russia-libertaire · 3 months
"The third change came under Putin, as we embarked upon a new stage of Russian capitalism with obvious neo-Soviet features. The economy in the era of our third President is a curious hybrid of the free market, ideological dogma and various odds and ends. It is a model that puts Soviet ideology at the service of big-time private capital. There are an awful lot of poor, indeed destitute, people. In addition, an old phenomenon is flourishing again: the nomenklatura, a ruling elite, the great bureaucratic class that existed under the Soviet system. The economic system may have changed, but members of this elite have adapted to it. The nomenklatura would like to live the high life like the "New Russian" business elite, only their official salaries are tiny. They have no desire to return to the old Soviet system, but neither does the new system suit them ideally. The problem is that it requires law and order, something Russian society is demanding ever more insistently, and accordingly the nomenklatura has to spend most of its time trying to obviate law and order to promote its own enrichment. The result has been that Putin's new-old nomenklatura has taken corruption to heights undreamt of under the Communists or Yeltsin. It is now devouring small and middle-sized businesses, and with them the middle class. It is giving big and super-big business, the monopolies and quasi-State businesses, the opportunity to develop. (In Russia this means these are the nomenklatura's preferred source of bribes.) This is the kind of business which in Russia produces the highest and most stable returns not only for its owners and managers but also for their patrons in the State administration."
Putin's Russia, by Anna Politkovskaya
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batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
as a fandom we have spent too much time making fun of bruce and tim for being rich and not enough time making fun of jason for becoming one of the richest people in gotham twice, once through adoption and once because he beheaded people in the criminal underground and then proceeded to take over their territory and become a druglord.
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arthurtaylorlester · 7 months
so like do you ever think about john doe
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malcontentonline · 9 days
your time travel au is so cool
Using this ask as another opportunity to info dump about it thanks anon!
I've been drawing some of Gai's main students in the au recently! My boi ends up with a proto-genin team :>
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All of them are considered hopeless by the Uchiha in one way or another but here are their vibes individually:
Ichigo - (9) the youngest, he’s a talentless nobody who’s only survived this long through luck alone, he is extremely bad at controlling his chakra to the point that he’s not even competent at most jutsu. He’s ok at fighting with kunai but that’s about it. His lack of skill isn’t the only reason he’s been put on Gai’s squad however, he also finds it impossible to connect with others and since the sharingan awakens through loss an orphan with no connections in the world has a low chance of ever even getting a single Tomoe. Personally wise he’s a reckless troublemaker, always up for a challenge and always happy to learn new techniques, he’s just never had a proper teacher as he’s far too much trouble for most to handle.
Yuki - (13) the oldest, he’s a quite skilled ninja, mastering multiple jutsu from different chakra natures, he would have had a bright future in the clan if it wasn’t for the fact he was born with very poor eyesight that has only gotten worse over the years, it’s unlikely he would be able to properly use a regular sharingan even if he ever manifested it so he believes his only hope is to gain a mangekyou sharingan - since its powers are based on the individual he may be able to use them with his limited vision. (Also since he’s already going blind he would not mind the cost of it) Personally wise he’s quite shy and reserved - even at times a little naive. He finds communicating with others confusing and difficult, leading him to usually try copying the vibe of the people he is around.
Awaki - (11) pretty much the brain cell of the group. She was an incredibly talented ninja, she prided herself on her nin and genjutsu abilities (she’d even invented several jutsus). That all changed when, at the age of Nine, she was in a fight and lost one of her hands. She was completely devastated - and to make a bad situation worse - she hadn’t managed to activate her sharingan like she assumed she would have. This situation led the uchiha elders to believe she may have an emotional threshold for activation that is far higher than normal people. Since she wasn’t able to weave the complex hand signs she used to be known for she was encouraged to retire, but she refused to let it stop her, she taught herself how to weave simple jutsu with one hand and now using scrolls is the main way she fights (as it allows her to prepare attacks before hand and simply unseal them when she needs them). Personally wise she’s very serious and strict with herself and others, she also absolutely hates people treating her like she can’t take care of herself. Over all though she is very good at keeping calm and level headed in stressful situations.
Here are some doodles of the squad:
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 12 days
finally caved and made a bucky egan x oc ship
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deltaruiner · 1 month
when kyouko runs off somewhere again sayaka goes to visit amy bc she clings to sayaka the same way
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wizardlyghost · 19 days
i think there's a lot to be said about growing up neurodivergent and learning to be ashamed of enjoying things. most of it is swear words but there are a lot of 'em.
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hisui-dreamer · 8 months
i find it so funny that my floyd fics are always more popular than my jade fics🤡
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gemkun · 2 months
anonymous said : doctor ratio, what are your thoughts on the economy? 🎤
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      ⸻       ❝   horrendous.   a   decentralised   economy   is   the   optimal   system   ,   as   it   has   been   readily   proven   via   an   abundance   of   literature   surrounding   fiscal   federalism.   of   course   ,   this   varies   per   system   as   the   galaxy   cannot   utilise   one   ,   economic   order.   although   ,   in   theory   ,   it   is   a   possibility.   ❞
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maxsix · 3 months
I know I'm into a new phase of kpop man when I am watching a 47 minute video and seriously contemplation editing every part of him. Lord, help me.
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revindicatedbyhistory · 6 months
really most of the weird stuff with ken penders starts to make sense when you realize he was a marvel/dc guy who just ended up working on the sonic comics for the sake of like, it being a job. like based on what the guy has said it doesn´t seem like he particularly cares about the sonic the hedgehog franchise on its own in his head he was writing superhero comics
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atticcreationz · 2 years
Dimension 20 Neverafter is to The Disney Live Action Remakes as Starkid Twisted is to The Closure of Disney's 2D Department SEND TWEET
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malewifehenrycooldown · 6 months
Anti-facism, anti-captialism, community action and class solidarity IN MY FAIRY TAIL?!Surprisingly much more likely than you think or remembered!
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maze-arts · 2 months
Shout out to the students at sciences-po protesting for Palestine, i wish them luck
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jovianwishes · 11 months
Malaysia that was occupied by Ned for 180 years 🤝 Indonesia that was occupied by Ned for 350 years
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zeawesomebirdie · 8 months
Okay yeah I'm going to need to make it a priority to watch whatever pieces of canon will tell me who on earth every other bat besides Dick is
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