#moderate consumption
needtricks-blog · 9 months
Beer A Toast to Its Upsides and Downsides
Beer A Toast to Its Upsides and Downsides. Ah, beer. The frosty beverage that’s fueled conversations, celebrations, and countless hangovers for millennia. But is it a liquid friend or foe? While the answer ultimately depends on your body and lifestyle, let’s raise a glass and explore the advantages and disadvantages of this beloved brew. Continue reading Untitled
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bigsnaff · 3 months
I've said this before on my old old deleted blog somewhere I think, but I personally think that (most) of the in-game renders of the elder dragons are not reflective of their actual sizes.
They're constantly likened to natural disasters in and of themselves. Heaps of old concept art of them depicting them dormant and indiscernible from mountains. Kralkatorrik described as a hurricane. Zhaitan literally shoving an entire nation to the surface of the ocean. You could argue that Mordremoth is technically the size the entirety of the Maguuma Jungle itself.
The in-game renders are considerably scaled back versions of the elder dragons -- both because of the limitations of the game itself and because depicting them as anything larger than they're shown isn't really conducive to, uh, lag-free gameplay. I think the only models that really accurately depict their sizes, or at least close to it, is the mostly concealed Primordus in LWS3 and the entire Dragonfall map of Kralkatorrik.
Not that this is something I see argued or anything. But if I'm trying to envision them accurately, then the creature blowing off the bow of the Glory of Tyria when the Pact flies into Arah isn't the modest version of Zhaitan we see in game, but it's a mountain hurling across the sky.
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vonlipvig · 9 months
my brain is so EMPTY only severance s2 could save me
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virtualcarrot · 10 months
the funniest thing about being a vegetarian "moderate" (do not put a charcuterie board in front of me or so help me I will eat it I have zero self-control where food is concerned) while having made peace with the inadequacy of my own choices in the face of the reality of things, is that I still get to suffer conversations on the topic from the side of HARD. SCIENTIFIC. FACTS. going ignored
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909th · 8 months
freedom in collective excess or safety in solitary asceticism for today ?
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cannot stress enough how important it is to read actual professionally published and edited books across multiple genres and not just fanfic or YA or whatever booktok is trying to sell you
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bumblebeebats · 7 months
Every time i purchase a moderately expensive item the Karl Marx on my shoulder is like "For shame... you purchase yet another pair of jeans when you have 5 already at home, you despicable commodity fetishist? In my time, a man with five outfits would consider himself blessed beyond measure, and yet you want for more, while there are children starving in the world??" to which the second Karl Marx on my other shoulder says "Objection! Those 5 pairs of jeans all wildly uncomfortable or have holes in the ass, due to the decline of clothing quality driven by the fast fashion industry, unfortunately making this purchase a necessity... Plus, by purchasing a slightly more expensive pair of jeans from an independent brand, seeking quality over 'brand recognition', they are deliberately trying to avoid engaging in conspicuous consumption!" to which the third Karl Marx clinging to my back like that beetle from Doctor Who says "Remember, my friend; the less you eat, drink, buy books, go to the theatre or to balls, or to the pub, and the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you will be able to save and the greater will become your treasure which neither moth nor rust will corrupt — your capital. Buy the jeans," to which I say "I don't know if any of you have actually read Karl Marx"
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punk-pandame · 2 months
not me wondering why i feel sick to my stomach when i've eaten almost an entire bag of grapes in the last 24hrs...
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healixhospitals24 · 2 months
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Gallstones are a common health issue that can cause significant discomfort and lead to more severe complications if not managed properly. Understanding the factors contributing to gallstone formation is crucial for effective gallstone prevention. Among these factors, alcohol consumption and caffeine intake play significant roles. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the impact of alcohol and caffeine on gallstone formation and provide practical tips for gallstone prevention.
Do Read: https://www.healixhospitals.com/blogs/the-impact-of-alcohol-and-caffeine-on-gallstone-formation:-moderation-tips-for-gallstone-prevention
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techdriveplay · 3 months
Son of a Nun Mid Strength Lager - TDP Review
Son of a Nun Mid Strength Lager is a refreshing take on moderately alcoholic beers designed for those who prefer a lighter touch. With just 3% ABV, this lager is tailored for enjoyment that doesn’t compromise on social or flavourful experiences. It’s perfect for drinkers seeking a heavenly brew with a minimal boozy punch, allowing for extended sessions of guilt-free pleasure. Taste The Son of a…
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tmarshconnors · 5 months
Box of illusions.
Let me start by saying yes over the years I have watched a fair amount of TV. I recall the days I came home from school and once I had dinner there I was at 6.00 pm watching the Simpsons, as I got older I started to spend most of my free time in school in the library. Oh, the books I read. From psychology, sociology, popular science religion etc. I have read many. Reading is a lost art nowadays.
Here’s the thing Television, the mesmerising box of illusions, has ensnared humanity in its clutches, stripping away our vitality and autonomy piece by piece. It's a relentless devourer of time, attention, and ultimately, our very souls. How, you might ask? Let me unleash a torrent of grievances against this insidious modern-day sorcerer.
First and foremost, television breeds passivity. It spoon-feeds us narratives, ideologies, and opinions, numbing our critical thinking faculties. We sit there, slack-jawed and drooling, as our brains rot with mindless entertainment and shallow distractions. Instead of engaging with the world, we're hypnotised by its flickering images, lulled into a state of intellectual torpor.
And don't even get me started on the insidious influence of advertising. Every commercial break is an assault on our senses, bombarding us with messages designed to manipulate our desires and insecurities. We're reduced to mere consumers, our identities shaped by the products we're told we need to buy to be happy, fulfilled, or desirable. It's a never-ending cycle of consumption and dissatisfaction, fuelling an insatiable hunger for more stuff we don't need.
But perhaps most damning of all is the way television distorts our perception of reality. We're fed a steady diet of sensationalism, distortion, and outright lies, blurring the line between fact and fiction until we no longer know what to believe. News becomes infotainment, truth becomes subjective, and critical issues are reduced to soundbites and talking points. We're left adrift in a sea of misinformation, our minds polluted by half-truths and outright fabrications.
And what do we sacrifice for the dubious pleasure of this electronic opiate? Our time, our relationships, our creativity, our very humanity. We sit alone in the dark, isolated from the world around us, as our lives slip away one wasted hour at a time. We forsake real experiences for simulated ones, genuine connections for virtual ones, and meaningful pursuits for empty distractions.
I am not saying that you should stop altogether. It's all about moderation. That's the problem. Everyone has forgotten it is about moderation. Never forget the revolution will not be televised.
It's time to break free from the shackles of our television addiction. We must reclaim our minds, our lives, and our souls from the clutches of this soul-sucking beast. Turn off the TV, unplug the cable, and rediscover the joy of living in the real world. Read a book, have a conversation, take a walk in nature—do anything, as long as it's real, authentic, and meaningful.
The time has come to rise against the tyranny of television and reclaim our humanity before it's too late. Let us break free from the chains of our electronic overlords and embrace the beauty and complexity of the world outside our screens. Our souls depend on it.
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djcgold · 9 months
14 Easy Ways To Beat Diet Destroyers
Check this post - reach your health goals in 2024 by beating diet destroyers. Free report for more health tips!
Diet destroyer. Reading that phrase may have you imagining fattening food like a sugary chocolate bar or a greasy cheeseburger. Learn 15 ways to beat diet destroyers, both known felons and surprising innocent looking ones. What Is A Diet Destroyer?14 Ways To Beat 3 Top Diet DestroyersAlcohol Friends Late HoursConclusion What Is A Diet Destroyer? A diet destroyer is a food or drink that can…
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healthmonastery · 1 year
Discover the World's Best Coffee and Uncover the Surprising Coffee Benefits!
The first sip of your morning cup of coffee, the aroma dancing in the air, and that instant wave of alertness that washes over you. But did you know that your favorite brew offers more than just a caffeine kick? Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the captivating world of coffee benefits that go beyond waking you up! 1. Energy Elevation Beyond Compare Ah, that unmistakable jolt of energy!…
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howdoesone · 1 year
How does one prevent getting a "vacation bod" from all the delicious food and drinks at the resort?
Going on vacation is a time to relax, unwind, and indulge in delicious food and drinks. However, it can be easy to overindulge and end up with a “vacation bod,” or extra weight gain from all the indulgences. Fortunately, there are ways to enjoy the delicious food and drinks at a resort without worrying about gaining weight. In this article, we will explore some tips on how to prevent getting a…
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freedomtipsforyou · 1 year
Revolutionize Weight Loss: Wine's Surprising Secret!
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Embrace Healthy Drinking Habits
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