#modern day poldark
incognito-princess · 9 months
No, to YOU they're publicity photos of Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson promoting Poldark from a few years ago... to ME they're pictures of modern-day Ross and Demelza and they are living their best lives!!!!
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durtystars · 1 year
you guys don't get it but george has such wicked succession fumes absolutely spraying off of him like the coding is right there in neon lights atp
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stephensmithuk · 1 year
The Devil's Foot
Originally published in 1910 and part of His Last Bow.
Poldhu, which means "black pool" in the Cornish language is located on the Lizard Peninsula, the southernmost tip of Great Britain.
Cornwall has historically been popular for smugglers. Another common pasttime due to the frequency of shipwrecks was "wrecking" i.e. locals taking the cargo from the vessels dashed against the shore, which is legally considered theft. In 2007, a damaged cargo ship was run aground on the Devon coast to avoid an environmental disaster and the locals started looting the cargo, including a bunch of BMW motorbikes. The police eventually closed the beach and told people to contact the Receiver of Wreck - those who did were allowed to keep the bikes or sell them back to BMW for a £3,000 reward.
The Cornish language was pretty much extinct in terms of actual speakers by 1897, but there has been a revival movement since then.
Church of England vicars are generally, but not always, given a stipend instead of a regular wage along with use of the vicarage to live in; they can supplement their income by things like going on satirical news shows (Richard Coles) or writing tales about sentient steam locomotives (Wilbert Awdry).
Helston had a workhouse with an infirmary - it was a hospital until the 1990s. The main Cornwall asylum was in Bodmin and closed in 2002; "going Bodmin" became a local term for going crazy.
Lodgers are not the same as sub-letters, as the latter have exclusive use of part of the property. The former tend to be a lot more acceptable to social housing authorities than the latter.
There was a common belief that traders from Phoenica (mostly modern-day Lebanon) had visited Cornwall, but there is no archaeological evidence to back this up.
Cornwall had a tin-mining industry from c.2000 BC until the last mine closed in 1998; a number of former mines are now museums. The Poldark series of books, along with the TV adaptations, revolve a lot around it. There is now a lithium carbonate mine.
Dr. Sterndale would probably have to wait a couple of weeks for another ship to Africa.
"Cool motive, still murder".
The Ubangi River, a tributary of the Congo, today forms part of border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo with the Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic.
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jaeausten · 5 months
Hi Everyone!
This post is for anyone wanting to request a gifset. Below the cut is a list of all films and tv shows that I am able to produce an gifset for. If it's not on the list, then I can't gif it... Sorry!
Pre Medieval:
Vikings 1-4a.
Tristan and Isolde.
Rome (HBO) 1-2
Cleopatra (1963).
The Hollow Crown 1-2.
A Knight's Tale.
Robin Hood (BBC) 1-3.
Ophelia (2018).
Ever After- A Cinderella Story.
The White Queen.
Tudor: (If requested on here, I will actually post the request on tudorerasource, but will answer the ask on this blog with a link.)
The White Princess.
The Spanish Princess 1-2.
The Other Boleyn Girl.
Anne of the Thousand Days.
The Tudors 1-4.
Wolf Hall.
Lady Jane.
Elizabeth R.
Shakespeare in Love.
Mary Queen of Scots (2013).
Mary Queen of Scots (2017).
Elizabeth I (2005).
The Virgin Queen.
Elizabeth: The Golden Age.
The Favourite.
Tulip Fever.
The Three Musketeers (2012).
The Musketeers (BBC) 1-3.
Stage Beauty.
Charles II: The Power and the Passion.
Harlots 1-3.
Pirates of the Caribbean 1-4.
Poldark 1-5.
The Scandalous Lady W.
The Affair of the Necklace.
The Duchess.
The Abduction Club.
The Aristocrats (BBC).
Marie Antoinette.
The History of Tom Jones.
Dangerous Liaisons.
The Madness of King George.
Outlander 1-5.
Becoming Jane.
Miss Austen Regret's.
War and Peace (2015).
Mr Malcom's List.
Vanity Fair (2005).
Vanity Fair (BBC) (2005).
Jane Austen:
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Pride and Prejudice (2005).
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Mansfield Park (1999).
Mansfield Park (2007).
Emma (1996).
Emma (BBC) (1996).
Emma (2009).
Emma (2020).
Persuasion (1995).
Persuasion (2007).
Sense and Sensibility (1995).
Sense and Sensibility (2008).
Northanger Abbey (2007).
Sanditon 1.
Love and Friendship.
Death comes to Pemberley.
Lost in Austen.
The Young Victoria.
Victoria 1-3.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Little Dorrit.
Wives and Daughters.
To Walk Invisible.
Gentleman Jack 1-2.
Return to Cranford.
Jane Eyre (2007).
Jane Eyre (2001).
Little Women (1994).
Little Women (20019).
North and South.
Crimson Peak.
Bleak House (2006).
The Age of Innocence.
Far from the Madding Crowd.
The Phantom of the Opera.
Anna Karenina.
The Gilded Age 1.
Dr Thorne.
Somewhere in Time.
The Secret Garden (1993).
A Room with a View.
Miss Potter.
Anne of Green Gables Trilogy (1985-2000).
My Fair Lady.
20th Century/Modern/Everything Else:
A discovery of Witches 1-3.
Merlin 1-4.
Me before You.
Letters to Juliet.
The Da Vinci Code.
Angels and Demons.
Cinderella (2015).
Beauty and the Beast (2017).
Dracula (NBC) (2013).
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dreamstone28737 · 1 year
I demand a WIP quote (please? Also thank you).
Aww🥰 Okay!!
I have this one Bridgerton story I want to work on that’s set in the Regency. (Writing in the regency is very intimidating!) In my head, I’ve titled it “Regency Runaways,” and it’s a canon-compliant story in which Kate and Anthony steal a few days away from the prying eyes of then public before they’re married. I have a detailed outline, but just a tiny little bit actually written:
“My need for solitude barely lasted a day before I realized that I did not wish to be alone at all. I wished to be away from society. Simply put, what I truly wanted was to be alone with you.”
But I am going to put something extra out there for you— because otherwise I honestly don’t think it’ll ever see the light of day. 😆
About two years ago I tried to do a modern Poldark AU in which Demelza left Ross after his infidelity, and then began dating Hugh (with Ross/Demelza endgame). It was very angsty but therapeutic for me. I never finished it and I don’t know that I ever will, but I know you from that fandom so I unpacked a tiny piece of it for you:
While she wavered, Ross took the opportunity to ask: “Are you here on your own?” Was it her imagination, or did the question sound a little… shy? Had he hesitated as he began to ask it?
Taking another deep breath, Demelza resolutely met his eyes. After all, she reminded herself, she had nothing to be ashamed of.
“No,” she began slowly. “I’m not. I’m here…Actually I’m here with…”
There was nothing for it. Hugh had almost reached their little circle. She steeled herself.
“I’m… on a … date.” She stammered out (rather lamely, she thought) as she felt Hugh’s hand graze the small of her back. Her eyes instinctively rushed to meet Ross’s, and she immediately wished they hadn’t.
The glowing expression on his face had fallen completely. He looked…rather crestfallen. His hurt expression bore right into Demelza. Even Verity’s countenance betrayed a startled reaction.
You’re doing nothing wrong. You’re doing nothing wrong. He has no right to be upset. Yet her heart squeezed in her chest - a painful tightening - at the look of hurt in his eyes.
Thank you for the ask (even if it got a little long)!! I love your writing a whole bunch so I’m kind of fangirling. 🥰
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amherstsunrise63 · 4 months
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jomiddlemarch · 11 months
Thank you, @tortoisesshells for the kind tag! Sorry for the delay in responding-- work conference, Covid recovery, band geek mom triple threat.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
845. You read that correctly. Several proper drabbles and at least two co-authored fics, including the Mansion House Murder Hotel round robin.
2. What's your total A03 words count?
1,453,769. Again, that includes some co-written fic I am not inclined to parse for my exact count.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mercy Street, Foyle's War, Shadow and Bone, Poldark, A Discovery of Witches, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, The Last of Us, GLOW, Downton Abbey, Frozen, James Bond, Star Wars, The Hour, Ted Lasso, Sanditon, Dune, Leap/Ballerina, Brooklyn 99, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Gilmore Girls, Far From The Madding Crowd, Emma, Betsy-Tacy, and a few others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"what it is to be a thin crescent moon" (SAB), "A Wife--at daybreak I shall be" (AOGG), "Point and Click" (SAB, modern AU), "Bear with the truths I would tell you now," (Emma), "The subtlest fold of the heart" (AOGG)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do. At a bare minimum, I try to thank the commenter for taking the time to read. In the halcyon days of Mercy Street, I wrote long, discursive essay-comments because that was our vibe. I am not always prompt, but I do try to get back to people, though sometimes if the comment is very thoughtful, it takes me a while because I want to give an equivalent response.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably "Because I could not stop for Death," a Mercy Street fic where I wrote vignettes where I killed someone in each of the 18 installments, though I did end the whole thing killing the agreed-upon most loathsome character. I don't tend to write fics with angsty endings, though I don't mind writing it midway.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is tough, because I mostly write HEA. I'm going to pick a relatively deep cut and say "Always a Bridesmaid," the Mercy Street modern au rom-com, since the whole thing is a fairly giddy romp.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A little. I've received 1-2 negative comments on AO3 and once wrote a gift-fic for someone in the Reylo fandom and got attacked on what was then Twitter and Tumblr by fans of the writer I was gifting, even though I had offered to the writer to take the story down. I now only write gift-fic for people I have some relationship with.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. It's full of consent, sometimes awkward (who else has written crappy postpartum sex on Tumblr? I may be the cheese standing alone on that one) and almost never results in an unplanned pregnancy as a plot device. I most write cis-het and strenuously avoid using any term for a penis that isn't dick or cock. No straining members (sounds like a bunch of constipated middle management.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
OMG, yes! I love crossovers, so this is tough to answer. I'll go with a more recent one, "the better part of valor," Mercy Street/The Last of Us, though I have also used Sesame Street as an AU frame for Mercy Street characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! (Ditto to @tortoisesshells)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Maybe 1? I don't get a lot of offers and feel a bit proprietary, since I can't read it to see how well it's translated.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
You betcha! Shout-out to the Mansion House Murder Party and "We run a very tight ship" the Cruise Ship crack-fest that @fericita-s and @sagiow and I boarded during a phase of the lockdown.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I guess I'd have to say Mary Phinney/Jed Foster based on the number of fanfics I've written for them, but I don't really play favorites. I have a real fondness for every pairing I write, including the ones with the OC characters I write for @tessa-quayle.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Maybe this will change the course of history, but "what it means to be a thin crescent moon" is sort of hanging out there. I have some ideas for how to wrap it up but need the time and the mojo, which is harder to come by. I'd also like to get back to my zombie road-trip GLOW AU "Music shall untune the sky" but it's tough because that would be purely for me at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
(I hope) Witty banter. Strong female characters who have flaws. Description with plenty of sensory details. Use of quotations, math, and chess gambits :) A pithy drabble.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I find plot the least interesting component of writing fanfic and I think it shows. I love to read long-fic, but I struggle to sustain it. The words "so" and "just."
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mostly stick to endearments or short phrases. I'm not fluent in any other language and no one needs to discover the various ways Google Translate has let me down.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Mercy Street. I started writing late at night after a work conference, literally drifting in and out of consciousness to lower my inhibitions enough to get started. It was a fic related to a WIP I loved and had written to the author about, so it was very relational.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
What is this, Sophie's Choice? I can't pick a favorite. I'll say I look back with great fondness on my Little Women/Mercy Street crossover "What thou and I did, till we loved," which features Marmee and the Star Trek Kobiyashi Maru Mercy Street crossover "It had the virtue of never having been tried," because like I said, I do love a crossover! Honestly, when there are over 800 fic, I'll admit to have forgotten I'd written some of these :)
Tagging: @asteraceae-blue @orlissa @vesperass-anuna @oldshrewsburyian, @ladamedusoif @trulybettyand anyone else who wants to take this out for a spin!
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I’m once again asking something Poldark snippet or something🙈
Oh dearest @veryflowerobservation thanks for the ask. I do have two chapters of Duty I'm close to posting though I am dragging my feet because the re-reading/editing is a comforting diversion to me.
But here's a little rough (unedited) something out of the drafts file. From a piece called "We Don't Reach Back." Unspecified Modern AU.
“Fucking hell,” Demelza grumbled. She’d dropped her earring and helplessly watched it roll under the dresser.  She could still bend over and even touch her toes--almost--but she’d have to shift her weight and brace her legs first. The whole affair felt clumsy and ungraceful.
“Allow me,”  Ross said and retrieved the wayward pearl. He didn't recognise the earring or the matching choker Demelza had chosen but knew there were many details she’d quietly attended to over the last few days. 
“You alright, my love?’ Ross asked and rubbed Demelza’s elbow while she fastened the earring then reapplied her lipstick. He wanted to tell her how lovely she looked but knew that it probably wasn’t appropriate. Demelza wouldn't exactly mind but it didn't seem like proper funeral etiquette. 
Demelza had bought a new dress for the occasion. She had to. No other frocks from her closet fit her these days. Nothing did beside her stretchy jersey tops and maternity trousers.
“I think I can hide all of Truro under this dress,” she sighed, fluffing out her full skirt with both hands. The dress had a velvet ribbon that ran tight above her round belly, just under her bosom, sort of Empire style. The skirt, a delicate chiffon with wide pleats, stopped at her knees and showcased her still-shapely legs. “There’s a hat too,"  Demelza said. "I thought for church…but I can't bring myself to put it on now. It seems ridiculous.”
“Well, everything about funerals is sort of…”
“Yes, Ross,” she laughed. “It really is ridiculous. But good lord…”
“She’d have loved it,” he said, finishing her thought. “My love,” he said gently and took her in his arms.
“Oh!” she sobbed and clutched his lapels, but didn't quite rest her face against him, careful not to leave any traces of lipstick on his good suit. “Do you think he’ll come?" she sniffed.
“Probably, if only for the food and drink.”
“And you’ll be civil? And not throw him out?”
“Demelza, of course,” he said. “I would never make a scene.”
“Well Ross, that’s not exactly true. You might if George Warleggan showed up.”
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constantfragmentation · 6 months
hey, just came here to tell you that i'm so so relieved that i was able to find your blog again !! and your jane eyre au fanfic with silco !! honestly, 'bend but not break' was (and still pretty much is) one of my favourite fanfics ever; not aus or silco fanfics, i mean one of THE best fanfics i've ever read. cannot even begin to describe how sad i was when i lost the ao3 link, and when i wasn't able to remember your blog's url.
and it was a shame, because BBNB was just *chef's kiss* 🤌. i literally stayed awake until sunrise reading it the first time, already getting inpatient for the next chapter. and i think it's mainly because you capture silco so so well, and you get 'jane eyre'; and you capture the dreadful air of the novel, and those little acts of tenderness and romance... and your smut it's quite great too. like, i still can't get over The Opera chapter, even after all this time 👀👀
still, now that i did find you, i'm not only gonna read that one, but i'm gonna get started on all your other works !! i know i'm getting repetitive but i just don't know how to express just how great i think your writing is. so for now, i just hope you get to read this !!
hope i didn't weird you out or anything !! please, have a great day, and stay safe <33
p.s.: i'm gonna read bbnb rn, until sunrise if necessary, just like in the good old days !! so if you hear someone's heart breaking, it might be mine !!
Omg?! Thank you! No, you are not weirding me out in any way.
I am so very humbled. You have no idea. I'm still learning as a writer, and I am my own worst critic.
I'm sorry I haven't been online to respond to this earlier because I've been really sick with the flu and binge watching Poldark (again).
I've been technically writing fiction since 2015 and it's been a learning curve with each story. For some odd reason, historical eras seem to fit my style in writing. I can do modern but this era I feel like I can sink my teeth into it.
I'm a huge fan of gothic horror/suspense/romance. So, yeah, I guess you can see that in the choices I make.
I must admit I'm not all together happy with the last chapter of BBNB, I might want to change some things in that chapter before moving on (maybe because it might meld into the next chapter better? idk).
Even though I have approximately 5-6 chapters (depending on how big the chapters get, I'm terrible about posting novel-length chapters) left in Bend, it should be an emotional rollercoaster. There are soooo many things I have left to run with before it ends.
As of the lastest chapter, I'm deviating from Jane Eyre a bit, while still holding onto certain plot-points for context but I want to play more with the Regency Arcane/Silco's world.
I do have other ideas for Silco stories I want to write. One will deal with a younger, hot-head SIlco. Another I'm tempted to play with a Roaring 20's Underground.
Then I have a story that I'm developing into an original gothic novel. I have maybe too much on my plate. LOL
It's moments like this when I wish I didn't have to 'work' a regular job to pay the bills because I would literally write all day, every day.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sending me this. It really does brighten my day. That may sound cliche, but it does. I admit I don't have the greatest self-esteem, but I'm working on it.
That someone likes something I've written that much to comment at all and tell me they're re-reading it... my heart is going to explode.
I am working on both Regency Silco stories. When my head doesn't feel like a fog-horn inside of a 100lb bowling ball, I should be in a better space to be creative. It's zapped when you feel exhausted. Working 60hr weeks lately probably hasn't helped my health any.
Thank you again sooooo much for this. Never feel like you're bothering me or weirding me out. I love and embrace all comments, good or critical.
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hc-geralt-23 · 1 day
Is Eleanor Tomlinson the Queen of the modern-day period drama? How the Poldark star conquered television – and everything we know about her upcoming historical epic The Forsyte Saga
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incognito-princess · 4 months
I realized something interesting when thinking through a possible 'modern day' Demelza/Ross Poldark fanfiction story- and it's this-
17-year-old Demelza marrying 27-year-old Ross in 1787 is very romantic...
17-year-old Demelza marrying 27-year-old Ross in 1997 is a lot of ick... (btw I was 17 in 1997, so it hit different)
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letterfromtrenwith · 6 years
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Modern Poldark
Romelza - Valentine’s Day
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octaviasdread · 3 years
any girls! dark academia movie recs? i really struggle to find anything not about a group of boys (as much as I love them)
SO MANY!!! This is probably a far more detailed answer than you were expecting but this is a popular question and I want to keep a list for myself and others.
Feel free to add to it/give opinions. I've tried to give a tw for anything I can remember
Girls! Dark Academia Movies/TV Shows
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
1950s Women’s college
Art professor! Julia Roberts
She’s legit the female Mr Keating of the art & college world
Feminism vs. Tradition
Maggie Gyllenhall x Ginnifer Goodwin; their characters were more than friends. Fight me.
Does not end how you expect
Strike!/All I Wanna Do/The Hairy Bird (1998)
Free on YouTube under one of its various names
1960s all girls boarding school
Young Kirsten Dunst
Group of girls plot to sabotage a merger with a boys school less prestigious than their own
Secret attic clubhouse meetings of the D.A.R aka Daughters of the American Ravioli (eaten cold, ew)
girls get political & advocate for their rights using ANY elaborate and chaotic scheme
TW: eating disorder, vomiting & creepy male teacher but the girls plot against him too
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)
based on a short book I read for uni by Muriel Spark
1930s girls school in Edinburgh
Scottish teacher! Maggie Smith, controversial with a focus on romantic ideals
Spoiler alert, the liberal teacher is actually a fascist
Her group of fave students has cult- vibes and it’s fascinating
Picnic at Hanging Rock
1970s movie or 2018 mini series
Never watched either but I plan to
Wild Child (2008)
00s romcom every UK teen girl loves
Emma Roberts as the spoiled rich American teenager sent to a strict English boarding school
Plots to get herself expelled but oh no she’s making friends with the girls who help her
And the headmistress has a hot son, and he’s nice??? Double oh no
Everything! Goes! Wrong!
omg she burns the school down
Feel good, comfort, nostalgia
St Trinians (2007)
English girls boarding school
The kids are all criminals, no joke
So are the teachers
gay awakening for british girls
Art heist pulled off by school girls
Government tries to shut them down but oh no, the education minister & the headmistress are ex-lovers
Colin Firth x Rupert Everett in drag
Superior cast: Jodie Whittaker, Gemma Arterton, Juno Temple, Stephen Fry, Colin Firth, etc...
embodies the phrase 'problematic fave'
St Trinians 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009)
Mystery, pirate ancestors, hidden treasure
omg Shakespeare was a woman
girls disguised as boys to infiltrate and rob the posh boys school
Villain! David Tennant in that ICONIC boat scene
Teen girls vs. ancient misogynist brotherhood
like the first film but MORE chaotic and BETTER!???
The Falling (2014)
1960s all girls school
best friends! but its unrequited love
Agoraphobic + distant mother aka mommy issues
Sudden death and the school suppresses/ignores the students grief, sparking mass hysteria & a fainting epidemic in the girls
Cast: Maisie Williams (GoT) & Florence Pugh (Little Women) & Joe Cole (Peaky Blinders)
TW: teen pregnancy, death, vomiting, underage s*x, sibling inc*st, past s*xual assault
The Book Thief (2013)
Based on an amazing book by Markus Zusak
set in 1940s Nazi Germany
Daughter of a communist whose family were taken by the Nazis/died is fostered by an older couple who teach her to read & she paints a dictionary on the basement walls
Coming of age story about a compulsive book thief. No joke, this kid steals books from banned book burnings and breaks into the mayor's library through the window
Family hides the Jewish son of an old friend in their basement and he helps her to start writing about her experiences in the war
TW: death, bombings, WW2 anti-semitism
Mary Shelley (2017)
Overall good & roughly biographical
Pretty costumes and aesthetic
Modern feminist take on Mary Shelly in her own time period
So many INACCURACIES for the drama so don’t take it as truth
Percy Shelley slander and not all of it is justified
Cast: Elle Fanning, Douglas Booth, and Maisie Williams
The Secret Garden (1993)
Based on a fave childhood book
1901 colonial India & Yorkshire, England
Orphaned, spoilt & neglected girl sent to live with her reclusive Uncle in the English countryside
Gothic elements, mysteries, secret doors/passages/locked gardens
local boy with a flock of animals, magic, kids chanting around a fire and all around immaculate vibes
Happy ending!!!
Hidden Figures (2016)
African-American women as mathematicians for NASA
1960s space project
Women balancing a career and family obligations
Deals with racial & gender discrimination
Loosely based on the lives of Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan who worked for NASA as engineers & mathematicians
Anne of Green Gables (1985) & sequel (1987)
Adaptation L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
Canada (late 1890s/early 1900s)
Highly imaginative & bookworm orphan is adopted by a reclusive elderly brother and sister duo
Small town & school years comedic drama
Unrequited Enemies -> Friends -> lovers
Inspiring new woman teacher
Girls re-enact Tennyson’s poem and nearly drown for the aesthetic™
Dramatic poetry reading with INTENSE 👀eye contact👀
Writer! Anne & English teacher! Anne dealing with unruly girls school antics
Collette (2018)
biographical drama on french writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Collette
Victorian & Edwardian era France
More talented than her husband so she ghostwrites for him
Fight for creative ownership of her wildly successful novels
Affairs with a woman called Georgie and also with Missy, born female but masculine presenting
Cast: Keira Knightly, Dominic West, Eleanor Tomlinson (Poldark)
Enola Holmes (2020)
Netflix book adaptation
Younger sister of Sherlock Holmes
Victorian era! feminism/suffragettes
Mother-daughter focus
Mystery, adventure, secret codes, teens running away & escaping from (and eventually fighting) assassins
Cast: Helena Bonham Carter, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Fiona Shaw, Millie Bobby Brown
Ginger & Rosa (2012)
1960s England
best friends since literal birth navigating troubled teen years
poet & anti-nuclear activist! Ginger
off the rails but also catholic! Rosa
Shout out to Mark & Mark the gay godfathers we all want
family troubles 
TW: older man has an affair with a 17 yr old
Testament of Youth (2014)
based on WW1 memoir by Vera Brittain
young woman (writer & poetry lover) escapes traditional family & goes to study at Oxford University
abandons to become a war nurse
romance, tragedy and war trauma
Cast: Alicia Vikander, Kit Harrington (GoT), Taron Edgerton (Rocketman), Colin Morgan (Merlin)
Little Women (2019)
Writer! Jo & Artist! Amy
Mother/daughter focus and sister dynamics
the March sisters’ theatre club is *chefs kiss*
champagne problems edits of Jo x Laurie are a mood
Ambivalent ending perfectly captures Louisa May Alcott’s dilemma with the book the movie is based on
set in 1860s America
ALL STAR CAST and a Greta Gerwig masterpeice
Lady Bird (2017)
coming of age in early 2002/2003 Sacramento, California
all girls catholic school
writer! Christine aka Lady Bird wants to get outta town and start her life again at college 'in a city with culture'
Mother/daughter dynamics - so realistic!
I live for that Jesus car stunt & the nun's reaction
school theatre program
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Timothee Chalamet, Beanie Feldstein
Another Greta Gerwig gem
Beguiled (2017)
Virginia, civil war era
Girls school with only five students and two teachers left
Find an injured Union army soldier & bring him inside
Women & teenagers want his attention (v. problematic) before uniting against him
(tbh you'll either love it, hate it, or watch once & forget it)
Sofia Coppola film so its very feminine gaze
TW: violence, death, underage
Legally Blonde (2001)
No questions will be taken
Elle Woods was the blue print
TV series:
House of Anubis (2011-2013)
I know it’s a kids/young teen show but I still unironically love it
Modern day with Victorian era links to treasure hunters & Egyptian research expeditions (stealing from tombs)
Chosen one plot lines, curses, kidnapping, mysteries, secret tunnels under the school, elixir of life
Teens have investigate & protect themselves cus oh no the TEACHERS are involved in some shady stuff
new American kid at British boarding school is the actual premise not just a fanfic au
Nostalgic, light-hearted, funny, and kinda cheesy but I will accept no criticism
The Alienist (2018 -now)
Mid 1890s, New York
Woman’s private detective agency (Season 2)
Serial killer mystery
Woman secretary turns detective and teams up with a criminal psychiatrist and a newspaper editor to solve crime
TW: violence, child pr*stit*tion
Cast: Dakota Fanning, Luke Evans, Daniel Bruhl
The Queen’s Gambit (2020)
Woman chess prodigy
1950s & 1960s
TW: drug & alcohol abuse
Gentleman Jack (2019 - now)
Based on the diaries of Anne Lister
Victorian Yorkshire, England
Upper-class lesbians
Confident, suit wearing! Anne Lister x shy! Ann Walker
Business woman! Anne running the family mines
Cast: Suranne Jones (Doctor Foster) & Sophie Rundle (Peaky Blinders)
TW: violence
Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)
bubbly/ambitious single mom + intelligent daughter
bookworm! Rory Gilmore gets into a prestigious private school and then an Ivy League college
Small town drama is comedic gold
Fast dialogue packed with pop culture and literary references
Comforting & nostalgic
Anne with an E (2017-2019)
Loose adaptation of L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
they completely change the plot lines but it’s still very good content!
Orphan girl with trauma and a love of books/poetry is adopted by an elderly brother & sister duo, bringing light and fresh ideas to a rural community
Feminism, girls writing club, lgbtq safe spaces, girls eduction, black/indigenous representation
Miss Stacy as THAT inspiring teacher
Aunt Josephine’s lavish gay parties have my heart
TW: creepy male teacher tries to marry a student, racial discrimination, indigenous assimilation school
Victoria (2016-2019)
Adaption of Queen Victoria’s life
Victoria navigating her political, royal, and personal life
Albert’s involvement with The Great Exhibition, 1851 (on cultural + industrial innovations)
Alfred Paget x Edward Drummond is exquisite
Gorgeous costumes and aesthetics
TW: bury your gays trope
Derry Girls (2018-now)
1990s Northern Ireland during the troubles
Comedy, episodes 20-25 mins long
English boy sent to an all girls Catholic school with his cousin
✨Dead Poets Society parody episode ✨with a free-spirited female teacher
Sister Michael, the sarcastic nun who hates her job & reads the exorcist for giggles
Wee anxious lesbian! Clare Devlin (plus her friends wearing rainbow pins)
Badass with bad ideas! Michelle Mallon
Main Character! Erin Quinn
Lovable weirdo who would fight a polar bear! Orla McCool
Wee English fella & honorary Derry girl! James Maguire
Dickinson (2019-now)
Loose adaption of the poet Emily Dickinson’s life
Set in 19th century Massachusetts, US
Historical drama with modern dialogue & music that works SEAMLESSLY
gives a great understanding of Emily Dickinson’s poems
💕Vintage gays! Emily x Sue💕
Theatre club, writing, poetry, dressing as men to sneak into lectures, love letters, teen drama, feminism, and an underground abolitionist journal as a brief side plot in season 2
Wiz Khalifa plays death in a horse drawn carriage
TW: opium use
A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
Based on great childhood books
Bookworm! brother, Inventor! sister, and baby sister with sharp teeth
Mystery, secret organisations, orphaned siblings figuring things out & fending for themselves against the villain after their fortune
Adults either cartoon evil, comedically incompetent, or SPIES
Boarding school, library owner, scientific researcher, and theatre episodes
Ambiguous time period which is really fun to try and pin point
Killing Eve (2018-now)
Classic detective who has homoerotic tension with the assassin she is tracking down
British Detective! Eve Polastri figures out the notorious assassin MI5 are investigating is a woman, is fired & then put on a secret MI6 case with a small team
Assassin! Villanelle, a psychopath with a tragic past and a mastery of both accents & fashion
Woman MI6 boss! Carolyn Martens, head of Russian section
Travel Europe following Villanelle’s killings and escaping the assassins sent by Villanelle’s organisation
‘You’re supposed to be my enemy and moral opposite but omg you’re the only one smart enough to get me and why am I obsessed with you????'
Cable Girls/Las chicas del cable (2017-2020)
Spanish drama set in 1920s Madrid
Four young women at a telecommunications company form a group of friends and help navigate the difficult situations they are all in
Secret identities, dangerous pasts, murder, crime, lgbtq couple & throuple, trans man character, feminism/suffragists
girls commit crimes for humanitarian reasons and cover! it! up!
Gorgeous costumes and set
Haven’t finished it yet and I’m catching up
TW: abuse, violence, death
Outlander (2014 - now)
haven’t watched yet but plan to
Woman time travels to Scotland, 1743
Rebel highlanders, pirates, British colonies, American revolutionary war
Time jumps between 18th & 20th century
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djemsostylist · 3 years
Turkish Poldark--In which I finally watch an airing dizi again...and hate it
I didn't really love Ross and Demelza and their excess of drama--but somehow this is so much worse
I don't really consider myself to be a moralist, particularly when it comes to media. And with historical dramas in particular, I almost expect the history to either deeply exaggerated, wholly fabricated, or at the very least extremely bias. And, as stated, I'm not moralistic. Nor am I nationalistic--I'm American, but I genuinely cannot remember the last time I showed deference to a flag.
I've been off the dizi train for a little bit, mostly because work has gotten crazy and I've had trouble focusing. So when Lolo started watching Aziz, I figured it would be a perfect show for me. I was intrigued because it was a Turkish remake of a show I've actually watched (Poldark), and because of all the currently airing dizis (aside from Alparslan, which is a gem), this is the only one that looked vaguely interesting via gifs on Twitter.
I have since watched all 17 episodes that are out...and I have a lot of issues with the show. On it's surface, this show should have everything I love, but somehow they all come out--wrong. The main relationship is vaguely uncomfortable (between the age gap, class gap and the hero worship), the male lead is both miscast and mostly an asshole masquerading as a good guy, the Elizabeth character is sadly tragic in a way that makes Aziz somehow worse, and the supporting cast is pretty boring and forgettable.
But all the aside, my chief issue with this show is the portrayal of history. Look, Turkey was an empire that remade themselves a republic, and like most countries, it has an unsavory past. Invasions, imperialism, slavery, genocide--Turkey hits all the spots that most modern day world powers hit. The main difference seems to be that while most modern world powers admit to their unsavory past, Turkey has a history of...not.
Aziz takes place, supposedly, in 1936ish, just prior to the Turkish takeover of the Hatay region. (I should note that prior to watching the show, I didn't know most of the history, but a few interest searches, articles, and wikipedia entries gives you all the background you really need). It focuses almost exclusively on the French occupation and the oppression of the Turkish population (which was not, to my knowledge, really a thing in that region), and makes no mention of any of the issues surrounding the sovereignty of the region, the tension with Syria, or, of course, the genocides, purges, and general oppression, resettlement, exodus, or homogenization of various ethnic groups within the Turkish Republic as they worked to form a homogenous republic.
Look--no country is perfect. I'm an American--our closet is basically all skeleton. And like I said--most of the time I can ignore the gross misrepresentation of history in media. And I'm not even particularly interested in the history of Turkey in the modern day. But basic google searches give you enough information to realize that this entire show is fictionalized propaganda, which would be bad enough without the weight of everything else that goes with it. It reached a point where I couldn't ignore it--every episode made it worse than before. It felt deeply uncomfortable, and honestly, with the entire Hatay issue being more the main storyline, it made it unignorable. Look, I don't know much about the French occupation. But what I can say is that a basic internet perusal tells me that the French rule of Hatay was mostly in name, and that the general Turkish citizenry (who were not the majority population) was left alone to live the way they had. And that the Turks of the region were not the ones being oppressed--especially after Hatay became a Turkish province (which is still disputed by Syria today.) The point is, that while Turkey experienced difficulties post WW1 (as they had sided with the central powers and lost), they also committed genocide. Which is something you really, really can't ignore. I'm not saying I can't enjoy Turkish media anymore--I certainly can. If I didn't watch the media of any empire that didn't commit genocide or war crimes, I wouldn't be left with anything besides, well, Icelandic shows I think.
But in this case, this show is so overt with it's biased story telling (honestly, the storyline with them bringing in a reporter to report on the oppressions of the Turks hits weird when you consider the treatment of journalist surrounding the Armenian Genocide, as does the handwringing over orphans in danger of conversion considering the forced conversion of thousands of Christians by the Ottomons 20 years previous) that I spent more time googling and checking the context than enjoying the show. Add that to an uncomfortable main pairing, poorly conceived side pairings, and a general feeling of ickiness, and I'd rather watch season 3-5 of Poldark (which are exhausting) than continue the series.
*also, on an entirely petty note, the male lead cannot mount, dismount, or ride at horse at speed at all, and the closeups of him clearly riding a barrel are so distracting. Like, they probably should have cast a dude who could ride a horse, if they wanted him to ride a horse. And also cast a 20 something if they wanted to portray a 20 something but I digress
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sonoftartessos · 2 years
@adsagsona sent: plots please (for either Ross or Jared... or both :))
… and I’ll respond with  3 (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses!  There is  no pressure  for us to write any of them,   but it’s a great starting point for you to get a sense of how I think our muses might interact and what sorts of plots I’m most interested in happening between them  -  so don’t be shy!
1 Inheritance
Returning home to Cornwall, Ross finds that everyone thinks he is dead. And his estate has gone to a man named 'Mr Laurel.' He has never heard the name before and doubts he has any connection to his family. 
He expects a wealthy old baron out to destroy the community. But when Mr Laurel arrives, Ross is surprised to find he is young, Spanish and impoverished. 
Ross has to try and figure out why this man now owns his home. And then try to get it back.
2 Human to Vampire (based on something you said while we plotted)
Ross Poldark never dared to embrace his sexuality when he was human. There wasn’t a word for bisexuality and he had his fiancee. 
America changed that. After being saved by a young colonist, Ross faced his sexuality. When León kissed him, Ross panicked and fled. 
It has been centuries since then. Ross is no longer human and no longer needs to pretend he finds men unattractive. His one regret is that he didn’t handle the situation with León well. So when he sees a man who looks like León, Ross does everything to try and figure out who he is. 
He tells himself it is out of curiosity. But deep down, Ross seeks a means to make up for his reaction hundreds of years ago.
3 Modern - Prison
León swears he is innocent. But then again, they all do. His brash temperament does not help things, either. Outside of prison, he was popular and well-liked. But it’s a different matter entirely inside. 
When he meets Ross, they don’t become friends. Or so León thought. 
They made plans for their futures outside. Ross invited León to work on his farm and León made plans to visit Barcelona together.
Ross was released a year before León. So when León finally left, he expected Ross to have a burgeoning farm. Instead, León found an unkempt patch of land and a crumbling building. And Ross did not look like a man who enjoyed his freedom. 
Ross remains polite, even as he tells León there is no work here. But luckily, León does not listen.
1 Victorian (Jared can be either human or vampire) 
Jared just moved to a new city for work and his business partner takes him to attend a men’s club after work. It’s full of wealthy, powerful men in suits who rule the city. There he gets into a heated discussion with a particularly opinionated young man. The young man storms off and Jared continues to enjoy his evening. 
For a few weeks, he attends events with coworkers and business partners and hasn’t seen the young man again. He doesn’t even know why he is interested in seeing him. 
One day, the city mayor introduces his children. Twins. One a stunning young woman and the other, the opinionated young man from before called León. It’s clear the mayor intends to try to marry his daughter off to Jared. But Jared only uses courting the daughter as an excuse to hear more of León’s strange opinions. 
2 Secrets (Established Romance - Any era)
León and Jared have been together for a while. But they both have their secrets.
One morning, Jared wakes to an empty bed. Most of his stuff is gone. They had been good. León could not have just cut and run. Jared fears that maybe León learned what he was. Or was taken. 
Days later, Jared passes a funeral where León is one of the mourners. When Jared approaches, León avoids him. It is once he confronts León that he finally gets an answer. 
León’s mother suffered an illness for years. He didn’t tell Jared because it would have ruined things between them. And he feels guilty for wasting his time with Jared instead of caring for her. 
How would honesty have helped the pair? Does Jared reveal his own secret?
3 Vampire and Immortal
Back in the 1950s or 60s, Jared and León were close friends. While they slept together, they could not be more. They were party animals with lofty ideals about how they would change the world. 
But one day, León announces he is in love with a woman and cuts his friends out of his life. 
Somewhere along the way, Jared gives up on his lofty ideals and bends to Capitalism. Over the decades, the faces around him change but the parties stays the same. 
Sixty years later, León reappears at parties looking exactly how he used to. He acts as if nothing happened. But León is far too wild and reckless.
But whenever Jared tries to investigate, León uses sex and drugs to distract him. 
What happened to León? Can Jared figure it out before he’s pulled into a dangerous game?
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midearthwritings · 4 years
וRequest Info•×
Request Status: CLOSED
Send a request: Ask, DM.
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This is a safe place for everyone. I try my best to update regularly and I'm always open to constructive criticism. My DMs are open to everybody.
The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, The Almighty Johnsons, Being Human, Poldark, The Good Doctor...
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וBefore Sending a Request•×
Please make sure that you read this post before sending in your request so it does not overstep my boundaries or break my rules. Thank you.
→What I can write :
Character x Character.
Female x Female and Male x Male.
Write violence/blood/gore.
Gender neutral reader.
Platonic relationships.
OCs x Character. Send me a good character sheet along with your request and I'll write about your OC.
→I will not write:
R*pe/Inc*st/Underage Sex
Modern AUs. I write them only if they're my own ideas.
Just some additional information regarding requests, my blog, etc.
Real People.
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וFurther Information•×
All +18 works are under the tag n s f w. If you are a minor or don't want to read them, you can block this tag.
If you have any doubts regarding your request, DM me. I won't bite you and I won't ignore your messages. If I have any problem with what you asked I will tell you and we can rethink it together so it fits my boundaries and your liking both. It's all about compromise. So don't be shy, I promise I'm nice.
My thoughts are under the tag max talks. My answers under the tag max answers, and my favorite fics under the tag max fic rec.
Once I posted your request, you can absolutely send another one if you wish. There's no limit. Just one at a time.
There are some characters I won't write about in a romantic way. If you requested one of them, I will let you know.
Please, do not send your request multiple time. I know how to read, one time was enough. If you're not sure that I got your request, DM me. But spamming me is useless and annoying.
Do not steal my writings or repost them on other platforms. I worked hard on these, sometimes for days. Reposting them somewhere else or stealing them is disrespectful and sucks.
I do not own the characters I write about. They belong to their creator.
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Thank you for reading this post in its entirety, and I hope you enjoy my work! Thank you for all the love and support💛
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