#shadamy chao
riyahartsalot · 1 month
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Chao? Chao!
shadamytober redraw: tiny creatures ( @shadamytober )
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galacticghoste · 27 days
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Wanna take a guess what part of this drawing took the longest???
Yeah thought it be cool if i can make a reference to the white roses painted red since Amy last name is Rose... Happy with the results but aaahh was a pain to draw every single rose bc I JUST HAD TOO T.T
I was watching a bunch of Alice in wonderland theme stuff and listening to the audiobook of the first book, how could I not try my hand with making sonic theme characters with this silly idea. :p
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peachmangopie323 · 1 year
Idol✮Amy! AU v2 pg. 56-67
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shadowsfascination · 3 months
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The grass is greener in the good future <3
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vaginasoverheels · 22 days
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birbthebirb · 5 months
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I love SonAmy and ShadAmy💕, SilvAmy is
cute too but I prefer Silvaze 👀 and Sonadow is
fun too ^^💕
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enthusiastic-nimrod · 5 months
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Felt like drawing the cuties!
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shadamyheadcanons · 6 months
How did Rouge and Omega react when meeting Rosie the first time? Did they know Shadow wanted a Chao? Also, does Shadow let them babysit Rosie when he is away on solo missions or would he rather let Amy or Cream take care of her?
((I am so glad you asked! I’ve had the ideas in my head for ages, but they’re not Shadamy-centric enough to fit into a headcanon, and I wasn’t sure whether anyone would be interested!
Cross-posted on AO3.
Shadow first adopted Rosie in this story.))
Rouge shifted the shopping bag in her hand so she could fish out the spare key she’d held onto after moving out of Team Dark’s apartment. Just as she was about to unlock the door, she heard a muffled sound from inside. She listened for a moment, and then her eyes bugged out.
That almost sounds like...a baby?!
She double-checked the text Shadow had sent her earlier that day.
> Need your help with something. Visit when you can.
Shortly followed by,
> Please
Rouge narrowed her eyes at her phone. That doesn’t explain anything. Why would he have a baby?! She scratched her chin. Unless he’s had more luck with Amy than I thought.
She shook her head and opened the door, then put away her keys and strode into the living room where the noise was coming from. “Shadow, I’m not a babysitter. If that’s what you’re asking, then—”
Rouge stopped halfway into the room. Shadow was seated on the couch, while Omega stood in front of him. Both of them were preoccupied with a small pink Chao who was sitting in Shadow’s lap. The Chao was gazing up at Rouge, its emote ball forming a curious question mark.
Rouge stared at the bright pink Chao for several seconds, then turned her unimpressed gaze toward Shadow. “This is just Amy in Chao form, isn’t it?”
“No,” he snapped immediately. The Chao glanced up at him and cocked its head, and Omega’s exhaust sputtered in amusement. Shadow glared at him.
Rouge crossed her arms. “Oh, really? So what’s its name?”
Shadow growled quietly. “Her name is...”
He paused for a moment, then snapped his mouth shut and looked away. Omega’s exhaust sputtered again, louder this time. Shadow grumbled.
Rouge smirked. Oh, this is gonna be good. “Well...?”
Shadow grimaced and shut his eyes. “She’s...Rosie.”
Rouge tried—and failed—to hold in her laughter. It burst out of her in a loud cackle. “HAH!” Omega joined in.
A plaintive whine came from Rosie’s direction at the loud noise. She was holding her head, and her eyes were squinted shut. Shadow instantly leaned down to whisper some calming words in her ear. He glared at Rouge in silent warning.
Rouge sighed and sat down on the couch, placing her shopping bag on the floor next to her. “So when did the little bundle of joy get here?” she asked, trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. “I knew you liked Chao, but I didn’t know you were adopting one.”
Wouldn’t surprise me if he was waiting until I moved out.
Shadow idly scratched under Rosie’s chin. “About three weeks ago, I was talking with my therapist about some of my...” His nose wrinkled. “...insecurities. I told her about my purpose and how pressured I felt to protect the Earth. She suggested I might feel more fulfilled if I took care of something smaller.” Rosie cuddled up to Shadow and nuzzled his side. He smiled wryly. “Looking back, she was probably thinking of a houseplant, but I stopped by the Chao shelter on my way home and adopted Rosie.”
Rouge’s heart warmed. Thank God I set him up with that therapist. She’s been a godsend for him. “That’s really good advice.”
Shadow’s expression was unusually soft as he gazed down at the Chao. “It’s been...nice.”
Rouge looked down at Rosie. Her face was painted in a perpetual smile, not unlike her namesake. Rouge reluctantly grinned back.
I have to admit she is pretty cute.
Rouge shook off the sentiment. “So why did you drag me down here? Please tell me it’s not to...” Her gaze flicked down to Rosie, then back up. “You know what.” Her eyes narrowed.
Shadow pressed his lips together, then looked away. “G.U.N.’s sending me on a solo mission. You’re the only person I can trust with this.”
Rouge massaged her temples. I can feel a headache coming on already. “Shadow. I. Don’t. Babysit. You know I can’t stand babies, Chao or not.”
Rosie let out a soft noise and tilted her head, almost sounding...sad? Rouge frowned. She didn’t...understand that, did she...? She scoffed. Of course she didn’t. She’s just a Chao. Rouge shook her head. “There has to be someone else. What about Cream? She’s good with Chao.”
Shadow was already shaking his head. “Cream has Cheese. Rosie doesn’t get along well with other Chao.”
“AH?!” Rosie squawked, indignant.
Shadow crossed his arms. “Don’t give me that. You know I’m right.” Rosie pouted.
Rouge glanced between the two, then scoffed. She doesn’t play well with others. Just like her dad. Her face hardened. “What about Omega? He’ll be here. He—”
“...Has knives for hands,” Shadow argued.
Rouge glanced between the two. She pursed her lips. I guess I can’t argue with him there, but... She smirked. “How about Amy? Don’t you two have joint custody yet?”
Shadow scowled, and his ears turned slightly red. He sighed and shook it off. “Rouge, it has to be you. You’re the only one who’ll see through her tricks.”
Rouge heard an intrigued noise at her feet. “Huh?”
Rouge looked down, only to see Rosie had somehow gotten into her bag and extracted one of the bracelets Rouge had just bought. She’d already looped it around one of her tiny wrists, and she was giggling and playing with it.
Rouge choked. “You little—!” She reached down and tried to take the bracelet back, but Rosie proved difficult, holding it behind her back and eluding Rouge’s hands.
“Rosie,” Shadow warned.
The Chao ignored him and hopped into the air to try and get some distance. Rouge lashed her hands out and grabbed her. “Gotcha!”
The moment she did, however, Rosie’s lower lip trembled...and she burst into tears. Rouge flailed and hurriedly placed her down on the couch. Rosie bolted and hid behind Shadow, shivering and whimpering.
Shadow sighed. He turned away from Rouge and bent down to comfort Rosie. “Shh, shhh...it’s okay. You’re alright.”
Confused, Rouge looked up at Omega. His eyes were glowing more brightly than usual. His cooling fans whirred loudly, a sign that he was irritated with her, almost seeming...protective?
Rouge cringed and looked back at Shadow. Instead of picking Rosie up as most people would do with a crying Chao, he was holding her paw and scratching under her chin again. Rouge bit her lip and waited.
After about twenty seconds, Rosie’s sobs had died down to sniffles. Shadow sighed and turned back to Rouge, his eyes a mix of tiredness and disapproval. “I know you didn’t mean it, but Rosie doesn’t like to be held or touched by people she doesn’t know. You need to be careful with her.”
Rouge tried not to grumble. I haven’t even agreed to this, and he’s already telling me what to do. But...
Rosie was peeking back at Rouge past Shadow. Her eyes were still wide and tearful, and there was real fear in her expression. Rouge’s chest tightened, and an emotion that felt a whole lot like guilt crept into her heart.
It’s not like it’s my fault! Everyone knows Chao love to be held, this one’s just...weird.
The thought didn’t make her feel better. Her expression pinched. She deliberated for a moment while the Chao’s tears subsided, then sighed and reluctantly mumbled, “I...won’t do that again, okay? I’m...” She grit her teeth. “I’m sorry.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Rouge could see the little red light on Omega’s chest plate that indicated he was recording audio. She glared at him.
I never apologize. Ever. And now he’s got a recording of it. He’s going to play that back ten times a day, isn’t he?
Rouge’s attention was brought back by a quiet whine from the couch. Rosie stared up at her for a moment, then climbed up over Shadow’s legs. She tentatively crept closer to Rouge. Apparently deciding it was safe, she held up the bracelet for her.
Rouge’s eyes widened. “You’re giving this back to me?” Rosie nodded. Rouge plucked it from her hands. “Oh...thank you.”
The red recording light on Omega’s chest plate was lit once more. Rouge grumbled internally.
I never say ‘thank you,’ either. And now he’s got that, too.
But then the bright smile returned to Rosie’s face, shining through again past her reddened eyes, and it was almost worth it. Rouge’s heart melted, and she just barely held back a fond smile.
Rosie toddled back over to Shadow’s side. He instantly leaned down to scratch under her chin and held her paw again. “Great job, Rosie. Good girl.” She nodded, pride evident on her face. He paused and held up a finger. “But no stealing, alright? That bracelet was hers, and you know it.” Rosie pouted for a moment, then nodded and gave a toothy smile. Shadow’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, but he scratched under her chin again.
Rouge squinted. It’s always under the chin. I wonder if she doesn’t like being pet normally.
When Shadow sat back up straight, Rosie plopped down next to him. She still held onto one of his hands, but she was sucking on her other paw.
Rouge inclined her head toward Rosie. “I thought adult Chao grew out of sucking their paws. You’re not going to tell her to stop?”
“I’m not going to stop something that isn’t hurting anyone,” Shadow said. “Rosie does some things differently. This is fine. Stealing isn’t.”
Rouge pursed her lips. “She seems...”
“She’s got strengths and weaknesses, just like any other Chao,” he stressed, holding Rouge’s gaze firmly. Rosie looked up at him, and he showed her a rare smile before looking back up at Rouge. He turned serious again. “I don’t know exactly what her first owner was like, but...” His jaw clenched.
Rouge winced. Oh...
“Rosie’s been through a lot,” Shadow continued. “She’s smart and gets herself into a lot of trouble. It’s not just stealing. She’ll run off or hide from you, and she gets into all sorts of places she shouldn’t. She can fly and climb, too.”
As if to reinforce his point, Rosie started climbing up the back of the couch. “Careful, Rosie,” he warned.
Rouge peeked over her shoulder as the Chao crawled past her, then squinted at Shadow. “This sounds like a lot for one person.”
Rouge raised a brow.
“He can help you track Rosie down with infrared if she gets away from you,” Shadow explained.
“Anyway,” Shadow muttered, holding a hand to his forehead, “there are some other things to watch out for. Like how she can pick locks.”
Rouge opened her mouth, then stalled out. “Wha...no. Absolutely not. No way.” She paused, then side-eyed him. “...What kinds of locks?”
“For starters, anything with a combination.”
Rouge snorted. “No. You cannot convince me a Chao can read numbers.”
Shadow scratched his chin. “I don’t think she actually reads them,” he mused. “She just waits until the lock’s open and memorizes the shapes and where they are. Like they’re symbols.” Rouge scoffed, and he added, “Anything that opens with a key won’t work, either. She’ll just steal the key.”
Rouge smirked. “Well, I have to respect that, at least.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“Because you’re no exception.”
Rouge cocked her head, and he nodded past her. She turned around to the armrest behind her and gasped, scandalized.
Rosie sat on the armrest, casually chewing on one of Rouge’s keys. When she saw Rouge was looking at her, she snickered.
“You—how the hell did you get those?!”
Rosie leapt into the air and flew over Rouge’s head. Rouge tried to reach for her, only to whip her hands back and growl when she remembered what happened last time. “You—give those back!”
Rosie ignored her and fluttered past Shadow to hide behind him once more. She peeked at Rouge and hid a giggle behind her paw.
Rouge crossed her arms and clenched her teeth. Shadow looked down at Rosie, and his face turned stern. “Rosie. Those aren’t yours, and you know it.”
Rosie looked between the two of them. She pouted for a moment...and then burst into tears once more.
Rouge held up her hands defensively. “What did I do this time?!”
Shadow held up a finger, then crossed his arms and locked his gaze on Rosie. She quieted down after a moment. He shook his head, then glanced up. “Omega?”
“ANALYZING...” Omega pressed a button on his wrist. After a moment, it turned red. “FALSE TEARS DETECTED.”
Rouge’s eyes widened. Shadow glared down at Rosie, who gave a fake, guilty smile through her tears. Shadow shook his head. “You’re not fooling anyone. That won’t work in this house.”
Rosie shrank back down. She grumbled and wiped away the last of her tears. Rouge stared, baffled, and Shadow sighed. “Rosie can—and will—cry if she thinks it’ll get her what she wants. She has some tells, but until you get the hang of it, Omega can tell you when she’s faking.”
Rouge squinted down at Rosie. That’s actually pretty clever...not that I’ll admit it.
Shadow kept eye contact with Rosie, retaining his look of disapproval. After a few seconds, Rosie gave up and hopped back to her feet. She dragged her feet as she returned to Rouge’s side and held up her keys.
Rouge huffed and took them back. “Honestly, haven’t you heard of ‘honor among thieves?’” she muttered. The keys were slightly wet from where Rosie had been chewing on them, making Rouge’s face twist in disgust.
By the time Rosie sat back down, the “innocent” smile was back on her face. Shadow didn’t let up. “Don’t look so proud of yourself,” he muttered. Rosie scrunched up her face but didn’t object.
Rouge scratched her chin for a moment, then smirked. “Hey...y’know, she’s got real potential. Good mobility, lockpicking, theft, deception...”
“You’re not taking her on a gem heist.”
Rouge clicked her tongue. “Aww, but she’d be so good at it! She’s a natural!”
Shadow let out a sharp exhale. He held a hand to his forehead. “That’s exactly what I’m worried about. I need someone like you to look after her because you’ll pick up on this stuff.”
Rosie was gazing up at Rouge again, still showing her adorable smile. Rouge narrowed her eyes.
Shadow’s right. This Chao would walk all over Amy and Cream.
Omega’s triumphant voice cut in, surprising all three of them. “COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS COMPLETE. ROSIE’S BEHAVIOR BEARS A CLOSE RESEMBLANCE TO ROUGE’S!”
Rouge choked. “Oh, no. No, no, no, no, NO!” She could hear Shadow trying to hide his own laughter, and Rosie’s emote ball morphed into an exclamation point. Her tiny tail started wagging, just as Amy’s often did, and her smile widened a little, somehow looking more sincere than before.
Rouge scowled at Omega and crossed her arms. “No. Just NO.”
“Oh, come on,” Rouge interrupted, rolling her eyes. “We already agreed she’s a miniature Amy. They’re the spitting image of each other,” she pointed out. “Why do you think he chose her? She’s bright pink!”
“I didn’t adopt her because she’s pink!” Shadow snapped, making Rouge and Omega jump. Rosie whined quietly, and he leaned down to comfort her, whispering words of apology.
Rouge’s heart softened. She waited for Rosie to calm down, then asked, “So why did you choose her?”
Shadow glanced up at Rouge out of the corner of his eye, then returned his gaze to Rosie. His jaw tightened.
“Because she needed me.”
Rouge and Omega remained silent. He continued. “That shelter was—” Shadow’s face darkened. “They couldn’t give her the support she needed. They were...keeping her in a cage.”
Rouge could see the way Shadow was gritting his teeth. His eyes burned with rage, just as they did at any injustice. Her heart ached.
Shadow took in a deep breath, then sighed heavily. “People who didn’t know what they were doing kept adopting her, only to bring her back. Over and over.” Rouge could see his hands shaking. “No one was willing to put in the work and help her.”
Rouge’s eyes drifted down to Rosie, who was gazing up at Shadow. It wasn’t hard to imagine workers just pushing her off to the side, not having any idea what to do with a Chao like her.
Rouge decided not to think about it.
Shadow held his mouth open, then clamped it shut. He looked back up at Rouge at last. “I adopted her immediately. I had to. They...” He shook his head, then choked out in a pained whisper, “I...couldn’t leave her there. I just couldn’t.”
Rosie whimpered. A frown of concern appeared on her face, and she started climbing up Shadow’s torso, only stopping once she was tucked under his chin. She hugged him and nuzzled his chest fur.
Shadow’s face spread into a tiny, genuine smile. He reached up a hand to hold and support her.
This time, Rouge couldn’t hold back her fond smile.
He needs her just as much as she needs him.
Rouge stared for a long while, deliberating. Finally, she let out a long, reluctant sigh. “You’d better start writing, then.” Shadow cocked his head, and Rouge smiled wryly. “I’m guessing this little one comes with instructions.”
Shadow’s eyes lit up. He sighed deeply and half-smiled, letting out a quick laugh. “Thanks, Rouge. I won’t forget this. Omega?”
Rouge’s gaze snapped to Omega. Her eyes bugged out as three full pages emerged one by one from a slot on his chest plate. Shadow immediately launched into an explanation, drawing her attention.
“A few quick things—as you can see, Rosie doesn’t like being held unless she initiates contact. She won’t eat on the floor. She feels more comfortable sitting on a chair instead. Spot her when she climbs up to make sure she doesn’t fall. She eats diced square fruits seasoned with a dash of nutmeg and a dusting of cinnamon. She needs to play outside twice a day, but she doesn’t get along well with the other Chao yet, so you can’t take her to the Chao park. Instead, make sure you...”
Rouge’s eye twitched. Chaos, she’s as finicky as he is!
“Wait,” Rouge cut in, holding a hand to her forehead. “How long is this mission, anyway?”
“Two weeks,” he replied. Rouge’s jaw dropped. Shadow’s nose wrinkled. “Well, closer to thirteen days...and I’ll keep my communicator on at all times,” he continued, oblivious to Rouge’s terror. “I can sneak out at night and teleport home for an hour or so, but I can’t risk more than that.”
As Shadow kept ranting, Rouge’s eyes drifted to Rosie. She was still snuggling under Shadow’s chin, but she’d turned her head to watch Rouge’s expression. Rosie let out a quiet giggle, apparently picking up on her distress.
Rouge narrowed her eyes. I’m already regretting this.
((By the end of the two weeks, she adored Rosie anyway. Amy and Cream picked up the slack more once Rosie was properly trained, but Rouge found she didn’t mind filling in every once in a while.
As for how Omega reacted when he first met Rosie, he immediately started scouring the internet for how to raise a small creature, even though he didn’t really understand the ins and outs of parenting. Or Chao. Or anything squishy. But he knew she was important to Shadow, so she became a priority by extension. It started out like this...
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...but over time, it grew into sincere fondness:
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...especially once Rosie stopped lashing out at other Chao and Shadow raised her power stat. Omega was impressed that something so small could be so strong.
P.S. I wanted to finish that story I promised before I posted anything else, but I’m a bit stalled out on it, so I’m going to answer some asks in the meantime. Some of these have been here for an UNGODLY amount of time—sorry!—and I want people to know I’m still alive.))
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bearfoottruck · 5 months
FANFIC UPDATE 1-21-2024:
Fanfic updates!? On a SUNDAY!? Well, since today is National Hug Day, I just couldn't help but go hog wild and write a bunch of hug fics. Here they are along with the names of the featured huggers:
Cherry Blossom Hug - Shadow and Amy (Fanfiction, AO3)
Little Sister Hug - Shadow, Cream and Cheese (Fanfiction, AO3)
Blazing Hug - Sonic and Blaze (Fanfiction, AO3)
A Hug For the Kazekage - Gaara and Sakura (Fanfiction, AO3)
A Special Hug In Team 8 - Hinata and Kiba (Fanfiction, AO3)
TodoDeku Hug - Todoroki and Fem!Deku (Fanfiction, AO3)
BakuMina Hug - self-explanatory (Fanfiction, AO3)
KamiJiro Hug - again, self-explanatory (Fanfiction, AO3)
The Cat/Dragon Hug - Kagami and Adrien (Fanfiction, AO3)
Snug As a Bug In a Hug - Luka and Marinette (Fanfiction, AO3)
Hug From a Big Ox to His Little Mouse - Mylène and Ivan (Fanfiction, AO3)
A Liar Hugs Her Artist - Nathaniel and Lila (Fanfiction, AO3)
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hug! - Sakurai and Uzaki (Fanfiction, AO3)
I also reuploaded the following older stories to Archive of Our Own:
Hugs Change Everything - Shadow and Sonic
Best Hug Ever - Sonic and Rouge
Warm Hug - Hinata and Naruto
Gaara Wants a Hug - Fem!Naruto and Gaara
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pagonmoon · 10 months
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ShadAmy Week 2023: Day 2: Secret Admirer
Link of the artwork behind this manga:
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riyahartsalot · 6 months
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She so purty
Og strawberry under cut
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galacticghoste · 25 days
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Wanted to play around with the Wonderland au just bc its fun to think about.
Also did an alternate where Maria plays the role of Alice and the Queen of Hearts is Egg man instead. XD
-Random thoughts
Ok one thing I found interesting in the book was the fact that though the King is less aggressive compered to the Queen who seems to have more authority, there were moment or two where he did consider getting the executioner himself for being offended in some way forgot what though.
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sonysakura · 5 months
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A sneak peek of my submission to @shadamyzine Under the Light of the Moon 🌙 I wrote a wlw!Shadamy fic Blooming in Your Sunshine feat. transfem!Shadow and also hanging out with Chao as is my trademark – you know how it is...
The zine has now been released, and you can find it right here 💜 Full text of the sneak peak under the cut:
Little paws stick out of their picnic basket making small fussy noises. As the black hedgehog stays stunned by the audacity of the cute Chao thief, her girlfriend sprints over and grabs them. The Chao turns out to be pink with a wide red stripe across their bottom half, making them look like they’re wearing shorts, and neat spikes somewhat resembling Amy’s style. She shakes them slightly. “Bad Chao! No stealing!” she tries to chide them, but the Chao only giggles mischievously. “They are so much like you.” “You think?” the pink hedgehog raises the Chao higher and then passes them to Shadow. “Yes. Just as cute.”
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shadowsfascination · 1 year
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Even in his monster form, Shadow is no match for his girlfriend! ❤🖤💗
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vaginasoverheels · 13 days
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takeshikujo1225 · 3 months
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Hello! Normally I am a writer of fanfics but I do love drawing as well. I don't do it as often as I do writing but I wanted to draw this for a while now. I love Toonsite and I love their Chaos Universe drawings. I decided to make an amateur drawing of their SonAmy and ShadAmy children OCs, Sonia Rose and Maria Rose, based on the iconic image of Sonic and Shadow from Season 3 of Sonic Prime. It took a day to make but compared to the many fantastic artists online I think it's just okay. I plan on coloring it someday but I didn't want to risk messing it up for now, so colorless it is. I hope you like my small tribute to another fantastic artist. I had so much fun making it and hopefully this won't be the only drawing I post here. Later. 😊
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