essycogany · 4 months
SonAmy Staring
Recent IDW panels to warm your lovely hearts.
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Saying we’ve come a long way would be an understatement.
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tomboymikayla · 8 days
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michdoodles · 1 month
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SonAmy week day 7: non-cliché date comfort. Decided to wrap up SonAmy week with the comfort prompt and Classic Sonic and Amy (or at least my best attempt at them). So after the events of Sonic CD, the weight of what just happened to her falls on Amy's mind and she breaks down, reaching out towards Sonic, her savior and the only other person around at that moment, for a hug. He's not used to this (heck, he's new to this saving the day thing and is still a kid himself) and isn't big on feelings or physical touch but he can't just stand there and let this girl cry so he tries to comfort her and offers something that he knows would make him feel better... this is the first time Amy even hears of chili dogs.
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riyahartsalot · 6 months
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i dont usually draw these two, but yeah. Felt like drawing them for (late) white day
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likeits95 · 2 months
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cutegirlmayra · 3 months
Sonic Generations prompt: Rosy comes along for the ride with Sonic and Tails. Obviously she's all over Sonic but she also can't believe how pretty her future self is. Modern Tails forgot how cute Rosy is and is glad to be taller for once. Knuckles and Rosy mock wrestle and everyone finds her adorable. When it's time to leave Rosy practicality wants to stay which makes Classic upset how could she *not* want to hang out with him? Eventually modern Sonic and Amy convince her to go back with them.
Inspired from this, I’ll use an idea I’ve had recently.
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(This is a preview image for the prompt done below, therefore, the art does not belong to me, please support the official artist! (x) )
Guess what? Those Prompt things? STILL ON SHUTDOWN. DO NOT SEND ANOTHER HOMELESS PROMPT TO MY INBOX, THE SHELTER FOR ABANDONED PROMPTS IS CLOSED. Gosh, we barely have blankets to cover my toesies let alone more amazing prompt ideas! Sheesh!
Red and white shoes skid with a screeching halt against a metallic plane, shining in a reflective light in the air above a circuit of routes looking more like flattened, winding snakes.
Lifting his head up, a sole hero smiles with a flicker of excitement glazing his eyes at a figure with a darker blue than his own… cased in heated steel, Neo Metal Sonic flares out his arms to show he’s ready for more.
Sonic, the hero of this tale, wipes his nose against his pale white glove and rises from having resisted a heavy impact hit… He stands confident and boldly, no fear, only amusement towards this rogue Eggman creation.
“That all you’ve got?” He mocked, ticking his tongue against the roof of his mouth to give clear conviction in each sound, a dictation diction to them.
“Hmph.” Neo Metal Sonic rose his head, his eyes slowly blaring the red lights within them. “You mock me for the last time, Hedgehog… I’ve come prepared this time.” He threw forward an arm, having his cape whip behind him in ecstasy at the revealed device now transforming from his shoulder down his arm, gripping him in fast-moving latches and spinning gears to reveal what looked like an arm now made to resemble Time Eater’s design.
Sonic took a step forward, marveling a moment as his eyes glanced back and forth at the new arm.
“Woah… Talk about a gaudy upgrade.” He flicked out a finger to lay upon the air, dismissing the cool, though exaggerated action of his timeless nemesis… Well, other than Egghead.
“Fool.” Neo Metal Sonic straightened up, holding his hand up to then ‘snap’ his fingers together.
A portal appeared, and with his other–normal–arm, he flexed it out to have electricity suddenly bundle on the ends of his finger tips.
In his palm, a bright button-like orb was attached, and shooting out, lifted in an electrical field… What Sonic hadn’t been expecting.
He had been searching for her, but…
“Amy..!” He lurched forward, his expression now one of concern and distress.
Neo Metal Sonic gave a culinary feast of laughter, delighting in seeing Sonic’s stance change, a fist held high, and his knees bent for action.
“Gahh… You dirty cheat!” Sonic somewhat growled a groan out, swiping his arm in front of him and stepping a foot even more forward, “Why can’t you just play honest and fair like the rest of us!?”
“I wasn’t built like the rest of you organic morons…” If he could smirk, he would, but his eyes did it for him. He leaned his head down and metallic eyelids from below grinned upwards to ‘squint’ his eyes in malicious pleasure.
“I figured, why not have a bit of fun? A race if you will…” Neo Metal Sonic looked to the portal forming out of purple swirling darkness, which had the strange shapes starting to appear of green hills and checkerboard brown and tan squares on the ground…
“Huh? You gotta let the past go sometime, Metal Me.” Sonic shook his head, and charged with lightning speed towards Neo Metal Sonic.
“Hahaha. Even I know you need a ‘running start’, Sonic.” He threw Amy into the portal.
“No!” Sonic’s eyes opened wide, seeing her unconscious form fly through the air in the electrical current that locked her in Neo Metal Sonic’s grasp, and disappear through the portal.
He skidded to turn, scrambling on the ground before holding a hand out to her, useless while on the ground.
Neo Metal Sonic laughed one last good chuckle, before turning in the air, his jets making him bounce somewhat in the atmosphere, and pulled himself into a half-curl before launching himself like a rocket through the portal.
“Enter… if you so dare to save your precious friend again…”
“Let’s have you eat those words, Metal Me!”
Sonic spun into a spin-dash, revving up before shooting off into the portal… but the portal didn’t close…
Instead,... Amy Rose, held by Classic Metal Sonic, suddenly had snuck out through the portal, landing on the reflective surface of the floating metal race-track.
Classic Metal Sonic looked around, rising from his metallic knees and looked to his captive, a modern Amy Rose.
She was unconscious still, but no longer trapped in electricity. Sonic had been fooled.
Glaring down at his prisoner, it was clear this was Neo Metal Sonic’s plan all along… He would fight Classic Sonic, in a dimension deemed ‘weaker’ by Neo Metal Sonic. Once destroyed, the two would team up to defeat Modern Sonic, and thus, become the only remaining ‘Sonics’ in the universe… and take over the living, organic world…
Classic Metal Sonic flew gently away from the portal… ready to hide and ambush when Sonic returned to this time and dimension…
After a fight with Neo Metal Sonic, Classic Sonic had won, only to discover the ‘friend’ that his ‘Other Him’ had mentioned wasn’t there.
Finding that strange, he used the device on Neo Metal Sonic to enter Modern Sonic’s universe, and fought the surprised Classic Metal Sonic, freeing Amy Rose.
Sonic, upon stumbling through the dimension, got… sidetracked…
Instead of finding Neo Metal Sonic to free Modern Amy Rose, he ended up finding a tied Rosy the Rascal on a track, similar to the one reconstructed back in his dimensional time.
Freeing her, she didn’t identify him immediately as ‘Sonic’, and hid from him, worried he was a mechanical look-a-like that would abduct her again!
Seeing Neo Metal Sonic handiwork with how things ‘should’ be, Sonic concludes that this is all his doing…
“Hmm… Changing the timelines in other dimensions… maybe, he was trying to help out his ‘Little Him’, too?” Sonic looked up towards the side of the side, scratching his chin, “Heh-heh! Not that that bucket of bolts would have a heart to do so!” He fanned his hand about the side of his cheek, to disregard Neo Metal Sonic as being ‘brotherly’ in that sense.
He then got down and lightly crawled on all fours over to a terrified Rosy, who bent her knees and held her hands over her head, shivering in fright…
“Hey… It’s okay. Look over here~” Sonic tried to squat and wave his hands by his face, looking ‘silly and charming’ as best he could, but she wouldn’t budge, just continued to cower.
“Hmm… Have I lost it?” Sonic began to act, looking himself over, and making her peek behind her and sniffle in her fearful tears. “Hmm? Maybe I stink?” He wiggled his long black nose under his armpit, “WHOO!! That might be it!”
She chuckled slightly, but then sniffled again. Clearly, he’d have to put on a ‘real’ performance to get her out of her shell…
Or in this case, spiked back turned towards him.
“Must be my shoes.” He sat down and happily held one of his feet, “Hmm… No, squeaky clean and bright!” He used his elbow to shine it, “Just get a little elbow grease in there…”
She giggled again, and he smiled sweetly.
“Oh? Does the young lady like this color of red?” He held up his foot, before jumping up to walk on his hands, doing a one hand-stand and then backflipping away from her, “Tah-dah!”
She got up and clapped, squealing in delight.
Her little tail profusely wagged and she wiggled her bum a few times, putting her gloved hands up by her mouth in a demure but excitable fashion.
“Heh,” He blushed slightly and put a finger under his nose, rubbing it. “Works every time, eh?” He winked to her, mostly commenting to himself.
“What got you in this mess anyway, little miss lady?” He teased, as she bounded up to him and began to mime her abduction.
He looked as though feigning ignorance to her situation, acting serious as he put a foot out and a hand to his chin, the other holding that hand up as though paying great attention to her story, and looking puzzled.
“Uh-huh, uh-huh… and then what happened?” He smiled as she spun around, eager to share her alarming life experience with him, and then immediately changed his expression back to ‘serious’ again.
He rose the tip of his shoe, narrowed his eyes, pouted his lips… “Hmmm… Seems a bit of a switcheroo happened here, Miss Damsel.” He put a hand to his hip, “I think you were supposed to be saved by a charming hero… W-Well, not that you weren’t. Umm…” He tapped his nose… Thinking…
‘Looks like she hasn’t met Little Me, yet…’ He slowly looked down to peer at Classic Amy Rose, just a Rosy-cheeked Rascal who kept following her blue-blur hero about, and got caught up in one of his adventures again.
But still, the little, harmless stalker didn’t seem to mention anything more than having followed her lifelong hero to this location, and that made him worried…
‘Is… Neo Metal Sonic trying to sandbox this universe? Figure out what alterations could affect his success at beating me through these ‘change’ circumstances?’ He figured that might be ‘deep-diving’ a bit to far into surmising, so he shook it off.
‘Could be a sad happenstance. We’ll fix it right up, won’t we?’ He smiled non-verbally to Rosy.
“Little Miss, I think I need to find a big scary robot.. .with a thing on his arm?” He pointed to it, “Kinda ghostly~ Oh! But don’t be afraid.” He mimed the ‘creepy ghoul’ pose, but then waved his hands out in front of himself to sow no fear in her. “I’ll protect you.” He put a confident thumb to his chest, “So? What do you say?” He bent down again, hands on his knees, “Ready for one more high-speed, thrilling adventure?”
She looked a little hesitant… her finger in her mouth, looking down as though unsure…
‘Hmm, this Amy lacks confidence.’ He concluded, but smiled brightly once more. “Don’t worry. If you have time to worry, run, right?” He quoted, closing his eyes to try and give her some courage.
She looked back to him, her eyes sparkling at the motivation, and nodded, making her two–once shy fists–now looking ready to try!
“That’s the spirit!” He cheered, as she suddenly raced up his body.
“W-Woah, hey now!” He looked around himself to see she had climbed up to his head, and pointed forward.
“Uhh… Hmm, not really how a lady should be carried, but… Eh.” He shrugged, not really gonna tell her what to do.
“Hang on tight then, Little Miss Lady!” He pulled himself back before launching forward. Together, they broke through typical line-ups of Eggman robots he recognized from his past, as well as figured out as he could duck his head forward and launch Classic Amy Rose with her hammer at enemies, and it actually started giving her some bravery.
He spun and she would jump up in the air, letting him spin dash before landing back on his head when he boomeranged back and knelt to catch her below with his noggin’.
Finally finding Neo Metal Sonic, who had scrapped together other Classic Robotnik Badniks, the new frankensteined, colossal giant threaten to destroy this dimension so no ‘Sonic’ could ever be created in any dimension ever again!
Alarmed by that declaration, it sounded like a desperate attempt to not lose…
Rosy held up her hammer, suddenly filled to the brim with confidence, thanks to Sonic’s encouragements in having her help him in combat.
“You sure you’re up for this, Little Miss?” He looked up with his eyes to her situated happily on his head, basically hanging on to his middle quill for support, and having her feet upon his two lower quills in the back.
She nodded to him, eager to please and help out!
‘Aw, this Amy Rose is gonna be a firecracker!’ He smirked, happy to see her coming out of her shell and reminiscent of why he was even here.
“Metal Me!” He called up, bending back to attack and holding his hands in fists, one behind him and the other in front, lowering his stature as Rosy matched the ‘angry justice’ vibe and lowered her head too, her hammer raised behind her, gripping his ear for support. “Where is my friend?”
He didn’t want to tip this little Classic Amy Rose to her other, nor his real purpose for being here.
He didn’t want to ‘affect Little Him’s timeline all too greatly, afterall…
He did kinda just steal his ‘thunder’, you know?
It would be a new low to steal Little Rosy’s heart, too!
“Muhahaha..!” Neo Metal Sonic’s laugh bellowed in the depths of the new creation he had conjured up by fusing with so many robots, who all looked like they wanted to attack Sonic just as much as him. “Come! Find out what I’ve done to her!”
With that, the epic tag-team of the Lovely Little Lady Rosy and the Blurry Bluestreak Badnik Bouncer fought a legendary battle in hopes to prevent a threat that would alter their realities!
Once defeated, Neo Metal Sonic and his torn contraptions, hit off by the combined forces of Classic Amy and Modern Sonic, fell far below the race-track stage and crashed in a fury of fireworks, explosions, and epic failure ‘NOOOOOOoooo…!!!’ cries!
The other robots, scrapped and scattered about, fizzed and sparked from being bashed into.
Breathing hard, Sonic nodded, seeing he was really defeated. “We got him… Great work, Little Lady.” He held up a hand to his head, and she high fived it, laying across his head before drooping over his forehead and almost falling down. “Ah..! Gotcha.” He looked fondly to her, “Proud of you,... Amy.”
In her exhaustion, having his hand now on her back to keep her up on his head, feeling the little pats of approval and ‘good job’ to her, she smiled with a goofy grin during her heavy, worn out breaths.
Racing down to find Neo Metal Sonic’s device, Sonic looked to Rosy. “Here goes.” He shrugged back to her, as she worriedly stepped forward, before back as he placed the device on his shoulder, and flinched while writhing in pain as it latched onto his arm like it did Neo Metal Sonic, making a cyborg-ghostly exoskeleton off the side of his arm, like a Time-Eater’s wing.
Sonic flexed out his hand, realizing he had total control over the scary-looking, dark wispy device.
He smiled over to Rosy, “H-hey, it’s okay now. I think I know where to find my friend.”
He had already talked to Classic Sonic beforehand about ‘finding his friend’, but snapping his fingers, the portal opened and both him and Classic Amy walked up to peer their cute heads together out of it.
Only their eyes and muzzles with their long noses got through, making for a cute picturesque of them blinking adorably out of the portal to look around.
Sonic and her gasped at seeing Classic Sonic trying to struggle away from a Modern Amy Rose, who as affectionately holding him like a puppy in her arms, dangling his small self as she embraced him like a child with a teddybear, adoring him.
“Ah-ha… I owe him big time…” Sonic scratched the back of his head, and then, stepped through the portal.
However, he gasped again when Rosy jumped through the portal, and began to run around exploring.
“Uhh…” He looked out after her, ‘Isn’t she curious about Little Me..?’ He decided to address that later and walk over to Amy, his ‘dark one-wing angel’ look making her freak out as she dropped Classic Sonic and he raced away from her, brushing himself off by frustratedly smushing the sides of his face and flicking his hands hard off his face.
He continued to ‘self-clean’ from the ‘overbearing girlie germs’ while Sonic made sure his dimension’s Amy Rose was okay…
“Never better..! Thanks to you…” She looked to Modern Sonic… then slowly twisted her torso to look under her arm and below her at the angrily little blue hedgehog behind her.
“Hehe.” She chimed, blinking a single ‘thank you’ with a bright open-smile towards him, then looked back at Modern Sonic. “What’s with the emo wing?”
At her gesture, he held out his arm, “Ehh… kinda cool, right? But not my thing.” He teased, and then turned behind him to hear–
“Finally! I’m not the only smallfry of the squad again!”
“Tails!” Sonic greeted, waving to him, “Over here!”
Tails chuckled as he patted Little Rosy’s head, before hurrying over with a fast walk that turned into spinning tails for flight, then landed to look over his wing. “A device like this… hmm… I’d like to study it further… if I may.” He nodded as he looked it over, his hands gently hovering above Sonic’s arm before Sonic nodded his permission.
“After I send this lot home first, Tails. Then, you can be my guest.” He advised, looking to see Knuckles trying to grab Little Rosy, who–much like she did to Sonic–started climbing all over his body to get to his head.
“Hey-o, gotcha-Ah! You little, squirmy-WOAH!” He circled a few times, patted areas of his body that she miraculously had already crawled away from before being caught, and got him to fall down as she landed on his stomach, laughing at his ditzy, swirling eyes from having fallen backwards.
Sonic chuckled, “Alright, it’s time I kept my promise to ya.”
“Promise?” Modern Amy Rose looked at him curiously, as he just grinned to her, holding up a hand as though to say, ‘Let me handle this, sorry, it’ll only take a moment.’
Walking over to Classic Amy, he bent to a knee and used his hand to gesture for her to come closer.
She jumped up on Knuckles’s chest, making him flop forward before she dismounted and raced over to him, then saw him hold up his hand to ‘whisper’ something and extended out her ear.
She looked a little sad, then shook her head, pointing to Sonic, then putting her hands together with hearts all around her.
‘Oh Boy…’ He gave a goofy kinda awkward grin, sweat dropping. “Check your cards again, Little Miss Lady.”
He pointed to her tarot deck, which made her look at him as though confused how he knew she had that.
She pulled them out and offered him to pick cards, when he did so, she reshuffled them and had him pick again.
He laughed, “It’s the same fortune every time… Trust me.” He winked to her, then looked over to his tiny blue Other Self.
Looking gently back to her, he nodded, “He needs you.”
Amy Rose gently inhaled a small and shocked breath of air, holding her hand to her heart as though touched by that statement. “Emm~” She grinned with a blush, finding that really sweet.
Rosy stuck out her lower lip, but then looked over to her ‘former’ hero and sighed.
She nodded to Sonic, then summoned her hammer and tapped it on her shoulder, showing she was A LOT stronger than before!
“Heh,” He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, smirking to her newfound, snarky confidence. “You think he’ll be the one needing saving next? Well, you better prove you’re strong enough now to take care of it.” He fist-pumped her with an added high-five, and she was off with arms extended out to embrace her old hero love.
Classic Sonic pouted, not sure what was being spoken about, but pulled her gently away, only to be surprised by her strength as she scooped him up over her shoulder, laughing at him struggling.
Sonic sweatdropped, “Easy there, Amy…”
She realized that he called her by name, surprised to hear that, but also saw Modern Amy Rose bend down to tilt her head to Sonic.
“What? Like I can’t handle it?” She laughed cutely, and Classic Amy Rose connected the dots, looking between her and Modern Sonic…
Smiling with lots of rapid blinks at her discovery, she knew her other dimensional future would be just fine!
Exactly… as she would have wanted the cards to predict it, as much.
She was suddenly swept back as Classic Sonic had ‘swimmer’s kicked’ his way to the ground, spun her up into the air, then caught her bridal style.
Finding that highly romantic, she unsummoned her hammer and went right back to being shy, her fists bundled up by her blushing face, and smushing herself deeper into his arms with a nuzzling head towards his chest.
He looked visibly shaken by her actions, but that just made Modern Amy giggle all the more, while Modern Sonic got up from his knelt position and scratched the back of his head, also not sure how to respond to this PDA, especially seeing it as a ‘different POV’ since he was basically looking at a younger version of themselves.
“Yep, still got it.” He winked to his Other self, who winked back, as though knowing entirely what he was doing.
Sonic held up his fingers… and flicked them into a snap.
The Portal shrank somewhat, but with a final wave from Classic Amy Rose, and a goodbye nod from Classic Sonic, the two jumped through the time dimensional portal, and Sonic closed it.
Now that they were all back together, Amy Rose looked to her blue hero. “What did you whisper to her?” She inquired.
Sonic blinked in surprise at her inquiry, before smirking back to her with a raised eyebrow, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He then turned his head, acting very much like ‘she would’ do if he made a mistake to her…
“Wha!?” Being on the other side was NOT what Amy was used to. “S-So-Sonic!? Wait, what did I do!?” She fumbled as she chased after him, but he just continued to act ‘coy’ like he wasn’t going to tell her…
Looks like two could play the ‘rascal’ game, huh?
A 'Turn-of-the-Tables' if you will ;)b
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sweetbeanies · 2 years
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Help! Shadamy has taken ahold of my brain!!! 💗🖤
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sweetrosy45 · 4 months
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darlingdraw03 · 7 months
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Sonic underground x Modern Chapter 1 page 13, 14
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kookie-doodles · 19 days
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Past and Future 💙🩷
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essycogany · 4 months
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Oh wait…..Why am I surprised again? I mean, these exist too.
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By the way, yes they are official.
I don’t know whether these teasing products were made on purpose or to hype us up. All I know is I’m happy. 💙🩷
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amyroseblog · 6 months
If you could swap bodies with anyone, who would you do it with and why?
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I’d love to be Sonic for a day!! Chasing bad guys, going on adventures, being free to do whatever I want, it sounds like a dream!! o( > ᗜ < )o
I’d also like to see the look on his face when he realises hes as slow and pink as me!! (`ω´)
I should really go on an adventure with him and the gang soon. I want to have fun again, being a freedom fighter gets boring when you’re stuck with the paperwork. |||( – ⌓ – )
Thanks for the question, Anon!! ^_^
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tomboymikayla · 1 month
From Pariah695
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sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Round 2
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This poll is for the version of Sonic/Amy across all of their shared media vs Sonic/Amy specifically from the current portrayals of their relationship (e.g. The Murder of Sonic, IDW Comics, Sonic Frontiers, etc.) All ships included were submitted to us. This tournament does not accept insults towards either ship - use propaganda to uplift your fave, not put down the opponent
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riyahartsalot · 9 months
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She so purty
Og strawberry under cut
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sofibeth · 2 years
At this point I don't care if Sonamy is canon or not, I just want the Hedgehogs to be friends and be dorky with each other!!
I can do my shipping in fan content I'm fine with that, just thank god the stalker allegations are finally over.
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