMO Market Report:
The report offers a comprehensive and broad perspective on the global Pharmaceutical CDMO Market.
The market statistics represented in different Pharmaceutical CDMO segments offers complete industry picture.
Market growth drivers, challenges affecting the development of Pharmaceutical CDMO are analyzed in detail.
The report will help in the analysis of major competitive market scenario, market dynamics of Pharmaceutical CDMO.
Major stakeholders, key companies Pharmaceutical CDMO, investment feasibility and new market entrants study is offered.
Development scope of Pharmaceutical CDMO in each market segment is covered in this report. The macro and micro-economic factors affecting the Pharmaceutical CDMO Market
Advancement is elaborated in this report. The upstream and downstream components of Pharmaceutical CDMO and a comprehensive value chain are explained.
Browse More Details On This Report at @https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com/market-reports/pharmaceutical-cdmo-market-101455
 Global Growth Insights
Web: https://www.globalgrowthinsights.com
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healthcare2025 · 7 days
Health Emergency Response: Mobilizing Resources and Expertise
In an increasingly interconnected and complex world, health emergencies can arise with little warning and devastating impact. From natural disasters and pandemics to bioterrorism and industrial accidents, the ability to respond swiftly and effectively is critical to saving lives and minimizing harm. Mobilizing resources and expertise during a health emergency requires a coordinated, multi-faceted approach that involves local, national, and international stakeholders.
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Understanding Health Emergencies
Health emergencies encompass a broad range of scenarios, each presenting unique challenges. These can include:
Pandemics: Widespread outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, can overwhelm health systems, disrupt societies, and cause significant mortality and morbidity.
Natural Disasters: Events like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires can lead to mass casualties, displacement, and outbreaks of disease due to compromised sanitation and living conditions.
Industrial Accidents: Chemical spills, nuclear accidents, and other industrial disasters can have severe health implications, requiring specialized medical and environmental responses.
Bioterrorism: The deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants poses a unique and insidious threat.
Each type of emergency demands a tailored response, yet common principles underpin the effective mobilization of resources and expertise. Important Information:
Conference Name: 15th American Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, And Patient Safety Summit Short Name: # 15AHNPSUCG2025 Dates: May 14-16,2025 Venue: San Francisco, United States & Virtual Email: [email protected] Visit: https://health.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://health.universeconferences.com/call-for-paper/Register here: https://health.universeconferences.com/registration/Call/WhatsApp Us: +442033222718
Key Components of an Effective Health Emergency Response
1. Preparedness and Planning
The foundation of an effective emergency response is thorough preparedness and planning. This includes:
Risk Assessment: Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities to understand the scope and scale of possible emergencies.
Resource Inventory: Cataloging available resources, including medical supplies, personnel, and infrastructure, and identifying gaps that need to be filled.
Training and Exercises: Conducting regular training and simulations to ensure that all stakeholders are familiar with emergency protocols and can act swiftly and efficiently.
2. Rapid Mobilization of Resources
In the immediate aftermath of a health emergency, the rapid mobilization of resources is critical. This involves:
Supply Chain Management: Ensuring the availability and swift distribution of essential medical supplies, including medications, vaccines, personal protective equipment (PPE), and medical devices.
Logistics and Transportation: Establishing efficient logistics networks to transport supplies, personnel, and patients as needed.
Financial Resources: Allocating funds quickly and efficiently to support emergency response activities, including procurement, staffing, and infrastructure repair.
3. Coordination and Communication
Effective response hinges on seamless coordination and communication among various stakeholders, including:
Government Agencies: National and local governments must work together to direct resources, implement policies, and provide accurate information to the public.
Healthcare Systems: Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers must coordinate to manage patient care, share resources, and maintain service continuity.
International Organizations: Entities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) play a crucial role in providing guidance, resources, and coordination for cross-border health threats.
Community Engagement: Engaging communities in preparedness and response efforts ensures that local needs and knowledge are incorporated, fostering resilience and trust.
4. Expertise and Personnel
Deploying the right expertise is crucial in managing a health emergency. This includes:
Medical Professionals: Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers provide essential care and support.
Public Health Experts: Epidemiologists, health informaticians, and other public health professionals are critical in tracking the spread of disease, analyzing data, and guiding public health interventions.
Specialized Teams: Depending on the nature of the emergency, specialized teams such as hazmat units, search and rescue, and mental health professionals may be required.
5. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation
The dynamic nature of health emergencies necessitates continuous evaluation and adaptation of response efforts. This involves:
Monitoring and Surveillance: Ongoing tracking of the situation to detect new developments, emerging threats, and changing needs.
Feedback Mechanisms: Incorporating feedback from responders and affected communities to improve response strategies and address shortcomings.
Learning and Improvement: Conducting post-incident reviews to identify lessons learned and enhance future preparedness and response capabilities.
Mobilizing resources and expertise in response to health emergencies is a complex but essential task that requires meticulous planning, rapid action, and coordinated efforts. By building robust preparedness frameworks, ensuring the availability of critical resources, fostering effective communication, and leveraging specialized expertise, we can mitigate the impacts of health emergencies and safeguard public health. As we continue to face new and evolving threats, our collective commitment to enhancing emergency response capabilities remains paramount.
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