#modern and open to change but also trained in all the traditional ways
mistymem0ryy · 10 months
The bliss of a nightly coffee
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Yandere Zhongli x Reader (Fem)
Summary: In which you and Zhongli take a train towards the capital, and the scenery reminds you of the love you once held for each other.
Author's notes:  this story is partially based upon my ever constant train rides and the intriguing people I happen to see in them… In this scenario Zhongli is a renowned history professor and the reader is coded as also being in academia (the prestige and the subject of her role are left for the reader to decide). It is underlined throughout the story that Zhongli comes from not only a far wealthier background than reader but also possesses a far more traditional outlook on life than reader. (so sort of modern AU??)
TW: indications of alc0h0l, possible drugg1ng and just yandere themes in general?
No beta, we survive the trenches this way.
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If there was something within this life from which you could always find a morsel of unreasonable contentment, it would certainly be 1st class train voyages.
There is a fantastical element inherent to their glamorous silence, a distancing comfort to be found slithering away within the limits of an empty carriage.
Some years ago, such overbearingly enchanting ambiance would have made you shiver in an anxious, and perhaps even futile, attempt at controlling your senses. But much has changed since then. You have learnt to bear the cold.
What they never tell you about this sort of high-grade carriages is that all human warmth vanishes from its encasing, it crawls away into the opposite confines of the racing locomotive, reaching its warm fingertips towards the lingering chatter tucked away from diamond adorned ears. It’s as if the laws of thermodynamics had their ticket confiscated - thermal equilibrium but a mere folktale traded from mouth to mouth.
You can never find within yourself the firm decision to either devote your adoration to the rushing nature beyond the tainted windows or to contemplate the inner workings of the countless adornments within your carriage. 
Eventually you decided to draw your gaze away from the rushing fields, there was nothing there left for you.
Rococo with an uncanny mixture of neoclassical decor and an added aroma of Turkish coffee that made you sight from the sheer delectability of it. You have been abstaining from tea as much as possible these days. You aren’t able to clearly point out the reason why but coffee simply happens to feel more enjoyable. Warmer. Safer.
You have tasted enough coffee in your life to know if something’s wrong.
You stretch your fingers towards the pastry patiently waiting within its porcelain platter, a raspberry macaroon, not too big, not too small, the aroma it exudes carries with it a sugary scent, a freshness you've been craving for a long time.
You close your eyes as your lips meet the firm shell of the pastry once shared between Italian monks and later on between French aristocrats, shutting your sight away so that your taste buds may enjoy the smooth ganache to the fullest. 
But, as with any miraculous comfort in this life, a fruitless end must too be met. Your moment of bliss is ripped away from you as a gloved hand meets your partially naked shoulder. Fingers nearing the laced cord whose firmness held a beguiling jade stone in place, gracefully adorning the slight valley between your collar bones. You do not have to open your eyes to know to whom that hand belongs to.
Fine leather, the work of a seamstress who has mastered her craft with years of hardship. Yves Saint Laurent Autumn collection. A pair of gloves that could have paid your rent back in university. The surface is supposed to be comforting, delicate even, and yet its texture makes your skin crawl by some unexplored aversion. As you open your eyes your sight lands first and foremost upon the dark glove nearing your neck, they were beautiful, you had chosen them for him after all, there was always this glowing look upon his features every time you cowered to his whims and went on the ‘retail therapy sessions’ he so advocated for. 
Most of the time they were simple excuses for him to blow entire checks on bags you would only wear once or twice. Countless pieces of gold jewelry that he would ‘oh so graciously’ request the store’s employees to put upon your skin himself. Fingertips glazing over collarbones and warm breaths reaching for your exposed skin making your body freeze in sudden alert.
You have been married for years. A marriage built upon a fruitful relationship, which in its turn was constructed upon one of the greatest friendships you’ve ever had the blessing of creating. And yet it was always there, lingering. This fear you find no rational justification for.
It's moments like these that take you back to your early university days. When the fear wasn’t that prominent, perhaps it hadn’t taken root yet, or perhaps it had always been there, hiding beneath the layering soil of the earth, only to take bloom once you had buried yourself too deep to the point where escape was but a mere fantasy.
‘I have been looking for you my dear.’
His voice comes out honeyed and sickly sweet, like a tarte tatin, freshly cooked from a little boulangerie in the south of France. You remember visiting it with Zhongli during your first year together, you had been the one to order since your French was better than his. You had taken a childish pride in knowing that at least in this scenario you happened to possess the upper hand. Back in the day you did not read much into this sentiment, though your present self genuinely wished you had done so. 
Your desire towards saccharine things has become much more prominent as of late, they make your teeth ache in momentary torture but even the pain has its own characteristic bliss.
‘Did you hear me, my love?’
Your eyes finally meet his, they are lightly covered by his growing bangs, the contrast between his dark strands and his golden eyes makes it look as if each of his orbs have been divided in two. It gives him a certain dragonic look you were never afraid to point out even when you were mere acquaintances. His tall stature and classic manner of holding himself always gave you the notion that he carried something sacred, something ancient within him. There was a certain allure to the renowned history professor that always made everyone stop momentarily and simply be carried away by this archaic aura surrounding him.
‘I am sorry… I wasn’t here, could you repeat it?’
‘I asked you if you think it is wise to be drinking coffee at this hour?’
Though a stranger would only be capable of perceiving the teasing tone within his statement, you could clearly discern the underlying patronizing approach of his question, not exactly in a condescending manner and yet not too far away from it either.
‘I find that independently of the hour, there is nothing as comforting as a cup of coffee, does it bother you in any way?’
You were testing the waters. Not too confronting to cause him insult and yet not too diminishing in order to cause your own ego injury. These days you never knew what could set Zhongli off. Or yourself for that matter.
‘It is not exactly a matter of bothering me, rather it is a preference of being able to sleep alongside my wife without all the shuffling that is provided from someone with an overly caffeinated body’
To that statement no quick or witty stab back could be brought forth. It was true. Night and sleep haven’t been your dearest companions as of late, but you knew for certain that caffeine had nothing to do with the matter. It was mostly unspent energy, guarded anger you feared to let out all at once for you could not clearly predict the following consequences. So you did what you thought wisest and held it encased within your body, it sipped out slowly but surely, its presence made known in the lightest of manners possible. Be it troubled sleep, long periods of spacing out or a recurrently reappearing frown within your features.
In your own defense you did not think you would stay in the train for such a long period of time, you had only been told to pack your bags in order to accompany your husband to one of his academic conferences in the capital, naively thinking that once he started the engine of his car he would take you both to the nearest airport. But it had not been the case, your husband had decided that it was certainly the best moment within your relationship to surprise you with a 5 day long luxury train voyage towards your initial destination, yet again without any regard to your view upon the matter itself.
In a way, you gathered all your forces in order to rationalize Zhongli’s actions. He is an intelligent man. You married one of the most well known Professors of his field for god’s sake. You knew the strength it took to survive academia and though Zhongli certainly had the upper hand due to his family history, his achievements could not all be simply reduced to his family name.
Perhaps this was all some sort of reaction to your breakdown some weeks ago, in a way you certainly regret it, but in another you definitely saw it coming. You like to tell yourself that Zhongli was attentive enough to see it coming too. 
There wasn’t really any sort of revelation that made you blow up in the heat of the moment, rather it was a prolonged and painful accumulation of both annoyance and rage,clambering one on top of another until a single comment and annoyed sigh made it all fall apart from its static grandeur.
‘If your job at university bothers you so deeply I have offered you previously the comfort necessary to leave it, yet you always deny it.’
You liked to think that he himself did not consider the possibility that you would trade all of those hard earned diplomas to fulfill whatever fantasy marinated in his head ever since you both attended one of his friends' wedding.
 Before that night, he had never mentioned it to you in such direct speech and such a face to face approach, about how he wished for children, your undivided attention, family vacations and you always and strictly by his side. He had been slightly inebriated, too much osmanthus wine you presumed. The mention of ‘the measures to which he would go in order to be sure of your safety within his own embrace alone’ were enough to cut the conversation immediately. Blame it on the alcohol, you reassured yourself. 
You had reacted badly, but in all honestly who could blame you at this point, you did not want Zhongli to tell you that if you were in such distress you could always become his fulltime housewife, you wanted him to give you strength and be there for you whenever the circumstances got worse. And yet, the prospect itself of leaving your job and living off of Zhongli’s wealth wasn’t what struck the most dread within your already dismaying mind, rather it was the look that took over his features while he mulled over such thoughts. 
How his eyes quickly darkened and a slight smirk pushed the ends of his lips towards his rose tinted cheeks. Blame it on the alcohol, you pleaded yourself.
You guessed that, even within the most reputable and honorable of men, selfishness had its way of slithering into one's tongue, scales rushing through the soaring throat and from there finally reaching into the pumping heart, that is of course, if the heart itself hasn’t been overturned into one of its countless dominions already.
The same man that revealed to you the sickest of desires through a gaze alone, now looked at you with a mixture of concern and scrutiny swarming within his golden eyes.
‘Perhaps a chamomile tea will permit your nerves to be calmed? We wouldn't want you to reach our destination enveloped in complete exhaustion now would we, my gem?’
‘NO- I mean, I- there is no need… I have told you countless times that the tea here makes me nauseous, will you stop nagging me with it for a second…’ Annoyance was all you could procure to hide away your true concerns, you could not shiver in front of him nor make too drastic a move, you even made a point of not looking too inquisitively towards the outside world beyond the windows. 
You had made countless ventures towards the capital during your early adult years, memories of visiting your old companion Beidou or going antique hunting with Zhongli during the initial stages of your friendship flooded your memory as if in a sudden flash. A 7 hour long train ride you usually had to book in advance to get the best deals as a struggling university student, a 7 hour long train ride that you had shared with friends and acquaintances that have come and gone, a 7 hour long train ride whose destiny certainly wasn’t the same you were previously made believe you were now heading towards. 
You cannot be certain when and how you noticed it, if it was the outside fauna that simply did not sit well with your fading memory, if it was the fervent way Zhongli made sure whatever words were shared between you and the staff were not enough to make them linger for long, if it was his embrace that once a source of delight and comfort now became one of alarm and wariness.
‘There is no need to show such intense aversion to it my dear, I would only add one or two valerian roots, nothing too drastic.’ The mirth dripping from his tongue nearly made you convulse. The heavy grip upon your shoulder lessened while long fingers reached for your chin, forcing your gaze to remain connected to his own.
‘Now let’s go back to our carriage, I believe you are in dire need of a good night of sleep, if it were not for my constant nagging that you so seem to dislike, how could you ever hope to survive this by yourself?’ He lightly chuckled after a careful change of intonation to smooth over the unfamiliar underlinings of his phrase.
If that wasn’t meant to be a threat then you did not know what it was meant to be. The abruptness of his words was accompanied by a sudden pang of fatigue throughout the entirety of your body. You are tired, you have been so tired for so long. It was as if exhaustion had suddenly reached for your throat and forbade you from even uttering a plea against its relentless grip. But how could you even dare to fight against it? Perhaps fighting wasn't even a viable choice anymore.
Could you even find comfort in alienating your own self from reality and bathing in fantasies of the past for much longer? Could you keep telling yourself there was nothing wrong with the windows? With the decor? With the coffee?
You could feel an amalgam of tears creeping its way from the ends of your torpid eyes, and yet you fought their arrival valiantly despite being fully aware of their inevitable fall. You could not find any feasible explanation for why you felt so much so suddenly, it was as if the control over your physique had been stolen and now somebody else spoke through its movements, through its urgings, through its lechery.
Until some days ago you genuinely and wholeheartedly believed that you were the person who knew Zhongli the best. Now you have been struck with the realization that you could not be further from the truth. 
Your mind wanders through sleepless nights spent restfully within the embrace of silk sheets and the warmth of golden eyes, through rushed visits to the archeological museum before its closing time so he could explain the historical background of some new exposition, through shared cups of tea during nightfall and an offered mug of your most coveted home brewed coffee the morning following, through discussions of philosophical movements alongside some osmanthus wine and inebriated laughter, through sudden embraces and rushing kisses that procured every single confine of your body as if to consume you whole.
Before your mind could even return wholly to reality, your body had already been laid upon cotton sheets perfumed with agarwood and slight notes of bergamot. Or was it patchouli? You could definitely uncover some layers of patchouli and perhaps even some modest nudges of vanilla here and there.
All of a sudden your careful analysis of smell was obstructed by an intense scent of ripe apricots alongside that of a honeyed autumn breeze touched by floral nuances you have grown familiar with over the years.
You smelt it before you heard it reach your husband’s crystal cup. 
Osmanthus wine.
You wanted to garner the strength to ask him where you were going, what were his intentions and if this was the reason behind his insistence on you taking the majority of his favorite pieces of your jewelry collection on this ‘trip’.
You knew Zhongli wasn’t a man of sudden changes, he took time as a relic and would never cower beneath sudden urges, so for how long had he been planning this? For how long had you been sleeping encaged by the warm embrace of the man that was planning to do god knows what with you?
The silent carriage was abruptly occupied by a deep gulp and a purging sight. You could hear footsteps approaching and yet you couldn't even twist your body towards their direction. Could you yell for help? And if you did would anyone even hear you? Come for you? Or would they instead have their worries ‘proven’ irrational by a charismatic smile of the man now lingering over you?
‘I am deeply sorry that things had to reach this point, my love’ 
No you’re not. 
His features were twisted and yet harmonious. You knew what his sorrowful face looked, or perhaps you did not at all. Perhaps you had fooled yourself into believing you could know someone as well as yourself when you could barely hope for a slight tinge of human honesty. 
‘Know simply that every single action I take is taken with the intent of proving to you that there is no place in this world crafted for yourself besides my own arms, I have given you years to wander about and reach that conclusion by yourself but I fear that you have become more unruly than I forethought….’ He kisses your forehead as one would kiss that of a lover on a moonless night, his lips still veiled with a light coat of expensive wine and a thousand lies.
At this moment, you could hope for many things, you could pray to some metaphysical entity inhabiting realms beyond the material, you could even plea for mythological furies to avenge what is to come, but perhaps blissful ignorance was the only thing potent enough to keep you ashore now.
Blame it on the alcohol, you implored yourself.
Blame it on anything, except the man you swore to love until the grip of hades were too much to bear.
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Ikemen Sengoku - Kanetsugu
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors.
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Mai: “Huh?”
(A ceremony in this era?)
His unexpected invitation took me by surprise.
(I probably mastered basic etiquette by now, thanks to Shingen and Yoshimoto’s training, so this is my chance to check my skills.)
Mai: “I’d like to participate, please!”
Shingen chuckled as I nodded vigorously.
Shingen: “Okay. Then I’ll arrange it.”
Shingen: “I look forward to that day.”
Shingen winked somewhat mischievously.
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That night, I quickly informed Kanetsugu that I would leave the castle the next day.
Kanetsugu: “I don’t mind you going out, but what on earth will you be doing there?”
Mai: “Um. Actually, I’m gonna attend an acquaintance’s wedding.”
(Would it be suspicious if I suddenly started talking like this?)
Although I was inwardly on edge, Kanetsugu didn’t ask any more questions.
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Kanetsugu: “Okay. Have fun, but don’t get too carried away.”
Mai: “Okay!”
(Thank goodness. It looks like he doesn’t know that it’s part of my bridal training.)
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A few days later.
Maid 1: “Lady Mai, right? We’re expecting you.”
Maid 2: “Come this way, please.”
Mai: “What? U-Um...”
As soon as I arrived at the venue, the maid showed up and took me to the waiting room.
(How did this happen?)
She told me that I needed to change my clothes, and in a matter of seconds, I was dressed in a pure white uchikake.
[Uchikake is a highly formal kimono worn by a bride]
(So this is the so-called “white kimono.”)
At that moment, the sliding door slid open, revealing一
Mai: “Kanetsugu!?”
Speechless to see him in an unexpected place, Kanetsugu also stared at me, dumbfounded.
(Why is he here...?)
Kanetsugu: “That took me by surprise.”
Mai: “What?”
I quickly reacted as he muttered something halfway to himself, then looked at me again.
Kanetsugu: “That white kimono looks good on you.”
My heart skipped a beat at his unexpected compliment.
Mai: “Really? I’m kind of uncomfortable because they suddenly made me wear it.”
(I still don’t understand what’s happening.)
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Kanetsugu: “Don’t worry, it’s not flattery. It’s just attractive enough to catch my eye.”
Mai: “Thank you.”
My cheeks burned even harder, and my voice shook as I said this.
(I wanted to ask him why he was here, but I lost my timing.)
He stared at me, and I was embarrassed as we faced each other.
Maid: “Lady Mai, it really suits you.”
Mai: “Huh? You guys...”
She wasn’t the maid who had just helped me change my clothes.
They were all the maids working at Kasugayama Castle.
Maid: “We will now begin the wedding ceremony of Lady Mai and Lord Kanetsugu.”
Mai: “!?”
(Wait, wait, wait! Whose wedding did she just say!?)
Still stunned, the ceremony began solemnly.
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Kanetsugu: “Mai. Come here.”
Mai: “Kanetsugu.”
He took my hand and led me to sit down next to him.
(He’s right next to me.)
That was all I needed to ease my anxiety.
Maid: “Excuse me.”
The maid poured the sake into the cup prepared in front of us.
Kanetsugu: “Don’t worry. Just imitate me.”
He picked up the sake cup and drank it down.
I imitated him and took a sip of the sake, and he poured another into the empty one.
This continued exactly three times.
(I’m pretty sure this is the “Sankon no Gi” ceremony. It’s similar to the modern San San Kudo.)
[Sankon no Gi, or the drinking of the sake: The bride and the groom share three cups of sake. They each take three sips in turn from each cup to seal their bond as a married couple.]
[San san kudo is a sake sharing ceremony that is very common in Shinto Japanese weddings. During this Japanese wedding tradition, the bride and groom take three sips of sake from three stacked cups.]
I learned from Shingen and Yoshimoto that it was a ritual performed during wedding ceremonies.
(It’s like I’m really having a wedding with him.)
I quietly looked at Kanetsugu.
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Kanetsugu: “..........”
He noticed my gaze and gave me a soft smile, making my heart flutter.
Kanetsugu: “Mai.”
Suddenly, he reached his hand to my face.
(Is he going to kiss me?)
I quickly closed my eyes.
His fingers, a little stiff, gently wipe my lips.
He continued to trace it and slowly moved away.
When I opened my eyes, his handsome face was up close.
Kanetsugu: “There was a droplet on it.”
(Droplet? Oh, I see. From the sake I just had.)
Still feeling disappointed, he suddenly stared at me and smirked.
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Kanetsugu: “You look disappointed. Should I have wiped it with my mouth?”
Mai: “I-I’m not disappointed.”
Kanetsugu: “I see. I got confused.”
(Does that mean he wanted to kiss me, too?)
When the lips he traced earlier suddenly tickled me and made my heart beat faster一
???: "It's about time. Let's go in."
I heard someone's voice from the hallway, and the door slid open.
Shingen: "Oh? This one's a beautiful bride."
Yoshimoto: "It's true. It's just like the white kimono."
Mai: "Shingen, Yoshimoto? What's the meaning of this?"
When I finally got a chance to ask and call out to them, they nodded at each other and began to explain.
Yoshimoto: "I already told Kanetsugu about your recent efforts to learn about marriage."
Yoshimoto: "The dark circles around your eyes proved you've been studying hard and putting a lot of effort into this."
Shingen: "We can see you're really curious, so we prepared this."
(In other words, a trial wedding!)
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Yoshimoto: "That's why you two can spend the rest of the day as you please."
Shingen and Yoshimoto left, leaving only me and Kanetsugu behind.
Mai: "You knew all along."
Kanetsugu: "If you think you can hide it from me, you're mistaken."
Kanetsugu said dismissively and then gently stroked my cheek.
Kanetsugu: "I know you're a dedicated and hardworking person."
Kanetsugu: "I also know that you're reckless beyond necessary."
He stroked my cheek gently, making my heart squeeze.
Kanetsugu: "I've been worried about you ever since you started thinking about marriage."
Kanetsugu: "That's why I asked Shingen and Yoshimoto in advance to contact me if there were any problems."
Kanetsugu: "And sure enough, the news of the bridal training reached me."
Mai: "You saw through everything."
(He helped me secretly. I feel kind of sorry for myself when I think about that.)
I was training to be a bride worthy of him, but I can't say I've achieved that.
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Kanetsugu: "Hey, why are slumping your shoulders?"
Mai: "Because there's no way I can support you after we get married like this."
Hearing this, he looked at me and then shook his head.
Kanetsugu: "I didn't hint about marriage expecting something like that."
Mai: "What?"
Kanetsugu: "For me, there's only one reason to marry you."
Kanetsugu: "And that's because I love you. That's all."
Mai: "Kanetsugu..."
Kanetsugu: "Or were you more interested in the Naoe family's lineage instead of me?"
Mai: "No. I wanted to keep loving you for the rest of my life."
Mai: "I don't want you to think I married you because of your family background!"
Kanetsugu: "Then we're the same."
When he told me this, I finally realized.
(I thought I had to become a woman worthy of him, even though he didn't ask me to.)
(I even left behind the "real me" he fell in love with.)
(Did I perhaps hurt him?)
Mai: "Kanetsugu, I..."
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Kanetsugu: "No, don't apologize."
Kanetsugu: "Right now, I'd rather touch you than that."
Holding me close, he took my lips in a biting kiss that took my breath away.
My heart beat faster, and I clung to his arm like a drowning person.
Mai: "Mnn...Kanetsugu..."
Kanetsugu: "More. Let me taste you more."
I called his name between kisses, and he devoured me even more deeply.
(I'm getting dizzy.)
Kanetsugu: "Ha..."
His hot breath sent shivers down my spine.
After our long kiss, I leaned into him, my body completely relaxing, and his arms around me tightened.
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Kanetsugu: "As I said before, there’s no need to apologize. This whole thing is a result of you seriously thinking about your future with me."
When I looked up, my gaze met his wisteria-colored eyes.
His narrowed eyes convey an inexpressible love, making me catch my breath.
Kanetsugu: "Today is just a practice. We will formally hold the ceremony at some point."
Kanetsugu: "Not right now, but as I said before, not too far off."
Kanetsugu: "Please wait until then."
Mai: "Of course!"
A warm joy filled my heart instantly.
Mai: "I won't rush, but I'll keep learning because I don't want to take your kindness for granted."
Mai: "I swear on this kiss."
This time, I gently pressed my lips against his.
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Kanetsugu: "You..."
Kanetsugu: "Don't think you can get away with this."
He said this with a low growl and pushed me down.
Kanetsugu: "I'm renting this place out for three days. No one will disturb us here."
(Three days? Ah...)
(Right. Ceremonies in this era last for three days. And right now, we're alone in this room.)
Kanetsugu chuckled when he saw me blushing.
Kanetsugu: "It looks like you've really learned a lot about this world."
Kanetsugu: "Let's see how well you've learned so far."
He kissed me, and that's when I realized I was about to be loved seductively.
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Part 1╏Part 2╏Premium╏Epilogue
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biblioflyer · 19 days
It was no “All Good Things” but it did what it needed to do.
Discovery is a bit of a metaphor for “NuTrek.” Never quite sure what it is, whether to take itself uber seriously with the razor edged gravitas of nuGalactica or The Expanse, or to lean into joyful camp like Doctor Who. I think the choice to lean into the camp was ultimately a sound one. The edge simply didn’t fit the writing which was all over the place, in true Trek fashion.
It brought out some of the worst in the fandom, which apparently also has a deep legacy. See also the extensive letter writing campaign condemning TNG as a betrayal of TOS back in the day. We have never been as good as our heroes and some of us don’t seem to try very hard.
Discovery has long baffled me because I’ve struggled, more during the early seasons, with how to approach it. The early aesthetic made me feel like I should be taking it as seriously as open heart surgery which meant it could never withstand scrutiny. The choice to lean into camp made me more forgiving.
I still prefer the bridge crew being a more core part of the ensemble but I think that’s my old school Trek training. It makes more sense for the senior staff to be spread around rather than clustered on the bridge every time and there were plenty of Ensigns and Lieutenants whose names we never learned.
Having a defined main character worked better logically when Burnham was XO or even outside the command structure. The way the character was written, I actually found it frustrating when they first had her rejoin Starfleet and then promote to Captain. They eventually wrote her as a more convincing leader but it has always seemed like she was more convincing and more compelling as someone following their conscience outside the formal hierarchy.
For all the griping about its supposed radical politics, NuTrek has felt very safe. I’ve written a lot about this in the context of Picard, but NuTrek’s skepticism of institutional power clashes with the traditional story format. It keeps walking right up to the edge of legitimizing independent actors working outside of formal structures to right wrongs and do good deeds that are harder to do from a position of responsibility where the cost of making a mistake isn’t just losing one’s own life but possibly losing hundreds of lives or starting a war.
But it always chickens out. Burnham, Rios, Raffi, Seven, Jack: all roads lead back to Starfleet. Which is not to say that Starfleet is bad, actually. I’m all for depicting Starfleet as an enlightened institution but there’s a nuanced position where some people don’t work well in that setting and there are legitimate roles for individuals acting outside of Starfleet. It doesn’t have to be a binary where on one side you have all of the honorable, moral, and disciplined people and on the other are only pirates and vigilantes.
I must give a nod of respect to Saru who has probably undergone one of the most interesting and well executed character arcs that has left the character almost unrecognizable from where he started but it all happened very naturally. Which is an achievement given how the show has struggled with pacing in the modern season format. The next closest examples I can think of would be Rom and Nog who had 7 seasons to complete their arcs. 7 much longer seasons.
I’m sorry to see Discovery go. Just on a meta level, it’s been fascinating to scrutinize its artistic decisions and how it has engaged with its critics. Ultimately I think it did an excellent job of sifting through the muck to find the good faith, well formulated criticisms and adapt gently. Given the incandescent nature of the fandom, it would have been tempting to write off the detractors entirely or essentially reboot the entire show, writing out or severely changing unpopular characters and abandoning previous choices.
I’m a big tent fandom guy, so I will always say that a show needs to be a show for both the people who loved it from the start as well as people who only approved of it later. Balancing that is tricky, I think Discovery did it well. It was often confused and janky, but it grew both the competencies of the storytellers and grew the fan base. For that I’m grateful.
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the-austrian-candidate · 11 months
hetalia headcanon
For me, doing this is a great stress reliever, and I have had a lot of stress lately.  Also, my ADHD is not allowing me to give a simple answer to the question, I always have the urge to give the whole backstory, like what happened five centuries ago... So, my favourite dorks yet again. PruAus. Modern Times
Who carries all the important documents while traveling? Gilbert, as much as Austria can act like not clumsy person, he gets lost in his head. Especially when they are waiting, for example, in the airport, he would have the book opened, but he would be playing scenes in his head, not reading, so documents are not exactly safe with him.  Prussia, on the other hand, is organized in a practical manner; after all, someone had to teach it to Lutz, and for sure it wasn't Rod. Gilbert has everything neatly in order, and he also makes sure that Rod sits in one place and doesn't wander off in the big airports. [Seriously, guys, I got lost in Munich airport once; oh the stress.]
Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other? Of course, it is Gilbert. He has a thing for barging into Rod's safe place with different shenanigans. Every damn time he comes back from the cold, he tries to sneak up to Austria and touch him with those frozen fingers. And every time Roderich yells at him. At this point, it is basically a tradition.
What do they argue about the most? These days they actually try to talk to each other; it took centuries to achieve that. They used to quarrel about almost everything. Starting from Prussia's attempts to gain power within Holy Rome, different approaches towards German unification, Maris Theresa sitting on the Austrian throne—here Gilbert was rather prejudiced; he changed a lot since that time. Austria's way of dealing with minorities in the empire, the empire itself. Roderich's marriages, Ludwig's education. You name it, they had an argument about it. In the XXI century, they still argue sometimes. Gilbert still has thoughts that he is not needed anymore; Prussia was disolved, and granted, there are Teutonic Knights (in a way, the Order is existing; I am not going into details, but it is fascinating), but it bothers him sometimes and he becomes snappy. Roderich simply has no idea how to deal with a brooding Gilbert. He will say something like, get a grip, you are alive, and this will unleash the hell of all old resentment. The thing is, Roderich, despite losing the empire, still has a country to represent and has no idea about Gilbert's turmoil. Also, the sole thought of Gilbert not being here as a lover, friend, enemy, or whatever they are is unacceptable on so many levels that Roderich denies the possibility of even thinking about it. There is also one more thing that brings arguments: Gilbert tends to be jealous, though he knows it is stupid. As he started to live with Rod, he kind of saw the point. Roderich has no idea how to be alone; for him, Antonio and Liza are vital parts of his past and the few rare people he feels okay around (all the angsty things I have about spaus will come up eventually). Anyway, Gilbert didn't understand how Austria could be so at ease with his exes but not with him. During one of the arguments, when he managed to get Roderich to yell, he heard that Rod is simply scared that if he starts saying what he feels or wants, Prussia will leave, and he doesn't have to be afraid of Tony and Liz, as both relationships ended and both were political. Whatever he has with Gilbert is far more important.
Who is better with kids? Gilbert is more open towards kids; he treated Ludwig as a brother, not as a project. He was strict when it came to discipline, military training, and education, but from time to time he still made sure Ludwig was just a kid. Roderich is just awkward; he does not know how to talk with kids or how to play with them. Despite this, in very few moments, he would sit with little Feliciano and draw with him, or teach HRE how to play the piano. Those are rare good memories. In general, my headcanon is that neither of them is very good with kids, like the actual work you have when you have kids. How could they be good at this. There were always maids and babysitters, and they didn't grow up in regular Families.
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The Next Generation
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The Warrior Bards novels are to the Blackthorn and Grim trilogy as Star Trek: TNG is to Star Trek TOS. This is literally the next generation in this world, and it's exploring the lives of Blackthorn and Grim's children, both bioloigcal and adopted. What is absolutely wild to me is that where Blackthorn and Grim felt like more traditional, older-style historical fantasy (think like, 1980s Tamora Pierce or Mercedes Lackey) despite being published from 2014 to 2016, the Warrior Bard books feel very modern and very much what I would expect for historical fantasy published from 2019 to 2021. And yet despite the style changes, both series still manage to sound like Juliet Marillier. Let's talk Warrior Bards.
The Harp of Kings introduces us to Swan Island, a training ground for freelance spy/mercenaries, and main characters Liobhan, Brocc, and Dau. Brocc and Liobhan are Blackthorn and Grimm's children, and they are in training on Swan Island. This book follows them on what is technically a training mission, but it's a very, very live mission. You can't crown a king without a magic harp, after all. Dau and Liobhan are set up for their rivals to lovers arc throughout the trilogy, and Brocc is very, very clearly set up to end up on an intertwined but related path to his sister--there are fae involved.
A Dance with Fate has been mentioned on this blog before, in the very first post. It has a very complicated relationship with disability and the magical cure trope, which I won't go into too much depth here; the TLDR is that on principle, I hate the magical cure trope (seriously, disability is not a life-ender. You can live and live well with a disability, it does not HAVE to be cured), but this book does some interesting work with the grief that can come with acquiring a disability and the absolute fuckery that acquiring a disability can throw your relationships (of all kinds, but especially family ones) into. The previous book wasn't not character driven, but this book is CHARACTER DRIVEN, and I love that about it. It makes the stakes higher and the actiony, plot-y sequences weightier.
This book also really divides its time between Dau and Liobhan and Brocc, who is off in a Fae stronghold and very much on his own romantic journey that has some tragic-feeling tendrils woven through. Brocc is not my favorite part of this trilogy, but he is central to it in a way that, while reading, I was never mad about spending some time with him, especially because while he is geographically separate from Dau and Liobhan, they're deeply connected in terms of in-world geopolitics and plot. It's just beautifully balanced.
A Song of Flight takes all the threads that have been worked through the first two books and opens with a kidnapped prince, who's bodyguard is Brocc and Liobhan's elder brother, Galen. Swan Island turns out to find the prince, and Dau, Brocc, Liobhan, and Galen have to save both the magical and mundane worlds.
This trilogy is excellent, and does not require reading the Blackthorn and Grimm books before reading, and if you don't discover Juliet Marillier through the Wildwood books, I would actually recommend starting with this trilogy (unless you are a massive classical fantasy fan, then Blackthorn and Grimm might be a better place to start; your mileage may vary).
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xtruss · 1 year
This Legendary Polynesian Canoe Will Sail 43,000 Miles, From Alaska to Tahiti
The crew of the Hōkūleʻa is embarking on an arduous 47-month journey across the Pacific Rim.
— By Jill K. Robinson | June 7, 2023
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In this 2013 photo, the Hōkūleʻa crew trains in the ancient art of Polynesian wayfinding—navigating without modern tools. The Hōkūleʻa and her sister canoe, the Hikianalia, will embark on a circumnavigation of the Pacific in 2023, connecting Polynesian cultures and highlighting ocean conservation along the way. Photograph By Paul Nicklen, National Geographic Image Collection
The feat of Polynesian wayfinding—navigating by stars, wind, and waves—had long been discounted by scholars on the grounds that ancient Polynesians didn’t have the knowledge to be master navigators. But in 1976, a traditional 62-foot, double-hull voyaging canoe called Hōkūleʻa sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti with a crew of 15, proving that the old ways were more than enough to carry people across the vast ocean.
Now, the next generation of Polynesian wayfarers is stepping up and getting onboard. Beginning June 15 in Alaska, Hōkūleʻa and her sister canoe Hikianalia will set off on a 43,000-nautical-mile, 47-month circumnavigation of the Pacific Ocean. The journey will take them to 36 countries and archipelagoes, nearly a hundred Indigenous territories, and 345 ports. There’ll be about 12 crew on each canoe at a time, switching out about every four weeks, for a total of 400 crew members over four years.
Here’s what to know about this epic voyage.
Hōkūleʻa’s History
Named after Arcturus, the zenith star of the Hawaiian Islands, Hōkūleʻa (“star of gladness”) was conceived and built by the Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS). This Honolulu, Hawaii-based organization was established to research the means by which Polynesian seafarers found and settled on islands within the immense Pacific Ocean. Since her first voyage, Hōkūleʻa has traveled throughout the globe. Its founders want to explore and reclaim Polynesian culture, traditions, and relationship to both home and the planet.
“Hōkūleʻa allows us to find the connection that a lot of people believed was lost,” says National Geographic explorer Lehua Kamalu, Hōkūleʻa’s first female captain and the voyaging director of PVS.
The Moananuiākea Voyage
Hōkūleʻa’s Moananuiākea (“the vast Pacific”) Voyage embarks this month from Alaska due to a partnership that began in 1990. At that time, the Polynesian Voyaging Society approached the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian peoples of the Sealaska Corporation after searching unsuccessfully for koa logs large enough to build a Hawaiian voyaging canoe from traditional native materials. The nonprofit Alaska Native conservation group gifted the society two Sitka spruce logs.
“That’s why we’re starting in Alaska,” says Randie Fong, leader of ʻAha Moananuiākea Pacific Consortium. “It’s important when we travel that we acknowledge the global Indigenous community and our traditional systems in the pursuit of solutions to climate change and the restoration of our oceans and landscapes.”
“We wanted to bring it all home to the Pacific, because our culture is here,” says navigator and PVS president Nainoa Thompson. “We know that the great systems of the planet are connected. We don’t have a number of different oceans. They’re all one.”
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The Hōkūleʻa is a 62-foot waʻa kaulua, a double-hull voyaging canoe open to the elements. “While it helps that I’ve sailed her and understand how she works, in bad conditions you’re in survival mode,” says Captain Lehua Kamalu. Photograph By Paul Nicklen, National Geographic Image Collection
How to Follow the Hōkūleʻa
As Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia journey on the Moananuiākea Voyage, their paths will be tracked on Hokulea.com so anyone can follow along. The website will also post specific port dates throughout the journey.
From Alaska, the canoes sail along the west coasts of North and South America, through Polynesia and north along the West Pacific. Hōkūleʻa will then be shipped from Japan to Los Angeles to sail home to Hawaii. From there, it will voyage to Tahiti in the spring of 2027.
“The ocean will do what it wants,” says Kamalu. “Hōkūleʻa is an open vessel, so we’re highly exposed and there’s no way to hide from heavy weather. Your skin may be soggy for days.”
While the crew will most certainly face challenges along the way, the measure of success isn’t about how much hardship they can take, but what they’re responsible for—making sure that the next generation of wayfinders can take things even farther.
To that end, the Polynesian Voyaging Society has also launched Wa’a Honua, the Canoe for the Earth. The virtual global hub is meant to inspire people to become future navigators for the planet. “This voyage and its impacts reach far beyond the crew that sails,” says Kamalu.
Hōkūleʻa will likely be at sea for the canoe’s 50th anniversary, on May 1, 2026. But there’s no rush to get to a specific destination for that day. “The beauty of voyaging is not to go fast,” says Thompson. “It’s to go slow and take your time. You can’t look up at the stars and tell where you are. In this kind of navigation, you only know where you are by memorizing where you sailed from.”
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nonepizzaleftgirl · 2 years
Over 2 years ago now, I made an analysis post trying to stitch together a layout for the city based on the few shots we had at the time. Now that the demo is available and I can walk around in the hub, I thought to revisit that post! I'll be following that post's structure and comparing it with the final release as I go. Note that some differences can be chalked up to the fact that the hub is currently undergoing Splatfest preparations.
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In the initial post, I speculated that the piggy bank building might have something to do with Salmon Run—that is obviously wrong with the hindsight we have now, but I should note that the building next to it with the orange and yellow logo that I assumed to be Grizzco-related is closed down currently and may open up in a future update or DLC and become relevant then.
Also, as you can see, the piggy bank used to be way more in the back than it is now - its front feet were even clipping into the left wall! Whereas now, it's stretching out over the buildings.
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I correctly predicted that the piggy bank was down this side path. Looking back at the trailer, you can actually see the hat shop up on the balcony on the left, in addition to Ammo Knights below it, which could be seen pretty clearly from the prerelease footage. Hotlantis seemed to have been closed at the time of the prerelease footage, though notably it seems that they always intended to implement it, as the logo stayed the same, even if it is at a different location now:
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Given that they stated that Harmony took over the store from its absent owner, it's cute to think that in-universe, the store was abandoned and closed-down two years ago, though that is almost definitely not the actual reason why it was closed in prerelease.
Additionally, the Recon Guide was missing entirely from the prerelease footage. It's likely that they still used the Splatoon 2 recon system at the time, or perhaps the expanded recon was entirely hidden within a Lobby menu.
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The chicken statue on the left seemed to have been entirely missing from prerelease footage. Additionally, a palm tree was added, as well as Deep Cut's recording studio. From this shot, you can actually see signs advertising the hat shop on the balcony even as far back as the prerelease footage!
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From the trailer, I speculated that the building next to the truck was some sort of delievery building due to the motorcycle on its logo. In the final version, the truck is gone entirely, though the logo remains, so this could be to make place for Splatfest registration. Additionally, the mailbox that lets you send drawings was already visible in prerelease footage.
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I had a lot of trouble initially placing this area, because it looks very different now! The little staircase is gone entirely (instead, there's a slope hidden behind the buildings on the right, which actually seems to have been there all along, going by the slant of the prerelease ledge), a bunch of textures changed around, the blue sign location changed… I initially had a lot of trouble placing this back alley, but I did eventually figure out correctly that it was underneath the piggy bank. It now leads to Tableturf Battle.
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This area! So much changed here. While the train station and battle tower are still in the same location, there is now a duck statue on top of the train station. I wonder if this was hidden from prerelease footage to hide the fact that we now have three idols? Since we now have three statues in the duck, the snake, and the piggy bank... Additionally, Deep Cut's recording studio is now between them, where there used to be empty space.
But perhaps most tragically... the art installation from the prerelease footage is completely gone! I'll miss you, squid-shaped art installation...
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As you can see from this mockup I made back then, it turned out to be pretty close! The traditional building, delievery building, train station, and back alley building seem to have no purpose in the final game, the modern art installation got removed entirely, and I was wrong about just how much of the bottom left was blocked off. Nonetheless, I am happy at how much of the layout was able to be gained from just these few shots.
Tell me if I missed any other significant hub changes between prerelease and now!
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rpgadverts · 1 year
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Site name and link: Charmingly Splendid, https://ecs.jcink.net Site genre: Based On TV Show Site info: Charmingly Splendid is a Charmed AU roleplay site based in modern era. Our plot started in between season 2 - 3, before we lost Prue Halliwell, most of the story from here onward is our creation so regardless if you've watched Charmed or not, you'll be able to make a character to fit into this new world we are creating. Your name: Paige Contact info: Discord Paige Yin#0119 Role(s) requested: All characters requested below would have plotting opportunities with my character(s), sometimes multiple of them and might be involving in some major site plot if you choose to use them that way. Some of these characters has a more complex plots that I'd like to work out, while others are more open. Either way, you may always contact me on Discord and we can hash out the ideas either of us have and make an even better, funner plot to write! Looking forward to chatting with you!
For Leo Wyatt This is more of a plot wanted than an actual wanted ad. So here we have Leo Wyatt, who I believe everyone following the Charmed franchise is familiar with! However, Leo we have here is not exactly like the Leo we have in the show. Our Leo here is a little rougher on the edges. He's still kind, he's still wise, and he still loves Piper more than anything in the world, but no one would call Leo a pacifist. His experience with Piper and realizing that the Elders' way being a little more than outdated, Leo isn't someone who would obey their rules and instructions anymore. Our Leo here is willing to fight. He will fight along with his charges if that's what he needs to do to protect them. He has also gained hand-to-hand combat skills and know how to use his Whitelighter powers in an offensive ways (like using orbs to levitate, orbing-telekinesis etc). So where did Leo learned all these skills you may ask, because from what we know of the Elders, they are not going to train their agents to fight. No, Leo actually found a band of Whitelighters who have been training to fight, Whitelighters who believe in more than just guiding and hiding behind witches' backs. This band of Whitelighters are called "The Rogues", and I am thinking there should have about 9 - 12 members. Let's keep it to a small group for now. I don't think The Rogues are evil, they just have their own freewill and have different believes than the Elders. They practice to fight and practice to use their powers to help the Greater Good in a more active ways than traditional Whitelighters would. They each could have their own stories that lead them down on this path.
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"Lydia Martin" ❥ Original ❥ Whitelighter ❥ Open Age ❥ Strength: A Seer
Here we have "Lydia" which of course, does not have to be the name you pick. What I have in mind is that she has the ability of foresight and is able to warn the group about it, but if you'd like to change her ability, I'm open for it as well. Open personality and history, I am also leaving her age open, so she can be older or younger than Leo, but she would have been in the group longer than Leo because Leo was one of their newer recruit. I'd suggest the lovely Holland Roden as an FC, if you'd like to use someone else though, of course, feel free to run the idea by me. Suggested FC:  Holland Roden.
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"Malia Tate" ❥ Original ❥ Whitelighter ❥ Open Age ❥ Strength: Snark and ways with words
Let me introduce you to "Malia", who I'd imaging being the snarky one in the group. I'd like her to be like, the trouble child of the Whitelighter and maybe even one of the few who has started with The Rogue. But like the other two, I'd leave her details to be mostly open so that you can have freedom to create this character. I'd definitely imagine her to be older than Leo, but still open age, open history, personality (if you do not like her to be snarky). Suggested FC is Shelley Hennig, you don't have to use her but I'd like to see more Teen Wolf actors/ actresses around the site and also for plotting purpose. Suggested FC:  Shelley Hennig.
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"Cora Hale" ❥ Original ❥ Whitelighter ❥ Open Age ❥ Strength: Lie Detector
This is "Cora", which I imagine to be quite a young Whitelighter to have joined The Rogue, she is probably very skilled and very much in deep troubles that they recruited her early. Again, most of her details are open, including but not limited to her history, personalities, age. I'm thinking perhaps because she is able to detect lies that she was the first one to spoke up for Leo when he requested to join the group, and maybe the two of them have a bond (give Leo and Piper some dramas please!). Suggested FC is Adalaide Kane, but once again, you can use someone else, if you'd like to use anyone who has tons of GIFs with Leo's FC, Daniel Sharman, I'd be more than happy too. Suggested FC:  Adalaide Kane.
For Keenen Bauknecht
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Kiefer Bauknecht ❥ Original ❥ Demon ❥ 406 years old ❥ Open profession Meet Kiefer, older twin brother of Keenen who's also the Demon of Dreams. His power is similar to Keenen's although with a little twist. Kiefer's ability would be able to influence dreams, however, when it comes to creating nightmare/ twisting a good dream into a nightmare, he is slightly weaker compared to Keenen.
Most of Keenen's history with his brother is listed on Keenen's app, long story short, the were born in currently Bamberg, Germany, from a long line of witches and warlocks. The family was nice and happy until they the witch hunt caught up to them and condemned them all to die. Burned to death, Keenen and Kiefer became a pair of demons. Their transformation and the abilities over someone's dreams are a manifestation of their mortal conjuring and hallucikinesis abilities.
Keenen and Kiefer are not in good term right now, Keenen is jealous of his big brother's goodness while he prefers to walk the darker path in life. All the rest that's not mentioned here or in the application, you'll have free reign to create.
Face claim, I'd recommend Lucas Bravo (esp if you're keen on having someone more mainstream and have tons of gifs), Janis Danner (since they are twin), Valentin D'Hoore and Giorgos Mavrogiannis.
For Haori Tsukioka This is a request for the Tsukioka siblings. Brief intro on the family, the Nomura is quite a renowned and respected family in Japan, especially in the Sorcery profession/ Sorcery world (魔道). Their father, Aoshi Tsukioka, is stern and a bit of a sexist/ genderist (this is quite common in the culture) so he wants to get a boy to pass his knowledge onto. To the girls, even though he doesn't have as high an expectation from them, he does expect a lot from them, like to excel academically and otherwise; their mother, Kiku Ohara, is a quiet lady, gentle but also obedient and careful. I can see her being very kind towards everyone equally, though she won't go against their father's words. Their parents have no love for each other, their marriage were arranged by their parents since before birth.
The Tsukioka has 4 children, 3 girls and a boy. Of course, the boy would be getting all the attentions from their father as well as all the responsibilities. I am playing the oldest sister, haori tsukioka, who's like a typical first born: confident, outspoken, protective, and like, never really fear of anything. She is pretty close with most of her siblings, but I am also open for conflict, perhaps one of her siblings (maybe the boy) dislike and envy her (and the rest of the girls) for the freedom he could never have.
If you have any questions about the plot, the family, the characters, Japanese's culture, feel free to poke me via DM or Discord.
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Saori Tsukioka ❥ Original ❥ Witch/ Human ❥ 28/ 29 ❥ Middle Sister ❥ Open profession
I always feels Saori being a little more reserve and quiet as a middle sister. She probably wasn't too confident in her middle/ high school year and needed Haori to help her come out of her shell, but she can go the total opposite way as well! If she was the quiet/ shy one, I can see her having that big-sis worship syndrome and followed Haori to the States when her big sister had the chance. She could also be the down-to-earth one who constantly try to keep Haori from getting into troubles or spending too much.
FC suggestion:  Tao Tsuchiya(image), Kasumi Arimura, Emi Takei, Alice Hirose, Haruna Kawaguchi, Yuko Araki, Nana Komatsu.
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Minori Tsukioka ❥ Original ❥ Witch/ Human ❥ 24/ 25 ❥ Youngest Sister ❥ Twin: Yuori Tsukioka ❥ Open profession
I can see Minori being the baby of the family, a little spoiled, a little whinny, but also pretty out-going and confident and kind of a wild child. I can see her being closest to Yuori and actually be able to understand her twin brother better than the other two sisters. If you want to take her and have drama, we can totally have her ran away with Yuori to the States and never wanted to go back home ever since.
FC suggestion:  Ayaka Miyoshi(image), Minami Hamabe, Sakurai Hinako, Ayami Nakajo, Suzu Hirose, Mei Nagano, Nana Komatsu.
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
Oddworld Fan Lore: Ex-slaves vs the Tribes
Mudokons that have always had their freedom tend to judge the slave mudokons very harshly. Many would consider a slave mud to be beneath them.
This hatred directed at the ex-slaves revolves around those that willingly sold themselves into slavery for comfort and profit, but it’s now spread to those that were born into the way of life. They simply do not care if you were born into that life, they still hold you to the same level as those that willingly chose the slave life.
Many tribe mudokons refuse to teach the old ways to an ex-slave. They view them as unworthy of such knowledge and don’t wish to taint the purity of their traditions. They cling to the old ways of life so tightly that they are willing to let their ways and traditions die with them instead of passing it on to a candidate. The number of ex slave mudokons towers over the ones that always had their freedom. Mudokons are on the path of killing off their own ways of life because of their own pride and arrogance.
This mindset was also shared by the mudokon high council. The council was made up of highly gifted and trained shamans each wearing a mask that represents the tribe they originate from. Big Face being the eldest of the council and the more open minded of them all. If there was an issue with any mudokon tribes in the land, they were sought to discuss action.
Big Face was the only member of the council that embraced that change was coming to Oddworld. Their old way of life was never going to return. He was willing to pass knowledge and traditions to the ex-slaves. He was one of the few that would actively spend time educating an ex-slave that sought him out for guidance and questions, when many others would have scoffed and sent them away. For this, Big Face was often mocked and laughed at by the other members of the council.
Many mudokons that managed to flee their slave life before Abe came into the picture were sent away from living at other tribes. They were not welcome. They were exiled from any tribe and forced to survive with no help. That changed when Dokk was freed and established a friendship with Elli.
Elli and Dokk would later become two of the founding members of the village of Sanctuary. A modernized mudokon settlement that mixes modern comforts with traditional native ways of life. Sanctuary would eventually be recognized as a hub to send Ex-slaves to when they escape seeking shelter. Some mudokons became lucky enough to be recognized by certain tribes and permitted to go live there, some never wanted to leave Sanctuary as they were not used to the more primitive ways. Some tribe members came to live in Sanctuary simply out of convenience and never wanted to leave. It was the only settlement that welcomed all mudokons, no matter their birth.
Dokk became the village’s doctor and dentist. While many tribes muds refused to seek out modern medicine due to the known practices of vykker doctors, some will swallow their pride and seek Dokk out when their traditional remedies simply do not suffice.
Elli would become a caretaker for rescued mudlings and mudokon eggs. Due to many mudokons not having their fertility, many parents to be will seek Elli out for the possibility of adopting. Tribe muds were often more welcoming of the ex-slave children, especially those that were freshly hatched. It allowed them to educate them on the old ways without having to risk the traditions being tainted. Or so they claim.
Over time, the story stones were ignored and forgotten until Abe began his quest to take down Rupture Farms and eventually Soulstorm Brewery. While the ex-slaves regard Abe as their hero and savior, many of the tribes muds view Abe and his cause as a threat to their old way of life.
Big Face would pass the biggest piece of knowledge to Abe, Alf, and Toby on how to earn their place amongst the free tribes.
“The best way to gain respect from the other tribes, is to know the value of hard labor.”
Through helping out their fellow muds, be it through various odd tasks or simply helping out with things like tending the crops and animals, or making deliveries for some of the mudokon vendors, the mud trio would begin earning a bit of respect from the other tribe members.
Despite the reputation gained from their work, Alf often faced the brunt of mocking when it became clear he had a crush on Elli. Ex-slaves were never considered candidates for the free queens. Especially one of such title and family as Elli’s. Even after their status as a couple became official, Alf still faces heavy scrutiny for it, and many who meet him for the first time simply do not believe his claim of being Elli’s boyfriend. Ex-slaves were kept very far away from their wo-muds, preferring they stick to their own class. Big Face has never shown any displeasure, he’s very happy that Elli has managed to find someone she loves. He’s never cared for titles, not even his own.
Many tribe mudokons began to embrace new ideas that came with Abe’s efforts, even if they were untrusting or hesitant. Ideas such as Ex-slaves being allowed to have relations and coupling with tribe members, more interracial relations and couplings, exchanging of knowledge of modern and tribal traditions, expanding trade to other members of Oddworld, and much more.
Abe knows the path to peace on Oddworld is not easy, but he holds onto the hope that maybe he’ll live long enough to see how much of an impact he’s made on Oddworld.
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repairingfix · 15 days
Ensuring Round-the-Clock Reliability with Corpus Christi Garage Door Services
Imagine the inconvenience of a garage door that refuses to open as you're rushing out for an early morning flight or coming home late at night; in Corpus Christi, where both the pace of life and the coastal climate demand robust solutions, having access to 24/7 garage door service Corpus Christi ensures that your daily schedule remains uninterrupted and your home is secure. Coupled with Professional garage door service Corpus Christi, these services provide comprehensive care to maintain the functionality and safety of your garage door system.
Why Round-the-Clock Service is Essential
A garage door malfunction can happen at any time, often without warning. Whether it's a broken spring, a derailed track, or an electronic malfunction, each issue can compromise your home's security and disrupt your daily activities. This is where the value of 24/7 garage door service Corpus Christi becomes apparent. Providing service around the clock, these professionals are a call away, ensuring that no matter the time of day, help is on its way.
The availability of 24/7 services is not just about convenience; it's about safety and security. A garage door stuck in an open position overnight or during the weekend can make your home vulnerable to intruders. Quick response times are crucial in protecting your property and restoring your peace of mind.
Comprehensive Services Offered by Professionals
Professional garage door service Corpus Christi encompasses a wide range of services beyond emergency repairs. These services include regular maintenance, safety checks, and upgrades to newer, more efficient systems. Professional technicians are equipped with the knowledge and tools to perform thorough evaluations and conduct repairs or replacements with high-quality parts.
Regular maintenance provided by professionals can significantly extend the life of your garage door. Technicians will lubricate moving parts, tighten loose bolts, adjust spring tension, and ensure that the door opener is in good working order. This proactive approach helps in avoiding sudden failures and enhances the overall performance of the door system.
Advanced Solutions for Modern Needs
Today's garage door systems incorporate advanced technology that requires specialized knowledge for installation and maintenance. Professional services offer the installation of state-of-the-art garage door openers that feature smartphone connectivity, enabling you to open or close your garage door from anywhere in the world. Other advancements include high-security features like rolling codes technology, which changes the door's access code each time the opener is used, preventing unauthorized access.
Professional garage door service Corpus Christi providers stay updated with these technologies, ensuring that they can handle any aspect of garage door function, from traditional manual doors to the latest automated systems.
Choosing the Right Service Provider
When selecting a garage door service provider in Corpus Christi, it's essential to choose a company that not only offers a wide range of services but also emphasizes customer service and reliability. Look for companies with certified technicians who undergo regular training in the latest garage door technologies and safety protocols.
Customer reviews and testimonials can provide insights into a company's reliability and quality of service. A reputable service provider will be transparent about their pricing and services, ensuring you receive a fair and honest assessment of your garage door needs.
The importance of reliable and professional garage door services in Corpus Christi cannot be understated. With 24/7 garage door service in Corpus Christi and Professional garage door service in Corpus Christi, homeowners have the assurance that their garage door needs are covered at all times, safeguarding their convenience, safety, and peace of mind. For those looking for dependable service, Primarygaragedoor.com offers expert solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by Corpus Christi residents. Their commitment to excellence ensures that your garage door operates smoothly and efficiently, protecting your home and enhancing your lifestyle.
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egaragesystem · 1 month
The Future of Home Security and Convenience: A Comprehensive Look at Garage Door Openers by eGarage Systems
In the modern home, the garage door opener plays a crucial role in daily convenience and security. As the main entry point for many families, the garage door demands reliable and advanced technology to ensure safety and ease of access. eGarage Systems is at the forefront of this innovation, offering cutting-edge garage door openers that integrate seamlessly with today’s smart home environments. This article explores the evolution, features, installation, and future trends of garage door openers, showcasing why eGarage Systems is the trusted name in this vital aspect of home automation.
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The Evolution of Garage Door Openers
The journey of garage door openers began in the early 20th century, with the first electric garage door opener invented by C.G. Johnson in 1926. This invention revolutionized the way people accessed their garages, moving away from manually operated doors to more convenient, electrically operated ones. Over the years, the technology evolved significantly, introducing remote controls in the 1950s and, eventually, sophisticated systems with microprocessors and wireless capabilities.
Key Features of Modern Garage Door Openers
Modern garage door openers have come a long way from their rudimentary beginnings. Today, they incorporate numerous features designed to enhance security, convenience, and efficiency.
Smart Technology Integration: eGarage Systems offers garage door openers that integrate with popular smart home platforms. This allows homeowners to operate their garage doors via smartphone apps, voice commands through virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, and even schedule automatic opening and closing times. These smart features ensure you can monitor and control your garage door from anywhere, providing both convenience and peace of mind.
Advanced Security Measures: Security is a top priority at eGarage Systems. Our garage door openers come equipped with rolling code technology, which changes the access code each time the remote is used, preventing code theft. Additionally, our systems feature integrated cameras and motion detectors that provide live video feeds and instant alerts, ensuring any suspicious activity is promptly identified and addressed.
Quiet and Smooth Operation: Traditional garage door openers were often noisy, causing disturbances in homes with living spaces adjacent to or above the garage. Our modern systems, particularly those with belt drives, offer whisper-quiet operation. This ensures minimal noise disruption, making our openers ideal for any home setup.
Battery Backup Systems: Power outages can be a significant inconvenience, but with eGarage Systems’ battery backup feature, you’ll never be locked out of your garage. Our systems ensure that your garage door can still be operated during power failures, maintaining access and security in all circumstances.
Energy Efficiency: In today’s eco-conscious world, energy efficiency is crucial. Our garage door openers are designed to be energy-efficient, consuming minimal power in both operation and standby modes. This not only helps reduce electricity bills but also contributes to a smaller environmental footprint.
Installation and Maintenance
Proper installation and regular maintenance are key to the optimal performance of garage door openers. At eGarage Systems, we ensure that all our products are installed by trained professionals who adhere to the highest standards of safety and efficiency. Regular maintenance checks, including lubrication of moving parts, testing of safety features, and timely replacement of worn components, are recommended to keep the system in peak condition.
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Customization and Aesthetic Integration
Every home has its unique style, and at eGarage Systems, we understand the importance of aesthetic integration. Our garage door opener systems are designed to complement a variety of garage door styles, whether traditional, contemporary, or custom designs. We offer a range of accessories and finishes, allowing homeowners to choose options that enhance their home’s aesthetic while enjoying the latest in technology.
Sustainability and Future Trends
As we look to the future, sustainability and technological innovation remain at the forefront of our product development. The push towards greener technologies is driving us to develop systems that are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly. Solar-powered garage door openers are an exciting innovation on the horizon, promising to reduce dependency on grid electricity.
Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will transform garage door openers into even smarter devices. Predictive maintenance alerts, enhanced facial recognition for secure access, and seamless integration with broader smart home ecosystems are some of the advancements we can expect.
Why Choose eGarage Systems?
Choosing eGarage Systems for your garage door opener needs means investing in a product that embodies quality, innovation, and reliability. Here’s why we stand out:
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the industry, eGarage Systems brings unmatched expertise to the table. Our team is dedicated to developing and delivering products that meet the highest standards of performance and durability.
Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize our customers’ needs, offering personalized solutions and exceptional customer service. Our support team is always ready to assist with any queries or issues, ensuring a seamless experience from installation to maintenance.
Innovative Solutions: Our commitment to innovation means we are constantly exploring new technologies to enhance our products. From smart integrations to energy-efficient designs, we ensure our garage door openers are at the cutting edge of technology.
Safety and Security: At eGarage Systems, safety and security are paramount. Our products are designed with multiple safety features to protect your home and family. From secure access codes to advanced motion detection, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring your peace of mind.
Sustainable Practices: We are committed to sustainability, developing products that are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Our focus on green technology ensures that you can enjoy the benefits of modern convenience without compromising on environmental responsibility.
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The evolution of garage door openers reflects the broader technological advancements that define our modern lives. eGarage Systems is proud to be at the forefront of this evolution, offering products that combine convenience, security, and sustainability. Our garage door openers are designed to integrate seamlessly with your lifestyle, providing reliable and innovative solutions for your home.
Investing in an eGarage Systems garage door opener means choosing a product that is not only advanced and reliable but also backed by a company committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. As we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible, we invite you to experience the future of home security and convenience with us.
For more information about our products and services, visit our website or contact us today. Discover how eGarage Systems can transform your garage door experience, making your home smarter, safer, and more efficient.
📍Business Address : 400 Dallinger Rd, Lavington NSW 2641
 📞 Phone: +61 2 6057 1600
And don't forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates: 
👍 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/egaragesystems
🔗Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaHVZwmWPAm4Sxu0hbzKr6A
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tobiasnakamura · 2 months
Make Any Face Come to Life With AI!
Imagine being able to create a human face with just a few clicks. Consider developing faces that convey emotions, charm, or wisdom from the ages—all inside a framework of pixels and imaginative programming. Artificial intelligence has broken yet another barrier to creativity by giving us the ability to create lifelike visages. Whether you're a passionate storyteller looking for characters, a marketer looking for various personalities, or simply someone who enjoys experimenting with digital art, AI face generation technology is opening up a universe of possibilities in which every face tells a narrative. The magic starts with a free AI face generator. These marvels of modern technology use advanced algorithms to create innumerable unique visages without breaking the bank. A user just enters criteria or selects preferences, and a new face appears from the digital ether, ready to join your project. These generators use artificial intelligence to create images that are often indistinguishable from those obtained by a camera. This is technological advancement at its most personal; from the arch of a brow to the curve of a grin, free AI-generated faces embody an astonishing level of detail and realism. For those desiring even more creative freedom, the variety is even greater. With a ai generate face free, you can experiment with different facial characteristics, ethnicity combinations, age progressions, and emotional expressions, each of which changes the virtual genetic fabric of your creation. Whether you're creating a benevolent elder for a fantasy novel artwork or a series of realistic client representations for a marketing pitch, the AI's powers are limited only by your imagination.
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Perhaps what distinguishes this technology from traditional graphic design tools is the ease and quickness with which these visuals come to life. "AI generate face free" is more than just a technological mantra; it's a testimonial to the ease with which high-tech tools may be used by current creators. Smart algorithms eliminate the need for considerable training or intricate software skills; anyone with an online connection may create magnificent images bearing the distinctive hallmark of artificial intelligence. Indeed, free face generator AI technology has proven to be a valuable resource for both corporations and to learn more. It promotes diversity by including faces from a variety of ethnic origins and ages, eliminates the need for expensive photo shoots, and preserves privacy by not using images of real people. Furthermore, these tools evolve. Developers are constantly refining their algorithms based on user feedback and data research, hence improving the experience. As tech-savvy enthusiasts enjoy creating AI-free looks, they also contribute to the ever-changing world of AI innovation. The world of photography has never been more vibrant and accessible, thanks to AI-powered face generating technologies. It invites you to explore regions that were previously thought to be too complex or expensive for anyone other than professional artists and photographers. AI democratizes creativity, making the power to create new identities from scratch a universal advantage. If you've ever wanted to populate your digital environment with unique characters or find a visually appealing way to reflect demographic variety, AI-generated faces herald a day when your vision may be easily turned into reality. From blank canvas to lively portrait, every pixel is alive with potential—that's the beauty and pleasure of bringing any face to life with AI!
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widmakenametal · 3 months
The Evolution of Manufacturing With Specialised Machinery
Manufacturing has always been about making things. From the simple tools of early humans to the complex gadgets of today, the way we make things has evolved. This evolution is not just about what we make but also about how we make it. In this journey, three important machines have been pivotal: Vertical Turning Lathes, 5-axis turnmills, and Special-purpose machines. Let's dive into how these machines have changed manufacturing and where WIDMA fits into this landscape.
Vertical Turning Lathe: A Game Changer in Precision
The Vertical Turning Lathe (VTL) has transformed how we think about machining large, heavy parts. Unlike traditional lathes, where the workpiece spins horizontally, in a VTL, the piece is held vertically. This simple change makes a big difference. It allows more accurate cutting, especially for heavy and awkwardly shaped parts. Plus, it's easier to set up and operate, making it a favorite in aerospace and heavy machinery industries.
5-Axis Turnmill: Flexibility Meets Precision
Next in our evolutionary tale is the 5-axis turnmill. This machine takes flexibility and precision to a whole new level. Imagine cutting a piece from five different angles without resetting the workpiece. That's exactly what a 5-axis turnmill does. It combines the capabilities of a turning center with a milling center, allowing for complex shapes to be made much more efficiently. This is a big win for industries that require intricate parts, like medical devices and automotive.
Special-Purpose Machines: Custom Solutions for Unique Needs
While VTLs and 5-axis turnmills are versatile, sometimes you need a machine that's a perfect fit for a very specific job. That's where Special-purpose machines come in. These machines are designed and built to do one thing but do it well. Whether it's a machine that only makes a specific gear or is designed for a particular manufacturing process, these machines fill a unique niche. They may not be as versatile as their counterparts, but they are unmatched when it comes to efficiency and precision for specific tasks.
Integrating the Three: The Modern Manufacturing Environment
Today's manufacturing environment is all about integration. It's not just about having a Vertical Turning Lathe, a 5-axis turnmill, or a Special-purpose machine. It's about how these machines work together to create a seamless, efficient production line. This integration allows manufacturers to be more flexible, adapting quickly to new market demands or changes in production needs. It also opens up possibilities for innovation, as each machine's unique capabilities can be combined creatively to solve complex manufacturing challenges.
The Role of WIDMA in This Evolution
WIDMA has been at the forefront of this manufacturing evolution. With a deep understanding of the industry's needs and a history of innovation, WIDMA has developed a range of machines that push the boundaries of what's possible. Their offerings include advanced Vertical Turning Lathes, versatile 5-axis turn mills, and Special-purpose machines tailored to meet specific manufacturing challenges. But WIDMA's contribution goes beyond just the machines.
Expertise and Innovation
WIDMA's expertise in integrating these machines into cohesive manufacturing solutions sets them apart. They don't just sell machines; they provide solutions. Whether it's a complete production line incorporating a VTL for rough machining, a 5-axis turnmill for precision work, or a Special-purpose machine for unique tasks, WIDMA ensures that each component works flawlessly together.
Support and Service
Moreover, WIDMA's commitment to support and service ensures that manufacturers can maximize their investment. From initial setup to ongoing maintenance, WIDMA ensures their machines keep running at peak performance. This level of support is crucial in a manufacturing environment where downtime can be costly.
Training and Education
Finally, WIDMA recognizes that having the right machines is only part of the equation. The other part is having skilled people who know how to use them. That's why they offer comprehensive training and education programs, ensuring operators and technicians have the skills they need to maximize the potential of their Vertical Turning Lathes, 5-axis turnmills, and Special-purpose machines.
The evolution of manufacturing is a story of innovation, precision, and efficiency. At the heart of this story are the Vertical Turning Lathes, 5-axis turnmills, and Special-purpose machines that have transformed how we make things. Integrating these machines has opened up new possibilities, making manufacturing more flexible and responsive. And with companies like WIDMA leading the way, the future of manufacturing looks brighter than ever. As we continue to innovate and integrate, who knows what we'll be able to make next?
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evagreen-stories · 3 months
The Forest Beauty | (Aemond x f!modern!reader) (intro/?)
Summary: time traveler decides to live her new life out in the kingswood, avoiding the new world she finds herself in until an encounter with a certain one-eyed prince changes her life.
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Warnings: dark!themes, dark!aemond, obsessive!aemond, book!aemond, no intimacy (smut starts with part 2), intro and first part are kinda a slow burn to introduce the storyline & character Non-Canon Storyline: 3 years post war – greens won, Aegon's only son was k*lled and only has two daughters remaining, he cannot produce more heirs, Helaena is alive but depressed, Aemond serves as prince regent ever since Aegon got injured during the war and is chronically sick and getting weaker, Aemond is to inherit the iron throne soon, Aemond k*lled Alys Rivers along with all other strongs, Aemond broke the betrothal to Floris Baratheon when he became Prince Regent and won the war (Also, I'm not a native english speaker, please be patient with me)
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Divider @targaryen-dynasty
masterlist part 1 >
It was another ordinary day in your life, your small and peaceful life that you had built yourself after you were thrown back into this ancient time. Luckily you grew up on a farm, homeschooled and away from cities.
All the skills you learned there and your fathers passion for bushcraft and fishing, that he started to force onto you teach you passionately at the tender age of six, being the thing that kept you alive and safe, allowing you to live freely and without fear, deep inside this thick and abandoned forest.
You arrived here two years ago. Before that, you lived a happy and content life on your parents’ farm, being homeschooled and focusing your home study on biology and philosophy, as these were your passions, apart from nature and animals.
You worked with horses – having grown up with your own and having learned traditional practices of horsemanship and hoofcare from your mother, who also taught you a lot about herbalism. You earned money this way, training horses for other people until one day, your own died of old age. It left a big hole in your heart, an emptiness that none other could fill. In your grief, you lost your passion. You could no longer enjoy the work with horses, every time you looked at one the fresh wound in your heart would bleed again, dulling all your senses.
That’s when you decided to leave the farm and venture into the big city of Kings landing, attending college there to study anthropology and philosophy. You felt out of place, the stuffiness of the city air plaguing your nose everyday on your commune, the loudness of the city drowning out all thoughts you had. Luckily, you did enjoy the studies, spending most of you time in the massive library filled with more knowledge than any human could ever obtain in a single lifetime.
But without your work, you soon needed to find a way to provide for yourself. That’s when a rumor spread through the school about an open position in the physics department. What at first seemed like easy money would soon be the worst mistake of your life, or so you thought. Looking back, you should have become suspicious when, instead of having you sit in the machine in your everyday clothing like always, they would start to put you in linen clothing and have you hold a bag with unknown contents. You didn’t worry though – This is all a gimmick, you were convinced. Nothing but the unrealistic dreams of some nutcases that had too much money at their hands. Fine by me, you thought. You could comfortably pay all your bills and even have some extra cash left over. It was a day like any other, months of studying, sitting in a weird machine and going home afterwards – although this time, you didn’t. Everything turned dark and when you woke up, you found yourself laying inside a forest. Panicking you look around. It didn’t take long for you to realise what happened, it actually worked. You check the bag, some water, food, two knifes, some rope, some other bits and ends – and a few coins, hopefully accurate recreations of todays currency, you think. You get up and walk, walk and walk until you find a way to a close by city.
Kings Landing, you recognise a few landmarks, mainly the castle that towers over the entire city. You had toured it when you first arrived in Kings Landing, back in your time, of course.
You roam the streets for a while, just people watching as you try and figure out how the people of this time function and how much your coins are worth, what you can actually afford with this. Disappointed, you realise it wasn’t much after all. A few weeks of food, but only if you didn’t have to pay for accommodation. With it, a few days, perhaps a week at most. This won’t work, you recognize quickly. And how would they find me if they come looking?
Staring out into the the busy streets of the market you notice a carriage next to a store, the fabric covering the loading bed pulled back and revealing a few tools. An axe, a pickaxe, a small shovel and more. You remember all the times you build bushcraft shelters with your dad, an axe being the only thing you are missing to be able to do so now. You’re not proud of it but you look around, making sure no one is watching and quickly take a few tools, hiding them between your cloak and dress as you hurry away, making sure no one saw what you just did.
You return into the forest, kingswood its called, venturing off beaten paths and building yourself a small shelter in the general area where you woke up in. I hope they come get me soon, you think to yourself as you sit in front of a small campfire that evening, eating some of the food you found in the bag.
But they don’t. No one comes. You wait days, then weeks, then months. The daunting realization of being stranded here alone made you sad at first but your survival instinct soon took over.
You found your way around this forest fairly quickly, locating a better place to live far deeper into the forest. A big river isn’t too far away and the thick growth shows that no one ever comes here. A perfect place to hide from unwanted visitors.
You build another shelter, a small shelter dug into the ground, the walls, roof and ground made of slim trees and branches you cut, a small firepit that you made with stones and clay you made by mixing the river water and dirt. You covered the top of your shelter with leaves and moss. Its hidden away nicely, no one would notice your little home even if anyone were to stray so deep into the forest. You cannot stand in it, only crouch and sit up, but its best this way. I need to stay safe at all costs.
And this becomes your life. You learn to adapt, using all your knowledge and skills to make sure you’re safe and always fed. You do venture into the city or out into the countryside every now and then, making friends with a few farmers and learning how to trade your skills and knowledge with horses and herbs for money or goods. Buidling a smoker out of pine tree branches and wood you can smoke the fish you catch and also smoke bellpeppers that you then dry and turn into spices and sell to other merchands, earning you a small, yet reliable income.
The winters are cold, but your small shelter heats up well and with the money you make during the summer you can afford warm clothes and food when you are unable to catch or grow it yourself.
And so you live this life, a quiet and peaceful life. You're content but you would be lieing if you said you weren't wandering the forest mindlessly from time to time, looking around for anyone that might be coming for you. Will I live like this until the end of my life? You wonder often, trying to invision what your future will hold.
Throwback ends
You wander around the woods, returning from another day of working in the city and coming closer and closer to your home when you start to feel uneasy, as if you’re not alone in the forest. You stop and listen, noticing the sound of footsteps close by. With careful steps you approach the sounds, noticing a head full of silvery hair between the trees and watching it carefully.
A man with an eyepatch, dressed in black leather clothes and carrying a long, sheathed sword on his hip. You monitor him carefully; his hands behind his back as he is gazing out into the treeline, he seems to be taking a stroll. But this deep within the forest?
You stalk him for a while, trailing his steps as you make sure to stay hidden. Too busy with staring at him you don't notice a branch on the ground, stepping on it and causing a loud *krack* sound.
The silver haired stranger turns around quickly, facing you and making eye contact. You know it's too late to hide now, as his lilac eye meets yours and a wicked smile forms on his lips
“Hello there, little one. Are you lost?”
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akshayroy123 · 4 months
The Art of Developing Soft Skills
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Soft skills encompass a range of interpersonal and personal attributes that enable individuals to navigate the complexities of the professional world effectively. These skills are invaluable for enhancing overall effectiveness in both personal and business contexts. In the following section, we will outline some effective strategies for honing your soft skills to achieve success in the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace.
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What Are Soft Skills and How to Develop Them
What Soft Skill Is All About  
Soft skills are the intangible and subjective abilities and attributes that enable individuals to collaborate and interact with others effectively. These skills can be developed and enhanced over time, although they are only sometimes explicitly taught in traditional classroom settings. Often referred to as transferable professional skills, they are essential in every industry and at every level of an organization.
To improve soft skills in the workplace, it is crucial first to understand what these skills entail, which an employee can do by pursuing a Technical Training Program Development. Here are five essential soft skills that are indispensable for every professional:
Communication: The ability to convey information clearly and effectively.
Collaboration: Working harmoniously with others to achieve common goals.
Adaptability: Flexibility and openness to change in dynamic work environments.
Problem-solving: The capacity to identify, analyze, and resolve challenges effectively.
Leadership: Guiding and inspiring others to achieve collective objectives.
Developing and honing these soft skills is vital for professional growth and success in today's diverse and interconnected work environments.
Ways to Develop the Soft Skills
Indeed, continuous improvement in soft skills is essential for personal and professional development. Recognizing opportunities for growth and seeking ways to enhance soft skills is a crucial aspect of self-awareness and career advancement.
If you are eager to improve your soft skills, the following ten strategies will provide you with actionable steps to progress toward success. These strategies help individuals cultivate and refine their soft skills, ultimately contributing to enhanced effectiveness and proficiency in the workplace and beyond.
1.     Choose Which Abilities to Hone First
Prioritizing soft skills development begins with recognizing and understanding your strengths and areas for improvement. Take the time to assess your perceived strengths and identify the areas where you would like to enhance your skills. It is also important to align this self-assessment with the soft skills most essential for your career path. By comparing these lists, you can gain valuable insights into which soft skills to prioritize for development, laying the groundwork for targeted and effective skill enhancement.
2.     Solicit Opinions
Seeking feedback from trusted friends or mentors can provide valuable external perspectives on your soft skill strengths and weaknesses. While formulating your list is a crucial starting point, engaging in discussions with individuals who know you well can offer insights that may not be apparent from self-assessment alone. This external feedback can help uncover blind spots in your self-perception, providing valuable insights into areas for improvement that you may not have been aware of. Ultimately, seeking feedback can be instrumental in guiding your efforts to develop and enhance your soft skills.
3.     Locate Courses Online
Improving soft skills involves external resources, and numerous online courses and resources are available to help individuals enhance specific skills. It is essential to choose reputable sources, such as established universities and their extension or continuing education programs, to ensure the quality and reliability of the content.
For instance, theBest Leadership Development Programoften focuses on ways to acquire soft skills or directly aids in their improvement. These trainings can provide valuable insights and practical guidance for individuals seeking to develop and refine their soft skills, ultimately contributing to their professional growth and effectiveness in the workplace.
4.     Take the Reins and Become a Leader
Women Leadership Program focuses on gaining practical experience as it is a powerful way to develop and refine soft skills, particularly in leadership. Even assuming a minor leadership role can provide valuable opportunities for growth and learning.
If your current position offers limited natural opportunities to enhance your soft skills, particularly in leadership, consider seeking opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities. It could involve leading a small committee or working group within your workplace or taking on a leadership role in a community organization, place of worship, online community, or other relevant settings.
Assuming leadership responsibilities will present numerous opportunities to exercise and strengthen your interpersonal and leadership skills regardless of the role. Embracing these opportunities can significantly contribute to your overall growth and proficiency in soft skills, ultimately positioning you for success in your career and personal development.
Wrapping Up
Building a trade or earning a degree is undoubtedly essential for long-term success in the modern workplace. Developing soft skills is equally crucial for sustained success in the workplace. So, understanding and developing it is extremely important also.
Boost team performance and productivity by enrolling in Technical Training Courses conducted by industry professionals. 
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The Vital Role of MIS Reports in Education
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In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the integration of technology has become paramount, transforming traditional practices and enhancing overall efficiency. One such technological tool that has proven to be indispensable in the realm of education is Management Information System (MIS) reports. These reports, often a focus of MIS training in Gurgaon, play a vital role in shaping the educational landscape, providing valuable insights and streamlining administrative processes.
Enhancing Administrative Efficiency
MIS reports serve as the backbone of administrative operations within educational institutions. From managing student enrollment to tracking financial transactions, these reports streamline processes, reducing the burden on administrative staff. By automating routine tasks, educational administrators can focus on more strategic aspects of institution management, ultimately fostering a more efficient and agile educational ecosystem.
Improving Data-Driven Decision Making
In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, informed decision-making is pivotal. MIS reports empower educators and administrators with data-driven insights, allowing them to make informed choices that positively impact the institution's growth. Through the analysis of student performance, attendance records, and resource utilization, institutions can implement targeted interventions for continuous improvement.
Optimizing Resource Allocation
Efficient resource allocation is a key factor in the success of any educational institution. MIS reports play a crucial role in identifying patterns and trends related to resource usage, helping institutions allocate resources effectively. This includes optimizing faculty-student ratios, identifying underutilized facilities, and ensuring that budgetary allocations align with institutional goals.
Strengthening Accountability and Transparency
In an era where accountability and transparency are paramount, MIS reports contribute significantly to fostering a culture of openness within educational institutions. Stakeholders, including students, parents, and regulatory bodies, can access accurate and up-to-date information through these reports. This not only strengthens the institution's credibility but also builds trust among all stakeholders.
Facilitating Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is essential for the long-term success of educational institutions. MIS reports provide valuable insights that facilitate the formulation of strategic plans aligned with the institution's mission and goals. By identifying areas of improvement and forecasting future trends, institutions can stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing educational landscapes.
Moreover, incorporating Advanced Excel Corporate training into the strategic planning process enhances the institution's capabilities. This specialized training equips staff with the skills needed to analyze data effectively, create comprehensive reports, and make informed decisions.
Enhancing Student Performance Monitoring
MIS reports are instrumental in monitoring and analyzing student performance metrics. From tracking individual progress to identifying trends in academic achievements, these reports empower educators to implement personalized learning strategies. This, in turn, contributes to a more effective and tailored educational experience for every student.
Adapting to Technological Advancements
The education sector is continually evolving, with technological advancements shaping the way institutions operate. MIS reports not only adapt to these changes but also pave the way for further technological integration. By embracing emerging technologies, institutions can stay competitive and deliver a modern, technology-driven educational experience.
Mitigating Risks and Challenges
Educational institutions face a myriad of risks and challenges, ranging from financial uncertainties to regulatory compliance. MIS reports serve as a proactive tool for identifying potential risks and devising strategies to mitigate them. This proactive approach ensures that institutions are well-prepared to navigate challenges, fostering resilience and sustainability.
The vital role of MIS reports in education cannot be overstated. From enhancing administrative efficiency to empowering data-driven decision-making, these reports serve as catalysts for positive change within educational institutions. As the education landscape continues to evolve, institutions that leverage the power of MIS reports will not only stay relevant but also pave the way for a future where education is adaptive, efficient, and student-centric.
Embracing the capabilities of MIS reports, including Advanced Excel training in Delhi, is not just a choice; it's a strategic imperative for educational institutions committed to excellence in the 21st century.
For more information, contact us at:
Call: 8750676576, 871076576
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