#mod 9 volt
Legjobb koncertek 2023
Namármost. Idén ez lesz az egyetlen listám, ugyanis márciusban történt két dolog, ami meghatározta zeneileg az évemet, és nem álltam fel belőle. Egyrészt a Panda Bear & Sonic Boom koncert a Magyar Zene Házában eszméletlenül beütött, utána beszélgettem 10 percet Noah-val, ami szintén baromi jó volt. Imádom a lemezt, de élőben sokkal-sokkal jobb volt az egész, eszméletlenül örülök, hogy ilyen előadókra is ki lehet menni Budapesten koncertre (felkészül: Godspeed You! Black Emperor). Másrészt elkezdtem hallgatni Andrew Hickey: History of Rock Music in 500 Songs podcastjét, ami a Reset-hez hasonlóan az 50-es évektől indul. Ez a két esemény egy eszméletlen pre-Beatles vonatra ültetett fel. Már régóta keresem, hogy mi fog kivinni a klasszik-indie "szomorú fehér férfiak emo számokat énekelnek" világból, az elmúlt években a teljesség igénye nélkül többet próbálkoztam klasszikus zenével, black metallal, post-rockkal, hip-hoppal stb., de valahogy azt a major key életigenlő esztétikát, amit az 50-es évek pedofil, asszonyverő, stb. előadói hoznak, eddig egyiknél sem éreztem.
Tehát egyrészt egy csomó koncerten voltam úgy, hogy igazából azt szerettem volna, ha Michael Gira a The Wild One-t dolgozza fel inkább Johnny O'Keefe-től, minthogy 30 perces 3 slide gitáros értelmetlen zúzást toljon (de sajnos nem értett egyet). De összességében is egy csomó koncerten voltam, viszont új lemezeket egy-két kivétellel érdemben nem hallgattam. Tehát ez a lista a lista (az eleje felé már legerősebb számokkal).
50 - Sampa the Great @ Pohoda
49 - The Saxophones @ Porgy & Bess
48 - Carson Coma 2 @ Budapest Park
47 - Sainko Namtchylak @ Magyar Zene Háza
46 - Mordái @ Manyi
45 - Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul @ Pohoda
44 - Arooj Aftab @ Pohoda
43 - Barkóczi Noémi @ Akvárium
42 - The Cult @ Budapest Park
41 - Dé:Nash @ Budapest Park
40 - Galaxisok @ Műegyetem Rakpart
39 - Special Interest @ Turbina
38 - Simon Wells @ Béla
37 - Yard Act @ Pohoda
36 - Los Bitchos @ Gasometer
35 - Swans @ Akvárium (The Beggar)
34 - Okkervil River @ Porgy & Bess (John Allyn Smith Sails)
33 - Mordái @ Magyar Zene Háza (Át a kőtengeren)
32 - Sofi Tukker @ Pohoda
31 - Sleaford Mods @ Pohoda (Tweet Tweet Tweet)
30 - Elvis Costello & Steve Nieve, Művészetek Palotája (Alison)
29 - Roisin Murphy @ Gyárkert Veszprém
28 - Tom Holliston @ Béla
27 - Carson Coma 1 @ Budapest Park (Hobbihajótörött)
26 - The Raveonettes @ A38 (The Great Love Sound)
25 - Emilíana Torrini and the Colorist Orchestra @ Akvárium (Me and Armini)
24 - Dry Cleaning @ Pohoda (Don't Press Me)
23 - Jamie XX @ Pohoda (Gosh)
22 - Suzanne Vega @ Pohoda (Walk on the Wild Side)
21 - Kispál és a Borz @ Budapest Part (Zár az égbolt)
20 - Russian Circles @ Dürer Kert (Quartered)
19 - Shame @ Pohoda Festival (Angie)
18 - Strompopper @ Dopamin (Radio Whatever)
17 - Tamikrest @ Akvárium
16 - Hó Márton és a Jégkorszak @ Akvárium (Folyamatosan le vagyok maradva)
15 - Viagra Boys @ Pohoda Festival (Troglodyte)
14 - Mayberian Sanskülotts @ Magyar Zene Háza (Ocean's Cry)
13 - Franz Ferdinand @ Gyárkert Veszprém (Outsiders)
12 - Strompopper @ Központ (Kill Everyone)
11 - Wet Leg @ Pohoda Festival (Wet Dream)
10 - Iggy Pop @ Gyárkert Veszprém (T.V. Eye)
9 - Perfume Genius @ Pohoda Festival (On the Floor)
8 - Galaxisok @ Margó Feszt (Olasz film (töredék))
7 - Bérczesi Róbert @ Margó Feszt (Kérdőjel)
6 - Kraftwerk @ Gyárkert Veszprém (Autobahn)
5 - Kevin Morby @ Akvárium (Rock Bottom)
4 - Black Country, New Road @ Villa Manin (Turbines/Pigs)
3 - The Magnetic Fields @ Porgy & Bess (Andrew in Drag)
2 - King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard @ Gasometer (The Dripping Tap/Magma/Muddy Water/The River)
1 - Panda Bear & Sonic Boom @ Magyar Zene Háza (Everything's Been Leading to This)
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goblisslive · 1 year
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dendre · 9 months
The Black Arts: Christmas Number One (2007)
Nem hallgattam elég zenét ma és a napokban, mert egyet se, úgyhogy ki kellett húzni egy kislemezt a sorból este 9:35-kor, hogy legalább egy lemenjen. Ez lett, de persze rögtön tovább is léptünk a mizantróp cinikus karácsonyi numberone-t író Luke Hainestől a szupergrup másik zenekarára, és lekerült a polcról az első Art Brut-lemez is, amit fel se kellett tennem, elég volt csak a szövegkönyvet kihúzni, és elkezdeni "énekelni" a slágereket, a legnagyobb örömömre. Mert akinek a kiselőadást, és az előadást tartottam, az pillanatok alatt elaludt, de ezért félálomból értékelő hümmögéseket küldött a Hennessy with Morrissey-rímpárra és a 18000 líra sounds like a lot of money sorra, meg a többire, mert mindben van legalább öt jó sor. Holnap meg is hallgatjuk. Az Art Brut az a maga kora Sleaford Mods-a volt?
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fuzzkaizer · 2 years
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Wrougth Iron Effects - Long Wave Analog Spring Reverb 
“This is a real Spring Reverb unit featuring a Mod® 11" spring tank and a solid state drive circuit.  Designed to fill out your sound for amps with no on-board reverb or to add some Drip to your tone, this unit runs on a pedal power friendly 9-12volts and draws less than 150 ma of current. You can power it from any standard pedal power supply. Sit it along side your pedal board, add a patch cable and a cable from your power supply and you're in business! This unit is built inside a vintage Philco, Zenith, Silvertone, etc radio shell or a vintage piece of lab or automotive test equipment. ... Mix: ratio of wet to dry signal Depth: strength of the wet signal Vol: overall output level Tone: brightness of the output Drip toggle: allows even more of the wet signal through for more extreme settings Features: internal charge pump gives doubled head room solid state driver circuit with Class AB amplification to eliminate crossover distortion and eliminate unnecessary power consumption Mod® 11" 3 spring reverb tank (medium decay) Vintage repurposed body full Faraday cage lining via aluminum plate and metallic tape to shield against external interference/emi Runs on 9 or 12 volts and draws less than 150 ma High quality Carling true bypass toggle switch or DeMont Footswitch illuminated dial face power indicator, or functioning vintage meter Upgrade to Burr Brown Audio chip set available for extra charge “
cred: wroughtironleatherandeffects.com/long-wave-analog-spring-reverb
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nefskullcritique · 2 years
Hello. For those who don't know, I am the person formerly known as Candlewick. I'm one of the few people who was involved with Bones/Volt at a certain point in my life during 2019. I'm not going to speak on my experience since its already here, but rather speak about my feelings about the recent happenings with the blog.
I think some of you are too quick to make a judgment call on Bones/Volt. Just because someone might have underlying mental conditions does not mean it gives them an excuse to act like an asshole and keep doing it. I apologize for pointing out another comment an anon made before, but "teenagers will do dumb stuff so it shouldn't affect their future" is a terrible excuse for forgiving behavior, even though that same bad attitude they had kept going even into their adulthood. Much of it was not because of other people around them, but a consequence of the choices they made.
In the same breath, no-one should be so quick to warrant empathy for Volt/Bones while seeing our experiences with a grain of salt. Terrible things happen to all of us one way or another and I won't lie and say it hasn't happened to them either. But guess what? Terrible people have bad days too.
Like Mod Ven said, this blog hasn't been active in months, and this place is designed to be what they said it is; an archive for the terrible experiences and events that transpired in relation to Bones/Volt throughout the years. They don't "stalk", and thinking of this blog as just a obsessive person constantly looking into anything happening with Bones/Volt is not true. The 9 months of this blog being locked should be a tell.
We aren't going to forgive them. We don't want apologies or any of this business going on with Mali. All of us have our own lives and are actively moving on to other things.
We. Are. Done.
Personally, I believe in the power of change, and I think if someone really wanted to change for the better, they should be allowed to do so in good faith and facing the past with humility. And Bones/Volt could be capable of the same, but ultimately I am not interested in seeing that, nor any of the other people I know.
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sertimusthechao · 2 years
Back, Sort Of?
Howdy all! Most of you probably weren't expecting me to update this blog again but I wanted to make a new post that expresses my future intents for this blog. To put it shortly, I'm back. With some caveats.
First off, I'm ditching the former username for my sona's likeness. As much as I'm attached to 'gameaddict30' as an alias it's also had some awkward and rough history around these parts, not to mention I feel more at home with a username that pretty much has me like *"Hey, that's me!" I've changed quite a bit since then too, so I feel like starting again on a cleaner slate.
Secondly, this isn't a guarantee that I'll be posting here often. I've come back here mostly after some realization about how a good handful of peeps I know are migrating to this site and how I... Well, pretty much want to stay in touch with everyone I know here, haha. With Tumblr possibly having ActivityPub on their roadmap, things could change in the future but I'll just have to play it by ear for now.
Furthermore, I'm going to comb through my Following list so it's tidier. Dead blogs and waning interests, mostly. Don't worry though, it's not like I've gotten tired of Sonic or the Dreamcast, heh. And please don't take it personally if I unfollow you out of the blue, just trying to have a less cluttered timeline.
Anyways, a lot of you following this blog probably remember when I posted the story about my DreamPi setup long ago! Some things have changed since then, as I've gotten not only a new computer desk + chair but a new media cabinet! More importantly, though, I've upgraded the USB modem to one that has a built-in Line Voltage Inducer. I thank pcwzrd13 of Dreamcast Live for providing this modded USB modem! No more having to swap out 9-volt batteries every now and then, heh.
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Finally, my presence outside of Tumblr. On the offchance that I stop updating this blog unannounced, I'll create a masterpost where I'll list all of my active socials and websites. I'll get around to that very shortly, but you should probably follow me on these sites aside from Tumblr! I'm a lot more active on some of them; lately Twitter, Mastodon and Cohost. Though some weird stuff has been going on with the former, so you may see me flock to the latter two a little more often.
Oh, and I nearly forgot! I'm retiring the CNAME records for this blog and my art blog, so now you will see the subdomain for both blogs with Tumblr's root domain, effective immediately. I currently do not have any future plans to reuse blog.sertimus.xyz and/or art.blog.sertimus.xyz.
That said, I hope you all are having a wonderful night tonight! Nice to see you all again. :>
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thetuesdaytapes · 2 years
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THE TUESDAY TAPES MARTEDÌ 22 NOVEMBRE 2022 1) IDEAL HOST > The Conflict 2) FORMIKA > Magic Eye 3) LONELADY > There Is No Logic (Sargasso remix) 4) BLAINE L. REININGER & ALAIN GOUTIER > Burn Like Rome 5) DAME AREA > A volte sembra stia per finire 6) GOAT > Do the Dance 7) BREANNA BARBARA > Diamond Light 8) THE MOD 4 > A Puppet 9) THE PRISNERS DREAM > Autumn Days 10) DECOMPRESSED IMPOSSIBILITY > You Can’t Ride Away 11) ROSEMARY’S CHILDREN > (At the) End of the Corridor 12) JAIRUS SHARIF > Water & Tools 13) BRIAN ENO > Sherry Ascolta su MIXCLOUD Ascolta su SPREAKER Guarda su YOUTUBE
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volt-race-art · 1 year
Terraria-Tober Day 9: Party
Something I ALWAYS forget is a mechanic in Terraria. Unless it's funny.
Course you have whats likely a classic, Goblin Tinkerer starting a party and a Goblin Invasion starting right after, but theres one that I believe still exists on this blog but I'm not scrolling down to dredge up (I am not encouraging it either, old Volt art sure is. Thats all I'm saying. Time has brought a degree of improvement.)
I'm getting off topic. But there was a modded run where a party started juuuuust before Moonie spawned in and to this day I still chuckle at that image.
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#Belimo 230 volt Non Fail-Safe Actuators:
Belimo non fail-safe damper actuators are designed for use in a wide variety of HVAC damper applications. The Actuator torque range from 2Nm to 160Nm is available.
These solutions are ideal for controlling dampers found in built-up or packaged air handlers, VAV Terminal Units, Fan Coil Units, and Unit Ventilators Used In Hospitals, Schools, Universities, and Data Centers.
Belimo Non Fail Safe Damper Actuator Types: https://youtu.be/oDPfZuuhtxw
LM series:
LM230 A, LM230 A-F, LM 230A-S, LM 230A-TP, LM 230A S R,
LM24A, LM24 A-F, LM24A-MOD, LM24A-S, LM24A-S R, LM24A-TP.  
Other Model Belimo Actuator Video Links:
1. Belimo TRF24 SR Modulating Rotary Actuator : https://youtu.be/HDwYLs2cFIg
2. Belimo Linear Actuator : https://youtu.be/gxH4LlzC-oc
3. Belimo GM 24G-SR-T Non Fail Safe Actuators : https://youtu.be/z7yjjNXk33s
4. Belimo NFA S2 230V Ac Spring Return Actuator : https://youtu.be/BWLRW7Mv2Ss
5. Belimo Modulating Damper Actuator GM24A-SR : https://youtu.be/WLSEuN-c53M
6. Belimo SMQ 24A-SR Modulating Damper Actuator: https://youtu.be/bYjs7R0637M
7. Belimo LMQ24A Modulating Damper Actuator: https://youtu.be/CBAkTv_K-dY
8. Belimo FSAFB24-SR-S Fail-Safe & Spring Return Damper Actuator : https://youtu.be/pbyjUC78nuU
9. Belimo FSAFB24-SR Fail Safe and Spring Return Damper Actuator : https://youtu.be/AML6ymo0AFg
10. Belimo BEN 230 Smoke Damper Actuator : https://youtu.be/G_9LGvIwDaU
11. BELIMO BEN 24 Model Smoke Damper Actuator : https://youtu.be/wZ03lsfS21k
For more Details follow our social media sites, Share your valuable Experience about this Device, because others also learn about that product.
Blogger : https://bit.ly/3vC1Pqz
YouTube : https://cutt.ly/DJqKAFw
Shorts : https://youtube.com/@controlssystems
Face book : https://cutt.ly/rJqKG8Z
Instagram: https://rb.gy/vmmsyd
Twitter : https://bit.ly/34ELQMl
LinkedIn : https://bit.ly/3wLY0iQ
Pinterest : https://bit.ly/3fXBYTh
Like, Share, Follow, Support our Social medial sites
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weekendance · 2 years
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THE TUESDAY TAPES MARTEDÌ 22 NOVEMBRE 2022 1) IDEAL HOST > The Conflict 2) FORMIKA > Magic Eye 3) LONELADY > There Is No Logic (Sargasso remix) 4) BLAINE L. REININGER & ALAIN GOUTIER > Burn Like Rome 5) DAME AREA > A volte sembra stia per finire 6) GOAT > Do the Dance 7) BREANNA BARBARA > Diamond Light 8) THE MOD 4 > A Puppet 9) THE PRISNERS DREAM > Autumn Days 10) DECOMPRESSED IMPOSSIBILITY > You Can’t Ride Away 11) ROSEMARY’S CHILDREN > (At the) End of the Corridor 12) JAIRUS SHARIF > Water & Tools 13) BRIAN ENO > Sherry (PS: se non visualizzate il widget, lo streaming della puntata è QUI)
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mercurys-hatta · 2 years
The WarioWare Bunch [MKWii Mod]
Finally, I have finished them, and they are released, unless I fucked something up and I have to update their files right now. But whatever, Crygor, Dribble and 9-Volt are now fully playable in Mario Kart Wii! I’m also glad I could make it so Dr. Crygor can use his original outfit for the karts and Upgraded look for the bikes, but if anything doesn’t work properly please let me know!
Get them over at: https://gamebanana.com/mods/398906
Special thanks to UltraWario for polishing 9-Volt’s model and providing the materials and shaders for his visor and additional credit to Atlas’ for the GP Diamond City track port used in the screenshots.
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(Keep reading for screenshots)
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warioware-gen · 3 years
9-volt: *notices DVD of live action Mario movie*
9-volt: This looks ancient!
5-Volt: What? No! It's only-
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5-Volt: almost 30 years old???
5-Volt: I remember seeing this in theaters...
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9-volt (warioware) drinks lcd juice!
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tngmpersonal · 6 years
I need to find the time to make a Wario version of the “Not You” meme. Thinking of putting one of the cast members from Master of Disguise in the center and throw Waluigi a bone.
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lizzy-williams · 4 years
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐬
👽 Warnings: SMUT, language, etc.
👽 Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWsOp1-1b2w
Middy Titty by Paulie Leparik
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐃 to be on the set of Colson’s music video. Being an actress, you were no stranger to film sets, but you had never been to a set for a music video, which excited you. You wouldn’t be in it, but you would be there with him, and you couldn’t ask for more. 
When you and Colson walked in, (with masks of course), you were greeted by a cluster of crew, saying hello and even giving Colson a cold-brew coffee, which you knew he appreciated. 
Colson was then rushed off to a dressing room to start shooting, and you took a seat in one of the chairs, which happened to be right next to your friend, Mod Sun.
“Hey, [ y / n ], how you doin’?” he asked you, leaning on the side of his chair to get closer to you. 
“Hey Mod, not to bad,” you smiled, looking around at the bright pink set in front of you, “So, Mr. Big Shot director, huh?” you teased. 
“It wouldn’t be the first time I would be in charge of something like this.” he chuckled. 
“Best of luck to you, sir.” you rested your hand under your face, “And if you need any help from me, don’t hesitate to ask,”
“Will do, [ y / n ].”
You sat in the chair for a good 30 minutes, scrolling through your Twitter and Instagram, droning off as you waited for filming to start. 
“How do I look?” Colson’s voice rang out behind you, making you turn to him. 
You started laughing loudly as you looked at what your boyfriend was wearing. There he stood, a cheesy navy sailor looking outfit covering his body. You had to say he looked really dorky. 
“You look...” you stood up, strutting towards him with a smirk on your face, “Like my perfect, handsome, amazing dork,” you stood on your tip-toes as you planted a kiss on his nose, making him smirk. 
“Yo! Kells, on set!” Mod yelled from across the set, Colson’s head perking up. 
“Duty calls,” he jeered, kissing you quickly on the lips before jogging over, and you watched in admiration. 
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You had been watching your boyfriend work all day, seeing him in and out of different characters, loving every single one of them. You had to hand it to Mod, he had some good ideas, and watching them happen before you was mesmerizing, despite the fact that you had been on sets before. 
Your personal favorite was the mustache man. When Colson first stepped out with that certain costume on, you laughed. He would wiggle his eyebrows in a cheesy way. 
You had to admit, this was the happiest you had seen Colson when recording a music video, and you were happy to see it. He was enjoying making the things he wanted to make; music that he personally enjoyed. 
But there was one specific costume that made you feel... strangely attracted to him. It was the last costume of the shoot, and at first when you looked at him, it didn’t seem like anything too extreme. It was just a hospital gown. But once he started shooting, and you caught a glimpse of his... area, you couldn’t pull yourself to look away. 
You suddenly felt a tingle sensation in your core. What the fuck, why are you getting so turned on by this? And this was the worst time to get in the mood. You didn’t want to ruin the fun, energetic vibe that everyone had created, just because you couldn’t control your hormones. 
So there you sat, in the chair, squeezing your thighs together tightly as you tried to release the tension in your core. You were getting needy, and without you knowing it, Colson had picked up on it, locking eyes with you giving a suggestive stare. 
Soon, (thank god), the shoot was over, and everyone was saying their goodbyes, congratulating Kells on his new song, hugging goodbye and closing up shop. 
You walked out to the car with Colson, getting in as you sat shotgun, somewhat impatient, with wasn’t like you, especially with this. Something about that fucking hospital gown was so compelling to you, and you were so confused. 
You and Colson drove home in silence, the radio playing softly in the background as the agonizing sexual tension between the two of you began to grow slowly. You wanted to jump his bones right then and there, but you didn’t want to have him crash, that would be the worst case. 
You smiled to yourself thinking of the titles the tabloids would come up with. 
Pop Punk Star Machine Gun Kelly Crashes Car Because Girlfriend Couldn’t Keep It In Her Pants!
As soon as you got home, you immediately went to the bedroom, Colson hot on your trail, racing up the stairs. As you got in, you locked lips with your lover in a quick and needful kiss as he kissed back immediately. You both knew where this was going. 
“I saw you watching me today,” Colson groaned, pulling back for air, “You looked so hot squirming in your seat... so needy for me, huh, princess,”
His words turned you on even more as you gave a nod. You weren’t feeling guilty about the hospital gown, in fact you were almost proud, happy that there was a chain reaction to your new-found attraction to the piece of clothing. 
“Strip,” he commanded, his tone sending chills down your spine. 
You did as he said, almost too eagerly, taking everything off, exposing your most recent surprise. 
“Oh, Fuck-,”
There, newly installed, were a pair of nipple piercings. When Colson brought up that he found the piercings in that spot particularly attractive, you thought why not? and got them done. And now Colson’s eyes were completely hazy with lust and want. 
“When did you get those done, baby,” he muttered, pulling you in by your waist, licking up the side of your neck and up to your ear lobe. 
“A couple days ago,” you smiled devilishly, “I thought they would be a good addition to our bedroom escapades.”
“You really do think of everything, don’t you,” he chuckled, picking you up as you let out a squeal, your legs wrapping around him tightly. 
He kissed you deeply as he carried you both to the bed, plopping you down on the bed, making you laugh, because now he was the eager one. 
He leaned down, kissing down your body, starting at your collarbone and going down to your breasts, groping them. He licked his lips as he looked up as you, then down to your nipples, the metallic pieces making them all the more alluring. 
He gently glided his tongue across the skin of the pebbled buds, making your breath hitch and a gentle gasp emit from your lips. 
“Fuck, so hot baby, you always know exactly what to do to turn me on princess,” he grunted, his fingers running over each piercing with care. After all, he knew how tender piercings like that are. 
“Kells, please,” you whined, your hands running over his hair, soothing it, as his glossed over eyes met your gaze. 
“Please what, princess, use your words,” he spoke cunningly, knowing just the right buttons to push to get him where he wanted you; needy and craving his touch. 
“Please, baby, I need you to touch me,” you took one of his hands with yours as you guided it down to your throbbing clit. 
“Whatever you want baby,” he smiled, stripping down completely, coming back over and getting on his knees, pulling you to the edge of the bed, his warm breath hitting your clit making you gasp. 
He suddenly attacked your clit, biting, licking and sucking as you writhed in ecstasy. Your hands tangled themselves into his hair as he continued his assault on your core. 
You let out loud mewls as he devoured you, your head thrown back. Colson looked up at you, watching your body. He wanted nothing more to brand this image into his brain. Your hair messy, mouth open almost drooling, and body almost glowing. 
“Kells, I’m gonna cum-” you gasped out, wanting release that you were so desperately craving since the afternoon. 
He suddenly pulled away and you wanted to scream. The loss of contact was almost painful, wanting nothing more than to feel the rush of rapture. You whined pathetically, Kells licking your arousal off his lips. 
“Patience, princess, I’ll give you what you want,” he paused, “or maybe I could put a 9 volt battery up to your new friends and see how you react,” he paused again, “Or do you just wanna cum?”
“Please Kells, let me cum, I want you to taste me,” you begged, and you knew your words would persuade him. 
“As you wish.”
He got on top of you as you both shifted towards the headboard. He went immediately to your neck, sucking at all the right spots. 
He then lined himself up with you, but before he could, you rolled the two of you over, your core now grinding up against his shaft that was flat on his torso as he let out a low groan.
“Fuck baby, you wanna ride me, huh?” he asked, smirking. 
You nodded as you lifted yourself up, positioning your core with his throbbing cock. You slowly started to sink down, both of you gasping as you slid down. Once he was all the way inside you, you took a minute before you started moving. 
You felt his hands reach up and grasp your breasts, his thumb rubbing over your nipples, your hips moving up and down, picking up pace quickly. 
“Fuck, baby, you look so good riding me like this, you know that?” he groaned out, “You look so perfect, I love you so much, my special girl,” 
Praise fell from his lips, your core now slamming down on his shaft, desperate to make the both of you cum. You wanted to feel him cum inside you so bad it was almost painful. 
“God, I can feel you clenching, are your about to cum baby?” he moaned out.
All you could do was nod your head, and he could see you were getting tired. He put his hand on the small of your back, pushing you down so your chest met his, his feet now planted flat across the bed, his hips slamming up into you. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you tightened around him. 
“Cum when I say, okay baby??” he frantically made your hips meet yours and you moaned in confirmation. 
You were so close, so close to reaching rapture that you almost couldn’t take it. 
“Now you may cum!” he commanded. 
You felt yourself fall apart in his grasp. Your legs shook, your body tensing and relaxing as you felt his cum cover your walls. 
You finally found the strength to lift your head up to look at him, a smile on his face as he looked down at you with nothing but love. 
Without talking, you pulled yourself up. And off of him. You collapsed next to him as he pulled you close. 
“Still thinking about the battery idea?” you joked, your eyelids getting heavy. 
“Next time, baby,” he soothed, “Right now you need to get some sleep, okay?” he slid his hands up and down your arms. 
You nodded sheepishly, letting your eyes finally close. 
Before you fell asleep, you heard him mutter, “I love you.” and you fell asleep in total and utter bliss. 
You were exactly where you were supposed to be.
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There is a really neat mod for Ultimate that replaces Villager with 9-Volt and I love the added details like SK8 and the GBA SP!
Big thanks to @thewispguy for showing me this, I would have posted the submission, but Tumblr is being weird and doesn’t let me do it.
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