#mod fuyu
therealpekej · 2 months
OW?!?!?????? BAD KITTY!!!!!
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hold on. You’re telling me that there’s two of you now? Well that’s unexpected.
(-Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
"Ahh, there's a familiar face! It's nice to see you, buddy!" Buddy might be stretching it a little... he knows that.
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"But... yeah. I can't say I expected it either. Even just one of me is a little too much..." He sighs.
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I finally got the Blush Blush bug back and bought the kitsune boys bundle
I'm gonna attempt some of the requests in my askbox, but in the meantime -- FLOOD ME WITH REQUESTS PLZ I love my boys so so much 🥰
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mlm-mod-taka · 4 months
Hi there! I'm here to request a little something I've had bouncing around in my head a while and I feel like you'd do a great job at writing it! I'd like to request Taka, Gundham, Fuyu, and Kiyo with an S/O who's basically a giant compared to them and is suuuuuuper affectionate and friendly. Like the first time they met, the reader picked them up and basically swooped then into a hug raving about how adorable they are. You don't have to do it ofc, but if you agree to I CANNOT wait to see the
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HAVING A BIG, AFFECTIONATE, FRIENDLY S/O • taka, gundham & fuyuhiko x gn reader
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first off, i just want to say i am so sorry that you had to wait for so long, i just got back from my two year long break. second, im also sorry, however, i do not write for korekiyo, so i simply didn't include him. i do apologize for not asking if you wanted to replace him with another character, this request has been pending for so long that i decided against it. third, this is more a story in bullet point form than actual headcanons. despite all of this, i hope you can still enjoy this long awaited request.
tws/cws: yelling, cursing, threatening and violence. (mostly during fuyuhiko's part)
|| -> mod taka <3
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at first, kiyotaka will admit that he was quite intimidated by you. seeing someone extremely taller than him isn't an everyday occurrence. yes, many other people were taller than him, but not by such a large degree, usually.
however, if he stood next to you, he'd seem like an overgrown child. so, naturally he was on-edge whenever you were near him, since you could probably easily beat him up if you wanted to.
but he had to remind himself that he was the ultimate moral compass! it doesnt matter how strong or large you are, he will discipline and scold you when it was needed. he will never back down from a fight when it comes to morals, even if he could easily lose that fight.
when you two first met, he decided to make the polite decision to introduce himself. once he was done with his maticulously-worded greeting, (that he had planned last night) he was expecting you to respond in a rude tone, filling the delinquent expectations that he had made of you based on your appearance in his head. but instead...
he was met with the biggest, tightest, and closest hug of his life. his first thought was to hug you back, which he was about to follow, until he remembered that you were in a public space and this would technically be considered as pda.
once he realized that revelation, he immediately pulled away from the hug, scolding you about touching people in public without permission. while your hug was extremely warm and welcoming, he forced himself to keep up his own rules.
you just stood there, very still while he gave you a lecture about being physically affectionate with someone you barely know. he also proceeded to go on a mini rant about the negative effects of pda, but you werent listening to any of it.
you were mainly just focused on how he seemed very passionate about keeping the peace, which made him look weirdly cute. people often look very adorable to you whenever they were talking about something they cared alot about, which is what ishimaru was currently doing.
you interrupted his planned speech about keeping ourselves civil, to compliment him about how cute he looked. taka immediately stopped in his tracks, looking at you like you just spoke a forbidden sentence.
"...pardon?" kiyotaka asked, but it sounded more like a flustered squeak he made out of surprise. you repeated your comment about him, watching his face slowly turn more red, realizing that you were being serious about what you said, and that you weren't mocking him like others do.
after the initial shock wore off, he reacted exactly how he expected you to, which was scolding you passionately again. however, it didn't sway your mind, he still looked very adorable to you while he was practically going teacher-mode on you because you called him "cute."
what you didnt expect, however, was what he said right when he finished telling you off. "thats all! i hope you have learned your lesson!... and while i don't agree with your methods of doing so, i do appreciate the compliment." he added the last part on with a rushed shout, then immediately left, trying to hide his red face from you.
from then on out, you actively seeked taka, and tried to befriend him, which he accepted. you still don't tone down your affectionate-ness and compliments at all, but he seems to be scolding you less and less. in fact, he seems like he anticipates them now, which makes you happy. little did you both know, that this friendship would lead to so much more.
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gundham is the same as taka. he was intimidated by your large stature, and general... bigness. however, gundham tanaka is no coward, he will challenge anyone who dares compete against tanaka the forbidden one!
he walked up to you, with extreme confidence, and started his usual menacing speech about how he was a more powerful entity compared to you "mortals". before he could even finish the first sentence, you interrupted with a sentence that caught his " mighty" act off guard.
"aw, you're so adorable! like those hampsters that are on your shoulder! you're almost as cute as them!" were your first words to him. before his mind would even catch up to the strange sentences you just uttered to him, you grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug.
gundham needed a solid few seconds to compose himself before he speaks at all. the devas are all squirming in his scarf, also caught by surprise from the strong hug you gave them. once he does process the situation enough to not look like a shocked puppy, he immediately starts thrashing in your large arms.
"release me from your armed trap at once, mortal!" he says in a mix of rage and panic. you quickly let him go, feeling a slight pain from how haphazardly he was moving in your grasp, and also because he didn't seem like he wanted to be hugged, if the sentence he spoke to you was anything to go by.
when he was released, the first thing he did after dusting himself off was restart his original speech of him being the supreme overlord of ice, but this time, he added that you are a very bold human for having the gal to touch someone so "highly superior" with such carelessness.
...or something along those lines. you weren't sure. your ears were only processing a muddled version of a few of the words he was saying, the rest was a blur. mainly because you weren't really paying attention to what he was going on about, you were just focusing on the cute, confident look on his face. along with the cute hamsters resting cozily in his scarf.
gundham stopped talking once he realized that you weren't looking him in the eye, or even anywhere near his face. you were staring at his neck, so he looked down to see his friends, then shot a sharp glaze at you after realizing why you weren't paying attention to his great speech.
"why are you looking at the dark devas of destruction, mortal? rather than listening to the words im gracing you with? you are not worthy to be in their presence, or mine." he continued death glaring at you, crossing his arms while waiting for your answer to his question.
"oh- im sorry... my lord? i was just admiring how cute and fuzzy the... dark devas? looked!" you gave the hamsters a small wave while speaking. you didn't know why he was speaking strangely and giving his pets such uncommon nicknames, but you didn't mind. you thought it was a little cute, actually.
of course, gundham was used to the compliments towards the devas. however, he wasn't taking the adjectives "cute" and "fuzzy" very well. they were evil! they were his partners in crime! how dare you call them such belitting names? before he could scold you again, you quickly swept the rug from under him again.
you quickly butted in, and started unconsciously showering him in compliments. calling him well-spoken, cool, dressed nicely, had cool hair, handsome, and such. you also added how his voice was very pleasant to listen to, and that his eyes were very expressive and clear.
as the flattering statements added on and on, he got more and more flustered. his slight stuttering from being caught off guard by the first two quickly because full-on sputtering with his face almost becoming as red as mahirus hair.
before you could make him even more speechless, he took the very little confidence he had left to attempt to make his usual "super big and bad evil" goodbye statement, but a very shortened and messy version escaped his lips instead, with him quickly scattering away before more of his pride was taken away by your giant cursed goodness.
while you were left confused as to why he left so suddenly, you quickly bid him adieu, continuing on with your day in hopes that you two would meet again, and maybe, just maybe, you would get along with each other.
little did you know that he was secretly plotting your demise for daring to treat him like that, muttering his evil plans to the dark devas, feeling that he needed to avenge them because of how you described them as if they weren't his wicked subordinates!
...deep down though, he would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to seeing your large, smiley self again. you were one of the few people who didn't scrutinize his personality, and he greatly appreciates it. maybe, when you acknowledge how truly devious he was, then, you could be acquiantances. or something deeper than that.
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lets be honest, fuyuhiko would really really dislike you when he first meets you. he has this ideology that people who are positive and kind are fooling him, trying to catch him off guard and trap him with their fake happiness. given his family and who he is, he was taught to be skeptical of almost everyone, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he was skeptical towards you.
everytime you even attempted to get near him, he either yelled at you to back or else he'd shank you, or peko would step in, quickly telling you to leave with her hands already on her sword handle in case you try to push it.
you would try for weeks to even have a slight chance of talking to him, because he is the only person out of your class that you haven't had a personal connection with. heck, you even started to have a slight bond with peko when she wasn't busy protecting fuyuhiko!
if you were being honest, you were genuinely starting to give up on having him warm up to you. you knew that no matter how hard you try, some people will still find ways to dislike you. you thought that this would be one of those unfortunate cases, and you were on the edge of accepting it.
until that one night. you were having trouble sleeping, and nothing seemed to be working. you knew that it was probably too late for anyone to be awake right now, so you decided to take an evening stroll around the school. maybe the walking would tired you out.
you walk out of your dorm, only to see kuzuryu starting absent mindedly at the stars in the late night sky. he looked so... at ease. the sound of a door opening and footsteps started him, and his attitude quickly did a 180, turning aggressive.
"what the hell are you doing sneaking up on me like that?! are you gonna try to fool me again, huh? with your fake smiles and over-the-top hugs?" he yelled, paying no mind to the fact that it was 4am, and he could wake someone up.
you reassured him that you weren't going to hurt him, but to be honest, you were hurt at the accusation that it was fake. you wanted to speak your feelings, but you felt like that would make him more on edge, so you just ignored that hurt for now.
disregarding your word, he told you to stay far away from him, pointing at the very end of the balcony he was leaning against. you did what you were told, not wanting to agitate him further. to be honest, this is probably the nicest he's been to you so far. usually, he'd just tell you to fuck off, so you weren't about to let this rare opportunity to talk to him slip pass you.
after a few moments if silence, you decided to ramble a bit, maybe that'll warm him up to you. you talked about everything you could, random stuff you thought of, all the way to deep philosophical conversations that would make you ponder at night.
fuyuhiko didn't look like he was listening, if anything, he looked as if he was spacing out and using you as a white noise machine. however, that was better than his usual response of him threatening you, so you kept going.
eventually, he said something, cutting you off mid-rant. "you know, you don't have to keep up the act right now." "what do you mean?" "i know you're lying, just admit it to my face so you can stop using all your energy trying to convince me you're a good person."
ouch, that stung. but, this is the longest he's talked to you in private, you couldn't let this go. "well, what if i told you it wasn't a lie?" you smiled at him. "bullshit. no one is ever that positive or nice."
"well, i am. and i'll prove it to you if you'll let me!" "pffft. yeah right. do you just want me to believe that someone as big as you isn't a secret spy or assassin? don't even try."
"im not. i can prove it to you." you were so close. he was talking to you, he was actually talking to you! you would have preferred if the conversation was more positive, yes, but he was talking to you! you were getting somewhere!
"really?" he paused, you could see his eyebrows slightly furrow in thought. "fine, since these other students are making things boring as hell, i'll let you prove it to me."
...it was that easy? all you had to do was say that you were willing to prove it at a balcony when it was 4am? it was a bit anti-climactic, but hey, you weren't complaining. "great! you won't regret this!" you walked to hug him before he put his tough guy act on again.
"don't. touch. me. i said i'd let you prove it to me, not use me as a personal cuddle bear. with how different we look, i think you'd crush me." "ah, not much of a hugger? sorry, i get it. should've asked first."
he yawned. "yeah you should've. anyways, i'm hitting the sack. kill me in my sleep and ill haunt you forever." fuyuhiko spoke as he walked back to his dorm room.
"i won't!" you replied, waving him goodbye. you know it was small progress, but you're getting somewhere. you'll definitely gain his trust.
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And they're in!
Find your teams, Dear Colorists! They'll be your close comrades for the rest of the battle!
And if you haven't joined the required Discord server, get on that! It's where mods will get a hold of you and where you'll be able to talk to your teammates!
Magic Person
Your Overlord
Neighborhood Neighbor
Midnight Ecto Snack
If you don't recognize the names, that's okay! Go to the Discord server to find everyone's various pseudonyms!
Looking for the Masterpost?
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Credit: pixiv.net/artworks/70581957
Hajime is Dr. Romani. This is going to connect with Izuru later. But still, of course Hajime is one of the dealy beloved human characters of Fgo.
Chiaki is Frankenstein's Monster (call her Fran). She looks great and all but besides the love of electricity and childlike mannerisms, not sure Chiaki fits Fran's animal like berserkness and tragic need for love.
Mahiru is Boudica. I can say for certainty this is solely due to Red hair and mother like qualities. Pretty sure we shouldn't compare Mahiru to someone whose entire purpose in Fgo is being that meme person who really hates the Roman Empire (ironically the founder of Rome is her best partner in battle), has big boobs, has a terrible skillset in battle, and is defined by her backstory of losing the war against the Roman Empire and had to watch her daughters be relentlessly raped by them before most likely being forced to join them which lead to her falling into despair and killing herself.
Ibuki is Nobunaga. This is solely cuz of the amount of fourth wall breaking chibi style comedic relief and crazy hijinks. (Nobu Nobu Nobu? Nobu Nobu Nobu Nobu Nobu! Nobu? Nobu Nobu! Nobu...)
Mikan is Skadi. I have no idea why. What does shy and clumsy as fuck Mikan have in common with a wise nordic giantess with insecurities about being single and unmarried?
Hiyoko is BB. BB and Hiyoko might both be detestable trollish pieces of shit who keep fucking people over and getting away with it, but comparing Hiyoko to essentially AI Junko Enoshima on crack is a bit too far.
Kazuichi is Nikola Tesla. Electricity. Master Inventor. Eccentric mofo. I approve.
Sonia is Marie Antoinette. Princess/Queen like character. I can see that. (Tho we should also try to look out for Marie Alter cuz that bitch is crazy as fuck and wants everyone to experience how it felt when the guillotine beheaded her). Tho Sonia wishes she was as much a cinnamon roll as Marie.
Gundham is Ozymandias/Rameses II. Boisterous mofos collide. I approve. (Sidenote: Ozy is voiced by Dio. KONO OZY DA!!!)
Izuru is of course Dr. Roman's true identity as King Solomon, King and Progenitor of All Magic. All magic apparently stems from him, motherfuckers. All hail the character we will never get and wish he would come back.
Nagito is Edmund Dantes. Only cuz of Memes based on similar looks. Nagito has nothing on Dantes's year long pursuit for revenge. Tho I guess they both were "saved" by the woman they loved most in the world.
Twogami is Julius Caesar. Only cuz they are chubby charismatic likeable people.
Peko is Tomoe. FUCK YEAH I APPROVE. Peko would totally be Tomoe. Why do you think I made Tomoe her Persona in my headcanon. It fits her SO MUCH TO A T.
Fuyuhiko is Rama. Why? What does Fuyu have in common with a guy who kills demon kings with an army of monkeys cuz they stole his wife yet was also cursed to die whenever him and his wife would ever meet? (Poor Rama in fgo, all he wants is to be with his wife again but destiny keeps screwing him over by killing him seconds before his wife reaches where he is).
Nekomaru is Iskandar/Alexander the Great. Solely due to being super muscular likeable badass motivators of living a great life. Nekomaru clearly doesn't want to conquer lands and rule the world.
Akane is Francis Drake. Only cuz of giant cleavage window alone. Akane ain't no pirate queen with literal flying sea ships with giant laser cannons.
And Teruteru is Fergus. Only because both of them are a super perverts with mindsets primarily filled only about banging women and having sex. Teru is no ripped Chad with a drill sword that shoots rainbow lasers from the ground. (Sidenote: Fergus's drill sword, Caladbolg, translates to "Hard Blade". Yes it's a dick joke.")
//I mean they look good?
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proseka-headcanons · 7 months
kanade probably has like. 3 pairs of headphones
she only really uses 1 of them though
nobody knows why she has 3 pairs of headphones if 2 of them are just scooted over to the corner being left to build up spider webs n shit /silly
So she can eat the spiders on the other one, duh /silly -🦈
MOD ICHIKA WHYYYYY???....In all seriousness though , K probably has those as either back-ups or for when she works in the same room as someone (Fuyu , Ichika etc)
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kotokage · 16 days
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Fuyu no Hana
link to striped kimono mod found here
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mod-kyoko · 2 years
Saw your requests were open, could I request Fuyuhiko x reader fluff? Like they're in the part of the killing game where everyone's stuck in the fun house and y/n keeps having nightmares so she seeks him out? Sorry if this is too specific.
i don't know how long it's been since you've sent this ask and i feel incredibly guilty about it so i'm just going to answer it because i need some writing material anyway!
also, don't worry about being "too specific," it actually helps me a lot because i don't have to do as much planning
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fuyuhiko comforts you after a nightmare (female reader)
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as if the killing game couldn't get any scarier, you were stuck with one of the worse rooms of the fun house. the one with the rickety bed, moldy walls and ceiling, and general sketchy atmosphere
you were already prone to nightmares, but the unusually thin walls and all those weirdly shaped shadows made them even worse tonight
your dreams decided to haunt you with the death of your s/o this particular night
what woke you up was the sight of fuyu's body bashed and bloody in the elevator of the fun house
that silhouette of a coat rack in the corner sent you flying out of your bed and to the door
it was way after midnight but way before morning, so everyone else was asleep
thankfully, the lights were on in the hallways at all times
the nightmare had left you trembling and sweating, clutching onto the wall as you made your way to your lover's room
by the time you reached his door, you were nearly hyperventilating and about to fall to your knees
all your strength was used to slam your fist on his door before tears in your eyes consumed your vision
you didn't see anything that happened next, only heard it, because you had closed your eyes while the sobs pulsed through your chest
fuyuhiko had opened the door, groggy, rubbing his eyes
as soon as he saw you, though, he was alert and stiff
his first instinct was to yank you into the room and lock the door, in case someone was chasing you
"hey, pretty, tell me what happened. did someone do this to you?"
it took a while for you to calm your breathing enough to speak a coherent sentence, so for thirty seconds you clutched onto his t shirt and buried your face in his chest
"had... a nightmare... you were murdered."
his hands were cupping your face so fast, forcing you to look up at him
"hey, look at me. who's the ultimate yakuza here? right, it's me. these guys can't touch me, doll. i've got us."
"now wipe those tears away, and come get in bed with me, huh? you let me handle those bad dreams, i'll knock 'em in their fuckin' skulls."
the rest of the night was spent in fuyu's arms
he waited for you to fall asleep first, playing with your hair to soothe you
once you were sleeping soundly he would finally let himself go as well, never releasing his hold on you
dude omfg that was such a great request 😳
i tried to get a little more experimental with my writing and yall might not notice the difference but i'm pretty proud of myself
-mod kyoko
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dryonsenpai · 8 months
Fun facts about my whb mc (you can ask any kind of question about him)
🇪🇦La traducción española la haré en un reblogueo
Name: Koushi (凰紫), but usually goes by his nickname Murasaki (purple)
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: 12-12 ♐(same as mine)
Height: 1.70m
He has vitiligo (it runs in my own family but I don't have it, but if I had a kid they'd have more than 70% of possibility of having it)
Due to his vitiligo, he has white strands of hair, a white eyebrow & a set of white eyelashes
Philias: urophilia, merinthophilia, agliophilia, agraphilia (roleplay)... & A lot more
Philias he hates: emetophilia, coprophagia/philia, erotofonophilia & necrophilia (unless it's roleplay)...
Sexuality: gay but curious
Job: He's a doctor, a surgeon to be more specific, & likes fashion design
Food & drinks he loves: sushi & coconut eneryeti. He also loves chocolate & anything sweet
Food & drinks he hates: stinky food & alcohol
Body mods: He has got piercings & tattoos, one of them is Lucifer's sigil (he has it since he was 17)
His pp is illegally big (not as much as Lucifer's or Michael's)
Hobbies: drawing, playing videogames, singing, watching anime, doll making...
Fav type of music: rock like Skillet, evanescence, breaking Benjamin, Hollywood undead...
Languages: 🇪🇦🇬🇧🇯🇵🇨🇳🇮🇹🇰🇷
Pets: a black cat named Lucifer & a white angora ferret named Fuyu
He can fight
You can always rely on him, he's never gonna tell a secret & he's always gonna listen to you
He always wears makeup unless he's at home
He will steal the shirt of the man who sleeps with him (you know) & wear it
If that guy stays with him til morning, Mura will make him a surprise breakfast & offer to take a shower together
His ideal type is: a strong & caring man (preferably with long hair)
As almost all my ocs, he's goth
His eyes are purple
He likes to be with all the kings, but he's uncomfortable around Beelzebub
He also likes Marbas, Morax, Andrealphus, Belial, Eligos, Valefor
His bestie is Paimon
He wants to try the angels, but Michael is just his type
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A part 4 of dating a reader who's the opposite of them and when asked why there dating Said girl they blush and say they're too cute~ with, Hiroko hagakure, Peko pekoyama, Toko fukawa and Mahiru koizumi
I live in pain/j -Mod Junko
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Hiroko, Peko, Toko and Mahiru with a S/O who’s the opposite of them
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• Hiroko is a giant softie for you, she’s pretty chill herself but she likes how energetic you are, you bring some life to her life that she’s been missing for a while
• Hiroko sometimes just drags you to bed to get you to relax since you’re so hyper, she’s a mother to even her S/O, despite having the biggest momma’s boy know to date in Yasuhiro
• Hiroko was commanding some of the adults in the hideaway, and you stood behind her watching her, almost starstruck before she turned to look at you
• “hm? What’s up sweetheart?”
• “nothing, you’re just cute like this” you replied
• “hm, whatever you say, but I think you’re cuter”
• Hiroko wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, kissing your forehead, you were short compared to her
• “you’re real soft yknow that? I like that”
• you leaned against Hiroko comfortably, you could do this all day if she’d let you
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Peko Pekoyama
• you reminded her of her young master Fuyuhiko sometimes, not quite as angry though
• she often had to drag you out of the situations you get yourself in, she’s used to doing that
• Fuyuhiko often threatened that you better have been treating her right, you always reassure him she’s doing well
• it was another one of those times where Fuyuhiko was interrogating you on how Peko was
• “she’s doing well Fuyu, she’s as cute as she ever is”
• Peko turned her head at you, looking confused. Cute? That’s definitely something nobody has ever said about her, it made heat raise to her cheeks
• “Cute? Hm. That’s something new”
• Fuyuhiko looked like he wanted to pummel you for “embarrassing” Peko but Peko told him she was just a bit surprised is all
• you smiled at Peko and she just shook her head while forcing down a smile, you’re too adorable for her sake, you know that?
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Toko Fukawa
• Toko was really new to relationships, she’s never had one before that didn’t have alterior motives behind it, but you respected she wanted to go slow
• Even if you’re really hyper and energetic she puts up with it, she does it with Komaru so she can do it with you, as long as you let her have some quiet moments, it’ll be alright
• she’s honestly afraid of how well you and Genocide jack get along, that’s a recipe for a disaster just waiting to happen
• it was when you were talking to komaru that you mentioned Toko was so cute when she was watching you do your thing and be energetic, she was close by, reading a book
• “C-Cute?? I-I’m not cute! I think you mean ugly!”
• you pulled Toko’s hand into your own, holding it close to your chest
• “I’ll never believe you’re ugly, Toko”
• Toko looked back down at her book, almost like she was about to cry and you pulled her close into a hug
• toko has never had someone be so nice to her, she’s really glad she has you in her life
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Mahiru Koizumi
• Mahiru acted motherly to everyone around her like Hiyoko and Mikan, but you aren’t safe from this either
• whenever you’re getting into trouble or being clumsy she’s always there to dust you off and tell you to be more careful, but she does love you with all her heart
• she has pictures of you all over her room, she loves your smile, it’s so pure at heart. You can make anyone near you smile just being around
• Mahiru was trying to take a picture of a view of the jabberwock beach up on the roof of the restaurant, you were up there with her, keeping her company
• she had her tongue sticking out slightly while trying to get the perfect angle and you giggled quietly before she looked at you surprised
• “huh? What’s funny, Y/N?”
• “nothing nothing! You’re just so cute when you’re focusing”
• Mahiru’s face went almost as red as her hair, and she looked away from you back at the beach
• “I’m not cute, I just do it absentmindedly”
• you laughed and joined mahiru at the front of the roof, kissing her cheek, you both decided to watch the sunset over the beach, it was so peaceful to be in each other’s company
• your smile brightens her world like no other, it’s good she has a camera because she never wants to stop looking at your smile
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ask-the-shorty-squad · 3 months
shorty squad how is the household holding up............ make sure to keep your home clean
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Of course. We make sure to clean the house daily to minimize as much mess as possible. It's grown into a healthy habit for all of us and is a much better alternative rather than only cleaning when and area of the house grows too messy to ignore. Plus, it keeps most messes minimal and take pretty much less then a few minutes to do thanks to this habit of ours.
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I remember Papa Fuyu and Papa Teru constantly reminding me not to bring food or drinks into my room. I used to get a little annoyed by it, but in the end, I'm thankful that they did. I can only imagine the amount of cups and plates that would just be sitting in my room right now if they didn't like most kids my age.
(Mod: This is coming from someone who currently has about 5 water bottles and 4 plastic cups in its room at the moment. Imma go take care of that now! :D )
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strawberriesbunni · 5 months
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Welcome baby Chifuyu to the family !!
After the birth of Chifuyu, Mila discovered that she is no longer fertile. She is very grateful for being able to give birth to him. I got the name Chifuyu from this manga I finished reading called Tokyo Revengers. One of my favorite characters is Chifuyu, so in honor of him I called Mila and Kiyoshi's child Chifuyu. His name means "thousand" 千 (chi) and "winter" 冬 (fuyu). For the challenge you can give your children winter themed names. So that's his winter name c:
Side note: while she was in labor they constantly were kissing every second. I had Mila get something to eat from the cafeteria and Kiyoshi had a kissing action queued up. I’ve got the more kisses mod installed, and they were constantly being super affectionate with each other. And then he had to go to work. So I just let him go, but when she was fully dilated I made him come back to the hospital and be there for the birth. (Low quality pictures below. But, overall, I’m very happy with how things are going. And Mila recently turned into an adult so I’m going to focus on her aspiration and trying to complete her optional requirements as much as I can.
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Seeing as Chifuyu is still an infant, and has a long time before becoming a teen/young adult. And by the time he does, Kiyoshi and Mila will be aging into elders. I'm really going to be devastated when they become elders. I have my neighborhood stories on, but I turned off that accidental death function so no one I'm close to can die. I hate when I check it while my sims are sleeping and I see some sim die because they fought with a chicken or something. I will NOT let that happen. I am using Simkhira's lifespan ♡ so I can take my time with each generation and not feel too rushed. I'm going to do my best in completing the optional requirements as well.
Overview of the rules :
Aries Gen
Traits: Hot-headed ✓, Self-assured ✓, Adventurous ✓ Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast Career: Politics (politician branch) ✓ Colour: Navy Blue ✓
Required: ✓ Any partner must be a good friend before you start romancing them ✓ Never cheat on a partner ✓ You must never initiate a breakup or divorce, but your partner can if it fits the story
☐ Never go down without a fight - if anyone is negative towards you first, you must use at least three mean or mischievous actions straight away ✓ Master any extreme sport ✓ Have at least two tattoos ✓ Dye your hair a bright colour at least twice in your YA life ✓ Get pregnant/get someone pregnant from public woohoo ☐ When your first born child is a toddler, adopt a puppy. When this dog becomes an elder, adopt another puppy so you have two dogs in your household. You should keep repeating this so your children always have at least two dogs in the house. ✓ Reach at least level 7 of the politics career ☐ Reach at least level 3 of the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration
☐ Master all of the extreme sports ✓ Woohoo in 5 different locations (hot tub, bush, sauna, etc.) ✓ Have the adrenaline seeker lifestyle ✓ Make sure you have enough household funds to give your heir 30k when they move out ✓ Reach level 10 of the politics career
☐ Complete the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration ✓ Give children winter themed names
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streetfuyu · 7 months
Hey. Im Mafuyu, you can call me Fuyu. He/him.
I'm 17, I sing in a street group. I think that is all?
Hey, we're the alien system and I'm the one who's the mod here, my name is Yuki. We have other rps but they're kind of dead but we're in a rp group with a few friends now.
He/him mod.
Ill tag ooc stuff with #ooc
And in character stuff with #streetfuyu
The street shuffle group doesn't have a name yet, but eh.
Mafumom isn't aware of this, Mafuyu, Fuyu here, keeps bypassing curfews to sing, specially in shows.
Mafuyu headcanons: trans man. He/him. Lesbian. Demi ace and demi aro.
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hello! would you like to be added to the masterlist I have for the pjsk official accounts? {@mafuyu-asahina-official mod}
(omg hiiii theres two mafuyus now :3)
// hiii yeah you can add me :0!!
// double fuyu double trouble
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ghostfuyu-asahina · 10 months
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Please, don't actually be afraid. I'm just a ghost. I can't do much harm to you now. Call me Mafuyu. That was my name before I died, I think.
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GHOSTFUYU TIIIME !!!!!! Here's some blog info;;
𖦹 Don't be creepy, both the mod and Mafu are minors. 𖦹 No DNI, I just block people I don't like 𖦹 All likes/follows/etc. come from @nothirstonmain 𖦹 Ships are great I love them 𖦹 Asks my beloved. Pls send them <3
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Tags I'll use;;
#the planchette moves 𖦹 - In-character posts #the planchette stills 𖦹 - Out-of-character posts #username 𖦹 - Replace username with the username of whoever I'm interacting with #seyance 𖦹 - Asks #haunting 𖦹 - Reblogs #cool water 𖦹 - Textposts
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LORE/OTHER STUFF TIME! Hidden at the bottom for your viewing pleasure and convenience
𖦹 Died by drowning in his Sekai after a breakdown. Now he barely remembers anything from when he was alive. :( 𖦹 This Mafu is a demiboy, ambiamorous, and pansexual. 𖦹 When he was alive he had a crush on everyone in N25 which did carry over. 𖦹 He can't remember any faces, they all appear blurred in his memory. He does remember the aliases N25 used, though 𖦹 His face is in fact always blurred in some way that wasn't a stylistic choice lmao 𖦹 Constantly misses his mom. Only positive memories of her were kept :( 𖦹 Much sillier, blunter, and a bit less sad than canon!fuyu 𖦹 Writes poetry instead of lyrics. He hasn't listened to any music or met the rest of N25 since he died.
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