#mondstadt city
genshinmp3 · 1 year
Tipsy Poetry from The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3 Dimeng Yuan, HOYO-MiX
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<From x>
"I hope that the trinkets I sent Miss Traveler and Miss Paimon helped! A bunch of ingredients and a pretty orange and green water rock that's cool on my membrane... Mint for Mel and Seagrass-stuffed Tidalga for me make a great quick meal when I'm on an adventure, after all."
Vila grins, looking at the city and getting a metal plate out of her bag that she carefully wraps around Mel... It covers the bottom of the Slime and seems heat-resistant, since it hasn't started melting.
"There we go! Now you can join me in the city too, Mel! Gotta thank Miss Estelle for making this when I visit Muirne and Sedene and Liath..."
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thefellomen · 6 days
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Thoma || Protector From Afar
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unfortunatelyilikebnha · 10 months
Tbh it’s so funny to me that albedo is made of chalk and may destroy mondstadt and klee is the daughter of a witch and obsessed with bombs but despite being weird as fuck individually they still have a more normal sibling relationship than both kaeya and diluc AND jean and barbara
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vv-ispy · 5 months
nameless bard ameno archon au.............
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kojinxshi · 1 year
Hi my name is jinx and im starting a new tag called #AllAroundTeyvat where I post pics from genshin of all the places I visit daily, here are some examples!!
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I think my goal with this is to just share these pics to kinda show the beauty of genshin as a game but also show new angles and sometimes new spots people havent seen! (example pics are major areas just for reference :) These can also be used as wallpaper/screensavers which I also think is pretty swag! Some posts will be based on certain areas and some will just be individual for funzies. let me know what you think :)
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d3vilishd00dles · 1 year
Why aren't there more wind related things in Mondstadt? since they're so proud of the wind I'm talking:
sayings like "the sky's the limit", "keep your head in the clouds", "easy breezy", " this will/it'll be a breeze", and " blown away" are used a lot. there's prob more tho
wind festivals, carnivals, there's even a designated Anemo Day
main event is Anemo Fest, celebration of the wind
kite building and racing contests
sailing races
aircraft building and racing contests
toy sail boat building and racing contests
ribbon and flag dancing shows and contests galore
specialty drinks and foods that make you feel "lighter than air" some actually make you float/fly
bubbles and balloons everywhere
that one scene in Trials of Morrigan Crow where they all stepped off the roof and floated down on giant umbrellas? that's how they kick off Anemo Fest
i mean people save money all year buy, commission, or make their own umbrellas and they all have different designs and people dedicate stores and booths to them
being a kite designer or umbrella designer is an actual job that pays well
the flight industry should be Certified BOOMIN'
hot air balloons, blimps, Da Vinci style flying machines, propellers
like sky steampunk type vibes for the whole city
the fashion too. puffed sleeves, puffy pants, ruffles and garments that look airy
blowing on things is a good luck charm
mindful breathing is very important 'cause your putting wind in your body
birds, flying fish, and other animals of the wind are protected and very sacred. considered to be "blessed by Anemo".
clouds, bubbles, feathers, and other airy things are prominent symbols of Mondstadt
trampolines and swing sets are considered great toys for kids because of the "feeling of flying"
that thing parents do, the arm swing where they have the kid in the middle and just swing 'em while walking? there's an old wives tales saying it's good luck from Anemo
flapping your arms and hands, sticking your head out the window when going really fast, jumping, they're all good luck movements
@philosophykitten Mondstadt is known for wine and poetry, huh?
wine tastings
poetry events
bookstores and libraries galore
vineyards everywhere, Mondstadt wine has a higher fizz 'cause bubbles=air
this is by no means a complete list please feel free to add on I would love it
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cashewally-sarcastic · 7 months
Decarabian would be the worst type of backseater. He'd go "Why aren't you doing this ___" at everything. Like yeah sure he knows how to midmax a city (he arranged for everyone to live in certain locations like an animal crossing mayor), but at the same time Jean and Venti are both P.P at his suggestions
He’s not allowed to come to the KoF meetings after the first couple rounds of backseating 😔 (he is not happy about this) (do the knights have a feedback box?) (if so he spams the feedback box) (if not they just keep getting a lot of letters about how the city could be better) (jean maybe considers…one (1) of his suggestions she’s trying to be open minded and polite)
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vampirellax · 1 year
i wanna say that all the new cities in genshin are insanely beautiful, but mondstadt will be forever the city i love the most because it is the city that always feels like home.
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decarabiandivorce · 5 months
FINALLY doing Sumeru's AQ and everytime they bring up the moon being about illusions and lies i think about Venti from moon city. My little illusion boy :)
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mrskreideprinz · 4 months
okay since i am an absolute sucker for this trope. Which selfship of yours was love at first sight? Reblog and tell me in the tags how it happened <3
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genshinmp3 · 1 year
Sipping in the Soft Breeze from The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3 Yu-Peng Chen, HOYO-MiX
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dandelion-wings · 11 months
So there is a hypothetical AU of the hypothetical AU where Fredrica takes guardianship of Kaeya to groom him as Jean's future husband that is pretty much the same except it's also omegaverse, because there's a gender-related dynamic in the original concept that I enjoy but that isn't very strong in a mostly-canon universe and that omegaverse embiggens beautifully. And there is one scene in it that I thought of ages ago and has been playing in my head the past couple days as it got abruptly cold in my area and I started wrapping myself in blankets. Which I thought was cute enough to scribble up as another nightly wind-down! :>
Jean almost never lets herself nap in the Ordo, no matter how often Lisa points out that the overtime she puts in would more than counterbalance it. She's asleep now, though, and better yet, she's curled up on Lisa's couch in the library, snuggled into Lisa's favorite blanket.
It's only a day or two until her heat; Lisa can smell it on her, the strengthening of her scent that comes with the surge of hormones. That's no doubt why she's permitted herself this luxury. Or perhaps her body has demanded it of her as it prepares for the exertion to come. Lisa doesn't care to worry about *why*. She's simply content to watch Jean out of the corner of her eye, safe and comfortable in the heart of her domain, as she sorts out returns at the desk.
She tenses when the library door opens, and only relaxes halfway when she sees it's Kaeya coming in. He's not a particularly aggressive alpha--Lisa has only ever seen him challenge fellow knights when provoked, though his opponents don't always seem to understand what they did that was provoking--but with his omega so close to her heat, all his instincts will be on high alert for a challenge. Maybe even from a beta. Lisa can certainly take him if he challenges her, but it would upset Jean.
When Jean sighs and shifts in her sleep to nuzzle further into Lisa's blanket, though, all he does is pause and look at her, thoughtful. He glances over before Lisa can restrain her fond smile, and he smiles too, warmly conspiratorial. Lisa's wariness eases. Jean *is* cute like this, and they can both appreciate it.
Then he sighs and walks over to shake Jean's shoulder. "Sorry to wake you," he murmurs as she rouses, even more adorable in her sleepy confusion. "But we have to get the tax forms sorted out before either of us gets our leave."
"Yes, of course," Jean says, shaking off her drowsiness, and the blanket with it. Lisa feels a faint pang of disappointment to watch her drape it back over the back of the couch where Lisa had left it. That's eased a little, though, by the way Jean strokes it one last time, then absentmindedly raises her hand to sniff it before turning away to head with Kaeya out of the library.
Lisa calls out a goodbye as they head out the door, then takes a break to make herself tea and fetch the blanket--because she's cold, of course--and wrap it around herself before settling back down at her desk. Jean's scent isn't nearly so strong on the soft knit as her own, but a trace of it wafts up around her as she works nonetheless.
The next day is the last day either Jean or Kaeya will be in for a week, and Lisa doesn't catch more than a glimpse of either of them for most of the workday as they rush around getting a last few affairs in order. She'd made sure to be proactive about sorting out what little they had to worry about regarding the library. Making Jean linger late to deal with concerns Lisa should be able to handle would be both unprofessional and unkind.
She doesn't expect to see either of them at all, frankly, once Jean dismisses the morning assembly. Her scent on the blanket is almost gone by morning, certainly by noon, and Lisa drapes it carelessly back over the couch and doesn't sigh. It's not as if she *wants* to be involved in anyone's heats. She knows how that would go. It's nice to think that it would be different in Jean's presence, and Kaeya is perfectly courteous at work, but- Lisa puts the thought aside. Even if it was different, she hasn't been invited.
Amber comes in late in the afternoon to complain about the work Kaeya has left to her, seemingly more for the form of it than because she's actually all that annoyed, and to ask about a particular fairytale Eula had mentioned to her. Lisa offers her tea and points her to the correct book before going for another cup of tea herself. While Amber's here, she won't be able to get a nap in.
The cup is only half-full when Kaeya comes in and sets a book down in front of her. "It turns out the return period on this ends next week, so I thought I'd bring it back now."
"Thank you, cutie. Though in the present circumstances, I *would* have given you an exemption. Have you finished it, or would you like to renew it for another two weeks?"
"Oh, I think I've learned all I need to know from it."
"Then I'll file it as returned."
Lisa flips through quickly for damage, stamps the inside back cover, and sets it aside, hyper-aware the whole time of Kaeya still hovering in the vicinity of her desk. She looks up to see him standing by her couch, looking down at the blanket spread across it.
If his scent were any stronger, she might wonder if this is a belated follow-up to yesterday's encounter, but it's remarkably subdued. With a hint of nesting musk to it, even. He must recall the moment as fondly as she does. Reaching down, he picks up the blanket and begins to fold it in neat quarters.
Regardless, Lisa has to ask. "Is there anything else I can help you with, cutie? I wouldn't want Jean to worry about anything while she's out."
"Don't worry. We have it all taken care of, and I've already sent Jean on home. Returning that book was the last item on my agenda. I just have a few things to collect and I'll be right behind her."
As he says that, he folds the blanket one last time and drapes it over his arm. He smiles at Lisa, disarmingly friendly, but she can sense that he's waiting for a reaction. Lisa simply smiles back, refusing to give him one.
"Then I hope that Jean has as restful a week as you can give her. We'll take care of things here."
"I'm sure of it," he says, tossing her a salute lazy enough to be just shy of mocking, and turns and leaves, her blanket over his arm.
Amber comes up from the stacks below with the book of fairytales in hand just in time to watch him sweep out the door. "Did Kaeya steal your blanket?"
"I'm not sure I'd call it stealing," Lisa murmurs. Only half her attention is on Amber. The other half is on Kaeya's next destination. If Jean is already home, she must surely be building her nest by now.
"No, it's definitely stealing! He steals Eula's capes all the time. And then laughs at me when I yell at him. I always have to go find Jean later to get them back."
"Does Eula ask you to get them back for her?"
"No, but *someone* has to. He can't just walk off with them like that!"
Lisa reflects that Amber is, after all, only fourteen. "Don't worry, sweetie. Once Jean gets back, I'll talk to her about it myself."
"Okay. Do you mind if I check this book out?"
"Of course you can."
Lisa takes the book, and smiles, and continues through the check-out process and bidding Amber goodbye with only half her mind on her work. The rest is still playing over Jean's little snuffling shift yesterday in her sleep, the way she'd pressed her nose into the blanket to breathe in Lisa's scent. Lisa imagines her doing that in her own nest, wrapped about in Lisa's favorite blanket as a comfort against the ordeal her body is about to put her through.
No, Lisa won't be asking for her blanket back. Though if Jean ever wants her to take it temporarily, to renew her scent, she'll be very happy to do so.
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protect-namine · 3 months
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does chiitan have an rss feed of all their mentions or something
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vv-ispy · 3 months
Mondstadters being extremely religious with the unshakable believe that Barbatos is always looking out for them, greeting people with "Barbatos bless you", praying to Barbatos to keep their children safe
Barbatos is literally asleep
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kojinxshi · 1 year
Pretty pink vibes today :) such a cool area in genshin too, so unbelievably pretty!
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Original post :)
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