#moj app
35eddion · 8 months
i think ti should be illegal for different apps and operating systems to categorize their emojis differently. i can never find anything i'm looking for it's literally faster for me to google the name of the emoji instead and copy it from a website
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420eddion · 1 year
the way luck should work in video games is that if an item has 10% chance to drop then i should be guaranteed to get it within 10 draws.
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deorwineinfotech · 1 year
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Join the digital video revolution by launching your own video streaming app like Moj, and unlock multiple monetization opportunities through ads, subscriptions, and brand collaborations.
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mybestbio566 · 1 year
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georgehopkins · 2 years
Which app will I delete? Leave a comment!
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kinemaster-editing · 2 years
Download moj video's without watermark
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livenewsaaptak · 1 year
"Live News AapTak" - A Digital News Channel🤳 (Running Strongly on Social Media Platform's)
Originally focused on Daily News, reports on additional topics also, such as politics, Crime, sports, travel, entertainment, lifestyle and other's. With National editions in regions including Bihar, UP, Delhi & other states, the blog offers some of the most up-to-date information on current events and related topics.
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Our link's
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LiveNewsAapTak
YouTube - https://youtube.com/c/LiveNewsAapTak
Koo - https://www.kooapp.com/profile/LiveNewsAapTak
Kutumb App - https://kutumb.app/live-news-aap-tak?ref=8JFPS&screen=star_share
Moj - https://mojapp.in/@livenewsaaptak?referrer=TVlmScX-1ffDqhB
WhatsApp Group - https://chat.whatsapp.com/BlSLN973rLVEaclwh5H0ZC
Telegram Channel - https://t.me/LiveNewsAapTak
Instagram - https://www.instagrame.com/livenewsaaptak
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/livenewsaaptak
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
Anfang September 2022
Tomato elektronski bon: Man braucht auch 2022 noch Internet, um Internet zu bekommen
Ich habe alles vergessen, was ich schon im September 2018 über die unbefriedigende Internetsituation im kroatischen Ferienhaus wusste. Eigentlich kann man das WLAN nur in den frühen Morgenstunden einigermaßen nutzen, wenn alle anderen Gäste schlafen, und das mobile Internet ist auch nicht mehr so idyllisch wie 2015. Inzwischen gibt es zwar europaweites Roaming, aber an meinen beiden deutschen SIM-Karten (von AldiTalk und von Freenet FUNK, beide im Telefónica-Netz) weht nur gelegentlich ein Hauch mobiles Internet vorbei. Vielleicht ist irgendwo ein Handymast umgefallen, vielleicht saugen aber auch bloß die anderen Gäste inzwischen mehr Internet aus der Luft als vor sieben Jahren.
Eine Woche denke ich bedauernd an den Kiosk in Rijeka mit der SIM-Karten-Werbung, an dem ich vorbeigegangen bin, ohne etwas zu kaufen. Dann sehe ich beim Bezahlen im ländlichen Miniaturladen über der Kasse etwas hängen, das wie drei verschiedene Arten von SIM-Karten aussieht. “Sind das SIM-Karten?”, frage ich, denn ich kann kein Kroatisch und hier sprechen viele Menschen sehr gut Deutsch. Die Kassiererin gehört nicht zu ihnen, oder sie hat keine Lust, aber ich beschließe, auf gut Glück so etwas zu kaufen, auch wenn es vielleicht keine SIM-Karte ist. “Welche funktioniert hier denn gut?”, frage ich noch, aber auch darauf antwortet die Kassiererin nur “diese nur Handy”, und die kaufe ich dann halt. Sie kostet nur 20 HKR, das sind knapp drei Euro.
Mit Hilfe von Google Lens versuche ich am nächsten Tag, herauszufinden, ob auf der Kartenverpackung vielleicht steht, dass man damit nur telefonieren kann, ich finde aber nichts Nützliches heraus. Aber jedenfalls steht auf der Verpackung, dass man unter tomato.com.hr mehr herausfinden kann.
Die Website ist auf Kroatisch und ich finde keine Umschaltmöglichkeit für andere Sprachen. (Dieser Beitrag handelt überhaupt nicht davon, dass das empörend ist. Also, ist es natürlich schon ein bisschen, aber viele Mobilfunkanbieter in vielen Ländern, darunter Deutschland, machen es bestimmt genauso.)
Ich installiere die auf der kroatischen Website in Form eines “Google Play Store”-Logos erwähnte App, in der Hoffnung, dass die mehrsprachig sein könnte.
Die App hätte so was vielleicht, verlangt aber vorher auf Kroatisch etwas von mir, das vermutlich eine Registrierung ist.
Ich gehe noch mal auf die Website, aber diesmal in Chrome. Anders als Firefox übersetzt Chrome mir gleich ungefragt alles ins Englische. Ich finde heraus, dass es mehrere Tarife gibt, entscheide mich für einen davon und muss die Telefonnummer eingeben, die auf der Kartenverpackung aufgedruckt ist. Daraufhin bekomme ich eine SMS:
OBAVIJEST I Iznos na tvom racunu nije dovoljan za aktivaciju TOTAL tarife (naknada je 70 kn). Nadoplati racun i ponovi postupak aktivacije. Kupi bon brzo i jednostavno na Tomato webshopu: bit.ly/WebBon ili putem Moj Tomato aplikacije i pokupi dodatne megabajte za digitalnu nadoplatu. Tvoj Tomato
Ich erahne auch ohne Google Translate, dass man mir hier sagt, dass ich für meinen Wunsch zu wenig Guthaben habe: “Kupi bon” und “webshopu” und sogar eine Adresse für diesen Webshop gibt es. Das ist toll, weil ich meine britische SIM nach wie vor nur auf genau eine einzige Art mit Guthaben aufladen kann: indem ich an der Supermarktkasse einen Gutschein kaufe. Alle anderen Verfahren funktionieren nur für Menschen mit britischen Bankkonten oder Kreditkarten. Kroatien ist da schon einen Schritt weiter.
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“Tomato elektronski bon” klingt wie das, was ich haben will.
Die Eingabe von Kreditkartendaten ist in allen Sprachen so ziemlich gleich, “ulica”, “grad” und “zemlja” habe ich schon mal gesehen (auf Straßenschildern, am Ende von Städten und am Ende von Ländern), nur was statt “Hrvatska” einzutragen ist, muss ich von der Nichte ergoogeln lassen (vorsichtshalber, um nicht versehentlich meine Eingaben zu verlieren, wenn ich auf dem Handy das Formular verlasse).
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Nachdem ich PLATI gedrückt habe, kommen weitere SMS.
OBAVIJEST I Aktivirana je MAXI tarifa s 6500 jedinica i naplacena je naknada 100 kn ili 13,27 EUR. Naknada za uspostavu poziva se ne naplacuje. Tarifa vrijedi do 03.10.2022. Stanje jedinica najbrze provjeri ovako: nazovi *102*1# i stanje ti stize SMS-om. Ako vec nisi, poduplaj svoje jedinice aktivacijom opcije DUPLO MAXI koja je promotivno do 30.9.2022. besplatna za aktivacije putem webshopa ili Moj Tomato aplikacije. Posjeti Moj Tomato aplikaciju: bit.ly/moj-tomato-app s brojnim drugim mogucnostima. Fiksni tecaj 1 EUR=7,53450 kn. Tvoj Tomato
Bis hierhin war der Prozess so, dass ich jeden Schritt kannte und wahrscheinlich auch ohne zusätzliches Internet geahnt hätte, was jeweils passiert. “Aktivirana je MAXI tarifa” klingt zwar verheißungsvoll, aber jetzt brauche ich Google Translate, um herauszufinden, ob es schon geklappt hat oder ich noch irgendwas Überraschendes tun muss. Weil, könnte ja sein:
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Aber “send it to .” scheint nicht nötig zu sein, Google Translate ist jedenfalls der Meinung, dass alles geklappt hat.
Mein Handy deutet so was auch an. Ich habe zwar noch so wenig Empfang wie vorher, nämlich 1 Strich 4G (was in der Praxis ungefähr gar keinen Empfang bedeutet), aber dafür kann ich jetzt einen weiteren Techniktagebuchbeitrag über SIM-Karten schreiben. Und ich muss nicht mehr bereuen, an dem SIM-Karten-Kiosk in Rijeka einfach vorbeigelaufen zu sein. Dafür finde ich 120 HRK einen akzeptablen Preis.
(Kathrin Passig)
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fazal-abbas · 3 months
Cozi free video downloader
About  The More Information 
Since the cozicenter all-in-one free video downloader is a web-based utility, it can be accessed through any kind of device. Whether you are using a smartphone, laptop, PC, Mac, or tablet, you can easily access this video downloader through any browser and start downloading the required videos. All video downloader offered on SmallSEOTools doesn’t impose any sort of limitations on their usage. You can download video as you desire through this online video download facility without paying a penny . Our online tool is readily available for your assistance round the clock. You don’t need to go through the hassle of getting registered or signing up on this website to download videos through its free video downloader facility.
Download Your Favorite Videos With Ease - Free!
Every minute, hundreds of hours of videos are being uploaded to video-sharing platforms. Billions of videos are being watched on a daily basis. Whether most of the time you used to watch videos online, downloading your favorite videos for offline viewing has probably come to your mind for your personal use, or maybe you want to share it with your friend or want to upload this video as your story on apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram. Despite this massive usage, video sharing websites are quite limited when it comes to downloading videos on social media websites and apps including Facebook and Instagram without Watermarks. Every video-sharing website's policies vary, so must review the policies before moving forward, it is illegal in the United States and many other countries the distribution of copyrighted videos But so many people often want to download their favourite videos. Google recognizes this and only provides a rather rudimentary solution to the problem. But wait, wouldn’t you rather have a system that lets you download any videos you want without any limitations or restrictions? Well, now you do! With our Free HD Video Downloader, downloading videos of your choice from different video sharing websites couldn’t be any better or easier.
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To download video, SmallSEOTools is entirely an online tool that doesn’t need to be installed on your device. All you need to have for downloading videos through this video downloader is a stable internet connection.
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The users don’t have to follow any convoluted procedure for using this free video downloader. Its user-friendly interface allows everyone to save their desired video content from any website over the web. In addition, the smart and advanced algorithms working in the backend of this tool ensure to provide the users with super-quick results. With this video saver, you can save your favourite short clips, educational content, dramas, songs, or any other type of video in a matter of seconds.
No Watermarks
Unlike many other HD video downloaders available over the web, this free video downloader provides you with high-quality videos without any watermark. The videos downloaded through this HD video downloader contain no watermarks of SmallSEOTools or any other third-party website.
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Akıllı TV
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Download Videos from Multiple Social Media Platforms
All in One Video Downloader, offers you to download videos in multiple formats including MP4, M4A, 3GP from multiple social media platforms and sources. Also GIF, JPG and PNG image downloads are supported as well. Vedio downloader also includes HD quality as a selection when downloading, if applicable. All services provided on cozicenter.com is totally free.
Supported Websites
9GAG, Akıllı TV, Bandcamp, Bilibili, Bitchute, Blogger, BluTV, Buzzfeed, Capcut, Chingari, Dailymotion, Douyin, ESPN, Facebook, Febspot, Flickr, Ifunny, IMDB, Imgur, Instagram, Izlesene, Kwai, Likee, LinkedIn, Loom, Mashable, Mastodon, Mixcloud, Moj, MxTakatak, Ok.ru, Pinterest, PuhuTV, Reddit, Rumble, Share Chat, Snapchat, Soundcloud, Streamable, Substack, TED, Telegram, Threads, Tiktok, Tumblr, Twitch, Vimeo, VK, YouTube, X
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Our online video downloader works seamlessly with popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, and all Chromium-based browsers.
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paras-lal-prajapat · 5 months
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fancallindia · 5 months
Made in India, Making a Mark: Dive into the Top Apps You Need Now
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India’s digital landscape is no longer just keeping pace with the global scene, it’s actively shaping it. From hyper-local grocery delivery to language learning that empowers millions, our homegrown apps are breaking new ground and offering unique experiences you won’t find anywhere else. Let’s delve into some of the most exciting “Made in India” apps that deserve a prominent spot on your phone:
Zomato & Swiggy: These food delivery titans are household names, connecting you with a vast universe of restaurants, from cozy neighborhood gems to Michelin-starred marvels. Craving a comforting plate of butter chicken or a gourmet pizza? They have it all, delivered to your doorstep with just a few taps.
Fancall: Fancall app is a great way to connect with YouTube creators and learn new skills from experts in various fields via personalized videocall. The app is easy to use and has a wide range of features that make it a valuable tool for anyone who wants to learn and grow.
Dunzo: Forget the last-minute errands! Dunzo is your ultimate savior for hyper-local needs. Whether you need groceries delivered in a flash, forgotten medication at odd hours, or even that charger you left at a friend’s place, Dunzo gets it to you quickly and efficiently.
Unacademy: Another leading edtech platform, Unacademy empowers individuals to achieve their academic goals. With expert educators, comprehensive study materials for competitive exams, professional courses, and personal development programs, Unacademy provides a holistic learning experience that caters to diverse needs.
Licious: Discerning foodies, rejoice! Licious is your haven for fresh, high-quality meat and seafood. Their stringent quality checks and meticulous sourcing ensure you get the best cuts and freshest catches, delivered conveniently to your kitchen.
ShareChat: Forget language barriers! ShareChat breaks down communication walls with its regional language social media platform. Connect with people across diverse cultures and express yourself freely in your mother tongue. Share stories, engage in meaningful conversations, and discover a world of shared experiences, all within the comfort of your preferred language.
Moj & MX TakaTak: The short-form video content craze is here to stay, and these homegrown platforms are giving international giants a serious run for their money. From hilarious skits to trendy dance challenges, discover trending videos, showcase your talents, and connect with a vibrant online community that shares your passions.
Roposo: Calling all fashionistas, beauty enthusiasts, and lifestyle gurus! Roposo is your one-stop shop for all things trendy. Stay updated on the latest styles, get inspired by curated content from top creators, participate in exciting challenges, and even indulge in live commerce experiences to snag the hottest trends.
Vernacular.ai: This innovative platform bridges the language gap, using AI to translate complex legal documents and academic papers into various Indian languages. It’s a boon for students, researchers, and professionals who need to access information in their native tongue, breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity in the knowledge landscape.
Why Choose Made In India Apps?
There are several compelling reasons to support and explore the vibrant world of Made in India apps:
Culturally Relevant Solutions: Indian developers often have a deeper understanding of the specific needs and preferences of the Indian market. This results in apps that are more culturally relevant, user-friendly, and cater to local nuances that global giants might miss.
A Hotbed of Innovation: The Indian app development scene is buzzing with creativity and a drive to innovate. This translates into unique and cutting-edge solutions that address diverse needs and offer features you won’t find anywhere else.
Empowering Local Talent: By choosing Made in India apps, you’re not just getting a great product or service; you’re also contributing to the growth of the Indian digital ecosystem and empowering local developers. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!
Article Source : https://www.fancall.in/made-in-india-making-a-mark-dive-into-the-top-apps-you-need-now/
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entrackrme · 7 months
ShareChat spent Rs 3,959 Cr to make Rs 533 Cr in FY23
Mohalla Tech, the parent entity of the vernacular social media platform ShareChat and short video entertainment app Moj, raised $255 million from Google, Times Group, and Temasek during FY23. The substantial funding helped the company scale its business during the said period.  But, rising expenses continue to weigh down prospects for the company.
ShareChat’s revenue from operations increased 59.4% to Rs 533 crore in FY23 from Rs 347 crore in FY22, according to its consolidated financial statements filed with the Registrar of Companies.
‘ShareChat Coin’, the in-app virtual currency, purchases for its chat rooms overtook its advertisement income to form 52% of the total revenue. This income surged 2.3X to Rs 285 crore in FY23 from Rs 121 crore in FY22. 
If you want to get complete information related to this topic click HERE.
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thewikiwiki · 7 months
Athulya Ashokan (Alia Mansoor) Wiki, Age, News, Parents, Husband, Photos and More
Athulya Ashokan (Influencer) Height, Weight, Date of Birth, Age, Wiki, Biography, Boyfriend and More Athulya Ashokan is an Indian Influencer who hails from Perumbavoor, Kerala. She is mainly known for making lip sync and dancing videos on Moj App, Instagram and many other platforms. Athulya has been featured in many photo shoots wearing traditional dress. Bio Real NameAthulya…
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khulke-social-media · 9 months
Khul Ke Social Networking App: Connecting India Through Meaningful Conversations  
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Khul Ke, an India-centric social networking app, is dedicated to fostering authentic conversations and connections. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how Khul Ke differentiates itself from similar platforms like ShareChat, Koo, Moj, and Chingari. With over 10,000 downloads and a remarkable 4.3-star rating on the Play Store, Khul Ke is already making waves. Join us as we delve into what sets Khul Ke apart and how it aims to redefine social networking in India.  
What Sets Khul Ke Apart?  
Khul Ke is a revolutionary Indian social media platform designed to encourage meaningful conversations. Users can openly share their thoughts, opinions, and observations while actively engaging in discussions. What truly distinguishes Khul Ke is its unique video discussion feature, allowing users to both observe and participate in live conversations, akin to YouTube. It provides a conducive environment for open discussions across various categories, where users can follow others and stay updated on their posts.  
What’s different about Khul Ke?  
Khul Ke stands out by promoting open and uncensored discussions on topics ranging from politics to sports. While it fosters freedom of expression, it adheres to strict guidelines that prohibit hate speech, harassment, or any form of violence. In stark contrast to other platforms, Khul Ke offers a space where users can freely share ideas, discuss current events, and engage in meaningful conversations without the fear of censorship.  
Why do we need a platform like Khul Ke?  
Unlike platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, which often grapple with censorship issues, Khul Ke provides an open and timely platform for users to express their ideas freely. It places a strong emphasis on free speech, clear expression, and in-depth conversations. Moreover, Khul Ke offers a plethora of features, including video discussions, microblogging, private messaging, short videos, and India's first video-based meetings.  
Key Features of Khul Ke  
Bol Khul Ke: Express your thoughts on topics that matter to you and connect with like-minded individuals.  
Make a Difference: Host RoundTable discussions to drive change and fully express yourself.  
Instantly Create MeetUps: Schedule casual chats or business meetings effortlessly.  
Instant Post Creation: Share your interests and gain visibility among your target audience.  
Cross-Platform Sharing: Seamlessly share your posts across various platforms.  
Your Personal Space: Share your thoughts and stories freely without unnecessary filters. 
Snip-It: Create captivating videos to showcase your talents or share informative tips. 
Invite Friends: Encourage your friends to become part of the Khul Ke community.  
Mention Others: Tag individuals in your posts to ensure your voice is heard.  
Be an Audience: Explore the latest, trending, and popular discussions across various categories.  
How to Sign Up on Khul Ke  
Getting started with Khul Ke is a straightforward process: Download the Khul Ke App: Search for "Khul Ke" on your device's app store and proceed to install it.  
Website Signup: Alternatively, you can sign up on the Khul Ke website.  
Join Khul Ke today and immerse yourself in the world of enriching conversations.  
Khul Ke’s mission  
Khul Ke's mission is to promote freedom of speech, empowering individuals, groups, and communities to express themselves without the constraints of strict local rules and regulations. It encourages users to take responsibility for their own conversations, fostering meaningful and open discussions. Khul Ke unites people, promoting self-reliance and independence, aligning with the vision of "atmanirbhar bharat." Join us in shaping honest and meaningful conversations on Khul Ke.  
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paisekagyan1 · 11 months
Moj ऐप से पैसे कैसे कमाएं? 11 तरीके और कुछ टिप्‍स
Moj ऐप से पैसे कैसे कमाएं? - Moj App Se Paise Kaise Kamayeटिकटॉक पहला ऐसा ऐप था जिसने बड़ी संख्या में ऑडियंस के लिए शॉर्ट वीडियो की अवधारणा पेश की, लेकिन चीनी सरकार के साथ कुछ संघर्षों के कारण भारत में इसे प्रतिबंधित किए जाने के तुरंत बाद, इसके अंतर को भरने के लिए कई अन्य शॉर्ट-वीडियो बनाने वाले ऐप अस्तित्व में आए। ऐसा ही एक लोकप्रिय नाम जो आपने सुना होगा वह Moj ऐप है जो एक भारतीय मूल का एप्लिकेशन है जिसे इसकी मूल कंपनी ShareChat द्वारा विकसित किया गया है। Moj App से पैसे कमाए - Moj App से Paise Kaise Kamaye Read the full article
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tasteofthehome · 1 year
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Easy Mashroom Sandwich 🥪
☄️ • Follow @tasteofthehome on Instagram for more recipes
🐣 • Follow @tasteofthehome on Koo app for more recipes
🥥 • Follow @tasteofthehome on MOJ app for more recipes
🥑 • Follow @tasteofthehome on Tumblr for more recipes
🫒 • Follow @tasteofthehome on Sharechat for more recipes
💡• Follow @tasteofthehome on Pintrest for more recipes
🔖 • Like/Follow @tasteofthehome Facebook Page for more recipes
🔗 • Subscribe @tasteofthehome YouTube channel for more recipes (link in bio)
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