#vila interacts
(yup, me again :3 I'll be 🍪 anon from now on)
Vila plays a seashell, sitting next to some water. Mel is bouncing next to her happily in tune to the music...
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ihaveforgortoomany · 1 month
Similarities between Windsong and Marcus (spoilers for 1.7 and 1.8)
Both of them have the tendency to overthink and self-depreciate. (Marcus overanalysing every situation and Windsong's always assuming people think the worst of her, like first line to Vila was "I'm not a child abuctor I swear".)
Both work in fields that was discredited by their peers (Windsong and Ley Lines research and Marcus with her articles being written off as fantasy and moved from the Documentary section to fantasy) - discredited because of how their work is based in arcanism/ the arcanist world.
Both found someone that supported and encouraged them (Hoffman and Vila)
All Im saying is that these two are adorable, I wanna see them interact in general. Also I wondering if Marcus' arcane skill of reading could aid in the studying of leylines.
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Ivy and Claudine Feelings fic. Might add Ivy & Diego interaction later but I’m posting it now.
The rain drums against the roof and windows incessantly.
Sometimes, rain drops fall into the room through a crack of a window Ivy didn’t bother to close. She’s never did close that window, she isn’t sure it could even be closed anymore, but she doesn’t mind. She doesn’t mind the rain or the wind, she barely even shivers anymore as another gust of wind breezes through the room and rattles the ancient windows and doors.
The house is complaining about the storm, as it always does. When she was little, Ivy actually imagined it gossiping about the weather, in posh English accent. So horrible today, isn’t it?
She doesn’t do that anymore. Now, she sits curled up with a book that’d make an Auradonian princess choke on her own spit, and clinks ice in her glass.
…Yes,it is slightly too cold for ice, but Ivy wants her whiskey on rocks, you know?
Besides, she likes how the glass burns at her fingertips, ever so contrasting to the alcohol itself.
She flips the page and sighs as she realises she hasn’t the faintest idea what she just read. Really, this thing can get so boring in some passages – she’ll need to get a new one from Dulcia.
She sighs again and stares at the blank wall instead, contemplating her life choices or whatever.
A movement catches her eye. Tight, jerky movement where nothing should be moving but the wind, where her girlfriend is supposed to be asleep.
She’s not asleep, she’s sitting up with her knees brought up to her chest, having drawn up her hands to her ears just now, and Ivy really should have noticed sooner.
She stares at the girl, sucking at her cheek as she tries to find words of comfort that she can actually say – not that she cares for the Isle societal norms all that much, but she <i>is</i> a Villain.
Claudine catches her staring.
„Ivy–“ she breathes out, lowering her hands to her lap – back to her crucifix.
„Ivy,“ she says again before abruptly clambering from the bed.
„What’s it, sweetheart?“ Ivy asks and lowers her feet to the floor just as the girl comes to a halt before her and sits on her heels in front of the loveseat. From here close, Ivy can see the tears shining in her eyes – if she had a heart, it’d break a little.
„He is mad at me,“ Claudine whispers, confesses, as she takes Ivy’s hand into hers, holding on desperately. Ivy lets her.
„Who is mad at you, love?“
„He,“ Claudine says with as much emphasis as she can, „He sends storms to punish sinners and purge the earth of those unworthy of His love. He is mad at me, Ivy.“
Now, Ivy is starting to understand – well, more than anything, she’s understanding how much she’d love to kill dear old Judge Frollo, if he wasn’t already dead.
She’d make him suffer, for what he did to her.
But for the moment, she rises and takes Claudine with her, drawing her into a hug. Ivy can feel her trembling still, as she mutters: „Are you afraid of the storm, sweet thing?“
Claudine just nods mutely into her shoulder.
Ivy hums, just to fill the silence, and strokes her hair. Then she pulls away – just for a moment, just to grab her book again, for she never did put down her glass – and says: „Can you carry this for me? We’re gonna go somewhere where we can’t hear the storm.“
She waits for an answer, as patiently as she can, and Claudine takes the book, which is as good as it’s gonna get. Ivy kisses her cheek and leaves a mark, which she doesn’t care about, and offers her her arm as she leads the way through the labyrinth that is Hell Hall.
She navigates the dark halls she grew up in with ease, though, until they walk to a salon near the heart of the Vila. Much too close to her Auntie, in normal circumstances, but the storm doesn’t reach here.
Ivy stands down her glass now, and flickers her lighter few times before she lights the oil lamp by the sofa and the warm light shines around the room. She sinks into the pillows and waves Claudine over,  pulls her down, as she girl seems unwilling to do anything on her own accord.
„No one is mad at you, I promise,“ says Ivy, because it seems like the right thing to say.
She doesn’t know if she’s lying.
„I promise,“ she repeats anyway.
„But how can you know?“ whispers Claudine so quietly that Ivy can hear because she’s oh-so-close.
„I’m not mad at you,“ she says, as if that explained everything, which, really, it should.
„No one’s mad at you, you’re far too precious for that.“
She pulls away Claudine’s head a bit, just enough to kiss by the corner of her eye.
She can taste the salt of her tears.
„You think?“ Claudine breathes out. She’s not trembling anymore, not so tense, no. She’s almost relaxed in Ivy’s arms.
She lets her lie down, curled up next to her, and hopefully fall asleep now.
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lailoken · 1 year
this may sound like a silly question, but is it possible for someone who is not Irish, scottish, or British to be contacted by the Fae?
thank you!
Hello there.
This isn't a silly question, but it's one I will have to expound on a bit, as opposed to just giving a yes or no answer. I'll also preface this by saying that my personal beliefs will likely be contentious to some, and I encourage readers to take what they find useful and leave the rest if it conflicts with their own paradigm. Most of this comes from a mixture of personal gnosis and theory, and I am not attempting to assert authority on the subject or claim academic accuracy, so please keep that in mind.
To put it very simply, I believe that the Fae are present in every region of the world, and I have highly syncretic beliefs about the nature of the Fae and other spirits in general. For me, the folkloric specifics come down to cultural lenses and the ways that long-term worship and perception shape the expectations and manifestations of the Gloaming Folk. So, no, I don't think one has to be Gaelic or Brythonic in order to cultivate a relationship with the Fae.
For instance, when looking at the Faerie Faith, many people think primarily—if not only—of the insular Celts. The Fair Folk of the English; the Aos Sidhe of the Irish; the Daoine Sìth of the Scottish; the Sheeaghan of the Manx; the Twlwyth Teg of the Welsh; the Spyrysyon of the Cornish; and the Korrigan of the Breton. But in the larger context of Germanic and Scandinavian folklore, there is copious evidence of entities that are undeniably similar to the Fae as they are understood in the Insular Celtic Isles. In fact, the Germanic word Elf is so closely aligned with the term Faery that many people don't even realize or think about the fact that they derive from different cultures. That being said, the Germanic/Scandinavian "lens" of Faerie Lore is probably the other best known by the wider public.
Likewise, there are multiple beings that show up in Slavic mythology and folklore—such as the Vila, the Rusalke, or the Vodyanoy—which are pretty readily accepted as Faeries. I don't know of an overarching term that would necessarily be equivalent, but the folkloric link is still there.
Now, moving into a more controversial aspect of my beliefs, I also happen to think of Angels, Demons, and Djinn in terms of Gloaming Spirits. While I readily admit that millenia of regionally specific belief and veneration form unique "identies" that Spirits of a given culture may align more closely with, I believe that they are all part of one larger "family" of beings who have been interacting with humanity for many thousands of years. I realize that this will likely be considered an egregious oversimplication for some, or possibly even an erasure of the individuality these cultures possess; but for me, the things that make a tradition sacred and unique are not invalidated or snuffed out by by the fact that other cultures may find recognition in them. So, while I do think beings like Angels, Demons, and Djinn are inexorably interrelated, I also fully accept that they are unique and culturally specific. And frankly, I find it hard to believe that others who have engaged in intensive personal gnosis haven't come across similar threads of paradoxical interconnection.
Beyond these, though, I've also pinpointed other entities over the years that I think represent reasonable approximations of the Fae. These include things like:
The Peris of Persian Mythology (Beautiful aerial spirits sometimes known to work with humans called Peri-Kahn, who gained skills and abilities from the relationship. They are generally described as humanoid figures with beautiful wings, who are known for their michevious behavior, though at least one work references them as divine beings denied entry into paradise until such a times as they have atoned—a folkloric motif some will recognize in connection to certain folk-beliefs regarding the Angels and the Fae.)
The Yakshas of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism (Spirits of nature often connected with water, fertility, plants, treasures, and the wilderness. While some are considered benign or benevolent, others are considered more mischevious or sinister, though most are considered capricious. Sometimes associated with ecological forces, and at other times, with the spirits of the dead. )
The Yōkai of Shintō (A diverse array of spirits—often explicitly equivacated with fairies, demons, and/or sprites—known to interact with humans in both benevolent and malevolent capacities. While many of these spirits are quite singular in their uniqueness, others are more recognizable within a broader archetypal folkloric context—such as the Zashiki-warashi, which are described as diminutive domestic sprites known for both their ability to bestow good fortune, and their tendency to perform mischevious pranks.)
The Korpokkur of Ainu Mythology (A race of little folk, associated with the Butterbur plant, who were said to leave gifts under cover of night—as they did not like being seen. They were believed to be the original inhabitants of Japan before the Ainu—which also echoes aspects of Celtic Faerie Lore.)
The Aziza of Dahomean Mythology (A race of supernatural little folk who are said to live in the Wilds—often beneath Anthills or within silk-cotton trees— and use their magic to help humans, as well as providing people with practical knowledge and spiritual wisdom.)
The Yumboes of Wolof Mythology (Spirits of the dead described as little folk with pearly white skin and silver hair who lived beneath hills and come out to dance beneath the Moonlight. They are known to hold great feasts, which humans are sometimes invited to.)
The Hellenic Nymphs, Sirens, and Kobaloi (As many know, Nymphs are animistic spirits of nature, considered beautiful, and known to interact with humans. Likewise, most will have heard of Sirens as beautiful, seductive, and dangerous spirits of the water who are known to entice and drown men. The Kobaloi, in turn, are described as a mischievous race of small goblin-like folk who are fond of playing tricks on human kind.)
The Basque Iratxoak, Laminak, and Mairuak (An Iraxto is a type of domestic Imp or Goblin known to help with human labors in the night, if properly propitiated. A Lamina, on the other hand, is a Water Maiden described similarly to Sirens or Nereids. They are generally understood to have webbed duck feet and long beautiful hair, which they are fond of combing by the waterside. They are known for both their tendency to offer aid to those who show them respect and propitiation, and their tendency to seduce and ensnare men. Some traditions speak of male giants called Mairuak, who are closely associated with Laminak, and are linked by some with the construction of megalithic structures.)
The Duende of Iberian mythology (A term quite similar to 'Faery' in its usage, which encompasses a diverse array of spiritual entities who are generally said to appear as humanoid, though frequently capable of shapeshifting. They are often associated with nature and are known for their involvement with humans—be it helpful, romantic, michevious, or vicious. They include goblin-esque folk known as Trasgu, Water Maidens known as Xana or Anjana, and supernatural beings called Mouros who take refuge beneath the earth and rarely emerge near sites like barrows. The most common conception of a Duende, however, describes them as a mischevious sort of domestic imp or goblin known for their dealings with the human world. )
The Aztec Chaneque (A sprite-like race of little folk who are associated with Elemental forces and are often conceived as guardians of nature. These beings were once propotiated by the Nàhuatl peoples in exchange for protection from blight, intruders, and evil forces. However, they could also inflict harm, and they were known to sometimes kidnap humans and take them to their home in the Underworld of of Mictlàn to be seduced. On an interesting sidenote, one folk-method of protecting against them when traveling in the forest was for a person to turn their clothing inside out—a charm many will recognize from Celtic Faerie Folklore.)
The Mayan Aluxo'ob (Spirits recognized in the mythological traditions of certain Maya peoples, who are generally associated with particular features of nature. They are described as small and humanoid, and they usually remain invisible, though they can assume physical form for the sake of interacting with humans. Sometimes, wandering Aluxo'ob are said to ask for offerings from farmers or travelers and may respond with wrath if refused. If its conditions are respectfully met, however, it is said that an Alux will provide protection, luck, and aid. In fact, some traditions hold that a farmer can erect a specialized form of Spirit House in order to welcome in an Alux that will aid them for a contracted period of time with tending crops, summoning favorable weather, and guarding property. What's more, there exist naming taboos that reflect themes of Celtic Faerie Lore.)
The Guarani Pombero (A spirit particularly important in Paraguay, though it appears in multiple mythological traditions from the surrounding area. The Pombero is generally conceived as a small hairy man who lives in forested areas and abandoned sites, and is known to cause mischief for humans. It is said that the Pombero can become invisible, change shape, and perfectly mimick the sounds of the wild. Usually, he is considered harmless, if mischevious—known for antics like food theft, the loosing of cattle, and the scattering of household objects. Though, he is also known also known to occasionally abduct and/or impregnate women, resulting in the births of hairy children. The Pombero is capable of being appeased, however, through offerings such as cigars, liquor, and honey. It is even said that, if these propitiations are observed consistently for long enough, the Pombero will take a liking to a person or persons and provide protection for their home and posessions, as well as leaving gifts of their own in return.)
The Tupi-Guarani Curupira (A spirit described in the folklore of Paraguay, Amazonia, Brasil, and Argentina as a little man with bright red hair and feet turned backwards, which it uses to obfuscate the trajectory of its footprints. They are said to live in the wild, and will prey on hunters who take more than they need, or who harm animals while they care for their Offspring. They are also said to ocassionally abduct and/or impregnate women, resulting in strange or unexplained births.)
The Iroquois Jogah (A race of magical little folk spoken of in Iroquois lore. They are said to be largely invisible, and an array of phenomena are associated with them, such as mysterious drumming noises, rings of bare earth, disembodied lights, and "bowls" found in stones. Offerings such as tobacco and fingernail parings could be left within these stone bowls, as propitiation to the Jogah. They are fond of mischief and games, though they can also be dangerous if disrespected. It is said, for example, that they will cause illness in homes constructed upon sites that they favor. The Jogah are also known for the variety of sub-groups into which they can be divided, generally associated with particular aspects or features of the natural world.)
& the Māori Patupaiarehe (Beings described in Māori mythology as a pale folk with red or golden hair. They are said to live in the mountains, hills, and deep forests in communities unseen by human eyes. They are known to influence the mist and clouds, to play music sweeter than that of any human hand, and were said to sometimes act with hostility towards humans who encroach or intrude upon their land. Despite this, however, most traditions state that Māori are able to converse with them at times.)
These are only a selection of traditional beliefs, though there are many more I won't attempt to list, and who knows how many more I've never heard. These are merely ones that have particularly caught my notice over time, and which seemed worth mentioning here. However, I am far from an anthropological expert, and I encourage others to ammend, contextualize, and add onto this information as they see fit—especially if they come from a culture I reference here. My goal is not to imply that all of these traditions are somehow directly connected to the Anglo-Celtic traditions, or that Anglo-Celtic mythology should be the cornerstone by which all folklore is considered; it's just the cultural background I have the most personal connection to/understanding of, and so I aim to speak mainly from a place of my own experience (though, I am actually half Paraguayan as well.)
So, in conclusion, while I do think that one's own cultural and regional context generally plays an important role in how one is likely to encounter the Gloaming Folk, I believe that people from virtually every culture have the capacity for working with them. I think that, when attempting to approach the Fae, it's a good idea for one to come at it from the perspective of their own heritage and regional lore, but at the same time, one can't always help the way spirits end up cultivating relationships with them (and, honestly, I think it is better for one to wait for the Fae to approach them whenever possible.)
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heeruh · 1 month
and Avgust is such a cutie patooootie 🥺🥺🥺 that's my adopted child right there.
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mamirhodessxox · 7 months
Hey There Delilah (Part 4)
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Cody Rhodes x Fem OC!Reader
(Delilah Jones)
Storyline: Delilah was born and raised by the beach in L.A and grew up in a home where her parents expected her to go to Harvard & become a well known woman who marry’s a man who is a lawyer after high school. But that’s not what she wanted, She always wanted to own a boutique/flower shop & she did, once her parents discovered she wouldn’t attend college they left her to fend for herself but allowed her little sister Kinsley to visit or sleep over whenever, Her little sister always had an eye for WWE but Delilah never understood why but little did either of them know one of Delilah’s customers would become well acquainted. (Creds to @alyyaanna for helping me w the storyline)
Contents: Toxic parents, Angst, Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Based in summer 2023, Alcohol, Violence, Corruption Kink, Size Kink, ETC, Loss of Virginity, Daddy kink, Fingering, Oral sex (Creds to @alyyaanna for writing the oral sex part bc I couldn’t do it for the life of me) P in V sex, Dom!Cody
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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The summer was going by slowly, Cody & Multiple of his friends would visit or hang out in the shop during the slowest of days including Delilahs childhood friend Mirabella was. She just moved back to L.A after living in new York after graduation and it had been the best time except one thing. She did not like Cody very much, Atleast Cody thought so, but to Mira she thought of him as a brother but just treated him with a lot of tough sibling love.
Today Mira sat behind the register while Lilah wrapped up a few bouquets until Cody, Randy, Seth & Jey walked in with lunch while Kinsley just made her way down to grab something, Lilah smiled and scampered over to Cody “You brought lunch? You didn’t have too I was just about t-“ he shook his head and gave her a quick kiss “Can’t keep coming in without some sort of treats that’s rude.” Mira rolled her eyes muttering “Your face is rude.” Causing Seth to giggle before Lilah smiled shaking her head
“I haven’t seen you guy’s in a while how are you?” Randy shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets “Been on the road for a little bit, Now we gotta start getting ready to go to another summer slam in Perth Australia” Lilah got a little nervous hearing about this after last weeks mishap that Mira knows a little to much about but Cody butted in “I was just about to ask, we’re getting a vila and stuff and I didn’t wanna leave you by yourself again so why don’t you, Mira & Kinsley come with?”
Lilah smiled a little bit & fiddled with her fingers “I’m sure we’d love to come with, right Mira?” Mirabella was zoned out for a minute looking at Randy but quickly nodded her head getting up to go into the backroom to go out with kinsley while Cody smiled and wrapped his arms around Lilah while the guys got tuned into a separate conversation “You look so goddamn pretty today angel.” She became flustered and nodded her head nervously which made him chuckle and run his hand through her hair, Lilah was so disgustingly attracted to Cody that anytime he touched her whether it were out if pure lust or innocence she would overstimulate herself anytime she felt those things like that time at church & he knew.
Mainly because she’d whimper and tell him she felt certain things and that’s when Cody would need to take her somewhere private just to she her get off & crying about how he makes her feel good. Cody hummed gripping her waist and that’s when she stood up on her tippy toes to mumble whatever needed to be said in his ear before he snuck her off upstairs into the apartment and took her to her bedroom, She laid down and moved her legs around while he moved her dress up and stared directly at her “what’s the matter baby use your words, I know you can sweet thing.” He teased her while she cried out squeezing her thighs together from all of the feelings she had in her tummy & what was in between her legs “f-feel funny Cody please!” She whined pawing at his arm while he smiled watching her react in such a way, he ran his hands up her thigh “Look at you baby, ‘bout to cum and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He teased while she cried into her hand nodding while he rubbed his finger over her clothed pussy making her cry and move around “Cody please!”
He smiled and leaned up to kiss her “Princess your overwhelming yourself relax.” She whined and tried calming down until Cody got back down & took off her panties “Cod-What are you doing?” He shrugged and laid his tongue flat against her clit before Cody held her thighs tightly into his massive hands after he tossed her undies to the side, he growled when he took a glance at her slick wet folds and traced them with his middle finger. He licked her gathered juices off his hand and smirked "sweet....just like i imagined..."
He layed feathery kisses on her inner thighs while maintaining eye contact and kissed her clit then licked a long stride making her whimper and squirm under him. He pushed his thick middle finger into her folds and groaned at how tight she felt "fuck..." he pushed a second finger in and scissored her clit while he licked her clean not wasting a drop of her sweet nectar
She whined and moved under him trying to free herself from his hands and at least get a look of his face He pinned her back down slightly choking her and shoved his tongue into her pussy making her see stars and shake in pleasure before she started cumming and covering her face while cody was busy lapping up whatever he could before getting up to go get her a new pair of panties and clean her up before lying down next to her “how do you feel angel?” She whined out in response before rolling over to face him “ ‘m feeling tingly..” he chuckled and pressed a kiss against her cheek “that’s normal princess don’t worry.” She smiles and flopped her head on the pillows while Cody got up “Gonna go close up the shop for you and then I’ll be back okay?” She lazily nodded and closed her eyes diving into sleep while Cody went downstairs.
Mira raised an eyebrow behind the register “Wheres lila-“ He smiled “napping, gonna close up the shop for the day since she’s very tired” the guys looked over and squinted while SETH started talking “Wait a goddamn minute she wasn’t tired 40 minutes ago.” Cody glared as he flipped the open sign “Well she is now,” Mira gagged in the background while Randy got off the phone “Flights tonight at 11 so I’d recommend we all get home and start packing.” Cody hummed leaning against the door “I already have my stuff ready just gonna spend my few hours packing lilahs stuff & Helping Kinsley.” She peeked out from the boutique “Where are we going?” She questioned while Mira started leaving to get her stuff “Australia. You’ll like it there it’s fun” Jey smiled while she squealed and ran upstairs as everyone left.
After a a long few hours of Cody picking up Lilah & Kinsley after getting his belongings, Going to the airport with everyone, flying all the way to australia which took almost an entire night & Day they finally got there, Everyone was completely jet lagged & were just glad the event didn’t start until tomorrow, They all got to a rented out Vila where they would be staying and decided to rest for most of the day. Lilah sat in a bathing suit completely knocked out by the pool while Cody did the same but with her thighs as a pillow while Rhea came outside & quietly nudged Cody awake holding a plate of food and staying as quiet as possible for Lilah’s sake “Made some food thought you two might want some?” He sat up nodding before taking the plate which was filled with shrimp alfredo & set it on the poolside tables while Rhea smiled “How’s she holdin’ up? She like it here?” Cody rubbed his eyes nodding before clearing his throat still waking up “Yeah she is, Just super tired & getting used to the time difference, she’s really excited just really sleepy.” He looked over towards Lilah who was completely knocked out “We were gonna go swimming and just as I started putting sunscreen on her she was out like a light.” Rhea laughed quietly nodding while patting his shoulder “That time difference will definitely take awhile to get used to.” She smiled and walked back inside while Cody stretched a bit and laid back down against her thigh massaging it a bit “Sweetheart wake up”
Lilah whined a bit before stirring awake and rubbing her eyes “How long was I out for?” She grumbled before sitting up and stretching her back a bit “Like an hour or 2, not too long.” He smiled while pointing at the plate of freshly made food “Rhea made us lunch incase we were hungry.” She smiled “We can share yeah?” He nodded his head in response and started to eat with her and just take it easy. Once they were finished Lilah got up to clean the dish while Cody went to go take a shower, Mira walked over to Lilah & smiled “You excited to be here?” She nodded her head which made Mirah smile even more before addressing the elephant in the room “So, You & Cody? What are you two exactly?” Lilah furrowed her brows as she thought about it and looked over at her “I actually dunno, It’s never really been addressed.” Mira raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on her hip “So your telling me your letting this bleached ass white boy fin-“ Lilah widened her eyes and covered Mira’s mouth “Shh!! Nobody needs to know!!” Mira rolled her eyes laughing against her hands before pushing them away from her face “Lilah cmon’ EVERYONE knows he’s going down on you.” Lilahs face went ghost pale & started panicking but Mira calmed her down “We just don’t care. If he’s doing all of that for you then good for you. You need the dick.” Lilah scrunched her face “Language.” Mira smiled playfully “And i’m not even getting THAT. I’m still virgin, I’m just saving myself?” Mira gave her a look “Girl- Okay.” Lilah rolled her eyes smiling before leaning against the counter “I’m gonna go up to my room & unpack now.” Mira hummed “Yeah okay. You go ‘unpack’” Lilah smiled and walked off upstairs to her & Cody’s shared room and started taking stuff out of her suitcase humming a bit before actually thinking to herself about Cody’s relationship with her.
Cody got out of his shower already semi dressed & Saw Lilah organizing her clothes smiling “Hi princess, What’cha doing?” She perked up and looked over at him “Cody what are we?” She randomly blurted out and widened her eyes quickly putting her hand over her mouth while Cody chuckled walking a little closer “What do you think we are Angel?” He hummed and moved her hand “I dunno..” he smiled smugly “Well what would you want us to be sweet girl? Hm?” He rested his hands right against her hips while she started stuttering over her words “What is it baby? You wanna be mine? Want me to make you my only girl huh?” He whispered and pressed her up against the bed grinning while she started pressing her thighs together nodding “No I want you to say it Angel, go on, Say it, Say i’m yours sweetheart.” He kissed her neck a little bit grinding his crotch up against hers while she started whining and squirming “Y-Your..Your m-mine” she croaked while he smiled and bit her neck a little bit before pushing his hand into her bikini bottoms making her gasp & buck her hips “C-Cody I think I want m-more.” She blurted out which made him look at her “Yeah baby? You want more? More what huh?” She knew exactly what he wanted her to say & she teared up in pleasure while he started fingering her in the process “Want my cock sweet girl? Go on baby, I can’t give you what you want until you start using your words sweetheart, say you want my cock angel c’mon” she whined as he curled his fingers in her pussy and started going faster “W-Want your c-cock!” She cried out.
Cody grinned and kissed her in a sloppy manner while pulling his pants off along with her panties, Lilah hitched her breath the minute he started tapping his dick against her clit, He tangled his hand into her hair and kissed her “It’s gonna hurt for a little bit alright princess?” She nodded as her eyes became glossed over and leaned her head back moaning once he pushed himself inside of her, there was a slight sting & let out a breathy sigh while Cody waited for a moment while entangling his hands into hers, Once she nodded in approval he started taking slow thrusts & letting out quiet grunts before tugging off her top & tugging on her nipples “Taking Daddy’s cock so fucking good sweetheart.” He moaned into her neck as the pain started fading away for her & soon turning into an overwhelming amount of pleasure, Lilah’s guilt set in for a little bit for not waiting for marriage like she was expected too but she also didn’t at the same time. Her legs wrapped around Cody’s hips & bit onto her lip whining once he started making his thrusts faster & sloppier, Lilah bit the back of her hand to suppress any noise which made Cody smirk and started to pull out but she shook her head begging but soon let out a loud moan once he harshly thrusted back inside and moving a hand away from hers to tease her clit.
Lilah started shaking and tapping his back “Cody ‘m gonna-“ he hummed and held her face “Gonna cum princess? Yeah? Gonna cum all over my fucking cock huh? Make me yours?” She whined nodding her head vigorously and moan against his neck before while he smiled wrapping his hand around her throat while grinding his cock directly inside of her cunt before she let out another loud moan and try pulling him further inside of her “D-Daddy!!” She squeaked out before cumming and scratching at his back leaving very visible marks before he pulled out and quickly came all over her stomach groaning. He rolled off of her and held her close letting her rest and leaving a kiss against her temple “You did so amazing angel, so goddamn good for me.” He muttered while playing with her hair before she noticed a few scratches on his arms “Oh no..I’m sorry! I-I wasn’t paying attention!” She blabbered tracing her fingers over the scratches barely sitting up while he shrugged looking over into the mirror sitting in front of the bed “Well I’m yours aren’t I angel?” She nodded shortly before he kissed her “I love you princess, I do, you should know this.” He mumbled against her lips before picking her up and carrying her into their bathroom to have her take a bubble bath.
Meanwhile downstairs Mira sat in the kitchen with Seth nodding slowly “I’m not trippin right? We both heard that?” He laughed while everyone was luckily outside at the pool “How the hell did a girl with the innocence of a literal puppy who goes to church every Sunday & pray AND read the bible 24/7 manage to loose her virginity before I do?” Seth shrugged laughing before pulling out juice from the fridge “Because you haven’t found your person yet.” Mira looked outside watching Randy teaching Kinsley how to do a proper dive and smile softly “I think I did.” Mira and Seth watched as Cody came downstairs dressed and retrieving fruit for Lilah while she took her bath Cody felt like he was being watched and looked over at the two while seth pointed out his very light arm scratches while Mira got distracted staring at Randy “Nice scratches.” Cody flipped off Seth while putting a variety of fruit into a bowl “Dude shut up.” Seth laughed while Cody made his way upstairs.
The next day it was time for yet another Summer Slam event, Cody had a match against Brock & had Lilah & Mirah sit with Samantha outside of the ring and already addressed there would be NO table smashing while Lilah was there. The boys were out into the ring as the match just started and Mirah let out a laugh as she saw very clear nail scratches displayed around his back & Arms while Lilah covered her mouth in shyness “Way to fucking go Lilah! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Mira nudged her arm while Cody slammed Brock into the ground part of the ring and directly pointed at his back to show off that he was clearly taken before continuing off his match against Brock.
Eventually he won & everyone met up backstage to get ready to celebrate & go out somewhere But Cody quickly approached Lilah smiling “What’d you think angel?” She smiled and kissed his cheek before hugging him “You did amazing Codes! I just didn’t like watch you getting hit.” She giggled while he shrugged “Yeah well, Had to take some in order to win.” He smiled before pressing a kiss against her lips and clearing his throat “I have something to give you sweet girl.” He dug through his suit he changed into and gave her a pretty little ring “It’s a promise ring, ‘got it for you before we flew out here when I had the time.” She smiled widely and put it on and gave him a kiss.
Lilah knew deep inside this is the man she wanted to merry whether it took time or not Cody was all she wanted, no matter what she knew he would have a future with him & absolutely looked forward to it.
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🏷️ list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @valkyrurr @alyyaanna @niknakbucks92 @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41
xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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stari-hun · 6 days
Reverse 1999: Silly Masterlist
Headcanons, Ships, and my AU. I'm also moving my AU over here until I make enough of it to move to it's own Masterlist! 𓆙 Orange marks the best content
My other Masterlists ! General , Wilderness , Critters
Probable Character Interactions (We haven't SEEN them directly interact but they almost definitely have / Implied to ) - Pandora, 210, and Sweetheart , Madam Z and Hofmann ,
Arcanists and Masking
If 6 was in the Backrooms that's now his enrichment enclosure
Reverse 1999 Isekai
APPle Headcanons (+ Atlas content)
Mesmer Jr is Biromantic but she can't handle romance so she's in a QPR
Vertin if the Storm didn't happen / Silly Modern Headcanon
Medicine Pocket's Recreation Time
Arcana is a silly little shit
Character Songs - Isolde , Vila , Vila pt 2,
No Storm: Time Traveller Vertin AU
Mains + Book 6 - Diggers , Apeiron + Vila & Winsong , Vila ,
The Vibes - Verneider/Isokania/Vilasong
Vilasong - The Vibes , Vilasong in the Suitcase ,
Isokania - Outside Perspective on Isokania , Doomed from the Start
PVP Polycules - Tennant / Kakania / Dikke ,
Tennant x Kakania
Platonic trio w/ Horropedia, An-An, and Isolde
Six Pockets - Basis , Chat Post
DesertFlan - Source, 1. (Art)
Constantine and Kyuubey
Es (Alter Ego) and Isolde - Part 1 , Part 2
Isolde and Mad Father - Aya , Maria
Adding Arcanists to WxS and MMJ
Reverse 1999 Art
Edit! Reverse 1999 in the Backrooms - Just 6 in the Backrooms , More edits of 6 , The main crew in the Backrooms + Vilasong and Getian
Edit! Reverse 1999 - KB Nuke ,
Kaalaa Baunaa AU - 1. , The vibes, 2., Kaalaa Baunaa AU Art !!! , The same KB AU art again but next to a self thingy
Post Kumar!Kaalaa Baunaa Angst
Isokania WIP
Favorite Afflatus' (1.7)
OC Content: WIP !
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sleeplesssmoll · 8 days
Vila Wilderness Interaction
I chose "portraits." A bit got cut off but thank goodness its still readable.
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greencheekconure27 · 2 months
More Blake's 7 season 4 (spoilers ahead)
* Games
I loved Vila's little interactions with Gambit.Wish they got more time together, or at least a chess game. This could've been the start of a beautiful friendship.
Vila having seen Zen die & him learning about Gambit's self destruct orders...ouch.
Solid trickster figure/conman in this one which I appreciate.
At this point in the season Avon mentioning a "brilliant scientist" already means the scientist is doomed.
* Sand: I knew this is a Tanith Lee episode before I knew this is a Tanith Lee episode 😁(Wish there were more of those.)
One of my favourites so far. Servalan in particular shines. Vern is such a fascinating setting and while the special effects aren't the most convincing here it just contributes to the eeriness. 10/10.
Poor Avon is never going to live down the "dominant male" thing is he 😂. Good.
*Gold: Heist episode.Why not.
I like the idea of the sham pleasure cruise and the heist plan is pretty interesting. Overall pretty enjoyable even if Avon is clinging to the idiot ball like his life depends on it.
Is it just me or does this season get a bit repetitive with the"Main characters want something, they go through hell to get it, and then they don't?" and Avon withholding vital information from his crew? (You know the thing he got mad at Blake for in season 2? I know mistrust is one of his fatal flaws and Anna Grant made it worse but it shows up more often than Cally got possessed.)
*Orbit: Ouch.
When will Avon learn random people contacting him with offers are Always Servalan's traps?
Servalan's interactions with the scientist are priceless.
How DO they tell the king from the queen in those overly stylized futuristic chess sets? I already get annoyed looking at them.
Poor Pinder.Even Avon is uncomfortable with his treatment.
Vila's "I know I'm safer with you ".Oh no.
Avon's face expressions when Orac says "Vila weighs 73 kilos?" Incredible acting 😭
Vila guessing what will happen and already hiding seconds after hearing this? Especially combined with how he's routinely treated as expendable in this show? Heartbreaking. Would he also have hidden if it was, say, Tarrant on that ship? I'd say yes.
Avon finding the solution so quickly after this but having already completely lost Vila's trust and chance of getting his help? Excellent writing.
Warlord: another good one.
I love Zeeona and her anime hair. She and Tarrant are adorable. Wish we'd gotten a bit more of her being a scientist though.
Lol Avon dragging Tarrant away😂
I liked how Soolin is written in this one and her standing up for Zeoona's right to choose. Too bad Zeeona only showed up in episode 12 I would've liked to see more of these two.
Of course it's diabolus-ex-machina Servalan again. This is getting repetitive to be honest. I would've preferred the warlord(s) sabotaging this hugely important alliance and dooming everybody for their own petty selfish reasons without Servalan needing to pull the strings for once.
Oh nooo Zeeona....just as I was getting a tiny bit of hope they'll let you live for once.I shall pretend this never happened 😌
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Aw, nice to meet you, Vila!
And your companion, Mel, too.
Well, I hope you'll have great adventures together!
I pat Vila on the head.
"We will, thank you!"
Vila smiles before setting off with Mel in tow, heading towards a small canyon nearby...
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melodycest · 3 months
I'll be going by Aven on here. I use mainly It/He/Ey pronouns if you don't know me well. Don't be surprised if my friends, family, and lovers use something else. They have exclusive permission to use special sets~! You also might see me interact with @ladyfurina-focalors, who just so happens to be my beloved girlfriend <3
I'm a proship / comship selfshipper, if you've got a problem with that the block button is free, quick, and easy~! I'm sure anybody who wants to harrass me won't adhere to a DNI, but if you come here looking for a fight, you'll be ignored <3 (if you'd like to have a calm conversation, though, I'm happy to indulge~! I'm not wonderful with tone, so if you could use tone indicators in such a scenario, I'd greatly appreciate that!)
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My main fandoms are...
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
Obey Me!
Bungou Stray Dogs
Reverse: 1999
Wuthering Waves
Stardew Valley (-ish)
Platonic F/Os
Solomon (Obey Me!)
Asmodeus (Obey Me!)
Hu Tao¹ (Genshin Impact)
Fischl¹ (Genshin Impact)
Furina¹ (Genshin Impact)
Lyney¹ (Genshin Impact)
Sucrose¹ (Genshin Impact)
Yanfei (Genshin Impact)
Kirara (Genshin Impact)
Diona (Genshin Impact)
Albedo (Genshin Impact)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bailu (Honkai: Star Rail)
Huohuo¹ (Honkai: Star Rail)
Robin (Honkai: Star Rail)
Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail)
Lynx (Honkai: Star Rail)
Aalto (Wuthering Waves)
Pela (Honkai: Star Rail)
Vila (Reverse: 1999)
Matilda (Reverse: 1999)
X (Reverse: 1999)
Necrologist (Reverse: 1999)
Medicine Pocket (Reverse: 1999)
Horropedia (Reverse: 1999)
Mori (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Albatross (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Naomi Tanizaki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tachihara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Gin (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Familial F/Os
Xiao¹ (Genshin Impact)
Childe (Genshin Impact)
Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bailu (Honkai: Star Rail)
Albatross (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Yanqing (Honkai: Star Rail)
An-an Lee¹ (Reverse: 1999)
Vila (Reverse: 1999)
X (Reverse: 1999)
Katai (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Romantic (and/or Sexual) F/Os
Belphegor (Obey Me!)
Sigewinne (Genshin Impact)
Luke (Obey Me!)
Nahida (Genshin Impact)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Nilou (Genshin Impact)
Alhaitham² (Genshin Impact)
Wriothesley (Genshin Impact)
Neuvillette (Genshin Impact)
Xiao¹ (Genshin Impact)
Bailu (Honkai: Star Rail)
Topaz (Honkai: Star Rail)
Misha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Ruan Mei (Honkai: Star Rail)
Encore (Wuthering Waves)
Sparkle¹ (Honkai: Star Rail)
Forget Me Not (Reverse: 1999)
Isolde (Reverse: 1999)
An-an Lee¹ (Reverse: 1999)
Oliver Fog (Reverse: 1999)
Зима "Zima"² (Reverse: 1999)
Cristallo² (Reverse: 1999)
Eternity² (Reverse: 1999)
Charlie (Reverse: 1999)
Marcus (Reverse: 1999)
Lingyang (Wuthering Waves)
Jinhsi (Wuthering Waves)
Changli (Wuthering Waves)
Osamu Dazai² (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Q (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Louisa² (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Karl (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Nikolai¹ (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Fyodor² (Bungou Stray Dogs)
⁰ Past / Ex
¹ Direct Non-Fictional Conotations / Connections
² Explicitly One Sided / Non-Reciprocated
Lists are always subject to change~
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fangirlinglikeabus · 11 months
semi-serious sand thoughts:
i’m not actually opposed to servalan/tarrant conceptually, at least within this very specific scenario...part of that i think is that if you’re going to do a story that touches on a pain servalan experienced when she was very young, bringing in a Fresh Faced Youth to evoke that period of life works. also i get the impression that getting to play the dashing hero type does appeal to tarrant - see assassin, where he’s absolutely swayed by piri being apparently emotionally vulnerable and likely to need him. so like at the very least there’s some sort of precedent within the show. the fact that he’s so QUICKLY attracted by servalan’s tears adds to some of the ambiguity surrounding to what extent she’s manipulating him because surely she knows that, despite himself, this would be an effective way to win him over - and i’m not 100% convinced that would be the case with any other character. do i think all of this is entirely realised within the episode? uh...not sure. but i do think there’s reasoning behind the whole thing.
also i just think she deserves a boy toy or two idc
speaking of tarrant. love when servalan says he saved her life and he replies ‘we’re all entitled to one really big mistake.’ like buddy you are going to make one WAY bigger by the end of this episode.
adored that final scene of servalan thinking over both keller and tarrant before crushing the water cube tarrant gave her in her hand to get rid of the last of the sand. mainly because that looks like it could surely cut you, so it just comes across as this almost self-destructive act with which she closes off the potential for emotional vulnerability which was opened up by the sand trapping them. destroying both the gift tarrant gave her and the thing that brought them together. he remains unsure how sincere she was, she gets rid of any evidence she WAS sincere and in emotional pain - and to do so she breaks glass RIGHT into the palm of her hand.
(also potentially thinking of this in relation to ‘i don’t care about us’ and her placing tarrant’s gun up to her head and daring him to shoot her - which is pretty intense even if she guesses he won’t do it. women will literally murder their way into the presidency of an authoritarian state instead of going to therapy)
another good scene, this time with the scorpio crew: soolin theorising they’re being affected by that alien mind that got onto the ship through cally and vila snapping at her and storming off, only for her to admit to avon when he queries it that she doesn’t actually believe what she just said. just...up there with her telling orac ‘you wouldn’t know where to start’ when he offers her her heart’s desires in terms of what i find to be Tantalising Soolin Character Moments.
i’ve now also watched gold and while i think it’s a very solid episode (avon losing it laughing at the end when the entire crew are pissed at him because he risked their lives for a trap that got them nothing and netted servalan a bunch of money?? man has Reached His Fucking Limit and is now firmly Past His Fucking Limit) it does disappoint me a bit that dayna and tarrant seem to be largely interacting like usual. don’t get me wrong, i do like seeing the crew act like a competent unit and i’m not asking for a big blow up, but they’re probably two of the closer members of the crew, Away Mission Buddies, and he just hooked up with the woman who killed her father. that's a massive betrayal by someone she thought of as a friend, and i’d have liked a bit more obvious tension there even if it was just in small moments of interaction
i honestly had a great time with sand. i think every blake’s 7 member should have an episode where they’re locked in a room with servalan, i wanna see what would happen to each of them
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ratsoh-writes · 5 months
Masterlist 34
(****) = suggestive
the longest they've gone without doing the do (lf ot)******
most excited to go on a rollercoaster
SO wants company when upset, but doesn't want to talk (fs ut sf)
crush asks to pet their gaster blaster (lf st ul)
their favorite flower/fruit goes extinct (farmers + dt)
the rich boys have a SO who isn't used to money being spent on them (lf drt)
hogwarts houses (uw ht flt bt)
when their shop got broken into
his pet traps SO
crush accidentally burns themselves (ut uf ht)
SO is affectionate after he wrecks them (ut uf hf ht fsg)****
his pp gets bigger/smaller (gears maple)*****
alien invasion (sf hfm tt dt)
SO is temporarily blind
SO can flirt but cant be flirted with (mf lf lsf uf)
SO jokes his dong is too big (nt ft)****
SO wears thigh highs and his shirt (lf mf +brothels)****
they're cursed with the truth (marcelo papyrus captain chaos red)
the bauble and flavor siblings home
wedding vows (fsg fsr)
gaster comes back from the dead
doing a presentation (nt ff hfm fs sf)
gay sex wins, fatality (brothels + fsg lf)**
monkey paw clown nose
he's cursed to speak backwards for a week
board games (brothel + bf fs)
pigs blood (drf tht fs ss lf)
non sexual intimacies (brothel + fs bf)
kid comes home with disrespectful date
object becomes sentient (flt ss gt hfm bs)
voice actor SO (uf lsf mf lf fsg)
karen fights for them (basil Sugar, Pluto, Peaches, Cider, Compass, Sparks, Finn, Quill and Papaya)
their brother is lv sick (fsg sf)
first date (cash mutt weasel pesto gold coffee)
tv laugh track (tht ut)
SO has vertigo (bf + brothel)
SO has a cursed job (ut bbt os)
crush accidentally burns themselves (ht uf ut)
SO is dazed after getting railed lol (ut uf ht hf fsg)****
how the ut uf us bros handled meeting their horror counterparts
what was wines and coffees mother like?
the horrorfell civil war
strongest and weakest ten update
other heat cycle species seasons**
more snail breeds
how the old farm aus are doing without the monsters
temmies children kevin
difference between fae born monsters and normal ones
night sky in ebott
can skeletons choke
Heat changes (all)****
How many fingers to kitsune have. And more wing info for birdtale
spunions axelaterals and lavender quarts
sky serpents, and what form do slime monsters take
how does one become a prince
pet taxes and registration
animal bias and needlecones
fire elementals dealing with rain and ebotts grade system
why is dual colored magic "ugly"
ogres swiftees bugbear
skeleton bones vs human bones + how breaks heal
how smooshable are the skeletons (featuring quill)
fortune telling?
most common ecto color (all monster types)
whos now the main mafia? (rps only)
common monster names
train system
EBOTT MAP first draft + where the skeletons live
more random monster behaviors
side characters
juniper devi argo
blight dwight their parents
more rich b*tches
Damocles Cassia (and vlock info)
Diane Swann (and vila info)
what they look like
vamp and duchess' mates
Poseidon and Salacia's children
sans kid is a changeling
fellswap red
mutt and oblivious SO
mal and vila SO
cash and oblivious SO
roulette comes back from the dead
bruisers SO reveals they're a selkie
maid SO**
taffy gets cheated on
silex gets cheated on
Jupiter gets cheated on
fellswap gold
if wine and coffees mother had survived
coffees braces
the brothel
do they regret taking the lust serum?
did they have to take the lust serum
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aquaburst3 · 4 months
I'm bored. Here are some of my headcanons for some of the relative characters we hardly know anything about...
Riddle's Father: He's separated from Riddle's mom, and only shows up to events to keep up appearances. Riddle's ambivalent towards him.
Ace's Mom: She died during childbirth. (Yes, I know that Ace mentions her in one vignette. But considering he hardly mentions her at all and constantly talks about his father and brother, I think killing her off makes more sense, and I wish Yana did that.)
Kalim's Father: His father is an asshole, to put it VERY lightly, and is ironically more like canon Jafar than Jamil. He's a ladder climber. He will do anything to get on top, including setting up Kalim with an arranged marriage with the princess, who is also Kalim's cousin, having a harem, political sabatosh, amongst much darker shit. Kalim's Mother: She was in an arranged marriage with him and is his chief wife. While she is treated relatively well, she is still afraid of her husband. She tried her best to shield Kalim from the darker parts of that family, which are on par with the Lannisters.
Deuce's Father: Dylla and his dad were a part of the same gang together as teens. She got knocked up with Deuce when she was a teeanger. His father simply walked out on her, thanks to not being able to handle the stress of being a father that young. Deuce knows hardly anything about him. But he shares the same last name as him, just because it would be too much of a hassle to change it to his mom's.
Vil's Mother: Honestly, I'm not sure. We know that he has no idea who she is and has no interest in ever finding her. Usually in fantasy stories, characters with the same background as Vil are long lost princes or a half supernatural creature of some kind. You'd think something would pop off with that information, but it hasn't. It's just tossed in there for no reason, and is another case of bad writing.
As for in my own writing...
(Spoiler for My Main Fics Undercut)
Vil's mom is a vila (land siren fae). She lives on the other side of The Veil, and is a countess in Malleus' court.
Like in the canon, she's not a huge part of Vil's life, due to her never caring a lot about Vil. She only had him as an experiment to see what would happen if she "laid with a human", and she just dropped off to live with Eric after she had him. He never even knew who his mother was until he was in middle school. When they do interact in the courts, they're polite, but also cold and distant.
He also has a younger half-brother, who lives in the courts. They're fairly close, and he sends letters to him often. He vouched for him when he joined Malleus' court.
Regardless of his feelings towards his mom, he's still a half fae. He inherited a lot of her "gifts"—like his fae allure that makes everyone "intimidated" by him.
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mamirhodessxox · 7 months
Hey There Delilah (Part 6)
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Cody Rhodes x Fem OC!Reader
(Delilah Jones)
Storyline: Delilah was born and raised by the beach in L.A and grew up in a home where her parents expected her to go to Harvard & become a well known woman who marry’s a man who is a lawyer after high school. But that’s not what she wanted, She always wanted to own a boutique/flower shop & she did, once her parents discovered she wouldn’t attend college they left her to fend for herself but allowed her little sister Kinsley to visit or sleep over whenever, Her little sister always had an eye for WWE but Delilah never understood why but little did either of them know one of Delilah’s customers would become well acquainted. (Creds to @alyyaanna for helping me w the storyline)
Contents: Toxic parents, Angst, Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Based in May 2023, Alcohol, Violence, Corruption Kink, Size Kink, Daddy Kink, Crying Kink, Hand Kink, Praise Kink, Fingering, Smutty smut, Oral Sex, Mentions of drinking, Mentions of a custody battle, Lilah being a badass.
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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It was the last night of being in Australia & Mira decided it was time to have a “grown ups only” night & Rhea was to tired to go out from her recent matches so she’d stay at the Vila & be with Kinsley and start packing while everyone went out.
Lilah had no idea they would all be going to a nightclub so when she & Cody got there she was quite surprised but still happy to be there nonetheless, Cody kept an eye on her since nightclubs tended to have shady people there, Mira ordered a few drinks and got a fruity alcoholic beverage for Lilah since she was willing to try. Cody stuck around & held the waist while taking shots with randy & Jey while the girls tried new drinks. Lilah clung onto him as much as she could. The environment was loud & obnoxious & she wasn’t used to it & would often make sure he was still beside her. She zoned out frequently to tune out the overwhelming environment & Mira took quick notice.
“Lilah why don’t we find a restroom and wash up a little bit okay?” Lilah smiled meekly and nodded before getting up from the bar they were seated from & followed Mira to the bathroom while Cody let out a sigh giving Seth a look that he just wanted to be home with Lilah soon & relax. Moments later Lilah & Mira left the bathroom but noticed Nikki walking towards the guys at the bar which was concerning since nobody knew Nikki would be here. Lilah was becoming jealous & hurriedly towards the bar & immediately found her way back into Cody’s embrace
“There you are! Took so long i almost thought you ditched us sweetheart” he grinned down at her and noticed Nikki in the corner of his eye while she smiled and dragged her fingers down the side of his neck “It’s really loud here.” He nodded and kissed the top of her head while Mira spoke with Seth about Nikki making her way closer to the bar. Randy went off somewhere with Jey hoping to find a booth somewhere while Cody placed Lilah ontop of his lap & hummed holding her hips before kissing the crook of her neck “Not here.” She pouted but he shook his head “Baby ‘m not doing anything but giving you affection just relax” She whined before Randy came back “All the booths are taken, I think we should have a few more drinks, maybe buy a few bottles & start going home.” Cody nodded in agreement & Ordered a drink that he could share with Delilah while Mira went off to dance with a random guy she had just met which irritated Randy a little bit for whatever reason.
Cody took notice & smirked to himself before holding Delilah down against his lap once Nikki finally got ahold of the group “I thought I saw you guy’s here! Especially you Cody!” Lilah furrowed her brows “Oh, your here too, what about your other friend? You know? The loud one?” Randy glared while Seth rolled his eyes taking a shot “Nikki it was nice seeing you, not really but, We’re just trying to spend the night with each other before heading out.” Cody addressed while Lilah stood up a bit holding their shared drink looking at Nikki & Back down at the beverage and noticed Mira was coming back to get her drink really quick “Oh there she is! The annoying one! The one who likes being disrespectful to others because pretty girls threaten this little thing.” Nikki turned towards Mira pointing over at Lilah who was slightly tipsy & becoming fired up “Nikki thats enough.” Cody tried his best to make her screw off somewhere else but she didn’t budge “Cody c’mon! I’m just having fun, maybe we could go somewhere private an-“ Mira raised an eyebrow about to say something but Lilah splashed the drink in Nikki’s face and smacked her across the face which had everyone gasp & make Cody and Seth stand up fast getting inbetween Nikki while Cody took Lilah aside who was surprised with her own actions and apologizing while Mira & Nikki were yelling at each-other before Randy picked Mira up hauling her over his shoulder following behind Cody while Seth cleared his throat awkwardly
“Alright I think tonight’s over.” He looked over at Nikki and shrugged before sneakily reaching behind the bar & grabbing 5 different bottles of alcohol & leaving the club. Mira was standing next to Lilah “Girl why are you sorry? You literally had every right to slap her in the face! I’m so proud of you.” Cody was re-tying her heel straps & kissing her ankle “Let’s just all go home and relax oka- Goddamnit seth.” He sighed looking over seeing the man hold multiple bottles of rum, vodka, tequila, whiskey & something else “Worry about yourself, Also your fucking WELCOME, I’m pretty sure this is theft.” Jey nodded his head “It actually is Seth. You just committed a fucking crime in a whole other continent.” Cody spoke before standing up and hugging Lilah who was still freaking out while Randy walked them to their rental car.
After a good 30 minutes everyone came home & Lilah went stumbling inside pinching the bridge of her nose “Cody what if I get an assault charge!!” Mira shrugged hanging up her purse “So what? I have like 10” Cody glared “Not helping.” Seth snickered walking towards the kitchen & started making drinks while Randy stood infront of Mira with crossed arms “What the fuck was that?” She furrowed her brows “What was what..?” Randy glared “You just dance with random guys now? What the fuck.” Mira smirked “What’s it too you? Are you jealous?” She teased before prancing upstairs while Randy shook his head going into the back, Cody held Lilah’s face in his hands smiling “Baby you’re not gonna get an assault charge okay? Just go upstairs and relax I’ll be up there in a minute.” rhea came downstairs “assault charges for what?”
Jey giggled from the couch “She splashed a drink in Nikki’s face and slapped the fuck out of her for talking shit.” Lilah frowned in shame while Rhea smiled “Finally. She had it coming.” Lilah ignored her surroundings and went upstairs taking off her dress once she made it towards her room & untied her heels before observing her makeup and hair until Cody came in with ice water & a book she left on the coffee table, Lilah turned over still undressing herself to get comfortable “What’s on your mind angel?” He hummed out to her and tapped her butt while walking by getting ready to put something comfortable on, Lilah Shrugged taking off her bra before crawling onto the bed and making her way towards him and running her hands up his bare back which made him smile in a smug manner before turning his head to look over at her
“What are you doing over there baby, hm?” He questioned while running his hands against her breasts giving them a light squeeze before She smiled maneuvering herself onto his lap and press a kiss on his neck “I just really need you Codes.” She whined while he held her hips noticing she was still just a little bit tipsy “Sweetheart as much as I love screwing your pretty little brain dumb, not tonight okay?” She frowned tilting her head “Why not..?” She whispered before kissing his neck “Baby you’re still a little buzzed from the drinks & I don’t want to take advantage of you, your not sober enough to know what you want right now.”
Lilah frowned pulling back a bit while her bottom lip quivered a little bit but Cody shook his head “Hey, none of that alright? I promise when you’re not as tipsy as you are now we can do whatever your little heart desires.” He gave her a kiss and ran his hands down her back while she nodded “just really need you.” She muttered while he nodded in understanding “I know sweetheart and I need you too, but I need you 100% present with me first okay?” She nodded while he nodded back patting the back of her head before grabbing one of his t-shirts and putting it on covering up her half naked body & kissed her cheek “Let’s go take off your make-up okay?” She smiled jotting her head up in understanding while he picked her up and carried her all the way to the bathroom setting her down on the counter snd standing in between her thighs that ended up wrapped around his hips while he helped take off her makeup and brush her hair completely ignoring her slight whines of neediness for her own good.
“All done princess, let’s get you to bed alright?” He carried her back into the bedroom & placed her on the bed noticing she fell asleep already & carefully tucked her in & lying down beside her holding her close in his arms. Meanwhile Mira stood in her bedroom listening to Randy become frustrated over the fact she danced with another man but ultimately she never understood why he cared in the first place especially when they weren’t dating. “I still don’t understand why your pissed of at me for doing whatever the fuck I want randy!” She snipped at him but he shook his head placing his hand on his hips “Because it’s not fucking safe Mira! I care about you a LOT” he raised his voice but Mira smiled a little bit “you care about me?” He sighed nodding “Just, stop making unwise decisions Mira.” He frowned before walking out of her bedroom “Get some sleep we leave tomorrow.” She quirked up an eyebrow & rolled her eyes before closing the door after he left the bedroom.
Cody stood outside of his bedroom with crossed arms “If she woke up before you two morons can’t fess up about your goddamn feelings I’m going to beat your ass.” He told Randy who was confused with his feelings “I don’t know what to do, I want to be with her but I can’t bring myself to letting me love her.” He sighed while Cody glared “You can start off with not being a dick hole. I see how you treat Mira & So does Lilah. You treat her like dog shit.” Randy felt guilt and nodded before going into his room while Cody went downstairs facing Seth who was cleaning up the counter from spilling liquor everywhere “How is she?” He questioned while Cody opened the fridge searching for a snack “Knocked out, She tried seducing me and it almost worked but she’s still a little drunk & You know how I am.” He popped a grape in his mouth while Seth nodded “No fucking without sober consent.” Cody nodding holding up a thumbs up “You’re correct.”
Rhea set most of the luggage that everyone packed by the door so they could all leave without any hold ups. Cody closed the fridge patting Seth on the shoulder before making his way back upstairs into his room with Lilah & made his way back on the bed noticing she was awake “There you are.” She whispered before sitting up a little bit and kissed his cheek “Hey beautiful, you feeling a little better?” She nodded clearly more sober than a few hours ago. She leaned up against a few pillows next to him “had a short headache but I drank the water you set aside for me” he smiled running his fingers through her hair before leaning in to give her a kiss, She hummed softly against his lips and moved closer and ran her hand down his chest while he slipped his tongue past her lips multiple times. His breath hitched once her hand slipped into his pants & grazed her fingertips over his cock while she softly bit his lip before crawling down & tugging his pants off a little before running her tongue up his shaft making him groan & press his hand against the top of her head “fffuck…” he leaned his head back against the pillows and moaned once Lilah started jerking him off while licking off the precum from the tip of his dick before completely sucking him off & looking up at him while he tugged on her hair letting out moans & even whines.
“ff-fuck lilah..” She bobbed her head just a little bit before pulling away and leaving little kissing on his stomach while her thumb teased at his cock making him cry out just a little bit “Baby c’mon don’t tease me- I give you anything you desire.” She pouted and swirled her tongue against the head of his cock while drool ran down her chin before he grabbed her by the hair and shoved himself back into her mouth & started thrusting a little bit “acting like a f-fucking brat for no goddamn reason.” He scolded before leaning his head back feeling her tongue press against his cock while she jerked off what he couldn’t fit down her mouth before he started groaning & pushing her head down completely while he came inside of her mouth before she pulled away but he held her jaw shut “Swallow.” He became stern before pulling her up towards him and smacking her ass while she swallowed down his cum and whined at the quick strike from his hand “Are you gonna stop acting like a teasing brat now?” She whimpered nodding her head before he lied her down and tugged off her panties. The night was still young & clearly Lilah wasn’t getting anymore rest.
The next day everyone boarded their flight and spent multiple long hours in the sky awaiting to be home. Lilah was knocked out for exhaustion from the previous night and listened to music while Cody played thumb wrestling and rock paper scissors or other hand games while Mira & Randy were asleep heads against each other which seth got multiple pictures of, Rhea read a book & Jey watched a random movie, everyone kept themselves distracted from the long flight as they waited to comeback home.
The week long trip was amazing for everyone, Cody & Lilah became an official couple, Everyone became a friend group & most importantly gave each other long lasting memories. Absolutely nothing could go wrong, maybe, Once everyone was back home everything was somewhat normal.
Until it was Sunday Mass, Cody, Lilah, Kinsley & Randy went to attend church with Lilah & Kinsleys parents and for the first hour it was going pretty well, until after church Lilah’s father cleared his throat “Delilah we’ve had a discussion about you & Kinsley while you both were out of town & we came to the decision that it would be best that she should no longer see you until your life is properly collected.” Cody’s heart sank as well as Mira’s, Randy became tense “This is bullshit.” He muttered under his breath before he quickly went to take Kinsley away from the discussion and distract her by walking around the outside area of the chapel. “Tonight will be the final night she stays here but after this she is not permitted to be with you. Mirabella or Cody. You can only see her during school events that she participates in.” Her father addressed before Lilah cleared her throat looking over at Cody before grazing her fingers over her jaw clearly enraged. Mira snickered “You’re a sorry ass excuse for parents. Truly, you fucking disgust me, you have given Lilah a goddamn miserable life and the fact your willing to do it to Kinsley knowing she’s still to young to defend herself against her sorry excuse for shit parents sickens me.” Mira scolded Mr & Mrs jones while Lilah finally snapped.
“Mom, Dad, I respect and love you both with my whole heart, but I will have utter freedom to my life. I’m 23, but using my life as a threat against my own right to see my little sister will not end well with either of you. You’re not taking my sister away from me and I-“ her voice cracked a bit and as Cody was about to take over the conversation Mira stopped him “I will take you to court, personally, I will get custody over her. You will not ruin her fucking life by taking her away from me for your own fucked up control & if you do, I will make the entire summer your personal hell. So i would recommend you think about this decision thoroughly for the next 24 hours before I get a lawyer and a damn good one.” She snapped at them before her mom scoffed “Is that a threat Delilah?” Mira & Cody looked at each other glaring before Lilah shook her head “No, It’s a promise, If you make this decision just know you will ultimately loose custody over Kinsley in court especially when Mira & I have a lot of evidence one wouldn’t know how we could have of proof that you are not fit to be parents.”
Her parents glared before Mira narrowed her stare at them “We’ll see you in court Mr & Mrs. Jones.” Cody spoke and adjusted his tie he wore for church before grabbing Lilah’s hand and and walking off to find Kinsley & Randy. Once they Did find the pair Mira cleared her throat before grabbing Lilah’s shoulder “I know a really good lawyer who can handle these court situations that we’ll be dealing with. I’ll call her when we get back to the shop.”
The last month of summer will not be easy for Lilah or her parents whatsoever.
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magicalgirlagency · 4 months
Favorite YT channels?
🇧🇷 Arquivo Mortal Kombat (channel dedicated to everything related to the Mortal Kombat franchise, with random livestreams on a weekly basis);
Party Crashers (this almost feels like cheating, 'cause this channel consists of five different youtubers, lol);
Amaury Guichon (a.k.a.: The Chocolate Guy. Pretty self-explainatory);
Flowers & Ambience (relaxing media-themed playlists);
🇧🇷 Crash Bandicoot Brasil (a brazilian channel about Crash Bandicoot that has recently returned from a 3-year hiatus!);
Lythero (shitpost-flavored gameplays with stellar animated skits and guests!);
Planet Clue (previously known as KKClue. A channel about kidcore stuff, like niche games and toys);
Cooking With Fred (solid Binging With Babish replacement. Does shorts where he replicates meals from cartoons and anime);
🇧🇷 Vila do Chaves (collection of several videos with trivia about El Chavo del Ocho and other creations of Chespirito);
Friendly Space Ninja (pop culture-loving and aspiring artist who blabs about whatever's hot on the telly. Love to listen to him complaining about bad shows);
Momopurin (artist who draws cutesy stuff, including Magical Girls);
PricklyAlpaca (artist who does highly detailed designs and DIYs based on specific prompts);
NintendoComplete (despite the name, it showcases more than just Nintendo games. It has longplays and remixes of various video game tunes);
Kerchie (toy collector and designer, but a majority of her content is toy collecting/showcasing, mostly Polly Pocket toys, both old and new);
Lavi Alraune (vtuber, self-entitled Mandrake Maiden, who plays video games and heavily interacts with her viewers via chat);
Hanako's Kitchen (japanese housewife showing what kinds of meals she prepares for her family on a weekly basis);
Mani Land (korean kidcore channel that showcases toy reviews and resin DIYs);
Dreamy Dice (a beautiful collection of D&D dice sets done in resin);
🇧🇷 Tio Gordo (shitpost-y gameplays and lives, huge Crash Bandicoot fan);
Ara's Today (kawaii stationary vlogs and ASMR vids! 'Nuff said!);
CHARIBO ART (artist who does ASMR vids of their drawings, from line art to coloring);
GTV Japan (mini-doc videos about video games and other obscure japanese media in the style of a TV show!);
🇧🇷 Kraven the Raven (an alcoholic raven who talks about criminals, cultists, lowcows/horrorcows and other internet oddities, traumatizing himself in the process for the sake of entertainment. Oh, and he's also a lawyer);
Wholesome Games (collection of teasers and trailers of cute and cozy indie games);
MOTHER Forever (niche channel about the MOTHER/EarthBound series, plus occasional showcases of MOTHER-like indies);
Nananaji glo. (showcase of many gadgets, old and new, with an aesthetic feel);
Toasty Tok (cozy and cute TikTok compilations about mundane stuff);
🇧🇷 Nostal_Gi (channel about Lost Media and other nostalgic stuff);
Syam (heavily Obey Me-centric channel showcasing almost every Pop Quiz Event and Devilgram Story from both OG and Nightbringer apps);
GameBoy Mart (youtuber who does GameBoy console customs, with occasional giveaways);
Garfield Archive (channel dedicated to the archiving of classic Garfield stuff, with FULL EPISODES of Garfield & Friends and almost every Garfield Special!);
MILFGOD (drawing timelapses of cute older women, accompanied with soft-spoken personal stories);
GinjaNinjaOwO (art channel from the creator of PRISM);
Japanese Stuff Channel (channel about tasty treats and gachapon from Japan);
World of Longplays (a YouTube essential with buttloads of longplays of video games from almost every console, and it's still growing...!)
🇧🇷 Nunca Te Pedi Nada (channel about a little bit of everything, from vlogs to educational left-aligned things);
Miura Ayme (vtuber, cosplayer, band vocalist and seiyuu of Obey Me's Asmodeus);
Razor & Zenon (russian channel that does gameplays and walkthroughs of Sonic The Hedgehog hacks/ROMs);
🇧🇷 Raquel Nery (the life shares of a young autistic woman studying to become a medic. Very charismatic and cute!).
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