#mod tapu
trashfoundation · 5 months
i know you probably figured this blog was dead based on the (currently) almost 3-year hiatus, but i’d like to officially announce that this blog/au is permanently closed.
due to a number of factors (namely real-life stuff that keep me from updating as frequently, and not feeling comfortable using/referencing dr. br*ght as a character in the wake of the discussion around his author), i’ve decided that can’t continue this blog even if i were to get back into the fandom one day. i’m leaving this blog up exclusively as an archive, and please note that i no longer stand by a lot of the writing choices that i made circa 2019-2021.
that being said, i don’t hold any ill will toward the scp community or the friends that i made while participating in it, you guys are cool and i hope you understand my decision.
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the-witchs-cafe · 3 months
Finally got the time of day to add more details to Hau's witch. Apologies for the long wait; I'm still waiting on when I could get my laptop fixed, and I've been tinkering with some design elements so that he wouldn't look so...bland- on top of trying to figure out what the actual fuck his labyrinth should look like. :c
Note of advice: fucking revisit the source material and take some time to literally touch some grass. If the design feels empty/bland, a change of perspective is what is needed; look at the character and their surroundings/story from another angle, and you might find more elements that would fit perfectly with the design you want to create.
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dollarstore-kins · 11 months
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Pokemon team for Dokuro-Chan requested by Anon!!
Hope you like it and if you'd like anything changed, please let us know!
-Mod ET
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yoshi-self-ships · 1 year
Hello, could you draw Tapu Bulu? please
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Here you go! I've never drawn Tapu Bulu before so this was quite fun!
(If it looks bad, that's tumblr's fault)
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poke-cove · 1 year
sometimes you'll come across a 10 y/o and they'll ask me to battle them and I'll say yeah sure fully confident in my level ~50 team and then they'll either pull our a fucking legendary or you'll have to massacre their small little caterpie and choosing which one is worse is not an easy thing and as such I will not do it
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delicate-verdance · 1 month
Hello and welcome to the area we call the verdance, this is a haven for pokemon you would consider of legendary status ~ actually legendary or not, the haven will welcome them.
of course not everyone here will take well to questioning, there's no harm in trying.
~✧↓~ Long but important, do read ~↓✧~
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DNI // NSFW • terfs • transphobes//homophobes • pedos
Ask box rules // general rules
✧ Be kind. words do hurt and we don't want any incidents to occur, jokes or not
✧ if your unsure of pronouns of the characters or the mod running the blog do ask! I won't bite and I'm happy to answer any question you have
✧ talk of pregnancy is alright, but try not to do it in excess if not necessary. it makes me uncomfortable
✧ suggestive asks are alright, but try to avoid anything directly NSFW.
✧ try not to spam my inbox or dms // I will be a bit slower to answer to not stress myself out so do try to be patient.
✧ if anon is on, it can be turned off - it's a privilege to have it on, don't squander it.
✧ Roleplaying is alright! if your unsure if I'm willing to go along with one, just ask :3
≧灬✧⁠~*。✧⁠◝Indwellers◜⁠✧ 。*~✧灬≦
꒰~Kepo〃Tapu koko〃💬✅~⁠꒱꒰~Raikiir〃Raiku〃💬✅~⁠꒱
≧灬✧⁠~*。✧⁠◝Passersby◜⁠✧ 。*~✧灬≦
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willing to chat=💬✅ Unwilling/unavailable=💬🚫
side blog to // @oatsynalliums
sister blog \\ @serenity-fields
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If you call me walter, and are not immediately close to me, your life is forfeit :)
the abundance of starter Pokemon is because I have traveled a lot
They battle quite often, usually with each other. I am also a champion ranked trainer in paldea and Galarian Star Champion!
I have 20 red gyarados I rescued from a cloning facility. They're all fine (for the most part) now, and one is even able to mega evolve!
Also, if text is blue, it's probably my brother greninja unless specified! If text is purple, its probably Gal the lunala or Tapu fini (you'll know because she puts "tf:" before text!
(also I was the first [type]-pokemon-appreciator blog. no I am not associated with. like. any of the other ones except the rock and grass ones)
Also, im the Chosen of Kyogre (@bane-of-beings-that-fish) (//hes also the chosen of his lunala, Gal, but would prefer to keep that on the down low)
My girlfriend Alex: @frog-pokemon-friend
(we both look really pretty in these photos and I want to keep it here)
//IC video index!
Greninja (Battle Bond)
Inteleon (Gmax)
Urshifu (rapid strike) (Gmax)
Gyarados (✨️) (Mega)
[Rest of pokemon]
//Mod is same age as character!!! Also I'm ok with interacting with anyone, and I'm cool with asks advertising your blog (preferably in an in character way!)
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vbholidayfestival · 6 months
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On to the Alola light display!
The first display is enormous, illustrating the four Tapu deities unleashing their Z-moves while engaged in a fierce battle royale. Solgaleo and Lunala each have their own display as well, the former radiating intense light to mimic the sun and the later flapping their wings over a moonlit, glittering sky.
Past that is a display of a Mantine surfer that looks suspiciously like Alola's current surfing champion tearing up the waves alongside an Alolan Raichu. The surfboard has a fair isle holiday print, while the surfer is wearing a Santa hat.
Moving forward, you come across a display featuring Ula'ula Island’s flowery meadow, which is dotted with brilliant red flowers as far as the eye can see. Several Baile Oricorio are animated dancing among the flowers, with Mew hovering between them holding flowers in each hand.
At the center of this display is a giant Exeggutor wrapped in multicolored lights. Spinning around it are Pikipek, stringing the lights.
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art by mod Psyseon / @mirroredranger
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shinytapuashy · 2 years
What was the aftermath of Ash near dying? Did he get the trauma 👀?
Pheremosa get her ass kicked by tapu koko, ash lost way too blood (from a deep wound in the stomach) and fucking almost dies till tapu koko call tapu lele (that go full VRUUM VRUUM mod) that help ash healing his ass and he sleeps for 7 hours straight, kukui almost die from stress and burnet gets burnet out.
And no, he didn't get THE TRAUMA cuz he almost die exactly 8 times.
Tapu lele coming for helps his brother (tapu koko) adopted son like:
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Let's check in on Ife Keji and the Akoko twins shall we? It might not be a good bad name, but arguably fills the criteria for a band name.
Shame none of them are musical. As Ife here demonstrates, they prefer to stand around looking at their crops. So that's promising innit
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speaking of twins... what is with these wants guys
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Lorea's feels for Tapu are getting real. The bond between abductees I guess
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Spotted Inti and Entzu in the wild, also catching feelings
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Tika's a romance secondary (who isn't in this world) so when she gets a positive memory from the engagement I know the ship is the right call
Let's head home to have that wedding shall we
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what's this about? i modded out the 8 sim limit I thought, but the Keji household has 4 sims on it, including one cat.. even if Tika was having triplets this should be fine
anyway, after some finagling:
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wedding time! and positive memories all around, yay
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bl00dy-seraphim · 1 year
heyyyy!! nice blog!! (I LOVE the dividers oh my GOD) would you be alright if I requested a moodboard for a Decidueye (Pokémon) with themes of nature, feathers/wings, and possibly tapu koko? (I miss them sm 💔) ty in advance!!! - @hollys-kinhelp
Thank you so much for the compliment and request Holly! This was super fun to put together and I hope you enjoy it!
~ Mod 🦇
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trashfoundation · 3 years
asks are temporarily closed until i can get to all the current ones
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elbdot · 3 years
Just received the Guzma and Tapu Bulu poster and it made my day!😭💕
Your art is amazing!
AWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG I'm so happy it brings you so much joy, thank you for your support AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭💖💖💕💖💕🥰
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dollarstore-kins · 7 months
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Pokemon team for a derse dreamer, bard of life Feferi Makara requested by Anon!!
-Mod ET
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beautifulparallel · 5 years
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Tapu Lele in all her glory!
This is my contribution to the #tropicaldoll2019 collaboration hosted by @dollightfully ! There's no way I wasn't going to make an Alolan Pokemon for this collab, and a magical-girl-witchy Tapu Lele jumped right out! I've loved seeing everyone else's progress on the #tropicaldoll2019 tag!! Can't wait to see them all together in a few weeks 💕 Katherine sure has her work cut out for her 😂 Special thanks to @little-bee-and-nutmeg who made these poofy pants for me!
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turffieldstadium · 4 years
In all honesty there's a running joke that the only reason my OC hasn't been smited by the gods themselves is because she's too entertaining to just kill. She'll be professional at first but the second one of those wolves does a Dog Thing™ she's gonna treat them like she does her very good boy of an Arcanine. Speaking of, how do you think the immovable snoot and unstoppable waggle butt act like?
oh the Tapus routinely try to kill my OC just ‘cause
idk about Zamazenta cause I haven’t played Shield or used it so get a vibe for it, but Zacian (based on mine) is a Good Boy who acts all Aloof n Serious but will push other Pokemon out of the way in order to catch the bouncy ball. But ball-playing has to be done in its powered down form, otherwise it will refuse to let go of the sword then whine cause it can’t pick up the ball. Also it loves sweet coconut milk curry
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