juiche · 9 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
get your own print here ❤️
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barb-l · 7 months
They really gave off huge Married Couple vibes in this scene for me, I can't quite explain why
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rocktheholygrail · 4 months
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
1x04 || 3x09
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azarovas · 18 days
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No Context Deadloch (2023-)
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loveinhawkins · 3 months
Eddie really can’t afford to be late, but he is anyway; the school year’s slipping away from him again. He nearly falls in his haste to cut across the parking lot—when he curses the sheet of ice beneath his sneakers, it sounds more like he’s cursing himself.
Someone’s holding the front door open for him. Eddie’s torn between hurrying even more or slowing down; he’s gotten used to certain people holding the door only to let it swing shut at the last second. His senior year the first time around was the worst for it: the bruise on his shoulder was as constant as a tattoo.
But the impulse to speed up must win, because whoever’s holding the door makes a motion with one hand, bringing it up to chest height before lowering it, palm tilted slightly up: dude, relax, it’s okay.
And Eddie’s seen that gesture often enough on the basketball court while pretending not to watch the game—spotted it in silent response to a failed throw, or even after an accidental shove from someone on the rival team.
So it’s not really a surprise when he gets close enough to confirm that Steve Harrington is holding the door.
Steve definitely doesn’t need to be; the school secretary is probably plotting his demise because of how long he’s been letting the cold air in.
They don’t exchange any words, but Steve gives a tiny wry smile, like they’re on the same team—although Eddie’s sure that Steve, at least, can afford to be late.
His hair is sticking up at the sides, toast crumbs on his burgundy sweater—Eddie can picture him suddenly, eating hastily as he gets into his car.
And it’s a fleeting, endearingly unpolished image, gone as soon as Eddie’s fingertips touch the door, to be replaced by the buzzing dread of tests and essays; he’s oblivious to the fact that in someplace far colder than this late morning, he’ll tell Steve Harrington that he’s actually a good dude, like the thought’s just occurred to him—thinking all the while oh, I already knew.
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pjs-everyday · 5 months
Bond! ♥️
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lol one time he saw Anya pretending to be asleep and Loid carried her home sooooo— 😴😴😴🫣
☑️ art requests open (maybe through the weekend too hehe) 🤗✨
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slutpoppers · 5 months
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Golden Rapidmon and Magnamon.
Digimon 02 Hurricane Touchdown (2000).
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nottheweirdest · 1 month
How am I supposed to go back to work and pretend like that trailer didn't just ruin me?!!
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laurentspeach · 1 year
me and the bad bitch i pulled by flogging him almost to death for killing my brother
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petit-papillion · 4 months
This was the highlight of the day for me. A little water ballet by Monsieur Leclerc.
FP2 | Canadian GP Practice Day | 7 June 2024
🎥 lecmoments
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Chihiro and Haku The Dragon
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Spirited Away
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
July 20, 2001 (Japan)
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mmmairon · 1 year
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Home was the only place left.
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gildedoak · 6 months
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"Now we just have to let it cook on low heat for two hours." "Kaaaaay. What do we do until then?" "OH, I'm sure we'll find SOMETHING to do."
I was listening to Water Wall from the Transistor OST and thought of Lucifer and Alastor dancing a slow tango to a bass-y jazz number in the hotel's expansive new kitchen. I ended up finding Unsolved by Mythical Score Society and it creates such a gentle, sexy mood. Loved how it turned out. ❤️
If anyone has additional music recommendations for this scenario, please pass them along! I'd love to hear them.
Not sure why, but the colors look more fluorescent in the photo than they really are. Must be the lighting.
(Image description and reference photos under the cut)
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[Image Description: A sketchbook page of four drawings of Lucifer and Alastor dancing a tango, with Alastor leading, as music plays in the background. Both men are missing their jackets, and are instead wearing kitchen aprons, with their shirt sleeves rolled up. Lucifer's apron is a buttery yellow, and Alastor's is lime green. Both look like they're actually enjoying themselves.
Various reference photos are featured under the cut.
End Image Description]
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staab · 3 months
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Should’ve eaten more of those pancakes…
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
I'm not sure if you've already answered something like this, but what are your reasons for disliking Tom Taylor?
I haven't read everything of his regarding the Titans and Dick but I don't really like what I've seen so far. I was excited at first with the current Titans run, etc. But that excitement has faded away.
What I don't like that is hard to put into words is his writing seems to reflect that he doesn't really understand the characters that he's writing, AND he seems to prefer Dick with Babs instead of Kory.
But what are your thoughts on Tom Taylor's writing?
in a nutshell — tom taylor is a fundamentally incurious person who writes comics to go viral on twitter. there’s no tangible substance in what he writes aside from moments of unearned toothless fluff, he isn’t interested in preserving legacy relationships or characterisation, and he lauds himself as a champion of representation while blocking those from marginalised communities who critique his works for being harmful or otherwise inaccurate.
his writing on nightwing reinvented dick grayson as a spineless, inoffensive character with almost no conviction. babs gordon has been removed from oracle entirely and exists as his girlfriend who lovingly banters with him but otherwise possesses no personal stance on any issue. his portrayal of bludhaven is devoid of its grit, style, or culture. dick’s ability to perform basic tasks as a hero — solving cases on his own, any degree of instinct or self preservation, acting like an adult — is notably absent. his chip about kory manifests in strongarming babs into being dicks one true love — something that defies existing canon and harms both of their existing relationships with other characters.
his writing on titans pisses me off even more, because now he has a wide cast of established characters that he can water down into stereotypes, flat characterisation lifted out of the cartoon, and bad politics. raven is basically a non-character who exists to be bb’s girlfriend. roy is totally absent. kory is underwritten. donna is flat and lifeless. the dynamics of the group are totally off. the decisions they make are bad, and because he’s established dick as a dunce i don’t understand why anyone would sincerely trust him to lead this group.
the issue is that there are no stakes. taylor’s liberalism allows for surface-level representation with no substance and no personality. why should i care that superman is bi if said superman decides to hug space-hitler instead of fighting him? why would i care that dick grayson is back in bludhaven if every character around him exists to support his new, inferior storytelling? taylor does not appear interested in improving his craft or actually collaborating with the people he claims to represent. there is no compassion, no sincere interest in nuanced storytelling. only window dressing with shiny cover art by dan mora
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Eddie lingers by the Lite-Brite, while Robin and Nancy thunder downstairs in search of the bikes; Steve can hear the echo of their voices as they go, Robin insisting that she get, “—the coolest looking bike, Nance, that’s only fair considering your goddamn outfit nearly strangled me,” followed by Nancy’s answering laughter.
Eddie doesn’t look like he’s heard them at all. Looks like he’s in a world of his own, actually.
His fingers trail through the air, creating a path of golden shimmers. His eyes are wide, entranced, and he suddenly looks so peaceful that the sight actually threatens to choke Steve up.
Maybe it’s a small thing compared to everything else. But Steve thinks it’s monumental: how despite every horror that he’s witnessed, despite everything, Eddie’s still reaching for the light.
The thought is familiar, a reminder of how he’d felt just minutes before, hearing Dustin and Erica’s triumphant giggles—hope and affection catching in his throat.
He’d almost forgotten that all of this could be fun, too.
Eddie’s fingers keep weaving—he doubles back on himself several times, like he’s trying to draw the light into his palm. There’s no discernible pattern to his movements, no half-formed words Steve can make out—he only sees Eddie’s complete and utter contentment in doing nothing but this: just drinking the moment in.
It makes Steve think of how he used to consider the Fourth of July as a kid. Before the big fireworks show, when it felt like time had slowed, like the whole world had narrowed down to just him and a dazzling sparkler in his hand.
Steve watches on, leaning against the doorframe; he wants—suddenly, desperately—to give Eddie all the time in the world.
But he has to settle for counting out increasingly long seconds in his head. Then he suppresses a sigh, gives a gentle tap, tap along the wall.
“Eddie,” Steve says softly. Then, when Eddie still hasn’t heard, just a touch louder: “Eddie.”
Eddie startles, blinking rapidly. His eyes refocus, land on Steve—but a slightly dreamy, captivated quality remains, as if he’s still seeing an afterimage of the lights.
“Oh,” he says, sounds almost sheepish.
“Hey,” Steve says, smiling. “You doing good over there? You look like you found proof that, like, Santa’s real or something.”
Eddie chuckles under his breath, but he doesn’t reply.
His hand returns to that spot again, dipping in and out of the light like he’s sat by a creek, fingers dragging through the water.
“Y’know,” Eddie begins, so quietly. Achingly wistful. “If it was all like this… I wouldn’t mind it.”
The feeling hits, tugs on Steve’s breastbone. It doesn’t hurt.
He keeps looking at Eddie, at the flickers of gold reflected in his pupils, and he silences the part of himself that insists he shouldn’t have time for this, and just thinks it anyway.
You’re beautiful, Eddie Munson.
That’s all. Nothing else, no qualifications.
Maybe here, things can be simple. Just this once.
Eddie drops his hand. The light fades away, but he’s staring at Steve, like something else has inexplicably been lit up right in front of him.
“What?” Steve says.
“Nothing,” Eddie says, almost a whisper. “Sometimes I just. I just think. You, um—you look at me like…”
Slowly, slowly, Steve steps further into the room.
“Like what?”
Another step.
Eddie shakes his head. “Nothing,” he says. Adds nonsensically, “Must’ve been a trick of the light.”
“I don’t think so,” Steve says.
He reaches out a hand. Feels the warmth beneath his palm.
Eddie lifts his hand, so hesitantly. He edges ever closer, until the shimmery trails from their fingertips begin to merge into one.
Until their hands intertwine.
For a moment, Eddie stands frozen, and Steve’s ready to draw back.
But then Eddie inhales. He’s not looking at the lights, not anymore.
He’s looking at me, Steve thinks.
Perhaps has been for a while.
“Yes?” Eddie murmurs, lips barely moving.
“Yes,” Steve says.
He leans in.
The kiss is a small thing, really. Warm, tentative touches—a stumble before finding each other in the dark.
Such a small thing.
But to Steve, it’s monumental.
He feels it in his chest, like a tidal wave, and as he brings a hand up to cradle the side of Eddie’s face, he thinks that the lights are somehow in his chest too, like they’re both swallowing flecks of gold until they’re glowing with it, until the beams’ll shoot out of their fingers, their toes, the ends of their hair.
And here, in this house that’s frozen in time, it somehow feels like they’re stealing more of it, precious seconds, minutes—hell, give me hours, Steve thinks euphorically, give me years—
“Steve!” calls Robin’s voice distantly, and they both jump. “Get your ass in gear or I’m gonna slash your tires.”
“Uh, have a little patience, puh-lease!” Steve returns, a role reversal from all the times she’s run late for him to pick her up.
Eddie blinks, looks as if he’s holding his breath again; his eyes flicker over Steve’s face, like he’s expecting him to pull away.
Steve doesn’t.
A tender, lovely smile spreads across Eddie’s face.
And then they’re laughing into each other’s mouths.
And laughing leads to more…
“Harrington,” Eddie says, but he’s smiling too much for it to come across as remotely serious.
“Just a little longer,” Steve says—feels like he’s back in high school, joyful and silly.
Eddie laughs breathily; Steve presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth, swallows the sound.
“If Buckley slashes your tires, you’re gonna have to, like, book it alongside us.”
“Or we could share a bike.”
A disbelieving, fond chuckle. “Steve.”
Eddie breaks away only to lean back in and kiss Steve’s cheek instead—and for some reason that’s the thing to make Steve’s breathing truly catch.
They’re still holding hands; he rediscovers that fact when Eddie grins slyly and pulls him to the door.
“Let’s go.”
“All right, all right, jeez.”
The room is left in darkness, but they’re laughing as they race each other downstairs—and though the shimmers have dissolved, they’re still leaving light in their wake, wherever they go next.
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