#mocca latte in my veins
keyblack · 1 year
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(joke prompted by @mocca-latte-in-my-veins)
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laqueus · 4 years
Happy Birthday! I hope you're doing well!
Thank you! :D
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makanidotdot · 4 years
Ashes of Outland campaign is out and Illidan is friggin' speaking in rhyme. I can't.
Ashes of Outland is SO GOOD I just finished the other day and I recommend it to everyone.  Pretty sure it’s free! 
 I might have to do Aranna fanart tbh.  I feel like there’s a lesson in character development there that a short story mode in a card game had more emotional impact and created more enjoyment for me than anything in BFA.  
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Lol I mean here’s the original scene, I didn’t change much:
“And what is that?” Even as she asked, Tyrande saw in the distance the black, foreboding waters. “Why are we headed toward the Well?”
“Because I intend to turn Sargeras’s portal into a full-fledged maelstrom, one that will suck the demons back out of Kalimdor and into their nether world! I’ll utterly reverse the effect of the dragon’s disk! Think of it! With one spell, I’ll save not only our people, but everything!”
His expression shifted, now almost seeming hopeful of her approval. However, when Tyrande did not immediately show such emotion, Illidan quickly became his harsher self again.
“You don’t believe I can do it! Maybe if I was your precious Malfurion, you’d be jumping up and down, clapping your hands at my cleverness!”
“It isn’t that at all, Illidan! I just — ”
“Never mind!”
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that’s why malf can never shave
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gabzilla-z · 4 years
Whatever the hell happened with the creepy duo of Gentle and Lovers? What was that whole part for I wonder.
they were arrested but it seems they may get a second chance
a way to deny us a happy class 1A centered arc
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janearts · 8 years
I'm curious about Bree/Sebastian (Sebreestian?) His chastity must be driving her mad.
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I’m not sure what people think about Sebastian’s commitment to his vows of chastity post-DA2–whether he stays or strays depending on the road he goes down–but the thought of him sticking with it makes me cackle with glee.
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eleplay · 4 years
mocca-latte-in-my-veins replied to your post “me playing a video game rpg for the first time: ah hmm what’s the best...”
Have you played Dead of Winter? that would be your jam
no i haven’t! i don’t think i’ve heard of it. it does sound fun tho, as far as zombie games go. one of my roommates is trying to start up a monthly apartment board game night tho, so maybe it’ll make an appearance one day
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artsyneurotic · 5 years
Awkwardzombie 's last comic reminds me of you
ahaha, omigod, poor Tron
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i laugh but also i cri
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anoia · 6 years
mocca-latte-in-my-veins replied to your post “i cant believe you would talk shit about merrill :'(”
Honestly, mages in general weren't very good in DA2
i think i had used anders the whole time as my healer but then i killed him or the end game killed him and i had to do the last fight with merrill who i was 100% enemies with and had no real healing abilities and it was awful
i spent most of da2 trying to figure out if there was some way i could side with meredith
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kelgrid · 6 years
mocca-latte-in-my-veins replied to your post “Oh look at me im kelgrid im so cool speaking fronch oui oui baguette...”
Did they just say "im a potato"?
it’s ok it’s the belgian motto
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@mocca-latte-in-my-veins replied to your photo:
melliefox: Revenge ArtFight Attack for...
This reminds me of that Tikal sketch I never cleaned up from like, 5 years ago
I remember this picture!!! It still means so much to me!
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momochanners · 8 years
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My innate dwarf appreciation gravitates to anything and everything nug-related. Hence, the nuggalope rules them all. --- Apologies for the scribbly reply. I want to draw ~all the things~ as replies to many asks I've received, but time really doesn't permit lovingly-rendered ones 😟
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renaultmograine · 6 months
They are shutting down Duels in Hearthstone. No fun is allowed and everything I love perishes.
I had to open up Hearthstone to jog my memory of what that is so no wonder they're killing it lmfao.
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laqueus · 4 years
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Okay, okay, okay, so Oxford University, right? Contrary to what you might think, it’s not actually one single institution, but is instead a whole bunch of colleges and halls all stacked up and wearing a big trenchcoat that says ‘Oxford University’ on it.
And the fanciest place out of all of these colleges is All Souls College, mainly because 1. You have to be a graduate in order to join, 2. You automatically become a fellow upon joining, 3. It technically has no students, and 4. Up until about 2006(? I think? Don’t quote me on this) the entrance exam consisted of one word, which would be told to you in the exam, and you’d then have to write an essay on said word in your chosen subject. So like, if the word was ‘cat’, and you’d studied, I dunno, geography or something, you’d write an essay on the geographical spread of cats or something.
All Souls. Fancy. Weird. Around since 1438. Filled with what’s thought to be some of the finest minds in the academic world.
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“But Izzy,” I hear you cry, “what does this have to do with a duck and academics?”
(this is both an answer and an interjection)
Back in the sexy year of 1437, when Henry VI was on the throne and All Souls was about to be constructed, the founder – one Henry Clichele, the then Archbishop of Canterbury – was like “I have no idea where to put my fantastic new building :( :( :(“
So he had a little kip, and while he was kipping, he had a dream, and in the dream it was like “Hey. If you dig in this particular spot, you’ll find a duck in a well. This is a REALLY GOOD SIGN for your new college for some reason. Trust me mate, it’s gonna be brill.”
Ol’ Henry hopped out his bed and was like “Holy ducks! This dream surely speaks the truth!” because it was 1437. I mean, I dreamed about Shrek 3rd the other night, and also that I was a werewolf, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go out and make some sort of Shrek 3 shrine in the forest while covering myself in fake fur. Maybe.
So Henry gathered up a group of people (he was an Archbishop, there’s no way that he’d actually dig) to do some digging, and, sure enough! They dug a hole, only to find a hidden well beneath it, and out of this hole came a mallard!
Which everyone chased, caught, and subsequently ate later on :(
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“Great!” said Henry. “I’m gonna build here!”
And not only did they build there, they also decided to commemorate the event with a ceremony that is held every hundred years. The last time it was held was in 2001.
What happens at this ceremony?
First, there’s a big feast, and everyone sings “The Mallard Song”, which goes like so:
“The Griffine, Bustard, Turkey & Capon
Lett other hungry Mortalls gape on
And on theire bones with Stomacks fall hard,
But lett All Souls' Men have ye Mallard.
Hough the bloud of King Edward,
By ye bloud of King Edward,
It was a swapping, swapping mallard!”
There’s like six more verses after this, and one of them makes certain to mention that the mallard has a huge dick. Because of course. MOVING ON
One of the fellows will be designated the ‘Lord Mallard’ for the evening. Once dinner’s over and everyone’s sufficiently merry (read: pissed), the procession will then take place! The Lord Mallard will be carried in a sedan chair dating back to at least 1901, and in front of him will go someone carrying a mallard on a stick. In previous times it was a live duck :( then it was changed to a dead duck :( and when the ceremony was held in 2001, it was a wooden duck :)
They’ll then all process around the building’s main quadrangle, loudly singing the Mallard Song, whilst chasing the “duck”.
And that’s the ceremony!
I look forward to hearing about what antics ensue at the next ceremony, in 2101.
tl;dr, dude chooses where to place his building because of a duck dream, everyone thinks this is neat and parties because of it
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makanidotdot · 4 years
I just caught up with all the cinematics and oh my, wtf is Slvanas any more? They got her to slip up in front of the Horde, like, LOL and pulls a Gul'Dan in a duel, and then she's untouchable against Bolvar, like, the heck are her powers any more?
She’s powered up by the Jailor, so she’s a lot more powerful than she was before, and Bolvar is a lot weaker than Arthas was- the Helm just grants power to control the Scourge, most of Arthas’s actual power came from Frostmorne.  Bolvar is just a burned up dude with the minion control hat and a nice mace.  Sylvanas is probably nearing Arthas’s old power level if she hasn’t already equaled it, and Bolvar was never at that power level.  
I didn’t mind that slip up, she was probably getting ready to peace out soon anyway.
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gabzilla-z · 5 years
Aoyama's technique caught me so off guard no nonono
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janearts · 8 years
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