#mod ceru
cerubean · 1 month
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somewhere deep in the forest...
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spookylittlesims · 2 years
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simtonee · 4 months
Amelia - Pearl
Ceru -Pluto
Elaina - Sweetpies
Ellcrze - Ellcrze 1.0
Ellcrze - Ellcrze 2.0
Ellcrze - Tofu
Malixa - Taro milk tea
Neecxle - Bohodreams
Simsboo - Apricot Blossom
Youngcozyboy - Wonderland
You can install both of the presets and swap between them.
Turn off EDGE SMOOTHING in your game settings
To get the game to look the exact same as mine you will also need lighting mods: Softerhaze’s Sunblind
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prestigeforsims · 1 year
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Girls of the Velleté Ballet Studio
🩰 I’ve came across the ballet mod and definitely had to use it. I used Ceru’s dance studio and made a few changes. (check below)
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I also used Mercuryfoam’s Ballet Mod to make it functional.
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★ cc finds page   ➝ prestige cc finds
★ tiktok ➝ @prestigesims
★ youtube ➝ prestigesims
★ twitter ➝ @prestigeforsims
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mod kan wuts up with ur "ex matesprit"
why r u happy they were un-alived?????
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‹|| ThIs one Is a bIt persona| but I guess I wI|| exp|aIn as I dId promIse to answer your questIons. |› ‹| They were a ceru|ean. |› ‹| They had the power to mInd contro| others. |› ‹| Once we made the tIt|e of matesprIt offIcIa| they started contro||Ing me a|most constant|y. |› ‹| Made me do thIngs I am not proud of. |› ‹| They even |ega||y made themse|f my cu||er for a whI|e due to a few sma|| mutatIons I had. |› ‹| I eventua||y buI|t up some sort of to|erance to theIr contro|. |› ‹| Then they were kI||ed. |› ‹| RIght In front of me, usIng one of my favourIte spear. |› ‹| They were stabbed 7 tImes before they dropped. |› ‹| There was a|so quIte a few stab wounds after that. |› ‹| Anyways |ong story short Im fIne now and got out of the cu||Ing system and they are dead! |› ‹| And I am happy and free to do what I wIsh! |›‹| ThIs one Is a bIt persona| but I guess I wI|| exp|aIn as I dId promIse to answer your questIons. |› ‹| Tw for ceru|ean mInd contro|? |› ‹| They were a ceru|ean. |› ‹| They had the power to mInd contro| others. |› ‹| Once we made the tIt|e of matesprIt offIcIa| they started contro||Ing me a|most constant|y. |› ‹| Made me do thIngs I am not proud of. |› ‹| They even |ega||y made themse|f my cu||er for a whI|e due to a few sma|| mutatIons I had. |› ‹| I eventua||y buI|t up some sort of to|erance to theIr contro|. |› ‹| Then they were kI||ed. |› ‹| RIght In front of me, usIng one of my favourIte spear. |› ‹| They were stabbed 7 tImes before they dropped. |› ‹| There was a|so quIte a few stab wounds after that. |› ‹| Anyways |ong story short Im fIne now and got out of the cu||Ing system and they are dead! |› ‹| And I am happy and free to do what I wIsh! ||›
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petrichor-tighzyno · 1 year
And that's a wrap on applications! We'll be sending out our responses between June 25th and July 1st.
We're excited to go through the applications!
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(Credit to Mod Ceru for the meme)
If you have submitted and would like to remove your submission for whatever reason, please DM us with the email used on your application.
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fuckyeahlucyxjuvia · 4 years
10 on the otp questions for Juvia and Lucy?
Lucy and Juvia both know they aren't being subtle. They just... assume everyone has figured it out - but truth is it's basically just Cana, Mira and Gray who know. And Gray only because Juvia stopped calling him Gray-sama and started acting normal (no one else noticed because Fairy Tail is defined by 'pure of heart, dumb of ass'). One day the two walk in holding hands and Juvia kisses Lucy, and everyone is shook. 
Lucy: Wait, what? You didn't know we were dating?! 
Juvia: Juvia's stopped calling Gray Gray-sama for so long! Juvia literally gave Lucy flowers on Valentine's day! 
Fairy Tail: ...
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lgbtfairytailnet · 4 years
Erza x Lucy, Hurt/Comfort For Anonymous (SickFic)
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Aesthetic by Mod Mollie
“Achoo!” Lucy sneezed loudly for what must be the tenth time that day, burying her face in her handkerchief. She sniffled, shivering and wrapping herself tighter in blankets.
“What’s wrong?” Erza asked quickly. “Are you alright? Do you need more hot water, blankets, anything to eat?”
Lucy wanted to scream. This was the hundredth time Erza was asking her if she needed anything; she was already over-supplied by her wife, with enough books, pillows and cocoa to last her a week. Erza was bustling around her like a bee around a flower, and though it had been sweet at first, now it was just irritating.
“I’m fine,” she said through clenched teeth, forcing back her annoyance. 
“Are you sure?” Erza asked, looking concerned. “You know I don’t mind—”
“No! It’s fine!” Lucy snapped, harsher than she’d intended to. Erza’s face dropped, and she felt ashamed for a second, but the irritation at Erza’s constant hovering around her came back in a second.
“Did I do something?” Erza asked very quietly. Now Lucy was usually of even keel, and barely ever got mad, but she was feeling like utter crap and her wife’s extra attentiveness was just the catalyst for her to boil over. 
“You’re doing too much! You’re smothering me!” she snarled. “I wish you’d just go away for five minutes and let me breathe! Maybe your over-care is why this cold isn’t getting any better!”
Erza looked crushed. A wave of guilt swept into Lucy at her wife’s expression, and she was just about to apologise when Erza smoothed her face out and nodded. 
“I’m sorry,” she said in a calm voice, sounding truly apologetic, but Lucy could hear the pain she was trying to hide. “I shouldn’t have been so overbearing. I’ll give you the space you need, but please call me if you need anything.” Before Lucy could say a word, she had swept off into the other room and closed the door behind her.
Lucy sank into the couch, feeling horrible. Her wife had done nothing but shower love and care upon her… what kind of person did it make her to be annoyed by it? True, Erza could sometimes be a bit much, but she knew it was all out of the immense adoration she had for her. She was genuinely lucky to be loved so much by someone as beautiful and kind and strong as Erza was⁠—yet here she was, acting like a little brat after being given everything and more.
She sniffled softly, feeling tears come to her eyes. Oh, how she hated making Erza sad! She knew she hadn’t been wrong about establishing that boundary, but could she have done it in a way that wouldn’t have hurt her wife? Absolutely.
Lucy knew what she had to do. Swallowing her tears back, she sat up, ignoring how tired she felt, and called in a thick voice, “Erza!”
Within seconds, the door of the room flew open, and Erza rushed over to her, asking, “What is it, Lu? What do you need?”
“I need to apologise,” Lucy said, looking into Erza’s brown eyes. “It’s true, you can be a bit… overbearing… but the way I snapped at you just wasn’t right.”  Erza shook her head, smiling at Lucy.
“No. You had every right to snap at me—you’re sick, and tired, and that’s okay. I only felt hurt for a minute, love.” she said, taking Lucy’s hands and pressing kisses to the knuckles warm with fever. Lucy laughed softly, smiling back.
“Okay… but can I try enforcing my boundaries again, and nicely this time?” she asked. Erza nodded, and Lucy took a deep breath. 
“I’m sorry, Erza.” she said honestly. “I love you, and I love how sweet you are when I’m sick. But maybe… tone it down a bit? Just a little.”
Erza hummed. “That, love, I can do.” She kissed Lucy’s hands again, eliciting a soft giggle, then stood up, her face turning concerned once more.
“Can I get—” she started to ask, but Lucy raised her eyebrows. Erza laughed to herself, shaking her head.
“Right. Sorry. I’m going to go and finish my book⁠—and if you need anything you’ll call me, right?” Lucy nodded, smiling. 
“Right. Now go enjoy your porn—and don’t get too many ideas!” she added, seeing the glint in Erza’s eyes as she went to the room. Once the door was shut, she flopped back against the couch, feeling much better despite the fact that she still had a runny nose.
Ah, my wife is the best…
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fuckyeahjerik · 4 years
Prompt list? 27: "Hey remember when I told you I had everything under control ? Well...I lied" Plez?
Hey anon! Hope you enjoy this little ficlet. <3 Pairing: Jellal/Erik Word count: 1.6k
“You’ll be okay alone?” Erik checks one last time, pinning his boyfriend with a hard stare. Jellal, thin and pale and drowning in his too-large white shirt, nods with a wan smile.
“I’ll be okay, I promise. I have everything under control. I swear.” Bright brown eyes are filled with raw earnestness, making no effort to hide either the pain or the love that brews in their depths. Erik cannot say no to Jellal when he lays himself bare before him in that fashion. 
“Okay.” Erik sighs, grabbing his bag and moving towards the door. But as he goes to put on his shoes, he stops abruptly.
I’m missing something!
Without a second thought, he turns around and runs towards Jellal, whose features morph from calm to concerned.
“What’s wrong?” he asks anxiously. Erik grins at him, taking Jellal’s cheeks in his hands and bringing their faces close together.
“Forgot something important,” he says impishly, and kisses Jellal. 
There’s a cherry-red blush dusting Jellal’s cheeks when Erik pulls away, still smiling devilishly. It satisfies the little demon in his heart - making Jellal blush is his favorite pastime. He walks backwards to the door, waving a little at his boyfriend as he steps out and closes it behind him. 
The smile on Jellal’s face and the wave he receives in return is more than worth the fact that he trips and falls flat the second he’s out of the house.
Picking himself up, Erik dusts his clothes off and climbs onto his bike, Cubellios. It doesn’t take very long for him to get the old girl fired up and on the road, and the wind pulls at his hair in just the way that he likes as he speeds along the empty highways to make it in time for his shift.
It’s a small coffee shop where he works, one of those little businesses owned by locals that somehow end up being the most warm and inviting places ever. It’s funny that this one, Rosen Krone, should be, since its owner Ultear is literally the least warm and inviting person Erik knows. But that’s off-topic; today, as the chef, he gets to decide the Friday special, and he’s already planning on making apple tarts. They��re Jellal’s favourite - just imagining the soft look in brown eyes, and the silly smile he will make as he devours each one whole, makes Erik giggle to himself. 
He doesn’t even scold himself for being a sap. At this point, he’s pretty much accepted how whipped he is for his sweet blueberry boyfriend.
Erik pulls into the parking lot of the cafe and locks his bike before practically rushing inside, excitement bubbling out of his entire body as he thinks about how he’ll surprise Jellal. He doesn’t even hear Ultear’s snarky comment on his sudden enthusiasm or Sorano’s giggled, “Whipped,” as he hurriedly takes out the ingredients and starts to put together the perfect tart.
He slices the apples at the speed of light, only the sheer precision built up from years of cooking stopping him from cutting off a chunk of his finger. Tossing them into a bowl, he adds cinnamon, vanilla, brown sugar, lemon juice and a bit of salt to the mixture and shakes the bowl to mix them all up properly. He slides a lid onto the apples, allowing them to marinate, and turns to the pastry.
He’s measuring out the third cup of flour when his phone rings. 
At first, Erik clicks his tongue in annoyance, wondering who on Earth would call now. He’s cooking, and all his friends know that hell hath no fury like an Erik who is disturbed from cooking. 
Then the ringtone - Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up, unironically his and Jellal’s song - properly registers itself in his ears, and Erik promptly spills the cup of flour all over himself with shock.
He fumbles for the phone in his pocket, forgetting everything else. The world could be crashing around his ears right now and he wouldn’t care - Jellal’s calling, and that means there’s something wrong. 
Worry dampens his entire body like ice as Erik swipes the ‘Accept’ button, pressing the phone to his ear and practically barking, “Jellal! Love, what’s wrong?”
There’s a pause, during which harsh, ragged breaths that sound suspiciously like crying come through the other end. Erik doesn’t waste a second, keeping the phone in place with his shoulder as he removes his apron and hangs it up. He has to go home now; Jellal clearly needs him.
Whispered words from the other side of the line barely make it to his ears, but Erik’s hearing is far better than anyone else’s, and so it is that he clearly picks them up.
“Remember when I said I had it under control? Well, um… I might have… lied…” Jellal’s voice is high, notes of panic filling it. Erik’s breath stumbles over his words; he can’t get them out fast enough as he shouts into the receiver of the phone, “What happened? Are you - are you okay?!” 
“I don’t know,” Jellal whispers softly. “I don’t know. All I know is it feels like I’m drowning-”
“‘M coming,” Erik says firmly. He looks over at Ultear, mouthing, ‘He’s not okay’; she nods gravely, motioning for him to leave. 
She’s accommodating like that. Erik couldn’t have been more grateful for it as he speeds out of the back door of the cafe, slamming his key into his bike and starting to drive haphazardly even as he keeps murmuring platitudes into the phone.
He hears Jellal hiccupping and crying. Erik’s heart breaks, imagining his boyfriend curled into himself, red-faced and blaming himself for everything that is wrong in this world. All he can do now is whisper softly, “I’m coming, love. Don’t you worry. I love you so much. You’re amazing.” 
He’s powerless over the phone, and he hates it.
Clenching his fists around the acceleration button on his bike, Erik wills Cubellios to fly faster than she has ever gone. He pushes her to the limit, not stopping for a second, breaking every traffic rule known to mankind in his single-minded determination to get home in time.
I’m coming, baby. Don’t worry a second. 
Hastily pulling up in front of the house, Erik leaps off of Cubellios and rushes to the door. The bike clatters to the ground behind him; but he’ll worry about that later. For now, Jellal comes first.
Erik wrenches the door open and heads straight upstairs to the bedroom where he knows Jellal will be lying, curled in a ball and weeping softly. He’s proven right as he opens the door and shuts it with a soft click to find his boyfriend’s blue head buried in a mountain of pillows, his thin shoulders shaking weakly.
“Jellal,” he calls tenderly, making his way over to the bed with deliberate, loud steps. Jellal doesn’t like to be surprised when he’s feeling down. “Love, it’s me. I’m here.”
“Erik,” Jellal rasps out, his voice raw from crying. “I… why’d you…”
Erik perches himself on the edge of the bed and cards a hand through Jellal’s azure locks.
“‘Cause I’m your boyfriend, and I wanna be here for you when you’re not okay.”
“But I…” Jellal lifts his face, tearful brown eyes meeting gentle purple ones. “I dragged you away from work. I’m horr-”
Erik puts a finger on Jellal’s lips, shaking his head. “You’re wonderful,” he stresses quickly, emphasizing his point. “You’re wonderful and I love you.”
“No.” Jellal sniffles. “No. I’m terrible. I just hurt people and tear them away from things they need to do and-”
“No!” Erik cries out. He needs to stop this before Jellal starts spiralling. He can’t allow his boyfriend to go into that state again. Taking off his socks, he settles himself properly on the bed and pulls Jellal into his flour-covered chest, kissing and petting the other man with the same gentleness one would show a baby.
“No, love,” he breathes. “You’ve given me so much. You’re my world. You’re so kind and so good.”
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t matter. You can find someone else, someone better to love,” Jellal hiccups. 
Erik swats his back lightly. “None of that.” he says bluntly, truthfully. “I could never love anyone else. To me, there’s no one better than you. Your love saved me more times than I can count. I love you. I’ll always choose you.” 
Jellal exhales into Erik’s shoulder. There’s silence for a few beats before he speaks again - 
“You really have horrible taste.”
It’s barely a whisper, more of an exhausted breath. But it’s a victory, because it means Jellal’s feeling just a bit better: and Erik will make sure to build on that bit, to keep building on it until Jellal is calm once more. And even after that, because to make his boyfriend happy is the best thing in the world, and he’ll always be here.
He doesn’t reply to Jellal’s comment, simply pulling him in closer, ensconcing him in warmth. They lie like that for awhile, just relishing in each other’s presence, Erik rubbing circles into Jellal’s back - his signal to say ‘I love you’ when he doesn’t feel like talking. 
Jellal is Erik’s entire world: capable, bright and friendly, kind and intelligent, absolutely beautiful, basically everything anyone could want. But of all the people, it’s silly, stupid Erik who has gotten this amazing person to call his. 
So it’s okay if Jellal sometimes forgets just how much he is worth, because Erik will always, always be here to remind him.
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jelrayweek · 5 years
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A big thanks to @theseventhstar​ for letting us use her amazing art! Welcome to Jelray Week 2020! We are very excited to run this event again and we hope you can join in the fun.
Event Dates: April 13-19
Prompts: 🌟 Day 1: Light ❄️ Day 2: Confetti 🌟 Day 3: Lock ❄️ Day 4: Mirror 🌟 Day 5: Tradition ❄️ Day 6: Horizon 🌟 Day 7: Family
Content Submission: Art, edits, fics, poetry, amvs, headcanons, manga colorings, playlist, text posts, etc, and pretty much anything else is acceptable.
Event Rules: • Any NSFW must be tagged appropriately. If your content contains any triggers please tag them (ex. self-harm, depression, gore, etc.) • Any work with incest, pedophilia, character or ship bashing will not be accepted. • All work must be original and created for this event. Standalone one-shots from established works are acceptable. Any content that is submitted will need to be your own work. No plagiarism!
Event Tag: Content can either be submitted to this blog or you can use the tag #jelrayweek2020 in your first five so that we can see it! You’re also welcome to mention the blog @jelrayweek​.
Additional Info: Prompts are only for inspiration, so feel free to use your own creativity. Late entries will be accepted. Any genre, including platonic content and brotp is welcomed! Do let us know if your submission is not reblogged within 2 days. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them by messaging us or sending in an ask.
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Oh- yeah... Those... We've heard- ...
Cerulean sighs
Yeah... they aren't coming up as often as they used to though..
There's another hero.. uh.. Camo? I think that's his hero name. He's found a lot of them.
Hello, mod here! This is the information thing, go chat with Camo if you want to get closer to seeing the murderer!
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
Fic rec!
This is a WIP that’s been updating once a week or sooner. It’s a life-and-times style canon compliant epic that starts at ages 12/13 and slowly ages up. 
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scvimagines · 4 years
this is more of a concept ask than a specific character, so I hope it's still alright, but - birthdays! do the mutants know about their birthdays? if they do, how would they each celebrate them, do they think they're a big thing? sorry if this is weird, but I hope it's okay!
janmod SP here abt to crack out a zodiac trait book and assign everyone birthdays just u wait!!! also adding aika because, while they aren’t a mutant, theyre technically in that sort of area
under the cut bc it’s gonna be a LITTLE long, apologies to everyone who follows this blog if this doesn’t work- please be merciful tumblr for once
their birthday, in earth days, falls upon march 3rd. they’re a pisces!
birthdays aren’t a big thing for their kind- so when they’re introduced to them, they don’t really know what to... make of them. aging isn’t anything special for them.
but they DO like gifts. a lot.
Snallie (written by Chris)
snallie knows. she thinks its a big thing but her definition of "big" is like. she’s got a candle in her food whether it was lit or not. She's Very easy to please
his birthday is february 20th! he’s a pisces as well.
for mutt, birthdays aren’t... super cheery for him? his genetic ‘soup’ at its very base is unstable, and the MT line doesn’t usually last too long. however, they are a celebration, because it means he survived another year, and still seems healthy!
typically they’re just celebrated with some extra candies being handfed to him, and some cuddles.
sweetie’s birthday is hard to pin down, due to the nature of their creation, but roughly january 30th is the best guess. they’re an aquarius!
they... don’t care about their birthday. the most celebration they get is an extra helping of scraps.
lord knows his birthday well. it falls on august 3rd, and he’s a leo.
his birthdays are a big deal whether anyone wants them to be or not. he parades around and demands extra fish, attention, compliments. he’s the star of the lab on his birthday!
(snallie also gets snacks that lord demands.)
Freckle (written by Chris)
freckle screams. freckle does not care for birthdays, either way.
ah, siren. its birthday is actually on september 25th, making it a libra- but its birthday isn’t one to be celebrated.
due to the massive danger of opening the door without earplugs, it doesn’t get much celebration- especially since gifts could be used against those who come in.
however, it does usually get a new type of tea brought in, at least.
Betty (written by Chris)
betty knows what birthdays are, but doesn’t really care for a big party or anything. she just wants to be with whoever her partner is- that alone is enough for her.
now, i know we havent talked about alice but yet- but she was given life on july 10th.
she wants her birthday to be ‘normal’, and to do things humans do. she gets presents, a cake, a small party...
it’s... a little sad, admittedly. but she has fun, at least!
the bastard himself. ceru was born in winter, under a heat lamp, on december 2nd. he’s a sagittatius!
he does not care the slightest bit about his birthday. not at all. no damns. he’s too busy breaking the rules
sweet celeste was grown on may 28th. she’s a gemini.
she doesn’t exactly know what birthdays are. or care much about it. she gives gifts to those she cares about all year long, after all!
angel was, ironically, born on december 25th. he’s a capricorn, and yes, that means he’s born on christmas.
and this means he demands double gifts.
he’ll occasionally be nice enough to not shock the scientist who goes into his tank that day, though.
seer was born in october- on the 19th, specifically. she’s a libra!
she’s avoidant of the scientists to begin with, so birthdays aren’t really her thing. but...
...if offered cake, you might later find there’s a piece missing.
born and blossomed in the early days of spring, dahlia was born on march 23rd, as an aries.
her birthdays are quiet celebrations- usually just with a couple of people. she’s given special water instead of a cake, and just enjoys the company!
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scienceverse · 4 years
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Chris here with four new designs! The mutants Ceru and Celeste belong to S, and Tyler and Drake are my doing as side characters who work in the Beating Hearts!
Asshole Tyler also has an interesting connection to another mutant, who we’ve met, named Betty...
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petrichor-tighzyno · 1 year
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General Mod Ceru Tired med student and feral Tighnari enjoyer. Aside from TighCyno, I like cooking, neuroscience and writing terribly self-indulgent fanfiction. My favourite thing about TighCyno is Cyno’s vulnerability and Tighnari’s badassery being on display. I'm also passionate about cultural representation, especially in Sumeru.
Social media:
Ao3 - izukillme
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homestuck-kinhelp · 4 years
Could I get a mood board for Karkat? Something with like positive affirmations in red, and some cuddly things in red with some grey stuff otherwise? Me and Dave were very cuddly and I kinda miss him. Sorry if this is complicated or hard to read I’m horrible at explaining stuff - Ceru(tag the post with #Ceru for me if you can)
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Here you go, Ceru! I’m Very sorry for the delay. I hope this is a bit What you Were looking for..? Turns out, a lot of grey cuddly things haVe elephants in them, so I tried to include as feW elephants as possible.
-Mod Hadithi (-💜[Lanque Shift])
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