#monoma nieto is in the izucrew
Monoma: you see, calcium oxide has oxygen in it and that makes sense, because it has oxide in the name.
Monoma: you know what doesn't have oxygen in the name? Calcium sulfate. But you know what's in it? OXYGEN
Momo: don't worry, you don't have bitch in your name, but your personality is still pretty bitchy
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Monoma: take this to heart, dear class A bastards
Monoma: I will ruin you
Monoma: I will throttle you
Monoma: I will destroy everything you love and then some
Monoma: you will never be the same when I’m through with you
Anyone in class A: :)
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Had toga gotten actual support as a child, she would’ve joined the izucrew.
They would be chaos children.
I love them so much.
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I'd love to hear some Izucrew headcanons! I really like your content for them!
Andjanxjnsjxjakzkufns THANK YOU!!!! I’m so glad you like themmmmmm!!!! :DDD
Here we go!
Mei and Monoma are either adopted siblings or cousins (your choice, I love them both)
One time, Izuku hyper fixated on pre-quirk history, and wrote and posted several essays about it. Same with dinosaurs and space
Izuku does makeup and has pierced ears!!! He fiddles with his earrings when he’s nervous. He has rubber ducky earrings that he squeaks when he’s nervous
Izuku has several scars from bakugou’s years of abuse that he gets pretty insecure about sometimes. The crew always reassure him that he is valid, fabulous, magnificent, incredible, and that they are there for him
Whenever they do sleepovers, they usually end up in momo’s room and lay haphazardly on her bed, cuddling
Shouto was very scared to come out due to endeavor’s homophobic views, but then, he saw izuku, kiri, Jirou, and tsu all come out around the same time. He came out to them one time after endeavor texted him. Soon, he came out to the rest of the class. Everyone was very supportive, and in due time, some others came out
Introducing Todoroki to like,,, fun things is an activity that the crew takes part in as often as possible. They love his reactions, snd seeing him genuinely happy
Shouto didn’t know what it meant to be “genuinely happy” for a long time. The first time he felt genuinely joy, the crew had taken him to the aquarium. He loved learning about all the different animals, and watching them in their habitats! (I’m totally not projecting. I would never.)
Shouto and momo enjoy painting!
Shinsou, Monoma, Aoyama, Shouto, and tsu are the sass squad. Tsu is just being blunt, and people think it’s sarcasm. And Shouto, in his deadpan voice, just says the most chaotic things that absolutely demolishes people
Can we talk about izuku with self confidence? Because the crew helps build up his confidence, along with Momo’s, until the two are very confident in their abilities. They all just push each other to be better hero’s, but ultimately better people 🥺
Uraraka and Tokoyami start a fencing club
Tokoyami and izuku start a dnd club
Mei, momo, and izuku work in gear together
As we all know, Shouto steals endeavor’s credit card. What does he do with that credit card, you ask? Well, he mainly donates money to shelters and charities. He will also purchase anything that the crew wants or needs. Uraraka was looking at a pair of sunglasses one time? The next day, he showed up at her door with them, endeavor’s card in hand
I love them so much, my dearest children
After the find out Aoyama is the traitor, they make sure to help him. They make sure that he’s safe
Aoyama always tries to make sure to the best of his abilities that they stay alive if not safe
When in need, the crew all head over to momo, Monoma, Aoyama to help style them, then over to izuku for makeup if they want!
Momo, shinsou, Monoma, and Aoyama are hella into fashion
Mei likes to make gear in general; but after they all graduate, she insists on personally making all of their gear
Uraraka starts a betting ring around ua. They bet in random things. She takes suggestions. She also almost always wins.
They go Disney bounding!!!! Shouto always goes as Elsa, but the other will mix it up. Shouto might also go as Ariel a few times. Mainly elsa though
Because I am ridiculously attached to the idea of living in the same house with your best friends and being all domestic and happy with them: after UA, they all move into a house together.
They go grocery shopping at 3 am in need for cookie dough, to show Shouto the joy of making cookies. Sato offered his help, and they were all happy and wholesome🥺
I hope you enjoyed!!!!! :DDD
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I just know that Hatsume has threatened to beat someone's ass in the name of science.
You are absolutely correct, Hatsume is a devil child who would do anything in the name of science
This is going to include the izucrew because I love my children
Hatsume Mei lives for tech and tech alone
And her new friends!
But mostly tech
It started after the sports festival; some kid from the business course was mad that she had pretty much used Iida as a sales ad
Iida had issues with it at first, but was very interested in her tech, and wanted to learn more about them!
So, he found her after the festival, along with izuku, and the three exchanged numbers
After joining the izucrew, they all started to test her tech out, and help her a little bit while making them (specifically izuku and momo)
Now, hatsume is very focused on her work: not really paying attention to those around her, and that may have made her some enemies 😅
Like business kid 🥲
Now, her main special interest is her tech, and she’ll hyper fixate on it a lot. To someone who does not know her and/or who doesn’t appreciate how fabulous she is, *cough* business kid *cough* gets annoyed
Anyway, moving on from business kid: it started at lunch
Hatsume was talking to her friends about her tech, and they were all brainstorming ideas and suggestions for her, but izuku was trying to remind her to take care of herself
It had been a long day, and hatsume was still burning the midnight oil-she will finish this project, she swears to you-and power loader and the other students were packing it in
And poor, innocent izuku was merely trying to help, he really was
“Mei, come on, it’s 21:30. Go home, get food. Live.”
She ignored him
Power loader is all done packing up, and he turns to the two students
“Hatsume, I’m closing the lab”
She nods her agreement absentmindedly, going back to her work
So, izuku tries to help. He’s a hard worker too, more than willing to put his own health behind him
So, power loader tells them that they have a half hour. A half hour, then he’s closing the doors if they’re in or out of the lab.
After a little while, shinsou goes to look for his friends
He’s a bit more blunt and tells the two to get to the kitchen because Shouto and Uraraka were cooking
Hatsume and izuku, the poor kid has been drawn in by ✨science✨, we’re engrossed in their work, and hadn’t noticed shinsou slipping in
And they don’t until he puts a hand on their shoulders
Which is when it happens
They stare at each other for a few seconds
Shinsou is shook
Izuku is just 🧍
And Mei? Mei registers what happened and bursts out laughing
The trio dissolves into fits of giggles
They’re still in hysterics by the time power loader comes back to tell them that it’s time to lock up
He is concerned
That’s just what the izucrew does though
They concern people
The chaos crew
I’d die for them
My children
He ushers them out, and the trio goes to join the rest of the crew for dinner
Let me know if y’all want a part 2!
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Even more izucrew headcanons, because I am still sad and I love them:
Uraraka can bench press everyone. She and izuku frequently have friendly competitions
Iida, Todoroki, and izuku frequently do the dorms grocery shopping, and izuku always makes sure to get snacks everyone enjoys
Plans to overthrow the government? Yes.
Aoyama, Monoma, and shinsou judge the general public together. Jirou joins in as well
Tsu is quiet, and tends to “accidentally” sneaking up on people
Aoyama will bedazzle anything left around the class A dorms. Stay safe and stay sparkly
Monoma and Tsu host debate nights
The insomnia squad (izuku, shinsou, and Tokoyami)
Aoyama and Monoma claim to “need their beauty rest”
Momo, Iida, izuku, and tsu remind people that sleep is important and to try and go to bed
Jirou has helped Todoroki learn how to express himself through music. He has made everyone in class a a playlist of songs that remind him of them. He made them for the teacher too. No matter what Mic tells you, Aizawa definitely didn’t cry
Iida makes sure everyone flosses. He checks nightly. He also sends routine ‘goodnight’ texts, reminding everyone that they should go to bed
Mei and Momo both make puns all the time
Izuku will make PowerPoint slides on anything he is passionate about. Everyone in class A has one dedicated to them, their quirk, strengths and weaknesses, how great they are, why they’re going to succeed, how they can improve, etc.
Even after Hitoshi transfers, he and Monoma still make jokes about hating class A
They make regular jokes about common phrases such as, “revelry in the dark,” and “call me tsu.” Or the lesser known, “I’m not here to make friends”
Todoroki says severely concerning things without a second thought, Uraraka, Shinsou, Aoyama, and Monoma have taken to recording everyone’s reactions. They have made quite an impressive scrapbook
Uraraka, Iida, and izuku have been dubbed the Aggressive Support Trio
Mei, Izuku, and Momo all work on gear together
Aoyama has made it his mission to give makeovers to everyone in UA, starting with class A. His first culprits are Kirishima and Izuku
They all have matching Hawaiian T-shirts (so does the kiricrew)
Uraraka made a PowerPoint presentation on why bakugou should be expelled
Todoroki runs a conspiracy theory blog. He has blogged about all of his classmates. There is no UA traitor. It’s just todoroki’s conspiracy theories being accurate
Jirou, Tokoyami, Monoma, Uraraka, and momo all listen to my chemical romance together
Whenever there is a school break, everyone offers to keep Todoroki at their house so that he doesn’t have to be around his father
Izuku told them about All Might calling him “(his) dear prince of nonsense” (ch. 32) and now they all refer to him as such. Todoroki took it as more evidence for the Secret Love Child theory
Uraraka and izuku have “friendship competitions.” It usually end in them both crying and hugging. Class A is very worried
Aoyama makes them all have family movie night
Hatsumei makes puns out of peoples names. One time she accidentally broke izuku’s nose my yelling “mi-door-iya” and smacking his face with a door
Ever since the mall incident, the crew forms an attack circle around izuku in all malls. One time Tokoyami hissed at someone who came too close
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How do you feel about the idea of Monoma being slowly adopted into the izucrew?
I LOVE IT!!! Okay, listen; Monoma would fit in with this crew so well:
· After learning about all the tragic backstories, Monoma finds that he sympathizes with, and relates to a lot of them: Shinsou was bullied for his “villainous” quirk, Izuku was bullied for his quirk coming in late, Aoyama, Uraraka, and Tokoyami have significant drawbacks that come with their quirks, Tododoki’s entire “childhood,” etc. They, along with Kirishima, Toru, and Denki (and Toga and Dabi, but that is for future debacles), get labeled the Quirk Trauma Team.
It starts out small. He starts hanging out with them during lunch. Then he starts training with them. Then he starts talking to them after school. Then he starts joining them in their mental exercises of, ‘how would we hide this body.’ After he gets added to the group chat things escalate
At first, he’s like, “frick you, I don’t want to join whatever this group is!” And they’re like, “oh okay, we can’t force you and we respect your decision.” To which he responds with some as-semblance of, “frick you, I’m staying right here.” Shinsou states that reverse psychology is one hell of a binding
The teachers now host betting pools on who the Izucrew is going to adopt next
He is very hesitant to join in the cuddle piles at first, but after realizing that he’s kind of touch starved, and getting used to it, he looks forward to them quite a bit.
Monoma is 100% ready to fight anyone anyway, but when it comes to his friends he is fiercely protective, which fits right in with the Izucrew.
The sass and sarcasm of Monoma, Shinsou, Tsu, Todoroki, and Aoyama (and Jirou when she joins). Monoma, Momo, and Uraraka train together.
They all do quirk training, obviously. Izuku loves to take notes on how Monoma processes and uses peoples quirks differently than they do. The tests he has them do. The bloody essays he writes. They love it, and are concerned. He was especially interested to see Shinsou and Monoma going up against one another
He fits right in with the murder squad, and the uhh, less *cough* legal *cough,* or at least the sketchier shenanigans that the Izucrew gets into.
He joins the with the tea parties (hosted by Momo), and the prank wars that Uraraka and Aoyama regularly have
Rei loves all of them
He gets along with Aoyama, Shinsou, and Todoroki like a proverbial house on fire
After getting to know everyone, he really gets along well with all of them, obviously. Mei, Tsu, Todoroki, Jirou, and Monoma are all very blunt
I am going to write a fic about the group chat
He hates M*neta, Bakugou, and Endeavor with a passion
Nezu was pleasantly surprised by the development
Group study sessions
Monoma joins in Uraraka, Shinsou, Mei, Aoyama, and Tokoyami when they liken Izuku to a bunny (Todoroki already has a conspiracy theory about hos Izuku and Miruko are distant cousins)
They help him work through his superiority complex
Izuku, Momo, and Monoma all had magic phases. Everyone, but specifically Uraraka and Iida love watching the shows that they put on
Mei makes a lot of gear for all of them, but Monoma joins in sometimes when Izuku and Iida are working with Mei
He joins them and the Kiricrew during their seminars on mental health
I love them so much, I’m sorry😭 also, I hope this makes sense, it’s 3 am and I haven’t slept in a few days, so I might rewrite this later if it doesn’t 😅
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