wine-porn · 1 year
IO IO It's off to work I go
My last bottle of this and oh man what a run it’s been. Bought a couple cases when the Mondavi/Byron colab went kaput on deep discount and it has brought nothing but pleasure. One of my best purchases. Bottle caked in sediment, the color dark brown with clear beige edges. Powerful nose rather exploding with deep ripe berry and murky funk. Almond paste and marzipan run along creases of cracked,…
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haybug1 · 2 years
Vina Seña ~ An International Icon from Chile
Vina Seña ~ An International Icon from Chile
25 years ago, Napa Valley legend, Robert Mondavi, partnered with Eduardo Chadwick to create a brand that would come to be considered one of the finest representations of Bordeaux-style wines in South America. Chadwick had been working for his family’s wine business, Viña Errázuriz, in Chile since 1983, traveling around the globe and tasting the world’s great wines. When Mondavi visited Chile in…
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Aperitif Day
National Aperitif Day is celebrated annually on the third Thursday in May. This year, it takes place on May 18. The day appreciates aperitifs — drinks taken before meals, such as fizz, dry vermouth, and white wine.
Although aperitifs originated in France, they are consumed by people all over the globe. They are flavorful and serve as the standout ingredient in many cocktail recipes.
History of National Aperitif Day
An aperitif is a refreshing alcoholic drink served before a meal to stimulate the appetite. It is a liquid appetizer. Aperitifs are usually served to guests during a dinner party, with or without food. Of course, there’s no rule that you can’t unwind with aperitif after a long day. From Campari and Aperol to cocktails like the martini, aperitifs are available in many brands and forms. The spirit offers a delightful and flavorful drinking experience.
The word ‘aperitif’ is French. However, in Italian, it is known as ‘aperitivo.’ Both words have their roots in the Latin word ‘aperire,’ meaning ‘to open, or uncover.’ These drinks were designed to heighten the appetite and prepare the palate for food. Most people serve aperitifs with complex or fatty meals. The word ‘aperitif’ may be used to describe a class of alcoholic beverages and cocktails in which they’re found. These cocktails and alcoholic drinks usually contain herbs or other ingredients that whet the drinker’s appetite.
Aperitifs are very common in Europe, especially in France and Italy. They’re often served as parlor drinks before and after dinner for a heightened dining experience. Instead of an aperitif, some prefer to drink a digestif — a drink that aids in digestion —  at the end of their meal. Similar to the American happy hour, bars in Europe serve aperitifs with light snacks for their patrons to enjoy.
National Aperitif Day timeline
5th Century The Earliest Mention of Aperitifs
Diadochos of Photiki mentions aperitifs in his works.
18th Century Italy Becomes the Aperitif Center
Entrepreneurs in Turin, Italy, begin producing large quantities of aperitifs.
1860 The Rise of the Campari Group
Gaspare Campari creates the iconic aperitif brand: Campari.
1900s Aperitifs Arrive in the U.S.
The aperitif travels to the U.S. from Europe.
National Aperitif Day FAQs
What is an example of an aperitif?
Classic aperitifs include dry vermouth, white wine, fizz, and bitter drinks like Campari.
What is the most popular aperitif?
The most famous one-name aperitif is Campari. Its recipe has been a secret since 1860, when its creator, Gaspare Campari, first began bottling his product.
How is an aperitif served?
It’s typically paired with a slice of fruit — for looks and a pre-dining nibble.
National Aperitif Day Activities
Host a dinner party
Make your own cocktails
Visit a bar
Celebrate National Aperitif Day by hosting a dinner party. However, this cannot be just any other party. Remember to begin the meal with aperitifs and end it in style with another variety of aperitifs or digestifs.
Show off your bartending skills on National Aperitif Day. Whip up your favorite aperitif-based cocktails or experiment with new recipes and call your friends over for a little taste test — how fun does that sound?
Does your favorite bar serve the best aperitif cocktails? Celebrate National Aperitif Day with your favorite aperitif cocktails at your favorite bar. Invite your friends to join the fun too!
5 Interesting Facts About Aperitifs
The Queen has a favorite aperitif
There’s a reason why aperitifs are bitter
Campari got its red color from beetles
Digestifs are the opposite of aperitifs
James Bond loved aperitifs
The Queen’s favorite aperitif is a gin and Dubonnet garnished with lemon.
Bitter drinks help us become more alert and ready for the meal we’re about to consume.
When it was first produced, Campari got its bright red color from cochineal beetles.
Unlike aperitifs, digestifs are served after food to aid your digestion.
The Negroni cocktail — Bond’s favorite — is traditionally made using gin, Campari, vermouth, and orange peel.
Why We Love National Aperitif Day
It appreciates aperitifs
It’s a day to relax
It encourages experimentation
We love National Aperitif Day because it appreciates delicious and culturally-rich aperitifs! It recognizes that aperitifs don’t just taste great but also get our appetites ready for a flavorful meal.
National Aperitif Day is celebrated by drinking aperitifs and aperitif-based cocktails. It is a holiday to get together with friends, visit your favorite bar, and let your hair down.
National Aperitif Day urges us to be creative and daring in our culinary experiments. So, throw in a dash of this and that to create the cocktail you’ve been dying to try.
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gastronominho · 4 months
Jantar harmonizado com a Robert Mondavi Winery em São Paulo
Icônicos rótulos da marca serão acompanhados por menu exclusivo em wine dinner no restaurante Varanda Jardins
Icônicos rótulos da marca serão acompanhados por menu exclusivo em wine dinner no restaurante Varanda Jardins Robert Mondavi é um visionário apaixonado por vinhos que em 1966 deu início ao sonho de engarrafar, literal e metaforicamente, a essência de Napa Valley para compartilhar com o mundo. O Napa Valley é uma região vinícola localizada na Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos. É conhecida…
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hex222 · 5 months
California Dreamin’ –tasting 24.1.2024
Dreamin’ -tasting keräsi joukon ladyja ja ritareita maistamaan ja arvioimaan kahta valkoviiniä ja viittä punaista CWC:n kellarille. Kalifornian ja yleensäkin Yhdysvaltalaiset viinit ovat suosittuja, maa on maailman neljänneksi suurin viinintuottaja. Kalifornian vilejlyolosuhteet ovat otolliset ja moninaiset. Kuumuutta ja aurinkoa viilentävät vuoristo ja kylmät merivirrat. Rypälelajikkeita on…
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mywinepal · 6 months
An Interview with Kurtis Ogasawara Winemaker, Robert Mondavi Winery, at VanWineFest 2024
An #Interview with Kurtis Ogasawara Winemaker, Robert Mondavi Winery, at @VanWineFest 2024. @ArterraCanada @CalifWines_US #CabernetSauvignon #ToKalon #youtube
Kurtis Ogasawara, Winemaker for the Robert Mondavi Winery The Robert Mondavi Winery is historic for putting California, and New World wines, on the international stage. I was fortunate to have a chance to interview Kurtis Ogasawara, Winemaker for Robert Mondavi during VanWineFest 2024.  I was told, “Growing up in Sunnyvale, California, Kurtis lived just outside of wine country in the Bay Area.…
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wine-porn · 2 years
Nobody Drinks Merlot
Amazingly funky from first pour, deep brick in the glass–actually brown throughout–a most un-inspiring color psychologically but redeeming itself in spades as moments progress. The tincture of mercury causes great pause but nothing points to failure in spirit as of yet. Glassine of bouquet, with faded fruit following, the entire feel that of washed-out berry and progressed tertiary. Tasting it…
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haybug1 · 2 months
Toasting August with a Glass of Chardonnay
Enjoying a glass of Chardonnay is something that I can do any day, especially as the variety can deliver such a wide range of flavor profiles from steely, clean, and fresh to rich, full-bodied, and creamy. It can easily transition from aperitifs to pairing with a full meal of anything from fish to poultry, even some beef dishes. Enjoy one of these beauties tonight. One of California’s premier…
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Drink Wine Day
Does anybody really need an excuse to open a bottle of their favorite red (or white) at the end of a long and stressful day? Absolutely not! Still, that shouldn’t stand in the way of celebrating National Drink Wine Day. After all, a glass (OK, bottle) of wine is truly the greatest antidote to stressful moments.
It’s also suggested that a glass a day keeps the cardiologist away. From connoisseurs of wines from around the globe to casual fans that enjoy the odd glass at the restaurant or on an evening spent with friends, National Drink Wine Day is an undoubted highlight in the calendar.
Learn about National Drink Wine Day
Unsurprisingly, National Drink Wine Day is a day to celebrate wine, which includes drinking some wine. However, its purpose isn’t to result in millions of people staggering around bars after losing self-control or to leave participants facing the mother of all hangovers on National Drink Wine Day +1. Wine should be enjoyed responsibly on this day more than any other.
The annual event is a time to reflect on the many benefits of wine, as well as the role it has played in human history and society. The social aspects are particularly pertinent on this day, which should be enjoyed with friends and family. After all, there’s nothing quite like sipping a glass of the good stuff while sharing fun and entertainment with the people that matter most.
For many, it’s not only a wine day; it’s a wine AND dine day. However, wine (especially red wine) is also widely praised as an aphrodisiac. So, the dining part is far from essential. In addition to the stimulating properties, participants of the day’s merriment can embrace other great features such as enhancing social events, relaxing the mind, reducing the risk of heart disease, and providing the perfect accompaniment to various dishes. Oh, and there’s also the fact it leaves the taste buds dancing with joy.
Wine is one of life’s little luxuries that should be enjoyed far more regularly than once per year. Nonetheless, National Drink Wine Day is that special moment where millions can raise a glass to the benefits it brings while also paying homage to the winemakers of previous generations.
History of National Drink Wine Day
The history of wine itself can be dated back over 8,000 years to winemakers in the Eurasian region that is now Georgia. The alcoholic beverage has played a major part in society ever since and has been drunk in all four corners of the globe for many generations. Iranians, Italians, and Europeans in the Balkans all have rich histories of wine production that date back to ancient times while China created very similar alcoholic beverages as early as 7,000BC.
Wine has consequently been celebrated by fans for centuries, commonly enjoyed as part of a meal or to enhance social events. In fact, the average adult consumes 45.6 gallons of the stuff every year – which works out at 20 miles per gallon, given that the average person walks 900 miles per year.
In today’s world, nearly 20 million acres of the earth’s surface are dedicated to grape farming for wine fermentation. There are literally thousands of brands and variants covering red wines, white wines, sparkling wines, and rose wines, while mead, fruit wine, and dessert wine is readily available to millions. Moreover, the experience of enjoying wine is closely linked to human history. For example, tapping glasses to say “cheers” harks back to the Ancient Romans – that’ll come as a shock to fans of Sam Malone, Diane Chambers, and the rest of the fictional gang in Boston, Massachusetts.
National Drink Wine Day is a far more contemporary addition but is now in its second decade. It provides a formal and organized time to celebrate everything that is to be loved about the alcoholic beverage, such as reducing the threat of liver disease, type II diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and being stuck at the bar with someone that’ll bore you to tears.
Awareness of the event has increased at a fairly rapid rate with the annual event reaching new locations and a greater variety of demographics by the year. In truth, it’s only natural given the universal appeal of the beverage.
Whether red or white (it should definitely be red!), National Drink Wine Day is not an event to be missed.
National Drink Wine Day Timeline
6000 BC Earliest known record of wine in history
Villagers in the area that is modern day Georgia, just south of Tbilisi, grapes are believed to be used for winemaking.
4100 BC Winery is used in Armenia
A winepress for stomping grapes, vessels for fermentations, storage jars, drinking cups and even withered grape vines show that a dedicated winery is functioning during this era.
1200 BC Traveling Phoenecians begin introducing wine
Across the Middle East, Mediterranean and North Africa regions, traders and travellers slowly begin to introduce wine to islanders and eventually to Europeans.
1000-1400 AD Winemaking begins in Medieval Europe
As grape production grows in southern Europe, so does the winemaking industry (as northern Europe focuses more on beer). Monasteries begin their vineyards in now-famous places such as Champagne and Burgundy.
1820s Mass produced wine begins in US
With the first commercially successful winery and vineyard in Ohio, USA, the industry makes major improvements. Black rot mostly drives the industry out of Ohio, relocating to New York and, eventually, California.
How to celebrate National Drink Wine Day
Ernest Hemingway said: “wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range of enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.” So, it would be very ignorant to let the day pass without celebrating it in style.
Wine is a drink enjoyed (in moderation) by millions on a daily basis. Many others sink a few glasses on the weekend or once per month on a night out or a trip to the local bar. Regardless of the daily relationship with wine, National Drink Wine Day is a time to do something a little special. Put the standard budget white or red away, and opt for a zesty Bordeaux or luxurious Pinot Grigio. Special occasions deserve a special drink.
The celebrations aren’t designed for getting intoxicated beyond social levels. It’s a time to be spent with friends, which is why a dinner party is the perfect way to enjoy great wine and even better conversation. Alternatively, couples can tap into the aphrodisiac properties with a night in by themselves. Either way, the right choice of wine will enhance the evening’s entertainment while also promoting improved health and the other many rewarding features offered by the beverage. What more could anyone ask for?
Finally, while delighting the taste buds with a few wines, participants can relax in the knowledge that they have pleased the gods. Or at least Dionysus (Bacchus in Roman mythology), the god of merrymaking, wine, theatre, and ecstasy. Even for those without religious backgrounds, that sounds like the right type of deity.
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haybug1 · 8 months
7 Affordable Wines for Toasting the Superbowl
Superbowl Sunday is shaping up to be a fantastic match between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. Of course, twisting the cap of a long neck is a standard game-day drink. However, consider raising a glass of wine instead of imbibing in a brewski. Here are eight tasty options to pour this Sunday, each with an affordable price point, perfect if you entertain a crowd for the big…
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Excellent Food and Drinks on My Vacations (No. 11)
I travelled a lot; and still do. I love to eat and have a nice drink. Here are some of the best foods, drinks and wines I had to pleasure to enjoy. It starts with this year and goes back in time. I hope you like the pics as much as I loved this food.
Please contact me, if you want some further information about the food and/or restaurants. 
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newyorkreject · 3 months
I wear Grief.
I saw you today, 
You were a grey cat, standing- waiting,
Basking in the setting sun behind one of my Chevy tires.
I saw you today.
One thing they didn't tell me about grief 
Was the anger, the madness. 
The sadness lays dominant, 
Reminding me everyday as I clutch onto your tan cardigan.
Everytime I close my eyes, 
It's you again.
2,000 miles away, yet I'm always at the foot of your door, 
Sitting on your porch.
My god, I knew the sadness would suck but
The anger- the anger is so much worse. 
Nights spent up, in the city- drunk, 
Stumbling home,
Feel you there, screaming at the walls.
Screaming, begging- scolding-
Why? Why? Why? Why? 
Throwing bottles, throwing cups at those four walls-
The Mondavi dripping down.
The Sutter Home dripping down.
The Tito's dripping down.
Waking my mother up with drunken, violent seances,
A ouija board acting like our texts messages, 
And I think in the face of our Mother, Death-
You refused to see what would be there
   Or what wouldn't be-
Once you left.
I wear my grief, comfortably,
Just like your cardigan. 
My aura has adopted this dull light, 
Dark, dampened. 
I can hear you in the back of my mind, 
All the 
I wear my grief like a poet, 
Your memory filling in every 
I wear my grief like the youngest,
Not even knowing what the
My blood
Boils at. 
I wear my grief like the oldest daughter, 
I would rip
This world
To fucking 
In order to hear your laugh, 
In order to see you- your face again.
And that's the thing with grief no one told me.
I could burn this world to the ground, 
I can ace my revenge, 
Drown the undeserving out
In a sea of blue.
I can cry till my bones shake, 
To the point I convince myself that 
God has to listen. 
I can rip this skin of mine off,
In a sea of red-
That won't bring you back. 
That won't let me hear your laugh.
That won't bring me answers 
Of which I was too young for you to have given.
Too young to understand.
God won't falter, the cycle won't glitch, 
That won't bring you back.
And a dead part of my soul knows-
Even if you did, 
Our family would never be the same.
Not after that day.
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badmusejail · 8 months
open. modern verse.
"I do hope your trip here wasn't too stressful. I know the city can be... rough."
Having got his guest situated with a drink of whatever they had fancied, Giovanni sat his own class of Pinot Noir from Robert Mondavi Winery aside to take the remote in hand.
He sat on the couch, flicking through the channels for some game to put on in the background; uncaring what sport it was.
Meanwhile, one of his cats jumped onto the table beside him, and proceeded to shove the glass to the floor.
(Take one guess why he doesn't have carpet anymore.)
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mr-nodus-tollens · 8 months
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Wine to me is passion. It’s family and friends. It’s warmth of heart and generosity of spirit. Wine is art. It’s culture. It’s the essence of civilization and the art of living.
- Robert Mondavi
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shibasommelier · 2 years
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2012 Seña
So this is very nice Bordeaux blend from a Chilean winery founded by Robert Mondavi and Eduardo Chadwick. Loads of Bordeaux notes - cassis, plums, fresh leather, cherries, and a hint of nutmeg on the nose. Cassis, dark cherries, and plums on the palate with lovely sweet spices to round it out.
4/5 bones
52% Cabernet Sauvignon, 23% Carmenere, 12% Merlot, 7% Malbec, 6% Petit Verdot
14% abv
Aconcagua Valley, CHILE
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Birthdays 6.18
Beer Birthdays
William Lassell (1799)
Thomas M. Dukehart (1835)
Sigmund O. Mitler (1850)
Brad Klipner (1976)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Paul Eddington; English actor (1927)
James Montgomery Flagg; illustrator, artist (1877)
James Mallory; English mountaineer, explorer (1886)
Paul McCartney; rock bassist, songwriter (1942)
Chris Van Allsburg; writer, illustrator (1949)
Famous Birthdays
Brian Bebben; actor (1956)
Richard Boone; actor (1917)
Barbara Broccoli; film producer (1960)
Lou Brock; St. Louis Cardinals LF (1939)
Sammy Cahn; songwriter, lyricist (1913)
Roger Ebert; film critic (1942)
Henry Clay Folger; philanthropist (1857)
Gail Godwin; writer (1937)
Carol Kane; actor (1952)
Kay Kyser; bandleader (1897)
Edouard Le Roy; French philosopher, mathematician (1870)
Jeanette MacDonald; actor, singer (1903)
E.G. Marshall; actor (1914)
Ray McKinley; jazz drummer (1910)
Robert Mondavi; winemaker (1913)
Alison Moyet; pop singer (1961)
Sylvia Field Porter; economist, journalist (1913)
Isabella Rossellini; actor (1952)
Frithjof Schuon; Swiss metaphysician, poet, artist (1907)
E.W. Scripps; journalist, publisher (1854)
Blake Shelton; country singer (1976)
Joseph-Marie Vien; French artist (1716)
Alexander Wetmore; ornithologist (1886)
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