coffeenuts · 1 year
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Agathla Peak by ShutterJack https://flic.kr/p/2k85DYw
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mimillion · 1 year
i love monument mythos for many many reasons but one of my favourite ones has to be how illiterate conservatives and "anti-sjws" have to be to not understand the inherent symbolism in it. like i thought in the first episode where the american government is sacrificing immigrants to appease the statue of liberty literally could not be any more subtle as to what this series is about but i guess not
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sillysymbol · 2 years
matpat making a monument mythos video i can’t deal right now. i will take a break for 3000 years.
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le-cercle-rouge · 2 years
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lugano, août 2022.
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alltradesentco · 1 year
Benefits of Roofing in Fountain, Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, Monument, and Pueblo, Colorado
​Roofing is an essential component of home maintenance in Fountain, Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, Monument, and Pueblo, Colorado. One must regularly inspect their roofs for signs of wear and tear, such as hail damage, missing shingles, or damaged flashing. If the roofing system shows signs of damage, homeowners should act quickly to repair or replace it. It is essential to have a qualified professional look at the roof. They can find any weak spots and suggest the best way to fix them. One of the most significant risks of delaying a roof repair or replacement is that the damage could spread to other areas of the home. The inhabitants could be exposed to rain, snow, wind, and other elements that can cause water damage to the interior walls and ceilings. So, people who own their homes should have their roofs checked regularly to find any problems before they worsen. Any delay in fixing issues with the roof in Fountain, Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, Monument, and Pueblo, Colorado, can lead to more extensive and more expensive repairs later. On-time roof maintenance is an essential component of responsible homeownership. Not only does it help protect the structure of the home, but it also helps protect the property from water damage and other weather-related issues. Besides, homeowners can save money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs. Top Benefits of Roofing Repair and Maintenance: Improved Energy Efficiency: With proper roofing repairs, homeowners can keep their homes cooler during the summer and warmer in the winter. Professional roofing repair and maintenance add a layer of insulation to the roof, making the house more energy efficient and reducing energy costs. By fixing their roofs on time, homeowners can save money on their energy bills and make their homes more eco-friendly. Increased Curb Appeal: One of the most significant advantages of roofing repair and maintenance is the improved appearance of the home. Having suitable roofing materials makes the house look nicer and increases the property's value. One can enjoy increased curb appeal and property value if one invests in roof repairs, even if the repairs are more expensive than simply replacing the entire roof. Greater Safety and Comfort: The right roofing materials are essential for creating a safe and comfortable environment. In other words, roofing materials can significantly affect a home's energy efficiency. Homeowners must invest in roofing materials that protect their homes from weather and other elements, improve their homes' air quality, and reduce energy costs. Increased Property Value: One of the most significant benefits of investing in quality roofing materials is that it increases the value of a home. Having suitable roofing materials not only protects a home from the elements but it can also make a house look more attractive, making it easier to sell for a higher price when the time comes. Better Protection from the Elements: A quality roofing system can withstand the harshest weather conditions, from high winds to extreme heat. One must ensure that the roofing material is properly installed; otherwise, it may not hold up and be prone to leaks or other damage. Whether it's a faulty roof or roof hail damage in Fountain, Colorado Springs, Woodland Park, Monument, or Pueblo, Colorado, a quality roofing contractor will be able to repair and maintain the roof to ensure it is adequately protecting the home from the elements. The team must have skilled workers who know about the latest roofing technologies and materials and a reliable group of people who deal with customers.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months
Humans are weird: Civil Unrest
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
History books often talk about important events through the eyes of those with hindsight. Written in ways that make readers question how the people who actually lived through the events themselves ask how they could not have seen it coming from a mile away.
Yet for those who lived through such trying times the sequence of events were never so neat and orderly as “Point A” and “Point B”. They came on like a silent wave that could not be heard until it crashed against the foundation of society and tore everything it struck down into the dirt.
One such point of history was the day the Pentarki people experienced their first case of civil unrest.
For context in Pentarki society when a judicial ruling is handed down it could not be altered. There were no challenges, no reviews of inquiry, or appeal process to a higher form of political body for a different ruling. The end result was set in stone and there would be no argument. While strange to other space traveling societies who had several checks and balances for Pentarki it made complete sense.
To obtain a position in the judicial branches of society a Pentarki needed to be highly intelligent, well versed in social laws and history, and have some aspect of a moral code. It was through these foundation blocks that a near incorruptible governing body was created to hand out rulings for criminal cases.
The Pentarki had spent generations under this type of organization and whole heartedly believed that the process was secure; never questioning a ruling or lashing out in outrage.
That was until the day humans began migrating to their world.
Being one of the most adaptable species in the known universe, humans had a knack for setting up shop on just about any planet they came into contact with. On the Pentarki homeworld they found that despite the lethal levels of gases encircling the planet it was on average warmer than any other planet resulting in a steady stream of humans in search of said warmth.
Humans in contrast to Pentarki’s had a very different perspective of organized governing. They believed that laws and people could make mistakes and if needed, could be altered to reflect the current nature of the times. This alone was enough to ensure the Pentarki avoided dealings with humans as much as possible; at least until the “Night of ten thousand Fists.”
In a standard ruling, the governing body decided in the case of a little Pentarki child getting injured by a Pentarki enforcement officer that the officer was not at fault. Situations like this were rare but not unheard of and the enforcement officers were almost never marked for fault. While the Pentarki people had expected as much, they had not taken into account the overly passionate nature of the new human citizens who had moved to the planet.
Within hours of the ruling there were large scale protests in the streets, primarily composed of humans. They held signs and chanted dissenting slogans against the governing body that made the ruling. Enforcement officers were dispatched to try and contain the protests, but their presence only seemed to further enflamed the protestor’s anger. Pentarki enforcement officers were not trained for this type of civil disturbance as protests were all but unheard of in their culture. In an attempt to disperse the crowd the officers attempted to arrest the ringleaders who were using megaphones to rile the crowds. This backfired as the humans became further violent and began attacking the enforcers. They swarmed them from all sides and the officers were quickly consumed by a tide of human bodies.
From there things devolved rapidly as the protests turned into full blown riots. Any symbol of authority was defaced or destroyed while enforcing officers were targeted on site. Store fronts were destroyed, monuments defaced, and public destruction in general skyrocketed as several cities became consumed by anarchy. It took a full fifteen hours before order was finally restored and only then as a once in a lifetime reversal of the ruling was issued.
This action shook the Pentarki society to its core. Through open violence a ruling had been changed for the first time in their people’s history. There was open resentment towards the humans who many viewed as shoehorning their own beliefs into society, but there was also a newfound sense of disappointment of the ruling body as they were now seen as not as stalwart as they once were.
From that moment onwards many worlds were far more hesitant with allowing humans to settle on them in great numbers.
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zadigo · 2 months
Crozza Meloni, La Russa, Mattarella: "Ma che ci faccio davanti al monume...
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ancientorigins · 1 year
The Hongshan underground Goddess Temple housed beautiful and mysterious relics of unknown deities, and larger-than-life statues. Uncovered in 1983, the sprawling archaeological dig at Niuheliang has revealed ritual sites, stone circles, and graves filled with jade artifacts.
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ars-daemonum · 2 years
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Something a little different!
Think of them as a sona of sorts for me. Their name is Monum, and they glow!
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eyzoa · 2 years
any space and ocean themed neopronouns for a c!tommy fictionkin? - venus :]
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meret118 · 1 year
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cmesinic · 11 months
This is a bold and could be divisive move.
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ancientstuff · 1 year
Isn't often we find evidence of the monument builders' towns. This should be interesting.
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Ecology of Souls is a monumental work. Joshua Cutchin has pulled together many strands of traditional and modern folklore, UFOlogy and philosophy to produce a book that digs deep into the mythology of paranormal activity, while always linking it to the common thread of our most pressing concern: death. It is expansive, ranging over nearly 1500 pages in two volumes, with a separate volume of source references, which guide the reader towards a wealth of data on all the subject matters discussed. The first volume is primarily concerned with the faerie phenomenon, explaining why the concept of death is at the heart of so many of the traditional belief systems and how it might inform our modern conceptualisation of what faeries are. The second volume turns towards aliens, and how this particular paranormal subject is linked deeply with the faerie phenomenon, and ultimately with consciousness and death. The book draws heavily on the works of Terence McKenna (the title is taken from McKenna’s description of the entities experienced under the influence of DMT) and Carl Jung, and manages to clarify much of their, sometimes, ambiguous writings into a satisfying, holistic assessment of why death is at the heart of so much paranormal activity, producing a work that is truly a new mythology.
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laxyaklovesloz · 2 days
The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage 2: Dark Mirror | Chapter Twelve: Final Farewell
Zale had a hard time sleeping and eventually woke up early. He decided to visit with his little sister. Little Zelda was asleep in her room, looking like an angel. Zale brushed her hair with his hand and let the blond strands slide between his fingers. She always kept her hair clean and soft. The motion made her turn and open her eyes blearily.
“Hey, sis,” Zale said softly. “It’s time to wake up. I have something I need to tell you.”
Little Zelda sat up in her bed, blinking away the sleep. She asked, “What is it?”
“Not yet, little one,” Zale said. “Get dressed and then we can talk over breakfast.”
Zale stepped out to Salvatore to bring his and Zelda’s breakfast up to them while Zelda changed out of her nightclothes. Once Zelda was dressed, Zale returned to her side and waited for the food to arrive.
“Can you tell me now?” Zelda asked, excited.
Zale’s heart sank. How was he supposed to tell her? He had to be the one to do it, though. She had to know before he told anyone else.
“Sit down, Zelda,” Zale said, his voice husky.
Zelda caught the mood immediately and sat down, subdued.
“This isn’t something fun,” she said.
Zale shook his head. Slowly, his eyes closed. He took a deep breath and began.
“You know how Father’s been missing?”
Zelda’s breath caught. “Yes.”
Zale took another deep breath. “I’m afraid he… he didn’t make it home.” He saw tears in his sister’s eyes. “He… he… father… well, he was… killed.” Zale swallowed hard as Zelda looked desperately at him. “I’m so sorry, little sis.”
Seeing her tears brought out his own tears, and together they started crying uncontrollably. They hugged each other fiercely. The pain was unbearable, but it was worse now that Zelda felt it, too. Zale wanted to take all of the hurt from her, even if it meant taking it on himself.
Zale didn’t know how much time had passed when there was a knock on the door. He quickly stood up and answered. Salvatore and Nellie stood there with Zale and Zelda’s food. Zale gestured for the food to be brought in but stopped Salvatore.
“Did you tell her about my father?” Zale whispered.
“Yes, Sire, just like you asked,” Salvatore responded.
“Thank you.”
Nellie was Zelda’s handmaiden and best friend, just like Salvatore was to Zale. She knelt beside Zelda and gave her a great big hug. Zale watched for a moment. Maybe things would be okay. They had friends by their sides.
After eating, Zale and Zelda went to the shrine of Goddess Hylia. It was a sacred place in the center of the castle that only the royal family could visit. Therefore, Salvatore and Nellie waited in the chapel that led to the shrine’s entrance. Zale and Zelda entered the shrine by themselves. It was a small, rectangular area that was open to the sky. A pool of water separated the Goddess’s statue from the viewing platform. The morning light reflected beautifully off of the water.
Zale held Zelda tight beside him. He looked at the Goddess’s statue, not currently feeling tears in his eyes. His mind wandered, thinking about all of the things he needed to do next to become king. Occasionally, Zelda’s soft sobs broke into his thoughts.
After a few minutes of silence, Zale said, “We’ll be okay. Don’t worry, Zelda. I’m here for you.”
They turned to leave. A bright light made them pause and turn back around. To Zale’s astonishment, a semitransparent figure floated above the water.
“Father?” Zale gasped. The figure looked exactly like the king.
“Yes, my dear son, darling daughter,” said the ghost of the king. “Lady Hylia has granted a special meeting between us. Our time is short. Know that I love you both and am very proud.”
Fresh tears sprang to Zale’s eyes. His mouth hung open at first. He squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again. The image of his father remained.
“We love you, too, Daddy,” Little Zelda cried out. “We’ll always love you!”
King Gaepora addressed Zale. “My son, I know the task ahead of you may seem monumental. There will be times that you doubt yourself. But know that in the end, your father believed in you and knew you could handle yourself with grace.” Then he spoke to Zelda. “My dear. My darling Little Zelda. You may be sad for a while. It may be a long while. But someday, you will find the strength to help your brother run the kingdom.”
Zale could sense that their time was running out. He said, “Your will. Did you mean what you wrote for me?”
“Of course,” King Gaepora said, spreading his arms. “It’s time for me to go. I love you, my children. Never forget that.”
The king began to fade. Zelda held out a hand, and after a moment, so did Zale. Within seconds, King Gaepora was gone for good.
After a long silence, Zelda said, “Let’s go, brother. Tell me how I can help you.”
Zale laughed at the unexpected words. The two left the shrine, and he said, “Stay with Nellie for now. I’ll let you know when I need you. I think I know exactly how you can help.”
“How?” Zelda asked.
“I’ll tell you when I’m ready,” Zale answered.
“What am I supposed to do until then?” Zelda pouted.
Zale laughed again. “I don’t know. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
Then he and Salvatore went to check on Lila. On the way, Zale told Salvatore about the encounter with his father’s ghost.
“You’re very lucky,” Salvatore said. “Not many people get to say goodbye the way you got to.”
“I know,” Zale said. “Hylia honored Zelda and me.”
Once they arrived at Lila’s room, Zale knocked on the door. There was no answer, so he knocked again. Fearing the worst, he pushed the door open.
“Lila?” he asked, worried she was gone again.
His fears receded when she bolted up in her bed.
“Hu-what?” Lila wondered, reaching for her sword.
Zale laughed and held up his hands to calm her. “Relax, it’s just me.”
“Oh,” she said, leaning back on her pillows. “What do you want so early in the morning?”
“It’s not that early,” Zale said. “I just wanted to check on you.”
“I’m here, I’m alive.” Lila put a pillow over her face, so her next words were muffled. “Can you make it dark in here?”
Zale laughed again. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a sitting position. “Come on, it’s a great day!”
Lila raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s gotten into you?”
Zale had a small smile as he said, “I spoke to my father’s ghost.”
Now Lila was awake. “That’s amazing!”
“Yeah. He told me that he loved me, and now his death doesn’t seem so hard.”
“I’m happy for you,” Lila said with a smile. “You’re very lucky.”
“That’s what Salvatore said. Anyway, I have a lot to do today. You should get something to eat and we’ll chat later.”
“Okay,” Lila agreed.
“Se ya around.”
Zale left, feeling better than ever. He wanted to see Impa next, so he went to the infirmary. He asked about her and was told she had opted to return to her own home. They told him where to go and he went on his way. He was glad to find her still at home.
“Good morning,” Zale greeted as she let him in. Salvatore waited outside.
“Good morning,” Impa replied. She seemed weary.
“How are you holding up?” Zale asked sympathetically.
Impa didn’t respond at first. She guided Zale to a sitting room and motioned for him to sit.
“Can I get you anything?” she asked.
Zale shook his head. “No, thank you. I want to know how you’re doing.”
Impa stood for a while, seemingly lost in thought. It looked like she was holding back tears. Then she sat across from Zale with great sigh.
“It’s tough,” she finally admitted. “I feel like it was my fault that the king died.”
Zale frowned, feeling sorry for her. “It’s not your fault. I said it the other night, and I’ll say it again. Don’t feel bad about what happened.”
Impa bowed her head. “I know… I know. It’s just… hard to wrap my head around.”
“It will take time,” Zale said, “but you’ll feel better eventually.”
“Thank you,” Impa said. She siped her eyes and looked up at him. “What about you? You seem to be doing alright.”
Zale smiled softly. “Yes, I’ve made peace with my father’s death. Actually, his ghost visited me and Zelda. He told me he loved me and that made everything better.”
“Wow,” Impa breathed. “How wonderful!”
“It was,” Zale said with a nod. He paused for a moment and then said, “Are you up for helping me with a big task?”
Impa sat up straight. “Yes, anything, Sire.”
“This might be hard for you, but you’re the only one who can do it. I need you to retrieve the bodies of my father and the Shiekah that fought beside him.”
Impa gasped.
“Can you do it?” Zale asked.
She quickly nodded. “Yes, of course. I’ll leave right away.”
“Good. Take as many soldiers as you need. The time for secrecy on the matter is over.” Zale stood and Impa did the same. “Be quick about it. I want a proper funeral as soon as the generals return.”
Impa saluted to him and said, “Yes, Sire. We’ll be back by the end of the day.”
“Good. And, Impa.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my Prince.”
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ralucasalmostgone · 2 months
is this what you call progress? 🙄
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