#mel of sparks and embers
(yup, me again :3 I'll be 🍪 anon from now on)
Vila plays a seashell, sitting next to some water. Mel is bouncing next to her happily in tune to the music...
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neopronounlistings · 1 year
Fire neopronouns
in/fern/fer/fers/fernself in/fern/fer/fers/fernoself
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neopronounlists · 3 years
do you have any neos related to fire?
This came out longer than i expected i hope you enjoy :)
Sorry for not getting around to this.
Warm/warmth/warmths/(warm or warmth)self
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ceruleanmusings · 4 years
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                   Wild Embers, a Big Time Rush Fanfic
When the Mason quadruplets—Jazz, Mickey, Mel, and Sammi—run away to spend a tense-free summer with their aunt in L.A., their sisterhood is put to the test. It’s one thing to balance out the outskirts of the music industry and another to suddenly stare down a record contract to Rocque Records and the blinding lights of stardom. Good thing the Masons have the boys of Big Time Rush to lean on, get (into and) out of trouble, and to hide them away from the harsh spotlight. One summer will change everything the Mason girls new about themselves and each other. After all, it takes one wild ember to bring a spark to life. Kendall/OC James/OC Dak/OC.
Kelly held up her hands, as if trying to block Griffin’s words. Her eyelashes fluttered as she blinked rapidly, and her thoughts rushed through her head like a bullet train. “So, wait, let me get this straight,” she said, “you want us to make a new band of girls who play instruments? Even though we deal in pop music and Gustavo hasn’t worked with a girl act in years?”
“Yes, I want you to do your jobs,” Griffin shot back. “Because that’s what I’m paying you for. And I’m going to give you a million dollars to do it. And I want them tour ready by the end of the summer.”
“End of the summer!?” Kelly and Gustavo shouted in unison.
“And they better be good. Or else you two will be hacking up more than just a furball, if you know what I mean,” Griffin said.
“We don’t know what you mean.” Again, Kelly and Gustavo spoke their concern in unison.
“Figure it out.” With a turn of his heel and a snap of his fingers, Griffin walked out of the room. His two sidekicks pushed the chart back up towards the ceiling and left as well. Silence followed them and settled upon Kelly’s and Gustavo’s shoulders like a heavy weight.
Kelly brought a hand up to her forehead, pressing her fingers to a throbbing muscle. This wasn’t unlike Griffin, to come out of nowhere and spoil their plans. To make their lives a little more difficult than it needed to be at every turn. Sometimes she wondered if he tracked them or watched them on cameras, waiting for the right moment to catch them off guard. That wasn’t the case—she would know, Gustavo made her take time to search the whole recording studio and his mansion to be sure—and so she chocked it up to Griffin being Griffin, a massive pain in their asses. But he was the CEO, what could they do about it? What he wanted he got and, somehow, they had to provide a band who could be tour ready for him by—
“The end of the summer!?” Gustavo yelled, finishing Kelly’s thoughts. “That’s three and a half months away!”
Chapter One : Before She Became Fire
Tag: @foxesandmagic @mystic-scripture @lareiism @witchofinterest @ocfairygodmother @juliesdahlias
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mellifera38 · 6 years
Mel’s Big Fantasy Place-Name Reference
So I’ve been doing lots of D&D world-building lately and I’ve kind of been putting together lists of words to help inspire new fantasy place names. I figured I’d share. These are helpful for naming towns, regions, landforms, roads, shops, and they’re also probably useful for coming up with surnames. This is LONG. There’s plenty more under the cut including a huge list of “fantasy sounding” word-parts. Enjoy!
Towns & Kingdoms
town, borough, city, hamlet, parish, township, village, villa, domain
kingdom, empire, nation, country, county, city-state, state, province, dominion
Town Name End Words (English flavored)
-ton, -ston, -caster, -dale, -den, -field, -gate, -glen, -ham, -holm, -hurst, -bar, -boro, -by, -cross, -kirk, -meade, -moore, -ville, -wich, -bee, -burg, -cester, -don, -lea, -mer, -rose, -wall, -worth, -berg, -burgh, -chase, -ly, -lin, -mor, -mere, -pool. -port, -stead, -stow, -strath, -side, -way, -berry, -bury, -chester, -haven, -mar, -mont, -ton, -wick, -meet, -heim, -hold, -hall, -point
Buildings & Places
castle, fort, palace, fortress, garrison, lodge, estate, hold, stronghold, tower, watchtower, palace, spire, citadel, bastion, court, manor, house
altar, chapel, abbey, shrine, temple, monastery, cathedral, sanctum, crypt, catacomb, tomb
orchard, arbor, vineyard, farm, farmstead, shire, garden, ranch
plaza, district, quarter, market, courtyard, inn, stables, tavern, blacksmith, forge, mine, mill, quarry, gallows, apothecary, college, bakery, clothier, library, guild house, bath house, pleasure house, brothel, jail, prison, dungeon, cellar, basement, attic, sewer, cistern
lookout, post, tradepost, camp, outpost, hovel, hideaway, lair, nook, watch, roost, respite, retreat, hostel, holdout, redoubt, perch, refuge, haven, alcove, haunt, knell, enclave, station, caravan, exchange, conclave
port, bridge, ferry, harbor, landing, jetty, wharf, berth, footbridge, dam, beacon, lighthouse, marina, dockyard, shipyard
road, street, way, row, lane, trail, corner, crossing, gate, junction, waygate, end, wall, crossroads,  barrier, bulwark, blockade, pavilion, avenue, promenade, alley, fork, route
Time & Direction
North, South, East, West, up, down, side, rise, fall, over, under
Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, solstice, equanox, vernal, ever, never
dusk, dawn, dawnrise, morning, night, nightfall, evening, sundown, sunbreak, sunset
lunar, solar, sun, moon, star, eclipse
Geographical Terms
Cave, cavern, cenote, precipice, crevasse, crater, maar, chasm, ravine, trench, rift, pit
Cliff, bluff, crag, scarp, outcrop, stack, tor, falls, run, eyrie, aerie
Hill, mountain, volcano, knoll, hillock, downs, barrow, plateau, mesa, butte, pike, peak, mount, summit, horn, knob, pass, ridge, terrace, gap, point, rise, rim, range, view, vista, canyon, hogback, ledge, stair, descent
Valley, gulch, gully, vale, dale, dell, glen, hollow, grotto, gorge, bottoms, basin, knoll, combe
Meadow, grassland, field, pasture, steppe, veld, sward, lea, mead, fell, moor, moorland, heath, croft, paddock, boondock, prairie, acre, strath, heights, mount, belt
Woodlands, woods, forest, bush, bower, arbor, grove, weald, timberland, thicket, bosk, copse, coppice, underbrush, hinterland, park, jungle, rainforest, wilds, frontier, outskirts
Desert, dunes, playa, arroyo, chaparral, karst, salt flats, salt pan, oasis, spring, seep, tar pit, hot springs, fissure, steam vent, geyser, waste, wasteland, badland, brushland, dustbowl, scrubland
Ocean, sea, lake, pond, spring, tarn, mere, sluice, pool, coast, gulf, bay
Lagoon, cay, key, reef, atoll, shoal, tideland, tide flat, swale, cove, sandspit, strand, beach
Snowdrift, snowbank, permafrost, floe, hoar, rime, tundra, fjord, glacier, iceberg
River, stream, creek, brook, tributary, watersmeet, headwater, ford, levee, delta, estuary, firth, strait, narrows, channel, eddy, inlet, rapids, mouth, falls
Wetland, marsh, bog, fen, moor, bayou, glade, swamp, banks, span, wash, march, shallows, mire, morass, quag, quagmire, everglade, slough, lowland, sump, reach
Island, isle, peninsula, isthmus, bight, headland, promontory, cape, pointe, cape
More under the cut including: Color words, Animal/Monster related words, Rocks/Metals/Gems list, Foliage, People groups/types, Weather/Environment/ Elemental words, Man-made Items, Body Parts, Mechanical sounding words, a huge list of both pleasant and unpleasant Atmospheric Descriptors, and a huge list of Fantasy Word-parts.
Color Descriptions
Warm: red, scarlet, crimson, rusty, cerise, carmine, cinnabar, orange, vermillion, ochre, peach, salmon, saffron, yellow, gold, lemon, amber, pink, magenta, maroon, brown, sepia, burgundy, beige, tan, fuchsia, taupe
Cool: green, beryl, jade, evergreen, chartreuse, olive, viridian, celadon, blue, azure, navy, cerulean, turquoise, teal, cyan, cobalt, periwinkle, beryl, purple, violet, indigo, mauve, plum
Neutral: gray, silver, ashy, charcoal, slate, white, pearly, alabaster, ivory, black, ebony, jet
dark, dusky, pale, bleached, blotchy, bold, dappled, lustrous, faded, drab, milky, mottled, opaque, pastel, stained, subtle, ruddy, waxen, tinted, tinged, painted
Animal / Monster-Related Words
Bear, eagle, wolf, serpent, hawk, horse, goat, sheep, bull, raven, crow, dog, stag, rat, boar, lion, hare, owl, crane, goose, swan, otter, frog, toad, moth, bee, wasp, beetle, spider, slug, snail, leech, dragonfly, fish, trout, salmon, bass, crab, shell, dolphin, whale, eel, cod, haddock
Dragon, goblin, giant, wyvern, ghast, siren, lich, hag, ogre, wyrm, kraken
Talon, scale, tusk, hoof, mane, horn, fur, feather, fang, wing, whisker, bristle, paw, tail, beak, claw, web, quill, paw, maw, pelt, haunch, gill, fin,
Hive, honey, nest, burrow, den, hole, wallow
Rocks / Metals / Minerals
Gold, silver, brass, bronze, copper, platinum, iron, steel, tin, mithril, electrum, adamantite, quicksilver, fool’s gold, titanium
Diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, topaz, opal, pearl, jade, jasper, onyx, citrine, aquamarine, turquoise, lapiz lazuli, amethyst, quartz, crystal, amber, jewel
Granite, shale, marble, limestone, sandstone, slate, diorite, basalt, rhyolite, obsidian, glass
Earth, stone, clay, sand, silt, salt, mote, lode, vein, ore, ingot, coal, boulder, bedrock, crust, rubble, pebble, gravel, cobble, dust, clod, peat, muck mud, slip, loam, dirt, grit, scree, shard, flint, stalactite/mite
Trees / Plants / Flowers
Tree, ash, aspen, pine, birch, alder, willow, dogwood, oak, maple, walnut,  chestnut, cedar, mahogany, palm, beech, hickory, hemlock, cottonwood, hawthorn, sycamore, poplar, cypress, mangrove, elm, fir, spruce, yew
Branch, bough, bramble, gnarl, burr, tangle, thistle, briar, thorn, moss, bark, shrub, undergrowth, overgrowth, root, vine, bracken, reed, driftwood, coral, fern, berry, bamboo, nectar, petal, leaf, seed, clover, grass, grain, trunk, twig, canopy, cactus, weed, mushroom, fungus
Apple, olive, apricot, elderberry, coconut, sugar, rice, wheat, cotton, flax, barley, hops, onion, carrot, turnip, cabbage, squash, pumpkin, pepper
Flower, rose, lavender, lilac, jasmine, jonquil, marigold, carnelian, carnation, goldenrod, sage, wisteria, dahlia, nightshade, lily, daisy, daffodil, columbine, amaranth, crocus, buttercup, foxglove, iris, holly, hydrangea, orchid, snowdrop, hyacinth, tulip, yarrow, magnolia, honeysuckle, belladonna, lily pad, magnolia
Settler, Pilgrim, Pioneer, Merchant, Prospector, Maker, Surveyor, Mason, Overseer, Apprentice, Widow, Sailor, Miner, Blacksmith, Butcher, Baker, Brewer, Barkeep, Ferryman, Hangman, Gambler, Fisherman, Adventurer, Hero, Seeker, Hiker, Traveler, Crone
Mage, Magician, Summoner, Sorcerer, Wizard, Conjurer, Necromancer, 
King, Queen, Lord, Count, Baron, Guard, Soldier, Knight, Vindicator, Merchant, Crusader, Imperator, Syndicate, Vanguard, Champion, Warden, Victor, Legionnaire, Master, Archer, Footman, Gladiator, Barbarian, Captain, Commodore, 
Beggar, Hunter, Ranger, Deadman, Smuggler, Robber, Swindler, Rebel, Bootlegger, Outlaw, Pirate, Brigand, Ruffian, Highwayman, Cutpurse, Thief, Assassin
God, Goddess, Exarch, Angel, Devil, Demon, Cultist, Prophet, Hermit, Seer
council, clergy, guild, militia, choir 
Climate, Environment, & The Elements
Cold, cool, brisk, frosty, chilly, icy, freezing, frozen, frigid, glacial, bitter, biting, bleak, arctic, polar, boreal, wintry, snowy, snow, blizzarding, blizzard, sleeting, sleet, chill, frost, ice, icebound, ice cap, floe, snowblind, frostbite, coldsnap, avalanche, snowflake
Hot, sunny, humid, sweltering, steaming, boiling, sizzling, blistering, scalding, smoking, caldescent, dry, parched, arid, fallow, thirsty, melting, molten, fiery, blazing, burning, charring, glowing, searing, scorching, blasted, sun, fire, heat, flame, wildfire, bonfire, inferno, coal, ash, cinder, ember, flare, pyre, tinder, kindling, aflame, alight, ablaze, lava, magma, slag,
Wet, damp, dank, soggy, sodden, soaked, drenched, dripping, sopping, briny, murky, rain, storm, hail, drizzle, sprinkle, downpour, deluge, squall, water, cloud, fog, mist, dew, puddle, pool, current, whirlpool, deep, depths, tide, waves, whitewater, waterfall, tidal wave, flow, flood, leak, drain
Wind, breeze, gust, billow, gail, draft, waft, zephyr, still, airy, clear, smokey, tempest, tempestuous, windswept, aerial, lofty, torrid, turbulent, nebulous, tradewind, thunder, lightning, spark, cyclone, tornado, whirlwind, hurricane, typhoon
Man-made Item Words
Furnace, forge, anvil, vault, strap, strip, whetstone, brick, sword, blade, axe, dagger, shield, buckler, morningstar, bow, quiver, arrow, polearm, flail, staff, stave, sheath, hilt, hammer, knife, helm, mantle, banner, pauldron, chainmail, mace, dart, cutlass, canon, needle, cowl, belt,  buckle, bandana, goggles, hood, boot, heel, spindle, spool, thread, sweater, skirt, bonnet, apron, leather, hide, plate, tunic, vest, satin, silk, wool, velvet, lace, corset, stocking, binding
Plow, scythe, (wheel) barrow, saddle, harrow, brand, collar, whip, leash, lead, bridle, stirrup, wheel, straw, stall, barn, hay, bale, pitchfork, well, log, saw, lumber, sod, thatch, mortar, brick, cement, concrete, pitch, pillar, window, fountain, door, cage, spoke, pole, table, bench, plank, board
Candle, torch, cradle, broom, lamp, lantern, clock, bell, lock, hook, trunk, looking glass, spyglass, bottle, vase, locket, locker, key, handle, rope, knot, sack, pocket, pouch, manacle, chain, stake, coffin, fan. cauldron, kettle, pot, bowl, pestle, oven, ladle, spoon, font, wand, potion, elixir, draught, portal, book, tome, scroll, word, manuscript, letter, message, grimoire, map, ink, quill, pen, cards, dice
Coin, coronet, crown, circlet, scepter, treasure, riches, scales, pie, tart, loaf, biscuit, custard, caramel, pudding, porridge, stew, bread, tea, gravy, gristle, spice, lute, lyre, harp, drum, rouge, powder, perfume, brush
bilge, stern, pier, sail, anchor, mast, dock, deck, flag, ship, boat, canoe, barge, wagon, sled, carriage, buggy, cart
Wine, brandy, whiskey, ale, moonshine, gin, cider, rum, grog, beer, brew, goblet, flagon, flask, cask, tankard, stein, mug, barrel, stock, wort, malt
Body Parts
Head, throat, finger, foot, hand, neck, shoulder, rib, jaw, eye, lips, bosom
Skull, spine, bone, tooth, heart, blood, tears, gut, beard
Mechanical-Sounding Words
cog, fuse, sprocket, wrench, screw, nail, bolt, lever, pulley, spanner, gear, spring, shaft, switch, button, cast, pipe, plug, dial, meter, nozzle, cord, brake, gauge, coil, oil, signal, wire, fluke, staple, clamp, bolt, nut, bulb, patch, pump, cable, socket
torque, force, sonic, spark, fizzle, thermal, beam, laser, steam, buzz, mega, mecha, electro, telsa, power, flicker, charge, current, flow, tinker
Atmospheric Words
Unpleasant, Dangerous, Threatening
(nouns) death, fury, battle, scar, shadow, razor, nightmare, wrath, bone, splinter, peril, war, riptide, strife, reckoning, sorrow, terror, deadwood, nether, venom, grime, rage, void, conquest, pain, folly, revenge, horrid, mirk, shear, fathom, frenzy, corpselight/marshlight, reaper, gloom, doom, torment, torture, spite, grizzled, sludge, refuse, spore, carrion, fear, pyre, funeral, shade, beast, witch, grip, legion, downfall, ruin, plague, woe, bane, horde, acid, fell, grief, corpse, mildew, mold, miter, dirge
(adjectives) dead, jagged, decrepit, fallen, darkened, blackened, dire, grim, feral, wild, broken, desolate, mad, lost, under, stagnant, blistered, derelict, forlorn, unbound, sunken, fallow, shriveled, wayward, bleak, low, weathered, fungal, last, brittle, sleepy, -strewn, dusky, deserted, empty, barren, vacant, forsaken, bare, bereft, stranded, solitary, abandoned, discarded, forgotten, deep, abysmal, bottomless, buried, fathomless,unfathomable, diseased, plagued, virulent, noxious, venomous, toxic, fetid, revolting, putrid, rancid, foul, squalid, sullied, vile, blighted, vicious, ferocious, dangerous, savage, cavernous, vast, yawning, chasmal, echoing, dim, dingy, gloomy, inky, lurid, shaded, shadowy, somber, sunless, tenebrous, unlit, veiled, hellish, accursed, sulfurous, damned, infernal, condemned, doomed, wicked, sinister, dread, unending, spectral, ghostly, haunted, eldritch, unknown, weary, silent, hungry, cloven, acidic
(verb/adverbs): wither (withering / withered), skulk (skulking), whisper, skitter, chitter, sting, slither, writhe, gape, screech, scream, howl, lurk, roil, twist, shift, swarm, spawn, fester, bleed, howl, shudder, shrivel, devour, swirl, maul, trip, smother, weep, shatter, ruin, curse, ravage, hush, rot, drown, sunder, blister, warp, fracture, die, shroud, fall, surge, shiver, roar, thunder, smolder, break, silt, slide, lash, mourn, crush, wail, decay, crumble, erode, decline, reek, lament, taint, corrupt, defile, poison, infect, shun, sigh, sever, crawl, starve, grind, cut, wound, bruise, maim, stab, bludgeon, rust, mutilate, tremble, stumble, fumble, clank, clang
Pleasant, Safe, Neutral
(nouns) spirit, luck, soul, oracle, song, sky, smile, rune, obelisk, cloud, timber, valor, triumph, rest, dream, thrall, might, valiance, glory, mirror, life, hope, oath, serenity, sojourn, god, hearth, crown, throne, crest, guard, rise, ascent, circle, ring, twin, vigil, breath, new, whistle, grasp, snap, fringe, threshold, arch, cleft, bend, home, fruit, wilds, echo, moonlight, sunlight, starlight, splendor, vigilance, honor, memory, fortune, aurora, paradise, caress
(adjectives) gentle, pleasant, prosperous, peaceful, sweet, good, great, mild, grand, topic, lush, wild, abundant, verdant, sylvan, vital, florid, bosky, callow, verdurous, lucious, fertile, spellbound, captivating, mystical, hidden, arcane, clandestine, esoteric, covert, cryptic, runic, otherworldly, touched, still, fair, deep, quiet, bright, sheer, tranquil, ancient, light, far, -wrought, tidal, royal, shaded, swift, true, free, high, vibrant, pure, argent, hibernal, ascendant, halcyon, silken, bountiful, gilded, colossal, massive, stout, elder, -bourne, furrowed, happy, merry, -bound, loud, lit, silk, quiet, bright, luminous, shining, burnished, glossy, brilliant, lambent, lucent, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, vivid, vibrant, illuminated, silvery, limpid, sunlit, divine, sacred, holy, eternal, celestial, spiritual, almighty, anointed, consecrated, exalted, hallowed, sanctified, ambrosial, beatific, blissful, demure, naked, bare, ample, coy,  deific, godly, omnipotent, omnipresent, rapturous, sacramental, sacrosanct, blessed, majestic, iridescent, glowing, overgrown, dense, hard, timeless, sly, scatter, everlasting, full, half, first, last
(verb/adverbs) arch (arching / arched), wink (winking), sing, nestle, graze, stroll, roll, flourish, bloom, bud, burgeon, live, dawn, hide, dawn, run, pray, wake, laugh, wake, glimmer, glitter, drift, sleep, tumble, bind, arch, blush, grin, glister, beam, meander, wind, widen, charm, bewitch, enthrall, entrance, enchant, allure, beguile, glitter, shimmer, sparkle twinkle, crest, quiver, slumber, herald, shelter, leap, click, climb, scuttle, dig, barter, chant, hum, chime, kiss, flirt, tempt, tease, play, seduce
Generic “Fantasy-Sounding” Word Parts
A - D
aaz, ada, adaer, adal, adar, adbar, adir, ae, ael, aer, aern, aeron, aeryeon, agar, agis, aglar, agron, ahar, akan, akyl, al, alam, alan, alaor, ald, alea, ali, alir, allyn, alm, alon, alor, altar, altum, aluar, alys, amar, amaz, ame, ammen, amir, amol, amn, amus, anar, andor, ang, ankh, ar, ara, aram, arc, arg, arian, arkh, arla, arlith, arn, arond, arthus, arum, arvien, ary, asha, ashyr, ask, assur, aster, astra, ath, athor, athra, athryn, atol, au, auga, aum, auroch, aven, az, azar, baal, bae, bael, bak, bal, balor, ban, bar, bara, barr, batol, batar, basir, basha, batyr, bel, belph, belu, ben, beo, bere, berren, berun, besil, bezan, bhaer, bhal, blask, blis, blod, bor, boraz, bos, bran, brath, braun, breon, bri, bry, bul, bur, byl, caer, cal, calan, cara, cassa, cath, cela, cen, cenar, cerul, chalar, cham, chion, cimar, clo, coram, corel, corman, crim, crom, daar, dach, dae, dago, dagol, dahar, dala, dalar, dalin, dam, danas, daneth, dannar, dar, darian,  darath, darm, darma, darro, das, dasa, dasha, dath, del, delia, delimm, dellyn, delmar, delo, den, dess, dever, dhaer, dhas, dhaz, dhed, dhin, din, dine, diar, dien, div, djer, dlyn, dol, dolan, doon, dora, doril, doun, dral, dranor, drasil, dren, drian, drien, drin, drov, druar, drud, duald, duatha, duir, dul, dulth, dun, durth, dyra, dyver,
E - H
ea, eber, eden, edluk, egan, eiel, eilean, ejen, elath, eld, eldor, eldra, elith emar, ellesar, eltar, eltaran, elth, eltur, elyth, emen, empra, emril, emvor, ena, endra, enthor, erad, erai, ere, eriel, erith, erl, eron, erre, eryn, esk, esmel, espar, estria, eta, ethel, eval, ezro, ezan, ezune, ezil, fael, faelar, faern, falk, falak, farak, faril, farla, fel, fen, fenris, fer, fet, fin, finar, forel, folgun, ful, fulk, fur, fyra, fallon, gael, gach, gabir, gadath, gal, galar, gana, gar, garth, garon, garok, garne, gath, geir, gelden, geren,  geron, ghal, ghallar, ghast, ghel, ghom, ghon, gith, glae, glander, glar, glym, gol, goll, gollo, goloth, gorot, gost, goth, graeve, gran, grimm, grist, grom, grosh, grun, grym, gual, guil, guir, gulth, gulur, gur, gurnth, gwaer, haa, hael, haer, hadar, hadel, hakla, hala, hald, halana, halid, hallar, halon, halrua, halus, halvan, hamar, hanar, hanyl, haor, hara, haren, haresk, harmun, harrokh, harrow, haspur, haza, hazuth, heber,  hela, helve, hem, hen, herath, hesper, heth, hethar, hind, hisari, hjaa, hlath, hlond, hluth, hoarth, holtar, horo, hotun, hrag, hrakh, hroth, hull, hyak, hyrza
I - M
iibra, ilth, ilus, ilira, iman, imar, imas, imb, imir, immer, immil, imne, impil, ingdal, innar, ir, iriae, iril, irith, irk, irul, isha, istis, isil, itala, ith, ithal, itka, jada, jae, jaeda, jahaka, jala, jarra, jaro, jath, jenda, jhaamm, jhothm, jinn, jinth, jyn, kado, kah, kal, kalif, kam, kana, kara, karg, kars, karth, kasp, katla, kaul, kazar, kazr, kela, kelem, kerym, keth, keva, kez, kezan, khaer, khal, khama, khaz, khara, khed, khel, khol, khur, kil, kor, korvan, koll, kos, kir, kra, kul, kulda, kund, kyne, lae, laen, lag, lan, lann, lanar, lantar, lapal, lar, laran, lareth, lark, lath, lauth, lav, lavur, lazar, leih, leshyr, leth, lhaza, lhuven, liad, liam, liard, lim, lin, lirn, lisk, listra, lith, liya, llair, llor, lok, lolth, loran, lorkh, lorn, loth, lothen, luen, luir, luk, lund, lur, luth, lyndus, lyra, lyth, maal, madrasm maera, maer, maerim, maes, mag, magra, mahand, mal, malar, mald, maldo, mar, mara, mark, marl, maru, maruk, meir, melish, memnon, mer, metar, methi, mhil, mina, mir, miram, mirk, mista, mith, moander, mok, modir, modan, mon, monn, mor, more, morel, moril, morn, moro, morrow, morth, mort, morum, morven, muar, mul, mydra, myr, myra, myst
N - S
naar, nadyra, naedyr, naga, najar, nal, naal, nalir, nar, naruk, narbond, narlith, narzul, nasaq, nashkel, natar, nath, natha, neir, neth, nether, nhall, nikh, nil, nilith, noan, nolvurm nonthal, norda, noro, novul, nul, nur, nus, nyan, nyth, ober, odra, oghr, okoth, olleth, olodel, omgar, ondath, onthril, ordul, orish, oroch, orgra, orlim, ormath, ornar, orntath, oroch, orth, orva, oryn, orzo, ostel, ostor, ostrav, othea, ovar, ozod, ozul, palan, palad, pae, peldan, pern, perris, perim, pele, pen, phail, phanda, phara, phen, phendra, pila, pinn, pora, puril, pur, pyra, qadim, quar, quel, ques, quil, raah, rael, ran, ranna, rassil, rak, rald, rassa, reddan, reith, relur, ren, rendril, resil, reska, reth, reven, revar, rhy, rhynn, ria, rian, rin, ris, rissian, rona, roch, rorn, rora, rotha, rual, ruar, ruhal, ruil, ruk, runn, rusk, ryn, saa, saar, saal, sabal, samar, samrin, sankh, sar, sarg, sarguth, sarin, sarlan, sel, seld, sember, semkh, sen, sendrin, septa, senta, seros, shaar, shad, shadra, shae, shaen, shaera, shak, shalan, sham, shamath, shan, shana, sharan, shayl, shemar, shere, shor, shul, shyll, shyr, sidur, sil, silvan, sim, sintar, sirem, skar, skell, skur, skyr, sokol, solan, sola, somra, sor, ssin, stel, strill, suldan, sulk, sunda, sur, surkh, suth, syl, sylph, sylune, syndra, syth
T - Z
taak, taar, taer, tah, tak, tala, talag, talar, talas, talath, tammar, tanar, tanil, tar, tara, taran, tarl, tarn, tasha, tath, tavil, telar, teld, telf, telos, tempe, tethy, tezir, thaar, thaer, thal, thalag, thalas, thalan, thalar, thamor, thander, thangol, thar, thay, thazal, theer, theim, thelon, thera, thendi, theril, thiir, thil, thild, thimir, thommar, thon, thoon, thor, thran, thrann, threl, thril, thrul, thryn, thuk, thultan, thume, thun, thy, thyn, thyr, tir, tiras, tirum, tohre, tol, tolar, tolir,  tolzrin, tor, tormel, tormir, traal, triel, trith, tsath, tsur, tul, tur, turiver, turth, tymor, tyr, uder, udar, ugoth, uhr, ukh, ukir, uker, usten, ulgarth, ulgoth, ultir, ulur, umar, umath, umber, unara, undro, undu, untha, upir, ur, ursa, ursol, uron, uth, uthen, uz, van, vaar, vaelan, vaer, vaern, val valan, valash, vali, valt, vandan, vanede, vanrak, var, varyth, vassa, vastar, vaunt, vay, vel, velar, velen, velius, vell, velta, ven, veren, vern, vesper, vilar, vilhon, vintor, vir, vira, virdin, volo, volun, von, voon, vor, voro, vos, vosir, vosal, vund, war, wara, whel, wol, wynn, wyr, wyrm, xer, xul, xen, xian, yad, yag, yal, yar, yath, yeon, yhal, yir, yirar, yuir, yul, yur, zail, zala, zalhar, zan, zanda, zar, zalar, zarach, zaru, zash, zashu, zemur, zhent, zim, ziram, zindala, zindar, zoun, zul, zurr, zuth, zuu, zym
A lot of places are named after historical events, battles, and people, so keep that in mind. God/Goddess names tied to your world also work well. Places are also often named after things that the area is known for, like Georgia being known for its peaches.
My brain was fried by the end of this so feel free to add more!
I hope you find this reference helpful and good luck world-building!
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a2caf · 5 years
McDuffie Award for Kids’ Comics—Shortlist Announced!
The nominees for the fifth annual Dwayne McDuffie Award for Kids’ Comics are here!
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After reading scores of comics published in 2018, the judges have selected their top ten. In alphabetical order, they are: Be Prepared, by Vera Brosgol, sends young Vera, a Russian girl living in an American suburb, to summer camp—Russian summer camp, the only one her single mom can afford and the one where she just might be able to fit in,
The Cardboard Kingdom, by Chad Sell, follows a neighborhood of kids who transform ordinary cardboard into fantastical homemade costumes as they explore conflicts with friends, family, and their own identity.
Hidden Witch, by Molly Knox Ostertag, continues the story of Asler, hero of The Witch Boy, as he takes magic lessons from his grandmother and tries to help his non-magical friend Charlie escape from a curse that's trying to attach itself to her.
Last Pick, by Jason Walz, takes readers to an earth overrun by alien invaders, where only those too young, too old, or too "disabled" have been spared from abduction...but maybe the kids last picked can step up and start a revolution.
Lumberjanes: The Infernal Compass, by Lilah Sturges and polterink, finds the Janes separated during an orienteering outing, thanks to a mysterious compass that others very much want to lay their hands on.
My Beijing: Four Stories of Everyday Wonder, by Nie Jun, introduces Yu'er and her grandpa, who live in a small neighborhood in Beijing that's full of big personalities—with a story around every corner and a hint of magic each day.
Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter, by Atelier Sento, transports readers to the places where natural and supernatural meet, as it explores some of the lesser-known parts of Japan in a story that is part fantasy and part travelogue.
Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths, by Graham Annable, tells the story of two best friends who are nothing alike—Peter loves their tree and never wants to leave, while Ernesto loves the sky and wants to see it from every place on earth.
The Prince and the Dressmaker, by Jen Wang, finds Prince Sebastian hiding a secret life―taking Paris by storm wearing fabulous dresses as the Lady Crystallia―and relying on the brilliant young dressmaker Frances, who guards his secret but has dreams of her own.
Sanity & Tallulah, by Molly Brooks, features best friends who live on a dilapidated space station at the end of the galaxy―but when Sanity creates a definitely-illegal-but-impossibly-cute three-headed kitten, the havoc it wreaks may mean the end of their outer space home.
Many, many thanks to judges Faith Roncoroni, Tameshja Brooks, and Nola Pfau, who were assisted by Kids Read Comics and A2CAF co-founder Edith Donnell!
The winner will be announced on Friday evening, June 14 at the Ann Arbor District Library
Here is the complete list of books that were considered for this year’s award:
5 Worlds 2 by Mark Siegel, Alexis Siegel, Xanthe Bouma, Matt Rockefeller, and Boya Sun
Akissi by Marguerite Abouet and Mathieu Sapin
All Summer Long by Hope Larson
Amulet 8 by Kazu Kibuishi
Aquicorn Cove by Katie O'Neill and Ari Yarwood
Banana Sunday by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover
Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol
Brobots 3: Brobots and the Shoujo Shenanigans! by J. Torres and Sean Dove
The Cardboard Kingdom by Chad Sell
Catstronauts: Robot Rescue by Drew Brockington
Caveboy Dave 2: Not So Faboo by Aaron Reynolds and Phil McAndrew
Chasma Knights by Boya Sun and Kate Reed Petty
The City on the Other Side by Mairghread Scott and Robin Robinson
Clem Hetherington 1: Clem Hetherington and the Ironwood Race by Jen Breach and Douglas Holgate
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo 2: The Monster Mall by Drew Weing
Crush by Svetlana Chmakova
Cucumber Quest 2: The Ripple Kingdom by Gigi D G
The Dam Keeper 2: World Without Darkness by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi
Dead Weight: Murder at Camp Bloom by Terry Blas, Molly Muldoon, and Matthew Seely
Delilah Dirk and the Pillars of Hercules by Tony Cliff
Demon Slayer Kimetsu No Yaiba 1 by Koyoharu Gotouge
Dog Man 6: Brawl of the Wild by Dav Pilkey
The Dream of the Butterfly Part 2 by Richard Marazano and Luo Yin
Earth Before Us 2: Ocean Renegades! by Abby Howard
Edison Beaker, Creature Seeker 1: The Night Door by Frank Cammuso
Estranged by Ethan M. Aldridge
Fake Blood by Whitney Gardner
Fruit Ninja: Frenzy Force by Halfbrick Studios and Erich Owen
The Ghost, The Owl by Franco and Sara Richard
The Girl Who Married a Skull: And Other African Stories by Nicole Chartrand et al
Gordon: Bark to the Future! by Ashley Spires
The Hidden Witch by Molly Knox Ostertag
Hocus & Pocus: The Legend of Grimm's Woods: The Comic Book You Can Play by Manuro and Gorobei
How to Spot a Sasquatch by J. Torres, J. and Aurélie Grand
Illegal by Eoin Colfer, Andrew Donkin, and Giovanni Rigano
Last Pick by Jason Walz
Lumberjanes: The Infernal Compass by Lilah Sturges and polterink
Making Friends by Kristen Gudsnuck
Mega Robo Bros by Neill Cameron
Modo: Ember's End by Arthur Slade and Christopher Steininger
Monster Mayhem by Christopher Eliopoulos
Monsters Beware! by Jorge Aguirre and Rafael Rosado
Mr. Wolf's Class by Aron Nels Steinke
My Beijing: Four Stories of Everyday Wonder by Nie Jun
The Nameless City 3: The Divided Earth by Faith Erin Hicks
Narwhal and Jelly 3: Peanut Butter and Jelly by Ben Clanton
Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales 8: Lafayette!: A Revolutionary War Tale by Nathan Hale
New Shoes by Sara Varon
Nick the Sidekick by Dave Whamond
Onibi: Diary of a Yokai Ghost Hunter by Atelier Sento
Petals by Gustavo Borges and Cris Peter
Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths by Graham Annable
The Phoenix Colossal Comics Collection 1 by Robert Deas, Jamie Smart, Laura Ellen Anderson, Dan Baultwood, and Jess Bradley
Pizzasaurus Rex by Justin Wagner and Warren Wucinich
Positively Izzy by Terri Libenson
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
Quirk's Quest 2: The Lost and the Found by Robert Christie and Deborah Lang
Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo 2: The Middle-Route Run by James Parks and Ben Costa
Sanity & Tallulah by Molly Brooks
Scarlet Hood by Mark Evans and Isobel Lundie
Scarlett Hart: Monster Hunter by Marcus Sedgwick and Thomas Taylor
Science Comics Sharks by Joe Flood
Sci-Fu 1: Kick It Off by Yehudi Mercado
Secondhand Heroes: The Last Battle by Justin Larocca Hansen
Secret Coders 5: Potions & Parameters by Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes
Secret Coders 6: Monsters & Modules by Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes
The Secret of the Wind by Jim Pascoe and Heidi Arnhold
Sheets by Brenna Thummler
Short & Skinny by Mark Tatulli
Even More Monstrous! by Rémy Simard
Small Things by Mel Tregonning
Smash 2: Fearless by Chris A. Bolton and Kyle Bolton
Sparks by Ian Boothby and Nina Matsumoto
Star Scouts 2 The League of Lasers by Mike Lawrence
Star Wars Lost Stars 1 by Claudia Gray, Claudia and Yusaku Komiyama
Space Boy 1 by Stephen Mccranie
The Stone Man Mysteries 2: Sanctuary by Jane Yolen, Adam Stemple, and Orion Zangara
Super Potato 1: The Epic Origin of Super Potato by Artur Laperla
Supergirl: Being Super by Mariko Tamaki and Joelle Jones
The Unsinkable Walker Bean And the Knights of the Waxing Moon 2 by Aaron Renier and Alec Longstreth
Wings of Fire 1: The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland and Mike Holmes
Wires and Nerve 2: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer and Stephen Gilpin
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collectorscorner · 7 years
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Happy New Year!!!
FanFic Trade with @saviorsong
Author’s Note: This is exactly 2018 words. I’m so proud of my unintentional accomplishment.
Even though you can see Times Square and the ball drop from the top floor of Avengers Tower, the team that was left after the disaster the Accords caused chose to spend New Year’s out of the way at the facility upstate.
Including you.
Given the small amount of people attending Tony’s New Year’s party, it’s not the wild extravaganza he’s hosted in the past. There’s you, Thor, Loki—who is awkwardly sulking in the corner—Bruce, Rhodey, Tony, Pepper, Vision, and even T’Challa. He’d graciously accepted Tony’s invitation even though he had a country to run on the other side of the planet.
The little Spiderling boy is there too.
The TV is on, displaying the countdown to 2018. For the moment, no one is really paying it any attention. Champagne flutes are half-full and bubbling in the dusty gold light from the bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Blankets and pillows are strewn everywhere. Some of them are being worn as capes, others are being sat on like a pleasant Central Park picnic in July—not the dead of winter inside—but you’re cuddled up under Thor’s cape, snuggled next to him on the sofa.
He’s not even in his armor. He’s wearing a nice burgundy blazer and a gray V-neck with slacks. You just stole his cape because it’s soft and warm.
Not that the facility is cold or anything, but there’s something to be said for snuggling on New Year’s Eve under a blanket—or cape—curled up against a loved one.
Thor throws his free arm casually around your shoulders as he laughs at young Peter’s complaint that he is literally the only one stone-cold sober since he’s too young to drink alcohol. “Fear not, Boy of Spiders. Your days will come soon enough,” Thor says, completely draining his champagne flute in one long gulp.
Peter mumbles something about being, “The Man of Spiders,” but Thor doesn’t hear him. You just smirk.
Absentmindedly, Thor kisses your head. “So, why is this particular month-to-month transition considered the beginning of a new year?” he asks curiously. “You’re in the middle of a single season. Wouldn’t it make more sense to call spring the New Year?”
Everyone glances around at each other. No one appears to know the answer for sure. Tony, who has been tipsily hiccupping for hours, pulls out his phone to look it up while Pepper rolls her eyes. “Yes it would make more sense,” Tony mutters as he types on his phone. He blinks furiously—if you have to guess, he’s probably drunk enough that his vision is getting blurry.
“I don’t know, Thor,” you reply. “Because humans are random and arbitrary. There’s no reason for the English alphabet to be in the order it’s in. Some months have thirty days, others thirty-one, and one of ‘em has twenty-eight. Who knows and who cares? Humans don’t need reasons.”
He chuckles deep in his chest—a sensation you feel more than hear—and kisses your head again. “Alright,” he remarks.
Loki glances at the TV. “For anyone who cares, midnight is in five minutes in case anyone wants to toast to the New Year,” he comments blandly.
Everyone whirls to look at the timer on the TV. The countdown has indeed reached five minutes. New Year’s is on it’s way.
The bottle of champagne is passed around, with everyone filling up their glasses in anticipation of the event.
Thor pulls you closer to his side, wrapping you more snugly in his cape. “So, do you have one of those, er, what are they called… resolutions?” he asks.
You smile. “Do you?”
He chuckles and buries his face in your curly hair. You can feel his eyepatch against your scalp. “I have many. The first is to spend my first proper year as King of Asgard serving my people to the best of my ability. The second is to spend as much time as possible with you while ruling. The third is to be the best man I can be for my people and the individuals I love the most.” He kisses your hair again. You tilt your head back and steal a kiss of your own. “I do love you, Mel,” he murmurs into your skin.
“I love you too,” you whisper.
Peter Parker, the high school kid, fakes a retch over Thor’s shoulder. You shoot him a glare. He goes still and turns his attention to the TV where the anchors are still recapping the year, prattling on about stuff no one in the room particularly cares about. It was, all things considered, a difficult year for the heroes. None of you care about celebrity marriages and breakups or any boring gossip like that.
It’s hard to find movie stars interesting when you spend a good portion of your lives fighting for the fate of the world.
The countdown to midnight ticks ever nearer. Pepper and Tony are holding hands on the sofa, Tony’s free hand still trying to figure out the origin of New Year’s being in January on his phone. Pepper is trying to talk him out of it so he’ll pay attention to the rest of the party. Peter by this point has crawled onto the ceiling and is holding his mug of hot chocolate on his stomach so he can sip at it without spilling it on someone’s head. T’Challa seems rather disinterested in the whole party, placidly gazing at the TV screen without actually watching it. Rhodey and Bruce are chatting quietly over the tops of their glasses—you catch snippets of their conversation. They seem to be discussing the fate of Sokovia after the Ultron incident two years ago.
Thor pulls you closer to his side, stroking your hair with one hand and holding his champagne flute in his other hand.
You ruffle his short, spiky hair with your free hand. He laughs and leans down, pausing a few inches from your lips. He’s asking for a kiss but waiting for your answer.
You grin and press your lips to his.
When one minute beeps on the countdown, everyone stands up. Tony sways dangerously on his feet.
Everyone in the room waits quietly. Loki sulks in his corner in complete silence. The glass of alcohol in his hand has been untouched the entire evening.
So of course, Thor drags him over to stand on his other side. “Holidays are times to be around the people you love, brother,” he tells Loki matter-of-factly. You grin and wrap your arm around his waist.
“It’s going to be a better year,” you promise Thor, hoping beyond hope that you’re right.
“Of course,” he agrees.
The camera on the TV has turned to Times Square, packed to bursting with people who are waiting for the ball to drop.
“When the clock strikes midnight, may I share a New Year’s kiss with you?” Thor asks you, squeezing his grip around your shoulders tighter. “That is a Midgardian tradition, right?”
You grin. “It is,” you say. “And just because you asked so nicely, you definitely can.”
“Aw,” Tony groans, voice thick with alcohol. “I was hoping he’d ask me if you refused.”
Loki snorts so loudly that Bruce jumps. Rhodey smiles, looking entertained. Peter, from his spot on the ceiling, looks amused. T’Challa is still quietly indifferent to everyone else in the room.
After a few more chuckles, everyone starts counting down.
Goodbye, 2017.
Goodbye all the fiascos that happened this year.
Goodbye to all the unpleasant memories. May they fade away for good.
Goodbye Asgard’s destruction.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye 2017—the year that was the smoldering embers of the raging dumpster fire left by 2016.
Hello, 2018. May you be prosperous and better.
Hello to Thor’s rule over what is left of the Asgardian people.
Hello to a year of love and care for the man you’re holding and who is holding you.
Hello to a fresh start—to better living and happiness.
Hello, 2018, the baby that has not yet grown into a disaster like the years before it.
Thor leans down and you tilt up onto your tiptoes to meet him.
Your lips press against his gently. His fingers find your hair and end up tangled in the curls. You tilt your head to the side to get a better angle.
Pressed against you, his body is firm and warm. It’s comforting and familiar. Whenever Thor is around there’s a sense of safety that drifts over you. A promise of well-being and protection. You don’t particularly need his protection because you’re more than capable of handling yourself, but it’s a pleasant sensation nonetheless.
Once your kiss is over, everyone toasts to the new year and drains their flutes.
Tony perks up. “C’mon everyone! Outside!” he slurs before stumbling toward the door. Loki follows first, looking mischievous and altogether untrustworthy. Pepper and everyone else joins next with you and Thor taking up the rear. Thor wraps his red cape tighter around you to make sure you’re going to be warm enough.
Outside, standing on the shoveled path lined by a thick blanket of snow on either side, everyone waits. Tony plunks a few commands into his fancy watch and turns his face to the sky.
After a moment, something bright streaks overhead. For a moment, you think it’s a shooting star.
That thought quickly vanishes as a burst of red light washes over your face and colors the snow in blood, quickly followed by a thunderous Boom!
“Fireworks!” Peter exclaims with a huge smile.
A whole show follows. Colors of every kind explode high above the facility and rain sparks down that fade before they reach the ground. Smoke mingles with clouds and the loud Booms that accompany the lights echo in the empty fields that surround the facility on all sides.
Some of them are shaped like hearts or smiley faces. One of them falls like a weeping willow with long strands of glittering gold. The noises vibrate in your ribcage.
Thor holds you to his side, absorbing his warmth that he radiates like a furnace. He watches with wonder and smiles, occasionally glancing down at you to make sure you’re not missing the show. “It’s beautiful!” he says quietly.
“Yeah,” you agree with a grin.
“You know what else is beautiful?” he asks.
“The snow?” you suggest. There was something magical and ethereal about snow.
“Well, yes I suppose,” Thor agrees. “But I was talking about you.”
He leans down and steals a kiss. Your cheekbones and ears grow warm.
You grab the back of his head as he kisses you. “C’mere you big softie,” you mumble.
He chuckles against your lips.
“I love you,” you say.
“I love you too.”
The fireworks show lasts a good fifteen minutes, during which time everyone starts to feel the effects of winter creeping into their bones. Goosebumps run rampant over skin and shivers cause everyone not dressed properly for the cold to shudder.
Everyone’s faces are washed with rainbow colors as five or six fireworks go off at once, culminating in a one-after-another boom-boom-boom-boom-boom finale that makes your heart pound in your ears. You smile up at Thor and the expression on his face. You know he’s seen fireworks before, but there’s something endearing about never losing the sense of magical wonder they bring. You love him.
Once it’s over, the party disbands. Mostly because Pepper forces Tony to go to bed to sleep off all the alcohol he’s consumed.
You yourself are feeling a little tipsy but not too drunk all things considered, so Thor leads you gently back to your shared room to keep you from walking into anything. You reach it without incident. You both get into your pajamas and snuggle close to each other.
“Happy New Year, Thor,” you whisper as he runs the backs of his fingers down your face and through your hair.
“Happy New Year, my dearest love Mel,” he replies with a soft smile.
Maybe 2018 won’t be so bad.
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" It's my birthday today! I wonder what my sisters will send me this year... "
Vila muses, tail wagging. Beside her, Mel is wearing a Pyro-proof party hat much like the one taking the place of the Melusine's usual hat.
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formfeeding-blog · 5 years
FX Artist / Technical Director : Show-Reel
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01. Avengers : Age of Ultron Magic Spell Thrust 02. Avengers : Age of Ultron Magic Beam 03. Avengers : Age of Ultron Magic Ball Summoning 04. The Walk Establishing Shot Moving Clouds 05. The Walk Clouds Disperse 06. The Walk Looking down WTC Clouds 07. The Walk NYC Clouds Build-Up 08. The Walk High Altitude Clouds over NYC 10. The Beauty and the Beast Leaves, Twigs and Rose Petals from the Giant 11. The Beauty and the Beast Fireflies 12. The Beauty and the Beast Rose Petals Falling from the Tree 13. The Beauty and the Beast Petals, Leaves and Twigs falling from the Tree 14. The Beauty and the Beast Grassy Open Fields 15. John Carter : Mars Deep Space Sequence High-Altitude Martian Clouds 16. John Carter : Helium City Sequence Draping Flags(Cloth) BG 17. John Carter : Jump Sequence Cloth and Hair Sim 18. John Carter : Jump Sequence Cloth Tech Fix 19. John Carter : Jump Sequence Cloth, Hair and Fur Sim 20. John Carter : Flying Sequence Cloth and Hair Sim 21. LOTG : Valley Sequence Low Lying Mist / Clouds 22. LOTG : Battle of the Ice Claws Feather Reveal 23. LOTG : Battle Sequence Claw Sparks 24 . LOTG : Impact Feathers 25. Sucker Punch : Dragon Scene Arrow Embers 26. Underworld III ROTL : End fight Sequence Smoke 27. City of Ember : Cave Flood Sequence Water, Splashes, Foam(Library) and Mist 28. City of Ember : Break Sequence Procedural Dust and Debris 29. HPIH : House Collapse Sequence Procedural Dust and Debris 30. The Penguins of Madagascar : Energy Orb Procedural FX Rig Development / R&D 31. Kung-Fu Panda LOA : Fireworks Procedural FX Rig Development / R&D
I am an FX Artist / Technical Director who has studied, lived and worked in California, United States for several years in San Francisco Bay Area and Greater Los Angeles Area. I also have work experience in Sydney(Australia) and London, (United Kingdom). I am hoping to gain some production experience in Singapore, New Zealand as well as in Europe.
I have worked on Live-Action, Animated Feature, Commercials and TV Series.
Currently I am working in Canada as a Sr. FX QA Analyst, Engineering workflows for Bi-frost Liquid / Fluid Simulation Technologies.
Sr. FX QA Analyst : Autodesk – Maya / Bifrost Development Team (Ontario, Canada) Sr. FX Artist : Digital Extremes (Ontario, Canada) Lead FX TD : Volta (Quebec City, Canada) FX TD : Method Studios (Vancouver, Canada) Sr. FX TD : Atomic Fiction (Montreal, Canada) Effects Artist : (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) SFX Artist : (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Senior FX Artist : Freelance (Boston, MA, United States) FX Artist : Freelance(Oslo, Norway) FX TD : Cinesite(London, United Kingdom) FX Artist : Freelance(Milan, Italy) FX TD : Animal Logic(Sydney, Australia) FX Artist : Nickelodeon Animation Studios(Burbank, United States) FX TD : Motion Theory(Venice, California) Fluid FX Animator / Generalist : elementFX(San Rafael, California) Contributing Author : Professional MEL Solutions for Production(San Francisco, California) Fluid FX Animator : Luma Pictures(Venice, California)
• Procedural Particle Simulation & Fluid Dynamics with Maya, Houdini and Realflow • nCloth, Hair and Fur Simulation • FX Rig development and implementation of the same • Documentation, support, Icon and integration of FX rigs into the FX pipeline • Mental Ray Rendering Engine • Procedural Texturing and Shader Dev with Slim, PRman and Renderman for Maya • Node-based Compositing with Shake, Nuke and Fusion • Computer based and Practical Lighting • Scripting in MEL and Python • Basic Programming experience with C++ and OpenGL Likes: 285 Viewed:
The post FX Artist / Technical Director : Show-Reel appeared first on Good Info.
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mel-raven · 5 years
"Beach cove butterfly"
Drinking on a sunrise and watching the sunset ,you and I and a hammock , making promises that were never kept , finishing off a day I'll never forget .. Building sand castles and surfing on a board for two ,was something I always wanted to do.. thanks to your skill and your grace we walked onto the shore with our dignity place.. I knew when I first saw you through all the faces of the embers glowing light ,,star so clear the wind so calm the temperature just right,. I turn away for a moment and you disappear ,,I look around and you're standing right here..
A memory long ago sparked by a seashell on my bookshelf signed by her and myself.. it's bold markings are faded and all but gone, but the memories I have continue to live on
I never saw her again after that day but I return as I promised to find she passed away
Her mother tried to explain but her voice was obscured.
Trembling beginning to cry as she explained how her daughter died..
It was an instant death on her way to college. struck by a semi truck ,in her quest for knowledge..
I returned to the Beach cove but it wasn't the same,,as I walked along the sand knowing I would never see my butterfly again..I can only hope to see her in heaven
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laurabelle2930 · 8 years
My thoughts on “The Predator” Chapter 16
Okay so you might see this I’m tagging you now... @supersillyanddorky06
 Matty, matty, matty how do you do you do it! Each time I read one of your masterfully done chapters something inside of me simply sparks to life. I go from being surrounded by dangerous thunderheads to then being transported into a meadow of endless, divine light. It’s as if your words are able to bridge the gap between heaven and hell and, that my friend is a gift that we all hope and wish for. 
Anyways now that I’ve slightly embarrassed myself I’ll continue on to attempting a small conveyance of what this chapter made me see.  
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Now I’m using this visual because of this sentence...
“ Taking a deep breath, Felicity closed one eye, took her aim, and fired.”  
The entire sequence was breathtaking in both it’s pain and utter beauty. When we started in the graveyard I felt it was very symbolic if that makes any sense. I felt it fitting that someone who’d grown up with so much loss and utter loneliness would find peace in a space filled with the essence of life’s sad but ultimately forgone conclusion. For me it spoke to the heart of the character and the choice she’d yet to fully make. Her heart as I’ve said from the start is conflicted, she’s conflicted by a need that’s even stronger then good sense. As you stated so perfectly she desires Oliver but more importantly she hungers for him. The contact between them has been so limited, if not calculating and yet she yearns for the quiet moments shared not between enemies but lovers. She yearns for his soft touch down the line of her trembling spine, she wants to feel the scruff of his beard when she palms his cheek. She wants more than a physical connection to him she admitted if not unhappily that she wants more than the fleeting open ended fucks in bathrooms or against dingy walls. She wants something she assumed he didn’t have...
She wants not just his heart or even his soul...
She wants his truth...
Felicity wants his story. 
What’s even more fascinating is Oliver wants her’s as well. In my opinion it’s why he really hasn’t killed her. She intrigues him yes, and she stimulates a part of him that he thought long gone but more than that she’s awakened the last ember of light that he still has sparking within him. As you had Amara point out 
“ I see how he looks at you. Despite knowing about you all my life, I never thought he’d be as he is with you.”
But more importantly Felicity makes Oliver feel “Alive” and that is what I’ve been seeing since chapter one. This man’s scars are so much more than puckered tissue along the surface of the character’s taut skin. His pain is hidden beneath years of darkness, and more importantly acceptance of the hand life chose to deal him. He’s made his bones with the past or so he’d thought...
Felicity as I’ve said from day one holds the key to his past as he does to her own. They’re both so intertwined that it makes sense for them to find their equal in the other. They challenge the other, they push, fight, and infuriate the other as only the other half of a person’s soul could do. 
What makes this even more poignant was his lone very coldly asked question...
“Did I hurt you?” 
Why would a man who want’s her blood to run down his warm skin care if he’d caused her pain? Why would a man who stood in her room with a blade to her pulsating jugular care if she felt anything other than agony when surrounded by not only his body but his essence? Why would he care if despite himself he’s realizing, very slowly I’ll admit that she’s not just his equal but, she’s his match both physically and mentally if not emotionally. 
Felicity stood her ground, there they were toe to toe, face to face, and I suspect chest to chest, with blazing eyes filled with nothing but venom; and all I could see was two broken souls finding not just a safe haven in the raging storm but also an eternal home. 
The visual above is yes my paltry attempt at conveying what you’ve done with this work. I know you’ve been criticized for the “sex” scenes and how they feel Felicity’s an abused woman but this chapter should have put all that to rest. She wants him, but she wanted that contact regardless of how it occurred. She chose to accept his advances and he never once made a move without her consent. He honored her wishes because she did something she’d never done with any other person, she let down her guard. She let him see her naked not just physically but, emotionally as well. She’s let him see the scars this life has left upon her darkened heart and yet all he seems to see is her own light flickering just as dimly as his own. He see’s her as she see’s him and that’s the beauty of this story. They’re so perfectly matched that you honestly think Oliver should be afraid not Felicity. He’s termed as “The Predator” but in my humble opinion it’s Felicity who’s the true Predator. 
She’s the one who holds all the cards, they need her to prevent a civil war if you will. She’s been raised in this world so fear is not in her vocabulary, she’s willing to make the tough choices like ending the lives of her fathers trusted men in order to prevent her own from flickering out. She’s lost her memories of a childhood trauma and yet she continues fighting for the truth to their shared past. She’s pushed him into the light by making him human, she’s uncovered the shattered soul of an emotionally dying man by showing him love can heal. Felicity is the hero of her own story and dammit she’s empowering the other characters to follow in her stead. How anyone can still see her as an abused woman after this chapter truly isn’t paying attention. 
Matty honestly I could say this again and again and it wouldn’t be any less accurate. This story is incredible. I remember your apprehension and fear over the content if not the context of how these two would eventually become one... 
As I said then, you have no reason to be afraid for the beauty of flawed imperfection is written with the lines upon a dying man’s face. The beauty of unspeakable loss, and unthinkable tragedy is finding that despite it all the scared heart still beats. the flawed human soul still exists, and the lies we tell ourselves when seeking comfort don’t make us any less pure. You’ve shown us this is true with each chapter you’ve written. You’ve captured the human condition in the purest sense of the word by creating a true equality between the sexes. You should be applauded for the words you’ve committed to the page not condemned. We’re all better for knowing you and for seeing the beauty in our own flawed imperfection. Thank you my friend, thank you. 
Tagging @hope-for-olicity @almondblossomme @oliverfel4 @vaelisamaza @emmaamelia95 @coal000 @mel-loves-all @miriam1779 @captainolicitysbedroom @rivaroma @jaspertown @diggo26 @quiveringbunny @scu11y22 @memcjo @pleasantfanandstudent 
Spread the love ladies! 
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pupyzu · 3 years
Neopronouns based of pokemon (scorbunny line or any fire pokemon is okay) , feminine and masculine neopronouns and pronouns based on anime or manga in general
under the cut!
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anonysquirrel · 6 years
Part three of the MollyLives worldhopping AU
In which we run into another refugee from the first crossover universe (Star Wars, Clone Wars era). Continued from part 2...
The signs on the ships and shops and metal-ship-shops were sometimes hard to read, especially for someone with only a few years’ casual experience with the written form of common. They made the letters fancy and twisty, and sometimes he was pretty sure it wasn’t common at all. But the artists usually got the ideas across one way or another. 
Molly veered toward the wood-ships and actual-buildings; instinct said he’d have a better chance at playing his usual routine in a place following rules of architecture he understood on some level, and at least an initial scouting run would be called for before he tried a place that might have races he’d never even seen before. 
There was some basic similarity in the common races’ physical tells -- pupil dilation, breath rate, flinches and the like -- but he prided himself on being a better cold reader than mere ‘basic similarity’ would allow. So the Millennium Hand would take further investigation at a later date.
Storefront, storefront, inn, but that one looked to have substantial structural integrity issues; it must have fallen a fair distance when it came through. He preferred his lodgings not to be life or limb threatening, on the whole. Another storefront. A tavern, but small enough not to have lodgings beyond the owner’s.
What he really needed to find was either a decent whorehouse with a tap, or a marginal dancing hall with clean whores. It let him offer the proprietor their choice of any of his skill sets, not just the family-entertainment ones. And he knew the place would come with beds and a bath on offer, and even the fair to middling chance of a companion or two.
Hmm. The Tilted Quilt. That was an enticingly saucy name with a great deal of insinuation.
A quick glance in the window showed curtains, lace, frills, plushly velveted chairs with an array of people sipping at beverages and clearly killing time until something else happened -- yes, this looked like a whorehouse for the well-enough-to-do with enough coin and enough leisure time to wait their turns.
The door even chimed his arrival at a dramatic touch: marvelous.
Standing poised in the door with one ankle tucked behind the other and the curve of his hand very precisely ‘casually’ draped against the doorframe, Melandrix flashed his most brilliant smile around the room.
“Good gentles all -- I bear the duty and honor of introducing you to a world of wonders beyond mortal ken! Rejoice, for you find yourselves in the company of Melandrix, the clarion herald of the Carnival of Dreams. It will be my privilege to introduce you to all the delights that dreams made incarnate may bear.”
He swept a dramatic bow, came up to glance around the room, and… recalculated. Very, very quickly.
It still looked like an expensive whorehouse’s waiting room, was the problem. But upon actual sight, none of the elderly to middle-aged townsfolk in the seats looked anything like either whores or clients, and several of them looked a bit gobsmacked.
There were a couple tatter-sleeved and elbow-patched teenaged scholars hovering over a pile of books in a corner, but neither of them would have been able to afford a whore in a place with velvet sitting-chairs, and the only one who pinged Molly’s instincts as more-than-he-seemed looked like a bloody monk.
He was pretty sure he knew what this place wasn’t, but he had no idea what it was. Some bizarre blend of a wizard’s book collection and a high-class drug den, from the way people were clutching at their cups as though in need of sedation they expected to find at the bottom?
Well. Melandrix was nothing if not adaptable.
So the sword-dancing, fire-juggling, and stripping to the smallclothes for a display of the vividly peacock-tattooed purple wares for sale were put on hold. Stepping it down a few notches seemed called for. Cards, crystals, palm-reading, romance and charm, coming right up.
A moment’s hand-flourish and a touch of prestidigitation had a spray of fire-lilies blooming in his hands; he strode confidently across the room to the stunned-looking elderly woman in an apron drying a vase. (Had to be the shopkeeper, nobody else would bother.)
“Here, my dear, allow me.” He plucked the vase from her hands,and set the ember-shedding lilies into them.
She made a small squeak of surprise and patted at the sparks dancing across the tabletop; smiling, he patted the back of her hand.
“No actual flame! As I said, I am the herald of the Carnival of Dreams. A lover of literature such as yourself should find herself surrounded by magical, senseless wonder.” He brought her hand to his lips to kiss, just to take the impression entirely over the top; she turned a gratifying shade of pink.
“I don’t suppose we might come to some sort of mutually beneficial arrangement, my dear? All I seek is a meal and a night’s bed; in return, I place my talents at your need or whim. You seem to have no need of storytellers in a place of so many books, but perhaps a touch of the mystic arts -- a world out of dream, a breath of the Moonweaver’s mists, a glimpse of the future cast in crystal, a reading of the marks of fate written into this very hand...?”
“I don’t -- I mean -- you’re new hereabouts, aren’t you? I’d think I would have noticed -- well, anyway, you can have the guest room for the night if you don’t mind the books on the desk. I don’t need my fortune told, lad, but if you’re sure there’s no risk of fire, those lilies are lovely.”
“Oh, I can do better than that, dear lady.” Hands on his hips, looking around the room, he noted all the marks of wear and age and overuse on the furniture, the chipped plates, the faded paints.
It would take a substantial portion of his power, but it was already too late in the day to find himself a proper outdoor performance space and drum up a paying audience. He’d put on a show for his hostess instead, and pour enough of himself into it to let it last the night for her.
He didn’t need to call the sheen of moonlight to his eyes and fingertips, but this was going to be a showpiece for the patrons who might murmur of what they’d seen to other ears the next day.
He also didn’t need to touch every surface in the room, but it was a good spot of theater: the faded paint brightening to new in a ripple that spread from the touch of a finger. The chipped sculptures of the mantlepiece glittering with starbursts before mending themselves to match a claw’s carving through air. A languid brush of fingertips that renewed the worn and crushed velvets and the cup-stained woods -- and then a vase of fire-lilies at each table, surrounded by fragrant snow-clouds of night-jasmine and damask roses, and creamy candles that would never flicker as the evening fell, to read their books by.
(He couldn’t quite have refilled each of their pots for them; maybe a couple, but the rest would have been an illusion they couldn’t manage to pour, and he had no idea what the different pots were meant to contain anyway. Better to leave them impressed with what he could pull off seamlessly than to overreach on a first major working in a new city.)
“Oh goodness,” the shopkeeper said, sounding entirely overwhelmed.
And all of a sudden Molly understood how a place could have red velvet chairs and satin drapes and small intimate tables for two with time-wasting cups of beverages and call itself the Tilted Quilt and not be a whorehouse. This woman was someone’s bookish great-aunt, and she’d meant it as a cosy little pun, and somewhere the gods were laughing at his misconceptions.
“I’m afraid it won’t last through tomorrow,” he admitted, carding fingers through his hair and adding a couple of flowers because he could. “Still: a worthy exchange for a meal and a bed, I should hope?”
Something nudged his ankle firmly and said mrrrt.
An excessively fluffy orange cat blinked lantern-gold eyes up at him suspiciously.
“Well, hello there, beautiful.” Sinking to one knee, he offered his fingertips for inspection. “Good of you to keep an eye on the place, what with questionable sparks of sorcery drifting about rapscallions like myself. More shops ought to keep themselves under the protection of a clever-eyed shoulder-lion.” Glancing up at the shopkeeper, he asked, “Has this lovely beast a name?”
“That’s Master Raffles,” the shopkeeper said faintly, sinking into the nearest chair as though uncertain of her knees.
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master Raffles. I do solemnly swear I seek no harm to thee nor thine -- merely a warm place to sleep and a fresh bite to eat, like cat-kin of all kinds.”
He broke a piece off the dried meat he kept in his pouch for travel-rations, and a little spark of magic gave it the scent and semblance of fresh river-fish; Raffles’ whiskers quirked forward. A moment’s snuffling was promptly followed by a bite, and the cat deigned to permit Molly to rub behind his ears for a brief moment before pulling back to gnaw his tribute.
Satisfied that the overseer of the place would at least tolerate his presence, he stood and turned toward the shopkeeper again - and then made an undignified yelp as the cat swatted at the tip of his tail.
“What now? Further tribute is demanded?”
“Don’t let him get away with that,” the monk dressed in dull sand-and-mud browns advised. “He already thinks he owns the place.”
“Is he wrong?”
“Probably not, no.” The monk turned back to his steaming cup of what had to be some boringly innocuous herbal brew.
Molly wanted to know why this mud-brown house-sparrow of a monk was setting off every instinct he had for scenting out what powers hid beneath the surface. But Melandrix advised lulling the mark into security, letting him think himself unnoticed -- at least until it was time to play-pounce. And Mel definitely wanted to play with this one.
Well, the little table was sized for two. Molly swung a leg over the unoccupied chair, leaned back into the upholstery he’d just refreshed, and grinned at the monk’s careful little face-blanking.
“So what are you drinking there?”
“...I don’t actually know. Miss Isabel calls it ‘soothing.’”
“Of course she does.” Molly stole the monk’s cup and took a sniff, then a sip. “Soothing, see also: boring, see also: not even a whiff of medicinally mind-altering substances? Where’s your taste for adventure? Excitement?”
With a peculiar expression flitting across his face, the monk said almost reflexively, “A Jedi craves not these things.”
“I have no idea what a jedi is, but it has my most profound sympathy for such a desolate and soul-crushingly dull existence.”
“A Jedi would be, uh, me.”
“Fascinating. Is your syntax always so involuted? No, I’m sorry, that was horribly culturalist of me, and I of all beings have no business treading in that realm. Also, entirely the wrong question! The better question: Have you actually taken a literal monastic vow against having fun, or can I play with you?”
There, that was just a hint of a flicker in his eyes, but the facade of calm really was impressively maintained. (As a fellow professional, Molly appreciated the skill set involved.)
“Why would you wish to? As you’ve noted, I am quite dull and ordinary. I’m sure you could find better entertainment elsewhere.”
“Now, see, that’s where you’re mistaken. You are very, very good at imitating dull and ordinary! But I have a nose for these things, and you’ve just pulled your foot back so you’re balanced enough to throw yourself or this table any way you choose, should the need arise. And I find myself thinking that’s not a very bookish reflex for a pious young monk from a scholarly or hermetic order. From a martial order, now, that would be a different matter entirely, wouldn’t it? Are you sure you’ve no taste for adventure?”
“I’ve had more than my share of both adventure and excitement. These days, I prefer my boring cup of some herbal tisane. Really, you don’t wish to bother with me.”
Feeling the faintest brush of suggestion-pressure against his mind, Molly clicked his tongue against his teeth.
“A note of courtesy, one professional to another, good sir: I don’t know whether to be more disappointed that you thought that would work on me, or that you thought to use it for something so utterly banal.”
The monk blinked, and then sighed a little. He didn’t relax back against the chair, though, still too cautiously balanced.
“What do I need to say to get you to go away?”
“Now, that’s the challenge, isn’t it, darling? Your overcareful affectation of utter mundanity is in itself far too fascinating. I suppose you could try the Lesser Rite of Tiefling Banishment: ‘bugger off, Mel.’”
“‘Bugger off, Mel.’”
“No, see, I don’t think you really meant it.”
With quite a bit more force, the monk said, “Bugger off, Mel.”
“Much better! See, I knew you had that spark of fire in you somewhere.” Leaning back with his fingers laced behind his head, he added, “You say you’ve had your fill of adventure and excitement, with a face that young and pretty -- and yet you aren’t even convincing the locals to buy your drinks? Lad, take it from an old hand at the game, you’re wasting literally golden opportunities here. Tell me of your adventures. Let’s see how we can polish up the retelling for market.”
Oh, now that was a reaction. That was ...possibly even a flashback. For a long still moment, the monk’s eyes were seeing a world a million miles away.
“Or tell me someone else’s story, if you’d rather,” Molly offered. He reached out and put a hand over the monk’s. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. ...Because, of course, you haven’t told me.”
The monk’s hand was far too still for a brittle moment, and then he breathed out a sigh half caught in a laugh and looked up at Molly with something resembling a crooked grin.
“So what’s the Greater Rite of Tiefling Banishment?”
Delighted, Molly said, “Come outside and I’ll demonstrate! Bring your swords. Dance with me.”
“Wait, I -- swords? Plural? How did you--”
Patting the back of the monk’s hand, Molly said brightly, “Your hand’s too whole. Too intact. Not enough scars and broken knuckles for a punching-monk or a stick-monk. Knives are not terribly sporting, and you’re too mild for one of the orders that swing in the unsporting directions. You’re not a bowman, you hold yourself like a close-range fighter; and yet you don’t favor your lead hand as much as a single-blade wielder would. Also, I just took your lead hand and you didn’t pull back in the slightest, which suggests you have absolutely visceral confidence you could dismember me with your preferred blade in your off hand just as readily. And now I have to find out whether you’re correct! Where are you keeping them?”
“And you don’t know what a Jedi is,” the monk said, a little incredulous.
“Well, I do now.”
“And what is a Jedi, then?”
“Besides ‘a jedi is you’?” Molly said, studying him through half-lidded eyes. “Monks of some sort, martial inclinations, various and sundry moral strictures, substantial repression issues, couldn’t guess about dietary restrictions, but overall very beige. Excruciatingly beige. The robes, the hood, the hair, all of it as bland as you can possibly manage. Possibly an allergic aversion to color, passion, or vivid expressions of personality in your initiates.”
The monk looked a bit as though he’d bit into a sour pickle and it had sprayed vinegared tickledust up his nose.
“Well, from a certain point of view,” he said, half strangled between laughter and indignation. “I don’t suppose you’ve ever considered blending in to anything, have you?”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but here’s the thing: I’m bloody purple, mate. There is no ‘blending in’ to any group, anywhere.” With an expansive flourish of one hand, he added, “Fortunately, I am the uncrowned monarch of making purple and horny look devastating. Long may I reign! --Wait, we’re supposed to drink to that, and there is no rum. Fine. Here.”
He stole the monk’s cup again, took another sip, and made a face. “Not the same. Still, needs must. Do you drink anything stronger than water?”
That shook loose the first actual laugh he’d heard from the man. “‘Do I drink,’ he says. Oh, no, good sir, you’ll never find a pious soul like myself anywhere near alcohol.”
Nose scrunched, Molly waved a hand in the air as though to clear away a nasty smell. “Don’t do that,” he begged. “You’re absolutely terrible at that. The gods themselves weep. Raised in a temple, were you? I may have to arrange a few enlightenments. Purely for my own entertainment, you understand.”
A little wounded-looking, the monk said, “I can be disreputable!”
Molly didn’t intend to laugh in his face. It just kind of happened.
“No, seriously, ask my student; she’ll tell you I’m the most disreputable Jedi she’s ever met.”
“And was she also raised in a temple, hmm?” Noting the sheepish expression, Molly said, “I believe my point is made for me. So, what’s your name, or shall I keep calling you the sparrow-monk?”
“Jeren-Lir Andramic.” With an ironic quirk to the corner of his lips, he added, “What’s your real name?”
“Melandrix is a bit ostentatious, isn’t it? You can call me Mel.”
“Hmm. Try again.”
Molly clapped his hands together. “Well spotted! Mollymel Haversham, to the best of my admittedly limited recollection. Mel is onstage; my friends call me Molly. I didn’t even feel you leaning on me that time, so is that some sort of innate truth-sensing? Or do you know a name older than what I know myself?”
Jeren-Lir shrugged a little. “I pay attention to the flow of the Force around you. ...Seriously, why me? I was trying to look harmless.”
“Oh, you do,” Molly assured him. “You look so carefully harmless that you’re the second most interesting thing I’ve seen today.”
“And what’s the first?”
“Well, you’ve got stiff competition, but you’re in good company,” Molly said, smiling. “The most interesting thing I’ve seen today was a vast hole torn in the sky and some giant’s playtoy metal wing-ship thrown through hot enough to boil the ocean around it.”
“A what?” But that wasn’t fear or confusion; that was shocked recognition. “Where? Show me where -- please!”
Jeren-Lir caught him by the hand this time, already on his feet, and Molly thought wildly, Well, I’d wondered what would motivate him.
“All right,” he said, following along willingly enough. “Miss Isabel, I’m sure we’ll be back, we’re just off for a bit of sightseeing!” He managed a quick wave as the door closed behind them.
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Aw, nice to meet you, Vila!
And your companion, Mel, too.
Well, I hope you'll have great adventures together!
I pat Vila on the head.
"We will, thank you!"
Vila smiles before setting off with Mel in tow, heading towards a small canyon nearby...
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Oh alright then!
I hope we'll meet again :)
My name is Cookie by the way
And yours is..?
"I'm Vila, a Melusine from Fontaine! And the Pyro Slime over there is Mel, my traveling buddy!"
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