#monkees fic
beedlemania · 3 months
Do you have any Monkees fic recommendations, I read all kinds of fanfics
Oh gosh! This is difficult because I love so many but I’ll try to pick out only a few! Also all the fics I read are very Davy based so my apologies in advance for that
This one I read last night and instantly fell in love with. I love the characterisation and the tempo of it is amazing!! Five times Peter says I love you and one time Davy does
This one is smut and I think it’s very hot. Micky has a possessive streak and Davy’s all needy.
This one is just so hot omg. Trans(male) Mike and smut, what more could you ask for??
This one is a long one with plenty of angst. It also has a suicide attempt and attempted sexual assault so read at your own risk. Davy gets a job on a film set and there’s some miscommunications. Happy ending!
This one is Davy jumping into the shower with Mike. It’s so adorable and sweet!!
No ship:
This one is Davy and Mike and it’s the cutest thing ever I swear. Davy’s sick and calls Mike mumma
This one is a birthday fic with angst because of a miscommunication (Davy doesn’t know its Mikes birthday and the guys don’t know it’s Davy’s). I’ve reread it lots because I love it so much!
This one is so bittersweet. It’s about the Monkees looking after kittens and it gets sad near the end when Davy reminisces about his mother and how he misses her but up until that its adorable!
This one is a fake Monkees episode about Davy being too short. Lots of humour and very cute
This one is a modern au about Peter being a YouTuber. Micky and Davy obviously mess with him
This one is short and sweet about Mike showing Davy how to make long distance calls home!
This one is Babyface and Ludlow slash and I love love love it!!!
I could go on for days and days because I’ve read nearly every Davy-centred fic on ao3. There’s more that’re not on ao3 that I’ll try dig up at some point but these are my picks for now!
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doublydaring · 1 month
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whenim64 · 8 months
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innitmarvellous · 2 months
I kind of want to write Beatles fics, but I don't feel I'm insane enough about them yet...how do I achieve that tho lol (to be honest I randomly got a batshit insane fic idea right before I fell asleep yesterday but... 💦)
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his-strange-eyes · 1 year
Jork Sick Fic!
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[alt-text image description: a boy with mid length hair lays on a couch sleeping. He is dressed in day clothes and had his arms wrapped around himself. He used his jacket as a pillow.] Davy struggled to wake up, his body was cold and achy like garbage that had been frozen then left to thaw on the kitchen counter. His head pounded and throbbed. Micky had left the curtains open and sunlight assaulted Davy’s eyes. In his head he cried and shunned about being awake, but he threw his legs over the side of his bed and looked around an empty room. It must have been late if Micky was already up.
Feeling woozy, he stumbled down the stairs, chills breaking over his skin like waves. He clung onto the railing as the tight spiral of the stairs made him feel sick as he descended.
Micky and Mike were leaning against the counter with mugs of coffee, Mike leaning the small of his back against it with his hands curling over the edge, Micky propping his hip against it as he watched Mike wraptly as they chatted. Peter sat at the piano, plinking around on the keys and humming to himself.
Maybe Davy would feel better if he got something to eat. Leaning around Mike, he put the kettle on then crouched to retrieve the cereal. His whole body ached and protested. Davy rested his forehead against the cabinet door for a moment, forgetting what he’d opened the cabinet for.
“Alright there, Dave?” Micky asked, tucking his chin to his chest as he looked at his smaller friend.
“M’fine.” Davy snatched the cereal and stood, rolling his neck and shoulders. “Just a little under the weather.”
Mike put the back of his fingers (usually warm, but cold now) to Davy’s check. “You’re awfully pink and warm. Maybe you should go back to bed.” His signature concerned frown hung over his deep eyes. He watched Davy closely as he sipped his coffee.
“Thanks, Mum.” Davy said sarcastically. He poured a small bowl of cereal and opened the fridge to get the milk. They were out, so he turned back to his breakfast, picking a couple flakes up with his fingers and popping them in his mouth. He crossed the too bright room to the piano, placing his bowl on the top as he faced Peter.
Peter sat rocking, his shoulders hunched around his ears as he played and hummed, working out some time or another. Davy reached out and tapped his head to get him to look up. When Peter did, Davy put a spoonful of corn flakes in his mouth. As he put the spoon in, Peter was already changing the melody, playing “When I’m 64” by the Beatles. He laughed around his mouthful and sang “Will you still need me? Will you still feed me? When I’m 64?”
Davy couldn’t help but chuckle too. He ruffled Peter’s lovely hair and collapsed backward on the couch feeling like he wanted to peel his skin of. Could he not get warm? He wrapped a blanket around himself. Around this time the kettle whistled. He saw Micky moving to prepare his tea and spring up to make it himself. It was no offense to the others, but they couldn’t make a good cup of tea to save their lives. Davy seriously hoped that that would never have to come up in their crazy lives.
Davy retrieved the earl grey from the nearly bare cabinet overhead. He stood on his tiptoes, trying to reach Peter’s herbal, but couldn’t reach. He hated when the others put stuff on the top shelf.
Micky reached up and got the box of tea down. “Need a hand there, shorty?” His face contorted in pain as Davy kicked him in the shin. “Ooh ow.” He hopped around on one foot, clutching his assaulted shin.
As he prepared his tea, Davy felt Peter stroke his hair as he slipped in beside him to prepare his own cup. They stood quietly preparing their tea. Davy juggled the sugar and the blanket around his shoulders. A wave of chills hit him even as he could see his arms flushed with fever. He closed his eyes against the bright room. He could hear Peter moving beside him, picking up the mugs and nudging him.
“Come on, David.” He butted tue top of Davy’s head with his chin like a cat before crossing to the sofa.
Davy trailed behind Peter, not realizing he was shivering. When he sat, Peter pulled his into his side saying something about always wanting a cuddle when he wasn’t feeling well. Micky murmured something to Mike, mentioning Davy’s name, his whispy voice carrying but too quite to be understood fully.
Davy wasn’t sure how long he’d laid on the couch wishing he could fall asleep. Eventually Peter got up and Davy swallowed the space where he had been, smooshing his face into the cushions. The others must have gone outside because the pad was mercifully quiet. He drifted off.
Davy woke the work was dark all except a light on in the kitchen. He groaned and sat up, rubbing his bleary eyes. At his feet he saw Peter, asleep on his arms at the foot of the couch where he was propped resting his head and arms on the cushion as he sat on the floor, face turned towards Davy.
Smiling, Davy gently slid off of the couch, careful not to disturb Peter, and padded into the kitchen. Mike was there, brewing his first cup of coffee. The clock read 5:30 am. Davy rubbed his eyes again and gave a sleepy nod to Mike.
“He been there all night?” Davy asked, nodding toward Peter. His voice was soft a croaky from sleep.
“Yup. Trying to look after you.” Mike nodded then fixed Davy with a serious look. “You be careful with Pete.” There was a low level of warning in his voice. Mike knew how much Peter cared for Davy, and he wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to make him unhappy. Mike was fiercely protective of Peter. He was tired of watching the world hurt him.
Davy nodded. “I will be.” He said softly, not looking away from the sleeping boy. His shoulders slumped as he looked, he trembled slightly. How could Peter be so gentle? Why would he even look twice at Davy? Davy didn’t know, but was grateful to have such a friend. Well, friend didn’t feel like the right word. Davy didn’t know quite what they were, but he didn’t much care, he was just glad to have Peter for as long as he was allowed. Davy crosse back to the couch kneeling by Peter. He ran a hand through his hair and down his h Sh eek. “Peter, wake up. Time to go to bed.”
“David?” Peter’s voice was cracked and tired.
“Yeah, Pete. I’m okay now. Time for you to go to bed.” Davy smiled softly at Peter in the dark and put an arm around him, leading him upstairs. Though his head still swam and throbbed, he smile as he tucked Peter into bed. “Good night, Sweet Pete.”
Peter hefted a sleepy sight and closed his eyes, rubbing the fabric of Davy’s shirt between his fingers before his arm fell limp to the bed.
Shaking his head, Davy crawled to his own bed, still shivering a little, but allowing himself to watch Peter as his chest rose and fell. Davy counted the breaths until he fell asleep.
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davy-zeppeli · 1 year
Okay I give up here's the link if anyone wants to read my fic, the desire for attention overcame my fear of being judged. Do not bully me please I WILL cry.
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mtvwildboyz · 6 months
never have i ever gotten so little hits on a fic that that it makes me want to delete it
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ninetimesbluedemo · 2 years
mike nesmith just has "ran away from home" vibes
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androcola · 1 year
I remember someone made a post where they were like “I don’t care if it’s based on the show or not. Rated G or not! Anything with the Monkees is RPF and you’re disgusting for writing it!”
And I just was like “maybe you should drink some hot chocolate and calm down a little.”
Yes im so disgusting for writing mike and micky living with eachother and loving eachother deeply like they are brothers 🙏🙏
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kittym0ew · 1 year
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That's the best i could make it, didn't turn out how i wanted but i can edit it later if it's still bothering me
Also this is from @jathis 's fic
Here's a link if you want to read it:
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beedlemania · 11 days
do you have any fic wips rn 😳👀
Hallo! Yes indeed I do but how long they will take to complete is a different story 😳 (by wips I mean I have maybe two paragraphs written😭)
I currently have:
A jork fic based on your ask! Where Peter’s an art student and Davy’s the model. This is the one I have the most on because, art student💅
A Jolenz pwp fic where Davy’s a virgin but the guys don’t realise it until they actively see his girl of the week try to make a move and Davy keeps pushing her away. Micky then takes it upon himself to show Davy the basics >:)
A non-ship 5 & 1 time fic about Davy being insecure about his place in the band. This is the one going the slowest I think but I have each time planned so hopefully I will finish it 💪
A Jonesmith Never Tell A Woman Yes au which is also very far on the back burner. Possibly because the whole plots already written in the song and I’m not very good at sticking to plots😭
And last but not least! Another genderfluid Davy fic! I missed writing this series so much but I just could NOT for the life of me think of a plot UNTIL I did B) This ones a hurt/comfort one and I shan’t give anymore away >:)
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whenim64 · 2 months
What’re some of your fav monkees fics? :p
surprisingly I havent actually read that much monkees fanfic. when I first jumped into the fandom I read through all the jonesmith fics and when I ran out I switched from reading to writing, but I will list some of the ones I remember really loving!
Novelty Love Song with Bizarre Choreography
I'm Falling Again
Christmas Date and This Bouquet
All That Glitters (this fic might be my all time fave)
Star Collector
Kid’s Stuff
Just A Kiss
I have a lot of fics in my save for later/bookmarks that I plan to get to eventually (maybe I should do that soon). AND I didn't include this in my answer bc you are the one that asked so I didn't want to rec your fics to you but I really adore everything you've written, especially Sweet Young Thing
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are they about to-
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dontworrybabymp3 · 1 year
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whoever you are, user georgeharrisonbread on ao3, you’re so real for this.
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davy-zeppeli · 1 year
one short story prompt left - I’m hoping to draft some ideas for it tonight and then I’ll try get it written and posted tomorrow. if you guys have any other ideas let me know
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gays4vulo · 3 months
Shout out to the horrors for dragging me back to writing & loving it
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