#/mad valentine
the-red-mafia · 4 months
The End?
Velvet and Maroon make their way towards Unor, the rest of the mafia staying behind to fight the guards. Will they be able to overpower him and escape, or...?
Also available on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/TheRedMafia
Next Update: [Redacted] Word Count: 4524
Immediately after “The Strike”
Maroon attempted to stay as quiet as Velvet was as they crawled through the vent, but that was nearly impossible. She eventually stopped and turned to look at them.
“We’re right above the room, but there’s a drop. I’m gonna go down first, so wait for my signal.” 
“Wait? But-” 
“So I can catch you and make sure you don’t make noise,” Velvet clarified. The younger teen’s mouth formed an ‘o’ before they nodded. Velvet disappeared over the edge. Maroon listened for the sound of her hitting the lower level, but it never came. They crawled to the edge and glanced over. 
That’s when the explosion went off. 
Maroon quickly closed their eyes as the vent below them gave out and a wave of heat hit their face. Their back hit something hard, knocking the wind out of them. Maroon quickly attempted to catch their breath, panic rising in their chest. Coughing came from the other side of the room followed by the chilling laugh of Unor Bolton. 
“I would think you would be better at your job than that, fīlia,” he muttered. The smoke and debris began to settle, revealing the man still sitting in his chair. He was turned to his left, away from Maroon. A cough echoed off the walls. 
Maroon took a deep breath and struggled to their feet. Air slowly filled their lungs as they raised their hands. A mushroom grew off the chair, knocking Unor to the ground. They jumped over the table and kneeled at Velvet’s side. She had a large scrape on her forehead that bled onto her hand. She coughed again but summoned Kil-layye Mo’ore. 
“Maroon, I didn’t see you there!” The younger teen redirected their attention to Unor, who was on his feet again. Velvet threw their sword at him, which he knocked to the ground. Maroon surrounded him with mushrooms that stretched to the ceiling. The man looked between the two teenagers, Velvet grabbing her sword again. 
“Quite a…rash plan you had, Velvet,” he began, “To plan an attack on my home- our home! I’d almost be impressed if you hadn’t executed it so horribly.” 
“How did you know?” Velvet demanded. Unor broke one of the mushrooms, but it quickly grew back. 
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” he said with a wink. Velvet glared at him and raised their sword. 
“Then we’re done here.” She charged forward, but Kil-layye Mo’ore hit empty air. Unor broke through two more mushrooms and backflipped out of the enclosure. His hands glowed a dark black before a handgun appeared in each. He fired a shot at each teen, which they both dodged. Maroon attempted to trap him again but he lunged towards Velvet instead. 
Velvet sliced at his arm before jumping to the right. Unor stayed on the offensive and fired another shot at her. It grazed her left shoulder but Velvet quickly stabbed at him again. The metal embedded itself in his lower abdomen, forcing him to stagger back. 
“Fuck-” she muttered. Maroon grew a mushroom to knock one gun out of Unor’s hand, but it just disappeared in a black cloud. Unor raised the other one and fired a shot straight at Velvet’s chest. Maroon quickly kicked him to the ground, forcing several mushrooms to grow through his hands. He let out a shout but Maroon quickly turned to Velvet. The teen must’ve hit the wall and fallen down but was now getting back to her feet. Unor stared at her as she summoned Kil-layye Mo’ore and walked towards him.
“Crazy what armour will do,” they said through gritted teeth. Unor frowned.
“Armour? I didn’t know you turned into a coward, Velvet.” The assassin kicked him in the stomach, causing the man to let out a grunt. They followed it up by stabbing him in the stomach with their sword. Unor flinched for a moment before coughing. 
“So that’s your big plan? Kill me?”
“I feel like that was obvious,” Maroon mumbled. Velvet pulled her sword out and sheathed it. Maroon’s eyes widened.
“I’m not letting him go, don’t worry. Just give me a second.” They reached towards their utility belt but Unor’s foot hit Maroon directly in the head. They fell to the ground but Velvet caught them before their head got hit again. She set them down gently before digging her heel into Unor’s open wound. The man attempted to kick at them but they pushed his feet away. 
Maroon’s head pounded as they sat up.
“Maroon, you okay?” Velvet asked, taking their gun out of its holster. 
“F-fine.” Unor locked eyes with Maroon, sending a chill down their spine. 
“Are you sure about that?” He asked. His voice was darker, the words seemingly twisting themselves around Maroon’s mind. He continued speaking, but Maroon couldn’t tell what the words were. Their breath became shallower and their heartbeat sped up. 
Mushrooms exploded around the room, sending Velvet down to the floor again. Unor laughed. 
What’s happening? What am I- 
Maroon looked around for Velvet. She was getting back to her feet again, this time with mushrooms clinging to her mission uniform. 
“Maroon!” They shouted, “Snap out of it!” 
“Velvet, I got the camera working again. What’s happening-” Maroon reached up and ripped their comms out of their ear. They threw it on the ground and staggered forward, hands still raised. Velvet moved in front of them. Maroon’s vision blurred but they felt her grab their hand. The mushrooms began spreading but Velvet kept a firm grip. 
“Maroon, listen to me-”
“There’s no point, dēvōtiō,” Unor shouted, “They can’t hear you!” Velvet glared at him. 
“What did you do to them?”
“Just a little magic,” he said with a smirk. Velvet turned back to Maroon. 
“Maroon, I need you to take a breath and calm down. Stick to the plan-”
“Knock her out, Maroon!” Unor called out. Velvet tensed up but didn’t let go of them. 
“Maroon…” they mumbled. The younger teen took a deep breath, causing the mushrooms to recede from Velvet’s hand. Several more surrounded Unor and pinned him to the floor. He attempted to squirm out of them with little success. 
“Maroon, free me this instant!” He demanded. Their vision slightly cleared as they carefully shook their head. Velvet kept a tight grip on their hand as she raised her gun.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he taunted. Velvet narrowed her eyes. 
“Try me.”
“You’ll die. If you kill me, half your soul will die. The other half will follow and you’ll cease to exist.” Maroon’s eyes widened.
“That’s…no-” the younger teen tried, but the fuzziness in their head stopped them. Unor smirked.
“It is. If you kill me, Velvet will die.”
“I don’t care.” Maroon’s vision blurred again as they turned to look at their friend. 
What? Velvet walked forward, finally letting go of Maroon’s hand. She pressed the gun to Unor’s head.
“Did you not hear me?” he breathed. Velvet glared at him. 
“If you’re dead, I don’t care if I’m alive. What matters is stopping you.”
Velvet took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger. Maroon watched the bright red liquid pour out of Unor’s head before their vision blurred to the point they could barely see. They could hear Velvet’s quiet breathing and footsteps as they walked back over to them. She took their hand again.
“We did it,” she muttered, “He’s dead.” Maroon took a deep breath and let out a small laugh. 
“We did, didn’t we?” Velvet immediately tensed up next to them, causing Maroon to turn to their left. They could barely make out their bright red hair and familiar brown eyes.
“What the fuck is that?” they breathed. Maroon frowned.
“What-” Before they could finish their sentence, a gust of wind hit their face and their vision went black. 
Solana blocked a guard’s attack with the pole of his spear before stabbing him in the chest. A vine wrapped around the guard and threw him out of the already-broken window. Solana attempted to catch her breath as she glanced at Thorn, who was also panting.
“I think,” it breathed, “That’s all of them.” 
“Don’t-” The wall to their right shattered, allowing another squad of B.A.D. agents to come running in. They shouted and pointed at the two mafia members.
“Jinx us,” Solana finished. The elf raised her spear. 
“How does he have so many guards?” Thorn groaned. 
“I wish Zaeor paid us. Maybe then I wouldn’t hate him as much as I do.” Solana raised an eyebrow and blocked a gunshot from one of the guards. 
“Not a Zaeor fan, huh?” 
“Is anyone?” Thorn jumped forward and wrapped several guards in vines before sending them out the window. Solana charged as well, spear slicing through a few arms.
“Velvet is.”
“Velvet doesn’t count.”
“And I don’t really mind him, you know?” Solana stated, “He’s a bit, I don’t know, odd? But he’s got good intentions.” 
“I guess.” Their conversation was cut short by a guard, who ran forward and managed to stab Thorn in the shoulder. The teen yelled out in pain and Solana quickly jumped to aer aid. They pushed him to the ground and quickly slit their throat.
“Thorn, you good?”
“Velvet, I got the camera working again. What’s happening-” Mad’s voice cut out right as Solana felt a sharp pain erupt in her left side. Metal clattered to the ground behind her.
“Fuck-” A teen, no older than Thorn, approached. He had light brown hair and sea-blue eyes. Unlike the other guards, the only armour he seemed to be wearing was a bulletproof vest. He held several throwing knives in his two hands. Thorn quickly grew a vine wall in front of them and steadied Solana.
“Don’t let them get close to Mr. Bolton!” Someone, presumably the teen, shouted. 
“Solana, you okay?” Thorn mumbled. 
“Maroon’s powers- Unor did something to them,” Velvet’s voice came through the comms. One of the guards groaned as Thorn tensed up next to them.
“Commander, it is not safe for you-” Thorn reached up to their comms.
“Do you need me-” Another knife sliced through the wall and the side of Thorn’s cheek. 
“You may give me orders when you can deal with a teen and an elf, captain.” 
“Shit-” Solana mumbled, glancing at their teammate, “Okay, Thorn, you take out that kid. I’ll keep the others off your ass.” 
“Got it.” He jumped around the corner of the wall and attempted to trap him. Solana went around the other side, pulling out their pistol. She fired shots at the remaining guards, drawing their attention.
“Velvet-” Mad paused. 
“What’s going on, Mad?” Solana asked, hitting a guard right in the nose. They glanced at Thorn. It narrowly avoided an airborne knife from the other teen.
“The camera’s out and Maroon’s unconscious. Velvet, are you there?” Thorn’s eyes widened and ae turned to Solana. The commander swung a punch at Thorn, knocking him to the ground. 
“Shit-” she muttered. Solana fired a shot at the teen but they dodged it. Thorn jumped back to its feet and kicked them in the stomach. 
“Solana, Thorn, can you clear me a path to the vent? I’m going in.” Solana turned back to the guards and continued firing. 
“We can try,” the elf mumbled, “Thorn, can you get that kid outta here?”
“I’m fucking working on it,” Thorn hissed back. A shot hit Solana’s left elbow, knocking the pistol from his hands. Another shot hit her in the stomach and bounced off her vest. Solana frantically picked up the gun before jumping behind the wall. 
“Fucking hell-” Bullets ricocheted off of the plants in front of them. Thorn fell to the ground to his right and the teen immediately jumped on him. They held the knife to aer throat as Solana lined up her shot. A laser hit the commander’s back, sending them flying over Thorn’s head. Thorn stayed on the ground for a few seconds before scrambling to their feet. 
“Mad!” they shouted. The bullets stopped hitting the wall but the sound continued. The other teen crawled towards Thorn and grabbed his ankle right as Mad made it past the vine wall. The droid continued towards the vent. Thorn attempted to kick his legs free but eventually grew vines that attached themselves to the commander’s legs. The vines pulled them to the window. The teen went flying but took Thorn with him. 
“Thorn!” Solana shouted. Mad turned around just in time to see the two teens disappear below the second-story window. 
“Fuck,” the droid muttered, “Solana, take care of the rest of the guards and then go after them.” Solana popped around the corner of the wall and unloaded another magazine at the guards. Another shot embedded itself in Solana’s right arm. The elf’s wounds screamed in pain as she hid behind the wall again. Blood dripped down from his arms, hitting the white marble floor. 
“Mad, I can’t-” they turned to the vent, but Mad was already gone. They took a deep breath.
You’ve got this, Mona. Just don’t think about the pain and- She peeked around the corner but something hit her in the back of the head. He stumbled to the ground, vision blurring. Solana fumbled with the pistol. Several guards surrounded her, one kicking her gun away. Another lifted their foot and slammed it into her skull, forcing her unconscious. 
“What the fuck is that?” Velvet breathed. She stared at Unor’s corpse, or more specifically, the glowing yellow light enveloping it. 
“What-” Maroon began to her right. The younger teen suddenly fell, hitting Velvet’s shoulder. Velvet caught them and lowered them to the ground. She kneeled next to them, glancing down to see Maroon’s unconscious face before focusing on the light once again. They moved their head to their lap, keeping their sword firmly in their left hand. She could feel her teammate’s soft breathing, their chest slowly rising and falling. 
The light grew brighter and split into five parts. Each morphed into different shapes, different people. They were vastly different in age and looks as the light solidified. In the centre was a tall woman, about 25 with long blonde hair and purple eyes. Her pink blouse was torn with a knife sticking out of her chest. She looked at Velvet with sympathy in her eyes.
The one to her left was a man, probably around Unor’s age. His blue eyes refused to meet Velvet’s. Blood dripped from his head, staining his blue hair a dark purple. He wore a B.A.D. agent uniform with three stars lined up on the sleeve.
The next one, all the way to the left, was a teen. He seemed to be older than Velvet but had pitch-black hair and bright green eyes. He had a set of Roman armour on and a large shield strapped to his left arm. A large red cut stretched along his neck.
Velvet could barely make out the other two people. One was much smaller and hid behind the woman in the centre. All the teen could see was chocolate brown eyes staring at her. The other one, a 25-or-so year old man, was facing away from them. Familiar black hair sat on his head.
“Velvet Bolton,” the woman breathed, “Hello, child.” Velvet stared at her as the ethereal glow steadied. 
“Who are you?” Velvet tried to sound intimidating, but her voice faltered. The woman walked forward, the kid staying right behind her. She stopped about a metre away and smiled warmly. 
“You wouldn’t remember me. My name is Jacqueline King.” Velvet frowned.
“You would be more familiar with my husband, Mark. I believe you worked together when you were younger?” Velvet carefully nodded. “I…knew Mark. But…aren’t you dead?” 
“I am. I- we,” she gestured to the man and teen, “are the people your father killed to steal their souls.” A chill went down Velvet’s spine. 
“Don’t worry, we’re not here to harm you,” she clarified, “Your father’s actions are not your fault.” Velvet glanced back at Unor’s lifeless body. 
“So…that was his actual body?” the assassin asked. Jacqueline nodded. 
“Your mission is over, child. You did it.” Velvet’s muscles relaxed involuntarily. The woman’s voice seeped into her body, calming her despite the possible danger surrounding her.
“We have something of yours.” Velvet looked up at her as she moved to the side. She gestured for the child behind her to walk. 
“Go on, sweet one.” The girl, about 14 years old, stepped into view. A large patch of blood pooled near her abdomen, shining through her white dress. Her long black hair, chocolate brown eyes, gold moon necklace-
Me. Velvet’s eyes widened, That’s me. The girl stood in front of her.
“H-hello,” she mumbled. Velvet looked between her and Jacqueline.
“I take it you know who she is, Velvet dear?” Jacqueline asked. Velvet stared at the girl in front of her. 
“Is this real?” she muttered. The older man stepped forward next to Jacqueline.
“As real as something involving magical souls can be,” he stated.
“What? Forgive me if I’m a bit sceptical.”
“I don’t know how you could still be sceptical…” the armoured teen stated, crossing his arms. 
“That’s enough, you two-”
“Can we just finish this up?” the man facing away shouted. Robert turned to glare at the back of his head.
“I don’t know why you’re in such a hurry to go to hell, asshole.” 
“I’m in a hurry to get the hell away from you asinī,” he shot back. Jacqueline sighed and turned towards him.
“Do you have anything you want to say to your daughter, Unor? An apology, perhaps?” The 25-year-old finally turned around and met Velvet’s eyes. Pitch-black irises stared her down, sending a chill down her spine. 
“What do I have to apologise for?”
“Your actions led to what she went through.”
“Trust me, I don’t need a fucking apology from him,” Velvet hissed. The black-haired girl took a step away from them. 
“She’s scary,” she mumbled, “I don’t want to be scary.” Jacqueline put an arm around her.
“I know she may seem scary, but she’s not. She’s scared, like you. Do you see that kid lying in her lap?” 
“The one taking a nap?”
“Mhm. She’s worried about them. She thinks we might do something to hurt them. You two are not as different as you think, child. You are two halves of one whole, with different strengths, weaknesses, ideals, and morals. Now, you’re going to become one again.” Velvet’s eyes widened once again.
“What?” Jacqueline turned to them and laughed. 
“Did you think we were just going to keep the other half of your soul?”
“I-” the assassin paused, “I didn’t think it was possible.” The armoured teen, Ethan, raised an eyebrow.
“Who told you that?” 
“Well-” Jacqueline’s form flickered, the light dimming.
“I’m afraid we don’t have the time to discuss,” she said, pushing the younger Velvet forward, “Go on, little one.” She looked at Jacqueline with a fearful look in her eyes. The woman gave her one final squeeze.
“Don’t worry, my sweet dove. We will meet again. Maybe not in this life, nor the next. It may be thousands or millions of lifetimes from now, but it will happen. And when it does, I will embrace you for as long as I have waited.” A tear fell from the black-haired girl’s face as she nodded. She turned back to Velvet and held out a hand. Velvet stared at it. 
“Go on, child,” Jacqueline said to them, “You will be safe.” Velvet lifted her right hand, readjusting Maroon as well. The golden figures slowly dimmed, dust-like particles flaking off. 
“Take care of yourself, Velvet,” Jacqueline said, smiling sadly, “You are more important than you could possibly know.” Velvet grabbed the younger girl’s hand. With that, the whole world went black. 
Thorn was falling. 
The wind whooshed past his ears as he tried to kick free of the other teen’s grip. The duo hit the ground hard. Thorn gasped for air but the commander jumped on top of them again. Angry blue eyes stared down at him as cold metal pressed against his throat. Thorn took a deep breath.
“Listen, man, I don’t think you want to do this.”
“Shut up.” Thorn grew several vines that each tried to pry him off to no avail. The blade nicked Thorn’s skin but the commander moved it. The two locked eyes before the other teen threw his blade on the ground.
“You know what? I’m done.” He stood up, leaving a slightly confused Thorn on the ground.
“I’m not helping Unor kill a kid my age. I can’t do this anymore.” The prince quickly hopped to aer feet. 
“Uh- well- I’m glad you had a change of heart?” The commander turned around and began walking towards the gate. Thorn glanced between him and the window two stories up. They heard Solana say Mad’s name before her voice suddenly stopped. 
I’ve got to get back up there. Thorn raised a hand but was hit in the stomach with a bullet. They fell to the ground and the sound of the shot seemed to catch the commander’s attention because he turned around. Thorn’s abdomen burned with pain that the 16-year-old had never felt before. It bit its tongue to keep from screaming.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were deserting, commander.” Thorn tried to move to see the voice’s source, but aer body screamed in pain. They watched the commander draw a pistol from the holster on his belt. 
“Watch your words, lieutenant.” Another shot rang out and the commander staggered back a bit as it hit him in the chest. Another hit his hand and knocked the gun to the ground. Thorn bit his tongue again and raised his left hand. A vine wall sprouted in front of the commander, who after realising, mouthed ‘thank you’. 
“What the fuck,” the voice breathed. A man’s face appeared in Thorn’s view. He scowled and raised a gun.
“This bitch is still conscious.” Faint sirens hit Thorn’s ears, and the man looked away. 
“Sir, I see UPS ships entering the atmosphere.”
“If they’re not supposed to be here, the guns will shoot ‘em down,” the man growled, turning back to Thorn, “Night night, little bitch.” A final shot rang out, hitting Thorn in the stomach. Their eyelids forcibly closed from the pain, and they quickly fell asleep. 
Mad scanned the scene in front of it, screen blank. Mushrooms took over the entire area and outlined the chair from earlier. Maroon and Velvet were unconscious on the far left of the room while Unor’s corpse was a few metres to the right, mushrooms already beginning to decompose it. Mad ran towards the two teens, joining them on the floor.
“Mad.” The droid looked up to see Zaeor standing over Unor. He was dressed in his pitch-black robe, sigils floating around him. Shadows pooled at his feet, forming a lake of darkness. Mad stared at him.
“Zaeor?” they asked, “What-” The god walked forward, almost glaring at it.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
“I saw Maroon and Velvet go down. I came to help.”
“Velvet’s already dead. I made sure of it.”
“What…do you mean you ‘made sure of it’?” Mad placed their hands on each of the teen’s necks. It was faint, but both still had a heartbeat. 
Shadows quickly pushed Mad, slamming it into the wall. Their screen cracked when they fell to the ground. 
“You fucking nosy droid,” he growled, “Do you know how many times I had to change my plans because of you? I have been so close to getting Velvet killed hundreds of times, but you kept getting in my fucking way.” Shadows lifted the robot up and pinned it against the wall. Mad’s mind raced as he stood in front of him. He glared, his face close to their TV. 
“I knew it,” Mad muttered, “You never gave a shit about us.”
“You? No. You proved to be the worst decision I made in my plan.” Mad attempted to struggle out of the shadowy restraints to no avail.
“What plan? Killing us all?” Zaeor laughed darkly, sending a shiver in Mad’s soul. 
“Not all. Velvet was the priority, Solana’s a nice bonus.”
“You’re not hurting Solana-”
“I don’t need to. You already did that, leaving him alone with the guards.” Mad’s soul dropped. 
No- Zaeor raised a fist and swung, hitting the left side of Mad’s TV. It recoiled as a ‘critical damage’ notification popped up. The restraints disappeared for a second, causing the droid to slam into the floor. They reformed and pinned it to the ground.
“Returning the favour,” the god mumbled. Zaeor leaned over and tilted Mad’s TV so the camera was looking at his twisted smile. 
“And now, with Velvet and you out of the way, my plan can truly begin.” Mad broke out of his grasp, causing him to laugh again.
“Oh what a glorious sight it will be. Such a shame you won’t be able to see it,” he mumbled, “Me, ruling the multiverse with the most powerful weapon by my side.” Mad looked back at him.
“Maroon, of course. I’d never let such a talent go to waste. They’ll make a perfect leader for my new army,” he laughed, “Hell, I don’t even have to cast my own mind control magic! Unor did it all for me.” Mad glanced at the younger teen, still passed out in Velvet’s lap. 
Velvet’s still alive and he doesn’t know that. I can’t let him take either of them. 
“Sure, it will take time,” Zaeor continued, “But I’ve waited 500 years, what's a few decades more? Soon, all gods in the multiverse will bow to me and I will have the power I fucking deserve.”
“You don’t deserve-” Zaeor punched it again, shattering what remained of its screen and disabling the camera. Mad sat in darkness as the god chuckled. 
“This is very therapeutic, you know? You can’t imagine how much I wanted to do this to you over the past year.”
“You’re…you’re not going to get away with this,” Mad mumbled, “Thorn-”
“Is dead. That is also partially your fault.”
“Shut up.” 
“What, Mad? Can’t take responsibility for your own actions?” Mad could feel their systems shutting down, no doubt due to the damage. 
“It’s not…my…fault.” Zaeor let out one last loud laugh.
“I didn’t realise a robot could be so delusional.” Mad heard his footsteps as he backed up. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a mansion to blow up,” he called out, “Enjoy shutting down, knowing that all of your friends' deaths are entirely your fault.” A swoosh went through the room, leaving Mad alone with their malfunctioning camera. The shadows pinning them down dissolved. It jumped to its feet, despite the warnings not to. Mad walked forward but tripped over a mushroom on the floor.
They slammed hard onto the ground, their TV detaching from their body and shattering into a billion pieces on the floor. 
A/N:  ...hi chat. fortis here. 
thats it. the books over. is there a sequel? maybe. whens it starting? who knows. youre assuming there is one. 
But in all seriousness, thank you all so much for the support on this project. I'll try not to get super sentimental but this book has been one of the best parts of my life for the past 2 years we've been working on it. While I did most of the actual writing, this would not be possible without the other writers, so shout out to them. All of our links are available below so go follow them. And stay tuned: we've got more planned for our favourite traumatised redheads. 
If you're reading this on Tumblr, congrats, hit the follow button and stay in the loop on what we're working on. I've got several oneshots, headcanons, and funny stories from the writers room I'm going to be sharing. If you're reading on Wattpad (which most of you are), go follow the Tumblr and get access to all of that stuff. You're gonna want to see it :) 
I'm also going to be working on editing earlier stuff, mainly part 1, and fixing formatting on the Wattpad. But in general, the story of this book is over. And I'm pretty happy with it, as I hope you all are. Still have questions? Shoot us an ask on the main TRM Tumblr or my personal blog and I'll see what I can do. But that's it. Signing off for the last time,
- Fortis (@iamf0rtis)
Writers' Socials Fortis/iamfortis: Wattpad - https://www.wattpad.com/user/iamf0rtis  Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCphcnJc-xn1sONNXsLJZxKA  Tumblr - @iamf0rtis or https://www.tumblr.com/blog/iamf0rtis Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iamf0rtis/ Cohost - https://cohost.org/iamfortis?page=0
Kip/softboymudkip: Tumblr - @softboymudkip or https://www.tumblr.com/softboymudkip
Tally/TallyVI: Tumblr - @tally-vi or https://www.tumblr.com/tally-vi Cohost - https://cohost.org/tallyvi?page=0
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by @d3adlyb0i and me :)
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the-red-mafia · 8 months
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M.M.A.D. GS-001 and MichaelW.A.V.E. PR-001
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
Happy Valentine's Day! 💘
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going outside in February is like. "oh i'm getting reminded that i'm a freak and society hates me." which is like normal but it's cranked up to eleven bc of valentine's day and then you go home and you have emails about valentine's day sales and people are posting their partners and if they don't have a partner they're being insanely self-deprecating about that and everything at work is heart-themed and everyone's talking about how they're not complete without their "other half" and all that bullshit and overall it's all just so exhausting as an aspec person. like can i just exist peacefully without sex and romance being shoved down my throat 24/7 PLEASE
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rad-roche · 2 months
it's posted over on the shroud twitter, so i figure i can share it here :> here's a little of what to expect
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