afifsalehin · 3 months
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elegiacwhispers · 1 year
10/10 🤍
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wordofprophet · 7 months
The Seven Levels of Jahannum. May Allah protect us from Hellfire. Follow us for daily Islamic Reminders
#islam #muslim #islamic #reminder #muftimenk #mohammedhijab #salah #prayer #relgion ramadan #islamicreminder #jannah #jahannum #dawah #wordofprophet
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bloghrexach · 5 months
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🤔 … because they think it’s ALL about them, the eternal victims!!
By: Colin Tiyani Anderson, Artist/Digital Fabricator, from LinkedIn …
“Why is it that Jewish people have to monopolise this term of 'semitism', because semitism is not a Jewish specific thing. The semitic languages are more than Hebrew. Arabic is a semitic language. There are African languages that are also semitic, so I find it absurd and actually racist that it is only the Jews that get to use the term “semitism” to describe themselves.
"For example, as Arabs: I am an Arab. One person I was speaking to in Piers Morgan’s show. His name is Unholy Schmuley, and I was speaking to him and he said, “you’re an antisemite”. I said, “I am more semitic than you”, because he is from European extraction.
"In what world is it OK for someone to call me “anti that which I am which, they, themselves are not?
"Now we have people who are European Jews who come from Europe, OK, coming to an Arab, like myself, who speaks Arabic, and they tell me that I am antisemitic. I say, you are racist that you call me this. You have no monopoly on semitism. No monopoly whatsoever."
- Mohammed Hijab
Conflating anti-Semitism with the racist depravity of Zionism is tyranny. If President Biden truly believed that, "...all men are created equal...", he would endeavour to protect ALL Semites. Instead, he gives some Semites bombs to conduct a genocide against other Semites. President Biden is acting in a fashion that is, by definition, anti-Semitic.” … 🤔
#mohammedhijab … #antisemitism … #FreePalestine … @hrexach
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phoenix-has-risen · 9 months
▶️ Watch this reel
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faiz-ibn-hussain · 2 years
If you are looking for Authenic Books of Ahlus Sunnah, then even Hizbees & Muftaris know where to go to get them!
(when they are not busy misguiding their "BidahDisciples")
No offence intended .............................................
to the brother enjoying his tastebuds!
Just to Deviant Muftaris!
Disclaimer: Neiter we, nor Muftari (we hope) got any renumeration for this promotion, we just stated the Truth.
#MohammedHijab #AliDawah #SpeakersCorner #dawahman #GreenLaneMasjid #Hizbee #muftari #muftimuneer #uthmanfarooq #salafibookstore
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summayahtheartist · 4 years
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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMqpB4czMcA
The writing on the black piece of paper above pretty much sums up my intentions here but to elaborate a bit, I wanted to apply this interesting idea of creating art from mere sounds to my earlier research focusing on the topic of ‘Logic’, specifically Debating. In my spare time, I love to watch ‘Speakers Corner’ discussions (located in Hyde Park, London) on YouTube - this rough ‘anyone-can-debate’ style really intrigues me and so I wished to perhaps integrate some of these discussions into my Practical Work. 
One of my favourite debaters is Mohammed Hijab, famously known for his numerous degrees, namely in Philosophy and History and his extensive use of logic in every one of his debates - and, as I believe, the perfect example of ‘logic in person’. Although a large amount of his work focuses on religious topics, namely Islamic, his discussions extend to topics such as Feminism, Homosexuality and even Liberalism (debated simply through human reasoning). 
So what exactly have I done here? Well what I have tried to do is create marks on a blank sheet of paper to the words of the discussion between Hijab and the woman interrogating him. While some of these marks are actual simplified drawings of spoken terms such as “suicide bombing” with the drawing of a bomb, others tend to be representations of what seems to be going on in the debate, for instance, the drawing in red (on the right side of the page) of what seems to look like a mini landscape actually symbolises much more and, from my perspective, pretty much sums up the entire discussion - the line marking the ‘ground’ represents how all humans encompass the same laws of logic and reasoning and so are exposed to the same understanding, the two ‘buildings’ coming out of it signifies both sides of the party agreeing on the fact that something needs to be done about terrorism, but where the line of the top ‘building’ breaks off was my way of indicating the misinterpretation by the interrogating woman of what Hijab was actually saying despite his attempt in breaking down a chunk of knowledge for her to correct her misconception. 
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stillevann · 6 years
Mohammed Hijab is an unstable and angry person. Clearly he has some personal grievances towards David Wood, but these things can be settled in a civilized way. This man is overflowing with negative emotions and he is pouring all of them out during the debate. The way he is so arrogant and disrespectful reminds me of Zakir Naik to be honest. Both of them also tend to answer imaginary questions instead of the real questions. 
Proverbs 16:18 says: “Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Proverbs 3:34 says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
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nogodbutallah99 · 6 years
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liesexposer · 2 years
Ali Dawah & Mohammed Hijab's Teacher Muhammad Ibn Muneer The Fake Mufti Q&A Part 2
The Copyright Laws of the United States recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content. Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.”
#MohammedHijab #AliDawah #SpeakersCorner #uthmanfarooq #muftimuneer #muftari #dawahman #GreenLaneMasjid #Hizbee
Channel: ردود على المصعفقة
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl5wE0PGZsI
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afifsalehin · 3 months
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jesusatmysix · 3 years
Watch "#mohammedhijab #muslim #jew #israhell #palestine" on YouTube
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afifsalehin · 3 months
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afifsalehin · 3 months
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afifsalehin · 3 months
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liesexposer · 2 years
Refutation Of Mufti Muneer's Claim The Companions Differed In Aqeedah
0:00 Mufti Muneer's Claim The Companions Differed In Aqeedah.
1:37 Sheikh Saalih Al-Luhaydaan
3:06 Sheikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan
4:00 Sheikh Al-Albaani
#MohammedHijab #AliDawah #SpeakersCorner #uthmanfarooq #dawahman #GreenLaneMasjid #Hizbee
Channel: Markaz al-Imam al-Bukhari (https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkazBukhari)
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV_qKIQtEO8
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