#monthy recap
catslilypad · 4 months
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Our free monthy recap is out!
Games are gamin and we've posted lots of stuff!
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Free-Cap: February 2024
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mlkmuralproject · 5 months
Subject: Thank You for Joining Us at the Inaugural Event and Exciting Updates!
Dear Allegheny Arts Supporters,
I hope this email finds you well. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you who joined us at the inaugural event for Allegheny Arts on Wednesday, January 17. Your presence and enthusiasm made the event a tremendous success, and we are truly grateful for your support.
Event Recap:
At the event, we publicly shared the aspirations of our project, emphasizing our commitment to beautifying the community and fostering collaboration with residents.
The response on our webpage has been overwhelming, with numerous individuals expressing eagerness to get involved, showcasing the vibrant enthusiasm within the community.
Despite facing unexpected challenges, such as extreme weather conditions leading to the postponement of an NFL game, we successfully executed a pop-up mural and music event. The temporary mural featuring Tomlin gained significant attention, reaching audiences worldwide and generating excitement for our project.
Next Steps and Opportunities for Involvement:
Secure Property Owner Contracts and Plan Phase 1:
We are actively working on securing contracts with property owners in designated areas, including Virgin Way, 800 block of E. Ohio St., Canal St., 16th Street Bridge Area, and Chestnut. Our goal is to activate the 800 block with containers featuring murals, an office, and space for performances.
Key steps for January to March 2024 include identifying and approaching property owners, negotiating contracts, setting up containers and an office, and planning performance spaces. We are also in the process of obtaining permissions from the city, Norfolk Southern, and Penn Dot for various elements of our project.
Steering Committee Formation:
We aim to create an 11-member steering committee with representation from all neighborhoods. Your recommendations and thoughts are crucial in forming this committee, and we encourage your input. Visit our website to express your interest in joining the steering committee.
Monthly Newsletter:
This is the Fist Monthy Newsletter : January 2024. This newsletter will provide updates, announcements, and stories from residents and partner organizations. We value your input, so feel free to share your thoughts on the content and information you'd like to see.
Collaboration Opportunities:
We are actively seeking collaboration with property owners, community partnerships, and organizations. Your recommendations for funding, new property owners, and potential partnerships are highly appreciated. Together, we can make a lasting impact on our community.
Your Involvement Matters: The website will periodically be updated to include more information and updates : mlkmural.com/Allegheny-Arts
As we move forward, your involvement is crucial to the success of Allegheny Arts. We invite you to explore ways to contribute:
Volunteer: Visit mlkmural.com/Allegheny-Arts to volunteer your time and skills.
Collaboration: If you represent an organization or have recommendations for collaborations, let us know!
Mural Ideas: Share your thoughts on what you'd like to see in murals on the 800 block. Your ideas will play a key role in shaping the visual narrative of our community future meeting with feedback, conversations and ideas will be shared soon for maximum participation and collaboration.
Thank you once again for your support and enthusiasm. Together, we are creating a transformative project that will leave a lasting legacy in Allegheny Arts.
Warm regards,
Kyle Holbrook
Executive Artist, Allegheny Arts Advisory Board
#3 “Faces of the North Side” where is a good permanent location for these mural panels that can be easily installed? What's the weather breaks with staying weather and rain for years? What are some ideas on some permanent locations?
North Side mural project will replace urban blight with colorful art- PG 1.22.24
The physical legacy keeping Mac Miller’s memory alive in Pittsburgh- The PITT News 1.19.24
New art organization seeks to beautify the Northside- Northside Chronicle 1.18.24
Steelers Daily News & Links: More Players Back Tomlin, Tomlin Mural- SteelersNOW 1.18.24
My Tomlin Mural- TriB 1.18.24
Mural of Steelers HC Mike Tomlin unveiled on Pittsburgh’s South Side- Steelers Depot 1.17.24
Mural of Steelers HC Mike Tomlin unveiled on Pittsburgh’s North Side- WPXI 1.17.24
Local artist paying tribute to Mike Tomlin with new mural- WTAE 1.17.24
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bts-fic-collection · 4 years
October 2020 recap
Hey my guys! I am very aware that I sort of dropped the ball in the past few weeks when it comes to answering asks, but I promise I’m still answering them as best as I can. 
Anyway, here we go with the fics I enjoyed this month!
rough hands by jonghyungslisterine (jikook, 31k) - A whole lot of excellent angst, and a good enemies to lovers fic. It takes Jimin a while to warm up to Jungkook, which is interesting. There is also an interesting take on packs and rogues, which is excellent.
embrace the world and suck in a breath by smashthatlikebutton (Namgi, 20k) - immortality as a way to be humerous. Yoongi has no idea how the modern world works, and Namjoon does his best to help him understand it. And they’re very cute together.
One Night Planned by smashthatlikebutton (Namgikook, 22k) - Namgi set out to have a one night stand with another person, and they accidentally fall for him. It’s excellent.
hope en route by overflowingbookshelf (Namgiseok, 9k) - As always, I love some good miscommunication. And Namgi thinking hoseok can’t understand them? It is the best kind of funny and awkward, and I love it.
drops of moonlight by jjeoreo1013 (Yoonmin, 15k) - Yoonmin accidentally bond, and Yoongi has no idea that magic even exists. There’s also a very good magical world in this fic.
Speak the Future Into Being by popliar (Yoonseok, 10k) - Yoonseok are in very different positions, but they fall in love anyway. Also seokjin is a god?
building your girls second story by taehyxngs (Vmin, 9k) - Vmin meet in a very unusual way, but they get on very well anyway.
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Fanfic Year in Review 2021
MONTHY WORD COUNT January : 23,710 February : 20,875 March : 54,802 April : 44,734 May : 55,412 June : 5,072 July : 8.944 August : 47,282 September : 39,603 October : 33,015 November : 22,254 December : 7,655
PUBLISHED WORD COUNT (ao3) : 404,090
WORD COUNT PER FANDOM : I only wrote for The Witcher this year so
FIC WITH THE MOST KUDOS/NOTES : Good As Gold | What’s Mine Is Yours (To Leave Or Take)
FIC WITH THE LEAST KUDOS/NOTES : Kindle My Heart, only because I posted it on ao3 5 minutes before making this skjhkasdh
SELF-REC FOR THE YEAR: I’m gonna do two. The last recap I did I said Seashells and Seaweed, but I’d like to add Insatiable and In A Silvery Night
GOALS FOR NEXT YEAR : Finish up Cat!Jask and a couple of my other long wips, host a fix-it event for s2, hopefully finish up some wips before adding more (but no one has any faith that this will happen lmao)
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deankealydesign · 7 years
Hello June! Hello there and welcome to Hello June (well, almost)! My Hello series is the monthly recap series I host here on the blog where I fill you guys in on the month I just had as we say hello to the new oncoming month!
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kisstheburnsaway · 6 years
Crazy, He Calls Me
Original post: HERE
Anonymous asked: Companions and phone sex 👀 are they good at it? what do they say?
[[For starters, I’d like to thank you for making my AU-hating arse think up how in all hells would “phone” sex even work in the Wasteland; that’s exactly how I wanted to spend these last few days. Second, this barely counts anyway. Take it or leave it.]]
[[Also, mild NSFW ahead. Well, you did say “sex” at me. Own it.]]
Cait: Sole gave her one of the better-looking Pip-Boys from Vault 88 after they were finished with their business there, and Cait got almost as addicted to it as she had been to Psycho and was now to Sole. Honestly, it was definitely one of the most useful devices she’d ever gotten her hands on, including that one time when she’d found a still-working vibrator in one of the old hotels. Anyways, thinking back to that time and to how now, typically, she didn’t need one… but… Well, it could always be better in some way, right?
So one day, when Sole was busy with running around and talking to people, Cait told them she’d be in the nearest bar, but she hid in one of the alleys and recorded a holotape which she then slipped into Sole’s gear when they were sleeping.
Sole found it the next day when they were on the road, pulling it out of their coat pocket with honest surprise on her face. Given that they usually stored the holotapes they’d found back at home as soon as they could, it must’ve really been surprising to find one that escaped that scrutiny. Cait watched them out of the corner of her eye as they inserted the tape into their Pip-Boy.
“Oi, love, I was just thinkin’ about you,” Cait’s voice spoke up. Sole threw them a surprised glance, but Cait pretended not to hear or see anything. The tape continued: “And I was thinkin’ how nice your body feels next to me. How good it feels to go down at you to wake you up from a bad dream in the middle of the night. And how good your hands feel when they’re runnin’ all over me body. Mmm…”
That was the end of the tape. Sole didn’t say anything or follow up on it in any way. Except next day it was Cait who found a tape in her gear, and this time it was her heart beating like crazy when she put it in her Pip-Boy. She looked at Sole, but they conveniently pretended not to see anything.
“My dear, the truth is that if you want me, all you need to do is spread your legs and ask nicely. I’m more than happy to fulfill your every desire, whatever it might be. My hands on your body is just the beginning…”
Soon, the idea of recording indecent tapes and hiding them in one another’s gear turned into a sort of a silly game of “whoever gives in first”, which at least more often than not ended with them passionately fucking in their tent at night. Cait couldn’t complain.
Curie: Back when Curie had been a Ms. Nanny, she’d helped Sole download the e-mail program framework from University Point’s terminals. And for that, once they got back home, she’d received her own terminal because, as Sole said, “she contributed and she deserved it”. Fast-forward to a few months later, to a settlement-wide party to celebrate Sole’s birthday, which, organised by Hancock, very quickly turned into drunken revelry. Sole, once they’d had a few drinks, wouldn’t let Curie out of their sight, putting their arm around her and pulling her along wherever they’d go. Curie didn’t mind much—it was indeed an interesting occasion to observe people’s behavior and listen to their stories when they were intoxicated, even if she only sipped a single drink that didn’t work on her synth body anyway.
A few days later, Sole was busying themself with some spring cleaning when they’d heard a chime of a new e-mail from their terminal. It was from Curie, and the title said, “Experimentation Schedule”. Very benign. Also, misguiding.
“My dear Sole,
I have decided upon the schedule of our upcoming experimentation and herefore sending you a draft just like you asked for. I know of many things that you also like to ask for, so I included them in this draft. The schedule for next week is as follows…
On Monday, we shall engage in chemical testing. I would like to take pH-measure of your bodily fluids, most notably the saliva and vaginal fluid. But as we lack proper analytic tools for such tests, I am forced to resolve to using my tongue. I should hope the testing will be most enjoyable.
On Tuesday, we will perform some stress tests. This is most important for the control of your heart and whatever effects your new lifestyle and habits have on it. I would be very unhappy to skip these tests as it is your heart that brings me the most joy in life. The testing will involve exerting much physical effort and passive intake of fluids, administered through my new mouth-to-mouth technique.
On Wednesday, there shall be a physical examination. It is most important to do monthy check-ups and control how your body heals after the injuries it so often sustains. The pre-requisite of this exam is that you are fully unclothed as there should be no physical barriers between the doctor and her patient. Also, in order to keep you from losing precious warmth, we shall make sure your circulation is properly stimulated, allowing you to regulate your temperature more efficiently.
On Thursday, I will show you some washing techniques, to help you keep hygiene at minimal cost when you are traveling. Seeing as proper hygiene is the most important to living a healthy life, I believe this to be one of the most important activity of the week. It will take place in the shower of your home at 5 PM and continue throughout the night.
On Friday, I will teach you about proper hydration and nutrition with a specially prepared breakfast we will consume upon waking up. Once you are properly nourished, we will put this new lifestyle regime to the test with another stress test.
On Saturday, we shall take a long walk through the wilderness and study what we encounter along the way. Getting acquainted with one’s surroundings and environment is an important step to implementing a healthier lifestyle. We will get acquainted very well.
On Sunday we shall take the day off from experimentation and enjoy a quiet night together. As play is also quite important in training of one’s problem-solving skills and hand-eye coordination, I will provide several devices designed to help with the training.
That is everything I have planned for our next week together. I will be impatiently waiting for your approval of this schedule and begin preparations immediately.
Yours forever,
Sole didn’t give their approval right away. They needed to go take a cold shower first.
Danse: [[Warning: borderline heresy. Sorry not sorry.]]
Surprisingly, Danse holds the black-belt of phone sex. Sole was shocked when he laughed at their drunken descriptions of their biweekly sessions with their spouse when they used to serve. Granted, Danse had a few too much to drink as well, but there was an unpalpable tang of sincerity to the story he told. Specifically, he recalled that in his first squad, back under the command of Paladin Krieg, he and Cutler would occasionally—and by ‘occasionally’ he meant ‘often’—spout sexual things at each other through the comm-links while the rest of the squad was choking with laughter. And when Sole asked what sort of things, Danse, blushing a little and with an intro of “Oh, we were young and stupid, and it was usually Cutler initiating these wildly inappropriate conversations”, gave them a recap of one of their conversations which went something like this:
“Oh, Danse, you mighty, mighty man… Oh, the things I’d let you do to me at night in my quarters. Over.”
“Yes, Cutler? Like what? Over.”
“Like at first, I’d let you put your hands on me… Over.”
“And what would you be wearing, Cutler? Over.”
“I’d have absolutely nothing on. I’d have undressed and washed and gotten all prepared for you, my lovely Danse. Over.”
“Mm, I’m starting to get behind this idea. I’d definitely use those hands for the betterment of mankind. Over.”
“And after my mankind couldn’t take any more betterment, what would you do? Over.”
(There was no way at this point that everyone in the squad wasn’t laughing, even Paladin Krieg.)
“I would continue our… training exercise. Move on to other locations. Over.”
“Oh, what sort of locations? Over.”
“Wherever you’d want me, my beloved Cutler. As long as you spoke up. Over.”
“Oh, Danse… Over.”
“Speak up, Cutler! Over.”
“Oh, Danse, but there are several unoccupied locations here! What do we do? Over.”
“We shall explore them one by one, no matter how unusual. Over.”
“Yes, Danse, keep telling me. Keep ordering me. I want you to be my Paladin tonight. Over.”
(You should’ve seen Krieg’s face at this point. Priceless.)
“Take my uniform off, Cutler. Over.”
“Gladly, my Paladin. Right away. Over.”
“Now bend over. Over.”
“Please, my Paladin, do whatever you want to me. Over.”
“I will, Cutler. You just relax. Over.”
“Yes, put it in me, put it in! I can’t wait!… Over.”
“Oh, Cutler, you’re so delightfully tight… Over.”
“And you, my Paladin Danse, you are… semper invicta. Over.”
“You make me such, brother. Ad victoriam. Over.”
“Yes, ad victoriaaam!”
…Upon getting their breath back, Sole asked why Danse even engaged in those conversations if they were so ‘wildly inappropriate’. Danse had no answer for them.
[[Did I say ‘mild NSFW’?? Can’t seem to recall…]]
Deacon: Deacon was something else. First time Sole found the note in the dead drop, obviously written in his handwriting, they couldn’t really believe it, especially since it wasn’t addressed to them. But really, who else could it be for? Sole stifled a sting of jealousy as their eyes glided along the lines: “If you were here right now, I would be pushing my dick down your throat. But since you’re not, I can only wallow in my loneliness”. Ah, that bold, bald idiot.
As they scribbled their response on the back of the note and put it back in the dead drop and especially as they closed the container behind them, they felt a rush of something… Like a thrill. Like when having sex in public. Their thoughts sprinted to that time at the park, with… but it was a long time ago. There was no point reliving it. They threw another glance at the container and left.
A few days later, Sole visited Railroad’s HQ, and lo and behold, Deacon was there too. They picked up the pace—it wasn’t often these days that they could see each other, what with his work as a field agent and their own duties and activities. But halfway through the room they saw that Deacon was actually hunched over what looked like a pile of papers, sitting on his mattress, head in hands.
“What’s up with him?” Sole asked no one in particular, but it was Doc Carrington who almost jumped out of his seat to answer.
“He got about twenty replies to that stupid note he left in every dead drop we have… I think he’s crying.”
“Oh, shut up,” they mumbled, but threw him a grin. Sometimes they thought they were the only ones who actually liked Carrington, even for all his flaws. But now they navigated over to Deacon’s mattress and before he even noticed them there, grabbed one of the notes at random and read the reply. “Oh, yes, Deacon, I’d love to gulp you down like a bottle of whiskey!”, it said. It wasn’t Sole’s reply. They looked at the pile of notes beneath their feet and Deacon’s miserable face, trying to stifle laughter.
“You should know my handwriting, honey,” they said. Deacon scoffed and threw some of the notes in the air like the dramatic actress that he was.
“You never handwrote a single thing to me!” he yelped. Sole patted his glistening baldness comfortingly.
“Now, now, it’s okay,” they said. “I didn’t reply to this silly thing anyway.”
Deacon looked up at them, squinted… “Just leave the lying to me, honey,” he said. “You’re lousy at it, I’m sorry to say.”
Sole chuckled. “Okay, fine, have it your way and keep looking for a note you have no idea about. Take a guess based only on how well you think you know me.” Deacon pouted, just a tiny little bit. “Or…” Sole said, leaning to his ear. “You can just pick a few of them out and then come find me, and we can play them out…” They bit the node of his ear playfully and walked off, leaving him slack-jawed and red up to the brow. When they looked around, they could see him frantically sorting through the notes.
Hancock: Since Sole noticed a ham radio at Hancock’s Old State House, they realized that would be a perfect way to communicate when they weren’t together—‘cause God knows Hancock always found a better way to communicate when they were. However, Sole didn’t account on him interrupting them in the middle of the night in the workshop as they were building new defense turrets for their settlement. And it was going really great until the ham radio crackled and bespoke:
“Hey, sunshine!” And then his voice got lower, huskier, and sexier: “Hope you’re naked over there ‘cause I sure am.”
Sole grabbed the microphone and said, “Goddammit, Hancock, you know I’m in the workshop. If I was naked here, I’d be up for losing a few body parts, like you.”
“And we wouldn’t want that, would we?” Sole could almost hear him wink over the radio. “But still, how about I keep you… company?”
Sole didn’t reply.
“I mean, after you finish whatever you’re doing, maybe you’ll wanna operate some heavy machinery.”
“For fuck’s sake, Hancock, stop! I’m trying to work here.”
“Yeah, baby…” He breathed. “I love it when you do it with your hands…”
Sole blushed, getting hot all over, but instead of replying, they just focused on the task at ha… Dammit! The task. Period.
“I miss you, Sole…” Hancock’s voice, with its rasp and tone, and slightly distorted by the radio, was reaching Sole on a wholly different level of being. “...And little Han-cock misses you, too.”
“Don’t call him names! It’s okay, little one. Daddy will stroke you with love.”
Sole decided to ignore him. Just ignore him. It’s okay. He’s gonna get off that… Dammit! Come off… DAMMIT! He’s gonna be done… D-A-M-M-I-T. Nevermind.
“Sole, darling? Why aren’t you saying anything? Are you masturbating?”
“Why, Hancock, ‘DARLING’, why aren’t you stopping this trainwreck? Are you high?”
“Damn right I am.” And the shameless confidence in his voice honestly turned Sole on more than anything else he’d said so far. But they weren’t going to give in so easily. He wasn’t going to win them over with just the sound of his voice alone.
And as Sole returned to building the turret—realizing, along the way, they’d put more than one part in the wrong place because of being distracted by that irradiated idiot—that irradiated idiot took an audible breath, as if to calm down, and then said, “Alright, sunshine, I’mma go sleep it off. You have a good night and I hope you dream about me kissing every inch of your perfect body and sliding myself into you exactly the way you like. Or you into me, whatever floats your boat, love.” And with another crackle, he was gone. And Sole was left with their thoughts racing and heart pounding.
MacCready: Since RJ brought Duncan to the Commonwealth so that they could both have something at least resembling a real family again, as much as this world permitted it, one big problem arose: they couldn’t travel together anymore, not when one of them had to stay behind and take care of Duncan. That, in turn, brought a lot of late nights, staying up worrying about one another, tension, and eventually arguments. Sole knew these originally stemmed from love, but it was still so… So they decided to look for solutions. After two weeks they managed to modify a baby monitor to transmit both ways and link it to Sole’s Pip-Boy. That way they’d have contact with one another, and a way to send a distress call should anything go wrong at home. And then that bit Sole in the ass, too.
One day, early morning, Sole woke up at their camp they’d only set up in the first place because they wanted to make one more stop before returning back home—and also, it had been late when they were setting it up, and even though they were maybe half an hour away from home, they didn’t want to wake the boys just to have to leave the next morning again. So they made camp, went to sleep, and then woke up at, like, fucking dawn to RJ’s voice spewing crap through their Pip-Boy. At first they thought he was making sense, that maybe the house was under attack, but then RJ said, “The places I’d kiss you in… ’Cause I miss you and I need some masturbation material.”
He WHAT? Sole jerked up and began packing up the camp, at the same time teasing RJ on the line, “I wish I could be there, too, honey, tracing kisses down your firm chest…”
RJ moaned softly, “Oh, yes. I’d love to feel you close. Your hand down my pants…”
“Down your what? I’d have undressed you a long time ago. And tied you to the bed. I’d love to have you completely at my mercy.”
The groan he let out made Sole’s lips twist into a satisfied, vengeful smile. No one, and they meant it—NO ONE would be waking them up at dawn.
“Uhh… What about Duncan, though?” he asked, his voice somewhat shaky.
“I’d leave him with Dogmeat, lock the door… Dogmeat would let us know if Duncan was coming. Don’t you worry. I have it all thought out.”
“Mm. Please tell me you wouldn’t just tease me the entire time.”
“Of course not. First thing I’d do would be to push you all the way down my throat, as far as it would go.”
“Holy f…” he cleared his throat like that was going to help. Sole was now walking briskly with a huge grin on their face.
“And then I’d do you exactly the way you like. Except you wouldn’t be cumming until I let you. And there would be nothing you could do, tied up as you’d be. Mm, thinking about that body of yours splayed out on the bed. Just… yummy.”
“Oh, goodness, Sole. Please come home as soon as you can.”
“I will, love. I will.”
And barely a few minutes later, Sole rushed into the house and moved about as quietly as they could as to not wake Duncan up; they found RJ in the bedroom, hiding behind the bed with his head thrown back, dick in hand. And Sole just stood there above him with their hands propped up on their hips until RJ finally opened his eyes and saw them, immediatelly getting all flustered and embarrassed.
“Hey, b-but in my defense, look what you did to me!” he mumbled, the first fully coherent sentence in the full-minute-long babble.
“Yeah?” Sole shoves his hand down their pants. “Well, look what you did to me!”
Nick: When Sole told him about how they’d used to play with their spouse over the phone, Nick raised his brow and didn’t say anything. The topic never came up again. [[Like, let’s be real, he would SO not be up to it. Leave poor Nick alone.]]
Piper: Sole and Piper never talked about what Sole did with their spouse, how their life was before the war or any of that stuff. It was as if Piper filled in the blanks herself and correct or not, she was happy with it. As if it pained her less to work with those lies than have to listen to Sole’s life about someone else and then see that moment when they reach the end of the story and realize it’s never coming back. The moment when their tearful eyes close over a fake smile as they say, “But I have you now, Red. So it’s all good.” It’s never all good. So she preferred her stories.
But even so, whether it was by some bizarre coincidence or because she really did find out about it somehow, one day Piper did the exact same thing their spouse used to. One day, a messenger came up to Sole and handed them a sealed letter with their name on it. The shock of getting anything from a random caravan driver who had apparently recognised her easily but whom she’d never met before, and all that in the middle of nowhere in Capital Wasteland—that shock dissipated as they opened the makeshift envelope an found an actual love letter from Piper.
“My Beloved Sole,
I have never done something like this before. But these last few weeks when you’ve been gone have been hard. I can’t pretend you’re just around the corner anymore. I can’t imagine waking up next to you every morning. Last night I awoke from a nightmare which I could barely remember, but it was a dream of you never returning to me again. I’m scared. I know you’re not going to be back anytime soon, but if I were to receive a reply from you, even a short ‘I’m okay’ note, I’d sleep much better.
And I’m sorry for writing this, but I miss you. I can’t help it. I can’t even write a good article anymore, so you better get your shapely ass back here soon! My livelihood is on the line!
Speaking of that shapely ass… Ahh, nevermind. I just want you back. I want you next to me. I want to be able to kiss you and touch you, and be with you, and I swear on the Wall, when you return, I’m not letting you out of bed for AT LEAST a week. You’ll repay me in earnest for every minute I had to spend all alone, pressing my hand to my lips as to not let a sound out as I’d push the other down my… Or up. Depends on the perspective, I guess. And all of that thinking of you.
I need you. Get back soon and stay safe.
With love, Piper PS. If someone opens and reads it before it reaches you, I will be SO pissed.”
Sole raised their gaze from above the letters, hand at their own lips as they held back their tears. The caravaneers threw them a weird look from above the fire they all sat around, but didn’t say anything. Piper literally went to Goodneighbor and talked to Daisy, probably in exchange for some favors, to make sure this reached them. Sole ripped a piece of the paper and scribbled a short note before giving it back to the caravan driver, nearly begging him to take it back. The note said: “I’m fine. I love you, too. I promise I’ll be home soon.”
Preston: After the party where Sole literally almost boasted about what phones used to be and what use they made of them with their spouse, Preston was indignant for the rest of the evening. He couldn’t help being jealous. But even so, when they passed out like the adorable idiots they were, Preston was the one to gather them up from the floor and put them to bed. And when he stayed and looked at their sleeping face, so peaceful if not for the quite disturbing muttering, he just somehow wasn’t mad anymore.
“No, don’t touch me…” Sole muttered in their sleep. “Fuck off, whoever you are, there’s a man waiting for me at home…” Preston’s heart fell to his stomach again. But then… “No, his name is My Boyfriend… Now go away.” And Sole turned to the other side and slept soundlessly the rest of the night. When they awoke in the morning with a skull-splitting headache, the first thing they noticed was a glass of water on the nightstand. They gulped the entire thing down, spilling more than some on themselves before they realized there was also a note. It said, “Hey, Li’l Mama, whatcha got on?”
BONUS - Strong: [[Please, don’t. Steer clear. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.]]
I just have this vision in my head, like, a beheaded mole rat used as a crayon, the mask of a pre-war white car his canvas, and those red child-like letters spelling: “Strong like your butt”.
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padeloach · 5 years
Currently Reading: The Lager Queen of Minnesota
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I have been a fan of J. Ryan Stradal since my book club read his debut novel Kitchens of the Great Midwest  last year. Pick that book up if you like quirky characters, great writing, and a novel that pokes fun at the foodie culture of our country. It was one of my top reads of 2018.
All that to say, when I found out Mr. Stradal had a new novel coming out in August I put a library hold on it right away. The Lager Queen of Minnesota finally came in and was very thankful my library was open despite it being Columbus Day. If I have to take a guess, I think his new novel revolves around the popularity of craft brewing. 
If this book is anything like his first, then it will portray a certain part of American culture plus a strong sense of place and family along with humorous writing. I’ll let you know in my monthy reading recap if this book lived up to my expectations. Cheers!🍻
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wtfneopetss · 7 years
Wait, you took a year hiatus and expected A) to be kept up on event planning (or things to be exactly the same) and B) to still be in charge? I don't participate in any FR secret Santa stuff, but from where I'm standing, this is a lot of drama for "the people who run the event now wrongfully assumed that the person who *hadn't played FR for a year* wasn't interested in running a labor heavy event". BTW in the future, if you just want to vent to yr friends without pushback, might wanna not tag em
No I vented tumblr to my friends. I fully vented on tumblr because it was bullshit and I was pissed. Please see my previous anon ask as to my answers about everything. But to recap, I wasn;t completely gone for a year. I still logged on monthy to get festive favors and occasionally breed. I contacted everyone off site the last week of sept. And they very well could have contacted me the same way. Even just to send a courtesy message.I don’t care about your “pushback”. This is the internet. It happens. I’m pissed that an event I created BY MYSELF and pushed out two years in a row (and don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the help I got last year, I thought we had a great event!) and then to be totally left out this year for my brainchild? That’s bs and I’m hurt over it. I’m allowed to be hurt over it.Not that it matters. I’m washing my hands of the site and the people. So you know. Whatever. I’m allowed to vent on my blog and I wanted those in FR who know me and are familiar with the event to know what happened. 
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teamhellions · 5 years
What Fresh Hell...? July 2019.
What Fresh Hell…? July 2019.
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Welcome to the July installment of What Fresh Hell. On or near the first of every month I take a look at the media I consumed in the previous month which didn’t get a post of it’s own.
Fellow blog AEIOU… and Sometimes Why was the inspiration for this post and you can check out his latest Monthy Movie Recap at this LINK.
  Spider-Man: Far From Home.
  Without a doubt, the funniest Marvel movie…
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rhythmbastard · 5 years
Status Quo Monthy? Nah, Just Busy
WHEW, LET'S GET SOME SHIT OUT OF THE WAY! Not that I haven't been active, I've just been busy, and the site just works as an aggregate of what I've been up to, and since I've been flying by the seat of my pants for a lot of it, I haven't focused on the site as much. A lot has happened since the Spring Update video, and I will share it all with you... ULTRACON 2019! This was the return of Ultracon after a couple years, coming back to the MACC. It had a great turnout, even though the layout wasn't that good, with panels on a top floor where other events went on at the same time, and the dealer's room was on the bottom floor. Thankfully, I was helping run ULTRAMANIA! on the same floor right before my event. I made a lot of new fans that show, but like Omni Expo, I hope it can learn to use its space better. BASTARDMOBILE STREAM! So a couple weeks ago I ran a 12 hour stream to raise money to help fix my car. To recap: 1. A bunch of friends and fans were eager to help me out in a time where I could use some help 2. I organized a big event with minor technical fuckups. 3. I put on a damn good concert 4. I made Twitch Affiliate. So there was a broad swath of games, and a broad swath of guests, and here's the recap of the schedule: 12:00 - 1:00 PM - Fallout New Vegas w/ Steven from S15 Costuming 1:00 -  3:00 PM - Torchlight 2 w/ RPG Pals Club 3:00 - 4:00 PM - MTG: Arena w/ WeffJebster 4:00 - 5:00 PM - Dicey Dungeons w/ Hupfen 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Diddy Kong Racing w/ Ben Briggs 6:30 - 7:30 PM - Sunset Overdrive w/ John GM Concert at 8 Halo and Rock Band 4 Open play afterwards Special thanks to everyone who watched and everyone who came on to play! I really want to do another one sometime in a couple months just for a "Hey, let's build a warchest and hangout with all these cool people I know" MIZUCON PLANS! So far it's just Mizu-Mania on Monday, but we are working hard to bring you an excellent event! It will be on the main stage, and since we've got a couple of these under our belt, we can deliver high impact digital wrestling action with MINIMAL technical fuck ups! JAM OF THE... WEEK? "Rose Colored Boy" by Paramore
So, new Paramore kinda rules actually? More poppy, and apparently they don't want to play "Misery Business" anymore, but who cares? Hayley Williams's acting in this REALLY sells the story as she becomes more and more detached and disinterested with each segment of this cheesy 80's news show. "Rose Colored Boy" is also about a rarely expressed sentiment: "No, I'm not happy, and fuck you for thinking I could just get over it" via Blogger http://bit.ly/2LHoQpp
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fall2018comm2311 · 6 years
Week Four - Jordaysia Brown
One of my favorite FM radio stations growing up was Hot 97. On Saturday mornings, my mother would turn the radio up while she cooked and cleaned the house. Hot 97 was known for playing the hottest Hip Hop music through the five boroughs of New York City. Being one of the most solid platforms connecting the NYC community on what was considered “hot” and the trending news of upcoming events, Hot 97 was the place to be tuned in. FM Radio was a medium that you could listen to in your home, in your car, through your Walkman on the way to work, etc. It was a free feature that you didn’t have to purchase as long as you had the proper device to listen to it on. You didn’t have the option to replay an episode or rewind a specific part. You either was tuned in to hear it or you would have to wait in hopes that they would either play the song again or recap the information. Being that FM radio conveys information over frequencies of a carrier wave, you had to have a good signal to be able to clearly hear the messages or hear the particular song playing. Today, one of the biggest streaming radio platforms is Apple iTunes Radio. iTunes is pre-downloaded on all Apple devices, but to access the radio portion of it, is no longer free. You can purchase a subscription of Apple Music at $9.99/monthly for an individual, $14.99/monthy for a family up to 6 people, or $4.99/monthly at a student discount. Purchasing an Apple Music subscription allows users to access a variety of different radio station genres from a click of your device. You can re-watch and rewind episodes including the different songs that were played when it aired live. You also have the option to download the particular song that was played to your iTunes library. Apple Radio saves your previous stations that you listened to, to make it easier for you to go back to them at a later date. Some artists have their own radio station platform within Apple Radio so users have the ability to directly listen to their favorite artists’ interviews and personal thoughts, such as Queen Radio with Nicki Minaj and OVO Sound with Drake. Apple Music is making it easier to download and stay in touch with your favorite artists at a low monthly price. The difference between the internet and the web is that the internet is made up of a community of so many different networks whereas the web is a way to access these particular networks that we consider the internet. 
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Monthy Recap
#Recapping #Resolution #Goals
  No! Not that sort of recapping!
  So, it is almost the end of the month and I thought why not do a recap of my goals, new year’s resolutions, and see how far I have come and how far I stay need to go. I was taught that going back over your new resolutions and or goals at least once a month will help you to actually accomplish said resolution and or goal. So, here I go. Recapping….
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bts-fic-collection · 4 years
August 2020 recap
Welcome to the first of the monthly recaps of what I’ve read and enjoyed this month! I’m going to format these posts a little differently to my regular ones, since I think it would get a little long and overwhelming otherwise. I’m also going to split it into new reads and rereads, just for the fun of it. Fair warning, some or all of these are likely to be fics that I’ve recced on here before, so keep that in mind!
New reads
an interlude by silklace (jihope, 1k) - jihope is a ship which is underloved, and this fic is short and sweet and has a lot of domestic sweetness in it. Would highly recommend!
We Kiss The Stars by hardheartcafe (minjoon, 18k) - this has such an interesting concept and good worldbuilding, and there’s a lot of interesting action packed into a small package. There is a small amount of violence, but otherwise it’s not too angsty and involves jimin overcoming prejudices!
full of flavor by stickyrum (namjinmin, 14k) - I really love a good poly story that doesn’t involve angst or cheating, and this does that very well. There is a little angst, but otherwise there’s just a whole lot of good urban fantasy, with good worldbuilding about the place of vampires in this imaginary world.
this is your life by blimpish (jinkook, 80k) - I stayed up til 4am finishing this fic. I read it all in one sitting because I literally couldn’t put it down. That might not be enough of an incitement to read this, but I really would recommend this if you want domestic awkwardness with the smallest amount of angst imagininable. It also does a good job of exploring demisexuality, if that’s what you’re about!
A Taste So Sweet by mi3likki (namgi, 14k) - namgi is one of my favourite ships for a reason, and this fic really encapsulates why that is. There’s so much softness around them, even in a situation like this where they’re doing their best to navigate each other while being minor celebrities.
Dream Glow by ratherunnecessary (jikook, 57k) - there’s only the loosest amount of multiverse stuff in this, so if that’s not your thing, you’re fine! Watching jungkook get to know all the boys while looking up to them s is interesting, and there’s a lot of cuteness involved! It also totally confirms that bts are meant to be 7.
happy that we met each other by misspamela and pearl_o (jinkook, 14k) - dad seokjin! dad seokjin! it’s very cute! seriously though, it’s a very cute fic about jungkook dealing with jin being a dad and developing a crush on him.
I included this section because I’m a chronic rereader. I will come back and read fics over and over again, and I’m pretty sure this is just a small selection of the fics that i’ve reread this month.
Can't Let You Slip Away by edi-neil (jinmin, 10k) - I love this fic so much. There’s so many good relationship feels packed into it, and there’s good worldbuilding around the red string of fate concept! They aren’t soulmates but they love each other so much anyway!
a little house on the hill and children's names by brightlight (namjin, 27k) - The kids in this fic are ocs, but that doesn’t make it any less cute. All of the boys have their kids, and there’s just a whole lot of fluffy goodness.
i'm meeting the real you (hidden in the storm) by cherryblossonbomb (namjin, 28k) - namjin try to get their act together. There’s a lot of smut in this, if you like that, but there are also a sufficient amount of mushy feelings and also namjoon realising that he has issues™.
Let's meet where the lillies bloom by honeydewdaze (namjin, 15k) - I come back to this time and time again mostly because I love the summary - it gets me every time. Anyway, it’s an excellent genderbent fic, and features cute lesbians namjin.
set me as a seal upon thine heart (for love is strong as death) by buttonjimin (namjin, 194k) - According to ao3 I’ve visited this fic 16 times. That doesn’t surprise me at all - I’m so soft for dads namjin that that number feels about right. I finished my latest reread of this about half an hour before I sat down to make this post, and I have no regrets. There’s just the right balance between fluff, angst, and namjin goodness that you want from a fic like this. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I can confirm it is very cute.
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writingmime · 10 years
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bts-fic-collection · 4 years
September 2020 recap
Did I forget to make this until just now? Maybe. Nevertheless, here’s a selection of everything I enjoyed reading last month!
dark side of the moon by embyr (Jinkook, 43k) - I love the use of fantasy creatures that don’t often get a look in in this? Like, Jungkook is a banshee, and there’s some really good work on thinking about what that would actually entail, as well as working it into the main plot. (And there’s some excellent misunderstandings between jinkook too, and that’s just as excellent!)
splendor in that bright light by Miralana (Yoonkook, 17k) - This is perhaps a little more heavy than some other fics I rec on here, but I think it’s just as worth reading. So far it’s tackled issues of racism, cancel culture, and the fun that has been the pandemic. That might not sound like a fun read, but I promise there’s some good angst in there, and I think it’s going to be even better as it updates!
Walking Through a World Gone Blind by annie_vi (Jikook, 68k) - One of the best fics I’ve seen written with a blind character in a long time. And also very cute.
Mirrored Hearts by mibbles (Vmin, 29k) - Are vmin always the cutest couple? Yes, yes they are. Even when they’re mad at each other but having to take care of a baby together anyway, they still manage to be adorable.
This Week Next Time by fringecity (Namtae, 26k) - If you ever thought that what you needed was groundhog day but vmon and from the perspective of the person looping, then this fic is for you. Seriously though, although there’s a lot of angst, it’s also very well written, and I promise that despite that framing there’s still an overarching narative!
baby you're so classic by monbon (Namkook, 14k) - This... this one isn’t super deep. It’s just jungkook thirsting over Namjoon for 14k words while they ski. And like, isn’t that what we’re all like, really?
superset by slowvessels (Jinkook, 58k) - Jin and Kook entertain themselves during lockdown. A lot of descriptions of exercising, as well as the frustrations of falling in love over lockdown and not being able to meet up. 
Love at First Cryptid Sighting by GalaxyAmericano (2seok, 27k) - Unfortunately there are very few cryptids in this fic, but luckily there are 2seok slowly falling in love and discovering that their friends all know each other. Excellent.
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teamhellions · 5 years
What Fresh Hell...? July 2019.
What Fresh Hell…? July 2019.
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Welcome to the July installment of What Fresh Hell. On or near the first of every month I take a look at the media I consumed in the previous month which didn’t get a post of it’s own.
Fellow blog AEIOU… and Sometimes Why was the inspiration for this post and you can check out his latest Monthy Movie Recap at this LINK.
  Spider-Man: Far From Home.
  Without a doubt, the funniest Marvel movie…
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