#monica love and basketball
150151 · 2 years
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i know a lesbian when i see one.
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nyny-213 · 2 years
Adding on to what sis said about the famous movie love and basketball. I won’t say it was bad because the concept was good. The concept was cute, a tomboy girl and her best friend fall in love over something they both enjoy is cute. But even before I watched it for the first time earlier this year seeing certain scenes definitely made me realize how toxic that Quincy or q is to Monica. Monica settled, period. She lost her virginity to her best friend and kept putting off her dreams for a man that was not doing the same for her. The lady in the TikTok said everything really about why q was so toxic and how toxic the movie is but we should not be looking up to this movie as “goals” once again I liked the movie if you want to look into it from other standpoints like romance and stuff but it’s not realistic love and it shouldn’t be what love looks like for women and men
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
"I'll play you."
"For what?"
"Your heart."
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trinitytalks · 2 years
What even is "Love&Basketball???": The story follows the lives of Monica and Quincy as they pursue their dreams of becoming professional basketball players while navigating their complicated romantic relationship. The movie explores themes of gender inequality in sports and the sacrifices that athletes must make to achieve their goals. It also delves into the dynamics of family relationships and how they can impact one's aspirations. Ultimately, the movie ends with Monica and Quincy finding a way to balance their personal and professional lives, achieving success on and off the court.
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unamused-boss · 1 year
California Dreaming pt3
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Last part! Warning: Kinda short, but I still hope you love it!
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common.... and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream. And sometimes dreams come true.
You couldn't stand the time you had away from Billy. Your best friend and boyfriend were gone all in one on the same day. You've been writing to Billy which is a plus. Turns out he joined the basketball team. He's been to every party thrown in town, but he says they're all a bust. Met a guy named Munson that gets him weed, but Billy quotes "It's nothing like the shit in Cali...". You can't help but laugh at his sarcastic tones through the letters.
You know he misses it here. He tells you in every letter the love that he holds for you, that nothing will change. He admitted to going on some dates with girl to get you off his mind. He felt guilty, he wanted your forgiveness even though you told him to try an move on to at least have fun. Billy said ,once again, in his letter that he wants no one else but you. Your eyes were something he missed most of all. He said that you had a light in them that he felt only he saw. You always giggled when it came to the gushy stuff in his letters. Billy was a flirt with girls but he was a romantic with you.
Since graduating high school early you've had a lot of time on your hands. You were still gonna walk at graduation, you just weren't going to do anything else. Cause by god you are getting that dumb piece of paper in front of everyone. It was a couple of days before the week up spring break but for you it was a regular working Wednesday. You currently work at some clothing store in the mall and oh so excitedly deal with mother's trying to get some sort of deal out of you.
The time was 5:00pm you are now pulling into your driveway of your house for the night. Happy that your got off early you notice your parents aren't home yet. You make your way down to the mailbox to check for anything. Which you find a bunch of letters piled onto one another. You begin to sift through it.
"Bill, Bill, Coupon, post card from Aunt Shelly, Bill...y." You stop at, what you thought was another bill but was actually, a letter from Billy. You rush up to your front door to be able to read the letter. Throwing everything onto the kitchen table an make your way to your room. You bounce on your bed at tear open the letter...
Hello Y/N, I hope you are happy with what you're doing. I just read your letter. God I wish I could graduate early to get this shit hole. Anyways, Max is doing good. She still with those little balls of snot for friends. Hopefully you wrote her, so she can stop asking me to check the mail for your letters. I miss you very much. Spring break is about to start, since the public pool opened I got a job there. Hopefully I can get enough money to be able to come an see you and to stay with you. You probably already know me, I'm not really good at this writing shit. But if it's for you, I'll do it. I love you, -Billy
You smiled down at the words on the paper.
"I love you too." You said down to the paper. That feeling came back again. The feeling of wanting to see him. You can't help it, you miss him so much. You go over to your landline in the kitchen to lunch in a number you have memorized by heart now.
"Santa Monica airport, what can I help you with today?" The droned out employee said.
"Hey, I wanna know if you have any direct flights to Hawkins Indiana?"
"Hold on, let me check..." You hear a faint typing for a few seconds.
"Anything?" You question.
"None to Hawkins but we have one to Indianapolis flying out this Friday at 5:00am." They said.
"Perfect!" You shouted. "How much?"
"That will be a hundred an thirty dollars..."
"I've got that!" You race around to your purse to fish out your debit card to pay for the ticket. You give them the info to send the ticket via email for you to print out. It would be thirty more dollar but you didn't care.
"Alright, thank you choosing Santa Monica airlines tod-." You didn't even let them finish. You hung up the phone right away to go pack an call off work for the next week or so. You couldn't stop giggling the whole time. Seeing Billy and Max is going to be the best thing to happen to you in the past few months. Then you hear your front door open and shut. Then you realized something...
"Hey mom, I gotta tell you something!" You shouted running out of your room.
You were honestly shitting your pants the whole way to Hawkins from Santa Monica. You currently stand outside of Hawkins High School waiting for Billy. You slept during your flight over at 5 am but once you were on the ground you couldn't hold still. Your stuff is at the motel just outside of town for the next week.
You passionately waited for Billy to walk out of the school. You could see his car from a mile away. Plus with is reputation it wasn't hard to find out about him. You turned your wrist to look at your watch, 3:15 it read. the bell rang and school was out for spring break. Students passed by you, giving you weird looks.
"Who is that?" "Does Billy know them?" "Probably a desperate Ex." Were some of the things that were thrown around you. As if you couldn't hear the. 'Geez do these people know how to shut up...'
"Billy. Who's that?" An oddly pitchy voice said breaking you out of your thoughts.
Billy ripped his head around to you. You being the last person he would see by his car. The girl he, once had his arm around, was with was now forgotten. Billy thought he was gonna vomit at the sight of you.
"Shit.." You mutter.
"Holy fuck..." He said.
"Billy who is this?" The girl said once again getting annoyed. Billy turned back to her.
"Why are you still here?" He questioned. The girl now looked perplexed. She thought Billy was gonna take her out but now he wants nothing to do with her. Before she could say anything Billy spoke, "Go the hell away. Ya stupid cow..." He muttered the last part.
Billy walked up to you, star struck. He now had you trapped between him and the car with his hands on your hips. Holding you gently. You were smiling up at him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I wanted to see you." you said. "Is that so bad?" You teased him. When you both could call one another you would constantly tease him over the phone.
"No!" He answered quickly. "It's actually great, cause I was loosing my damn mind being away from you." You giggled at him. He his lips down to your temple, kissing you gently. To the students around you it was shocking to see Billy Hargrove be gentle with anybody. But to you this was your Billy.
"Y/N!!" A familiar voice shouted out to you. You turned to her direction to see Max running full speed to you. You part from Billy momentarily to hug Max.
"Hey MadMax!" You exclaimed. Even though Billy thought Max was a pain in the ass most of the time; he loved seeing you two together. He was happy that she got to see you.
"How long are you here for?" She questioned.
"I'm here for all of spring break." You smiled. They both looked at you dumb founded. You were gonna be with them for a week.
"Yes!" Billy said excitedly, pulling you into a hug. You laughed as he squeezed you.
"How about we go on a date tonight?" You asked him.
"Hell yeah!" He shouted. Crashing his lips onto yours. Desperation and love pouring into the moment. He missed your lips. How soft they were and smooth. He missed you so much.
"ew..." It was faint but you both knew it was from Max.
"Get in the car shit bird." Billy said.
"Hey be nice." You sternly said, mighty sapping his arm. He huffed at you, looking at you with soft eyes. The eye you fell in love with.
"Let's take Max home and we can go on our , much needed, date."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Billy smiled.And that's how it went for the next week. You spent your time with Billy and Max, well more so Billy. Billy held you so close not wanting to let you go when you both cuddled. You met Max's friends and some more people around Hawkins with your small time there. You had some sleepovers with Max, trying to make up for lost time. Neil wouldn't do anything while you where here in town, so that meant a safe environment for Max and Billy even though it was for a week. You found the town cute, but you prefer Santa Monica.
Most of all, you and Billy got time alone. To be with each other in each others arms. Going on cute dates, walks, drives, everything. You became the envy of the town. The one that swooped Billy Hargrove off hid feet the spring break of 85'. He wouldn't have it any other way though. He would stay in this shithole town if it meant being with you.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to.
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to. 
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
That promise was made two months ago. In those two months you also visited Billy three more times over the summer. In your last visit you brought him back home with you. To California. You got him far away from his pain. 
You both have an apartment near the beach, like you both wanted. You stared college; while Billy started work at a car restoration shop. Billy could surf everyday while you laid in the sun. You both loved each other even more with every day that passed.
A California dream come true.
I know its a cheesy ending but I hope you like it.
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crispy-ghee · 6 months
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Crispy-Ghee @crispy-ghee.bsky.social:
i know more people would enjoy it if I stopped and I drew my hot boys for a second but I just have not felt up for it. Been feeling weird lately, lil panicky and sad. Unfortunately my coping mechanism is apparently drawing an ugly basketball player.
Reply from Monica:
You know what I enjoy? I enjoy you being a weird little goblin about the things you love and bringing us art that makes you happy. ❤ I'll take a thousand brushy little blonde mustaches over one muscle boy if the mustaches make you smile.
You can tell that I'm fuckin overwhelmed and feeling janky and worried lately because the line "I'll take a thousand brushy little blonde mustaches over one muscle boy if the mustaches make you smile" actually made me start crying a little.
I don't need permission to draw what I want to draw or anything, but I still feel self-conscious and dumb about things some days, not to mention just dealing w/ handling some recent traumatic reminders of shit, that it's just been a lot. People being nice to me in any capacity is really just enough to push me into being emotional right now ahaha
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charliehoennam · 11 months
The Letter
Summary: Tony gets the order to deploy well into the relationship with the girls of his dreams and fears of history repeating begin to bubble.
Pairing: Tony Swofford x F!reader
Warnings: a lil smut towards the end (NO MINORS, PLEASE) and unprotected sex in established relationship (wrap yalls willies)
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One early Friday morning, Tony rolled out of bed. He splashed some water on his face, slid into his basketball shorts and sneakers. He then headed to the kitchen to make his usual protein shake.
Just another regular day before heading into work.
Once he was set for his morning jog, he set his MP3 player in its holster and latched it onto his arm, letting the music flow from the earbuds to energize his body.
Tony's neighborhood wasn’t anything too fancy. Fairfield was definitely a nice town to live in with it's growing economy and military influence.
Although he'd grown up in the nice part of the suburbs, he now lived in a less nicer part of town due to military housing. There were definitely worse parts of Fairfield to end up in, so he couldn't complain about the neighborhood. Despite being a little far from town, there wasn't really much to complain about...except some neighbors.
Early morning was his favorite time of day. The air was cool and crisp before the California could fully set out and melt the town away. What he really enjoyed the most was the peaceful calm before the daily whirlwind of routine and people.
Tony wasn’t much of a fitness freak. The Military did help him realize the importance of staying in shape, having strong stamina - something that came in handy when you slept over each other's place - and staying hydrated.
He jogged along the sidewalk, weaving through his neighborhood and panting as he controlled his breathing until his walking break where he would hum out the song he was listening to.
The best thing about this time was that there were very few people who were also up and about.
It allowed him to avoid the flirtatious single (and not so single) women. He didn’t give them much time of day, but he always found it challenging to simply ignore them.
He had been raised by traditional parents and taught to always respect women, no matter what. However, being a heavily influence military town, there were the usual lonely mothers and wives seeking company.
Tony loved you more than anything, so he wouldn't stand for it.
He had already been cheated on and getting over his cheating ex was one of the hardest things he'd gone through, given that it happened while he was on deployment. He couldn't imagine causing that pain onto you or to a fellow marine.
So, as soon as the flirting would start coming from the lonely neighbors that greeted him in questionable silky robes or lacy nightgowns, he’d either excuse himself to extract him from the situation as quickly as possible or avoid stopping, only responding with a nod of his head.
Having you as his girlfriend helped to get away. Sometimes, at least. The more vulgar women brushed it off nothing that could stop them and offered to keep the secret, but Tony wasn’t interested or attracted to anyone else but you.
And, in the cases where the lonely women would try to convince him to come inside for some coffee, he'd simply remind them that he had a girlfriend to pick up to take to work.
You didn't need the ride, but it was a subtle reminder that he was off limits.
Ignoring them that morning was only much easier since his mind wouldn't stop thinking about the following day when he would be taking you to the Santa Monica Pier.
He couldn’t believe you when you’d said you had never been there yet. Although a California native himself, the Santa Monica Pier was known worldwide. It had also been one of his favorite places growing up.
He was more excited to see you that night. He’d invited you to come over to his place to spend the night so you could leave early in the morning for your five-hour road trip.
He wanted to surprise you with freshly made pasta although he knew he was in over his head, but you were worth all the effort.
He took notice that the mailman was already making his rounds around the neighborhood. So, when he came up his street and reached his humble abode, he made a quick stop to check his mailbox.
A couple bills, invitation to magazine subscriptions; nothing out of the ordinary. Until he found an envelope that froze him in place. He didn’t have to open it to know its content, but he did so anyways with the hope that it could be another matter.
His heart sank in his chest.
“Ordered to active duty” he read to himself.
Taking a deep breath to calm his anxiety, he slowly walked back into his house. He read the letter once more, praying the words had magically rearranged themselves to prove he’d misunderstood.
Though it hadn’t been his first time during your relationship that he'd been deployed and you both had been expecting it, this deployment  was different.
He hadn’t expected it to be so long. Both you and him were used to short tours. This time, his stay overseas would be longer than that.
All he could think about was you; about having to leave you for all that time. Although he knew that you loved him, he was terrified to think about what the loneliness could do.
There was no comparison between you and his ex. But he couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had happened between him and his ex; about how she started seeing someone else while Tony was out on his first deployment. Or how she dumped him through a letter while they were miles apart.
You were nothing like her and he tried to remind himself of that. He’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t afraid of history repeating itself.
Despite the growing apprehension within him, he set the letter – along with the other mail – in a cabinet drawer.
‘Out of sight, out of mind’ he thought to himself.
Going about his day, he tried his best to keep the recent news as far as he could from his mind. In spite of his best efforts, he found himself coming back to that damned letter.
On his way from the grocery store, his car rolled to a stop at a red light. Taking notice of a white sign on the side of the street for a jewelry store, he read the words composed of black letters in his rearview mirror.
Every kiss begins with Kay.
It was a little insane when he thought about it. You’d only been dating for a few months.
It would've been a long time for some people, but in this situation, you had barely spent even half of those months together with Tony's tours.
The little time you did have together was precious.
You'd both already talked about your pasts. Tony even expressed how he felt that he had dived into his relationship with Kristina too early.
Though it wasn't any hint towards you, you felt that a subliminal reasoning was behind his sharing it, albeit unknowingly to Tony.
To him, he was sharing his experience. To you, he subconsciously expressing his preference to take his time with what you two had going on. And you were okay with that, given your own experiences.
Every moment with each other was like an escape from the world around you. Every overseas phone call to him made him forget the ocean of sand that surrounded him. Or the highly testosterone-intoxicated base of soldiers he had to live with.
You were his getaway from all his troubles and you felt the same about him.
Neither of you wanted to ruin it with labels, especially since the time you had spent together was still so little. So, you agreed to roll with the punches and enjoy each other while you could, whatever way you could.
Getting married at this point would definitely be premature. However, he wasn’t simply thinking about wedding bells. It was about showing you his commitment.
Forced out of his trance by the honk of the impatient driver behind him, he made a U-turn and turned into the shopping plaza parking lot.
Tony felt a bit out of his element once he walked through the doors. The jewelry store was white – with bright lights and sleek black details and countertops.
He looked around the engagement rings in the glass display cases. His palms were beginning to sweat. It was a leap of faith, but he needed to show how much you meant to him before he left.
He wasn’t expecting you to run off and get hitched at the nearest chapel. The ring wasn’t only a promise of marriage. It was a reason for him to survive out there. Something to comfort you during his absence and subtly prove to others that you belonged to him.
He finally had someone amazing in his life. The break-up with Kristina was painful. They always were naturally, but the way it had been done was what hurt Tony the most.
Discarded. Thrown away after the thrill of her military-man kink had worn off.
He had nothing against 'war bunnies', as he and his comrades called them. As long as they didn’t get his hopes up of still being there when he came home after months of being away. The uniform may look attractive, but the reality of being a military girlfriend or wife wasn’t for everyone.
He understood it wasn’t for Kristina and he made peace with that. But would it happen again? Could you wait for him?
He stood staring at all the different designs and wondered why there were so many.
He believed he had a pretty good idea of what you’d like. Luckily, his savings were quite full to guarantee you a nice ring. But with so many options, he became more and more confused.
It must have been visible when the sales attendant approached from behind the counter and flashed him a smile.
Tony was thankful she had all the patience in the world. He spoke about you with sparkling eyes and profound admiration. It was obvious to her that he was in love and she was committed to finding the best ring within his budget.
He was quite proud of the ring he’d bought for you. It came with a hefty price, but he didn’t care about it. Now, he had to wait for the perfect opportunity to propose and pray that you’d agree.
Once his ring was successfully purchased, he walked back to the car and climbed inside. He stared at the black velvet box in his hands and opened it to find the diamond shining against the black silk inner lining of the box. He deeply felt like he was doing the right thing.
After a moment, he closed the box and tucked it into his pocket before driving home.
You arrived just after work with a plastic bag of wine and dessert, a small travel suitcase of spare clothes, shoes and other personal items.
“Hey, honey. I’m here,” you smiled using the copy of his key to walk into his house.
“In the kitchen, babe!”
Closing the door behind you, you walked inside and set your suitcase in the hallway by the wall. As you reached the kitchen, you found Tony stirring a pot of sauce with a dish towel hung over his shoulder.
Although you were always elated whenever you saw him, watching him cook was quite a heart-warming show. The attention to detail, the suave confidence in his movements were just a couple of characteristics of the touching dedication to one of his few favorite therapeutic pastimes.
However, he was a bit different today.
You could hear him wincing and cursing under his breath before you even walked into the kitchen.
As you rounded inside, he clumsily burned his arm taking out a tray of baked vegetables from the oven. The chicken he’d been grilling on the stove was starting to burn despite his attempt to be as quick as he can be turn it off.
The lack of the usual confidence he presented in the kitchen was very obvious. Something was off about him.
“Hey, you need a hand?”
“Uh, could you flip the chicken over there while I drain the pasta?”
“Of course,” you nodded as you quickly made your way to the stove.
“Sorry dinner’s a bit late. I tried to make it to be ready before you arrived, but I caught got up in some shit,” he sighed annoyed.
“It’s fine, babe. Really. I had a big lunch anyways, but just the smell here is making my mouth water.”
A failed attempted to cheer him up. He didn’t even crack a smile.
“Got us some wine" you continued. "You want a glass?”
“Yeah, I’d love one. I could use a drink,” Tony agreed. He seemed stressed.
“It’s that good wine that we had with Juan and Maria, remember?”
He loved it so much when you’d tasted it at the last double date you went on a couple days ago. You’d taken a picture of the label to buy a bottle for yourselves. Hopefully, that would’ve cheered him up.
“Yeah, I remember.”
You moved the bag you’d set on the counter and pulled out the dessert to set it in the fridge quietly. Then you walked back to pull out wine bottle from the paper bag. He seemed so bothered that you couldn’t help but ask.
“Should I go home, babe? You wanna be alone tonight?” you asked lowly, looking up at him with worried doe eyes.
He took a deep breath in, realizing how he’d be since you arrived.
“No, babe. No. I’m sorry. I just got a lot on my mind.”
He stopped and turned off everything to stand in front of you, holding your hips to give you the attention you deserved.
“I missed you” he says lowly, resting his forehead against yours.
“I missed you… You wanna talk about what’s bothering ya?”
“Nah, not right now. I wanna enjoy tonight with you.”
He smiled, but you could tell it wasn’t entirely sincere. He didn’t want to talk about it, so you decided to go along .
“Let’s open this up, huh?”
He reached behind you to grab the bottle, redirecting the conversation to change the subject.
“Mind getting some glasses for us, babe?”
“Not at all.”
You grabbed the delicate wine glasses and set them beside Tony as he opened up the bottle.
The food wasn’t as good as he usually made it. The sauce lacked a little salt, the chicken was a bit overcooked and the vegetables were slightly overseasoned.
When he asked you how it was though, you smiled and said it was perfect. The last thing he needed was to worry about that too.
Although he was well aware of how the dish tasted, he smiled at your attempt to cheer him up.
After dinner, you sat on the couch talking about your day as you enjoyed the chocolate dessert you’d picked up. He nodded and hummed in agreement, but it was clear he wasn’t really paying much attention.
His mind just seemed somewhere else.
“Alright. Can we please talk about what’s bothering you?” you confessed with pleading eyes that he couldn't resist.He knew he’d have to say it sooner or later.
It couldn’t have been good because he couldn’t even look at you.
“I got a deployment letter today.”
You frowned. It wasn’t his first deployment since you’d gotten together. You couldn’t understand why it was bothering him so much. So, you waited to let him go on.
“It’s longer this time. 3 months longer… Pay will be good though.”
“O-oh, wow... That's longer than usual, huh?”
Your heart sunk. Now everything made sense. The same dread that filled him seeped into the air and infected you too.
Silence hung over the living room as Tony watched you, fearing the reaction he’d expected.
“When do you have to leave?”
“Next week…”
“Then we’ll make the most of this week.”
He could hear the sadness in your voice despite your best attempt to be strong for him and accepting of the situation.
The thought of being apart for so long was unbearable for the both of you. A lot could happen in that time.
There was a bittersweet cloud that hung over that night.
You held each other on his bed and mindlessly watched TV after dessert. Neither of you were really too focused on the movie. You were too busy remembering each other’s warmth, memorizing heart beats and scents that you’d loved so much.
Tears were quietly shed. You could hear his sniffling and he could feel the wet spot on his chest from your eyes. Neither of you wanted to talk about it. It was inevitable and foreseen, but it still made your heart sink low.
You looked up at him and he quickly rubbed the tears away from his eyes. Your hand reached for his cheek and wiped a missed tear drop away with your thumb.
“Everything is gonna be alright. I promise.”
You reassured him with a kiss.
He didn’t want to ever let you go. He gently rolled you over to place himself over you. He deepened the kiss, using his tongue to ask you for entrance to which you allowed. Your parted legs invited him closer as they clung to his hips.
Feeling the cold metal of his military dog-tags dangling on your chest, you carefully pulled them back over his shoulder to rest against his back. Nothing would come between you, not even the military.
The sex was different that night. Tony was different that night.
The thought of being away from you was driving him wild. He wanted to consume you in the slowest way possible so he could savor every second. Every kiss. Every touch. Every moan.
His kiss was slow and passionate. He relished in the faint winey taste of your mouth. Your hands clung on his broad muscular back, roaming up and down to his ass with a firm squeeze when you pulled his hips down to grind against yours.
The sweet moan that escaped your lips when you felt his hardened cock made it twitch against your dampening panties.
He pulled back, standing on his knees, and gazed down at you. His eyes locked on yours as his large hands slowly crept up under the t-shirt you’d borrowed.
“I love you,” he whispered hooking his fingers into your panties.
“I love you so much,” he repeated as he slid them down your legs and off your feet, one at a time.
He admired the glow of the TV light against your skin as he pushed his boxers off.
“I love you too, Tony.” So much that you could cry right there and then.
The thought of him not coming home tormented you from the back of your mind. He had to make you forget about that possibility. He had to forget it for himself.
His kisses down your neck were soft and gentle, in much contrast to the fireworks exploding within you. He slid the shirt up to expose your breasts to himself. The mere sight of such a vulnerable you made his cock jerk harder.
He took your breasts into his hands and delicately suckled on them. He took his time, kneading them each tenderly as he sucked and twirled his tongue around your hard nipples.
Your hands cradled the back of his fuzzy head. Your back arched into him and your legs spread wider. Your pussy fluttered when his dick grazed your folds.
“God, Tony. I fucking love you so much,” you moaned.
Now that it was finally said, he wanted to hear you say it every single minute to remind himself that your heart was his now.
With butterfly kisses trailing down your belly and all around your mound, you chuckled as he teased you and moved down to kiss your inner thighs.
“Gotta kiss you all over first, sweetheart. So you can feel how much I love ya” he smirked widely.
For such grief-stricken news, he felt happy to hear you laugh again.
You laughed as he lifted your legs to kiss the soles of your feet.
“Tony, that tickles!”
“Sorry, babe. How about here huh?” he smiled placing kisses on each of your ankles.
“Tickles a little still.”
He grinned staring down at you, basking in your loving smile and adorable laugh. He continued his trail down your legs and reached the sides of your knees.
“How about on your sexy knees huh?”
“Sexy knees?” you chortled.
“Every inch of you is sexy to me. Even your toe hair.”
“I do not have toe hair!” you laughed as your cheeks warmed instantly.
“It’s okay, baby. I got hairy feet too,” he joked with a laugh.
“You got hobbit feet.”
You watched as he slowly trailed down the inside of your supple thighs.
“Yeah, and you love them.”
“Damn right I do. Every inch of you.”
“You know what I love?” he asked lying down on his front as he gazed up at you. “This right here.”
He licked a strip up between your pussy lips with the tip of his tongue. You moaned and bit your lower lip, closing your eyes for a moment to relish in the warmth of his mouth.
Your hips rolled forward, welcoming his mouth while Tony slid your legs over his shoulder. Relishing in your taste, his hands moved up your torso.
One of them kneaded your breast and delicately rolled your nipple between his fingertips. The other caressed your beautiful belly, grazing up and down to soothe your growing pleasure.
Tony moaned lowly as his eyes closed. He adored burying his face between your legs. His tongue slithered up and down through your soaked folds. His cheeks hollowed as he sucked on your most sensitive area.
“Oh, right there,” you gasped.
The sensation of his rough calloused hands roaming over your body and his mouth working on your pussy had you writhing. You slowly grinded your hips against his mouth, skin hot to the touch.
“Tony, please. I need you,” you pleaded, rubbing his fuzzy head with your open hand.
Tony was as hard as a rock. His cock was throbbing against the mattress, aching to be buried in the sweet cunt he’d just devoured.
You felt like you were floating the clouds.
“I got you, baby.”
Tony slowly moved up and kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. You moaned as you felt him glide his cock between the plush soaking lips of your pussy.
Breaking the kiss for a moment, he reached for the lube in his nightstand drawer and looked down at his cock to guide it into your entrance. He only held himself there, but he didn’t push in just yet, leaving you to clench around nothing as he rubbed his dick with a bit of lube.
He looked back up at you and pushed in slowly, watching your face react to the delicious stretch of his thick intrusion. The pinching of your eyebrows, your eyes shut and mouth hanging open in an O, your body curving and arching at the pleasure.
You looked so beautiful to him. He wanted to see every detail, every reaction to etch the moment into his memory.
While his hips moved slowly in and out of you, he kissed every spot over the skin on your neck and shoulders. His fingers intertwined with yours as he held a hand above your head under the pillow.
He dragged his cock out leisurely and pushed back in with the same unhurried pace until you were entirely comfortable to the stretch and able to take him deeper and deeper.
His hips gave a thrust to bottom himself out, his balls pressed to your perineum. Your pussy was aching for more friction and force. He knew this well; your growing slickness made it more than evident.
The throbbing of his cock and the squeezing of his hand around yours told you he craved the same.
Leaning down to kiss you, he held his cock deep inside you.
“I love you,” he whispered resting his forehead against yours for a moment.
“I love you too, Tony.”
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ninasimsimma · 24 days
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The Jacquard Family
4 generations of mess, chaos, love, and drama!
Diana Jacquard usually runs a tight ship and keeps things in control, of course by her standards only. Raising top model daughters in the late 80's and 90's fashion industry required tough skin, bold choices, and eventually lead to strained relationships. Now that her daughters, Jacquelyn, Monica, and Evelyn are older and have lives and kids of their own, Diana tends to sit back and make her power moves in silence...
Jacquelyn and Evelyn strayed away from the fashion industry, with Jackie now running her own skincare company, and Evelyn being a director/curator at Windenburg's Modern Art Museum. Monica, however, stayed in modeling making a name for herself, and retired after her kids got older..
Of course as one generation's fame dwindles, another rises. Jacquelyn and her late husband have two kids Marquis, now Del Sol Valley football team's wide receiver, and Penelope, aka Penny Pizzazz, top sim influencer/model. Monica who married and recently divorced the legend basketball player Stephan Powell, have two kids, Adyn and Alyssa. Adyn is a celebrity publicist for top athletes, including his cousin, while Alyssa follows in her mom's footsteps taking over the modeling scene and being a recovering addict...
And the drama continues in this generation as well, with most of the kids now being either married, engaged and with families of their own. Marquis and Gwendolyn or Gwen, married and now have a teenager, Mckinnley, and a toddler Delaney Diana. Penny is now married to San Myshuno's point guard Darren Austin, who may or may not be truthful in his marriage. Adyn married Grace Daugherty, a celebrity publicist for influencers/models, who now represents family members too, have 2 children, Haven and Solana. And Alyssa, is recently engaged to San Myshuno's shooting guard Lucas Harvey, but is struggling in her engagement...
family photo inspo: @simsimulation
family tree...
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erebiatyndarus · 1 year
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Santa Monica Apartments | 2/?
I did not originally intended to make this lot available for download, but seeing how much love just a couple of screenshots got...
❗️❗️❗️ IMPORTATNT ❗️❗️❗️ this lot is DROWNING in custom content (if any CC is missing please let me know)
❗️❗️❗️ KNOWN ISSUES ❗️❗️❗️ the chair by the fallout desk in one of the apartments on the second floor don't slide in, your sim won't be able to use the computer. i left it for aesthetic reasons but i recommend changing it
> size: 40x30 > there are 4 apartment - 1 very basic looking and 3 fully furnished (like I said - never intended to make this downloadable, I decorated these flats for my sims, you can change them or leave them the way they are) > lot is set as "residental", you gotta change it to apartment lot yourself with a cheat: changeLotZoning apartmentbase (if you want) just some ideas: there's a lot of rabbit-hole space, you can make apartments bigger / you could open a business on the lot and utilize the pawn shop space on the ground level / the driveway can be placed in the place of basketball court
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big thanks to all CC creators who's creations were used, you guys are amazing! have a lovely time playing 🖤🩸🧛
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captaindanvers89 · 11 months
Now I feel like writing a fic where Carol gives up her powers, retires to an alt dimension where that Carol doesn’t exist, finds Maria, falls in love with her all over again and they raise Monica together.
Like imagine Carol trying to adjust to being human again and while raising a kid. The chaos would be hilarious.
E.g Carol trying to heat up the kettle with her hands then remembering she doesn’t have powers anymore. All while 6 year old Monica’s just wondering why her mama keeps grunting and pressing her palm to the kettle.
Another example would be Carol trying to carry more groceries than she can manage, forgetting that she’s not half alien anymore and that her back is not invincible. She can’t move from the couch for the next two days.
Also imagine Carol as Monica’s T ball coach or basketball coach, whichever suits her. She wears that damn white tank top to practice and all the moms show up for support (more like to drool over her muscles) all while Maria has to make sure Carol belongs to her. Meanwhile, Monica just wants to make friends, not watch her mothers make out every two minutes.
Then when Monica goes on her first date, Carol threatens the poor boy in Kree and half forgets that she can’t fly to spy on Monica.
I have so many headcannon for domestic Carol and I know it probably won’t come true but Carol deserves a happy ending with the love of her life and her daughter
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
Yes, there was a time when I thought Dave Chappelle was one of the most talented stand ups around. And I think a lot of people felt that way.
Maybe some people knew he was shit all along.
But I didn't.
I loved that Prince playing basketball. I can't lie.
It just saddens me that he took such a turn. His comedy is now lazy and reactionary and he does that snowflake Elon thing where he gets angry when not everyone likes him.
I think the most important thing a comedian needs to realize is that comedy evolves with time. And if you refuse to evolve with it, you are going to be stuck with only your OG die hard fans for the rest of your career and they are going to want you to play "the hits" at every performance. And if you want to try new things and draw in new people to your comedy, that stubborn attitude isn't going to work. You're going to end up being Jay Leno still telling Monica Lewinsky jokes in your 70s.
The cutting edge will quickly become the dullest edge possible.
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
It's a trip, you know? When you're a kid, you......you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it's not gonna turn out that way.
-Monica Wright
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
VERY LONG shameless headcanon: rotc ian
so we know that ian joined rotc when he was in 7th/8th grade, but we also know he had a g.i. joe as a kid, and i get that’s not an uncommon toy but it made me decide that ian always wanted to be a soilder.
like, we know that monica was a military brat. her father served for his country, and so she must’ve known a lot about the military. we also know that she hated her father, and frank says that monica’s parents ruined her.
so lets say one day shortly after little debbie gallagher was born grandpa bill (as he insists on being called) goes into the gallagher house, demanding to see his four grandchildren. he’s a very cruel man who judges them for their poverty, but as he starts to ramble on about his experiences in the marines, however, ian is extremely interested unlike the rest of them. he can tell.
ian asks him questions and he answers, and they’re all surpised by the change of tone in grandpa bill’s voice. he sounds much more loving and sweet when talking to ian, monica grumbles something about how he never talked to me like that when i was ian’s age.
grandpa bill leaves the house, complaining about how disgusting it is, and shows up only one more time (the only time after being his daughter’s funeral in twenty years or so) to give ian a present, a g.i. joe.
the gallagher’s didn’t get the luxury of toys, the only other toy that ian had was a teddy bear that he got from the hospital when he was born, which was now missing an eye, some stuffing, and was soaked in piss and sweat. so when ian got this g.i. joe he was so excited and would not let go of it. he kept it in his arms for an entire day, once, while eating breakfast, at school, on the bus, at dinner, in the bath, then to bed. it was his. so when he lost it on the train one day, he started sobbing so hard he was hyperventilating. frank called him a drama queen and monica was too high on coke or whatever she had taken to care, so they refused to go and find it, frank yelled at him for losing it in the first place, saying it was irresponsible. lip ended up somehow getting it back for ian, which made ian love his brother so much more. this was the day ian realized that lip was more paternal than frank was.
he stopped playing with the g.i. joe in third grade, and gave it to carl. when he found it years later it was all melted and gross. in fourth grade, he started playing football and basketball to get stronger for the army. his parents never went to any of his games, but kev and v did. kev was the one who got him onto the teams anyways (he coached basketball and knew the football coach).
in seventh grade, he was able to do jrotc, which he did. and he was great at it. so great that he decided that he was definitely going to not only be a soilder, but an officer. and he would also go to military school, preferably a really good one, like west point. that was around the time when he started doing 200 push-ups before school.
in tenth grade he used is rotc skills to impress linda. the summer before eleventh grade he began studying like crazy for west point, but found out that lip got in. in eleventh grade, he built that “fuckin’ obstacle training course thing” as mickey called it on the roof of an abandoned building. only mickey knew about it. he dropped out before twelfth grade, and didn’t go to west point. he instead joined the military, attempted to steal a helicopter, injured his hand, ran away, and became a stripper. a year later he was in military prison.
when carl gets into military school and starts waking up early and running with ian every morning, ian can’t help but feel a bit jealous because that was supposed to be him. but he pretends that he’s not and watches as his little brother follows in his footsteps- kind of. really the only way he actually follows in ian’s footsteps is by getting rejected from west point, which if carl actually got into, ian might have actually gone insane.
the end that’s a super long headcanon i didn’t even mean for it to be that long i should write a fic on this
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afrotumble · 2 months
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*Sanaa Lathan: The Queen of Stage and Screen*
Sanaa Lathan, born on September 19, 1971, in New York City, is one of Hollywood's prominent actresses, with a diverse and successful career spanning over three decades.
Sanaa began her career on stage and quickly garnered attention with powerful and profound roles. She has participated in renowned plays such as "A Raisin in the Sun" and "By the Way, Meet Vera Stark", where she showcased her versatility and artistic career.
Known for her skilled acting and ability to adapt to various genres, Sanaa Lathan swiftly rose to become a sought-after star in American cinema. She made a strong impression with her role as Monica Wright in the film "Love & Basketball" (2000), a work closely associated with her name and receiving praise from both audiences and critics alike.
Beyond her success on the big screen, Sanaa Lathan also has a significant career on television. She has been involved in many popular TV projects such as "Nip/Tuck", "The Cleveland Show", and "Shots Fired", where she demonstrated her talent in leading and supporting roles.
In addition to acting, Sanaa Lathan is also well-known for her dedication and charity work. She frequently participates in community activities and is a staunch advocate for human rights and gender equality.
With numerous awards and high acclaim for her acting prowess, Sanaa Lathan continues to be an icon in the American film industry, with a profound influence on cultural and societal life.
Writeup by Bunmi Williams
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p-redux · 11 months
Hi P!
A Meghan Gardler, she is a basketball player has a romance with an Outlander star. Do you know who? It´s for sure a man, so she is not lesbian.
Hi Anon, I've never heard that. Do you have more details?
Here is who the Anon is referring to. She is an ex basketball player. 👇
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She is no longer playing and is in finance 👇
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She seems to love in Santa Monica now. 👇
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Here is her info 👇
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And some pics from her Instagram. 👇
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She's blonde, tall, beautiful, athletic, smart. Anyone have any idea if there's any truth to her dating someone on Outlander and WHO? 🤔
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cherriebbyyyy · 1 month
Scent of love
First things first an apology in advance for my mind and what it made me do. Second the tags of what is below the line Nico Rosberg X Jeremy Fragrance fic , their 1K worded meet-cute if you will non explicit. Third here is the ao3 link X Happy Reading xoxo.
Nico was on a much needed vacation as he felt the salt in the air, the dew of the morning sea breeze on his face as he walked down the pavement by the beach in Santa Monica. The feeling of the grainy sand under his shoes that got dragged from the beach a few steps away, the smell of the ocean it was perfect, he had chosen California for this reason and also the fact that F1 wasn’t as big here and he had such a small chance of anyone recognizing him.He bought a mango cup from one of the vendors on the side enjoying the contrasting flavors  of the sweetness of the mango and the tanginess of the lime and salt that was added like the do here. 
“Fuck” Nico said as bumped into him causing some of the mango cup to spill on his white linen shirt, he thanked God he didn’t add chamoy or his shirt would have been stained as well as sticky as he felt the mango juice seep through the shirt and on his skin. He didn’t even get a chance to look and see who bumped into him when he heard “What is that scent?” as he felts a nose inhaling at his pulse point. 
“What the hell get off of me!” 
“You smell really good, what is that?” 
Nico had enough and pushed the sweaty shirtless freak away from him, and it seemed like he didn’t want to go until Nico gripped the gelled hair and pulled the man’s head away from his neck. Finally taking a look and it was a little shocking this guy looked like a long lost brother, a doppelganger. 
“So?” the strange man questioned Nico
Nico looked at the man confused what was wrong with him, what weird scent fetish did this guy have. Why was he sniffing Nico like a truffle pig in the forest desperate to catch the scent and why was he just staring at Nico waiting for an answer like any of this was a normal situation.
“Nothing I’m not wearing anything” Nico spat out.
“No after shave? That’s not Gucci Memoir? It’s a bit musky like it must have been your pheromones calling to me, also sorry by the way about your shirt, but mango does not stain so you should be fine. Are you German by the way?” 
What the hell is Nico’s life, he was getting whiplash and for once it wasn’t from driving.
“Yes I’m German” 
“Ah I could tell the accent, the blue eyes and blonde hair. You are almost as handsome as me. My Name is Jeremy” Jeremy said as he extended his hand. 
“Nico” He responded as he shook Jeremy’s hand 
“Ah, where are my manors? Nico, my compatriot, would you like a new shirt?”
“Are you going to buy me one?” 
“No my home is right there” Jeremy said as he pointed to a pink house on the other side of the pavement a few meters down the pavement. 
‘Fuck it’ Nico thought this day couldn’t get any weirder and a new shirt would beat having to walk 30 mins back to his Air-bnb in a sticky shirt. He’d also be close enough to a public space if this guy tried anything. 
“Amazing, follow me, I was just about to start my jog as well, I usually head towards Venice to work out instead of the pier but fate wanted me to meet you instead” Jemery said as he walked towards his house. 
Everything Nico learned about Jeremy made less sense because now that he took a good look trailing behind him, this guy was way too sweaty for the distance he had jogged and also the man was wearing white skinny jeans and a pair of white trainers that looked to be more for basketball than running. As they entered the house Nico was a bit in shock to look over at the kitchen table and see half of it covered in cologne bottles. This guy did have a scent fetish.
“Quite the collection you have” Nico comments breaking the silence 
“Ah yes, actually review them online it is a passion of mine, I actually go by Jeremy Fragrance, it is funny people often ask me to smell them and guess their scent like I did to you.”
He comes closer to Nico again standing where Nico has to gaze up and meet Jeremy’s eyes as the man is slightly taller than him by a few inches, Nico now close enough to feel his warmth and catch a whiff of this man's cologne which he couldn’t identify if he tried probably a mix of something that is on the table. 
“Nico let me say I am straight and currently looking for a God fearing woman to be my wife, but you are so beautiful and your scent has called me like no one else's not even a man made one---” he pauses to lean into Nico’s neck once more and take a deep breath. 
“-like I said earlier it seems like fate a man like you almost in my image, I think we must explore” Jeremy says with conviction as he stares into Nico’s confused eyes hoping Nico gets his message.
This man is crazy but what a pitch Nico thinks, he also hasn’t kissed a man in months as it is hard to vet someone for something casual, he usually sticks to women as it doesn’t really matter if that gets out as it is something people assume about him anyways. Maybe it is fate he thinks as he looks up to Jeremy and closes the gap between their lips. 
Jeremy is shocked for a moment before he melts into the kiss grinning as pitch had worked on sweet Nico. He slides a hand into Nico’s blonde locks noting that they are softer than his own then dipping Nico to gain control of the kiss as he slips his tongue in. He brings Nico back up and breaks the kiss. 
“Now what we came here for” Jeremey grins as he strips Nico of his shirt. 
For half a second Nico wonders if this was all a ploy but after that kiss he didn’t really care.
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