#monster hunting kickass ghosts
incesthemes · 6 months
final thoughts: supernatural season 12
i've been nursing a terrible headache all day and so i freely admit my opinions of this season may be negatively influenced by this. maybe tomorrow i'll wake up and realize it wasn't actually that bad and the real enemy was my brain all along. such is life.
i'll say upfront that i liked this season much, much more than season 11. not hard to do and the bar is in hell, but i think it's a good perspective for me to keep in mind while i write this. let's go.
i'm going to talk about mary first. i really like what she brought to the table. she created such natural conflict just by existing, and that's damn good writing. she was handled with so much nuance and care, and i'm extremely pleased by this because i pretty much hate everything else in this season, and actually i'm surprised with how well they handled mary compared to how poorly they handled everything else. that's just bizarre. pick a struggle guys you're hurting my brain.
but no, i love how she's developed as her own person, and how she gets to go off on her own and leave her kids and how that has major consequences but she's still not painted as a bad or neglectful mother for doing that. in fact she's not relegated to the flattened role of "mother" at all, and that's genuinely something special for this show, since it tends to keep their side characters to reductive caricatures that best suit their purposes. that would have been a really easy trap for the writers to step into, since that's the role she's had for the entire show up to now, the ghost of a mother haunting the narrative. she had very little character outside of that (except for her kickass part in 4.03, have i ever mentioned how much i love in the beginning? fuck man). but still the writers let her transcend that role and become something far more complex. i really love that :)
an aside: all of the winchesters, actually, get this incredibly nuanced treatment that hardly any of the other characters do. i like how much care and attention are put into crafting this fucked-up little family. it's definitely one of my favorite dynamics in fiction, probably ever. every one of the winchesters has so many layers to peel back and explore, such complex identities, and contradictory, human personalities. i love what connects them and drives them apart and how that's so often the same thing. they're really great characters who fit into their roles well, never too over- or underused. the family is very well done.
anyway back to season 12. i've been holding this in all day but now i'm finally going to complain about the british men of letters. because i'm sorry but they're kind of stupid 😭 and by that i mean their operation makes very little sense, and the rapid developments of their plan are so unattainable and nonsensical. you're going to wipe out every single american hunter? with your little team of 10 people? and to what end? i get they want to exert control, but first of all, this is missing the whole entire point of (american-style) hunting, from a doylian AND watsonian perspective:
hunting thus far has been presented as a deeply traumatic, solitary life decision individuals have made after experiencing a tragic loss or otherwise had a life-changing encounter with the supernatural. they're not recruited, they have very little support, they have an old-fashioned, underdeveloped communications network, and again: they're solitary creatures. they make their own decisions, play by their own rules, hunt their own game. it's suggested that most or a majority of hunters seem to go after exclusively the supernatural entity that got them into hunting in the first place, and only the more prolific hunters have a wide range of skillsets.
this isn't something that can be controlled. and by that i mean, wiping out every hunter isn't going to stop hunters from existing. because as long as there are monsters, people will continue to be traumatized, and people will continue to hunt. even if you wipe out an entire generation, you can't stop a random individual from having her family eaten by werewolves and deciding to hunt werewolves down from now on. no matter what the BMoL try, this is an impossible thing to control, and it's stupid to try. again, from both a watsonian and doylian perspective.
the actual motives and objectives of the BMoL are so all over the place and messy that it's really difficult to follow throughout the season, too. first you're going to torture sam for information—all the while bragging about how much intel you have access to and how much you know about the winchesters. if you know sam so well, why don't you know any other hunters, huh? why do you need him to tell you? but i digress. then you're trying to recruit hunters to work for the men of letters, and it's all friendly and inviting and organized. then you're going to exterminate all the hunters because they don't want to listen to a foreign organization no one's ever even heard of and has only been in the states for like 5 months? they're portrayed as nothing better than petulant children who can't stand that the girl on the playground wouldn't give them her dolly.
and honestly that would be fine, in isolation, i guess, if the whole portrayal of the UK didn't weird me out on so many levels. i don't know what goes on in the UK, and also i didn't read harry potter, but the whole "secret magic school" and "secret magic society" thing feels so reductive and bland. like okay you have a real-world hogwarts. sure. can you at least try to be more creative about this. i was fine with the men of letters existing outside of the US, that's to be expected and i was actually excited to see what would come of that. but as soon as they put in a fucking magic school they lost me.
like first of all, why is the UK soooooo developed in this area where the US lags behind? are other countries following the UK's example? is europe equally monster-free? is the US the last haven for monsters??? and if the BMoL are so advanced, where the hell have they been for ummmm (bad at math) what, 60-ish years now? they just let the US chapter die and cut off communications? no attempt to support the country whatsoever? leave the US to rot? until just now, after some random americans kicked off 2.5 apocalypses. yeah sure. i can get behind that (heavy sarcasm). it's just—be realistic. if you're going to make such an advanced and all-powerful organization, where the fuck have they been all this time? the scale should match the presence.
my ideal for the BMoL would have been a much smaller scale organization that utilizes black and white ideology to train killers, preferably infiltrating judicial organizations to maintain peace and provide cover for hunters. they shouldn't be like. running the fucking government or whatever this all-encompassing scale is that the show presented. it was a cool and interesting idea to bring in the men of letters. it was not a cool and interesting execution. it barely holds up to any scrutiny and requires so much handwaving and excuse-making that i just cannot get myself to like it at all.
ok. rant over. i've already mentioned all of the other plotty things that annoyed me about this season in other posts, so i'll move on from my complaining.
i'm going back to mary because i love mary. what i like is how sam's relationship to mary throughout his life is, in a big way, paralleled with sam's relationship to mary after her resurrection. he never gets to confront her abut what she did to him and what she caused. the only person who ever gets to talk about this is dean, both in 12.14 and in 12.23. and maybe other people disagree with this choice, but i really like it. i like the distance between sam and mary, because that's who they are to each other. they never got a chance to know each other, but they are the impetus for each other's suffering. sam never got to know his mom except through dean, who acted as a medium to impart acceptable knowledge to his brother. mary never got to know her son at all. and when she comes back to life, this dynamic, this chasmic distance, remains between them. and dean is caught in the middle of them, just like he's always been throughout his entire life. i think by making mary's presence in season 12 so dean-centric, the show managed to highlight just how wide that chasm is between her and sam. sam doesn't get to speak up for himself or talk about his past or tell mary anything about himself or who he is. dean tells her for him. just like mary never got to tell sam anything about herself; dean told him for her. the dynamic persists, and dean remains caught in the middle, ever sam's protector and shield and greatest advocate.
sam was actually pretty damn wonderful this season. i'm clinging onto sam's character arc to distract from my angry disappointment with the british men of letters. the transition and development from mid-season 11 to 12.23 was awesome and well-paced, which is frankly something i didn't know the show knew how to do anymore. so i'm extremely happy with how subtle and natural the buildup was, especially for a show that doesn't have the word "subtle" in its dictionary. i don't think i have nearly any complaints about how sam was handled this season honestly. maybe some nitpicks, but no serious complaints. he was just great. he reclaimed agency and willpower for himself in a really unique way that didn't compromise his enmeshment with dean (and thus didn't backtrack on any of the previous toxic relationship developments that have happened, like i'd feared would happen), and he grew in a very positive and interesting way that i really enjoyed. go sammy :)
the whole apocalypse world ending in 12.23 was way too drawn out and overdramatic, also i still hate lucifer's rewritten character, also i think it was deeply unnecessary to lock mary in there with him, also why was cas even there at all he did Literally Nothing and then died immediately, also why did it take so long for the portal to close after crowley died, that's so unbelievably contrived and stupid as hell—
BUT. otherwise i liked the finale. if i ignore the whole apocalypse world thing it was great, even. big win for me since i did not like season 11's finale (big shocker). i'm really tickled that sam was the one to find jack; i think that will create some interesting developments in season 13 so i'm looking forward to that. i hope jack imprints on sam like a duck. based on posts i've seen floating around tumblr, that's more or less what happens so i'm excited about that lmao.
anyway. this was the longest 4.5 days of my life. i'm going to detox like hell after this, because lord knows i need it. i haven't decided what i'll watch, so it might be more movies or maybe a miniseries. who knows. but i desperately need to funnel some wincest fanfiction directly into my mouth now. something to cleanse me of this season. thank you and god bless 🙏
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drasnianfrank · 4 years
You ever read a book that was entirely focused on the most boring characters and finally, halfway through, switched to the characters I Actually Care About?
So, I read a book called The Toll by Cherie Priest. The synopsis describes newlyweds drove across a seventh bridge to some swamp land in Georgia. Husband wakes up the next morning and his wife is gone because there isn’t actually a seventh bridge. Good creepypasta stuff there (Aside: I love me some good creepypasta stuff, like I follow three youtube channels of creepypasta stuff, I read creepypastas for fun, I have creepypastas memorized, that’s how much I love me some good creepypasta shit). Because this is not, though, a short story on the internet that knows it’s audience has the attention span of five year old hyped up on Lucky Charms and Mountain Dew, actual plot and character “beats” happen. 
Now, I could describe, in excruciating detail, on why the novel fell flat, how turning something eerie and unsubstantial into a substantial, vaguely gator-shaped monster is unsatisfying. How unappealing the main characters were (the husband regularly gaslit his wife, the seventeen year old who is right on the edge of being a stalker of a bar waitress, and the bartender who is just, frankly, a complete schmuck). The side-eyeing I give when a place is set in Georgia and no one seems to be apparently black (Aside: when the author describes hair as blonde and doesn’t give a hint that anyone else is Not White, I’m going to assume everyone is White). (Aside of an aside: which by the way, if racism isn’t part of your Southern Gothic Horror, whether as a positive or negative, then you fucked up doing Southern Gothic Horror). But you know, what I want to talk about is the wasted potential of the two best characters. 
The actual interesting characters of the book are two women who raise seventeen creeper. They are described as cousins who have lived together their whole lives and also are witches. At the beginning of the book, they are old and mostly infirm and by the end, they have become kick-ass monster hunting ghosts. The book should’ve been about them right from the beginning. 
Actually, tomorrow I’m going to post what the story should’ve been, but, uh, it’s a bit long, so I’ll leave this for now. 
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pokemeep · 4 years
I made this account because I wanted to shitpost and dammit I'm going to do so.
So without further ado, here's how I would describe a bunch of Pokémon in no particular order to someone who vaguely knows the franchise.
Eevee: "Y'know the lil fluffy one with the face. You know. The cute one."
Gastly: "The GHOST BALL"
Charmander: "Salamander but it's on fire."
Pikachu: "if you don't know this one I'm disowning you."
Froslass: "Ice lady... do not try to give her a hug."
Salandit: "Remember the Salamander But It's On Fire? This one isn't on fire."
Bounsweet: "It's a lil fuckin... lil fruity guy... lil squishy fellow... but they can only be female so they make no goddamn sense."
Gardevoir: "Monster waifu 10/10 just don't give her a hug she's stabby"
Jigglypuff: "Cotton candy that sings"
Squirtle: "Funky lil magic turtle dude"
Lopunny: "Bunny girl but not a girl and not actually a bunny it's a kickass fluffy thing"
Sneasel: "Bastard. This one is just an utter bastard. I love it."
Psyduck: "Imagine a duck but on drugs"
Abra: "A son of a bitch is what this one is."
Ditto: "SQUISHY LIL BLOB DUDE. WE STAN THIS GUY. THIS GUY IS GONNA BE YOUR BEST FRIEND. CHERISH THIS GUY. ya shove 'em in a box with another Pokémon and they make a baby, it's magical."
Gothorita: "Gothic Lolita, kinda says it in the name. Good to vibe with."
Luxray: "IT'S A CAT! IT'S A RAT! IT GOES ZAP! I love this lil nonsensical fucker."
Mimikyu: "Y'know Pikachu? This is basically a low-budget Pikachu cosplay. I love this tiny weirdo, if you hurt one I'll hunt you down."
Glalie: "Listen. listen. fuck this weird ass rock. Moving on."
Ekans: "Danger noodle!"
Weezing: "Dis bish nasty. Nasty. It's ok though, because ÖRB"
Snom: "Okay, so......................... it has a butt mouth and everyone loves it. Myself included. All hail snom."
Snorlax: "This big ol fucker is just a chonky bastard that gets in the way of everyone and pretty much has nothing useful to offer anyone, only sleeps directly in a pathway and can only be awoken by a magic item. Absolute icon. A legend."
Pidgey: "it's a fucking bird"
Ratatta: "rat."
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It’s been a wild few weeks but surprise! I am back and I am still watching two dudes beat up ghosts and look pretty. It’s Supernatural! 
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Alright so here I am on the penultimate disc (thanks Lemony Snicket) of season 2 and at this point in the series we should be ramping up for the season finale. If you look back at this point in season 1, that meant putting the Winchesters under heavy fire (with the one funny episode), but this season it feels like they’re more interested in philosophical, emotional ramping than action ramping (with one funny episode). 
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And you know what? I gotta hand it to Kripke and Co., cuz they figured out what worked in season 1 (brothers and feelings) and they leaned into it this season (brothers + feelings = 15 seasons). It’s a little hit and miss, but the core of season 2 is all about the line between Monsters and Men. I say hit and miss because we have spent a LOT of time on Dean this season but these episodes are all about Sam. And Dean’s arc is very different from Sam’s. Dean’s emotional arc is all about how he’s done with hunting, he’s done with sacrificing, which is WILD if you think about how early in the series this is. And yeah, it does, it does tie in to Sam’s troubles but it just doesn’t feel as clean as it could. Maybe it’s just because they spend much more time on Dean’s feelings? Maybe it’s cuz I personally pay more attention to Dean that I feel this way? But also, consider: the ep where Sam seemingly goes off the rails is all about Dean’s internal struggle with whether or not he can waste his own brother, even if his brother is evil now. We don’t ever see the fallout from Sam’s point of view. Sam was possessed at the time, he didn’t really go darkside, but also, Sam was possessed at the time??? And we don’t see any emotional fallout from that?!?!?
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Nah, we’ll just end on this cringy joke about a girl being all up in Sam for a week and deflect away from our problems, nbd.
Kripke has mentioned in interviews that he thought the mythos of this season was muddled and that the psychic children plotline doesn’t really land because we never see Sam struggle with whether he’s good or not. At this point in the season, I definitely agree. They do give dialogue to Sam to remind viewers that he’s struggling with who he is, but they don’t devote enough screen time to it to make it feel like it lands. Dean’s struggle to keep Sam alive hits a lot heavier, but that may have more to do with that face and that g- d- lip quiver. 
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Damn you and that lip quiver Jensen Ackles. Oh wait, this show already did!
Now we’re gonna make an abrupt turn into Sam’s emotional arc for the series. See, for the next few episodes we’re gonna follow a bunch of Monsters, right? By surface level definition, they are all text book Monsters, but they aren’t Villains, and that’s a big distinction. Because a lot of these characters are fundamentally good people, but they’re also the thing that the Winchesters have sworn their lives to hunt, so, like...how do we deal with that? 
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First up we have “Roadkill”, which I like as a deviation from the regular format. There’s a lot of this tinkering going around this season, or at least, those are the episodes that stand out the most to me. I of course love Tricia Helfer (as a sort-of-but-not-really Battlestar Galactica Fan). This episode straight up brings us back to that key question this season: Are All Monsters Evil? Sam consistently draws a pretty clear distinction between Monster and Bad Guy, Dean consistently does not. Sam makes it clear that he has to believe there’s a line because if #YesAllMonsters are evil, and Sam’s abilities/destiny make him kind of a Monster, the logic follows that he’ll become evil too, or perhaps already is. 
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In this ep we see Helfer as Molly, a woman who slowly comes to realize that she is a ghost who has been haunting the same stretch of road once a year for twelve years. I think Helfer totally crushes it. I think Molly as a character is hella interesting. She comes across as a pretty realized person rather than just a caricature. There’s a lot of heart in her and I appreciate that she handles The Truth pretty well, both when Sam and Dean tell her about the hauntings and then later when they reveal that she has been dead for over a decade. She asks good questions, like where DO those ghosts go once they’ve been busted? And she represents our philosophical conundrum - she’s a ghost that they have to bust, but she’s not evil. She’s not even really that bad. She’s just stuck here and can’t figure out how to move on. By the logic of the show, if she sticks around for too much longer she’ll start to get corrupted, but for now she’s just a scared, lost, woman trying to find her husband. She even starts to sympathize with the actual bad guy of the episode, a man she vehicular-manslaughtered but who comes back every year to torture her. 
And in the end, she finds peace! This is the second ghost this season that they actually lay to rest, not just defeat, and it’s nice. I think it’s nice. 
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Is it odd that, for an episode that should hit so close to Sam’s internal struggle, the whole story is told from Molly’s POV? Again, I loved it, I love seeing the Winchesters from an external point of view, but it is...interesting...
Then we get “Heart”, which just digs deeper into the themes we got in “Roadkill.” 
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This time, our Extra of the Week is another unwitting Monster. Emmanuelle Vaugier plays Madison, a kind of kickass lady who is really getting her shit together. She’s dumped her bad boyfriend, she’s killin’ it at work (lol), she’s out with friends, she’s a homeowner - this chick is LEGIT. And damn if she doesn’t know what she wants. Almost from the minute that Sam steps into her house she is into him, like, into him. She knows exactly what she’s doing when she dumps that basket of panties in front of him to “fold” them. Their chemistry together is good and honestly I was pretty thrilled for both of them when they got down to business. 
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Good for you, you crazy kids! Good for you! 
But tragically, Madison is also werewolf. She’s completely oblivious to the fact that she is definitely murdering people on the full moon. When Sam finds out, and then finds out that Madison is not only unable to control her transformations or murders, but also unaware of what’s happening entirely, it’s another blatantly obvious metaphor for what Sam is dealing with - do supernatural powers make me a monster? Does being a monster make me evil? Does it count as evil if I’m not in control of my actions? And I love that this forces Dean to re-evaluate his stance as well. Cuz see Dean (and I love the guy) views things in very black and white terms, rarely asks questions and is 100% ready to kill this girl because she’s a Monster, full stop. Sam throws this back in his face with the line “So me you won’t kill me, but her you’re just gonna blow away?”, reminding us that Dean’s attitude is pretty damn hypocritical. And I say all of this as a Dean stan who loves watching that lip quiver, but also I am much more in agreement with Sam’s line of thinking on this - we can make a distinction between Monster and Evil in this show. I think ultimately, Dean starts to do this too, but just not in this episode. 
To their credit, they do try to save Madison, but failing that, they realize that Madison can’t be saved and so she’ll have to be put down - they can’t save her, so they have to kill her, if you will. It’s a surprisingly emotional climax and got pretty heavy at the end when Sam - who’s trying to figure out if he is worth saving - has to...what do we want to call this, a mercy killing? An execution? I don’t know, it’s mostly just a hell of a gut punch. A well done gut punch, but a gut punch nonetheless. 
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The first lady that Sam bones since his fiancé and then you’re just like, and now you KILL her! Damn, show, what is WRONG with you?!?
I have to point out that we end the episode on Dean’s face. Like, I’m not mad about it, I am thrilled that on the list of Things That Work, Kripke and Co. were like, oh yeah, gotta put in as much Sad Dean Face as possible, but also, this was Sam’s episode? So shouldn’t we...get one final shot...of Sam? Like, I’m not crazy, right? They’re really pushing Dean this season, right? Who is this season supposed to be about?!?!?!
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This is it! This is the last shot of the episode! This Sam-Centric Episode!
And then after all that heaviness and spiritual questioning, we get our Funny Episode. Meta Episode? Doesn’t matter. 
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“Hollywood Babylon” is A+ Great and I love it. I love watching shows about shows, it is my jam. Watching this time, I did wish they’d thrown in more niche? Like, I just felt like the inside jokes could have been more inside, but also, Dean was SO happy in this episode, I didn’t even care. We so rarely see anyone in this show be happy, it’s nice that they get a break sometimes. It’s also weird that Sam seemed to get the most break? As in, he was getting a break from this episode entirely, especially since the last episode was a pretty heavy emotional arc for him? It’s a weird choice, but not something I really noticed because I was distracted by Dean working his way up from PA to Grip in like, a day, and I was just so proud of him. Anyway it was nice. It was NICE!
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He’s doing SUCH a good job!
In this episode, our super special Extra of the Week is another lady, the fictional actress Tara Benchley played by Elizabeth Whitmere. I should probably stop using the term extra, by SAG/AFTRA standards she’s (probably?) a Guest Star, but honestly aren’t they all background extras in the lives of the Winchesters? Anyway, I appreciate how they portray Tara. They could very easily have written her to be a real piece of work. She could have been a whiney diva, she could have been a ditz, she could have been any number of Actress Tropes, but she seems pretty even-keeled. She has a certain amount of clout on set, she is friendly with the crew, she’s given a character trait that’s shared by real life actor Jensen Ackles - they really do treat her with a surprising amount of respect for an episode that goes real hard on producers and studios and horror generally. And she doesn’t die! So that’s a plus! But she does sleep with Dean which is...I mean...also a plus? I don’t know. I love Dean but I sometimes wonder how much sex he’s actually had? Like, if you told me it was 75% exaggeration, I’d believe you. Unimportant side head cannon. 
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And then our final episode on this disc, “Folsom Prison Blues”. About time those boys went to jail, honestly. 
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What can I say? The boy looks good in a coverall.
We get the return of Henricksen in this episode which is fun! We get a pretty kickass public defender, Mara White (Bridget Ann White), who is also fun! And we get Prison Dean, which is maybe the funnest. 
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I like the twist with the prison warden - where you think that he’s going to be all aggro and corrupt and it turns out that he’s actually, like...looking out for his charges? In a...In a nice way? I guess? He wants the ghost to stop killing the people in his prison is the only fact that we get in the script, but it leads me to believe that he takes his job seriously and he wants second chances and better lives for all the cons in the yard and that makes me happy. He is also another in a long line of father figures that would have done a better job raising Sam and Dean, but that’s not important. And yeah, some of the cons are probably in here for good reason, but Lucas seems real nice and Tiny literally has a conversation with Dean where he explains that he’s basically just a product of bad parenting + Low Self Esteem, so on a low key level this episode is saying the same thing - just because these prisoners are technically “monsters”, does it mean that they have to die? Does that make the killings in this prison right? Everyone from Dean to the Warden seems to think not. Side note, that story from Tiny sounds eerily like Dean’s own life experiences, so he should probably have paid more attention to it but I guess he was busy getting cardiac arrest from a ghost so whatever. 
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If this story wasn’t just RIGHT on the nose. 
Cuz that’s right, we have a psycho lady vigilante ghost! She does not believe in second chances and is killing cons from beyond the grave with her heart attack powers. And if we look at the low key metaphor tie in that the episode might be trying to make here, then you could argue that the show is coming down pretty hard on this one - just because you’re a Bad Guy doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy! Stop shooting first and asking questions later Dean!
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It’s not your fault, bb, you were raised by a dumbass. 
And all of this buildup leads to...”What is and What Should Never Be”, possibly one of my fav episodes for Reasons, but guys it’s another SUPER heavy Dean episode, you could even say that Sam, the real Sam, isn’t even in, like 75 - 80% of it before we...get...to...Sam’s season finale? You know what, that’s next week’s problem. 
As much as I’m enjoying the stand alone episodes for this season especially, the mythos/arcs here are kind of a mess. I think the 20 ep seasons are instrumental to why audiences love the show, so I don’t want to take episodes away, but I do feel that a shorter season could have streamlined this season arc better. With fewer episodes, you have to focus your story so much more and sharpen your storytelling that Dean’s Arc and Sam’s Arc would probably feel more connected if they tried telling it in 8 - 12 episodes instead of 22. But then we wouldn’t have gotten the show that lasted 15 seasons, so would the trade off be worth it? Maybe some day we’ll find the alternate universe where Kripke waited 15 years to bring his series to Netflix and we got 5 short seasons of something completely different
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t-i-z-z-y-d-u · 7 years
Invader zim au
Httyd au
Home au
Prey au
Borderlands au
Seven deadly sins au
College au
Roommate au
Genie au
Overwatch au
Rise of the guardians au
Bendy and the ink machine au
Subnautica au
The mist au
Highway au
Grown ups au
Slugterra au
Starship troopers au
Acapella au
Shrek au
Corpse bride au
Frogs au
Jurassic park the game au
Cars au
Aliens au
The legend of Zelda au
Cryptid hunter/f au
Sirens au
Brainworm au
Spectral au
Fairy au
CCU (creature containment unit) au
Monster boyfriends and lesbian kickass chicks au
Ancient magus bride au
Mythical creature guardians au
Owari no seraph au
Murky digits au
Loki/discord au
Chaotic highschool au
Scientist Casey au
Hellboy au
Ghost detective au
Owlman au
Cult mom friend au
SCP tmnt au
Spirited away au
Animal owner au
Singer au
Winged au
Until dawn au
The hunt showdown au
Fade to silence au
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sevi007 · 7 years
I’m twenty episodes into Danny Phantom now (one episode per day) and I gotta ramble about this show, because guys, why did I never have the chance to watch it before, it’s so freaking awesome.
I mean, the whole boy-getting-turned-half-ghost is already interesting and unique and got my interest, but I want to really ramble about are the characters. I love all of them so much.
There’s Danny, who not just starts abusing the power he was given, but actually learns about it and uses it for good (most of the time, come on, he is a kid, let him do stupid things sometimes), and it gives his personality such a growth spurt – he was the bullied loser before, but his powers and the responsibility that come with it give him that boost in self-confidence he really needs, paired with some dry sarcasm (which I adore). He becomes so strong during all of that, it just makes me proud watching him! And the fact that he’s sometimes so done with all of it, with the stress and the fear and with being haunted is so well-done and believable… I love it.
And while it’s obvious that the main character would get much love and work put into, the side characters are so great, too –
Sam, who is this goth-girl who is “supposed” to have a pessimistic outlook on things but actually doesn’t because she is the one to cheer her friends back up and bring them back on track most of the time. Then she’s also rich and skilled in things the boys didn’t even give her credit for, but she isn’t arrogant about it, isn’t like the popular kids at their school but stays level-headed, and her humor is on point.
Tucker, who is a bit of a nerd but still empathic and who actually is helpful instead of the show just making fun of him. He’s also a great friend who only ever got jealous once up until now and that was mostly because of the influence of a ghost. Most of the time, he supports his friends in everything (okay, sometimes he takes money for it, but common, most of the time he doesn’t).
Jazz who is the more intellectual of the siblings, but also isn’t arrogant about it, who keeps Danny’s secret safe even though she didn’t even believe in ghosts before, even though their parents are ghost-hunters – she trusts Danny and believes firmly that he can handle this, and I think it’s great to see such a healthy sibling relationship in a show. And that she starts hunting ghosts, too? Kickass!
Danny’s Dad Jack, who is a dork and not the best ghost-hunter, but who is actually a genius – he may not know it, but all of his devices for ghost hunting actually work, to the point where they saved Danny a few times now because he could use them. I mean, what a genius do you have to be to build ghost portals and anti-ghost weapons that can actually capture something that most people can not see nor believe in? And he has such a big heart and is so protective over his family without being too suffocating – great, just great! In today’s episode, he even beat Vlad, a half-ghost who has the experience of twenty years, indicating that Jack is quite a fighter himself when his family’s safety is at stake.
There’s Mama Maddie, who is actually a kickass ghost-hunter whom even Danny fears for her accuracy and fighting abilities, and she loves and adores her family, just rolling with whatever craziness coming into their lives and easily handling her husband’s escapades all the while. That one episode where she and Danny get lured into a forest by Vlad and she beats all those ghosts? That was amazing. I love her.
There is Valerie, who gets thrown into the “ghost”-world through a series of accidents and by Vlad’s meddling and who works so hard to earn money to support her Dad, go to school and find the ghost she thinks responsible for all of this all at the same time. Sure, she’s Danny’s enemy at this point, but it’s impressing that a girl with no powers besides her equipment and with little to no time next to school and work actually works-out and trains enough to be in a shape where she can fight literal ghosts, and that in such a short time. That shows some willpower and determination!
And last but not least, there is Vlad. Now that is a great villain! He’s liked a twisted version of Danny, a what-if of what could have become of Danny if he didn’t have people to confine in, if he didn’t have friends and loved ones. Vlad is pulling most strings of all the greater events, and that in such a subtle way that it’s not even clear (if it’s not being explicitly shown) and he is powerful in abilities, knowledge and with his money and connections. That makes him an honestly dangerous villain and thus interesting. But he’s also this big dork – getting all riled up when Danny suggests he should get a cat instead of the woman he loves, getting eaten by a monster in the ghost zone, or pretending to be beaten by Jack in the very first episode he shows up because he didn’t want to be outed as the villain in front of Maddie, or actually almost crying in the episode “Maternal Instincts” when Danny really makes him believe he wants him to be his new Dad. He is this mixture of somewhat dorky and funny, and really dangerous and evil, and it’s impressing that there is this great balance between all of it.  
I’m not really far into it yet, and it will probably take quite some time until I watched it all, but up until now, I absolutely love this series, it’s so unique and fun! =D
Okay, enough rambling for today, excuse me, I just had to. XD
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placetofangirl · 7 years
What about a fic based off of ereri's classics? I mean, the ereri fandom has some kickass original aus that have a lot of potential for any ship. Here are a few:
1) if you close one eye: two members of ship are born with heterochromia, they were each born with one of the other's eyes. When they close their own eye, they can see what the other sees, and if both close their eye at the same time they can see flashbacks to previous lives.
2) Leave your lover: one person is divorced, living alone in an apartment building, and a couple moves in next door. They meet because of the couple's cat. One member of the couple is amazing and sends the divorced person questioning his sexuality. He finds himself pinning as he's inevitably friendzoned, The couple eventually starts having problems and brakes up, leaving the divorced one to fend for his crush and eventually get together with them.
3) Augenfresser: A mentally unstable boy moves into his friend's beach house for the summer. He finds a monster in the closet (this is actually the other member of the otp). The monsters hunting the area feed on negative energy. The monster in the closet is different because it loves the house's members and the ship happens too because the other can see how human the monster is. They beat the other monsters together (I won't give details on how because I'm already spoiling enough)
Other general ideas I remember that need to be explored more:
Arranged marriage au, office au, ghost au, undercover au, mafia au, quirkless highschool au, guardian angel au..
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cupcakemolotov · 8 years
Anything featuring a darker/kickass Caroline and an in awe Klaus. I need to cleanse my brain of mommy Caroline
Edit: JFC, I don’t know that the hell happened here. Stupid posting from my phone and eating text. Apologies for those who say the original two sentences and the wonky lack of paragraphs!
This didn’t go as dark as I’d hoped, but I hope you like it anyway, anon!
“Well now, aren’t you a surprise?”
Caroline looked up at the amused, British drawl. The fall sunshine was still warm, and she was taking advantage of her Fall Break to do some SAT studying. The warm afternoon was utterly still, and so she’d spread her study material along her back porch. She tensed as she took in Klaus, bare toes pressing against her calves.
She hadn’t seen him in person, but she little doubt of who he was. Elena had described him to her while sobbing after they’d found her alive, and Stefan had offered the occasional clipped detail. Blue eyes, pretty dimples, angelic curls bright in the sunshine, and lips that promised sin. But no one had told her he was handsome, and his looks hit her low in her belly.
He smiled, as if he knew it.
An arched brow, hands slipping into the pockets of his dark jeans as he moved up the steps of her pour her to lean against a beam. “Why?”
Mouth dry, but unwilling to cower, she twisted her pen and met his gaze. “What could possibly be surprising about me?”
A hint of teeth as he studied her. “I hear you killed Damon.”
Caroline compressed her lips, stared at him defiantly. She didn’t regret that, at all. And if this monster thought she was going to apologize…
“Such suspicion on your face,” Klaus murmured. “Don’t fret, love. I’ve no interest in collecting revenge for that particular vampire. I’m am curious however, where Stefan has gone off too. I can’t imagine he was pleased with your little act of defiance.”
She tilted her head, considered how best to respond. Finally, she decided the truth couldn’t hurt her in this regard. “He’s in the Salvatore Tomb.”
“Clever,” he mused, head tipping back to stare at the tree tops. They had just started to hunt at the fall colors, and Caroline thought them pretty. She didn’t know what to think that this monster appreciated them as well. “You’ll have to leave him there, or he’ll attempt some sort of revenge. And desiccation is a slow way to die.”
Caroline held her tongue through force of will. She’d already tried reasoning with Stefan once, and only the strength of Bonnie’s magic locking him into the tomb had kept her safe. She wondered how much Klaus knew of that encounter.
“So now I’m left to contend with a witch, a vampire and a Doppelgänger. You’ve left yourself in an precarious position, sweetheart.”
“Elena wants a life.”
“Pity, that we don’t always get what we want.”
Caroline closed her study materials and stood. It was possible that Klaus was here to kill her, but letting that fear rule her would get her nowhere. It had taken hours to talk Elena and Bonnie around to her plan, Elena’s heartbreak at Stefan’s imprisonment clouding her friends thinking.
Klaus looked at her, the blue of his eyes just flecked with yellow and she took a bracing breath. She was on vervain. Bonnie was expecting her in an hour.
“Everything that I’ve heard about you said that your smart,” Caroline said tightly. “I don’t see how killing Elena would be the smart move.”
“Careful,” he warned.
She ignored the warning. “Elena agreed to donate the blood you want so badly as often as is safe.”
“I don’t need a bargain, to get what I want from the Doppelgänger.”
“Yes,” she said softly. “You do.”
A heartbeat, and then his fingertips were resting casually beneath her collarbones, the hot scent of his wolf thick in her nose. Barefoot, there were only a few inches between their height, and he tipped his chin to stare into her eyes. “You think to threaten me?”
“Katherine was very forthcoming about your personal brand of torture,” Caroline managed, voice barely shaking. “None of us will live like that.”
His thumb ghosted across her pulse point. “One bite, and you’d die in agony, and that’d be considered a mercy compared to dear Katerina’s future.”
“And you’d never find Elena.”
His smile was amused. “And how do you plan on hiding her?”
“Katherine,” Caroline said softly. “Wasn’t a witch.”
His smile faded, gaze bleeding gold. “Tell me why I should kill all of you. Starting with your Sheriff mother?”
She curled her fingers into fists. “Because we’re offering you what you want.”
Klaus studied her for a long moment, and Caroline felt the executioners ax hovering over her head. She didn’t expect the sudden laugh, the flicker of something wild. “Very well, Caroline. I will agree to your arrangement, but I have demands of my own.”
Wary now, she let her fingernails bite into her palms, to keep from flinching at another caress of fingertips against her skin. “And those are what?”
“Elena will deliver her blood to me monthly. I’ll make the arrangements. We’d hate for something to happen with the delivery and give the unfortunate impression that you’ve broken our deal.”
She gave a single nod. “Fine.”
His teeth were white behind the red of his lips as his smile widened. “When I leave Mystic Falls, you will come with me.”
She jerked out from under his touch. “No.”
“You’re a smart girl, Caroline. Did you imagine I’d allow this sort of agreement without my own collateral. I can’t imagine the witch or the doppelgänger were delighted at the idea of bargaining. You’ll be a small insurance policy. If they break our deal, your death will last nearly as long as Katerina’s torment. Unless, of course, you’re willing to send the doppelgänger with me?”
She ground her teeth and he laughed, finally stepping away from her. Her skin burned where he’d touched her and she felt cold, even in the sunshine.
“I’ll see you in a week, Caroline. I’ll expect your answer then.”
Caroline glared at his back as he strolled away. A breeze finally kicked up, pushing her hair across her face and scattering her papers, but it was the mess at her feet that bothered her. It was that wild, lingering delight as he’d watched her just before he’d walked away.
As if he’d been pleased, by her performance.
She needed to talk to Bonnie.
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