#mod QnA
nrc-confessions · 7 months
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thank you for 200 followers! honestly surprised at the amount of… interesting people 🤩🤩 we’ve come across on this blog
just for funzies to celebrate we’d like to do a lil mod qna <3 feel free to send in any questions you have about us 😁😁
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Was planning on sending you a picture of Quark, forgot to put Star Trek, so here is our lord and saviour
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Gotta love quarks
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purplehairnpronouns · 2 months
whats the favorite foods?
ooh, that's a hard one! I'd probably have to go with my mom's stir fry. -💫
If i had to pick a favorite.. maybe brownies? -🪡
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treebarkzine · 3 months
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Meet your organiser and host the splendid @scrambledlikeeggs
Pronouns: Any
Scrambled is a writer and artist but does neither as much as they would like to, you will often find them in some online rabbit hole or world building for a new project.
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Meet one half of our brilliant writing mod team, the awesome @apollothetransboy
pronouns: he/him
Apollo is an artist, composer, and a musician, though primarily spends his time as a writer. You’ll find him buried in a book, Google Docs, or the next episode of Supernatural.
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Let me introduce the second half our our writing team, the dazzling @the-dark-abyss
pronouns: they/them
Abyss is an avid fic writer and fan media consumer. They also draw sometimes. They haven't left the winter or the desert, are definitely not obsessed with Joel Smallishbeans, and go feral on a daily basis.
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Meet the wonderful @winterbyn!
pronouns: he/any
winter is an artist and writer who, if not busy doing either of those, will either play video games or be busy making ones. any of the above will most likely result in a new AU idea.
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introducing the terrific @tinjap!
pronouns: she/her
Tinja's hobbies include drawing (usually pictures of Martyn), starting unnecessary amounts of silly projects and collecting cute looking toys
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And last but not least the great @goldstargloww!
pronouns: they/them
Gold is a random blob you've encountered on the internet who does approximately too many things to coherently summarize. drawing, writing, coding, always doing some form of creating—but for now, they'll just be watching while lurking in the background.
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What are your favorite Sunkiss headcanons?
From Putterpen:
I'm not sure I have a favorite. Maybe because I have too many and make up new ones at least weekly. But here are some.
Bubba often finds himself mediating when Bobby and Dogday argue about whose event plans are better. Since he is the calm, logical one, he helps them find the middle ground, even when things get a little heated.
Kickin Chicken likes to joke that he played a huge role in getting Dogday and Bobby together, taking credit for their chemistry and claiming he’s the “real matchmaker” of the group.
Bobby and Bubba have secret strategy sessions whenever Dogday has a wild plan, (usually spurred on by Hoppy). Bobby sneaks off to Bubba for advice on how to tweak Dogday’s ideas so they don’t completely spiral out of control.
Sometimes they plan/coordinate to go out in matching outfits. It started as a joke but it quickly turned into a tradition.
They argue over who’s the better cuddler. Bobby claims she’s stronger, but Dogday insists he’s the "cuddle champion" because of his warmth.
Every time there's a thunderstorm, they set up a blanket fort, cuddle inside, it’s just an excuse to be closer.
Picky once decided to teach Dogday and Bobby how to cook a romantic dinner, thinking it would “elevate” their relationship. Bobby, despite her best efforts, struggled a bit—her skills are definitely more in baking than regular cooking. But the real surprise? Dogday turned out to be a total natural in the kitchen. He whipped up a dish that left everyone impressed or speechless, especially Bobby. Even Picky, with her high standards, had to admit Dogday was some hidden culinary master.
They have an ever growing list of pet names. Whenever they go out on a long walk, Dogday insists on being called "The Dog Star" when they’re doing anything remotely adventurous, while Bobby humors him by calling herself "The Great Bear." (Its a shared interest in constellations.)
Bobby is lady like but she loves to play wrestle with any friend willing to give it a shot. She’s surprisingly strong, and most of her friends don’t stand a chance. Dogday usually taps out early, and Kickin gets tossed around. Hoppy can win on technicality because of her speed. But the one friend who can consistently beat her is Bubba, purely because of his natural strength. It’s all in good fun, but everyone knows better than to underestimate Bobby when she’s ready to throw down!
The last one is more Bobby centric but its important to note that Dogday never turns her challenges down.
And those are just some. I have more but I don't have all of them written down, heh.
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catfindr · 1 year
here is my old lady, spooky soup. she loves to go outside so she can roll in the dirt and fail at eating grass because she has no teeth.
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legacyofthedamneddsaf · 4 months
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steven is spared... for now.
thanks for the q's! hope the a's were satisfactory! we'll go back to scheduled posting as usual in a bit we just needed a weekend off :-)
(also, no spoilers, but there will be a pride piece later today! happy pride everyone)
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hmshermitcraft · 4 months
Is it just me or has the theme not changed in more than a week?
Because I've had two asks about this, it has not! Combination of IRL factors including:
Was on holiday with limited network connection
Spending my last week with my long distance partner before he went back to his country </3
So I kind of gave up coming up with a theme last week lmao. I'm trying to think of one for this week though, so fingers crossed! (I am however still super ill it somehow got worse yesterday. Send honey n lemon I'm in the trenches trying to get asks done rn)
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themadzarka · 1 year
Deltarune Self-Insert Mod (DR-SIM) is a Deltarune AU in-development with its main major change being that the player and the vessel are the same person, instead of Kris being controlled by their own SOUL.
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Reddit mini-Ask Series / RedSoul Introduction (discontinued/non-canon)
Party Bad Omen (in-progress)
Is this actually a fangame/Deltarune mod?
How long has DR-SIM been in development?
Despite the title of the AU, this isn't a fangame nor a mod. It's a YouTube animated series in development. Currently there isn't any way to follow the main story.
A full year (post updated in 03/2024). The concept, theme and story took me a long time to properly flesh out. Hallucinating a Deltarune AU to the same J-pop songs over and over demands a lot of energy, you know?
Who is Pinkle?
Is Pinkle YOUR self-insert?
Pinkle(OC) is the main character of DR-SIM. She steals Kris' role in this AU, being taken into the Dreemurr family instead and leading both Susie and Ralsei as the main trio.
Where is Kris in this AU?
Who's Kris?
Why does Pinkle look like [insert character here]?
It's intentional.
What is the main story of the AU?
Pretty much Deltarune's story but with a valley emo girl as the protagonist.
That's it...?
Obviously I wouldn't leave it like that, the storyline also features a sub-plot happening a few years into the past, which is why there's a lot of young Asriel and Pinkle art on this blog.
Are Pinkle and Asriel siblings?
As much as Pinkle likes to refer to Toriel and Asgore as mom and dad, she doesn't like the idea of Asriel being her brother, to his dismay. He learned to accept that (she's gonna be creepy either way).
What are the headcanons featured in this AU?
I try to be close to the original Deltarune as possible, leaving its mysteries unsolved unless the plot calls for an answer, although anything added from me will be discussed and be considered exclusive to DR-SIM.
Do existing characters get redesigns?
Most of them only get tweaks, but a lucky few need more attention for the sake of storytelling. (ie: Ralsei)
Aside from Pinkle, are there going to be other original characters?
If there are, they need to wait for their turn, we already have a very colorful cast of characters from the original game.
Any ships?
Although this AU was born from a very restless hyperfixation on a ship, romance is not a focus.
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themissingnumbers · 4 months
Hey, guys! I just had a quick question that I hope isn’t bad. I always get scared when asking questions like this because I feel that by asking, it will come across as me having a problem with it—which I don’t, I swear. I’m just curious, and I don’t want to get anything wrong about the characters. (It’s taken me four rewrites and a week of anxiety to finally get the courage to ask this question.)
Is Blue trans?
I’m curious because in that one older piece of art, Blue was referred to as a “shithead tboy twink,” and when looking at his reference art, it kinda looks like he has some top surgery scars. (At least, I think that’s what it is? I’m not the most well-versed when it comes to topics like this.)
I’m so sorry for asking this. I just didn’t want to make any assumptions about it because it felt wrong to do so. Feel free to ignore this if it’s offensive. Have a good day.
[ahh, don't worry, you're all fine!! never be afraid as ask little questions about the faces of missing numbers and stuff about their identity :]
yes, blue is a trans man! this has very much been then case since day one. (in fact, the in-universe explanation for why prof oak couldn't remember his name is because he figured it out young and gramps didn't want to deadname him but forgot what he'd chosen.)
missing numbers- though it's got a primary focus on horror and worldbuilding- is also a very queer story with a lot of queer people. the topic is something pretty casual to us, but gender identity and sexuality are things that have bearings on how people in mn have experienced their lives and relationships.
heres some transgender blue art for u ♡ thank you for asking!]
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BONUS: the brothers watanabe are BOTH transmasc as well!
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Mike fully transitioned once the two moved into palette, whereas the younger Steven took a bit longer to figure himself out. Mike's starter was given Steven's deadname so if someone tried to misname him they could act confused about "why are you talking about squirtle?? 🤨🤨🤨"
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He might've been awfully corny, and not always the smartest, but he was a pretty great big brother.
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Necro, who was the kindest person in your life? And what was the hardest sacrifice you've made— literally or figuratively?
Apple Core, what was your most challenging experience as a Sensei?
Prince, O lord of fashion, which if your fits and/or forms is your absolute favorite?
Magomon, what's your opinion on Tamers in general?
Officer, my good sir, what was the toughest case you've helped or had to solve? Any solo cases?
UT, what are your favorite holiday traditions in the Underground and Surface world?
🩸: "There hasn't been a sacrifice thats been that hard for me to perform. The only thing I truly regret sacrificing is my ability to smell normal ever again. Seriously, I tried bathing multiple times and used every single perfume, cologne, all the scent products... AND I STILL CANT GET RID OF THE ROITING CORPSE SMELL!!
As for who's the kindest person I know? Well... the obvious answer would be Kirby... but there's also this snowman that has been helping me with my research, perhaps I could talk about them some other time."
🍏: "Most challenging things as a sensei? Well, to perfectly honest, it's the students that are, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, require a lot of patience from me. For example; I have this one student who is just, again I mean this in the nicest way possible, a stubborn wanna-be-cool-guy.
Don't get me wrong, he does have a lot of potential to be a Skylander and I can see him becoming one in the future... BUT he's just has a really bad habit of wanting to do things all by himself because he's 'so cool' with his high running speeds and cool dragon sword, only to get his ass handed to him one way or the other. I thought Blades' cockiness when he became a Skylander was bad, that student takes the cake!!!"
👑: "Favorite outfit? My goodness!! That's like picking between my own children!! But... if I had to pick just one.... like, you holding a knife to my back and forcing me to pick just one, then I'm gonna pick the robes I wore to my wedding. They were so sparkly and beautiful, I truly felt special on my special day~! As for forms, the Prince Form is my favorite. I like the height boost, elegance, and a sense of power in that form, hehehe~"
🎩: "My thoughts on Tamers? Well, I have said before that there have been tales and legends of humans being involved with digimon. I've always found it fascinating, as those legends have told of humans granting digimon power they could never get on their own. I kinda wished to see something like that happen one day... Little did I know that I was gonna get a human myself, hehe!!
Susie has been lots of fun to travel with, and the power she grants me and Marxamon has been incredible (tho I wish evolving into Crownedmon was so mentally scaring and painful)!! I could have never asked for a better human partner!! Me and Marxamon are her 'goodiest boys'!! 'Goodiest' is not a grammatically correct word, but I let it slide because she gives me hugs and pets!♡♡♡"
🚔: "Funnily enough, my toughest case was actually my first solo case!! The case of Artie Flopshark, a poker guru that was supposed to be dead, as he was killed by Flint Paper. According to some of the records, Artie's bank account was still active, depositing and withdrawing money regularly as if he was alive. And there had been reports of Artie being near abandoned graveyards across the country. Flint Paper couldn't track him down for the life of him, so he assumed it had been some kind of 'witchcraft' that made this guy untraceable. So Flint gave the case to me since I'm a mage and stuff (witchcraft and my magic are obviously two different things, but I let it slide). Sam and Max had a lot of faith that I could handle this on my own, so I took on the challenge just to make them proud. The weeks of trying to find this guy felt like the longest weeks of my life! But I was able to find him.
Long Story Short; It turned out Artie Flopshark was revived as a zombie like monster by a bunch of teenage wizards that were messing around with dark arts (kinda sounds familiar). When the wizards successfully revived him, they freaked out and left him behind. Artie was able to get a hold on that dark arts book that they coincidently dropped and used it to get around the county's graveyards. He was hosting nightly poker nights to get his funds back for his new undead life, inviting all sorts of creeps and ghouls to play games of Texas Hold'em. In fear of being killed again by Flint, Artie used magic to keep himself untrackable from any living being on earth. Which I was able to work around the effects because I'm not from earth, hehe~!!
I felt kinda bad for him since even mentioning Flint Paper made him scream in panic, so did Artie a favor and helped him get a restraining order on Flint. I got my paycheck and a celebration surprise from Sam and Max that they planned for me for completing my first solo case, a VIP trip to The Inventory for drinks, dinner, and poker."
💙: "Well damn, ol' gunner boy spoke in whole paragraphs! Ok, favorite holiday.... I gotta give it to Halloween, dude. Monsters seem to enjoy Halloween a lot, and I can see why, as my best memories here are sometimes related to Halloween. Like on our first trick-or-treating, Frisk dressed up as a witch and made me their little 'black cat' by dressing me in a black cat onesie. I was carried around in their backpack as we went around the neighborhood. And when I got my monster form perfected, me and Frisk did even cooler matching costumes! Mario and Luigi, Dipper and Mabel, Steven and Amethyst, Freddy and Bonnie, heck we even Sans and Papyrus a few times! (which the bros really liked)
Even though I moved out of Toriel's house after I got married, Frisk and I still go trick-or-treating together every Halloween with our matching costumes. And Frisk hasn't grown out of trick-or-treating just yet, so we'll be continuing this little tradition of ours for a few more years! And I'll be enjoying every moment."
🦋: "Man I sure do love being involved!" -he said to no one.
(Congratulations Blaze, you changed my QnA formatting just for this ask! Eff you and have a nice day!)
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nrc-confessions · 7 months
mods drop ur fav song rn
outing myself as a musical theatre liker
It’ll probs change by tomorrow but yeah 😍
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i recommend to you. Entropic Float. its a free visual novel it rewrote my entire brain chemistry its a timeloop about the mortifying ordeal of being known its entire cast is queer in different directions it made me find out i was physically disabled
Oooh ok where do you play it
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purplehairnpronouns · 2 months
Hello everyone! Today Coven and the mod are going to be doing a QnA! Send your asks in to get an answer from either your favorite homunculus, or the mod!
Sign offs are -💫 for the mod and -🪡 for Coven !!
The only questions that won’t be answered are inappropriate or questions that might give details about the mod’s personal life. Otherwise, free game!
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Favourite food?
Favourite drink?
Do you have any siblings?
Do you have pets?
How old are you?
How many languages do you know?
What's your all time favourite movie/tv show?
What are you enjoying to do in your free time?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Your favourite music genres?
Your dream place to visit?
Something you wish you were better at?
How long do you take to respond to texts?
Do you have any tattoos? If not, would like to?
What's your sexuality?
Do you like reading? If yes what's your favourite book?
Have you ever been in love?
What's your relationship status?
Have you ever been heartbroken?
Best memory you could think of?
Worst memory you can think of?
Do you have any fears?
Are you a morning or a night person?
How many pictures you have on your phone?
Who was your favourite childhood crush?
Are you a romantic?
What’s your dream date?
What are your hobbies?
Howdy! I wasn't expecting someone to ask almost all of them at once! Here are my answers!
1. I'm a big fan of chocolate, but grilled cheese sandwiches are good too!
2. Barq's Root Beer!
3. Including in-laws & step-siblings, I have 9 siblings! Only 5 of them are actually related to me, though!
4. Yes! My family has 5 cats at the moment!
5. Not sure how comfortable I am revealing this, but I am only 18!
6. I only know one, English!
7. I don't really have any favorites, but Secret Window is a good movie, if a bit dark!
8. I enjoy listening to music & playing on my Switch! As well as running this blog & reading fics!
9. Introvert!
10. I don't really have one, I tend to listen to almost all genres!
11. I've always wanted to visit Las Vegas, as it's where I was born!
12. I wish I was better at making habits!
13. If I don't just respond in person, I'm usually pretty quick to respond back unless I'm sleeping or something.
14. I do not! I've considered it before, but I'm very indecisive & worry that I may regret it later on! If I ever do though, my plan is to get tattoos of all the flowers I've come across in my life!
15. I am aroace!
16. Of course I do! Despite my preference for fantasy & such, my favorite books are actually The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, & Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan!
17. No, I have not!
18. I am single & happy to stay that way!
19. Nope!
20. Probably the first time my best friend & I hung out for his birthday! I'm actually going to visit him soon for his birthday!
21. I don't really have one, not that I can recall at the moment anyway.
22. Not really, but I do have strong dislikes!
23. I am definitely a night person, but I've been trying keep my sleep schedule reasonable!
24. I'm not sure!
25. I didn't have one!
26. Nope!
27. Don't have one!
28. Reading & playing games!
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Hello all of you kind people. This is @putterpen aka @puttersmile !
@meowcola and I both adore the ship of Dogday and Bobby Bearhug and they were gracious in allowing me to help them operate this blog. So if you have any questions or requests, just send them my way and I will do my best to answer them. Have a nice day!
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