#crushes any opposition or criticism by other wizards
malewifehenrycooldown · 5 months
Anti-facism, anti-captialism, community action and class solidarity IN MY FAIRY TAIL?!Surprisingly much more likely than you think or remembered!
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
there's just something with HPHM's story (not the game mechanics, they've been criticized already by many people before me, and I don't resent them as much as other players, i'm here for the contents) that doesn't sit right with me.
Merula and Ismelda are edgy bullies because they are insulting Ben and MC, and sometimes engaging in physical violence.
MC has many, many times, over and over again, without being given a choice by the game, insulted and physically threatened/harmed, and bullied as a whole, the only person in school who cannot defend himself: Filch. But MC is a hero.
MC has a whole TLSQ about not resorting to violence and all because it upsets the Forest.
next chapter MC meets an acromantula and proceeds to battle her. I know the TLSQ came out after the year's release but still.
Merula engorgios a niffler to a giant size after finding one. She's a danger! She's crazy! I mean yeah but consider:
MC lures a troll into the castle, relying only on their own duelling skills to keep him at bay. Creates a new spell to make stars (so flaming balls of medium size) rain on the pupils. Attacks a random wizard in Diagon Alley to get illegal objects in order to panick people into running on the troll's path. All that for ONE (1) prank. But MC does it for the common good.
MC is abused by bully Merula for years. They are not friends by any means. But Merula is a dating option because idk, maybe they wanted to provide a ''bad gal'' LI, or because one of the writers has themself an unhealthy crush for bully girl?
everyone has a compelling (or trying to be compelling) backstory explaining some of their defaults or their whole personnality (Ismelda is the scapegoat child, Chiara fears abandonment, Talbot associates vulnerability with danger, Merula was neglected as a child, Diego's asserting himself via duellist and latin lover playing, Rowan focused on books and studies because they didn't have friends and inside meant leisure and outside meant work, etc, etc) except for Ben, Liz and Barnaby. Ben is just scared of everything then turns into an edgy boi. Liz and Barnaby? Slytherin. Love animals. Autistic coded, one rather unflatteringly so. Two sides of the same coin, except one is buff and male and the other petite and female. Like, Ben was probably a Neville-like character, but Liz and Barnaby? what, slytherin non-bully representation? couldn't they put one of them with ambition (of becoming prefect or minister of magic) and make them a late years friendly opponent to MC, instead of only seeing opposition through Merula and Ismelda bullying MC? No sane competition?
also the fact the romance TLSQ keep having everyone declare their love to MC one after the other despite having been shut off multiple times in other romance quests??? That's weird and almost bad. Like, after the first romance quest, every other romance TLSQ could have a first scene with the former crush asking MC is they would like them as their date this time and if MC says yes, no one else tries to flirt with them? there could be simple mechanics to implement to avoid MC to be harassed by their two miles long tail of suitors.
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big-ronnev-fan · 3 years
So I decieded to rant about a bunch of Ron centered ships because... idk I just want to. This will be everything from the popular ships, to guilty pleasurs, to ships that just kinda confuse me. I'm gonna try to be nice to all of them but obviously they'll be ships I just don't like so I'll tag this post with *ship name*critical if that's the case. Also if I missed a ship that for some reason you want to hear me ramble about, than let me know. Finally I will not be doing pedo ships cos thoses just make me really uncomfy.
So with all that said, lets get started;
Romione: so this is the most popular one, and I see why. Personally I love the hight diffrence and the "opposites attract" vibes and bickering married couple used to be my fav fanfic trope so yeah. This used to be my favorite ship a few years ago, and while now I still like it, the ship kinda has some bad vibes for me. The parts where Herms attacks Ron are actually really triggering for me and it makes it a lot harder to enjoy, which sucks cos I do like their dynamic, just not the abuse.
Ronnary: so this ship is pure bffs to lovers + "and they were roomates", isn't it? I really love this one. While it isn't my number one, I don't actually have any problems with it. Like ig the closes thing to a "problem" with it is that they sometimes fight but idk if that really counts. All and all, I really like this ship and I need more of it.
Runa: this👏🏾ship👏🏾is👏🏾so👏🏾cute!!!! Like I really love it. I think it's adorable and I 100% think that Luna at least had a crush on Ron around Ootp. Also it's known as red moon and I love that
Ravender: I like this one so much. It's one of my favorite canon ships. That's not to say that it'd work long term or that I wanted it to be end game, but I really like the idea of them being each others first partners and I totally believe that they had a wonderful friendship after they left school and Lav married Parvti. Honestly this is more brotp than otp but I did like it as a romance. Also it had so much bi!girl/bi!boy vibes to it so yeah
Ronnev: this is the best Ron ship. Idc what anyone says, this is the best one. These two boys both deal with simular self-esteam issues, they're both very talented but take a while to "tap into" said talent, they're both the perfect combo of soft boi and badass, they both clearly care for one another, they both would punch an asshole, they are the perfect coffe shop/flower shop au ship, they were roomates, while the both have a lot of angst it doesn't seem to come from their relationship (so instead of the usual relationship angst it's more "us against the world" and/or "I can understand what you're going through and will try to help"), and finally... I just really like them
Vicron: so, this is one that my opinion of it is basically; "Victor krum is kinda creepy and the fact that he dated/stared at underage girls while he was an adult in the eyes of the wizarding world was gross, but qlso he was def Ron's bi awakening and I can totally see Ron being jealous of Hermione for going with Victor instead of the other way around". Tl;dr, I don't ship, but I do think Ron had a crush on Vic.
Dron: soooooo.... this is one that most of the people following me probably don't like. And I get it, Draco was a total jerk and bullied both Ron and his pals. But- while I don't ship, I will say that, imo, it's not that bad. Like I don't like it, but it's not worse than drarry or dramione, it's just less popular. And they have a fire and ice dynamic and while I still dislike the ship I do think that the dynamic is pretty cool
Ronsy: I don't get this one. I really don't like it. Like I can at least understand most Ron!ship but this one, I just- no. I do however like it as a au brotp. Like if I for some reason read drarry (which sincs I'm not the biggest fan of I usualky don't) then I'd like to have some Pansy/Ron platonic stuff in there. Like idk why, I just do. It's probably cos they're both the hot ones lmao
Blairon: ah yes, the guilty pleasure. The one which makes zero sense in canon vut I love anyways. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's because I want a ship where Ron is the short one. Maybe it's because I think Blaise deserves more character. Maybe it's because I want an au where Ron gets to live wealthy. Maybe it's because Blaise's dads always dying and his mom probably being the murderer would probably give this boy some trust issues and Ron seems to conect with people that have trust issues that stem from their childhood (Harry). Maybe it's because I want an au where Ron helps Blaise trust people and be more accepting of muggleborns and Blaise helps Ron have more self confidence. MAYBE I JUST WANT THESE TWO BOYS TO BE HAPPY
Ron/Padma: I'm not a fan. I get why people ship it, but I'm not a fan. Honestly Padma deserved better than how Ron treated her at the yule ball and I don't really love this ship.
Ron/Dean: this one is adorable and I love it. "Two tall bois being dorks" the ship
Ron/Seamus: again, this is adorable. Love it and I want most of it.
This is all for now but if you want me to do more (for some reason) than let me know and I will
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swbumblebee · 3 years
“Stop it.”
Mace Windu was a Jedi Master, and as such had years of training resulting in near limitless patience.
A limit, however, that his closest companion and partner in time-travel was testing with his constant pacing. And huffing.
Plo Koon ignored his request. Mace sighed.
“Would you just sit down? You’re not going to bring them home any quicker and you’re wearing down my rug” he warned.  
Plo looked at him, looked down at the rug, and continued pacing.
“I don’t know what you’re worried about” Mace continued, happily ignoring the sulky silence. “We know their mission goes well, we’ve done this before!” he exclaimed. “It’s a resounding success and half a planet ends up with a crush on Obi-Wan.” He said matter-of-fact.
He felt a reluctant pulse of amusement from Plo in the Force, as much as the man tried to keep it off his face. Mace could always tell.
He stood up, joining him in front of the sofa.
“Nobody gets blown up, nobody gets injured.” He reminded gently. “The Tume agreement is signed, as it is every year, and they both live to worry us another day” he said kindly.
Plo shook his head.
“I know how it went last time. I remember the debate” he corrected. “But things could be different my friend, we have changed the timeline. The smallest difference could be vital, and we have made a very large difference.” Plo explained, in his usual measured voice. “We have altered young Anakin’s temperament; Force only knows that he’ll do. And Obi-Wan has much less to prove.”
Mace frowned. His friend was making some irritatingly good points, but he remembered the two boys standing in the council room not one week ago; a familiar determined glint in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s eye that, in the coming years, would move planets, and Skywalker looking up at all the Masters as if they hung the stars.
“They will not disappoint us” Mace said surely.
Plo stopped.
“I know” he sighed. “I just…worry. It is most unbecoming of a Jedi” the Kel Door admitted.
Mace smiled.
“We are no longer typical Jedi my friend, and you are not the only one.”
It was true. Despite his words of reassurance, waving the two off in the hanger had brought a distinct clench in his stomach, and the training droids in the dojo had had a very long week.
Both froze, two very familiar force presences making themselves known, and not a moment later Mace’s commlink chirped shrilly.
They grinned at each other.
“Master, Knight Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker have just requested permission to land” the unidentified voice on the other end of the call informed them professionally.
“Thank you, Windu out.” He closed the link without a second thought, already grabbing his cloak and joining Plo, standing impatiently, by the door.
“Wait – we can’t both go!” Mace exclaimed, the thought suddenly occurring to him as Plo reached for the door control.  
The other Jedi looked at him, clearly irritated.
“Why not?”
Mace rolled his eyes. One of them had to be sensible.
“Plo, how’s that going to look? Two senior council members waiting for a new Knight and a Junior Padawan? People already think we’re too close” he exclaimed, frustrated with his friend.
Whilst they both had a wildly different attitude towards the A Word (developed over the course of the war and in their new situation) appearances were something they had to be mindful of.
Whilst his expression did not change, the Force around Plo expressed just how much of a toss he gave about appearances.
His friend folded his arms.
“Alright, we can re-convene at the flat later. I will meet them in the hanger.” He said calmly, as if it was some kind of compromise.  
Mace raised one eyebrow.
“Any why do you get to welcome them home?” he asked archly.
“You waved them off” Plo said simply. “It is my turn.”
“Ah that’s not how-Plo!” he cried out, outraged as Plo quickly opened the door and strode out into the corridor, pushing Mace gently back with the Force whilst he made his escape.
Leaving the Master of the Order spluttering at the injustice of it all, in his wake.
Plo was working hard to keep his happiness behind his shields as he strode into the hanger just in time to see the temple shuttle land. He ran a critical eye over it, having a sudden vision of Skywalker’s battered old ship in that first timeline. As liable to explode as it was to put the wipers on.
Thank goodness that was a bridge to be crossed in the future. He made a mental note to keep an eye out for Anakin adopting ships.
Obi-Wan ruffled young Anakin’s hair, laughing as the boy tried to squirm away, as they descended the ramp. The playful scowl on Anakin’s face transformed into excitement as he sensed Plo and turned to him, held back from running over for his usual hug by his Master’s lightning quick reflexes, grabbing a wrist and holding him back.
Plo sent a wave of welcome over to them both in the Force as they came closer, a genuine smile on Obi-Wan’s face and Anakin practically buzzing with excitement.
Obi-Wan bowed deeply in respect, clearly nudging Anakin through their training bond to do the same, and the boy hastily followed suit.
Plo held a hand up and nodded at them both as they rose smiling. Both looked absolutely fine, perhaps Obi-Wan a little tired, but Plo had a feeling that was more to do with the energetic ten-year -old he’d just spent a week with, than the challenge of the mission.
“Welcome back” Plo once again pushed his pleasure at them in the Force. Predictably, Obi-Wan’s eyes slid away from looking him in the face, but he smiled gratefully all the same as Plo plucked the bulky pack out of his hands and shouldered it. Anakin nearly skipped as they all headed towards the exit and made for the Kenobi/Skywalker residence.
“Thank you Master, it’s good to see you-“
“Master Plo, it was so wizard we went in a hyperlane and the pilot let me sit up front and Chose was awesome Master it was hailing when we got there, like really hard rain! And they had massive beds and loads of puddings and me and Master Obi-Wan went to a play with singing-“
As the child rambled excitedly on, Plo shared a bemused look with a resigned Obi-Wan, sending him a wave of amused sympathy at him in the Force. Received with a dry raise of the young man’s eyebrows.
It must have been a long week for the twenty-three-year-old.
Content to let the child’s happiness wash over him, and Obi-Wan appearing to enjoy the lack of expected contribution for once, the journey to the flat was mostly uneventful, only a few Jedi casting them amused looks at Anakin’s wild gesticulating.
“Anakin, Obi-Wan!”
They were stopped from keying in the door code by Mace’s cry of greeting as he rounded the corner towards the little group. Ignoring Plo he went straight up to the boys, Anakin beaming at him and Obi-Wan bowing once again.
“Hi Master Mace! Guess what? We saw hail on Chose and-
“Anakin” Obi-Wan blissfully interrupted before the whole recount could begin again. “Why don’t we get inside and get the tea on and then you can tell Master Mace and Master Plo all about our mission” he suggested firmly, in a way that was definitely not a suggestion.
“Yes Master”
Obi-Wan keyed in their code and stepped inside, Anakin following happily kicking off his boots by the door.
Mace, still giving Plo the cold shoulder, stepped inside first. And made a distinct noise of surprise. Plo followed curiously looking over his shoulder.
“Obi-Wan – what happened?” he asked, aghast.
Plo held back an unseemly laugh.
The flat was a tip.
There were robes on the floor, he spotted two pairs of boots sticking out from under the sofa and a discarded pack under the table. What looked like the entire Temple’s supply of mugs were scattered on almost every surface, alongside precariously stacked datapads and flimsy piles on the tables and on the floor, some of which had fallen over.
As he picked his way across the room, avoiding random bits of droid and one or two power tools, Plo could spy a half-eaten bowl of cereal on the kitchen counter when he peered inside, and about three days worth of washing up. A laundry basket was sitting next to the washing machine, overflowing with brown and beige.
The two young Jedi stood awkwardly in the middle of the flat.
Obi-Wan flushed a little.
“Ah, we left on quite short notice” he offered.
“I don’t think it’s that bad really” Anakin offered with an awkward shrug, slyly kicking something further under the sofa.
“This is….” Mace was lost for words. Whilst Plo hadn’t spent much time in Master Kenobi’s home the first time around, he had always thought the man to be fastidiously clean, and what he had seen had been very tidy.
Anakin however, was no surprise.
Plo could sense Mace doing the same thing he was, adding “domestic help” to the Obi-Wan Support List. They’d been so focussed on studies and their boy’s personal development they completely forgot that the Knight had never lived by himself before, never mind taken care of a youngling!
Obi-Wan apologetically shoved some pads and an old robe off the sofa to make space and disappeared into the kitchen to put the kettle on.
The two Masters sat down gingerly. Anakin on the floor opposite.
“Your mission was a success?” Plo asked conversationally as Obi-Wan reappeared with the mugs of tea. Plo caught Mace peering at the rim for signs of prior use, and gave him a look.  
“Yeah” Anakin answered before Obi-Wan could get a word in “the Chosians didn’t like me at first but they really liked Master Obi-Wan and they spent ages talking. And people kept giving him stuff.” The boy explained with a disgusted expression. “Flowers and cakes and-“
“Yes thank you Padawan” Obi-Wan interrupted loudly, his ears turning a rather bright shade of pink. Mace smirked at him and Plo sent his partner a mental swat.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat.
“The mission was a success and the Tume Agreement has been updated and signed.” The Knight took a sip of his tea. “We will not need to go back for a while, it should be valid for another ten years” he finished casually as if accomplishing something no Jedi had managed before, on his first mission, was an afterthought.
Mace and Plo shared a look.
Just like last time.
It was a huge relief that their presence had had no adverse effects on the Negotiator’s skills. As Plo sat and listened to Mace congratulate the blushing young man he had a thought.
What could these two, The Team; the best Jedi of his generation and the most powerful force user ever, accomplish with the support of Mace and Plo this time around?
The Sith had better pack their bags. He thought smugly.
To get a feel for the whole set up of Obi-Wan Anakin’s first mission when they were assigned it “the first time around” read this Snippet Of Nothing, which is the mission being discussed, and is from the councils point of view. 
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rosemarydisaster · 4 years
So, about Bi Caleb
Warning: very long post, discussing bi representation and biphobia.
*Sorry for spelling errors, English ain’t my firts language.
I can’t believe I have to tell you guys, but anyways: Caleb is bi whether he ends with a male character, a female character on a non binary character. That’s what bi people do, you know? they experience atraction for all genders. Saying that a bi character that ends with someone of the opposite gender is straight and queerbaiting is incredibly biphobic.
Yes, Vax was bisexual. Yes, he ended up with Kiki. Get fucking over it.
Now, I can understand why LGBT+ fans may feel disappointed when they tease a “gay couple” but the “straigth” couple ends up being endgame. Notice the quotation marks because there’s not such thing as a straight or gay couple for a bi person. They are bisexual in both situations, but I can see where the problem comes from. I’ve been queerbaited to hell and back by a lot of shows and it really hurts. It feels like they are laughting at you for caring. But I want those fans (whose feelings are totally valid, don’t get me wrong) to consider a few things when it comes to Critical Role, the first one being: it’s a D&D game.
Let me explain, because I know a lot of CR fans haven’t experienced what D&D is like in real life (and that’s absolutely valid, you don’t need to play D&D to enjoy CR). This is an improvisation game, not an scripted TV show. In a Tv show you can plan ahead of time what ship is going to be endgame, what themes are gonna come up for each character and it’s easier to deeply explore sexuality and gender as different planned arcs. In D&D you character’s sexuality may or may not come up depending on how you play it. Take for instance how other CR character’s have stated their sexuality:
Beau: overtly. Very *In your face* kind of lesbian. Marisha said “fuck it, I really just want to romance girls and be bad ass”
Yasha: openly, but not as in your face. Ashley Jhonson wanted to drink from that WLW cup while also being a shy disaster. Seafood market is her favored terrain.
Caduceus: Our Ace king has never hidden his sexuality, and yet he didn’t mention anything about it until chapter 114. He didn’t had the need to either hide it or state it. He was simply vibing.
I think Liam is going that route with Caleb. He’s flustered by Essek and Edwulf (Come on you guys, he always asks Matthew if he’s still hot). He also had/has a thing for Astrid and a think he might have feels for our favorite Tiefling gal. I know we are all too used to characters being teased as gay/bi only to have execs pull a “haha jk they be straight”. But this is not Sherlock or Supernatural. This is a show that not only has queer rep, but also supports queer organizations and creators. Hell, I’m sure some of the cast members are LGBT (but I’m not here to speculate on real people’s sexuality). If Caleb shows attraction to men he is not just queerbaiting, doing it for fanservicing or tricking the fans in any way shape or form: he’s just portraying a bi character. The thing is, since this is not a TV show, he is not doing it por woke points or to send a message. He’s doing it because he wants to play a bi wizard with depression.
So maybe there will be a point in which he can explores his sexuality more deeply, but remember he is playing a game. And his character is one that has a lot of trouble opening up to his feelings. Caleb is not someone that makes sexual jokes or flirty remarks. He is shy, awkward and has developed a really fucked up sense of love that he is now slowly fixing. Hell, in the same Talks episode Liam explained that Caleb was trained on Honey-pot tactics. Which, for those of you who can’t stand Bond films, means seducing your enemy/target to get information, manipulate them or assassinate them. WHICH IS A REALLY FUCKED UP THING! Let’s remember how he was the one to push Fjord to sleep with Advantica so they could spy on her. That boy has Issues when it comes to relationships. So if we don’t see him being as overtly gay as Beau, Molly or Yasha, well maybe it’s because that’s the way Caleb is. Bi people don’t owe you flamboyance, or dating both guys and gals for your approval. I wouldn’t make a post if it was only that, because I do feel the people who are aching for good bi rep and would love some more explicit confirmation. But Vax exists, so I know we can’t have good things down here.
How come a character can have canonically kissed another character in a romantic/sensual context and still be called straight? I know fucking Sherlock traumaticed y’all into having trust issues but believe me when I tell you: I’ts not that deep. This is not a “Haha I love u but in a no homo way bro”. It’s a “full homo darling, but also we’re gonna break up because I like someone else”. This is the opposite of queerbaiting. Instead of keeping a charade he was honest with Gilmore because he valued his feelings and realized that he couldn’t reciprocate them at that moment. And if you try to tell me that Vaxleth was forced and didn’t have a reason to exist except queerbaiting, let me tell you: you are wrong.
Vax saw Gilmore once or twice monthly while he spent a heck ton of time with Kiki. Sure, they didn’t had the kind of camera chemistry Gilmore and Vax had because Keyleth is not charismatic. She’s really awkward, and her relationship with Vax was more on the adorable and dorky side of things. I bring this up because I’m predicting something similar may happen to Shadowgast.
Trust me, I ship the hot wizards as much as any other critter (even though I’m a multishipper). But they haven’t talked to Essek in centuries. I think it may have been almost a month in rol and quite a few outside. And you have to take into account out-rol time to because they are humans (except Tal) playing a game and they forget about stuff (except Marisha and Matt). So Shadowgast may not happen because sure, they had really good chemistry for a month a month ago. People have crushes that die down over time All The Time. So maybe don’t be so butthurt about your ship not being canon that you accuse an ally of homophobia. 
The cast of CR put forward such an amazing representation for the LGBT+ community and it really hurts me that you gets stuck on the one thing that isn’t canon. Matt has created a world in which coming out is not necessary because no one assumes your sexuality. A world in which people respect pronouns and orientations (except Tary’s father, who is a villain). A world in which Cad or Caleb don’t need to explicitly say “I’m ace/bi” unless it comes up in conversation. A world in which his friends can be whatever they want to be without pressure or reprecusions. A world in which they get to explore different gender identities and sexual orientations with full freedom. Let’s not interfere with that (unless there’s missrepresentation), and let them play their game. If you really need mlm or wlw canon couples or more outwardly LGBT+ people you have plenty examples among NPCs and other cast members (Allura and kima, Yasha, Beau, Dairon, Keg, Reani, Tary, Molly and Vax among others).
There’s way worst shows taking LGBT+ cred for barely doing nothing. Fucking Supernatural is the most recent example! Critical Role works towards showing an honest portrayal of LGBT+ folk and accepts valid criticism from their fans on the subject (when they changed J’Mon Sa Ord pronouns from it to they/them). They don’t owe you making your ship canon or portraying their characters the way you want them to (again, unless when it’s constructive criticism). Stop being so Fucking entitled and enjoy the show for what it is
*Edit: I´m tagging Caleb’s ships into the post because most hate comes from shipping wars. Most Shadowgast fans are respectful of the cast’s decisions, even if it disappoints them. But since I’ve already seen people accusing Liam of biphobia in that tag and since I’ve already seen this shit with Vaxmore I’m tagging the ship. If you want to read my long ass post do it, if not, ignore it. I’m not forcing you to read it. I’ve also tagged it with biphobia so people can avoid it if it’s triggering. I’m sorry if it makes you mad that your ship is not canon, but that’s not an excuse to be toxic to the cast. Those of you getting mad are the ones that need to read this the most. Like I’ve said in the post: you’re allowed to be disappointed, you are allowed to want more, but you can’t force the cast to give you exactly what you want. And most certainly, you can’t accuse them of  some very serious stuff like biphobia and queerbaiting when it’s not the case..  
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bluestockinglady · 4 years
Hermione Granger...
Hmm....what could be said about this Golden Girl that has not already been said. I only recently discovered my love for Harry Potter a few years ago and have not regretted it since. I wasn't allowed to watch or read it when I was younger because my parents never understood it. As always, curiosity got the better of me and 2 years ago, I started watching the movies and fell in love with the fandom. Once I fell, I really fell hard and fast. Anyways, I naturally related to Hermione Granger, because who hasn't, and started analyzing her character. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to analyze and dissect an idea, concept or person until I feel like I have seen it from all angles and although I have not read the books yet, I will say that to me, Hermione is one of the most relatable characters I have come across so far in my life.
Now I can't say that I'm completely brilliant or top of my class all the time, but I understand her need to succeed. She needed to find where she would feel the most needed and helpful and did that mostly by studying things considered above her level or might be deemed unnecessary. Now you could say that she only did it to save her friends, but I think its another step further to believe that she really did it to be prepared for anything. Someone like that refuses to take chances and likes to be able to react quickly in a difficult situation. I understand this because I abhor feeling helpless in any situation and I imagine she does too. Fear of failure is a powerful motivator and needing to conquer what you have in front of you no matter how unmanagable the task IS something I relate to. Yes, the girl is naturally clever and brilliant, but I think it's important to note that she actually puts the time in to be better and prepared. Sometimes having the discipline and determination to do anything can speak louder than the actual results and I think that Hermione is often overlooked for this.
Another way I relate to her is finding the need to mediate, fix, and console others no matter the personal cost. I never really had friends growing up and always felt like I never fit in as I'm sure many people feel too. Because of this, I allowed my books to engulf me into my own world and managed to survive into adulthood. The friends and family I did have, also helped but it always seemed like I gave more than anyone else. Hermione's need to be able to help others often put her in countless harmful situations, but she never once backed down. I admire her bravery and loyalty to which she never seemed to run out of. There were many times she could have told Ron or Harry to do it themselves or ask someone else, but she never did. Her need to help was always overshadowing her self-preservation and as a result, her friends survived impossible encounters that would have left the wizarding world without its greatest hope. This kind of loyalty is rare and incredibly valuable. In my life, I have stretched myself thin just to make sure that my friends and family are gonna be okay even if I'm not. Hermione takes on this impossible task and, yes, you can see it weighs down on her, but that never stops her from continuing to persist when the odds are stacked against them and although I realize that may not be entirely healthy, it is something I do admire.
As I could continue to praise and admire this amazing heroine, I will say this last thing--she was human and just as insecure as the rest of us. I love it when a character is as flawed as someone you would meet in every day life and I think the same extends to Hermione. Her insecurities of failure, personal view of herself, and need to be right are major components to her character. She pushes herself to always succeed but when she doesn't, it very nearly crushes her. That's why whenever she rarely fails, she becomes withdrawn and turns her turmoil internally. There are also a few times where her looks are criticized and she struggles with her confidence. Then there are the times when someone tries to undermine her intelligence and she bristles because even though she knows the opposite is true, she still worries that her intelligence and cleverness will neve be enough. All of this is relatable in some way shape or form to all girls/women. Our insecurities are what makes us human but that does not mean that they do not exist.
I don't know if anyone will read this, but I do know that if you feel like you relate to even a fraction of any of this, you are not alone. A lot of us just don't know how to use our voice and isolate ourselves from our beliefs in favor of not having our insecurities thrown back in our face. Just know that there are people out there who feel the same as you and need help to stand up. Embrace your differences and own your personality. You are who you are and you are the only one that gets to determine what defines you in your lifetime. If Hermione has taught me anything, it is this, it's okay to be beautifully flawed as long as you embrace them as a part of you.
Sorry for my rant! I just feel the need to state my opinion every once in a while and hope I do not offend. If you do read this though, tell me what makes you admire this incredible heroine! <3
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Toaru Kagaku no Academy City: Operation Handcuffs - Retrospection
In the end, things had always been this way, weren’t they?
From the moment Accelerator took the position of Board Chairman, he made declaration of war to the Dark Side of Academy City. And it was from that point on that he used the resources he had at his disposal to ensure that the city’s darkness was completely purged.
He had even went as far as reassembling GROUP with a few new faces to help with the clean up operation. He used Espers like  Musujime Awaki, Mugino Shizuri, and even level 0s like Hamazura Shiage.  If they were still here, he probably would have ended up using Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto as well in some way.
But then the Cosmic Side came knocking in the doors of the City he was trying to reform, interrupting his effort he could name a number of events that would give him reason to start a war with the Cosmic Side; it could have been when Zayane of the Right was tampering around with Academy City’s espers, particularly level 5s like himself. It could have been when Gaelion started his campaign which actually destroyed Academy City. It could have been when that Vacosian refugee group had decided to turn the planet into a super weapon and had manipulated the Aura users into causing havoc. Or it could have been way back when the Machine  Empress and other beings invaded from Lawain, before Accelerator was even the Board chairman.
Anyone of these incidents would have made the perfect trigger, but he believed it all hit him during the Gaelion warpath,
He became aware of just how chaotic and unpredictable the Cosmic Side was and had decided to make preparations for a possible conflict with them, on top of dealing with the remnants of the Dark side who weren’t intent on going quietly.
He figured that all of these threats would be better off gone, which was why he used everything, from his positions as the leader of the science side and Academy City’s #1 to dispose of his opposition.
But when he thought about it, Accelerator had not changed a single bit. He still used bloody methods to solve problems, made espers and others be his underlings in his plans, and had even gone out and dealt with several issues himself.
Even at some point, he had became obsessed with crushing the Cosmic side, up to the point where he almost lost himself.
In the end, he was no different than he was a year ago, and now, he was becoming no better than Aleister himself when he was still around.
He had came to this realization when he had gone out and took out a certain depraved wizard.
Accelerator knew that guy would not be missed. No one would shed a tear for him, and many would praise his end. Even his own subordinates resented him which said enough. That guy needed to disappear for good.
But the fact remained that Accelerator still chose a brutal method to resolve the incident.
And he used people, even his own girlfriend to assure his end. Thinking about it more made Accelerator sick at how much he was becoming Aleister. He used people like pieces in a chess game and when he deemed that said chess pieces would be unable to handle it, Accelerator went out and crushed  the problem himself.
Like a monster.
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“You must have known what this meant from the beginning, Yomikawa. Idealism is powerless against reality, so if you try to force your ideals onto reality, there is bound to be a fierce backlash.”
Accelerator spoke to someone on his smartphone.
It was a person whom he had little time to visit since his ascendancy to his current position, but still kept in contact with for official matters.
In a way, this matter was both official and private at the same time. Accelerator was alone in the dark windowless room that was his office, with only the dim light of his holographic monitor lighting the room. It was late at night too, so not many people were around.
“The people who are more comfortable in the corrupt darkness were bound to attack there first. If they can’t make any headway through official channels or backchannels, they only have one option left: take someone I care about hostage and use that to negotiate.” 
Accelerator wanted to end the cycle of violence and darkness perpetuated in this city. there was no other reason why the white monster had called Anti-Skill Officer Yomikawa Aiho  in the first place.
“Send me to the prosecutors and have me indicted.”
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“Why do you think I’m doing this? This is your job, Yomikawa. You’re the only one I know who can handle the rest of this.”
He spoke as if declaring a matter of fact. It was obvious what Accelerator was trying to do, but the Anti-Skill officer was still having trouble believing it.
The stage was not yet set.
No one was in agreement, so there was bound to be backlash once the confusion set in.
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“I will rid Academy City of its dark side and I can’t leave any exceptions. I asked you to write up a charge sheet, didn’t I? I’ve killed more than 10,000 living humans, even if they were clones. And after that, I irresponsibly stayed in the dark side and fired guns all throughout this peaceful city while claiming to be helping. Someone like that can never be allowed out on the streets again. I must be placed behind bars no matter who tries to stop it.”
“The Board Chairman has complete control over Academy City. The 12 Directors below you are only for show. And whatever we might like to think, the rules never say the Chairman has to be a good person. I’ve never heard of someone that powerful just turning themselves in.”
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“So what? That just means the system has always been broken. …Don’t make me laugh. If the rules differ from what everyone wants, then you’ve clearly found yourself a problem in the rules needing fixing.”
Who had been at fault? The answer was obviously Accelerator.
A Kihara had developed his powers and old Board Chairman Aleister had guided that monster down the path of murder for his own purposes, but it was still Accelerator who had actually done it.
But the #1 had been involved in far too much of the darkness.
How many people’s hands would be cuffed from this one boy’s testimony?
Of course people would be coming out of the woodwork to prevent this from happening.
Not because they were his good friends; because they had to protect their own future.
“You will never again leave prison.”
“I am aware of that.”
“Even if your sentence is reduced for cooperation with our investigations!! It just isn’t enough. The computer has already run some preliminary calculations. At this rate, your sentence will be for 11,000 years!!”
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“Way too short. Around a year per murder? What kind of joke is that?”
“Why?” Yomikawa muttered under her breath.
The #1 did not look away.
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“Didn’t I tell you? I can’t leave any exceptions. I’m the #1 and the Board Chairman, so I have to lead by example.”
Yomikawa Aiho was supposed to be a protector of the law.
But when she handcuffed an esper run amok, it was so they could be rehabilitated and have a second chance. That was why she would never aim a gun at a child. No matter how dangerous an esper they were, she had to create a situation where she could hear them out.
However, Accelerator would have no future.
This might be the right thing to do, but then who would save him?
“What about the clones?” she asked. “Once this is all investigated, their existence will come to light. That’s around 10,000 people who violate international treaties. Society might not accept them.”
Did clones have human rights or not?
Academy City had once answered no and repeated cruel experiments using them. And Accelerator was the one who had dirtied his hands there at the insistence of the researchers. They were undoubtedly the victims there, but the people in the outside world might not see it the same way.
If they too answered no and even saw the clones as a threat, they could be “disposed of”.
“That’s why I have to make sure they’re safe.”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you think they’re safe now? If they’re discovered, then that’s the end for them. How is that safe? I need to correct that unnatural balance and make sure they have solid footing to stand on. They were victims in all this, so why do they have to continue keeping their heads down and hiding? Unlike me, they deserve a free life out in the open.”
Accelerator had only one hope of accomplishing that.
The white monster pointed his thumb back at his own chest.
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“I’ll be the villain.”
That was the natural result.
In fact, it was unnatural for it to have not happened yet.
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“I’ll gather all the attention of the media and the scientific society and accept all of the criticism myself. I’m the ridiculous genius, I’ve got all the political power now, and I’ve even got money too. That’s exactly the kind of asshole people will just love to see go down in flames. All the news will be focused on me and they’ve only got so much space for info in their articles. They’ll aim for impact and focus on the guy who went around murdering clones instead of the clones themselves. And who cares about the people spreading rumors? A lot of time will have passed before the media is sick of attacking me. And then it’ll be like a flat soda. Focusing on the clones after that won’t move the masses to action. People jump on these bandwagons because they’re bored with their own lives. These are the people who find themselves bored even with all the excitement out there to find, so they’re experts at living boring lives. Once they grow tired of a topic, their interest in it is forever dead.”
“...She won’t be happy when she hears this. Both of them.”
“I know.“
That was why he could not cheat the system.
He could not use his special authority as Board Chairman to pardon himself after being found guilty and he could not live behind bars but emerge as a heroic Board Chairman whenever there was a problem needing solving.
There could be no exceptions.
The person most deserving of punishment had to be appropriately punished and that had to be shown off to both Academy City and the rest of the world.
They had to show that true justice existed here.
They had to show that they had moved past the absurd age where the evil laughed and the good were left in tears.
Otherwise, nothing would change.
So he made a definitive statement that rang throughout the walls of that dark office.
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“It all starts here,”
whispered Accelerator. It may not have been obvious without paying close attention, but the #1 and new Board Chairman was clenching his back teeth.
“This is also an issue of how much I can trust Academy City. If I get worried, can’t bear it anymore, and break through that wall to go save that brat, then it’s all over. That would create an exception and those shitheads from the dark side could have their way. So I have to trust that the giant system of Academy City will save that brat without me creating an exception.”
He was indeed a monster, so there was a violent part of him that would wild inside him. It told him the rules did not matter and he should break loose right this instant. Villains would always betray you in the end. Some eloquent speech about being reformed was not even worth listening to. He needed to pin them down, crush them, tear them apart, and grasp safety for himself. Even the greatest villain could not betray you if they were a corpse. And what other choice did he have if he was going to protect that young life? What could make a more beautiful story than dirtying his hands to allow someone he cared for to live their life out in the open?
Even so.
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“I will trust it.”
said Academy City’s #1 and new Board Chairman. That incarnation of slaughter turned fearsome dictator spoke the words like he was suppressing bubbling magma within himself.
“I will trust this city. I will trust that it is worth throwing out the rest of my life to protect. If I can’t trust the city I rule, then I don’t deserve to rule it in the first place.”
Someone had once told him that he had changed.
But it was this monster who had said they were one of the ones who had changed him.
Which was why this monster had retaken a human form and could continue to fight like this.
Even if it meant clenching his teeth and bearing with it all alone.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
The Great Ex-Aid Rewatch: Ex-Aid & Ghost, part 04
Last time? My ears were grievously injured by way of four transformations running at once. This time?
The five riders and bugsters stand opposite from each other in the abandoned office, before Hatena – the only proper bugster here – warps the three scientists and legend riders off into game stages, leaving Ex-Aid, Ghost, Zaizen, and Hatena behind.
At CR, Akari wakes up, and insists on going to see Takeru. To be fair, when she asked where he was, Onari said that ‘he’ll be back soon, don’t worry’, which… well. It’s Takeru. She knows that means he’s gone off to do something reckless. Again.
After a moment, Poppy gives in, and supports Akari as they head out. When the door opens, Makoto and Alain are standing there. How they knew where the CR basement was is beyond me, but whatever. I’m fairly certain that, given how poorly off they were last night, they are not supposed to have left their room.
Also, Makoto needs to wear that jacket less often, because the high collar doesn’t do him any favors. A plain black t-shirt is a much better look for him, if you ask me.
The entire group heads out.
––– –––
Kamen Rider Wizard faces off against a group of Dragon Knight Hunter mooks, cycling through his four base forms – Flame, Water, Hurricane, and Land.
The only form that gets to show off any of its elemental skills is Hurricane, though. Flame is basically just his gun, which he isn’t even using; Water requires the Liquid ring to show it’s power; and Land is a physical offensive/defensive boost. Hurricane, however, gives him cyclone-powered flight, which Haruto briefly uses here.
Once he’s taken out the mooks – albeit with no defeat explosions in sight – Doral steps forward, saying that it’s time they settle this. They trade punches, as the tv-size cut of “Life is SHOW TIME” ends, transitioning to
Kamen Rider Gaim faces off against a group of Giri Giri Chambara mooks, cycling through his base-level power ups – Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry, and Banana. He gets to show off their special weapons – Orange’s sword, Pineapple’s flail, Strawberry’s kunai projections, and Banana’s spear.
Okay, so Banana is technically supposed to be KAITO’S base form, and Kouta used it literally twice before this – once in the show, and then once in the Gaim summer movie. But since Kouta actually uses the spear like a spear, and his other ‘base level’ form is the Watermelon mecha, I think we can allow this.
Once he’s taken out the mooks – with plenty of defeat explosions in sight – Giril steps forward. He sends out a banana-shaped energy attack (Gaim had very weird attacks) which she slices through while charging, as the tv-size cut of “JUST LIVE MORE” ends, transitioning to
(kickass instrumentals) Ameagari Break Cloud sukima-kara
(Okay, yeah, Surprise Drive doesn’t quite fit the pattern of the openings starting off with strong lyrics, does it?)
Kamen Rider Drive faces off against a group of Gekitotsu Robot mooks, cycling through his first few forms – Type Speed with Max Flare, Type Technic with Rumble Dump, and Type Technic with Road Winter. The Steering Sword makes an appearance before Type Speed gets upgraded to have literal fire powers. Technic gets in a crushing shoulder-check to show off its physical strength before it gets upgraded with a drill. Technic gets to show off the sharpshooting abilities with the Door Gun before… hnnnnn… before he gets bascially a giant fan on his chest that freezes the enemies. Like, okay, Road Winter has a cool ability, but it looks so dumb in use.
Once he’s taken out the mooks – all of whom were frozen and shattered – Robol shows up, falling out of the sky to attack, as the tv-size cut of “SURPRISE DRIVE” ends.
––– –––
Ex-Aid versus Zaizen, and Ghost versus Hatena.
This fight is going to be… tricky to detail, to say the least. It switches between sides quite a bit, so I’m going to divide the details between them. If tumblr still let us use the horizontal divider, I’d have a lot less trouble, because I could have used that between full scenes, and the series of dashes here. But noooo. No, I’m using two sets of dashes between full sections, and single sets for this. (sigh.)
Ex-Aid manages to get a few hits with his Gashacon Hammer, but they don’t really do much, before Zaizen (technically ‘Genomes’ right now, because he’s in full bugster mode, but I don’t really think it matters that much for him) delivers a painful kick that sends Ex-Aid backward.
Ghost is up against Hatena. He is not doing well.
He gets pushed into a concrete wall – denting it – by Hatena using his staff as a blunt object, before getting flung through a corrugated steel wall some distance away. He leaps out of that, transitioning from base ‘Ore’ mode to Musashi, which lets him get a few slashes in. But those are deflected, and he’s sent flying through… hopefully the same concrete wall as before.
I say hopefully, because that would mean it was already weakened from the impact before, and that he didn’t whole-ass crash through an intact wall.
Being knocked out of Musashi, he switches to Edison, firing off an electrically charged attack from his gun… which gets basically deflected via the ‘slice the shot in two’ method, exploding off to either side of Hatena, but leaving the bugster unharmed.
Unharmed, and laughing.
Ex-Aid grapples with Zaizen for a bit, before backflipping away to upgrade to Gekitotsu Robots. Aside from Drago Knight Hunter Z, which he can not use on his own, this is the only upgrade Emu has right now. Fortunately, it gives him a robot-powered fist, and his punches are enough to stagger Zaizen backwards. Using a Flash energy item lets him blind Zaizen long enough to launch a Critical Strike finisher. Since he’s using Gekitotsu Robots, this takes the form of a literal rocket fist.
I may not like the design for the Gekitotsu Robots armor, but damn if it doesn’t have a cool attack.
Zaizen is knocked back, but is far from down. “Now… time to complete the operation of death!” He charges some sort of power, and fires an array of blue lasers.
Ex-Aid is blasted to the ground, and Emu lies there, groaning in pain.
Ghost has managed to switch into Boost, but it doesn’t seem to have helped at all. Not by how his punches and kicks are still being deflected away by the significantly bulkier Hatena, and Ghost doesn’t even get to fire a shot with his second gun.
Takeru has two sword-guns, and this one has sunglasses. Ghost is a trip, weapons-wise.
Hatena shoots first, and the resulting explosion launches Ghost forward, breaking his transformation as he falls. Takeru hits the ground, rolling and clutching his Eyecon Driver G. It’s a struggle for Takeru to push himself to his feet, but he manages, slams the driver to his waist, and transforms into Grateful.
Skipping the direct conflict, Ghost goes straight for the finisher, launching himself up for a ‘Mega Omega Formation’ rider kick. Hatena responds by firing blasts up at him. The main one – shaped like a question mark – collides directly with the kick…
And knocks him out of the air. Ghost’s transformation breaks very high in mid-air, and Takeru has a distance to fall to the ground.
He’s Takeru when he hits the ground, rolling backwards head over feet, and it’s an even greater struggle to push himself upright this time, as he holds the Infinite Eyecon. “Not yet…”
He stumbles as he pushes the button to activate the eyecon. This is a one handed activation, and he’s losing balance.
Every movement sounds like it hurts, with the little grunts of exertion when he activates his driver. When he steps forward as Ghost. When he activates the finisher.
As Hatena says, he is very persistent.
The Enjoyment Strike finisher is met with an attack of Hatena’s own, resulting in a beam-o-war. A very brief one, though. Hatena’s attack pushes through, possibly pushing Ghost’s finisher with it, and Kamen Rider Ghost has his Infinite transformation shattered.
Glaring daggers at the laughing Hatena, Takeru staggers forward, step by painful step. We see quick cuts of his friends as they make their way here while he speaks. “I’ll protect Akari…” (Akari being supported by Poppy) “and the human world…” (wider shot, with Akari and Poppy being joined by Alain with Onari and one of the monk trainees, and Makoto with Kanon and the other monk.) “I’ll fight to protect them all!”
There’s the sound of a heartbeat as Takeru clutches at his chest, in pain and determination.
Hatena fires an attack meant to finish the fight.
Right before it can connect with Takeru – there’s not enough time or distance for him to dodge – the Nobunaga eyecon pulls him inside.
Nobunaga – one of the legends that generally sticks with Makoto, mind you – says that Takerus resolve to keep fighting has inspired him, and it would be an honor to fight alongside him. The Nobunaga spirit sort of… merges with two others that are apparently also in there? Look, Ghost lore is weird, nobody really understands how these powers work, so this might as well happen.
He (they?!) release Takeru back into the wild, where he hurriedly grabs the upgraded eyecon as Hatenas attack connects.
Emu, watching – this has all clearly happened very quickly – yells for Takeru. As far as he can tell, Takeru’s just gone up in flames.
The fire and smoke clears, and Kamen Rider Ghost stands there, in his Tenkatoitsu Damashii form. This one draws power from Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
As he starts fighting back against Hatena – properly fighting back, finally – B.A.T.T.L.E G.A.M.E starts playing, and I switch to the RTA subtitle track, because that one actually includes the lyrics in the corner.
The first volley of attacks is from his own sword in it’s double-ended form, all of which connect. Then he pulls out Specter and Necroms guns, and it’s just nothing but explosions as far as Hatena can see.
––– –––
Kamen Rider Wizard, in his Flame Dragon form, is doing damn well against Doral. He pulls out the Drago Timer, and goes into All Dragon mode, which lets him dive bomb Doral. Haruto gets wings in that form, in addition to the claws, tail, and fire. Area donut-lover gets to fly.
After landing, he pulls out a silver and diamond ring.
Infinity, Please!
With one Shining Strike axe-blow –
Game Clear!
Doral is defeated.
Kamen Rider Gaim, in his Lemon Energy form, fires a volley of arrows at Giril, before he goes into Kachidoki Arms. After pair of attacks from his battle flags (Gaim had very weird attacks) and the DJ Gun, he pulls out a ‘key’.
Kiwami Arms!
With an attack from the combination of his sword and gun –
Game Clear!
Giril is defeated.
Kamen Rider Drive, in Type Deat Heat, delivers some devastating fire punches to Robol. (I hate Dead Heat’s helmet so much… it’s just bad, guys.) He goes into Type Formula, and zooms past Robol, presumably hitting him as he goes. Not like we can see, we’re lucky to get a blue and yellow motion blur before he fires the Formula Cannon. After firing, he pulls out a minature version of his car – and also summons his actual car.
Type Tridoron!
With a powerful Rider Kick – and I feel the need to point out that Shinnosuke is basically wearing his actual car as armor right now, so there’s no need for majorly flashy effects for this attack –
Game Clear!
Robol is defeated.
B.A.T.T.L.E G.A.M.E comes to an end, and I mourn the ending of such an awesome song as I switch back to the Excite sub track.
––– –––
Back at the warehouse.
Zaizen drags Emu up by the back of his shirt, before punching him in the stomach and holding him up by his hair. “To think that the high schooler from back then would become a Kamen Rider…”
Emu, of course, has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about.
Ghost – Takeru, now, since I don’t have to worry about form changing anymore – yells at Zaizen to stop, and rushes him. Zaizen responds by hurling Emu bodily away, so that he lands on his back after flying several meters. Takeru goes to fight Zaizen directly, and makes the mistake of grabbing his arm.
Tenkuji Takeru long since gained the ability to see into peoples souls, into their memories.
He did not, however, gain control over this ability.
An operating room.
Zaizen, in medical scrubs, with decidedly non-standard equipment.
The subject of the ‘operation’, unconscious, with a helmet presumably monitoring his brain functions.
We can finally see his face.
Hojo Emu, age 18.
“What – was the one you operated on six years ago – that was-?!”
If Zaizen had expressions in this form, he’d probably be smirking. “Oh, so you could read my memories, eh? That’s right. Hojo Emu was the first in the world to be infected with the bugster virus.” He turns to look at Emu, who’s lying on the ground, making pained noises, before turning back toward Takeru. “He’s Patient Zero for the game disease!”
Hatena knocks Takeru away, re-engaging him in battle, as Zaizen goes towards Emu, who is pushing himself to his feet. I’m not sure Emu even heard that last exchange between Takeru and Zaizen.
“I just don’t understand it… why go so far for one measly patient?” He keeps hitting Emu, tossing him back down to the ground.
“Because I know that when Tougo thinks about games…” Emu tackles Zaizen around the waist, but gets thrown back down again. He stands back up. “He smiles like he’s having the best time of his life!”
…I think Emu’s going to need to replace that coat. I don’t think that the dirt will come out, to say nothing of the bloodstains it keeps picking up whenever he gets thrown somewhere new.
But regardless of how trashed his outfit is, of how incredibly beaten up he is, Emu will do anything to make sure his patient can smile like that again.
Somehow, because who the hell knows how bugvisors are supposed to work, Tougo forces himself to at least semi appear from the one he’s trapped in, saying he’s sorry, he doesn’t deserve this kindness, he’ll do what he’s asked to from here on, but please, save him – he doesn’t want to be a monster!
Emu, who is far too nice, says that of course he will. Its his duty as a doctor, after all. Everything’s going to be fine.
Zaizen calls Tougo a disobedient rat, and pulls him fully back into the bugvisor.
He then proceeds to stalk over to Emu, and kick his legs out from under him, knocking him to the ground.
He stomps one foot onto Emu’s shoulder, and holds the other down with one hand, reaching into Emu’s coat pocket, taking out the Mighty Action X gashat.
“I’ll make you suffer… just as deeply as I have!” He activates the gashat, with Emu trying in vain to reach for it, before slamming it into Emu’s driver.
Then he pulls out the proto-gashat for Mighty Action X, activates it… and, laughing evilly, slams it into Emu’s driver.
A cloud of purple pixels appear from the belt, mostly off screen, but most of what we see is purple lines coursing along Emu’s face. (Wizard fans are not okay right now.) They look like circuitry, almost, flashing along him as he thrashes in pain.
“You can stay banished in the Game World for eternity!”
There’s more crying out in pain and thrashing, before Emu manages to glare at Zaizen, who’s been holding him down throughout this.
Emu’s voice takes on a dual tone – like there are two people speaking at once. One of them is decidedly not Emu… but it’s not who the ‘other option’ should be, either. I don’t think it is, anyway. “I’ll change Tougo’s fate…” The lines change from purple to orange on the right, and blue on the left. His voices take on a deep, growling tone, as his eyes glow. “…with my own hands!”
He blasts Zaizen off of him with a burst of orange and blue light, and sort of… pulls himself upright. Like a puppet, almost.
This is absolutely terrifying!
Knock knock, is there anyone home? BECAUSE EMU SURE ISN’T! Not with how he stares at the camera, his eyes glowing, lines etched into his face.
The two gashats rise up out of his driver, one glowing orange and the other glowing blue, before he snatches them out of the air as they fuse into one large gashat.
He triggers the button.
Mighty Brothers XX!
He smirks a little as the wind blows his hair back, but it’s gone when he actually transforms, just leaving his expression dull and vacant. His voice echos through the warehouse, toneless and ominous. “Transform.”
There’s no flair to the “level two” transformation, and he looks down as the single Pink Ex-Aid divides into two halves, and then reform into two Ex-Aids.
Zaizen’s reaction, “What just happened?!” pretty much matches that of everyone watching this for the first time, whether it be in theaters or even already having seen Mighty Brothers in show! THIS IS TERRIFYING!
“We’ll clear this with no continues.” Both Ex-Aids speak at once, still in an eerie monotone, moving in an exact mirror match to each other.
And I do mean mirror. This isn’t the ‘co-op play’ that Mighty Brothers will use in show. Every motion is one-to-one matched between them.
Takeru, back with Hatena, turns to see this, and basically decides that it must be fine, because at least Doctor Emu’s not screaming in pain anymore, and he’s… er, they’re kicking the bad guys ass. Not that he says that, of course, but you know. It’s the general sentiment.
Going back to his own personal battle, Takeru finally manages to get a proper, full finisher in on Hatena, using his Sunglasseslasher and Deep Specters Deep Slasher.
Game Clear!
The two Ex-Aids launch a finisher of their own, two charged Rider Kicks in their respective colors. Making and landing these kicks is the only time they don’t move simultaneously.
Zaizen is knocked down, finally, having dropped the bugvisor. Orange and blue arcs of electricity spark from him before he is engulfed in flames.
The Ex-Aid’s eyes are glowing as they pose in front of the explosion.
Game Clear!
With Team Ghost (and special guest Poppy), Akari suddenly stops, and the bugster virus leaves her system.
Tougo reforms out of being yellow specks of data (because this might as well happen), and Takeru goes to catch him as he falls, unconscious.
The two Ex-Aids… sort of nod, or make an affirming sound, before dissolving. LITERALLY disintegrating! Completely! Also, something interesting I never noticed before is that the orange one turns into orange dots of light, while the blue turns into squares – like, the border of a square, just the lines. There is no overlap in the shapes – both of them are exclusive. The lights spread out, before rapidly coalescing into pink boxes, that then become regular Ex-Aid.
Regular, pink, very definitely only one person in here Ex-Aid, who is very confused right now.
“Huh? What was I… just doing?”
“You don’t remember…? You just saved Tougo.”
Emu doesn’t remember the last part of this battle at all. I’m pretty sure he barely even remembers Takeru getting his new form. And Takeru’s not saying anything, because nope no nuh-uh, this is not his business, he’s not supposed to really interfere with the new guy, that was terrifying, and if he doesn’t remember, then that’s probably for the best!
Ex-Aid and Ghost – both in their base forms now – set Tougo down outside the building as Drive, Gaim, and Wizard approach. They thank them, and the three Legend Riders say that it’s what they do – they’re all Kamen Riders. If they need help again, they’ll all be willing to fight together.
Emu and Tougo are walking as Poppy catches up to them, and goes to support Tougo’s other side.
Uhhh… Poppy. I hate to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure that Tougo was actually the one helping Emu walk. Any limping there was being kind of tired on Tougo’s part, and Emu being barely able to stand without the armor. Yes, Tougo’s arm was on top of Emu’s shoulders, but he was decidedly more upright than Emu, and it’s not a height thing.
Team Ghost rushes past them to Takeru. Everyone is so glad to see that the others are alright.
The sounds of a heart beating can be heard as Takeru takes a step forward–
and cuts off as he drops in slow motion.
Someone at Toei just loves seeing Takeru suffer. Probably the same one who has them keep putting Emu in situations where he’s grievously injured. This movie has both.
As Emu desperately tries to revive Takeru, the others are stunned into near silence. Akari’s approaching an emotional breakdown, and Onari tries to tell Emu to stop. They can’t do this again, they can’t go through all of this again, it’s not working, so please, that’s enough.
Emu doesn’t stop, refuses to, and Takeru begins breathing again.
Emu says that he couldn’t let Takeru die again, he’s a doctor, after all. Takeru thanks him, saying that he’ll take care of his life.
We enter the ending credits, with “Hikari” playing.
Haruto sits on a rooftop, having one of his trademark plain sugar donuts. (We do not find out if he actually got to finish it for once.)
Shinnosuke gets a surprise baby shower from his coworkers. Literally everything is blue, much to his protests. He and Kiriko haven’t actually found out if they’re having a boy or a girl yet, come on, it’s too soon! One of them points out that he’s already got a name chosen, and he can’t find a response for that.
Kouta and Mai, seen from the back, are enjoying the scenery on their Helheim planet, because keeping the forest around was totally not a mistake. Not like they shouldn’t have, I don’t know, at least tried to eliminate said forest with their god powers? (Gaim was weird and Kouta’s a moron.)
Tougo actually interacts with his classmates for once, showing off his game in action, instead of ignoring them to work on it.
Alain, Makoto, and Kanon head back to the Ganma World, waving goodbye to the rest of team Ghost. Takeru and Akari smile at each other.
Hiiro has a slice of cake – one with oranges on it.
Taiga looks up at the hospital, and walks away. (It was nice while he was able to be back there – no, stop it, Hanaya, you’re done, you don’t need them…)
Kiriya lounges on a random roof, leaning against a wall. He puts on his sunglasses and smirks.
Poppy has apparently installed an emulator on her arcade console, because it’s supposed to be her apartment and she’s currently playing Pac-Man on it.
Emu tries to do his job as a pediatric intern, but the small child he’s with has other ideas, and runs off. Emu tries to pursue him, but trips over his own feet and goes flying.
The credits end…
And we see Dan Kuroto’s desk, the proto-gashats and bugvisor safely back where they belong. He got some very valuable data from Zaizens actions.
Parad, holding a Pac-Man gashat, smiles. They’re getting closer to the day that their puzzle’s finally finished.
They both turn to look at a monitor, which has the start screen for Perfect Puzzle. (Parad’s smile drops once Kuroto has his back to him.)
See you next game.
––– –––
And that’s the Ex-Aid & Ghost film complete!
Most of the analysis stuff I could say, I’m pretty sure I already have said in the previous three segments.
The elephant in the room, of course, with regards to the early appearance of Mighty Brothers XX is ‘Was Parad There?’
In-universe and in real life, when this movie came out, nobody knew who Emu’s Bugster was – this was the first confirmation that he was infected. That there was some sort of foul play at hand in his ability to be Ex-Aid. Before, there had only been suspicions and hints.
But that second voice, right before Emu shoved Zaizen off of him… there was Emu, yes. But I’ve been going back and forth between that scene and the stinger, and I can not, for the life of me, tell if that was just an echo effect or if they actually laid Parad’s voice over Emu’s.
It’s definitely just Emu when he’s transformed – “We’ll clear this with no continues” is two copies of his voice at the same time, with a slight echo in amidst the complete lack of emotion.
Parad might be here to help form the extra body, but… in practice, there’s nobody home right now.
Of course, to this day, we have no idea how Mighty Brothers usually works, since there was a point when Emu was using it against Parad regularly, so it couldn’t have been him forming the second half, but… it can also be used to split Para-DX from Perfect Knockout into two copies of himself, one each in Perfect Puzzle and Knock Out Fighter…
So! This! Is a good movie! I really like it! Raises a few questions, like how does the Mighty Brothers gashat work usually, and how do Eyecons work, but it’s not like those are new!
(Or next Zi-O. Hopefully we get subs for 48 soon, I’d like to be able to actually go on tumblr…)
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beyond-far-horizons · 5 years
The Meeting of Two Minds
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Dumbledore may have been Love’s greatest advocate in later years but for now the young and brilliant Albus likes to think himself above such frivolous sentiment. Until he’s introduced to the infamous Gellert Grindelwald that is… One-shot, Rating K+.
‘Let me not to the marriage of true minds. 
Admit impediments’.
Sonnet 116. Shakespeare.
With the The Crimes of Grindelwald out, here’s my take on the first meeting of Dumbledore and Grindelwald. I dedicate this to the amazing Broad Strokes prequel fan film - Dumbledore and Grindelwald - The Greater Good, which inspired this fic a few years ago. Their Gellert will always be my Grindelwald - I encourage you to watch it on YouTube if you haven’t seen it already!
Albus Dumbledore stood outside the vine-laden cottage of Professor Bathilda Bagshot, his hand hovering over the oaken door. Normally a visit here provided a brief respite from the gnawing dullness of Godric’s Hollow, but last time she had casually mentioned a visit from her Bavarian nephew and would he mind being introduced? Naturally Albus could not refuse on civility’s grounds let alone disappoint a benefactor of such kindness, yet now he chaffed under the obligation. Yet another burden getting in the way of precious research time. What little of it Aberforth and Ariana left him…
Which was awful and unkind and all too common a thought infecting his head of late.
I suppose he’ll be from Durmstrang too so I should prepare myself for some coarseness…
He sighed, biting his lip and looked back down the cheery ramshackled path to the front gate. If I can’t manage a better grace I should come back another time. Professor Bagshot deserves that much courtesy at least…
The door opened and his heart sank.
“Albus, there you are!” Bathilda answered the door in a deep garnet dress, her blonde hair pinned in a knot on top of her head. “How nice of you to pop round. I was just talking about you.”
“What a coincidence, Professor.” Albus said, turning and forcing his face into the best approximation of a smile. “I- I can’t stay for long, but I thought I would stop by just to introduce myself at least.”
There, Ive given myself an excuse if I require one.
“Well at least stay for a cup of tea. I’m sure Aberforth can manage till then.” Bathilda’s eyes twinkled and Albus had the uncomfortable impression she could read him far better than he would have liked. She waved him in, passed shelves weighed down with books and took his coat and hat.
As always the cosy cottage smelt of baking, woodsmoke and dried vellum. He wished that smell didn’t seem more like home compared to the house next to it. Aberforth did try his best…
“Into the sitting room, Albus. I’ll call Gellert down. He’s been looking forward to meeting you.”
“Has he?” Albus tried to inject enthusiasm into his voice as he edged around a tower of tomes that had grown since his last visit.
He could see it now - yet another dull exchange where he would have to pretend to be interested in the mediocre achievements of someone everyone assumed he would get on with because they were vaguely the same age.
Come on Albus, at least try not to be so stuck up! He chided himself, selecting his favourite chintz armchair and removing a selection of papers from it. If he’s related to Professor Bagshot then he should at least be intelligent.
“Or perhaps not…” He smirked as he caught sight of notes on Uric the Oddball scrawled across the page he was holding.
“Oh I am sorry Albus, I meant to clear the living room before you came.” Bathilda said as she took the notes from him. She stacked them neatly on a writing desk in front of the bay window that already teamed with scrolls, books and dried inkwells.
“Embarking on your great endeavour at last?” He smiled as he took a seat. “Although forgive me for my presumption Professor, but critics might not take the book too seriously if Uric the Oddball has a starring role.”
“Nonsense, Albus.” Bathilda said, taking his teasing in good humour. “Why, if I’ve learnt anything about Magical History, it’s that the eccentrics are the ones that push us to new heights.”
“My sentiments exactly, Aunt.”
Albus stood up, intending to make a quip about jellyfish hats, but the joke died on his lips as Bathilda’s hand swept towards a tall youth in black with blond, curling hair and an intense, evaluating gaze.
“Albus, this is my great nephew. Gellert, come in.”
Blue eyes met grey and Albus felt a lurch in his chest.
“Albus Dumbledore.”
“Gellert Grindelwald.”
His outstretched hand was met with a firm grip and he struggled not to flush. He nodded, keeping up his polite veneer as any proper British wizard would, only to see a flash of merriment on Gellert’s face.
Albus took back his hand, feeling mildly irritated. According to Professor Bagshot he was slightly older than her nephew so why then did he feel like the naughty schoolboy?
“Albus is exceeding bright, Gellert, I’m sure you will have lots in common.”
“Yes I’ve heard the name. Even in Durmstrang you are famous, Master Dumbledore.”
Albus had been expecting a veiled insult given Gellert’s previous smirk so was instantly wrong-footed. “Oh, it’s just Albus, please. And it’s nothing really.”
“Nothing?” The glittering eyes were back. “I’d hardly say ‘Most promising contribution to Alchemy in Cairo’ is nothing, Albus.”
Albus’s heart gave another lurch at the praise and the way the other boy said his name.
What is this?
Pushing the thought aside he smiled and at a nod from Bathilda sat back down. “Well, I like to apply myself.”
Gellert took the opposite chair and leaned back, stretching out his legs with a careless grace Albus envied. “And yet you are here. Forgive my curiosity but I thought a man as promising as you would be on the Grand Tour by now.”
Albus’s smile dropped and he fought back the resentment that burst up in his chest.
“Albus is very devoted to his family, Gellert.” Bathilda cut in quickly. He didn’t miss the significant look the witch gave her great nephew.
Wonderful, so he knows I’m the newly appointed head of the family. Would that they all knew just how truly devoted I am…
Pushing down the sense of shame that perpetually dogged him, he accepted a cup of tea from Bathilda’s floating tray.
“A noble sentiment - family.” Albus couldn’t work out if the tone was genuine or sarcastic. “And something I’m sure my great aunt thinks I could learn from.” The blond boy took the other cup but his gaze was still fixed on Albus. “But you can’t say this place isn’t full of history itself. If you know where to look, of course.”
Is he referring to the Hallows? No…most wizards think they are just a legend…
“Well you both know my feelings on the subject.” Professor Bagshot chuckled and suddenly all Albus wanted was for her to leave the two of them alone.
“It’s true, I suppose.” He replied carefully. “Although with all due respect to the professor, it can feel like something of a backwater at times.” He couldn’t quite keep the bitterness from his voice.
“Then I hope you won’t think me presumptuous to say I’m glad to have met you.” Gellert’s smile was infectious. “I was looking forward to exploring, but nothing beats meeting someone with the same interests.”
“You’ve also studied alchemy?”
“Yes and I actually found your contribution very interesting along with your theories about dragon’s blood. You know you had our Potions master at Durmstrang almost spitting fire himself saying that dragon’s blood didn’t work that way.”
Albus found himself on the edge of his seat. “You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I get that reaction! It’s like-”
I can’t say it. How arrogant would it sound? That I know better than-
“- like they refuse to see the truth because of your youth?” Gellert’s lips were pursed and he set his untouched tea down with a clank. “When the reality is, it is they who are blind?”
Albus’s mouth opened. “…Yes.”
Is he a Legilimens too? He felt uncomfortable at the thought.
Gellert leaned forward, lazy ease replaced by seriousness. “Actually I would believe it. They are blind, Albus. What is worse - they are jealous.”
“Jealous?” Albus laughed, hiding his shock. How many times have I thought that? How many times have I railed against the Establishment, feeling that they were holding me back? “Conservative, maybe…”
“I’ve heard the British are famous for their modesty. It’s charming, Albus, but let’s be honest, there are many who feel threatened by innovation, especially if it comes in the form of someone young, someone who might actually deserve the titles and accolades they have only gained through decades of toil.”
Albus looked down. “Experience is to be respected.” He mumbled and looked up sharply at the roar of laughter from the other chair.
“The archetypal gentleman wizard.” Gellert grinned and warm giddiness spread through Albus’s body.
He’s laughing at me! Albus tried to force his face into stern affront but the teasing light in those grey eyes was impossible to hate.
“Experience is to be respected but what of talent, Albus? What of true imagination? In Durmstrang we believed that only the strongest, the ones that proved themselves constantly, had the right to stand at the top.”
Albus had a sudden vision of a cold, dark landscape, of mountains, vast skies and powerful, brutal wizards standing on soaring pinnacles with their foes lying crushed beneath them. Gellert’s face was foremost amongst them, staring down at him as he did now with that haughty cockiness.
“Are you suggesting I should have duelled them into submission?” He replied coolly.
Gellert laughed again. “Maybe. Perhaps it would get them to try something new at least, rather than just passing judgement on the rest of us.”
“It sounds like you had a trying time at Durmstrang.”
Gellert waved a dismissive hand. “I’m beyond that now, on to better things. Speaking of which I tried your dragon’s blood solution in a compound of my own.”
“It worked as you said it would.”
“You see! There are far more uses that can be made of it, I’m sure of that!”
The two boys didn’t notice Bathilda smile as she was quite forgotten.  She slipped silently up to her study, happy that her wayward but brilliant great nephew seemed to have finally met his match.
“I knew it would be good for Albus to talk to someone his own age.” She said softly to herself as she took out an elegant old quill. And if anyone can keep Gellert on the straight and narrow it’s Kendra Dumbledore’s son.
Dipping the ancient quill in ink, she sat down to write a long letter to Gellert’s mother.
Such good beginnings…
Albus’s throat was dry. Periodically he tried to take a sip from his tea cup and then remembered it was stone cold.
He kept meaning to ask about another drink but then Gellert would say something else and he would be lost, excitedly explaining his latest theories or questioning his new friend about his own thoughts and experiments.
I can hardly believe it. He thought, the steady thrill that had been building in his body bursting again into life. I can’t believe someone like him would come here of all places. Finally something good is happening to me!
There was a brief pause in conversation as both parties stopped to gather their thoughts. Gellert was standing by the fire he had conjured earlier, one hand on the high mantlepiece, the other stretched towards the flames as if to catch them. Albus curled in the comfortable chair, his head on his folded hand and found his eyes tracing the other boy’s proud profile. Light danced across the handsome face, turning it molten and cast his long shadow into the cosy room. Albus dared not speak for fear of breaking the moment.
Was it just this morning I thought I would be trapped here forever? Now I never want it to end…
Gellert’s face, however, had dropped its perennial smirk. He stared at the fire with a concentration that was almost severe. A small tongue of flame pulled itself from the hearth and began to dance around his fingers.
“Freeze-flame. Wordless and wandless. Very nice.”
“I’m not trying to impress you, Albus.” Gellert’s voice was soft but firm, and more flames gathered, encircling his outstretched palm like a fiery serpent.
“What are you doing then?”
Albus raised his head. “Care to share?”
Gellert snapped his fingers abruptly and the flames were extinguished. “I think I’ve shared enough with you for one day.”
Dismay dispelled the happiness Albus had been feeling but he covered it with courtesy. “I hope you don’t regret it.”
White teeth flashed and the dazzling smirk was back. “Not at all. It is perhaps a little surprising. I’m not usually given to talking about myself so much.”
Albus’s heart turned over again but he wasn’t going to loss the opportunity to tease. “Aren’t you?” He replied with an innocent look.
“You see,” Gellert turned towards him, “already you know me too well.”
Albus chuckled, feeling like he had consumed half a barrel of his father’s firewhisky. “Not that well, I still haven’t asked you why someone as brilliant as you isn’t on the Grand Tour himself.”
The grin dropped as fast as it had appeared. “That would be because I should still be at Durmstrang.”
Albus’s face fell. “Should be…” The words escaped before he could lock his mouth shut.
Away from the fire and facing towards Albus, Gellert face was now wreathed in shadow. “I was expelled.”
Why? The Dark Arts? But they teach them there. What could he have done that would have been bad enough for Durmstrang to expel him?
Gellert’s smile was slow and secret like a siren’s song. “Ah but how could they expel such talented and affable person as myself?” He spread his arms in mock hurt. “Let’s just say you aren’t the only one that was held back by…how did you put it earlier? ‘Conservative’ witches and wizards.” He turned towards the stairs and looked back over his shoulder. “Goodnight, Albus.”
“Night?” Albus stood up, horrified to see the window confirming word with telltale blackness.
Has it truly been that long? Oh no, Aberforth! Ariana! I said I’d only be an hour at the most!
“It was good to meet you…”
“You too…” Albus replied distractedly, then realised how rude and inadequate that sounded about the wonderful discovery of their new-found friendship. He turned back to offer a better goodbye but ex-Durmstrang boy had disappeared up the stairs.
All thoughts of his siblings melted away.
I should have said-
-But what did he mean-
-Wish I had-
He stood there staring stupidly at the place where Gellert had been, before realising how bizarre and embarrassing it would look if his new friend came back down and found him still gawking like a lost troll.
He saw himself out, wondering idly where Professor Bagshot had gone.
Until tomorrow then…
There was barely a minute’s walk between the two houses but he stretched it out with several backward glances. A light was on in the Bagshot’s small guest bedroom.
That must be Gellert, what is he thinking? Is he thinking about what I said? …Is he thinking about me?
Albus paused on another doorstep, this time his own. The light that shone through this door was the complete opposite of the one he yearned for. It spoke of interrogation not illumination. Aberforth would be sat the other side, by the stairs so he wouldn’t miss his errant elder brother. Oh no, Aberforth never missed an opportunity to upbraid him, even if he did deserve it. Albus sighed, leaning his head against the wood, then glanced again at the narrow upper window in the Bagshot cottage.
Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough…
Reviews and thoughts very welcome! I’m so glad to have finally finished this piece. Such an intriguing and ultimately heartbreaking dynamic. Also if you are wondering why Bathilda didn’t come down and offer them lunch or dinner etc I suspect this was one of those rare ten hour first meetings between visionaries where she wouldn’t have been able to get a word in and would have gotten the Gellert Glare TM if she’d tried to interrupt, poor woman.
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alexthegamingboy · 6 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 10/27/2018
Mob Psycho 100 EP#01 - Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka -And Mob-: A self-proclaimed exorcist named Arataka Reigen attempts to exorcise an evil spirit, despite only stumbling onto it by accident. The spirit seems annoyed at his attack, which consists of throwing a handful of table salt which actually meant to be purified salt, much to Reigen's shock. Reigen then unleashes his secret weapon: calling in the actual psychic Shigeo Kageyama (a.k.a. "Mob") to banish the spirit for him with his psychokinesis powers. Some time later, Reigen is contracted to rid a mysterious tunnel of evil spirits. Once again, Reigen manages to trick Mob into doing most of the work for him. One of the ghosts, the deceased leader of a biker gang, warns of an even more powerful monster further down the tunnel, and begs the exorcist not to fight it. However, Mob manages to take it down anyway.
Attack On Titan Season 3 EP#10 - Friends: As he lays dying, Kenny Ackerman recalls his past: his capture many years earlier by Uri Reiss in his Titan form; pledging loyalty to the family after Uri begged his forgiveness for the Ackerman family's persecution; bringing up his dead sister Kuchel's son Levi and teaching him the ways of a killer; becoming leader of the clandestine Anti-Personnel Control Squad; and wondering what it would be like to possess the power of a Titan. Kenny then explains to Levi why he has not injected himself with the Titan serum and Levi presses Kenny to reveal what he knows about Titans and his own family. With his dying words, Kenny reveals himself as Levi’s uncle before handing him the package containing the serum. In the capital, Historia is crowned queen with Levi congratulating her while thanking the Scouts for their effort in killing the Rod Reiss Titan. Meanwhile, the Beast Titan defeats Bertholt and Reiner and tells them to regain the Coordinate power.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable EP#10 - Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food: On their way to visit Keicho's grave, Josuke and Okuyasu comes across an Italian restaurant called Trattoria Trussardi, run by Chef Tonio Trussardi, who makes dishes based on the observations of his customers and notices various ailments Okuyasu appears to be suffering from. Upon trying each of Tonio's dishes, Okuyasu experiences violent reactions within his body, such as his eyes being squeezed of their moisture and his teeth launching out, only to find they have ultimately benefitted him by curing his various maladies. Growing suspicious, Josuke discovers that Tonio had been supplementing his dishes with his Stand, Pearl Jam, and goes to confront him. After a brief scuffle, Josuke discovers that Tonio had only acted hostile towards him for not washing his hands before entering his kitchen, revealing that he really does simply want to help his customers. Meanwhile, Jotaro meets with a representative of the Speedwagon Foundation, who informs him Joseph Joestar is on his way to Morioh.
My Hero Academia EP#24 - Fight on, Iida: Izuku caused significant damage in his right hand warranting surgery; school nurse Recovery Girl refuses future treatment if he does it again. All Might admits to his youth being identical to Izuku's. Todoroki admits to Endeavor he was able to use his left side fire because he forgot all about his father. In the last matches of the second round, Iida and Tokoyami push respective opponents Shiozaki and Ashido out of bounds, while Bakugo overpowers Kirishima. When Iida fights Todoroki, Iida is frozen and rendered unable to go on. Bakugo figures Tokoyami's weakness to intense light as they fight and makes him yield. Meanwhile in Tokyo, Iida's brother Ingenium is crippled in pursuit of the Hero Killer: Stain, and Iida is informed not long after by his mother. Stain is invited by Kurogiri to meet with Shiguraki about joining the Villain's League.
Black Clover EP#44 - The Pointlessly Direct Fireball and the Wild Lightning: It is shown that Vetto took out a team of top ranked wizards, witnessed by Sekke, before entering the Underwater Temple. Gio survives and prepares to fight. Vetto sends his mages away so he can fight Gio, Magna and Luck. Vetto survives Gio’s attack and severely injures him. Gifso is shocked his son was beaten so easily and Yami demands to fight as well. Unfortunately Gifso explains that once his game spell has been cast no one outside can interfere. Yami realises he and Gifso have been sealed in a different dimension by a Midnight Sun mage. Yami contacts the Bulls and the Temple mages to explain they must defeat Vetto. Gifso alters the rules, to win the Bulls and Temple mages must defeat Vetto, and their prize will be having any wish granted. Luck and Vetto begin duelling at incredible speeds Magna can’t keep up with. This irritates Magna, who refuses to let Luck leave him behind, and he attacks Vetto with fireballs. Luck remembers first meeting Magna and knowing instinctively that Magna had a dangerous side. Over the years he continually irritated Magna into letting that side out, growing stronger as a result, and becoming the first real friend Luck ever had. As Asta and Kiato race toward the battle Asta asks why it was so difficult for him to follow his Qi and Kiato explains his Dance Magic puts him in a trance so his body moves without conscious thought, making his movements unpredictable even to someone who can sense Qi. Despite now being critically injured Luck and Magna manage to hit Vetto with their combined spell, Flame Lightning Exploding Cannon.
Hunter x Hunter: The Chimera Ant Arc EP#117 - Insult × And × Payback: Cheetu attempts to provoke Zeno into fighting him, but Silva appears to pick up his father, killing the ant instantly in the occasion. Separated from the others, Youpi realizes that he failed to prevent the intruders from approaching the king and attempts to vent out his anger on Knuckle and Shoot, creating an overwhelming explosion, a feat that surprised even himself. Knuckle believes this could prove itself as an opportunity to make a comeback, while Youpi plans to use it to defeat them for good.
One-Punch Man EP#11 - The Dominator of the Universe: Geryuganshoop complains about Groribas' defeat as he and Melzargard are the only ELITE fighters left on the ship. Boros walks in and Geryuganshoop informs him that the ship is badly damaged by the human intruder but Lord Boros tells him not to fear as the sphere keeping them safe won't allow that to happen. Meanwhile, Puri Puri Prisoner's efforts were futile as Melzargard simply regenerates back into his form. Melzargard tells his other head to go and contact the ship for a bombardment. As the head flies away, Metal Bat smacks him down. Melzargard and Geryuganshoop telepathically tell each other that both sides are dealing with big trouble as Saitama reaches another door. Atomic Samurai, Puri Puri Prisoner and Bang join forces and attack Melzargard together. Melzargard and Genryuganshoop speak telepathically saying the life forms below are persistently attacking him and requested for a cleansing bombardment. Genryuganshoop is too busy but notifies the artillery crew. Genryuganshoop leaves the conversation and while Melzargard was distracted, Metal Bat finds a marble within Melzargard before he could regenerate thus destroying the marble and part of Melzargard for good. Genryuganshoop tries to lead Saitama out of the ship and Saitama went the opposite direction to find the controls room. He finally finds Genryuganshoop who has incredible telepathic powers that can manipulate everything and anything but in the end Saitama throws a pebble at him that destroys Genryuganshoop. After busting the other heads, the four heroes look up with shell bombardment ready to attack. After it shoots, Tatsumaki appears and stops the bullets in mid air. She then turns the bullets and forces them back onto the ship full force. Mumen Rider helps evacuate a victim to safety, when Stinger and Lightning Max appear wanting to help too. Bang on the other hand finds another marble and crushes it. Angry, Melzargard slaps the concrete along with Bang, who takes a direct hit. He sticks on a building, unconscious. With one more head left, Melzargard threatens to crush Atomic Samurai's head and he retaliates after seeing his comrade in that condition. Saitama finds Boros, who scans him for power, saying Saitama is Earth's strongest warrior with limitless energy. Boros treats Saitama with respect and tells him his name and the prophecy that brought the Dominator of the Universe to Earth. Saitama punches Boros, telling him he can't attack other planets just to liven up his boring life. Boros' armor, which was used to seal in his immense power, breaks apart, and his true form emerges.
Samurai Jack EP#06 - Jack and the Warrior Woman: A talented warrior named Ikra joins Jack as he seeks a magical jewel that could send him back to his own time. However, her true motives threaten to derail his quest.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Crusaders of the Dark Savant: Summary and Rating
Kind-of a weird image choice for the box. Is that supposed to be one of the “maps”?
          Wizardry: Crusaders of the Dark Savant
(Generally known as Wizardry VII but never called that in the game or documentation)
United States
Sir-Tech Software (developer and publisher)
Released in 1992 for DOS, 1994 for FM Towns and PC-98, 1995 for Playstation, 1996 for SEGA Saturn; re-released in 1996 for Windows and Macintosh as Wizardry Gold
Date Started: 20 August 2018 Date Ended: 2 December 2018
Total Hours: 108
Difficulty: Moderate (3/5)
Final Rating: (to come later)
Ranking at Time of Posting: (to come later)
In my many entries on Crusaders of the Dark Savant, I’ve painted it as a game that tells a mediocre story, does so ineptly, and usually doesn’t take its own story seriously–at least not until the end, when it becomes almost comically full of pathos. It also has a way of feeding the player over-wrought prose, often one line at a time, multiple times, with no way to escape. I hold to these criticisms as we enter this final summary, but as in the case of many other games we’ve seen on the blog–the Ultima series primary among them–my criticisms have to be understood in the context of the fact that few other games of the era offered enough of a story to make such criticisms possible. A game that offers no backstory offers nothing to make fun of. One that puts itself out there with a detailed backstory and complex plot offers dozens of things to react to.
I don’t apologize for a blog whose purpose is to chronicle these reactions, from the perspective of a modern player, but I do apologize if I don’t put sufficient context around my criticisms, or if I don’t balance them by highlighting the positive content and mechanics of the game. Looking over my previous entries on Crusaders, I don’t think I conveyed often enough that even though I had some issues with some of the storytelling and other content, those reactions were in the context of a title that kept me up all night playing. Even in the “game world and story” category, Crusaders is going to perform well.            
One of the more broadly-drawn and poorly-explained factions in the game.
          Part of my reaction to the plot is personal preference. I will always prefer the low-key, locally-relevant story to the world-threatening catastrophe. Give me the party trying to clear out the slums of New Phlan instead of the one trying to save the universe. You think that higher stakes might make a more epic game, but I find that the opposite is true–that there’s more opportunity for deeper and more realistic characterizations of people and places when the scope of the game is smaller. The Fallout games all do a good job in this regard. None of them invite you to save the world from a nuclear war. You just get to make your little corner of the world a little better.
In this case, though, the nature of the threat isn’t even really clear, partly because the characterizations of key NPCs are so thin. Who is the Dark Savant? Where does he come from? What are his motivations? Again, what the game gives us is, unquestionably, better than the standard “evil wizard” with no background who appears in 90% of the games before this one. But in some ways that just makes this experience all the more unsatisfying.              
Is it a time for a new purpose, or a new perception of purpose?
           Nothing in the game is more frustrating than the character of Vi Domina. She shows up in the backstory, scantily-clad, sporting a mechanical arm and visor, like someone’s cyberpunk cosplay fantasy. When she finally appears late in the game, she’s more of a naif than someone whose name all but demands that you add a “trix” to the end. You’re told repeatedly that she’s a “warrior,” but she never seems to fight anything. For the final chapter, she’s everywhere, and and the game trips over itself telling how how awesome she is and how much you love her. Literally some of the last lines tell how you “are pleased to be in the company of such a pleasant traveling companion and new partner.” I don’t like it when games tell me what my characters think, especially when they haven’t earned that right by giving me any insight into the character’s backstory or motivations.              
This is laying it on a little thick.
             The story is attributed to David Bradley, although I don’t know how much of it is wholly his creation. It’s no secret that I had a near-immediate negative reaction to Bradley when I first started playing Wizardry VI, what with the ridiculous photograph and cringe-worthy interview that appeared in the game’s cluebook, plus his insistence on dropping his name on literally every page and calling the game a “fantasy role-playing simulation.” Too much authorial presence breaks the fundamental illusion of a game, book, or even a blog. I’ve run afoul of this myself. Audiences want to be able to take what they read seriously, authoritatively, and they can’t if they feel that someone ridiculous is feeding them the story. (I often wonder how many readers Terry Goodkind lost by putting this picture on his books.) I realized writing this that I have no idea what specific individuals to credit for most of my favorite RPGs, like Baldur’s Gate and Morrowind, and perhaps that’s a good thing.
But it’s worth remembering that I had issues with Bradley even before I knew who he was, with the absurd NPCs in Wizardry V (e.g., the Duck of Sparks, Lord Hienmiety, the god La-La and his priest G’Bli Gedook). Bradley is fond of broad humor–the type that that favors ridiculous names with long o sounds (“Phoonzang,” “Bambiphoots”) or puns (“Ratsputin,” “Blienmeis”) that most of us grow out of by age 10. I’m sure he had a clear idea in his own mind about the Dark Savant and his Mary Sue Domina, but I don’t think he conveyed their story competently.             
And it begins.
          Having said all of that, it’s important to keep in mind that in my complaints, I’m evaluating Crusaders against a modern game, or an “ideal” game, rather than other 1992 games. Compared to its own contemporaries, there’s no question that Crusaders deserves a high score in the “game world” category. More important, it deserves high scores in the equipment, combat, and character development categories. The mechanics of the game are excellent. The worst thing Bradley could have done when taking over the series was to jettison the approach to combat introduced in the first Wizardry, but he did a good job keeping its fundamental tactics alive. He, or someone, deserves credit for perfectly balancing the “rest” system. If it had restored everything, as it does in Might and Magic, the game would have been far too easy and all the challenge would have come down to individual battles. If they’d made you return to a central location to restore spells and health, as in the first five games, extended expeditions would have been a nightmare. As they programmed it, resting restores just enough hit points and spell points to keep you going, but it takes just long enough, and offers just enough chance for random encounters, that you’re discouraged from abusing it.
Character classes are well-differentiated, and the system of switching between them is well-balanced enough to offer rewards for switching but equal rewards for staying. (Perhaps putting a maximum on the number of times you can switch, or the lowest level at which you can switch, would have been a good idea.) Character development is constant and rewarding throughout the long game. The equipment system is equally solid.
I’m on the fence about certain aspects of the game world and quest. In general, I favor open game worlds with nonlinear narratives, and even games where the main quest itself is something of a mystery. Crusaders checks all those boxes. It also deserves credit for making its game world somewhat dynamic, with roaming NPCs who engage in (off-screen) conflicts with each other and sometimes (often, in my case) find key treasures before the party does.            
The “Locate Person” spell helps keep tabs on constantly-shifting NPCs.
         On the other hand, I wouldn’t have minded if the game had offered a little more guidance on the main quest, particularly in respect to the 11 “maps” that become the focus of the exploration and quests. (I put that in quotes because they’re not really maps at all, but texts.) I was deep into the game before it became clear that assembling the set of maps was the primary goal of exploration. Just a few lines in the manual or in-game backstory would have cleared up a lot of confusion.
Hardcore Gaming 101 has an excellent paragraph that describes some of the negative aspects of the open game world:           
The game is entirely non-linear, and upon landing the player doesn’t even get a clue what to do first. Even though most areas are effectively locked off due to being inhabited by far too strong monsters, the game is always dominated by a crushing feeling of being lost. The world is full of items that absolutely have to be kept, remembered, and recognized for puzzles somewhere at the other end of the world, dozens of gameplay hours later. Many puzzles aren’t necessarily all that hard on their own, it’s just that the ingredients are spread out too far, and the hints are often obscure, if there are any hints at all.
            But it’s again important to remember that Crusaders was pioneering new territory here. Only a few games prior to it were as physically large, long, and complicated, and the developers didn’t have a lot of good examples to draw upon for balancing such a large world and complex plot. In the end, I’m grateful that Crusaders advanced the importance of detailed stories, NPC interaction, side-quests, sub-quests, and player choices. As such, I would be surprised if the GIMLET didn’t put the game in the top 5. Let’s see:
1. Game world and story. Crusaders offers a detailed backstory that plays a significant role in the game itself. There are multiple factions with their own characteristics and motivations, history, and lore. The characters’ actions visibly affect the world, and the game is one of a rare few in which some events happen dynamically, without the player’s input. There are aspects of each of these elements to criticize, but I’ve mostly done that enough. Score: 7.
2. Character creation and development. Mechanically, the game’s approach is about as good as any game on the market. It has a full set of race choices, class choices, attributes, and skills, several magic systems, and meaningful inventory restrictions by race and class. (I think some of the races are stupid, but that’s a minor concern.) Different selections create different experiences for different players. The ability to switch classes, while perhaps unbalancing the game a bit, adds additional dimensions to character development. Development is regular and rewarding throughout the game.
On the negative side, the classes and races really don’t play any meaningful role in the game, at least not in a way that was clear to me. Certain skills are useless or mostly useless, and I don’t think the game gained anything by dividing skills into multiple categories. Score: 7.            
Defeating the Dark Savant kicked everyone up a level.
           3. NPC interaction. I actually think the series took a step backward here. In the system introduced in Wizardry V and included in VI, characters can have full-sentence dialogues with NPCs, but the previous games seemed to offer a more sophisticated interpreter in which full sentences were actually necessary. Phrasing things as statements or questions, even with the same keywords, might produce different results. Here, the game just seems to scan for keywords regardless of their positions in the sentence or the surrounding text, and I offered a few joking screenshots along those lines.
Having said that, I don’t really mind this “dumbing down” of dialogue, since it was always frustrating to figure out exactly how to phrase a question to get an intended result. What I do mind is that the NPCs respond to a lot fewer keywords than their Cosmic Forge counterparts while simultaneously tripling their dialogue quantity. They are also a lot goofier and thus less realistic.
Back on the positive side, I like the way NPCs roam around and engage in conflict with each other, and I wish the game had done more with this, offering more reasons to seek out, track down, and ally with (or oppose) various NPCs. Instead, since encountering NPCs is non-optional and results in pages of unskippable and unvarying dialogue, the game effectively encourages the player to simply kill everyone.
The end result of the goofy names and characterizations and long-winded introductory dialogue, there wasn’t a single NPC in the game that I actually liked. That’s particularly too bad given that, mechanically, the game supports fairly deep interactions with its NPCs. Score: 6.           
One of the game’s goofy NPCs responds solely to the word “archives.”
            4. Encounters and foes. The foes are mostly originally-named, which in this case is a negative because most of the names are silly. I didn’t like that so many enemies used the same graphics and were thus difficult to distinguish, even though their strengths and weaknesses might vary considerably. On the other hand, the bestiary is satisfyingly large, with enough strengths and weaknesses among them to create different tactical challenges.
Non-combat encounters were plentiful and engaging, and while they didn’t offer a lot of opportunities for role-playing, many of them provided challenges of satisfying difficulty. Score: 6.
5. Magic and combat. The magic and combat system continue to be the primary strengths of the series, and as I said above, Bradley deserves a lot of credit for adapting rather than replacing the system introduced over a decade prior. The various spells and enemy characteristics come together to create a near-infinite number of tactical choices, but everything is exquisitely balanced.
I see that in my GIMLET for Bane of the Cosmic Forge, more than five years ago, while giving the combat system a high score, I said I was “past the whole ‘line up your attacks and execute them all at once’ system.” I understand what I meant, favoring more tactical combat screens like those used in the Gold Box games, and anticipating more real-time (but no less tactical) combat as in Might and Magic III. Still, it was a short-sighted statement. Crusaders proves there was still life in the old system. Score: 7.            
I’m not sure I used “parry” once in the entire game.
          6. Equipment. My primary quibble here is that the game only gives you one “accessory” slot, and you find so many rings, necklaces, capes, belts, and similar items that it’s constantly torturous to choose among them. I also continue to dislike the identification system of the series. I don’t mind so much the process of casting “Identify” to view an items characteristics, but I rather wish that having done so, I could simply view the item in the future to remind myself of those characteristics, not have to cast the spell again. It makes evaluating multiple items a time-consuming, spell-point consuming chore.
But overall, the game does a good job here. There is a such a variety of weapons of different types and ranges, armor (helms, upper body, lower body, gloves, boots), and usable items that almost every treasure chest offers something useful. What I particularly like is that the selection of items in chests (and, to a lesser extent, on dead enemies) is mostly randomized. I hate when the same artifacts appear in the same locations for every player. Score: 6.
7. Economy. I didn’t talk about it much during my entries, but it’s not very good. The primary problem is that “stores” are mixed up with NPCs, and there simply aren’t enough of them selling enough useful stuff. You mostly end up selling rather than buying, amassing a huge amount of gold before the end, and spending most of it on plot-specific purchases (like ascending in the Dane Tower or buying your way into the Umpani legions) rather than equipment. I would have appreciated more places to spend gold and a less-cumbersome purchasing system. Score: 3.            
I ended the game with far too much money and not nearly enough things to spend it on.
            8. Quests. With a main quest with not only multiple endings but multiple beginnings, faction options, and numerous side-quests and sub-quests (although it’s not always clear which is which), it’s hard to ask for more in this category except for better writing and greater complexity, both of which later games would offer thanks to titles like Crusaders setting the standard. Score: 8.
9. Graphics, Sound, and Interface. Perhaps the weakest category in my opinion. The graphics are certainly improved from previous titles in the series, but they’re still just textures. While many of the monster animations are fine, I wasn’t in love with anything else. Sound effects were at best adequate, at worst annoying (e.g., the continual background droning), and since they slowed down the game so much, I turned them off halfway through.
It’s tough to write a good interface in a game of this complexity, and while I eventually got used to it, there were aspects that bothered me until the end, including poor use of the keyboard, inability to switch between characters while in sub-menus, limited scope of the automap, lack of any way to determine coordinates, inability to skip text you’d already seen a million times, and a lot of unintuitive commands. Score: 3.
10. Gameplay. We get to end the GIMLET on a positive. Crusaders is the first truly non-linear Wizardry, and it’s about as nonlinear as you can get (even the starting and ending locations can vary) except that the so-called “outdoor” world is still pretty confining and there’s a bit of frustration involved in simply getting from once place to another. The faction options, ending options, and different experiences afforded to different character classes make it highly replayable. Its difficulty is pitched perfectly, and even adjustable.
Although it avoided the worst flaws of long games, such as artificial level caps and a general feeling that characters stopped developing, 100+ hours is still far too long. I don’t mind games with optional content that push past the 100-hour mark, but otherwise I feel that a game is becoming indecent if it exceeds a couple of work weeks. Score: 7.
That gives us a final score of 60, tying it for the sixth-highest rating on my blog so far, seven points higher than Wizardry VI. As much fun as I’ve made of David Bradley, the inescapable result of his involvement with the series is that it kept improving–in sharp contrast to a lot of series of the era that, while advancing in superficial elements like graphics and sound, struggled to out-perform their first installments in core RPG mechanics.
             “True point & click mouse interface.” Ugh. Eventually games will come full circle and say things like, “Makes effective use of the full keyboard.”
               Contemporary reviews were universally positive, although some reviewers complained about over-length, interface issues, and too much backtracking. In the February 1993 Computer Gaming World, Scorpia called it “the first Wizardry that has a real-world feel to it,” praising its various factions and roaming NPCs, but sharply criticizing the backtracking that the game requires, including my complaints about having to leave the Isle of Crypts multiple times. The magazine was a bit more positive when it gave the game “RPG of the Year” (for 1993). It is of course extremely well-respected today, with numerous fan sites, analyses, and retrospectives.               
“One day” being nine years from now.
             Wizardry 8 didn’t come out for nine years, and I can’t possibly close this entry without talking a little bit about what happened in between. (Whatever I think of David W. Bradley as a storyteller, he comes across as the least reprehensible party in the mess that followed.) As with many things involving multiple perspectives, it’s hard to glean the raw truth about some of the issues, but I’ve done my best to summarize as best I understand it. Primary sources include a 2014 Matt Barton interview with Robert Sirotek, a 1997 New York Supreme Court decision, and a 1998 Usenet thread now archived by Google Groups.
While Crusaders of the Dark Savant was still under development, Wizardry series co-creator Andrew Greenberg–who had become an intellectual property attorney in the meantime–sued Sir-Tech Software for breach of contract. His cause seems to me to be legitimate. In 1991, Sir-Tech closed its development shop in New York and transferred its assets to Sir-Tech Canada. Its position was apparently that because Sir-Tech Canada was a different company than the New York Sir-Tech, its contract with Greenberg was now void, and they stopped sending checks, despite the fact that they continued to market and sell Wizardry titles in the United States and the same principals owned both companies.
However, in filing suit, Greenberg for some reason named Bradley, who had no ownership stake in Sir-Tech, as one of the co-defendants. Both Bradley and Sir-Tech balked at the inclusion of Bradley, and Sir-Tech later argued, in a counter-suit, that Greenberg’s suit had ruined Bradley’s productivity and caused a one-year delay in Crusaders of the Dark Savant (it had original been planned for a holiday 1991 release). A 1997 New York court decision on the issue would later find that:
           [C]ontemporaneous memoranda do not indicate that Bradley was ever unable to work and, in fact, make absolutely no reference to the Federal court action. In sharp contrast to the position taken in Sir-Tech’s complaint, these writings provide persuasive evidence that the sheer magnitude of the Crusaders project, programming and operating system problems and, quite possibly, Sir-Tech’s own impatience and interference, were the major causes for the delay, which extended for a full year beyond the September 1, 1991 deadline and, in fact, approximately six months beyond the dismissal of the Federal court action.
             The documents I reviewed suggest that Sir-Tech did their best to keep Bradley out of the legal mess and to cover any of his legal expenses, but you can see how it would be hard to maintain good working relationships in such an environment, and after the publication of Crusaders, Bradley left the company in a “falling out” that I haven’t seen otherwise specified.
        The lawsuits, counter-suits, and appeals wouldn’t be settled until 2005, two years after even Sir-Tech Canada closed its doors for good. But these legal straits may explain why Sir-Tech decided to keep further development of the Wizardry franchise as far away from the jurisdiction of U.S. courts as possible. They asked their Australian distributor, Directsoft, to put together a team. Directsoft responded by assembling a group so comically inept that it’s almost as if they wanted the project to fail. The project head was a sound editor-cum-film director who had never (as far as I can tell) managed the development of a computer game before. No one on the initial staff knew much of anything about programming. After months of producing nothing but maps and lewd monster graphics, the team finally hired a couple of programmers. These included Cleveland Mark Blakemore, who by his own account tried his best to turn the documents into an actual program but ultimately got frustrated by the ineptitude of his colleagues and repeatedly tried to quit.     In 1994, sensing the project had become a money pit, Sir-Tech canceled further work on what would have been Wizardry: Stones of Arnhem. This might have been a wise move for thematic reasons, too: nothing about the game, as far as I can tell from the documentation, suggests it would have been a sequel to Crusaders. In the Barton interview, Sirotek even suggests it may not have gotten the Wizardry label.
               A map from the development of Stones of Arnhem. Oddly, most of the major locations named on the map are real place names in Australia.
             Blakemore is himself a controversial figure whose accounts of working on Stones of Arnhem were doubted for years until a stash of Sir-Tech documents emerged in an abandoned storage locker in the town where Sir-Tech had its headquarters, not only confirming his employment but also largely his account of why the project failed. (The documents went up for sale on eBay briefly, but Sirotek somehow got the auction shut down. Somehow the Museum of Computer Adventure Game History ended up with a bunch of scans, and you can find more on various online threads.) Unfortunately, Blakemore chose to pepper his accounts with homophobic and white supremacist rantings and self-aggrandizing nonsense. In 2017, after almost 20 years of development, Blakemore released Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar, characteristically calling it “the greatest roleplaying game of them all.” It got mixed reviews.
The Wizardry series was adrift again. In 1996, Sir-Tech re–released Crusaders of the Dark Savant under the odd title Wizardry Gold, an update for Windows 95 and the Mac on CD-ROM. The game is an artifact of the mid-1990s obsession with CD-ROMs, animated graphics, and voiced dialogue before the technology was really there to make any of it good. The result is that the game feels more outdated today than the 1992 version. Here is a link to a video of the game. I would have tolerated that voiced narration for about 30 seconds.    
In 1998, Sir-Tech repackaged the first seven games, plus Wizardry Gold, as The Ultimate Wizardry Archives. I bought the compilation nine years ago to play Wizardry II and have been dipping into it ever since. It’s odd to finally retire the package.
Wizardry 8 would eventually be completed, by most accounts under the direction of long-time Sir-Tech employee Brenda Braithwaite (née Brenda Garno, now Brenda Romero), although in the Barton interview linked above Sirotek seems eager to give her as little credit as possible without naming a specific individual as the project head. Whatever the case, it was released to excellent reviews–but that’s a story for a (much) later entry. In between, we have Nemesis: The Wizardry Adventure (1996), an almost universally-panned single-character game with simplified RPG mechanics. 
We will also meet David Bradley again, as soon as 1995, with CyberMage: Darklight Awakening. After a brief stint with Origin (where he developed CyberMage), he founded his own company, Heuristic Park, which remains in business 23 years later. The company developed Wizards & Warriors (2000), Dungeon Lords (2005), and Dungeon Lords MMXII (2012). I’d say I’m looking forward to playing them, but of course it took me five years just to get from Wizardry VI to VII. I hear that Wizards & Warriors in particular shows a Wizardry influence.
Crusaders of the Dark Savant is the third-longest game on my blog, in raw hours. I’ve had it going on and off since August. In some ways, I’m sorry it’s over because it means I have to focus on a series of RPGs that are a lot less approachable. Let’s see if I can get anywhere with any of them.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/crusaders-of-the-dark-savant-summary-and-rating/
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