#mom said its MY turn on the giant robot
kellterntempest · 1 year
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the Best™ frame in Sonic 2
everyone say thank you @metalsonicsmom
computer zoom in
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 4 months
Question about your Polyverse AU: I’m a bit new to your AU, I saw the siblings post, but I wanna know…where are the mom and dad?
(Basically I wanna see art of what happened to the mom and dad, but you don’t have to draw the art if you don’t want to it’s your choice this is just a request)
Uhm so- You said you're new so you might have missed it but I explained the Poly sibs parental situation in the plot summary i made >>> HERE <<< a couple days ago. but i guess i did kinda gloss over it so i'll be more specific- and ill try to include some doodles!!!
The polysibs (excluding Sillybilly/Yourself, he's very new, and adopted so, ignore him.) have no parents- instead they have this giant eldritch angelic abomination known as The Collective
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The Collective is a GIANT MASS of angels that gave up their physical form to SMUSH themselves all together to gain enough power to change the code of the fucking universe like a god. Why did they do that? you might ask?
Oh ya know. To try and make a genocidal angelic bio weapon that would kill all the "flawed" people and demons on earth and destroy hell by committing angel mitosis and code manipulation. They failed the first three times (2D, BB, Sally) and made Miku and Keith together. Keith was their golden child, the hero they were looking for, the bitch with the plot armor and the voice that warps reality- and they basically put Miku in a robot body to control her into being Keith's body guard.
Safe to say- this plan didn't work when Keith fell in love with a "flawed" mercenary, hot demon babe, and "flawed" demon ghost hybrid.
They brought him up to heaven when he was old enough and showed him all his partners wrong doings and everything and mans was unphased. he said fuck yo shit I'm in love with them.
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and The Collective got pissy- but turns out being mushed together for that long is uh??? not good for you- so while BF and co. are fleeing the shit outta heaven, goopy toothpaste mcgee falls off the edge of heaven LITERALLY cause its a giant sky palace- and its so fucking corrupted it can't co-ordinate with all of itself to fly and not get itself thrown into the code.
In the code- the ACTUAL gods of Polyverse, Chaos and Order, are like 'ur a fucking dumbass' and pull the collective apart LITERALLY limb from limb in what quite possibly might be my favorite interaction of the whole RP to the point where summarizing it does no justice you can read it here if you want. (Mild Gore TW)
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Bf and his siblings have no parent anymore. They all practically disowned them for trying to control their lives in a very fucked up way, and then the gods of the universe DESTROYED them so like. YIKES LOL.
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jade-kyo · 1 year
Non-Red vs Blue fans guess the fake fact: results!
Find the og post here
Alright time to finally review the results! Correct answer is at the bottom of this post for those not interested in all of the results and explanations!
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So the most highly voted option at 23% was Elijah Wood which I’m sorry to say is incorrect! Elijah Wood was a voice actor in the series. He played the role of Sigma! What this big name actor is doing in a random web series I have no idea but it’s still one of the wildest things to me.
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Now the aspirin overdose comes in with 17.3% and got mentioned a lot in the notes and it is also incorrect. However I will admit to some poor wording on my part because it was actually an allergic reaction not an overdose. That’s a genuine oopsies on my part 😅
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Florida sinking into the ocean gets a 10.1% and is also incorrect! The state of Florida does in fact sink into the ocean and it’s implied this was to cover up the disappearance of Agent Florida (who is also the guy who dies from the aspirin)
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The gay guy, who’s name is Donut btw, becoming Jesus comes in with 8.3% and is in fact very real. He even walks on water. It was wild and tbh I barely remember it cause it’s from a season I dislike but it was too wild not to include.
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With 7.2% I can say for sure that the giant killer robot is indeed dressed up in cute hats! Specifically a sombrero! Also the robots name is Freckles.
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CPR for a bullet wound in the head gets 6.7% and is in fact considered effective medical care. Now I will say this later gets retconned and it turns out the guy didn’t actually get shot in the head the bullet just grazed him and his armor locked up making them all think he was dying- hence the choice of word being considered. The characters fully believe it but the CPR did not actually save him cause he wasn’t even hurt to begin with.
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The crazy love triangle comes in with 4.7% and is also very canon and is exactly as it’s said. There’s literally just this insane love triangle for like two seasons- honestly the only love triangle plot I ever enjoyed.
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With a solid 4% I can say that there is in fact canon mpreg! Hurray? Idk man this one’s exactly as it sounds. Dude got knocked up by an alien.
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In last place with 2.5% of votes is the main character dying repeatedly. This is also incorrect. First off this guy is named Church which very funny on its own. Secondly it’s actually one of the first running jokes in the series how much this dude dies. Until it’s not a joke 🫠 also a few people pointed out RvB doesn’t have a main character and while I agree I felt it was simpler just to call Church the main character for this poll since it’s designed for people who haven’t seen RvB and I would argue that the majority of the narrative centers around Church even when he’s not there.
And now for the correct answer, coming in at third place with 16.1% is Caboose is god!
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Now I will fully confess to being sneaky with this one. This is actually a joke made within the series but it is not true at all. Caboose is not actually god and the platypus is just that fucked up. I knew nothing I could come up with would be able to match the absurdity of this series so I decided to twist a few words so that way everything seemed equally fucked up.
And that concludes the poll! I will now leave you off with a few honorable mentions that did not make the Final Cut:
They have a Spanish speaking robot. None of them speak Spanish.
He’s a ghost but not actually a ghost but actually a highly advanced computer program
Woman has mega beef with an AI copy of her dead mom
The highly advanced computer program can’t aim for shit
The first 5 seasons were revealed to actually be a prolonged torture session
Dude chases his dead gf through multiple iteration of the same memory
Woman developed a sibling like bond with an AI copy of her extremely neglectful father
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cityzenshark · 3 days
Cont'd from this post
Thrash said, "Tell me you never realise how bad Robby's sleep was…"
"Of course I do!" Twitch exclaimed. "I'm the one who spends most of my time with him ."
"So it's a competition now? Robby is our brother no matter what, Twitch, not just yours."
Twitch flew at Thrash's face and pointed a finger at him. "Well, you weren't there when his friends insult him for defending us."
Hashtag let out a sharp exhale. "They didn't insult Robby or us, Twitch. Why are you still on about that graffiti?"
"What graffiti?" Jawbreaker asked.
Hashtag turned to the Stygi Terran. "In the skate park at Philly where we meet Robby's friends from his old school, there's a graffiti that said 'Transformers go home'."
"That's the tamest Transformers hate I've ever heard." Thrash replied.
The sisters looked at Thrash in surprise. "You've seen more of them?" Twitch asked.
"Yeah. 'Transformers are robots, robots aren't alive'. 'Transformers don't care about us, why should we them'. There are much worse hate display than what you two saw."
Twitch asked her twin again, "Don't you feel angry about that?"
"At first, until Swindle pointed his gun at Mo and me." Thrash meet her gaze steadily.
"What does Swindle have to do with the Transformers hate?"
"Swindle also called Mo 'flesh bag'. Shockwave called us 'abominations'. The Seekers laugh when they thought they killed us. Every Decepticon we meet always want to hurt us. And then I learned about the Autobot friendly fire."
An icy shudder run down Hashtag's spine. Not the friendly fire…
"The friendly fire was a long time ago." Twitch said. "The war's over. They should get over it."
Her siblings stared at her as though she grew a head. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"
"Get over it?" Thrash repeated. "Get over it?!" he yelled. "Twenty seven thousand people died in that friendly fire, Twitch! The Autobots fired at a neighbourhood with a university hospital! A HOSPITAL!! There are more civilian casualties in that friendly fire than any Decepticon attack. Dad would've died there if he hadn't go see Mom. Do you remember Mo's friend Fatima? Her mom suffered energon poisoning to this day and Fatima got it too even though she's never seen energon. Twenty years is a long time for us, but it's only yesterday for Mom and Dad.
"But they don't have to hate every Transformer--"
"The world doesn't know we exist!" Thrash cried out in frustration. "No one knows Earth will have its own Transformers. All that anti-Transformer is not directed at us. Twitch, listen to yourself! Do you really think people can just get over after having their home become a war zone for giant alien robots for forty years?"
"Those 'alien robots' are us." Twitch retorted.
Jawbreaker braved himself to speak up. "No, we're not. We're born here on Earth and that makes us Earthlings."
"I concur with Jawbreaker," said Nightshade. "Tarantulas told me he is no Cybertronian. He is from the planet Eukaris. He will always be an alien on Earth. He also said he will never feel Earth as his home. Bumblebee feels the same--"
"If Bumblebee hears that from you, you're going to get it, Nightshade."
That's it. Hashtag put herself between her triplet and Twitch.
"Will you get your head out of the scrapyard, Twitch?! You're being an absolute jerk!"
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i-mean-technically · 2 years
an exchange of culture
a small fic for an event in my server!
“Merry Christmas, Optimus!”
The cheery shout drew everyone’s attention to the pink striped girl, who was wearing a bright red hat with white trim. Next to her was Raf with a shy grin and gripping something in his hand and dark-haired Jack with silver frills in a necklace wrapped around him.
“Good morning, Miko,” Optimus returned, having a vague idea of what she was referring to. “Your hat is well-made.”
She grinned brightly up at him, bouncing in place. “Thanks! Ms. Darby showed me how to use a sewing machine. I made it myself.”
“An impressive feat,” Optimus replied, feeling a small smile tug at his lips. The children were always bringing something new into their lives, and always kept things from getting dull. “Is there a special occasion for your attire?”
Somehow Miko’s smile got even wider. “It’s Christmas! Best holiday America came up with.”
Agent Fowler snorted from where he was typing up a report. “She’s not wrong,” he called out, not looking up from squinting at his screen.
“It has turned into a capitalist nightmare,” Jack agreed with a tilt of his head, and Optimus saw him twitch when his skin touched the silver necklace.
“Fuck the government!”
“Language!” Many voices said at once, and Optimus turned down the sensitivity of his audials once again.
“Isn’t Fowler legally required to arrest you now?”
“This place technically doesn’t exist.” Fowler still hasn’t looked away from the monitor.
“That means no rules!”
“Upt, upt, upt! There are rules. Many, in fact!” Ratchet had his hands on hips and was frowning down at the children.
“Not that Miko actually follows them,” Jack teased. Optimus was glad that the boy-no, young man, had grown comfortable enough to do so. Even just a few months ago Jack would have stayed silent, hanging back from them.
“Psh,” Miko waved her hand at Ratchet and Optimus had to hide a smile at the indignant expression on his old friend’s face. “Rules suck, and presents are awesome.”
That got every one of his Autobot’s attention. **Presents? For us?** Bumblebee asked, doorwings hiking up in excitement.
Optimus found himself intrigued as well. No one has gotten a gift in… a long time. Their current base was technically a loan, as was most of their equipment. A gift, from their young charges…
Something warm bubbled in his chest, spark feeling too big for its casing.
“Yep!” Miko was beaming, eyes nearly glowing. Jack and Raf drew up behind her as Optimus felt his bots gather around the balcony. He knew that she couldn’t understand the young scout, but it wasn’t hard to guess what could have been said. “We didn’t really know what to get giant alien robots sooooo we’re kinda just winging it.”
“And Raf’s really the only one who celebrates anyway,” Jack added.
“I thought it was something all humans did,” Bulkhead said, sounding confused. Optimus was as well.
“A lot of humans, sure,” Jack said with a shrug before scowling and lifting the necklace off and placing it over Raf’s head like a crown. “But my dad was Jewish and Mom doesn’t celebrate any holidays.”
“I’m not Christian,” Miko said with a shrug. “Doesn’t stop me from wanting to do presents though.”
“It’s pretty big in my family,” Raf said, smiling up at them. “Christmas is the one time of year that everyone comes home and is together. We celebrate family more than Jesus.”
“And you’re family!” Miko said before Optimus could ask more about Jesus from the point of view of the children. “So we’re celebrating together.”
“Everyone comes home, huh?” Bulkhead murmured with a sad sort of smile that had grief pulling down at Optimus’ spark.
“Yep,” Jack said. The way he said it got everyone’s attention. “Bulkhead’s present is first, special delivery even.”
Optimus could feel the confusion spread around them just before the proximity alarm goes off and Wheeljack comes screeching into the base later.
He transformed with a flourish, walking towards Optimus and his stunned Autobots. He spread his arms and a smirk crossed his scarred face. “Why the long faces? Did the party get canceled?”
Bulkhead shook off his shock first and released a booming laugh, rushing towards his friend. “Ha ha! Jackie!”
Optimus stood back near the humans as his Autobots, his family, came together eagerly. He glanced down at Jack, noticing that Miko was already racing towards the reunited Wreckers. “This was very kind of you to do, Jack.”
The young man shrugged, rubbing the back of his head. “Miko wanted to have a party, and get a gift for Bulkhead. Raf’s the one who found Wheeljack’s comm.”
The warmth in Optimus’ spark spread to the rest of his body, and he very carefully reached out to tap Jack on the top of his head. “Merry Christmas, Jack Darby.”
Jack grinned up at Optimus. “Happy holidays, Optimus Prime.”
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pegaace · 1 year
Analysis on Witch from Mercury, Colonialism, The Tempest, and Caliba(r)n
Okay I know this is my first post ever but I was tryna find somewhere to put my thoughts after seeing a bunch of people everywhere slander Caliban and why that is not it and how my boi is innocent, good actually. For qualifications I did an undergrad lit class that covered The Tempest like 2 years ago so that's fine right (apologies to my profs if I fuck any of this up)
Okay so for starters yes by now everyone knows WfM is The Tempest, Prospera is Prospero (or Prospera actually, there was a 2010 film adaptation that had the gender switch already), Aerial is Ariel, etc etc. So therefore Caliban has to be this villainous, "monstrous" creature right?
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Haha no sit down cos no that would be boring. (and also kinda racist as I'll explain) Notice how in the original Prospero isn't the villain of the story, not really, he's just getting revenge for being wronged years ago and trying to ship the kids together. But if recent gwitch is any indication, Prospera truly is the villain of this story, breaking hearts and stopping at nothing to destroy the Benerit group AND earth. Now I wonder which other adaptation of The Tempest has Prospero as the big bad HMMMM :thinking:
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Enter Aime Cesaire and A Tempest. Written in 1969, it deals with a lot of the more unpleasant connotations of Shakespeares play. Let me lay it all out for you. So you're saying Prospero, a white dude, comes to this island, uses his western magic to overthrow the native witch (Sycorax), wrecks the land of its magic, and then enslaves her son to do his work for him, constantly insulting his appearance and intelligence? HMMMM seems pretty sus (racist and colonial) to me.
Cesaire, writing during a time of decolonial movements throughout the world, was rightfully really mad at colonizers for forcing their way upon natives with violence, and especially with the use of language to control said populations. Caliban has also been repeatedly dehumanised through previous adaptations of Shakespeares work slowly turning him from a man into a monster, not even human. This is similar to how non-european people have constantly been treated in the past.
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Now like wait... Forcing communication through a set language? Dehumanisation? Colonisation of oppressed peoples? Where have we seen that before...? HMMMM
(its almost like... permet scores and gundam technology... Calibarn being free of permet links is like Caliban refusing language...)
And here's where I see the great potential of a Gundam Caliban. Gundam is certainly no stranger to decolonial movements (shoutout to my fave Gundam ZZ and the bois in Blue team and the African liberation front) and I think having Caliban as the Gundam to finally end Spacian oppression (perhaps in a sequel idk if Suletta is getting that far after bonking her mom by the end of the season) would be a great take.
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As a side note, Aerial is kinda portrayed negatively in Cesaire's work for choosing to work for Prospero in exchange for their own freedom, as kind of a sellout who makes things worse and is ultimately tricked and trapped anyways and... hey! She's in a giant coffin now and Suletta is unhappier than ever! Oops.
Also like I qrted this on my twt but like its important to remember that Caliban is human too, and will respond to accordingly. They (and this might be where i disagree with @adracat a lil on their otherwise excellent posts) arent just a violent unthinking monster, thats just unfortunately how racism often portrays people of colour. If Suletta shows compassion and humanity towards Calibarn, like how she did to Aerial, and how Eri was able to connect with Lfrith in the prologue when Vanadis had failed, I'm sure she'll be able to bring Calibarn over to her side. And because they can connect so fully via human emotions and love (this is where I do agree with adra that love is the answer and key to open the door) (wooo yeah another love powered robot!! G Gundamming time) I dont think Quiet Zero will be able to stop them, as Suletta will have made the ultimate, unmediated connection between woman and machine, becoming one with it in the way Cardo Nabo had always truly hoped for. To don Gundam and live in space.
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Okay sorry for the disorganised post but like one last thing I know I said it'd be nice for Calibarn to show up again in S2 but the other theory I have (which might or might not be true cos lets be real gwitch only rhymes, never copies, and i dont even know where schwarzette fits into all this [goatmom gundam my beloved i miss schwarzletta theory still]) is that the ending of A Tempest has Prospero send the girlies off as usual, but then still choose to stay on the island to fight with Caliban forever, till he can finally fully dominate him, cos racists are shit like that. This continues for a rlly long time cos his magics kinda prevent him from just dying of old age and he lives on, like a vampire sucking life from the island (wow capitalism huh) and its implied he and Caliban are just locked in this long struggle to the death until the day he finally croaks and the colonized can finally be free. Now what other gundam has an eternal struggle with fascism hmm?
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idk just thought it might be cool for the gundam sisters to push suletta out of the way (maybe out of quiet zero?) whilst trapping prosperas grudge within it for all time, that would also be dramatic and neat lol. Come to think of it if Prospera does it itd be like ZZ again too lol with Haman pushing Judau away.
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jonathanvik · 11 days
Luyten V - Chapter 11
“Rose!” her mom said, holding her tight enough to squeeze the life from her.
“I’m fine, Mom, okay?” But Rose didn’t protest her mom’s affections. Her sister held her hand, her grip firm. Even Danny stood close, eyeing Rose with wide, amazed eyes. He’d seen her exit the Luyten V. His sister owning a giant robot was the coolest thing ever to his five-year-old mind.
The hospital was a hive of activity. The waiting room was filled with guests and people suffering from various ailments. Her father and Brown, her bodyguard, were brought to Fairview Hospital for examination. They still hadn’t learned the extent of their injuries yet.
“What a mess,” Hans’ mother said. “Who would have believed such monsters exist?”
“I’m sorry for getting Hans involved.” Guilt stabbed into her heart. Rose knew that she was the Altair’s enemy, but Okab’s sudden attack was beyond anything she’d expected.
But Ms. Lowell only smiled. “It wasn’t your fault. None of us are safe with monsters like those running about. Don’t you agree, Hans?”
“I’m glad you’re safe, Rose.” Hans glanced down, self-conscious. 
Huh? Was he worried about her? Was that guilt she detected? His mother only nodded, pleased. They sat in silence, Rose fidgeting as they waited for news.
An hour later, a nurse greeted them. “Mr. Brahe has suffered a concussion, but he should be fine. We want to keep him overnight for observation, but we predict he’ll recover fully.”
“Thank goodness,” her mom said, dabbing at an eye with a handkerchief.
“And Agent Brown?” Rose asked, her tone pensive. He’d been in rough shape when the ambulance had taken him away. It was a miracle he’d even survived the encounter with Okab.
“He’s had worse,” a familiar voice said. Rose turned to find Agent Sandage standing in the hallway.
“Mr. Sandage? What are you doing here?” Rose asked.
“After my best man got injured? And you almost got killed?” Sandage said, a slight smile on his lips. “And stay cooped up in an office? Never.”
“He’s right, dear. He’ll be out of action for a couple of weeks, but he’ll be okay,” the nurse said, her words compassionate. “Would you like to see your father, young lady?”
“Yes!” Rose said, barely holding back her excitement.
“Daddy!” Danny said, bubbling with energy. “I can’t wait to tell him about the robot and how Rose smashed that monster real good.” Though he hadn’t seen much, he could surmise what had happened.
“He’ll enjoy that. We’re proud of you, Rose. I still don’t like you piloting that monstrosity, but I see how it’s necessary.” Her mom’s expression darkened. “Next time you fight that creep, show it no mercy.”
“Sure,” Rose said, slightly unnerved by her mom’s intense gaze. She looked ready to jump into her own giant robot and kick some butt.
She was about to enter her dad’s room when Sandage gestured for her to stop. “Sorry to keep you from your father, Rose.” He said, “But may I speak to you for a brief moment?” 
“Sure. Go on ahead. I’ll clear up any gaps you make in your story,” Rose said. Her sister rolled her eyes but smiled.
“What’s up?” Rose asked the LUVOLT agent as they entered a private alcove. “Is this about the debrief?”
“No, that can wait,” Sandage replied. For whatever reason, he seemed more glad to see her than usual, almost desperate. Had he been that afraid for her? “I just wanted to check on you. Are you doing okay?”
“Besides almost getting killed by a sadistic monster? Fine. I’m managing.”
“If you ever need to talk, I’m here. No one your age should deal with this nonsense.” Anger flared in Sandage’s eyes. “If only I could pilot the Luyten V instead. But I’m not able—you are. Just know you’re not alone, okay? LUVOLT has your back.”
Touched, Rose hadn’t a clue how to respond. She decided on a simple “Thank you.”
“Now get going. Your dad’s waiting for you,” Sandage said.
Rose nodded before turning to follow her family, but she paused. “We need to get stronger. I doubt Luyten V can win with its current abilities.”
“I know.” Sandage watched her back as she retreated deeper down the hospital hallway.
“Damn. What a mess.” Sandage scowled. Rose was too brave. The world didn’t deserve her. But she wasn’t wrong. The Altair General proved how unprepared they all were. He feared even Project Bird Bath would prove for naught.
“To look on the bright side, Cecilia’s prophecy proved wrong! Rose survived her last fight.” But did her contest Okab really count as a fight? It was more like a skirmish. He feared Rose wasn’t out of the woods yet. He’d need to ask Cecilia about this later. 
Sandage suppressed a yawn. “I need a break from work.” 
When was the last time he had a solid night’s sleep? Or spent some real quality time with his son? Five years? But duty called. He’d need to bring Rose to the nearest FBI headquarters for her debriefing. With Okab lurking around, it couldn’t wait. Then he needed to submit his report to Washington. Sandage made a mental note to grab some fast-food coffee as they drove down. He suspected he’d suffer another long night. His phone buzzed catching his attention, and he almost dropped it as he read the sender’s name. The text had come from Macauley.
“The situation has changed. We need to meet. Meet me at this address tomorrow at seven A.M.” The mysterious sender was directing him to some office building in downtown Minneapolis. He considered the possibility the meeting with his mysterious benefactor might be a trap but decided against it. In this dire situation, his safety hardly mattered. Sandage swore he’d risk anything to save his son and humanity.
“Still, what is this Macauley character thinking?” Why the constant hiding and misdirection? It only heightened Sandage’s curiosity. Finally, this mystery would be cleared up.
Okab stretched, enjoying the creak of his false human bones. A chill wind whipped through his hair. The days were growing colder in this section of the planet. The winds were piercing in their intensity.
He gazed down at the city below from his perch on the skyscraper’s roof, surveying the humans as they scrambled around for their daily business. From this distance, they seemed like ants. But ants had purpose and intelligence behind their actions, not the frantic, desperate scurrying humans did. Did this species understand how lost and guideless they were? It was almost pitiable.
Still, Okab continued his people-watching. He wished to understand everything about this species before he destroyed them. His mind wandered to Rose, wondering what she was doing. After her kin had almost died, would she surrender or fight harder? Part of him regretted that he hadn’t engaged her in an intelligent conversation. She fascinated him. Why did the humans pick this girl to be their champion? It made no sense yet intrigued him. 
A buzz in his head alerted Okab to the contact of his Altair brethren. Not the Grand Intelligence, but another of his siblings. Curious, Okab engaged the link.
“The humans still live,” was the brusque reply to his inquiry.
“Hello, Tarazed,” was Okab’s amused reply. Tarazed, the Abomination was as blunt as ever.
“You had a chance to destroy their greatest weapon. You retreated.”
To this, Okab could only shrug. “She was stronger than I thought. I didn’t want to risk myself pointlessly.”
“She? That is a pointless label. These creatures are food, little more.”
“I know that,” Okab replied, somewhat annoyed.
“You haven’t spread our infection across the planet, either.”
“Are you going to nag me this entire time? The Grand Intelligence trusted me with this task. I have this well under hand.”
“We hunger, Okab,” Tarazed replied briskly before cutting the connection.
“Nice talking to you, too.” Okab fought back his annoyance. Tarazed hadn’t changed. A pain in the neck as always.
“Whatever.” Okab rose from his seat on the roof. 
He eyed the humans scurrying around and laughed to himself. He hadn’t forgotten these people were food, yet they also fascinated him. From what he understood, they had a rich history. Maybe he should try their museums next. Learning about their past might help him better understand how to destroy them. And some hotdogs would be nice too. He’d grown quite fond of the taste of relish.
“Hey, you don’t need to worry about me,” Brown said with a slight chuckle. Though not actually family, Rose had been allowed to visit her bodyguard. Beyond some bruises and a head wrap, the big man seemed otherwise fine. Rose thanked God he’d allowed such a miracle to happen. Others were not as fortunate. 
“Just get well soon, okay? You still need to train me to death. With the bad guys getting worse, I need to get stronger.”
Brown took her tiny hand and squeezed. “I’ll always be behind you, okay? I believe in you. I’m proud of you, Rose. You’re the world’s greatest hope.”
Rose blushed. “You’re just saying that.”
“No, I mean it. You’re a brave girl. Next time you see this Okab character, smash his face in, okay?”
“Right,” Rose said, nodding as she fought back tears. It was so stupid. Why was she crying? 
After spending another half an hour with her bodyguard, her temporary bodyguard, Gauss, returned her to her family. Unlike Brown, Gauss didn’t engage her in conversion. Instead, his sharp eyes searched for trouble, his hands never far from his service weapon. While Rose appreciated his diligence, it seemed excessive. She frowned, noticing some oddly serious characters lounging about the hospital. More security, she suspected. With Okab sneaking about, they weren’t taking any more chances. Rose sighed. Would her life ever return to normal? With that depressing thought, she rejoined her family in the waiting room. 
Rose’s nose detected the takeout her group had ordered in her absence, her stomach grumbling when the scent struck her. It reminded her she hadn’t eaten supper yet, and gladly accepted the Shrimp Lo Mien with a grateful smile. While she ate, she watched the Stella stream on her phone. Her favorite vTuber was playing a classic Nintendo game Rose had only heard about. While not a retro gamer, she enjoyed these older games without 3d graphics. It amazed her what detail they had using only sprites. She laughed as Stella missed a jump and grunted in annoyance as her character fell to his death. These old games looked so hard!
“Rose.” Her mom said, getting her attention, 
“Yeah?” Rose replied. She didn’t protest as her mom pulled her into a hug. She put away her phone. 
“I just wanted to hold you.” Her mom held her tight, swaying with Rose’s movements. Gentle tears trickled down Rose’s neck. 
“Hey, it’ll be okay,” Rose said, tapping her mother’s back. 
“I hope so.” Her mother released a mournful sigh. “Why you though? Why did you have to be Luyten V’s pilot?”
“I don’t know. Fate’s stupid.” Wasn’t that the truth? She’d never asked for this! She cursed her future self for getting her into the mess. 
“I don’t want to lose you.” Her mom whispered. “I’m sorry. I haven’t been the best mom.”
“That’s not true!”
“You shouldn’t be in this mess. I should protect you, not vice versa.”
“Everyone’s hurting,” Rose thought. It was frustrating. She had a giant robot, for goodness’ sake. She shouldn’t be this weak. As they drove back to the hotel, Rose brooded on this. A buzzing caught her attention. Rose frowned as she saw the message's sender. She wanted to dismiss the unknown sender as spam, but the message addressed her by name. 
“Huh? Meet me at this address tonight?” Her phone map told her it was an office building a couple blocks from her hotel. Was this a trap? Had Okab somehow got her phone number? When she sent the message to Sandage, he gave an odd reply. He said he’d accompany her. 
“What the heck was going on?” Unnerved, she tentatively agreed. Rose hoped she wouldn’t regret this. 
Rose’s eyes wandered the streets as they walked past some bland, nondescript buildings. Her nerves were taut, fearing an ambush from every which direction. Luyten V sat somewhere close, but it wouldn’t help much against a sudden attack. Sandage and Gauss were on full alert, hands placed against their service weapons, ready to use them at the first sign of trouble. 
Her nerves didn’t lessen as they entered the building. Rose wondered what she was doing here. She should be watching Stella’s stream instead. The building inside didn’t seem particularly special either. She saw signs for a massage parlor, an insurance agency, and a psychic palm reader. They passed a vending machine and climbed up a set of stairs. 
“This way,” Sandage said, guiding them to an unused office space. The door was unlocked as the agent pushed it open. After checking the coast was clear, he guided them inside. 
The hum of a screen caught their attention, coming from a far room. Rose furrowed her brow and continued forward. Beyond the computer sound, there was nothing here beyond dust. 
“Hello?” Rose called out. They waited but got no response. When they approached the far room. Rose blinked when she saw inside. Beyond the old laptop sitting on a folding chair, the room was bare. On its screen was a generic wallpaper and the default icons you’d see on a new computer. 
“We’re here. Show yourself, Macauley.” Sandage said, voice hard. 
“Apologies. I was in the middle of something.” A distorted voice said. A black box appeared on the laptop’s screen, the flat line inside it oscillating as it spoke. “It was hard to get away. Welcome.”
“You’re Macauley?” Rose asked. She frowned. The distortion made it difficult to tell the speaker’s gender. Yet, Rose found something about its cadance familiar. Had they met before somehow?
“That’s right. I’m glad you’ve all joined me today.” Macauley replied. 
“Why the secrecy? Why not meet up in person?” Sandage asked, not hiding his annoyance. He glared at the black box on the screen. 
“Who I am doesn’t matter. What’s important is stopping the Altair threat. You’ve seen their power. And they won’t stop here. They’ll spread out from this planet and consume the entire universe.” Macauley’s blunt assessment sent a chill down Rose’s spine. 
“I suppose,” Sandage said, reluctantly conceding the point. “Well, what do you have to offer? It appears that you know significantly more than we do. You have access to technology even the US government doesn’t possess.”
“However, my resources are more limited than yours. We must rely on each other for the planet’s survival.” The computer replied.
“Then give us everything,” Sandage said, stepping forward. 
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” Sandage’s voice hardened. 
“Several reasons. All good ones. I don’t want to overwhelm you with knowledge you can’t begin to understand, anyway.” Macauley said. 
“That makes sense. We barely understand the Luyten V!” Rose said, thinking out loud. Sandage scowled but didn’t argue. 
“Exactly! Clever assessment, Rose.” Macauley said, distorted voice chipper. 
“Okay, what are you offering?” Sandage asked, somewhat downcast. 
“I’ve been studying Luyten V’s plans,” Macauley replied. “And I’ve made a breakthrough.”
“Really?” Rose said, brightening. 
“That’s why I wanted you here, Rose. So we might discuss it.” Macauley said. “It comes with some risk.”
“How?” Rose asked, worry creeping into her spine. 
“You’ve been using Overclock Mode wrong. It’s actually a start-up sequence to a more powerful mode, Full Synchronization Mode. It allows Rose to fuse with Luyten V’s system, becoming one being. The risks are great, however. Enough damage to the Luyten V’s system will likely be fatal.” 
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Best Christmas Present [Sirius Black x Reader] - Heloise’s Christmas Calendar - Requested
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December 18 - Best Christmas Present [Sirius Black x Reader]
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Title: Best Christmas Present Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader   Word count: 3.1k   Published: 18 December, 2020   Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore   Notes: This is part of Heloise’s Christmas Calendar.   Summary: Sirius goes back to you after he has escaped Azkaban. But when he finds you with a son, he wants nothing but to escape the heartbreak, not even listening to your explanation.  Request: [x] - Anonymous
“When you have time could you please do a Sirius X Reader, where he meets his Girlfriend again.Obviously He is afraid that she might have a new man in her Life,...At one day she arrives at Grimmauldplace with her son (Looks Like her) and Sirius Heart Breaks into pieces, while she has to explain that it is his son. #drama :)”
Heloise’s Christmas Calendar Masterlist
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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You were running up and down in the kitchen, from the stove to the fridge, from the cupboards to the table. You were preparing the dinner for Christmas Eve, a chaotic tension running through you as you tried to keep yourself organised. As Albert Einstein, a muggle scientist said in a book you’ve read; “Order is for idiots, genius can handle chaos”. You prided yourself in always getting things done, even in the midst of all the unfortunate events that could possibly occur.
Your mince pies were all done, still cooling down on the top of the counter with your Yorkshire puddings chilling beside them. Mulled wine brewed on one side of the stove, whilst the turkey slowly cooked in the oven. You chopped up your ingredients for the perfect roast potatoes and placed them in the oven, right above the turkey.
You always preferred cooking the old-fashioned, muggle way, no magical touch until the washing up. But at times, you found it calming and tossed your wand aside, thinking your day through whilst doing the dishes.
Christmas music blasted from the background, an old muggle radio playing the most popular Christmas songs. Traditional English Christmas dinner was cooking in the kitchen, traditional Christmas songs playing in your living room, traditional Christmas stocking hanging above the fireplace, traditional Christmas tree standing in the corner of the room decorated in red, gold and green.
You loved Christmas and since you haven’t been alone for a long time, it was always a special day for you to celebrate it to the best of your abilities, mixing old traditions with new traditions, muggle word with wizarding world.
You heard the knocker on your door, making you frown as you looked up at the giant antique clock above the entrance of the kitchen. You still had about two hours before the order members were supposed to arrive. The turkey and the potato were still in the oven, your mulled wine only halfway finished sitting on the stove.
You walked across the hall, peaking into the living room with a small smile on your face as you headed to the black, wooden entrance door of your flat. You looked through the peephole, but there was noone outside. You opened the door reluctantly, hand on your wand, tucked inside your back pocket as you peaked out of the tiny gap between the door and its frame.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you recognised the man in front of you. His hair grew longer, his face got skinnier, his body exposed under the white button up shirt, covered in tattoos you have not seen before. You loudly gasped at the sight of the man as you opened the door wider in your shocked state.
“Hey-” he greeted you with a shy smile, one that you were not used to from the proudest, most confident man you have ever met. But that was 13 years ago, before his incarceration in Azkaban.
“Sirius.” You breathed, your lips and tongue unable to cooperate with the hundreds of questions swirling around in your confused mind.
You were both standing in the door awkwardly, none of you saying a word. You couldn’t make a coherent sentence and Sirius didn’t dare to interrupt you from processing the situation.
You felt your heartbeat in your throat, your palms sweating as you held onto the doorknob. You watched the man you once loved more than your own life, standing right in front of you and now you didn’t know what to say, what to do, you didn’t even know where to put your hands in your shocked state.
You knew he escaped Azkaban, it wasn’t a secret. You knew he was in hiding, Remus told you what happened in Hogwarts, but he never came looking for you and you thought you would never see him again. Noone knew where he was, only that he left Europe.
Thinking he forgot about you was easier than to face him and getting rejected after waiting for him for so long. So you stayed still. Deep down you wished your thoughts were simply a game your mind was playing against you, but now that he stood in front of you, you didn’t even dare to breathe, afraid of scaring the man away.
“I’m sorry, come in.” The words rolled off your tongue without your knowledge, your head was in a different space. Sirius smiled lightly as he stepped inside and waited for you to walk him wherever you could talk. You headed towards the kitchen, offering him a chair as you walked to the stove and stirred your mulled wine absentmindedly. “I knew you escaped, but you never showed.” You blurted it out as the spoon fell out of your hand, onto the stove. You didn’t care about the cutlery, you turned around, your gaze firmly fixed on his grey eyes, ones that you always found to be his unique trait.
“I wanted to, but-“ he cut himself off, trying to search for the right words. Both of you were afraid of saying something wrong, dancing on the edge of every word that left your lips.
“You were scared.” He nodded as you finished his sentence.
“I was scared that you had- someone else in your life. That- maybe you didn’t-“ his words didn’t seem to come easy and if anyone, you understood the best. You were struggling with what to say and even how to say it.
“-love you anymore?” You finished his sentence once again, making him smile lightly.
“Yes.” He breathed in a silent whisper, his words inaudible, but you could read the word of his lips.
“Mom.” A young teenage boy ran out of the living room with an envelope in his hands, a carbon copy of you. Same hair colour, same facial structure, even to the last little mole, he was a boyish version of you. “We got a letter from Uncle Remus.” He shouted as he ran up to you, his hand holding the envelope up, reaching towards you.
Your eyes widened as you looked at the boy, before your gaze wandered to the man seated across the table. A shaky breath left your lungs as you took the envelope from the boy and engulfed him in a hug, hinting a small kiss on the top of his head. “Mom!” He whined, trying to get out of your hold, making you chuckle. You let go of him as he turned around, his gaze meeting with Sirius’.
The man looked shocked beyond belief, his lips widely parted, his eyes dilated, his hands grabbing the side of the table, making his fingers paler by the second. He scoffed as his eyes grew even wider and stood up from the table ready to leave.
“James, can you please go to the living room?” You asked your son, although reluctantly but he headed to the other room.
“You named him James?” Sirius turned back with a dumbfounded expression.
“Yes, of course.” You replied with a deep frown, clear confusion sitting across your face. “Sirius, please sit back and let’s talk.”
“What else do you want to talk about?” He shook his head as he headed towards the door, his back hunched, his jaw clenched. “I never understood why Remus kept nagging me to see you. I knew it was a bad idea and I was right all along. I shouldn’t have listened to him, I shouldn’t have come here.” He stated weakly, his voice breaking.
“Sirius can you just stop for a second and listen to me?” You asked as he reached for the doorknob, but you took your wand out and as soon as he opened the door, you closed it right back. “I promise you, if you don’t like what you hear, I will let you go, and we will never ever search for you.” You replied as the tears started rushing down your reddened cheeks. “But let me tell you what’s going on before you come to any wrong conclusions.” You choked as you tried to keep your sobs down, before the only person you have ever loved disappeared from your life once again.
“What do you want to talk about?” He asked weakly, pulling on the doorknob, but it didn’t budge. “I couldn’t possibly ask you to wait for 13 years and even if I can’t show it at the moment, I am happy for you for moving on, for finding someone you love, for building a family, but please let me out.” He was pleading for you to let him go, but you didn’t give in.
“Sirius, can you please look at me?” You asked the man who stood with his back to you, his hands painfully holding the doorknob in his grasp. A deep, loud sigh left his lungs as he turned around, his jaw clenched tight, his eyes glistening of the unshed tears. You took a couple of steps forward to get closer to him but kept a safe distance in case he was ready to leave by the end of what you were about to reveal. “I haven’t had anyone since you.” You confessed, as you watched the man frown in confusion, before his eyes grew wide in surprise.
“What? But your son-“ he began, but his words stuck in him, his mouth agape.
“He is 12 years old.” You nodded in confirmation.
“He is my-“ Sirius started once again, but he was incapable of finishing a coherent sentence, his heart beating at a dangerous speed, his head a mess of confused thoughts.
“Yes, he is yours.” You nodded robotically, trying to refrain yourself from showing anymore emotions. You wanted to jump into his neck and kiss him, you wanted to bring out your son to introduce them to each other, but deep down you were terrified he would reject both his son and you.
You never talked about family back then and whilst you loved each other passionately, warmly, sweetly, you never knew how he would react if you announced that you were expecting his baby.
“I wanted to tell you, before all those horrible events happened, but I kept pushing it further and further, afraid of losing you, scared that you wouldn’t want the baby. By the time I felt ready to speak to you, everything came down crumbling and we lost Lily and James, whilst you were sent to Azkaban and Remus was struggling to even make enough money to live. It was- a terrible time.” You exhaled as you looked down on the dark carpet covering your hallway, reliving that horrible night and all the events that followed after. Your tears started again, rolling down your cheeks, soaking your skin in the salty liquid. Your breath hitched before you could continue.
“I knew you escaped, I knew you were hiding somewhere, noone knew where. Although even if I knew, I wouldn’t have gone to look for you. I thought you wouldn’t want to see me, that you forgot about me and whilst it breaks my heart to think about it, if that’s the case, I accept that. But I need you to tell me that you don’t want us, otherwise I will keep hoping.” Your voice broke as you finished your monologue, hoping for the man in front of you to say that he needed you, that he wanted his son, that he couldn’t be happier to be beside you.
“I thought you already had someone else. I never thought you’d be waiting.” He shook his head, stunned.
“I was. I was waiting for you, Sirius, even if at times I thought you would never leave that hellhole, even if at times it was terrifying to be a single mom, even if at times I thought I would never see your face again. I was waiting even when you escaped, even when I thought you didn’t think of me anymore.” You confessed with a small smile playing in the corner of your lips. The fact that he was still standing in front of you, instead of running away, made you feel hopeful.
“I never forgot about you, I was just scared to search for you and turn your life upside down, especially when I thought you have moved on already. There wasn’t a day I didn’t think of you, but I had to shove it into the back of my mind. I’m a fugitive, I’m wanted, the ministry is looking for me. I couldn’t just come to you.” He stepped closer, placing his hand on your cheek, caressing your skin with his slightly calloused thumb. He leaned closer, placing a small kiss on your forehead, not daring to make the next step just yet.
He heaved a deep sigh, leaning his forehead against yours. You enjoyed the silent breaths between you, the calm atmosphere. Noone of you dared to step over the boundaries, even if both of you needed to be closer to each other.
You took a deep breath, before you exhaled shakily. “You know, he knows who you are.” Sirius knew what you meant without another word. “I wanted him to know his father.” You couldn’t read Sirius’ expression, but you were hoping it wouldn’t be the moment he leaves. “Do you want to meet him? Properly?” You asked, but before you let him answer you continued. “I don’t want to pressure you. If you need time to think, that’s perfectly fine.” You added quickly.
“I want to meet him.” He smiled softly, a nerves knot sitting in the pit of his stomach. You got hold of his hand, the feeling of his long fingers folding around your hand making you nostalgic and somewhat giddy. You walked him towards the living room, both of you halting in the doorway, watching James seated in front of the Christmas tree with a photo of a younger Sirius in his hand.
“James?” You called your son, making him jump. He looked up at you, before his eyes wandered to Sirius, studying the man. “Can you come here, please?” You asked and the boy stood up, walking over to you. James faced Sirius, both of them studying each other with a curious gaze.
“He is my dad, isn’t he?” He asked, looking up at you with the identical grey eyes his father had, his gaze questioning. You nodded in a reply, watching as he reached his hand towards Sirius, who accepted it with a proud smile. “I’m James.” He introduced himself.
“I’m Sirius.” He replied with a nod.
“Is he staying?” James asked as he looked up at you waiting for a reply. Your stomach jumped at the thought, but you didn’t know how to reply. You turned to Sirius for an answer.
A wider smile started spreading across his face as he squeezed your hand, which you still didn’t let go of, completely forgetting about how natural it felt to be connected with him. “If you let me, that would be amazing.” Sirius replied confidently, making you let out a single laughter.
“I would love that.” You smiled happily. “Can I leave the two of you alone until I try to save the food from burning?” You asked with a silent chuckle. Both of the boys nodded confidently, waiting for you to leave. They watched you with eager eyes as you looked back at them, making sure that everything was going well.
You quickly headed to the kitchen, pulling out the roasted potatoes and turkey from the oven, slightly burned, but still edible enough. You placed the trays on top of the unoccupied part of the stove and removed the mulled wine from the fire, before turning it off. You tried to work as fast as you could, impatiently wanting to head back to your boys. Seeing them together was like a dream come true and you felt like you were still dreaming. You needed to see them again as soon as possible to be able to believe it was all happening to you.
You rushed back to the living room as soon as you finished and leaned against the doorframe watching as Sirius and James talked about quidditch, both with a childlike enthusiasm across their face. It was an idyllic moment you cherished dearly, the two most important men in your life bonding over their common interests. You never wanted to step out of that sweet reality you found yourself in.
“No, that’s not true. I will show you the best broomstick.” James exclaimed as he started off towards his room with a wide smile across his face, almost shoving you out of the way, before shouting a quick ‘sorry’ to you.
“He is an amazing kid.” Sirius stated with a cheerful grin across his face as he waved you over to the couch.
“I know, I tried to do my best.” You nodded in agreement as you took a seat beside Sirius.
“You did a fantastic job, love.” He beamed, his gaze warm and loving, just like all those years ago, capturing your complete focus, his pet name for you rolling off his tongue just as smoothly as all those years ago.
“Are you really staying?” You asked. “At least for a while?”
“I don’t ever want to leave you or James again.” He sighed deeply. “I still love you just as much as before, if not more and I want nothing more than to get to know my son. Our son.” He lifted his hand, caressing your face. “I want to be with you again. I want to support you and make up for the time we lost.” He leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes, enjoying the moment with you.
You didn’t want to wait longer, nor could you do so. You closed the gap between you, attaching your lips to his, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands sneaked around your waist.
It was just as perfect and exciting as you remembered, if not better and you didn’t want to let go of him for as long as you could keep him in your arms. So many memories resurfaced whilst his lips moved against your, all the moments you have shared appearing to you like a happy little montage.
“Come on, Mom!” You heard James’ annoyed voice and you quickly parted from Sirius, both of you slightly panting from the passionate kiss.
“Sorry.” You chuckled as you watched his deformed expression, a disgusted grimace sitting across his face, before it slowly turned into a small smile.
“I’m glad we are all together, but keep that behind closed doors.” James whined, making you giggle as he sat down in front of the couch on the carpet, showing his broomstick to Sirius. He threw his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, hinting a kiss on top of your head.
The food got cold and was slightly burned by the time the guests arrived, but you were the happiest person in that moment, and nothing could ruin it. Your family being together for the first time was the best Christmas present you could ever wish for.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
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Christmas Calendar taglist: @a-classic-eye
Harry Potter - Marauders era taglist: @susceptible-but-siriusexual
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h0ly-fire · 3 years
Chapter 1
Hi! So this is the first chapter of my Loki x reader fic based off the show! Its really long because its basically the entirety of the first episode. The reader will have Female pronouns in this story solely based on the fact that this will be very self indulgent and I identify as Female. So im sorry to those who do not identify as such. Also this has no editing or proof reading.. so there will probably be a lot of mistakes.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Loki was a God how could these people think that they could ever capture him! Strip him of his clothes and make him wait to stand trial? On top of all that they made him question wether or not he was a Robot.  Unbelievable!
 Now here he was with a man in front of him when a guard near by told them to take a ticket. “ Take a ticket.” the guard told them“ What is this a deli?” the man questioned the guard  “ No!” the man said rudely and walked off. “ Take your ticket” the guard said towards Loki as he stepped up. Loki looked at the guard with an are you serious look “ there’s only two of us in here.” Loki said looking around the room. The guard once more told him to take a ticket and Loki huffed grabbing a ticket and shoving it in the Guards face before walking away and shoving it in his pocket. 
“ This is an mistake I shouldn’t be here!” Loki shouted at the guard. Loki turned around when a strange voice sounded around the room “ Hi there! You’re probably saying ,this is a mistake I shouldn’t be here, “ . Loki then saw a television with a clock on it explaining the “ Time Keepers” and how they protect the flow of time and everyone and everything. Apparently he now has to stand trial for his “ crimes”. Loki chuckled before disbelievingly saying “ Time Keepers?” “ The sacred timeline?” he swung his arms out before yelling “ who would actually believe this? “ 
A guard once again asked for a ticket. Loki turned around to see a guard talking to the other man . The man started yelling “ That man didn’t give me a ticket! I tried to ask for one!” The guard rasied his voice “ ticket sir!” “ I tried to asked that guy for a ticket.” Loki then saw the guard pull out a baton and disintegrate the man out of existence. Loki , shocked, searched for his ticket pulled it out and heled it in the air.
Loki was escorted to a court room where women sat up front. “ Variant L1130, aka Loki Laufeyson. Is charged with sequence violation 72089. “ The women sat the paper down as Loki stood on the podium. “ How do you plead ?” she asked him. Loki looked up laughing “ Madam , a God doesn’t plead. “ “ Look this has been a very enjoyable pantomime , but i’d like to go home now.” “ Are you guilty of not guilty,sir?” the women asked . Loki laughed again “ Guilty of being the God of mischief , yes.” “Guilty of finding this all incredably tedious, yes “ “ Guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline? Absolutly not , you have the wrong person.” 
They continued on arguing until the women once again asked him how he pleads. Loki said guilty and then streched his arms out trying to summon his powers. He tried a few times , but each time he failed. The women told him that magic was no good in the TVA. She sentenced him to be reset . Loki freaked out asking what reset meant before being grabbed by the guards. “ You ridiculous beauracrates will not dictate on how my story ends!” Loki screamed. The women said it was never his story . “ You have no idea what I’m capable of!” Loki yelled out in frustration. A man wearing a suite then stood up “ I think I do.” “ I have an idea of what he’s capable of” he said pointing at Loki. He then walked up and stood in front of the women. 
The two talked in whispers before the man turned to Loki. Loki breathed heavy before starring the man down “ and who are you?” the man smirked before leading Loki towards his office. “ I’m gonna burn this place to the ground “ Loki said walking next to the man. “ I’ll show you where my desk is you can start there.” Loki looked out of the hall to see a grand city. Filled with lights , floating buildings, flying cars, the giant statues of the Time Keepers. “ Home sweet home” Loki looked to the man “ I thought there was no magic here.” the man shook his head “ there isn’t.” 
Loki found himself in an elevator with the man. Said man stuck his hand out for Loki to shake before telling his name “ I’m agent Mobius by the way.” Loki looked down at Mobiuses hand before looking back up at him. “ Are you taking me somewhere to kills me?” Loki asked. “ No” Mobius answerd “ thats where you just were. I’m taking you some place to talk.” “ I don’t like to talk” Loki said shaking his head. “ but you like to lie “ Mobius told him “ which you just did. Cause we both know you love to talk.” Loki looked at mobius with a scowl on his face. “ How Long have you been here? “ Loki asked him. “ I don’t know its hard to say time passes diffrently at the TVA.” Mobius replied. 
They stepped out the elevator ,Loki asking Mobius about the three space lizards and how its absurd how they decide the lives of millions. They then step into a big spacious room with a table and two chair in the middle. Loki made the comment on how it really feels like Mobius is going to kill him. Mobius fiddled with a device that sat on the table. Loki tried to attack Mobius, but he didn’t get far when mobius pulled something out and sent him back to where he was standing. Loki looked annoyed before he finally took a seat. 
Loki sat crossing his arms. “ If looks could kill.” Mobius said smartly. They carried on their chat as Mobius pulled a drink out explaing he specializes in dangerous variants. Mobius then started to ask Loki a seires of questions. Loki explained how he wanted to be King of Midgard and the nine realms. How he would have made it easy. “ People like easy.” Mobius said. Loki looked down at the table “ The first depressing lie ever uttered was the song of freedom.” he said before looking back up at Mobius. Mobius continued to write Loki’s answers down as they continued on their chat. Mobius then clicked on the red device in front of them and then it played something catching Loki’s attention.
It started to play his life. It showed him killing Coulson, Mobius asking if he enjoys killing people whilst the video showed Loki destroying NewYork. He then showed Loki in Germany taking out the eyes of a man. “ Look at that smile.You are enjoying that. “ Mobius stated. “ Did you enjoy hurting them?” Loki looked at the floor shaking his head. “ I don’t have to play this game.” Loki told Mobius. “ I’m a God.” Mobius looked at him before replying “ Of what? In mischief right? “ “ yeah, I don’t see anything mischievous about this.” He paused the video before talking about Loki’s escapes. Loki called himself a mischievous scamp and then Mobius continued the video . It was Loki on a Plane . He was D.B Cooper. Apparently he had lost a bet to Thor. Mobius brought the conversation back to Lokis escapes. Loki tried to get up but was brought back to his chair.
Loki was frustrated beyond belief. Mobius showed him another clip agreeing with what his past self had said . Mobius asked if he was finished before showing him what would have happend if he hadn’t taken the Teseract. It showed Loki in chains walking towards his mother. Mobius mouthing “ thats you” towards Loki. Loki looked up starring at his Mother. “ Have I made you proud?” “ Please don’t make this worse.” Loki stood crossing his arms “ What is this? It’s nonsense.” He asked Mobius. “ More tricks this never even happend.” He sais gesturing the the video. “ Not to you, not yet “ Mobius said. The video continued on showing what would have been had Loki stayed within his timeline. He watched as his mother died. How he lead the dark elves to her. How HE killed her. 
“Do you enjoy killing!?” Mobius asked Loki. “ I’ll kill you!” Loki stated. “ What like how you killed your Mother.” Mobius told him. Loki then the the chair at him. Mobius moving out of the way and the chair going through the picture of his dead Mom. “ You weren’t born to be King Loki. You were born to cause Pain and suffering and Death. That’s how it is that’s how it was and that’s how it will be.” Mobius told him. Loki sat on the ground in a mix of grief and anger. He watched the Avengers fighting each other. All of them on the screen. Including you. Oh how he wished to see you right now . Taking him away from this terrible place. You were next to Steve and Natasha, eyes glowing yellow while power surges through your hands. You looked so powerful in that moment. A moment he’d never be able to truly witness. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of you joining the avengers though.
He shook his head and looked up at Mobius sticking his hand out for him. He stood and then the door opened. In came the women guard “ what are you doing?” she asked Mobius. “ My job” Mobius said as if it was obvious. “ Is it yours to interupt?” he asked her. She looked at him before she spoke up “ We have a situation.” she told him. Mobius and the women left, leaving Loki to his own devises. Outside the room Mobius and the women were in a heated argument. “ We just lost another unit!” the women yelled at him. Mobius sighed before walking back in the room. “ Okay Loki I think we can finish up tomorrow and just-” Mobius stopped mid sentence when he noticed Loki was no where to be found. 
Outside Loki wandered around until he ended up in an office like room. TVA workers going about . “ Hey!” Loki shouted in a whispered tone towards the man he saw at the front desk. “ Hey I know you!” the man shouted. Loki grabbed him, pulling him down to keep him quite. “ What’s your name?” Loki asked, the man looked confused before replying “ Casey” he told him. “ Get me the Tesseract or i’ll gut you like a fish!” Loki threated him.” What’s a fish?” Casey loudly asked. Loki sushed him before asking “ how do you not know what a fish is?” “ i’ve lived my entire life behind a desk” casey said. 
After Casey agreed to comply he got up and pulled open a drawer. He pulled out the Teseract and handed it off to Loki. Finally, Loki thought, I have it. he helled it in his hands before glancing down. He saw infinity stones. A lot of them, just sitting there useless. “ What? Infinity stones? “ Loki asked him self, gently touching them as if they weren’t real. He stumbeld over his words “ how do you have these ?” he asked. “ Oh” Casey said “ We actually got a lot of those. Some of the guys use them as paper weights.” he said smiling to himself. Loki stood up and then walked in front of the big television. The weight of everything catching up to him. “ Is this the greatest power in the universe?” Loki questioned. 
The women guard came charging towards Loki with her weapon, but Loki teleported before she could hit him. He went back to the room Mobius had taken him to earlier. Out of breath, Loki got up looking at the Avengers still on the video along with you. He sat in the chair before rewinding the video and playing it again. He saw his life. What happened and what would have happened. 
He saw his Mother, dead on the floor. He saw his Father saying he loved them both. He saw you, your hands intertwined. Bodies pressed together and sweet kisses. He saw a ring on your finger and your smiling face looking up at him. He saw a version of himself being loved by you and living a life together. A life he’d never get to live now. He was crying , his tears streaming down his face. His breathe was shaky as he continued the video. He saw his brother, the two of them, fighting side by side. The video then showed him in front of Thanos. Thanos grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up. Loki stood up walking closer to the screen. He was struggling to breath as Thanos squeezed the life out of him. He could hear your cries of anguish as you pleaded for Thanos to let him go. You ran and banged on Thano’s back to stop him, but it was to late . A crack sound could be heard and he was dead. His body dropping to the floor. You came running up to him , cradling his limp body. Thanos looked down at you in disgust before stabbing you. Your body laying lifelessly next to his. As dead to the universe has he was.
Lokis face was one of fear, shock, and sadness. Seeing his death was teirrble enough, but to see you die was something else entirely. It broke his heart. The last thing he saw was Thor holding on to both your bodies and then the screen said end of file. Loki laughed at himself and then the women stepped in. “ what’s so funny?” she asked. Loki shook his head “ Glorious Purpose “ he turned around starring at her and then marched towards her. He threw a punch but she retaliated. The two fought but Loki brought her down attaching the collor to her neck. He fiddle with the remote causing her to go this way and that before she left the room completly. 
Mobius ran into you in the hall way telling you the Variant “ Loki” as he was called had escaped an he needed your help to find him. “ Mobius how many times do I have to tell you to keep watch of variants?” you huffed. “ I mean isn’t that your job?” He looked at you before pleading “ Please just help me Red, I’ll make it up to you.” “ fine” you pointed your finger at him “ but you owe me” the two of you set a brisk pace  and made it to what you usually call the showing room. It usually just shows the lives of people and variants, but TVA workers were not allowed to look at their own files. You and Mobius both pulled out your weapons entering the room. “ Loki” Mobius said, causiously walking towards him. You trailed behind walking behind Mobius . You moved to stand next to him as you got closer to the variant. He was sitting with his hands over his face.” No where left to run.” you said. Loki looked up hearing your familiar voice. He looked at you in disbelief.  
You weren’t real. How could you possably be here? He saw you die along with him! He saw you being carried away in shackles back on Midgard before he stole the Tesseract and ran off. There was no way that this could be you. He looked away from you and stared back at Mobius “ I can’t go back can I? “ it was more of a statement then a question though. You looked at him feeling some sort of sense of familiarity but sook it off as nerves. “ back to my timeline” Loki continued. Nither you nor Mobius said anything as Loki continued. “ I don’t enjoy hurting people.” he looked back at you “ I don’t enjoy it.” He looked in your eyes “ I do it because I have to. Because I had to.” Mobius shook his head and you spoke up. ‘Explain that to me.” Loki still couldn’t believe you were here right in front of him, but he pushed on anyway “ because it’s part of the illusion. “ “ It’s the cruel elabrate trick, conjured by the weak to inspire fear.” Mobius spoke this time “ a desprate play for control.” “ you do know yourself.” Loki sighed again “ a villain” he stated. “ That’s not how I see it” you said. Loki once again looked up at you . That since of familiarity coming back to you. “ 
Loki grabbed the Tesseract and spoke“ The TVA is formidable” Mobius shook his head in agreement “ that’s been my experince.” Mobius spoke to him,offering him a deal. You grabbed a hold of Mobius arm before yelling at him “you’re not doing what i think you’re doing are you?” Mobius shrugged your arm off before saying yes and then looked back at Loki. Loki got up walking towards the both of you. “ Fugitive Variant has been killing our minutemen” Mobius told him. “ and you need the God of mischief to help you stop him.” Loki said.” That’s right “ “ why me?” Loki asked .You butted in , standing infront of Mobius , looking up at Loki “ the variant we’re hunting is you.” “I beg your Pardon?” Loki asked. You chuckled,not suprised by his reaction. “ I’m sorry , but I think i’m in even more shock as to why you’re even here.” he gestured towards the room and then pointed at you stepping closer. You were face to face , noses almost touching. “ why’re you working for these people?” he furrowed his brows at you “ what are you doing here y/n?” You looked just as confused as he was and uncrossed your arms. “ I’m sorry, but who’s y/n ?” 
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thatwaywardwolf · 4 years
Norse Gods (and Others) as Welcome to Night Vale Tweets
Aegir: Your Man Card has been revoked. You aren't a real man. You have short tentacles and can't survive out of water. Here's your Cuttlefish Card.
Angrboða: Wow! This mom found the cutest way of telling her children about the heat death of the universe.
Aurvandil: Don't worry, the stars aren't watching us. They're looking outward at what's coming.
Baldur: The captain has turned on the "This is all a dream" light. Please return to your seat and wake up to whatever your real life has always been.
Bragi: Get into a good book this summer! We're going to force you into a good book this summer! You cannot escape the giant book we'll put you in!
Eir: You have nice skin. It really holds in all your blood and organs - no leaking or nothing. You look great.
Fenrir: Who's a good boy? Trick question. We all are. We are all good boys.
Freyja: There's more than one way to have been a cat.
Freyr: Parents, talk to your teens about deer. Ask them why the deer are gathering and staring. What do they know about these deer? Ask them.
Frigg: Today you will meet a beautiful stranger. Actually, hundreds of beautiful strangers. Everyone is beautiful and you know almost none of them.
Fulla: Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but won't. This is what love is.
Hati: This will brighten up your day! *points to the sun* Gonna explode eventually tho. It all ends in darkness. Anyway kids, I'm your substitute today.
Heimdall: Pick and choose your battles. Choose your lifetimes. Decide carefully on your universe.
Hel: When a person dies and no one will miss them, the mourning is assigned to a random human. This is why you sometimes just feel sad.
Hodr: I like my coffee like how I like my nights: dark, endless, impossible to sleep through.
Idunn: You wanna be that way? Fine. Seriously, it's just fine. I like you for you who are.
Jörd: Sponsored Tweet: Moss. Look into it for a variety of helpful uses.
Jörmungandr: Today is a great day to go to the beach, say city officials through gritting teeth. Nothing is waiting in the water. Nothing, they say. Nothing.
Kvasir: Not all books have to fit conventional narrative structure. Some books can just be a mossy log, or a bowl of overripe stone fruit.
Lodurr: The heart wants what it wants. What it wants is blood.
Loki: You miss 100% of the bank robberies you don't commit.
Mímir: Believe in yourself. You are an ancient, absent god, only discussed rarely by literary scholars. So if you don't believe in yourself, no one will.
Nanna: Today's forcast: Sunny with a chance that for a moment you'll feel really great about yourself and your life. Savor those moments as they come.
Njordr: One day your ship will come in. It will have tall masts and cannons. You will be its captain and your first mate will be a robot dolphin named 7C.
Nótt: As you look into the night sky believing you are alone in the universe, a creature somewhere in that sky is looking back believing the same.
Norns: Please make note of your emergency exits. Please contemplate all possible futures.
Odin: Don't let numbers tell you what to do. You are blood and earth, not theory and chalk.
Rán: The ocean is full of things that would kill you and other things that would ignore or not understand you. The ocean is not dissimilar to here.
Sif: Make like a tree and shelter a bunch of birds.
Sigyn: Listen to your inner child. It's the one that whispers-sings nursery rhymes when you feel alone in a dark hallway.
Sinthgunt: Stars! They're just like us! Volatile, mysterious, and alone.
Skadi: Trying to get blood out of a stone is actually pretty easy if you loosen up your definition of "stone".
Sköll: The fault is not in our stars, but in the moon. That idiot rock ruins everything.
Sleipnir: Whoever it is that keeps dreaming about horses, please stop. Your imagination is seeping into our reality and it's affecting traffic.
Sól: Be careful in the summer sun. Wear sunscreen and regularly check your skin for strange marks, ancient glyphs & burrowing insects.
Sons of Ivaldi [Brokkr, Eitri, and Sindri]: Parents:Talk to your kids about the magical properties of different metals.
Surtr: Mandatory fire drill this afternoon. When you hear the siren, burn as many things as you can.
Thor: "I believe in you. You got this buddy," said the voice coming suddenly from inside your closet late one night. "Achieve your dreams, champ."
Tyr: Ask your doctor about dogs. Have a long conversation about how good dogs are. Show each other pictures of dogs.
Üllr: Fishing, hiking, and staring with blank terror at an empty sky. And what are your hobbies?
Útgarða-Loki: The tournament begins today. Those who do not win will be eliminated.
Vidarr: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear, because humans haven't existed for 1000s of years, did humanity ever make a sound?
Yggdrasil: You can tell how old a tree is by telepathy.
Ymir: Be all that you can be. Manifest every possibility inherent in your atoms. Radiate cosmic energy.
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the-red-mafia · 3 years
The Gem
The Red Mafia, at Zaeor's request, is off to break into the home of a universe-wide thief: Diamonds. However, some things don't go according to plan... Also available on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/TheRedMafia Next Update: [Updated] Word Count: 1853 Edited 3/15/2024
Two Days after “The Visit”
Mad gave a small beep of triumph as the lock fell to the ground. 
“Hush,” Velvet whispered angrily. The Red Mafia slowly opened the giant doors that blocked them from the inside of the estate. The group moved silently under the dark of night, Velvet pointing out the numerous cameras littering the outside. Once through the courtyard, they found the front door unlocked. The large entrance area had two stairs spiralling up to the second floor, with another hallway beneath them.
“We should split up,” Velvet said, extending her staff from its compact position, “We’ll cover more ground that way. Be careful, we don't know what Diamonds is capable of.” The others nodded in response, and the group separated; Maroon and Velvet each took one of the staircases and Mad went through the hallway at the end of the room.
Mad moved quickly and quietly, scanning the halls for any secret rooms or storage locations. The estate, although smaller than the Mafia’s Mansion, was seemingly more confusing to navigate. It was like a glistening labyrinth looping around on itself. 
How is this only the first floor? they thought, groaning internally. Suddenly, they began to hear music. It was faint at first, but grew louder as they moved towards an elaborate tapestry on the wall. They moved the tapestry aside to find a simple door. Mad quickly grabbed the handle and found it unlocked.
“I swear, if it's behind this I am going to lose it,” it mumbled, opening the door. The assistance droid entered a large room with a high ceiling. On one wall was a purple graffiti mural spelling out “Diamonds!”, contrasting the pale white colour of the rest of the room. In various parts of the area were pedestals and display cases, each with glittering gems and jewels. 
No way, Mad thought as they entered the room, taking in the scenery. The robot quickly activated their comms’s microphone.
“I think I’ve found it. First floor, east end, behind the tapestry of the man with gemstones where his organs should be,” it whispered. 
“Can I help you?” 
Mad spun around to see someone had entered the room behind them and was now leaning against the wall. He was wearing a navy blue suit and a bowler hat with a bright pink feather sticking out of it. She had brown hair with bright orange tips and couldn't have been older than 16. His cheeks were stained with bright royal blue in the shape of tears. She had a big smile, one that Mad couldn't tell whether or not it was genuine.
“Are you Diamonds?” Mad asked cautiously. They looked him up and down several times, their screen blank. 
“The one and only,” she said, still smiling. She flicked a switch on the wall and the music turned off. 
“And who might you be? My collection isn't exactly open to the public.”
Diamonds is here, guys, hurry, Mad thought, its thoughts broadcasting to Velvet’s and Maroon’s comms.
“I’m almost there, try to stall,” Velvet whispered. 
“Uh… I- um,” Mad stuttered, “How did you know I was here?” It glanced back at the door before returning to Diamonds. 
“It's my job to know,” Diamonds chuckled, “You didn't think you were gonna be able to break into the home of the best thief in the galaxy without getting caught, did you? Especially not a couple of weird kids and their robot.” Diamonds walked over to the nearest display, which had a bowl of oranges seated upon it for seemingly no reason. She grabbed one and started peeling it. 
“I’d offer you an orange but I assume that you don't eat,” Diamonds said, popping a slice into his mouth.
“That's rude of you,” Mad snapped, allowing a little hurt to bleed until their voice, “You’re right but it's rude to assume.”
“Oh gods, you sound like my mom.”
“She sounds like a smart lady.”
“Yeah, I guess she was.”
“Oh, uh-” Mad stuttered. Footsteps echoed in the chamber as Velvet jumped through the door, landing next to Mad. They raised their staff while glaring at Diamonds. 
“Sorry to interrupt your ‘party’,” she called out. Diamonds frowned.
“Aw, right as it was getting fun,” Diamonds joked, pulling out her gun and aiming it at Velvet.
“Guns are no fun,” Velvet said, jumping towards Diamonds. The teen quickly hit his hand and knocked the gun to the ground about 3 metres away. Velvet rolled back and landed in a kneeling position near Mad. 
“If rhymes are what you desire, then they will be what you acquire.” Diamonds said, pulling out another, smaller gun from the holster that held the previous gun.
“What the fuck?” Velvet breathed, glancing up at Mad. The robot shrugged, causing her to sigh.
“Whatever, find the gem. I’ll work on Diamonds.”
“Do you not like my tiny gun? Are you jealous that you have none?” Diamonds recited, firing a shot towards the teen. They quickly rolled away, pushing Mad in towards the filing cabinets. 
“This is the weirdest fight I've been a part of,” Velvet muttered, reorienting their staff in their hand.
“Soon you will be dead, assassin girl in over her head.” Diamonds jumped to Velvet’s left, firing another shot. She side-stepped before charging in with her staff. Diamonds did a backflip before firing again. Mad watched as Diamonds ran circles around its teammate, Velvet getting more and more frustrated as time went on. After a minute or so, Diamonds landed a solid kick to Velvet’s head. The teen rolled backwards towards Mad, their staff falling to ground. Diamonds bent over and grabbed it as Mad quickly stopped Velvet. 
“I'm taking the staff that you use, for you have no excuse.” Velvet stared at him, weaponless and a hand placed on the top of their head. Mad glanced between the two teens. Diamonds turned to the duo and smirked.
“Well this is all that I need, your weapons have filled my greed,” she chuckled, a crazy smile displayed on her face.
“Uh.. Velvet?” Mad lightly shook its friend, trying to make them come to their senses. Velvet didn’t move and kept their eyes locked on Diamonds, who was twirling their staff around. 
“Look around and you will find, she isn't very strong of mind,” another voice chimed in from the hallway. Diamonds turned towards the darkened path before laughing once again. 
“Could that be who I think it is, is that the master of fungus?” he called out into the darkened doorway. Maroon stepped out into the crystal chamber.
“That rhyme was a bit of a stretch, bad enough to make me retch,” Maroon replied in perfect diction. Mad stared at them.
“I see you are a fellow rhymer, let’s see if you can do better than this old-timer.”
“I guarantee you’re worse than me, I turned that orphanage into debris.”
“I know not of which you speak, but I mustn’t critique your technique.” This went on for several minutes, each party carefully moving to avoid a physical altercation that would interrupt the task at hand. Mad shook Velvet again, this time causing the assassin to jump their feet. 
“Quid est- Fuck-” 
“Are you okay?” 
Velvet glanced at them before shaking their head.
“Fine, let’s get the gem.” 
You don’t look fine.
Mad gestured to the open drawer full of files in front of them. It sorted through a few before pulling one out.
“Here it is,” Mad said, “It's in ‘Mystical Gems: Section 13-G: Subsection 43-A: Cell 84’”
“Um… ok? This room is pretty small, I don't see why you need a whole filing cabinet,” Velvet replied, gesturing around her. Diamonds let out a loud, hysterical laugh. 
“Oh you stupid, stupid fool, I make all the gems minuscule!” Diamonds informed them, a smirk on his face.
“I have more questions than answers now!” Mad said, exasperated. Diamonds smiled. 
“I won't tell you more, all I'll say is that they aren’t the same size anymore,” she replied, before turning to face Maroon once more. 
“Yeah, real helpful,” Velvet said sarcastically. She squatted down, reading the labels on the filing cabinet opposite the one that contained the listings of every gem stolen by the thief. “Hey, this one has a cabinet labelled ‘Mystical Gems’. Maybe this is it,” Velvet stated.
“It might be.” Mad opened the cabinet to reveal several small cells, each containing a precious stone with some sort of divine or otherwise magical power. Mad ran their fingers through the cabinet, finally landing on the one labelled: 13-G. It slid out the part of the cabinet, reading through trying to find Subsection 43-A. They then moved on to find Cell 84. They tapped it and it slid out for them to collect. Mad grabbed it but when they went to put it in their pocket, the gem quickly grew to its normal size once more.
“Ok, what the fuck!” Velvet yelled, throwing their hands in the air. Meanwhile, Maroon and Diamonds’s rhyming roulette grew more and more heated as time went on. 
“I know how to best you at this contest most absurd, simply give you a rhymeless word!” Diamonds exclaimed.
“I can rhyme anything you need not praise, so go on and give me your rhymeless phrase,” Maroon replied, a look of determination in their eyes. 
“You simply are quite stupid, a rhyme with orange cannot be executed!
“Tis easy to rhyme with orange, if you don’t know then you’re quite cringe!” Maroon said, without skipping a beat. Diamonds took a step back as a huge smile grew on Maroon’s face.
“You, my friend, are truly a master, this contest has ended in disaster!”
“This has been quite fun, and to think it all started with a tiny gun.”
“You may take the stone and be on your way, for this meeting has been quite gay. I thank you for your time, you are a prodigy at rhyme,” Diamonds bowed in front of Maroon.
“Come on guys, let’s go,” Maroon said, turning to Velvet and Mad. Velvet walked over to Diamonds and ripped their staff from his hands. 
“I’ll be taking this back,” she said through gritted teeth. 
“Sure. A little advice, Velvet Bolton, work on your hand to hand combat,” Diamonds replied, smirking. 
“Listen here you little-”
“Velvet we’ve got to go,” Mad said, grabbing the teens arm and dragging them away. 
Maroon led the way for Mad and Velvet to carry the Custodio Power Gem out of the house and on to the Umbrella, which promptly took flight into the starless night.
  “Ok, what the fuck just happened?” Velvet asked, crossing their arms.
“I also have questions for you, Maroon,” Mad chimed in, looking over at them. However, Maroon was already fast asleep on one of the beanbags in the cockpit.
“That kid is a mystery,” Velvet scoffed.
“Well, we don't really know their history,” Mad rhymed. Velvet lightly punched them.
“Seriously, if I ever hear a rhyme again, I’m cutting out someone’s vocal cords.”
“Good thing I don’t have any,” Mad replied with a smirk appearing on their TV. Velvet glared at them.
“Tacet, cōnfectus. Deōs, molestus es.”
Latin Translations: quid est - what is tacet - be quiet cōnfectus - worn out, exhausted deōs - gods molestus es - you are annoying
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jelly-belly-fish · 3 years
I wrote another story. My friends really wanted me to post this one, so here it is. Be warned, it has my own headcanons in it too.
TW: Cursing, Bullying
The First Meeting, Pt. 1
“C’mon, ‘Dreadgory’! Hurry up!” Xavier yelled at the boy.
“I-I’m coming,” Gregory sweetly stammered in response to his fellow classmate.
Giving the Glamrock Freddy plush he was holding a final squeeze, Gregory placed the bear plush back down on the gift shop shelf. He wanted to buy it so bad, but guess it’ll have to wait until later.
“I’ll come back for you,” he cooed softly, giving the plush a soft pat on the head, “I promise.”
The plush only gave silence as a response. Just the happy little expression sewn on its face. Gregory smiled softly back at the empty response.
“C’mon, sissy!” Gregory heard Jaxon call out to him next, “The meet and greets are starting soon! We don’t want to be late because of your slow ass!”
“Language...” Gregory whispered as he ran over to his group of friends. They all slouched and sat around the giant fountain near the grand entrance of the PizzaPlex. There were four of them: Xavier, Jaxon, Zachary, and Ian.
Xavier was a ginger with an undershave haircut. It was both smooth and spiky at the same time. Gregory always thought that the fashion trend of the boy was too mature for his age, but he didn’t question the leather-jacket-wearing 4th grader, less he wanted a bruised jaw again like last time.
Jaxon was the oldest fourth grader in Gregory’s class. With his almost-white-blonde hair and being the fastest one in gym class, he was a crush for every girl in their grade. Gregory couldn’t think of one girl who didn’t want to spend reading time with him or trade food with him at lunch. Anything to get his attention.
Zachary was probably the nicest to Gregory. Then again, that’s not saying much given how many times he dunk Gregory into sinks and dumped food all over the boy. The African American boy wore a white, zip up hoodie and blue shorts. Zachary stuck his tongue out at Gregory as he approached.
Last there was Ian. He always wore black and blue and had green eyes that always seemed like they were emotionally dead. He laughed at the most random things and told terrible jokes. And if Gregory didn’t laugh, he always got what was coming to him...
“Took you long enough, egghead!” Xavier hissed as the boys started to get up from their resting positions, “I swear if we miss these events, I’ll—“
“Xavier, shut your face!” Zachary sneered, “The more you complain to Gregory, the higher chance we’ll miss the shows! C’mon!”
As the boys started making their way to the escalators, Gregory felt a tight grip on his arm. He nervously turned to see Xavier squeezing his arm. Gregory gave Xavier a fearful look.
“This isn’t over, Evans...” Xavier hissed, thrashing Gregory’s arm down before going to join the others.
Gregory shook his head quietly, kneading his arm.
“They’re my friends...” Gregory reassured himself. Then he started to follow the group of boys up to the other parts of the PizzaPlex.
“Does everyone have their tickets?” Jaxon inquired the group as they approached the Green Rooms.
Ian giggled slightly.
“I don’t have any tickets! I’m gonna see Moondrop!”
“Seems like you guys would get along...all creepy and tell weird jokes...” mumbled Gregory under his breath, looking at the glossy, tiled floor.
“You got something to say, Dreadgory?!” Ian snapped as he grabbed the boy’s shirt collar, pulling him in close.
“You need to be nice to us, Evans,” Jaxon snarled, “you don’t want to be a crybaby who plays by himself at recess again, do ya!?”
Gregory’s heart pounded fast. He could feel the tension in the air as Ian tightened his grip on his shirt, still glaring at him with those dull green eyes.
“I-I’m sorry...” Gregory’s eyes started to sting. His brown eyes were now squeezed tight as he prepared for their punches.
Gregory didn’t get any punches, but the floor greeted him with a harsh slap as he fell onto it. His breathing hitched as Gregory shakily got onto his hands and knees. Head still low, Gregory looked back up at his group of friends. They all towered over him now.
“We’ll let you off this time, shorty...” Jaxon sneered, “It is your birthday after all.”
Ian broke out in hysterical laughter.
“Awww look at da little baby! Is he going to cry?!”
The rest of the boys started to snicker along. It was true, Gregory was going to cry.
Gregory could feel tears start to drip from his eyes. He tried to stay strong, but he could feel himself cracking.
“C’mon guys, let’s leave the birthday boy to his birthday tears!” Xavier cackled.
They all started to leave, talking amongst themselves about what animatronic they were going to see. Jaxon to Roxanne Wolf, Xavier to Montgomery Gator, Zachary to Glamrock Chica, and Ian to Moondrop.
The only one left was the main star himself: Glamrock Freddy.
He was for the birthday boy.
He was the only thing Gregory was looking forward to seeing on his birthday. The only thing to make his day better. Gregory looked down at the blue and white Fazbear Entertainment ticket in his tiny hands. Gregory then held a small smile on his face. Wiping away his tears, Gregory stood up and made his way to the Green Room of the one and only Freddy Fazbear.
His heart started jogging in his chest again. He was both excited and scared at the same time. He wasn’t the biggest fan of animatronics, but there was something about Glamrock Freddy that he loved so much. His kind demeanor, the way he cared about every child he met, his powerful vocal chords when he spoke and sung, he was like everyone’s dad. Everyone’s weird, robotic, bear dad.
As Gregory approached the green room for Freddy, he saw a red curtain draped in front of it. His pulse quickened. Why were the curtains closed? Picking up his pace, Gregory ran to the front of the curtain. There was a white sign in front of the sparkly, red curtain. Gregory’s heart dropped to his stomach.
Gregory’s teeth gritted together. He sucked air through his teeth as tears poured from his eyes.
This had to be fake. It couldn’t be real.
Gregory could sense the teasing and humiliation coming already if the other boys founded him like this. Founded the only dream he had for today to be crushed.
He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream.
He just wanted to hide away forever.
Without even thinking, Gregory dashed into the curtains and into the room behind.
It was a dark room. The only light was the little sliver coming from the cut between the two curtains. Not seeing anything around him, Gregory fell onto his face. A pained grunt slipped past his lips as his face squished into the firm, velvety carpet.
That was the final straw for him.
Curling up on the floor, Gregory hiccuped the smallest of sobs. He laid there for awhile, silently crying over his birthday being ruined.
“It’s not fair...” Gregory pulled himself into a tighter ball, “It’s not fair, it’s not fair!”
“What’s not fair?” A mocking tone asked behind the boy.
Gregory snapped up and scuttled backwards.
In the darkness, the only light being their phone flashlights, were Xavier, Jaxon, and Zachary.
They were all different however, and certainly not for the better. They were all wearing masks of the characters they all went to see. There were not visible eyes in the masks, making them look like empty voids in the darkness. They stared at him eerily, sending chills down Gregory’s spine.
“Did the baby boy not get what he wanted this year for his birthday?” Xavier questioned further. “Did he want to be forgotten?”
Gregory shook his head quickly. No...
“You know, Xavier,” Jaxon said, in a overly exaggerated thinking pose, “I heard there’s something special about these animatronics...especially Freddy...”
Gregory didn’t like where this was going. He slowly started to scoot back.
“Freddy has a special way to treat sad birthday kids!” Jaxon laughed. “He EATS them!”
“Wh-Wha...” Was all a shaken Gregory was able to say before getting snatched up by the bullies.
“And we gotta keep the bear happy and STUFFED, now don’t we Gregory?”
They flashed their lights onto the animatronic who was hiding, decommissioned in the shadows of the room.
Gregory kicked and screamed for them to let him go.
“You did this to yourself, runt,” Jaxon warned, speaking through his Roxanne mask’s wolffish grin, “You just HAD to be upset on your birthday!”
As Gregory continued to cry out louder now, Jaxon clamped a hand over the boy’s mouth, muffling his screams.
Zachary jumped on top of the small stage that Glamrock Freddy stood on. He felt around the animatronic’s chest and stomach like he was searching for something.
“Hey Jax!” He called out over Gregory’s muffled cries, “How do you open this?”
“Press his bowtie, stupid! Just like how my mom showed us!” Jaxon scoffed, struggling to keep a grip on Gregory’s squirming torso. Xavier did his best to control Gregory’s legs.
With a click and a hiss, the bear’s broad chest opened. With only the phone lights as his guide, Gregory stopped struggling for a bit and stared at the now opened chest. In the harsh lighting mixed with complete darkness, the chest cavity of the animatronic looked like a dark void...ready to swallow Gregory whole.
Gregory thrashed about even more now, like a fish trapped in a net. He wanted to cry and scream for them to stop, but Jaxon’s hand only made him make suppressed yelps.
They brought him closer...and closer....
Finally, with a good and quick shove, Gregory was forced into the tight darkness. Gregory quickly turned his head around to see the opening of the chest cavity snap close behind him. Gregory was now soaked in enclosed darkness.
“NO!” He cried.
Gregory pressed himself against the sealed entrance. Sweat made his hands clammy as he pounded against the plastic wall. Tears flooded his eyes as he anxiously knocked against the fake material.
“PLEASE LET ME OUT!!” He begged, choking between sobs, “PLEE-EEASE!!”
His cries only got muffled chuckles in response. Those chuckles made Gregory grasp onto reality. A silent fearful look took over Gregory’s tear stained, sweat covered face.
“Listen to him, the fuckin’ idiot...” A softened Xavier cackled.
“Oh, if only Ian was here,” Jaxon wheezed, “He would be laughing his ass off right now...”
Gregory’s good heart wanted to remind them of their language, but he forced himself to stay silent. That didn’t stop his tears from flooding though. Hitched breaths were sucked in through his teeth.
“Guys... I think he’s been in there long enough,” Zachary whispered, “I don’t want to get in trouble with my dad about this.”
“Oh shut up, Zack..” Xavier snapped, “The little bitch just needs to learn that him crying is so annoying..”
“Yeah,” Jaxon agreed, “No wonder no one is friends with him.”
Gregory’s heart froze. The dreaded reality finally sat in. The one he fought so hard to not accept. Tears continued to flow as he leaned against the plastic wall, sobs ripping from his throat.
Gregory truly was all alone in this world.
As he sat there, bawling his eyes out in the darkness, Gregory couldn’t help but feel something, or someone, watching him. Watching him...and watching the bullies outside his tomb. He felt the omnipresent stare on him. It felt angry. It felt judgmental. It felt...protective.
Gregory looked around the tight space. There was no room for anyone else to be in here. Heck, there was barely enough room for him to be in here. His knees ached with cramps. His feet were pressed against the metal wall behind him. Gregory wanted out...and he wanted out now. And he wanted the feeling of being watched to go away too. It certainly wasn’t helping.
Despite his silent pleas, Gregory continued to stay in that chest cavity, and the feeling of being watched only got worse.
“C’mon guys,” Jaxon sarcastically laughed, “Let’s leave the little birthday boy to his little gift from us. I’m sure he’ll want to be alone to enjoy it alllll to himself.”
That one sentence brought back the fear and dread Gregory had only mere moments ago.
“WAIT!!” Gregory shrieked, “YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE ME IN HERE!!”
He continued to knock and slam his hands hands against the plastic wall. They seriously couldn’t be leaving him here...they couldn’t be...
“Oh, I think he’s loving it so far,” a much more distant Jaxon called out, “Have fun in there, Dreadgory!”
A burst of the boys’ laughter erupted again, suddenly being even more muffled by a curtain swooshing. Soon, the laughter faded away, only leaving Gregory in complete darkness. Complete, eerie darkness. The only sounds were Gregory’s cries and pleas, hopelessly trying to get their attention, to make them come and get him out of this stupid chest cavity. All he got in response was his cries and knocks echoing in the tight space...
After what seemed like forever of begging and tears, Gregory’s screams dialed down to soft whimpers. He hugged his knees and held them up to his chest. Gregory’s body was soaked in sweat. His forehead was beaded with the salty liquid. The dark air and his clothes were now dampen from the sweat and his tears. Still in utter darkness, Gregory continued to sob quietly, thinking of what just happened. Were his friends right? Did he really deserve this?
The little birthday boy sighed, wiping his tears from his eyes.
“Maybe they’re right...” he croaked, “M-Maybe I...I do deserve this..”
Gregory then buried his face into his knees, his eyes beginning to sting again.
“I’m all alone...” he shuttered, “Tr-Trapped in here... forever.”
“You’re not alone.”
Gregory’s head shot up. His heart began to pound quickly again. He looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.
“Who...” Gregory panicked, “Who’s there?!”
“Do not be afraid, little one,” the voice softly continued, “I’d never hurt you.”
The voice...it was rumbled like thunder and as gruff as rusty metal, but it was gentle and quiet as a butterfly. And most of all, it sounded familiar.
“Gl-Glamrock Fre—“ Gregory started, only to be interrupted again.
“Let’s make this more comfortable,” the voice proposed, “They’re gone now, so it’s safe to come out.”
There was a soft click outside. A click of a button? Gregory’s heart fluttered. Could this really be him? There was a hiss and more clicks. Gregory could feel cool and new air flush against his face. The chest cavity was now open.
Part 2 coming very soon!
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remmushound · 4 years
@brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88 Part 3 of my bay/rise crossover.
Leonardo didn't know where he was, and frankly he wasn’t sure he cared. He was more concerned about not knowing where April and Splinter and Donatello and Raphael were. His brothers— his family! He had reached out to them, felt his fingers brush against Splinters, and then they were being pulled apart again. Pulled away from each other. Then Leonardo was flying out of the rift, clinging with all his might to the only one he had managed to protect. Michelangelo. He landed hard, skipping across metal with solid thuds like a rock on water as he clung to the box turtle’s shell, his baby brother still hiding within. The bouncing eventually turned into a slide that brought Leonardo to crash against a wall. Pain shot through his extremities, but it only made him hold on to Michelangelo even tighter.
The minute they stopped, Michelangelo popped out his shell with a sharp yipe, his arms shooting out and wrapping around Leonardo to cling to him like a security blanket. Leonardo couldn’t help but smile and rubbed the younger mutants head in a comforting motion.
“It’s okay, hermano. Just a little bit of a bumpy ride.”
Michelangelo whimpered and his nose went back into his shell.
“Oh come on! Don’t be like that!”
Michelangelo pulled his arms and legs back in as well.
“Awww, come on~” Leonardo pushed himself away from the wall to lean over Michelangelo and peek into the shell as his shadowed face. “You know you wanna come out!”
“Where is out?” Michelangelo asked, his voice carrying a strange echo.
“Er…” Leonardo looked around. He didn't recognize the place, a giant metal ball with a spiraling floor design and a high ceiling, a blinking light at the top of it. He hummed and narrowed his eyes at the luring draw of the light, but didn't acknowledge it Past that. “Pokeball?”
“What? No we’re not!”
“Well how you gonna know if you don’t come out?”
Leonardo smirked and leaned back to give Michelangelo enough space to emerge. Michelangelo peeked his nose out once more.
“That’s it! Just a little more!” Leonardo encouraged.
Michelangelo’s full head poked out, and his neck too so he could look around at their surroundings. “Woah. This is so cool!”
“Cool isn’t exactly the word I’d use.” Leonardo whistled and stood up, reaching for his sword naturally. It was nowhere on his body.
“Hey uh— you don’t happen to have your yoyo, do you Miguel?”
“Um…” Michelangelo reached to his belt and frowned. “No. It’s gone somewhere… do you have your swords?”
The structure gave a powerful groan and Michelangelo yelped, attaching himself to Leonardo’s side like glue. “It’s spooky here…”
Leonardo would be lying if he said that a similar anxiety hadn’t grown in his gut the moment they entered this strange place. Cold, dark, mechanical— everything Donatello loved, except without the eccentric nature. But he couldn’t be scared now. He has Michelangelo to look after, and right now his baby brother needed him.
“Hey hey hey, don’t get soft on me now!” Leonardo beamed, leaning down to Michelangelo’s level. “We just escaped the mother-freaking Shredder and you’re scared of a dingy little metal ball?”
“It’s not very little, Leo…”
Leonardo scoffed and waved a hand dismissively. “Potato potahto! Tomato tomatoh! Shredder, Giant Metal Ball of Doom! What’s the difference?”
Michelangelo didn't answer.
“The only one I can think of is that Shredder was waaaay scarier!”
“Oh really?”
Both turtles froze at the new voice. Leonardo gently placed his brother down, keeping an arm still wrapped around him to keep them both close.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” The new voice laughed in a mocking, wheezing tone, “Turn around.”
Leonardo could see no other option other than to obey. He gave Michelangelo a reassuring pat and held his brother just a little tighter before turning to face whoever it was that had called out to them.
The creature was big, a body near as broad as Raphael’s carapace and a shape that was loosely spherical. It’s entire body gleamed with a layer of slime that oozed out from folds on the sides of it’s head, and every so often a tentacle would reach up to gather the accumulating mucus and spread it throughout its body to keep itself moist. There was a crown on its head, a ridge higher than the rest of its body that slightly resembled the crown of certain dinosaurs. Leonardo could almost swear that whatever it was, was the brain of some massive creature, escaped from its body to do whatever it is that giant, tentacle-having brains do.
“Well?” The creature stroked feelers on it’s face, what could pass as lips parting to reveal tiny, dolphin-like teeth.
Leonardo only allowed himself enough time to blink before he forced his smile to come back and meet the strangers smirk. “Well what?”
The creature lunged forward, supported by pipes that extended out from the misproportioned battle suit, bringing it within inches of touching Leonardo. “Aren’t you scared?”
“Scared of what? A chewed up wad of bubble gum that gained sentience?”
It growled and one of its tentacles came down upon Leonardo, covering him in the thick, viscous coating of it’s body.
“Oh I’m sorry! Did I get some slime on you?”
Leonardo didn't flinch. He reached out a hand and poked the creature on the nose. “It is not slime, it is mucus!”
It growled and swatted Leonardo before pulling back again closer to its suit. “Who said you could touch me with your foul, disease-ridden hands?!”
“Hey hey hey!” Leonardo threw his hands up in surrender, “I bathe regularly! It’s Raphael you gotta look out for.”
“You think you’re funny, do you?” It squinted its eye at Leonardo.
“I think I’m adorable. Don’t you?” Leonardo put his hands under his chin and batted his eyes.
“I think you’re an obnoxious freak of nature.” It tried to draw forth a violent reaction, but Leonardo remained cool.
“Eh, aren’t we all?” Leonardo shrugged, “But this obnoxious freak of nature has a name. Do you?”
The creature seemed to consider Leonardo’s question for a moment before saying, “It’s Krang.”
Leonardo snickered.
“What?” Krang snapped, almost defensively, “What’s so funny?”
“Sorry— sorry!” Leonardo almost keeled over laughing.
“What’s so funny— what’s so funny, it’s just my name!”
“It’s just— ahahaha— did your mom hate you or something?”
Michelangelo started to finally get in on the laughing, and soon both brothers were almost falling over.
“I chose my own name— the Queen doesn’t have time to name all of us!” Krang defended, grunting as its features scrunched up.
“So you’re saying you have a face not even a mother could love?” Leonardo smirked, recovering from his laughter at will. “Man, that is depressing!”
“ENOUGH!” Krang shot two wired pipes forward to grab Michelangelo and Leonardo, squeezing them harshly. “Now you listen here, little turtles! I am not in the mood for games.” It’s eyes glanced between the brothers in an almost alien way, “And if all you’re going to do is play with me, then I’m going to put you away in my toybox.”
“Sounds fun!” Michelangelo piped.
“Fun?” Krang shifted to look at Michelangelo.
“Yeah! In a big box with a whole bunch of other people, having slumber parties every night!” Michelangelo hummed and sighed.
“Well, I’m glad you’re going to enjoy yourself. It’s an extended stay.”
Krang shifted slightly, its armor suit slow and topheavy, and at the press of a button on the suit the floor began to open up and reveal a spiraling display case. Rows upon rows of small, frozen containers. A thick layer of frosty smoke escaped through the opening and filtered out through vents. Krang hung the two brothers over the drop and loosened his grip just to feel the fear of his prisoners. Looking down into the endless abyss of bodies distorted by frost and age, Leonardo felt a sense of vertigo overtake him. It seemed Krang latched onto the fear almost immediately, judging by the evil expression on its face.
“Not so eager to visit the other toys now, are you?” Krang laughed and pulled Michelangelo and Leonardo back over solid ground, putting them down as the ground closed once more. “Now maybe you’ll play nicely.”
“Where are my brothers?” Leonardo demanded, “My family?”
“They’re fine. They were spit out somewhere or other. Does it really matter?”
“Yes.” Leonardo snarled.
“Hmm…” Krang rubbed their folds in concentration, “Then why don’t we make a deal, little turtle?”
“What kinda deal?” Leonardo returned to hugging his brother as Michelangelo cowered against him.
“I didn't just call you here to chat.”
“Well you’re sure doing a lot of talking anyway.” Leonardo grumbled under his breath.
“I brought you here for a far more important reason.” It folded its tentacles over its mouth.
“Care to share with the class?”
Krang huffed. “You have something that interests me— or more like had. You see, a year ago today I tried to take over the earth.”
Leonardo laughed. “Didn't do a good job— you didn't even make the news! I’m sure I would know if there was a broadcast about a giant brain in a robot suit tried to take over the planet.”
“Not your earth. A different earth.”
“There’s more than one?” Michelangelo asked.
“Oh, there is a plethora of earths, all slightly different from the last! But yours… intrigues me. It’s one of the more recent ones, and the use of your ‘mystic magic’ caught my attention.” Krang circled Leonardo like a cat with a mouse, “The way you teleport around with such ease, even without a beacon to guide you~”
“Spit it out, Gellatinous, I haven’t got all day.”
“You’re very impatient for someone whose at the mercy of one far smarter.”
“Eh, I can handle Donnie, but that has nothing to do with this.” Leonardo snarked off, “What do you want?”
“I have you, and I have your family, and I have your sword.”
“Great. And what does that have to do with the price of jelly doughnuts?”
“I want you to show me how to use the magic you possess, and afterwards I will let you and your brothers go back on your merry way!”
“I thought you were all knowing or whatever.”
“I never claimed that. I too need to learn like every creature does.”
“How do we know you’re not lying about letting us go?” Michelangelo pouted, sticking out his lip.
“Do I look like the lying type to you?”
“Yes.” Michelangelo and Leonardo said as one.
“Mm. Clever boys. Well, the answer is that you don’t know. But you don’t really have many choices either.”
“Mm. Fair.” Leonardo shrugged. “Whatchu need me to show you?”
“How to activate the rift that you’ve seemed to master.” Krang tapped its tentacles together.
“Oh that’s easy! You just take the sword and go woosh woosh,” Leonardo made vague gesture, “Then it goes all whoooooo whaaaaa bwaaaaa!” He made a motion of a rift opening. “Then you go all ‘take me so and so’ and badda bing badda boom, you’re done! That work?” Leonardo clicked his tongue and wink.
“What.” Krang narrowed his eyes.
“Well, you take the pointy part and go whish woosh, then slish slash, hundred yard dash, and you’re in Paris!”
“I— I don’t understand what you’re saying!”
“Well you take the thing and do the thing so it makes a thing then you go through the thing and bam: the thing is done! Take a break and get yourself a pizza for your hard work.”
“You’re getting on my nerves.”
“Exactly how many nerves does a brain have anyway?”
“A who-trom?” Michelangelo tilted his head.
“You-tron?” Leonardo asked with a smirk.
“GRRR— just show me how to do it!” Krang pulled Leonardo’s sword out of thin air and dropped it into Leonardo’s hands. “And don’t think you can outsmart me!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, K-Pop.” Leonardo took the sword and pointed it, dragging it to make a circle. His face illuminated the glow and he smiled.
“Yes!” Krang cheered, smilingly widely and holding out its tentacles to Leonardo. “Give it to me!”
“Yeeeeah, no.” Leonardo stared a moment and then winked before stepping through the blue and disappearing along with the mystic portal.
“NO!” Krang launched himself forward and grabbed at the space where the turtles had once been, “GET BACK HERE!”
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szecretary · 3 years
thoughts on voltron: legendary defender, season one, first five episodes. this will be like witnessing your mom watch a show for the youngins and being confused the entire time. 
warning for spoilers, obviously, but idk what for because i’m later to this show than the alteans were to the war.
i almost closed netflix bc i saw that the first episode is one hour long wh-
this is how shiro is introduced? harsh. but i like that in the first few minutes, the galra are already established as a force to be reckoned with.
first scene with lance, hunk and pidge, already showing their dynamic and their current situation! also, lol, lance getting told "you're only here because the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue" way to create tension between characters, keith isn't even there and we already know lance kind of hates him.
i like hunk he reminds me of po from kung fu panda hehe
what's pidge's thing with the kerberos mission? he seems very very invested in it, even for a character that science oriented.
OH IT'S KEITH. man i'm actually really impressed with the character introductions in this first episode, they're so clever and very effective, they show the most important facts about the person without slowing down.
keith really lived alone in that desert cabin for however long huh
where's the cat going
oh the cat went home, neat.
i love how at this point it seems that only blue chose its paladin, for the rest of them allura did a personality assessment off first impressions and assigned the rest of the lions, she really said "the bond cannont be forced... by anyone except for me" ma'am these are 5 random people from earth.
apart from that, i'm loving how intuitive piloting is with the lions!
lol lance fully killed some people there
listen if pidge doesn't turn out to be related to the people in the kerberos mission... just :( the way he reacted to shiro quoting the commander? there's no way he doesn't know them.
"go. be great." SHUT UP 😭
blue woke up yesterday and she's already getting beat up give it a rest it's been 10.000 years.
FUCK OFF SENDAK. I know of you, you lame ass excuse for an antagonist.
shiro i love you that's all i have to say.
the mice are so cute i can't believe allura is a fairytale princess with animal sidekicks.
ok second episode let's go:
this druid lady has a very cool character design, not sure what's her point in the story tho
pidge when are you gonna tell us your secret?
third episode!
it's really not fair how cool shiro is, paladin of the black lion, and "the champion"
oh no, shiro was forced to fight for galra entertainment? mmmmm yeah why not i love pain and suffering.
the little people who live on arus are very cute.
i'm sure shiro only attacked pidge's brother to keep him from fighting the gladiator don't be mad pidge :(
oh so the thing was the same gladiator, makes sense.
OH PIDGE'S NAME IS KATIE she's matt's sister this makes so much sense, i'm very sad, i can't wait to know her story.
ok episode four, the iconic failed team cheer i used to see on twitter.
the way lance pronounced varadero beach made me want to cry but at least it's the first mention of anything related to cuba, so i'll take it.
why'd they already beat up lance gdi give the boy a break.
episode five, i'm stressed.
kerberos mission: takashi shirogane, and samuel and matthew holt :(
pidge you are such a badass you have my heart too, also it's so sweet how rover has like a little personality.
"hasta la later, keith" MAKE IT STOP
(but ok that does sound like something i would say to be annoying)
hunk and bolin from legend of korra would be such good bros you can't change my mind.
ok the galra are the bad guys but they have style, "nothing stops me but triumph, and death" that's cool.
damn even the mice have a kill count everyone has a kill count.
love lance waking up only to shoot a bad guy and then dramatically faint again, maybe he has hispanic heritage after all, he has the flare.
"we are a good team" hell yeah you are buddy.
final thought on the first five episodes: honestly? i’m impressed, the pacing is great, the characters are well defined and they all get their little moments to shine. loved the pidge focus on episode five, and i’m very excited too see what happens next. that’ll have to wait because i haven’t slept and now my brain is repeating that voltron forming sequence they play EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
rest of season one liveblog.
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maddyaddy · 3 years
Touya Shiun put his pencil to paper, frowning. Math was doldrums as usual; it wasn’t that he struggled. It was just…boring. The 17-year-old’s teachers had all universally described him as “nice, smart, but unmotivated” on his report cards. His social life was likewise nothing much to write Mom about, either. Occasionally, his classmates Ben or Sari would drag him into their adventures - but he had no lasting communications with them. He hadn’t seen his father in a while, he thought to himself as he solved the last problem. Their relationship was a bit strained, he felt. Seldore was rarely home from work, and he would frequently harangue his son when he was. Hardass. That was the word. “Stand up straight. Don’t slouch.” He’d often tell Touya in a firm voice. “Bad posture will affect you later down the line.” There were some happy memories, though. The older Shiun would bring his son models of Arm Slaves, challenge coins, stuff like that. So lost was Touya in his reverie, he didn’t hear the crash at first. But when the screaming started, he looked up. Half the classroom wall had crumbled, revealing the light blue horizon outside. A white humanoid mobile weapon lay sprawled amidst the concrete rubble of the classroom, broken desks with warped legs about it.
He bolted up from his desk. All the other students had fled. “What the - ?” A hiss filled the air as the cockpit of the white MW opened. His brown eyes widened as the pilot emerged, shakily stepping towards Touya. His brown hair was like Touya’s, spiky and straight. “Dad…?” “Son. I don’t have much time, I’m afraid.” Seldore’s hand was clasping a wound on his side, his normal suit stained with a deep red. He groaned, slumping down to his knees. Teeth grinded against each other. “You’ve got questions, Touya. I know.” He looked into his son’s eyes. “But I need you to pilot the Granteed right now.” Father and son locked eyes. “What. The. Hell?!” Touya screamed aloud. His fists were balled up, turning white from the force of his grip. “You leave me alone for months, virtually feral. And you come back here, wreck my school, and tell me to pilot a giant robot? PTs - or whatever that thing is - require training! I’m not a soldier, I - ”
“I know.” Seldore Shiun laughed wearily. “Kind of a dick move on my part.” He felt pride in his son’s defiant manner now. They were truly father and son. “You’ve got a lot of good reasons to be angry at me. But look - there are bad people coming for you. And the Granteed is your best chance.” “And that’s it. You come into my life, probably half-dead, and you leave me a giant robot. Fine, Dad.” Touya sighed. Clambering up onto the rubble, he moved towards the Granteed. He looked inside the cockpit. A white-haired woman, probably twenty-five or a year younger, sat in what he presumed to be the WSO’s seat. “I’m guessing you’re my co-pilot.” “Get in, kid, and quit bitching.” Calvina Coulange sharply said. Touya ignored her insult and stepped into the pilot’s seat. “Your father told me to keep you safe, and that’s what I’m going to do.” “H-how do I pilot it?” He asked her. “Just will it.” She replied. Touya did as she said. Stand, he thought to himself. Rising shakily to its feet, the Granteed stood in the rubble. Square up. Clenching his fists and thinking of the naihanchi-dachi stance he’d learned in karate, the robot followed suit. “See? Simpler than a PT.” “Ok.” Touya breathed out. His eyes narrowed. “Now. Let’s go, Granteed!”
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fire-mage-719 · 2 years
Ok so hype of last night gone its talking points time
So there's me the gunslinger, there's our paladin, there's our monk, and there's our mage. Everyone is getting spicy backstory stuff basically so I'm putting notes together. Ignore my stupidity of posting before I finish the notes lmao.
So the one with the least we've managed to gather is our paladin. We know that he's DIED already but we didn't really get new pertinent info on him or a backstory thing. OOC he was talking about the guy who killed his character as a swordsman but like, doesn't really mean anything now.
Our monk is SUPER interesting because we only have one peice of info rn. We started this journey moving this caravan from one city to another before an avalanche changed our course and we had to fight a giant zombie eldritch horror. Once we got to the city, after a week, one of the guys leading the company or someone in their place said that there was this one wagon that wasn't supposed to be there. We lied and said we didn't know what it was carrying but what it WAS is interesting. It was our monk. Someone framed them for a crime and specifically tried to get them up to where we are now. Then when we were having a private convo to share secrets there was someone watching our monk in particular. Very grizzled old guy. Very sus.
Our mage is interesting as well. Her parents went missing and her house burned down when she was a kid. She's currently out looking for them, and we just found a letter from her dad about how he was looking into storms since someone he loves has a connection to them or has this like magical but not quite connection. I'm thinking that it's either the mom or our mage specifically. Which means that how we GOT to that letter is very important. We found it in the shop of a guy who was murdered that morning. His whole deal was information, and it turns out that our mage might be able to lift the Neverending storm that plagues a bay said to house a lost and ruined city. So they're obviously trying to get something in the city. Either generic riches or something specific which is arguably more terrifying.
And then there's me. The automaton gunslinger (cowboy). A witness said that the one to murder our guy was an automaton. Which is odd because they're rare, and my guy legit thought that there weren't any more left. Also this guy was HUGE so luckily the guards didn't take me away because I'm a twink. But the mere concept that there are automatons around is bad, and the fact they KILLED someone worse. Also! Theres a rumor going around about thieves stealing things in the merchant district or the holding district that sound like the type of things you'd need to make an automaton. And then there's the whole reason I'm here: the mysterious letter my guy got in utopian saying he'd pay for his past sins. He committed war crimes before so thats what I imagined this being about? But then we got another letter that said they knew we were going to a location at a certain time (we assume the bad guys stealing parts are at). Sort of sus to know that- means that either he PLANTED that letter in the shop of the guy (meaning he is working with the bad guys who killed the possible informant and is most likely after our mage) OR he is psychic. Or rather he was working with the informant and saw us grabbing the letter and knew where we'd be. He's either good or bad and my money is on bad. Our DM gave his letter a cowboy voice which was STELLAR but also manages to out cowboy my boy who has a robot voice rather than a cowboy one. But I have the cowboy drip so I think I'm superior here (until I get to see our mysterious letter guy).
We ended session about to start a fight. I'm very excited to get into it next time.
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