#mod (ov)
muntdane · 1 year
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repost from twitter !! 🥂
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datapacks · 8 months
next up i have to figure out how best to post 3072 songbirds.
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mentatss · 1 year
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dogmeat ft north
dogmeat is super freaking cute, i feel like north would be attached to him since she lost her dog prewar. also dogmeat replacement here!
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olivieblake · 2 years
Hi Olivie! Here is part 3 (and the last part for now) of the praise I’ve meant to give you throughout the year. If you can believe me please know I did have every intention of making this short but…
Spoilers for One for My Enemy included.
BESTIE DID YOU PUT SOME OF BABA YAGA’S INTOXICANTS IN THIS??? BECAUSE WOW WAS IT ADDICTING. Of course I HAVE to bring up MashaDima because damn the angst they had was INCREDIBLE. Now I am a lover of angst (one of my favorite things ever I deliberately find angsty fics and books to read because I love pain), and this one definitely gave me what I wanted. There were times I actually had to stop reading for the night because I physically could not move on from it. Here is the part that like really made me have to take a pause for a night LOL I texted all my friends these quotes and I said “how do I recover” and I never did so enjoy what sparked a breakdown:
“Don't make this about technicalities. We knew a long time ago we couldn't be together, Dima, we knew twelve years ago we didn't stand a chance. We chose our sides, and now-“ “No. You chose your side," Dimitri reminded her, stroking her hair as her eyes fluttered open, meeting his. "You chose. You didn't let me choose, did you?" She blinked. "What?" "You married Stas." His voice was gravely pained. "You shut me out. You gave your life to someone else." "Because I know, above everything, you are your father's son," she began, but Dimitri cut her off. "No. No, Masha, I am my own man." He stroked a line down the back of her neck, loosely cupping his hand around it. "Why didn't you let me choose you?" he asked hoarsely. "I would have gone to you, Masha, if you'd asked. You would've only had to ask, and I would have chosen you over everything."
"I love you," Dimitri reminded her, and reached up, touching her cheek as she stared at him; willing him, impossibly, to stop talking, or even less likely, compelling herself to go. "I will always love you, I will love you until the day I die-and if you're the one to kill me, then by all means, you should know without a trace of doubt you will not have turned me away. I will have spent the final beat of my heart loving you, just as I always have. Only you, Masha," he said, and she bent in anguish, resting her forehead against the still-sluggish motion of his chest. "Only you, forever, I promise."
They are plenty more quotes that had me like that, this book was a gold mine for quotes that will live with me forever. Like the quote how his love made it so she could never be weak and how her love made it so nothing will ever stop him (who gave you the right to wreck me with these please). I loved how you kept bringing up the sun, the moon, and the stars for them too. It got me all emotional every time. And their end had me full blown tearing up which never happens to me. I was so emotional (even though I was pretty sure their ending would be tragic it still broke me) but I’m also so happy they are getting their forever in the afterlife 😭. They will continue to cause me emotional distress forever as they now live rent free in my head so thank you bestie. Masha is also my girl, I’m not the eldest sibling (although I do only have one sibling and she has disabilities so I’ve been the older sister in a lot of ways), but I related to her a lot and I just love her so much, definitely one of my favorite characters that I’ve read of yours.
Moving on from MashaDima to other things I loved:
Of course, SashaLev. Their text messages had me laughing so much (like the serum for blushing that was $74.99) but also just in general. I loved their little reverse grumpy sunshine dynamic, as a grumpy gal myself I always love that dynamic. I’m very happy they got to write their long story together 🥺. I also loved all the sibling dynamics especially with the Antonova sisters, they felt so real. I definitely know I have had a red sweater incident with my own sister 😂. Loved the bridge too and all his sarcasm. The last thing I want to talk about is the quotes that dealt with grief and struggle/growth.
“You are not incomplete because a piece of your heart is gone. You are you, an entire whole, all on your own. If you have loved and been loved, then you are richer for it; you don’t become a smaller version of yourself simply because what you once had is gone.” and “Strength comes from struggle. Each time we bid farewell to a piece of ourselves we become different than we were. But each time we rise again in the morning it’s a victory. Keep your memories. Keep your emotions, Keep your pain. Use them. Happiness, contentment, they are dull but persuvies lures. A rosy disposition only means you miss what's lurking in the trees.”
The one about loss really stuck with me especially because as I’ve said before I lost one of my favorite people, my grandma, this year and some days that can still be really hard even though it’s been since February. I had the privilege of having her as my grandma and to be loved and to love her and I will always have those memories and be richer for it. So thank you for that. The second one sticks with me because of how true it is. It reminds me in part of coming out of depression and the struggles with that but also just in general too. Each day we can each battle different struggles but every day we wake up and fight again. I just love those two quotes so much and they have been sticking with me ever since I read them, so I just wanted you to know they mean something to someone.
I absolutely loved this story and I can’t wait for its release with new stuff (and more angst 👀 as you said on twitter). It actually comes out right before my birthday so I will be treating myself to all the editions for it.
Unrelated by I also saw your last newsletter and a line about a “The artist doing the end pages is still confidential but hooooooooly shit, you’re about to get your minds blown, especially if you love a morally grey angel and her golden retriever of a reaper.” had me SCREAMING. MayraCal are my beloveds I’m obsessed with them you don’t understand, it felt like a dream seeing that tease lol I’m so exicted!!!
I apologize that it’s taken so long to do all of these once again (and for my inability to keep anything short) but love you hope is all is well, have fun on tour!!! Will be back to send more praise after finishing more of your work.
-Amanda ❤️
I’m sad to hear about the loss of your grandma, but glad I could be there for you, however distantly. I spent a good amount of time working on the style aspects of OFME for its rerelease in april and I think there are more lines in it that feel… well, extremely OFME, haha. I always say that what some people want from atlas is actually more applicable in OFME, which is more of a romance and leans heavier on angst as opposed to irony. I do like to think there’s something extra propulsive about it compared to my other works, so thank you for the suggestion I’ve laced it with drugs. a very high compliment
and by now you guys know that @polartss is doing the MOD end pages—WOWWWOWOWOWOW are you going to die when you see them
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n-x-black · 2 years
lrb us literally isshushippig to me like yeah ship the adorable cottagecore pony with an anxiety disorder with the ai that hates humanity so much it tortured a few people endlessly and turned one of them into a sentient goo blob from pure violence yeah yeah yeaaaahhhhhhhhhh
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haemosexuality · 2 years
im at a part in hollow knight which is just. i love cheating i think cheating is great cheating is my best friend
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Had lots of fun with this so might as well request another one sooo on this episode of will I get a cute Lover song (just jokes ofc!! both albums are two of my favs 💗)
Ship: Ron × Hermione
And we had fun reading what you wrote! Can't wait to see what you do next!
Your Ship: Ron x Hermione
Your Song: The Very First Night
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seachranaidhe · 2 years
Brother of man murdered by UVF paramilitaries to sue police and the Ministry of Defence.
Brother of man murdered by UVF paramilitaries to sue police and the Ministry of Defence.
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
part one two three four five six seven eight nine
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“You’ve got something there,” Quin says, gesturing vaguely at his own shoulder.
“I’m aware,” Obi-Wan signs. “It’s some sort of monkey lizard fungus.”
The monkey lizard fungus giggles into his shoulder.
Quin nods grimly. “I heard the only cure is to placate it with sweets and hope for the best.”
Anakin precariously leans over, heels accidentally digging into still bruised ribs.
Obi-Wan bites his lips behind the collar but of course Quin immediately detects his movements turning stiff.
Quin holds out an arm, flexing his bicep with wiggling eyebrows. It has the desired effect and Anakin jumps from Obi-Wan, swinging around the elbow before hooking his knees over Quin’s arm.
“He’s heavier than he looks,” Quin strains out.
They walk to one of the mess halls that’s open around the clock and mainly offers food and beverages to those clinging with teeth to their sanity during exam season.
One of the cramming Padawans looks up from their dozen holo books displaying graphs, and squints at them. “Master Vos, there’s something growing out of your arm?”
“Monkey lizard fungus,” Obi-Wan signs, hiding a smile behind his collar at the Padawan nodding to themselves as if that makes perfect sense.
“What’s with them?” Anakin asks, looking at the sleep deprived tableau and hoisting himself up and swinging one leg over Quin’s shoulder.
“This is your future,” Quin says gravely and Obi-Wan is catapulted to melting stone fire Darkness “You were supposed to be my Master!” yellow familiar eyes from a smoking alive corpse and the grief is ripping him apart “—see once you take your first assignments. The only places you’ll be is either here or the Archives.”
It’s been years since he last had a vision. It’s staggering, his heart thumping in his chest like a clock ticking down the inevitable countdown. But it’s not.
He looks over to Anakin who’s already watching back with wide eyes, the fear in his hands gripping onto Quinlan. “I won’t let it come to that,” he promises, fingers thudding together heavily but he’s still shaking off the vision and Anakin’s fear is a taste in the air by now. He can’t not make promises he only hopes he can keep.
Quinlan is silent during their exchange, gloved hands keeping hold of Anakin. The calculating look in his eyes a guarantee Obi-Wan is going to get cornered later.
“Do you like Depa being your Master?”
Let it be said, paranoia is a common infliction amongst Shadows.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin sighs, voice breaking with puberty and annoyance. “Depa is wizard. She’s amazing even though she’s signed me up to all these classes.”
Obi-Wan looks over all the models, plans, and concepts with added calculations. There’s a data pad displaying language modules and another proclaiming the joys of agriculture. “It’s almost all in the engineering field,” he signs.
“Which makes her so wizard. You’d never have me taking up gardening though,” Anakin adds sullenly.
Don’t yearn for things I cannot give you, Obi-Wan has thought a lot in the past few years as the Galaxy seems to slowly steep in Darkness.
“Knowing what can poison you is important,” he signs, feeling restless and helpless. The mission he’s finished two cycles ago may still reside in his bones.
“I’ll just bite back,” Anakin says, tongue sticking out as he connects wires to ports. He presses a button and the thing he’s been tinkering with since before Obi-Wan left starts to purr smoothly. “Now she can even juice cocadooms,” he says, satisfaction purring just as smoothly in his voice.
“Well done.”
“I know,” Anakin responds airily and swivels around to face Obi-Wan fully. “You’re lurking in the shadows again so let’s get this tradition over with: Depa is an awesome Master and maybe I sometimes wish you’d have chosen me but,” he adds loudly when Obi-Wan lifts his hands to protest, “I also sometimes daydream Master Tiin had chosen me because he’s got his own modded Delta-7.”
The paranoia settles down as Anakin waxes over how wicked the new wing box skins and sensor fusions are, no, truly, you should see them, Obi-Wan!
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fatphobiabusters · 26 days
Hank Green released a short about whether y'all people are more likely to get cancer. The answer is yes! Every 5 cm of height increases the risk of several cancers by 5-10%.
In the screenshot of the website explaining this he was showing, it said "unlike being ov*rweight or ob*se, height..." I assume that was followed by "cannot be modified." (Censorship mine). But of course weight cannot be modified either, and there's no proof it makes people healthier to force it. We certainly don't advocate for leg shortening surgeries or artificially halting growth hormonally when someone is tall.
Exactly, we don't encourage people to cut their shins in half "for health". I looked the youtube short up, basically bigger you are the more cells you have but fat cells don't actively divide like say, skin cells. You start with small cells, they get bigger and if needed will divide. So even loosing weight without lipo won't reduce your cells (weight loss basically changes density and size of the cell ? Is again my understanding i could be wrong) and it sounds like the cells aren't replicating like other cells. (My limited understanding is) Every time the DNA inside a cell is read to make a new cell it runs a risk of being read wrong which creates mutated cells (cancer) (iirc benign cancer is when it's read wrong but isn't spreading, it's made limited error copies and the other type of cancer is making nothing but the wrong copies) instead fat cells get big and split, there's no code reading.
I suppose it is correct that it is generally more accepted to perform liposuction on a person than one of those height altering surgeries (usually it's to make someone taller however).
This makes me wonder how much cancer rates change with appendix and gallbladder removal. Obviously without them you can't get those organ specific cancers but the thing about statistics is, there's always fine print.
"Your overall cancer rate drops 5% if you remove your appendix and gallblader" is a hilarious headline to imagine. When in reality your risk of appendix and gallbladder cancer goes to zero outside of like accidentally left behind pieces or something.
Anyway what a weird place for the article to go to. At most you can argue bigger bodies are at a higher risk of certain cancers related to hormones (I can't recall the exact phrasing) because fat cells can also store hormones (iirc) and could be problems for hormone sensitive organs like ovaries. So the website itself was being weirdly fatphobic for no reason if my grasp of things is accurate to the thesis.
But anyway, I'm 6 feet (182 cm) tall and come from a family of giants where I'm the shortest sibling so this is actually somewhat relevant to my personal life and something I'll be extra aware of!
-mod squirrel
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gravityfalls4life · 3 months
Welcome to the Gravity Fallz official blog, ya beauty ppl!
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eugh.. Mabel do I have to? *camera pans to Dipper*
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Uh- As the employees of the best gift shop.. shop.., we've.. uh.. spread to- uh- Tumbuler! Tumblrer? Tumblarr... Who named thi-
Ask us something, anything, fuck it, TELL US something! Go nuts!
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Yo, dipstick, why d'ya look like that in the background?
Nice! I'm da handyman o'er here! Dude, you done with those snacks?
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Soos, you need to lose some weight. Over at the Mystery Shack, we bring the Fun, in No Refunds!
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What is this? The internet? I'll just stick to my books, thank you.
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It might take a while, but we'll reply one day... Until then... Stay cool!
-Mystery Shack
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TW: Occasional swearing ig and S p o i l e r
OP NOTEE: This is a RP blog HEAVILY inspired by the Hazbin Hotel rp blog made by the-grand-av3. I heavily recommend having a look at their blog!! (if you know the lore of hazbin hotel that is). Ask us questions, and we'll respond, color indicating character. Color coding below! Feel free to tell us or show us anything too!
Characters available:
Mabel, Dipper, Wendy, Soos, Stan, Ford, Tambry, Candy, Grenda, "BILL CIPHER THE BEST VILLAIN EVER", Pacifica, Gideon
I put bill in quotes so it doesn't get confused with the use of italics
If you'd like to get a message from only ONE of us, before your ask, type in
[Private message to Character]:
Otherwise, if you just go:
"Hey <character>! <Ask>?", more than likely, you'll get more than that character responding.
You may include as many links as you'd like in your asks, whether this be copy and paste or hyperlink! PLEASE don't share actual p0rn, g0re, or something potentially triggering.
You may call me mod, Ominous Voice (OV for short), or GF4L. Pronouns are she/her.
Thank you, and enjoy our blog! :)
(why am I saying our? I'm one person lmao)
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datapacks · 7 months
I also think it'd b cool to add as many ov the enchants & effects from Dungeons as i can tbh but like. idk i just want to add. so many enchants & effects already yfm.
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kimmiessimmies · 7 months
Looking back on Rachel's Dating Adventure
This was a huge project. I decided all this somewhere at the start of December, and here we are, three months later, and my dear Rachel has finally reached the end. Or, actually, the beginning. Of what will hopefully become a great romance.
How I felt throughout this adventure
🥰Moved. I never expected this to get the response it did.
😬Overwhelmed. Thirteen guys is a lot!
😕Apologetic. I always felt a little pinch thinking of the creator when a date didn't work out. I'm sorry your guy didn't make it or if the date showed him in a bad light.
😒Annoyed. This game still does my head in sometimes, especially during gameplay.
😂Amused. This game still makes me laugh out loud sometimes, especially during gameplay.
😘Grateful. All the comments and additional support were amazing. Thank you all for being here for this.
😍In love. Seeing Rachel develop her crush and maybe even deeper feelings touched my heart.
Comparison Chart
To keep track of how it was going and where each guy ranked, I kept score in a comparison chart. See below. I started a list for the second round, but the second round only became one date.
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As you can see, Alfie and Trey were pretty much level-pegging and absolutely very strong contenders if Malte hadn't made such a smashing impression.
A note on "attraction"
I talked about the attraction scores with some people and how surprising some of these were. Also, as it turned out, different people have different experiences with the attraction system generally. In my game, it's always the same both ways. I checked it both from Rachel's perspective and from the guy's and each time, it was the same both ways, which is why only one score is noted. In conversations, I realised some people see different attraction scores depending on which of two sims they select. I think this might be influenced by mods. So it's good to note that at the time of playing these dates, I had no mods installed that affected attraction. This is only the game's attraction system at work.
Thanks to the creators
This whole thing wouldn't have been possible without the brilliant ladies sending me their men. I've loved the attention you put into creating these guys, the background information you gave me and seeing the boys interact with Rachel.
@sircesimblr, the fact that you created a whole mini-story to introduce your guys was so heartwarming and touching. You brought me three very different guys, each with a very strong individual personality. I'm sorry Stam didn't get a real chance, but I had to go with the story. Orbin is such a lovely guy, I'm glad I get to keep him in my game and in the animal rescue centre which Honeycomb gained because of him. Who knows, he may find love another way. Klaus-Ove was very funny and I liked him a lot. I still believe he and Rach can be friends.
@flotheory, I'm sorry, I feel Nathanial might not have had a totally fair chance because his date was crashed by another. It was a funny twist to the story, though, and the way he reacted to it all made it even funnier, and I thank you and him for that.
@echoweaver, Even now, I'm still not sure why Craig and Rachel had all those silences. Or the low attraction score. They seemed a good match on paper. Better than they turned out anyway. I thought he was cute and he had good traits.
@echomoria, Jake is so gorgeous! Can he stay? I loved the backstory you created for him and was looking forward to sharing more of that if he were to get a bigger part in the story. Maybe I can find another purpose for him?
@greenplumbboblover, I don't know if you are aware, but Cedrick was a firm favourite with many of the followers of my story. Several people told me, either in comments or in a personal message, that they thought Cedrick seemed an absolutely perfect match for Rachel. And honestly, I thought he'd do well too. I'm sorry it went completely differently.
@sushiikinsss, Despite Drax being much too cocky for Rachel, Trey fixed everything! He was such a darling! You sort of predicted Trey would do better than Drax, and you were very right, haha. I secretly would have liked to see Rach handle being a stepmum!
@nocturnalazure, Your boys stole my heart very early on. The hidden drama of the geeky, socially awkward younger brother always in the shadow of his irresistible and successful big bro. And now they signed up to date the same girl... Ethan was so endearing (as was Pepper!). He tried really hard, and I had to sit on my hands not to interfere and help them along a little bit. Nathan was all charms, but Rachel didn't bite. Though, as I've shown you, there was a background moment between him and someone else that might make for an interesting storyline after all. Let's discuss! 😉
@batsheba, Brave Alfie, going first. It feels like ages since we've seen him, but he was one of the strongest contenders in this whole thing. Rachel couldn't have hoped for a better start than Alfie gave her. He was absolutely wonderful, and I'm truly a little bit sad we didn't see more of him.
And finally, @nornities, where to begin? The letter, the extensive background story and, of course, wonderful Malte himself. It was clear from the moment he arrived that this wasn't just any random dude, this was someone who was special to his creator. I feel privileged that he gets to continue his path in my story. I've fallen a little bit in love with Malte myself, but I think he's in good hands with Rachel. 💗
The 'Real' Date
Like I said before, I gave Rachel and Malte a gameplay trial date: I had them meet up and spend some time together, just the two of them, outside, no special shenanigans. With the sole purpose of seeing if the chemistry they had on the first date was still there. It was clear pretty much straight away that they were still very much into each other. They picked up where they left off and were flirting and amorously hugging again quite quickly and built their relationship to best friends. This was all the incentive I needed to go with the pre-written romantic success date posted over the last few dates.
And, one last thing; after Rachel and Malte had their scripted and posed kiss, I felt I owed it to them to let them have a 'real' one too. Here it is:
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Thank you to everyone who made this adventure a success. For Rachel, for Malte and for me.
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Someone on the official server reports that the tools for DE translation mods seem to have all disappeared. Here is what they reported:
https://github.com/Bandris86/DiscoTranslator (no releases) https://github.com/Gianxs/DiscoTranslatorFinalCut (no releases) https://github.com/cualquiercosa327/disco-translator-2?tab=readme-ov-file (no releases) https://www.nexusmods.com/discoelysium/mods/17 (hidden by the developer for some reason)
Does anyone here know what's up with that, a/o where a prospective DE fan translator could grab the necessary tools?
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spitinsideme · 4 months
ur favorite pc game???
i dont think i can even answrt this because i have only one pc game and its sims 4 and i havrnt even played that in about 2 years because my pc broke 💔 it was a really fun game thoufh i got th3 lgbtq mod and id make ALL my characters lesbian and whenever th3y fell in lovr with the sim guy i made that i can play with whiskt my two women sims fuck cor hours straught i got so angry i forced them to be gay like i forced the guy to hate the girl and then id make the girl sad and hestbroken and get ove rir and grt with the girl i made for her .. hate when my sims come out striagjt .. get back into the closet and come out a homo like a normal oerson !!!!
i think the only other pc game ive played is that offline gane they make you play when theres no wifi and its a surfing thing and i play that whenever im bored in college and my highest score is like 7700 ... i was so proud of that i was so good its such a fun game
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the-grand-av3 · 5 months
Valentino seemed to enjoy having cat features so
Valentino is a cat for 10 asks
Mod/ominous voice gets to choose cat breed
Quick PA before i do that
Sorry i was like
Dead for a day
Ik its nothing but just wanted to say sorry lmao. Skfiwifiwfiejsj okay back on it folks
NO I--
I get to choose??
Yes, you get your first independent choice, OV.
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