#monster prom fan character
miski-deer-art · 4 months
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Desiree Dijeeni
Love Monster Prom and I just HAD to make a character of my own!!
Art by me
Character by me
Based off of the Monster Prom games
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salamanding · 9 months
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Yeah I’ll probably post everything here before it goes on instagram because i have less pressure to stick to a schedule here lol. anyway, i still wanna keep up on trends so here’s my version of that meme where you insert your comfort characters!!
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artofarthie · 9 days
my monster prom/camp oc!
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im so in love with this game
so i create this
and now he is about to have a lot of presence here
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ah yeah he love damien lol
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sunshinehp15 · 1 year
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I should start posting again
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pondwatersip · 1 year
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reblog to give Polly one (1) Class A Narcotic
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themortuarysystem · 1 year
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coguya · 1 year
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Vera Oberlin as green! Light blue is up next.
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rxttenfish · 11 months
What's your favorite thing about MirAvi or like top five favorite things about them as a couple/ship?
god i love love LOVE just the parallels with them..... like ive always been a "miranda is deeply traumatized and Not Fucking Okay" truther for YEARS but only after getting into aaravi's angle and her story did i realize theyre pretty much two sides to the same coin, two ways to respond to the same trauma and try to keep Going On from all of it. and for the two of them to be so marked by a profound loneliness and a lack of understanding on how to even begin filling that on top of a denial of BEING lonely or upset in the first place? mwah. mwah mwah mwah.
the character study aspect. like ive made my irritation known prior about the common fandom habit of mashing two characters together without truly considering their personalities, and i think to do that with either miranda or aaravi is a crime. they have such STRONG personalities and absolutely would have just SO MANY reactions to and feelings about the other that its like mixing volatile chemicals together just to see what happens. theyre going to bounce off of each other for sure but seeing HOW they bounce off of each other is so deeply delightful for me that you just KNOW theres not a boring moment for them. maybe moments where theres a lull in the energy, but in such a directed and specific way that even getting into the domestic with them is exciting.
hey so you know how aaravi is dedicated to managing to kill an outer god just to show everyone that it can be done, and how the slayers were originally set up to minimize eldritch influence and corruption, and how the merkingdom is now canonically dedicated to fighting and staving off the influence of the eldritch as much as possible? yeah. even just beyond this being weirdly relevant to my highly canon divergent lore i think its just Neat how this is a direct parallel between them in the mess that is roadtrip
i sincerely think aaravi needs someone to just, unironically, no catch, with her whole heart, absolutely meaning every word, praise her and compliment her. just... i need this for her. i love to see it crop up again and again in every little thing miri does for and with aaravi and how genuinely she loves aaravi because aaravi has had so LITTLE of this in her life. its always come with someone trying to push her further, trying to put her down, even the best compliments are halfhearted or still holding her up as failing an impossible standard. teasing her for being a failgirl is fun and all but i feel like it often goes far beyond teasing and instead sits at how most people actually view aaravi, and that SUCKS. having someone with whom that doesnt even come to mind would be so good for aaravi. no other references. nothing for her to be compared against. no hero trope that she is or isnt fulfilling. just a princess who is actually sincerely taking everything aaravi says to heart and listening to her and paying attention to her. so many times ive been writing them and have aaravi be DESTROYED by miranda saying she wants to protect HER like how aaravi protects miranda, or that she feels too safe around aaravi to even really consider that she might hurt her, or just genuinely trusting aaravi with her whole heart. its SO cathartic. absolutely fantastic.
this is self evident but being given an excuse to go whole ham fleshing miranda out and giving her weight as a character and history and complexity. i already talk so much about how fanon (and now canon....) gets miranda wrong and this is fully an excuse to talk about all of that. there is absolutely no way you could NOT talk about it, once you get into how they interact and bounce off of each other, and how the relationship forms, and what their expectations and wants are for that relationship. miranda is sincerely a very fun character to ship with because its never just ONLY about her. her kingdom is such a major player in all of her relationships that you HAVE to consider her standing in it, and what the merkingdom thinks of her partner, and what the merkingdom would demand of both of them, and how the other royals would react, and the culture clash, and just MWAH. PERFECTION. love love LOVE them both getting an "its complicated" for their life and family history and i just want to mash them both together into a horrible conflicting stew that they have to navigate and navigate together because it was already so hard on their own but at least now they have someone else in the same boat. love for them to make it work and see how they get out of it. together.
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"rwar!" .w.
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wheelie-butch · 5 months
Monster Con info from the discord
I thought I'd share some of the info we got about the game/characters from the monprom Discord last night. Disclaimer this is just me summarising conversations from the devs and I might be misinterpreting stuff, plus everything is subject to change in the game anyway
All the characters obviously have geeky hobbies but some of them have more focus on it than others.
Release is looking at sometime in 2025 hopefully!
Omen (she/they)
this isn't canon yet so might change, but Omen was a normal monster, ascended to a magical evil energy being, got imprisoned (possibly by the Slayers but this isn't final yet) and has only recently escaped. Omen isn't tied to the 'The Old Ones'.
She uses she/they because she doesn't care for mundane stuff like gender anymore but also is somewhat attached to who she used to be. Omen is the most lore-heavy character.
"Omen is a friggin' gremlin" apparently and Mihail is a fan of their dynamic with Liam.
Omen's arm looks to be amputated on the left. It's unknown if their existing arm is a prosthetic or original. This makes her the first disabled romance option! (Mihail also said the team have notes on looking at an RO with mobility aids for MP5)
Doug (he/him)
Mihail said "Doug is a nice dude who can't manage his own finances and blows up his money instantly in nerdy stuff"
April (she/her)
So clowns are mentioned as a monster type in Prom but April wasn't really created with that in mind. The team have been discussing what it means for clowns to be in the Monster Realm and have some answers that the game might explore eventually.
April is an idol/streamer. She has a contract that means she needs to be 'camera perfect' all the time, so using magic (?) all of her 'bad thoughts' get repressed and come out through those balloon animal mascots. "The different mascots are different sort of not-OK-thoughts". Mihail lists some of the existing ones as 'sad, nervous, lazy/glutton (the Garfield one), angry' and 'psycho' which is the bunny.
Nico (they/them)
Nico is a mimic and their gimmick is cosplay. We're going to see a lot of different cosplays from them, like over 5 likely.
They're a bit of a 'thembo' Mihail says "they surely feel like the choice for anyone who liked Scott. They have their differences; but it is evident Nico would fill that spot"
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frogprincessmack · 1 year
Fun Fact for Monster Prom fans!
All four members of Player Character can play guitar!!
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Brian plays it in the STAMINA ending of Roadtrip. Amira does too but I got a different screenshot for her.
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Oz and Amira play it in the original polaroid showing off Player Character. Oz also plays it in one of the animations for Monster Camp with his little phobias.
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And Vicky plays it at the Picnic Spot! Unless I am mistaken and that is a ukulele. Eh, doesn't matter much, she's the lead vocalist.
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inky-here · 1 month
the characters just have so much energy between eachother that if I put their names on a spinwheel, spun twice and got two names, all the combinations would fit at least two beloved romance tropes
(funny thing is that since there's a lot of canon alternate universe shenanigans, you wouldn't even need two names if you're a fan of characters being shipped with themselves)
I'll be honest, I'm a found family girlie and most of my latest fandom/oc stuff has been mostly familiar/friendly, but monster prom has gotten me back into shipping because there's just so much to choose from
leave your fav ships in the tags!! that includes ocs and self shipping I wanna hear all about them goobers!!
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mrfartpowered · 4 months
Hey! Just wanted to ask a question because I’m bored, lol. What is your favorite RC9GN episode(s)? I’m curious to know!
HIIIII AHAHA I have been meaning to make a post abt this for a while actuallyyy so this is perfect :33
I think Shloomp! There It Is (the body swap one) is one of the best episodes in the entire show, if not THEE best. I think its jokes are unmatched, its story is soooo strong, and the crew’s passion for the show is so so visible in Shloomp!.
my number one favorite thing about this ep is the choice to let Andrew Lewis Caldwell voice Randy!Howard. in a lot of media the body swap trope tends to swap voice actors along with physical traits, and imo, that’s kind of a copout. when your voice actors are professional voice actors, not just actors who happen to land a role in animation, they go above and beyond. Caldwell’s performance as Randy!Howard speaks not only to his skill as a VA, but to the show’s atmosphere and his relationship with Ben Schwartz. Caldwell performed an arguably-flawless Randy Cunningham, from the cadence to the mannerisms to the comedic timing.
his performance is enhanced by the love and care of the animation!! obviously the Randy hair on Howard’s model, but the facial expressions, the hand motions, AAAA it shows how well the animators know their character, how consistently their protag is animated — AND that they can confidently and smoothly translate those quirks onto other models.
obviously it’s not a perfect ep — I’m a big fan of acknowledging the flaws in things u love and I even think they’re kinda fun to talk about. so I wanna take a minute and complain about the Theresa subplot. I know a monster was important to keep the plot moving, but I do not think the audience knew enough about Theresa to care about her that much. Shloomp! feels like a pivotal episode, esp cuz it’s paired w McOne Armed and Dangerous — maybe not narratively, but definitely character development-wise. and it felt…like…unearned for Theresa to get so upset when Nomirandy made a pass at Heidi. at that point, Theresa had only had that prom moment w Randy in Sorcerer in Love, he’d saved her a couple times, and then Der Monster Klub. I just didn’t feel like we’d learnt enough about her and Randy’s relationship for me to care that she was jealous and heartbroken.
THAT BEING SAID…..the heart in Shloomp! is palpable. I’ll have to make a compilation of my favorite Shloomp! moments someday ugh I have rewatched it more than any other ep. I actually watched it while I wrote this LMAO and I also shmoked a little hdngksnfk so I am.getting bored of writing now 😭😭 BUT trust that this is not the last time I’ll wax poetic abt Shloomp! There It Is
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snicks-doodlez · 2 years
Monster Prom Fans Slander meme I made
(Don’t take this seriously please!) (Bunch of tags because almost every character is here)
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kayliedoesart · 1 year
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I did this fan art of Zoe from Monster Prom ages ago, I love her to pieces! Who is your favourite character?
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skeleton-cyrus · 5 days
MONSTER PROM FANS COME HERE!!! if you like monster prom and the playable characters a lot and think there should be a band au with them as the main characters then join me!! i really like this idea and want to expand on it! On my tiktok i made a post already of wanting some help for ideas. if you have any or just want to join in on the fun please let me know!!
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