hollyoxleylevel5 · 1 year
MonYay - research
I have decided to look at MonYay's website to see howI can give my initial designs personality. This will make my website stand out from others. Unfortunately I could not access MonYay's website but I was able to look at the presentation pages on the agency's website. This limited me to seeing the website on a small screen.
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The starting page for the MonYay website uses a minimal look. The grey background allows them to use lines of white to direct the user's eye to the main steps. By using pops of colour to indicate each question they have made them separate. This makes it clear what steps connect to each number.
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Furthermore, by using the same colours for the background of the question, they have connected the questions to the start page. This makes the design consistent.
Furthermore I like how they have used a combination of black and white text. This makes the main text stand out. I like how they have made the tip the main text because it tells them what they should think about. They have used the black text for the start of the message. This tells the user that they need to carry on he sentence.
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By using a short animation of bigger circles moving away from the centre circle, it tells the user that it is recording. This visual links back to music recording. By using a visual that is widely known they allow the visuals to convey the instructions.
By placing the text and illustrations near the bottom of the screen, they have made it more comfortable to view because our eyes are naturally drawn to the bottom.
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Using separate colours for the buttons help to make the page easier to navigate. It also gives the page a fun and playful tone. Using bright colours makes the website stand out from other websites I have viewed. They use a restricted colour palette, using 1-2 colours. However, using a variety of colours gives this design personality and refers back to the websites main purpose: bringing joy.
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I like how their home page uses shapes to decorate the final page. This ties the colours back into the designs. Furthermore, using curved corners gives the design a soft and comforting look. Using grey text for the secondary information draws attention to the word 'sent'. This makes it easy to navigate the page.
Furthermore, placing a cured line in the top shape gives me the impression of a smiling face. This makes me feels happy because it reminds me of childhood drawings of faces.
The reference to childhood, through the illustrations and colours makes me feel happy. By drawing on nostalgia they help people remember back to days where they did not hate Mondays.
Looking at this page shows me that small changes can give my website a fun and welcoming tone. I will explore using text and colour to develop my website.
Ideo. (2016). Mondays, Redesigned. [Online]. Available from: https://www.ideo.com/blog/mondays-redesigned/. [29 May 2023].
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luciamontepeque · 1 year
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Esta señora esta lista para la semana. @sabadisimoguatemala #felizlunes #señorismo #mujer #monyay #actitudpositiva #slc #actitud #amor #poder #woman #show #lifeisagift #thankful #yearsofadventures #powerful #yearsarewisdom #strong #life #luciamontepeque (en Canales 3y7) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUvLQuutJS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chopmunky · 2 years
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#Monyay first walk #Ramblers in the rain! #doubledoodle Dougie, #jackahuahua Leena, #staffycross Ludo and #bocker Dexter enjoying the run out 💙💖 🐾 #WeLoveDogs #dogwalker #dogwalking #dogwalkinguk #walkies #leedsdogs #dogwalkeruk #DogOfTheDay #DogsOfInstagram #RoverRambles #doglovers #dogstagram #instadog #instapuppy #dogsofinsta #doggo #dogs #doglover #doglife #dogwalkersofinstagram #dogwalkinglife #mondaymotivation #september2022 (at Water Haigh Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiZoAZqszyE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gorillaxyz · 1 month
anyway i finished my shower and... omg. guess what?
its friday tomorrow... and i have noooooooothing on. nothing to do nothing due -_- as of right now i dont even have hw due for NEXT week isnt that crazy?
and well... after the week Ends. theres the WeekEnd. yknow.... saturday and SUNDAY (sunday...) everyone knows about sat and sun
and everyone knows that after sat and sun... theres mon...day... garfield hates mondays i am not partial to them.
mondays are a draaaggg but its not their fault theyre the wtart of the working week... its not their fault they RUINED the joy of a sunday.............. but despite it not beingbtheir fault they are still widely considered to be capital bee BORING.
but what if i rold you........... oh my goodness
that....... oh gosh.... oh man.......... what if i told you........
next week............... monDay............... will become...
because.............. oh my goodness gracious me. because... hrrngg because...argh.... Because........
bank holiday monday
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spacebee · 6 months
hi! happy monYAY 😅! thank you for your reply to my ask (regarding how to stay motivated) - it has really helped and i've just started playing a family with twin sisters (different houses etc) and they both have their own stories that intertwine with one another (difficult to explain), but i'm loving it so far 🥰! trying to capture moments using poses, so i can pop pics on the walls of their home! with mods, which do you find add the most to your gameplay? i absolutely adore the pregnancy and wellness overhaul and the childbirth mod by pandasama 💜! have a lovely day!
helloo and happy friday!! :) i'm happy to hear about your legacy, woooo!! feel free to tag me if you're comfortable with that, i would love to see your twins!! :))
as for the mods, i mostly use these that i mentioned here in a previous post. plus i've added mods by caradriel, kiarasims and katiemods since! <3
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Monday Positivity 🙏🕉
A new week with a new start. Don't dread Mondays like Garfield does.
See the best in the day and block out any negativity.
So let's turn Monday into Monyay.
Namaste 🕉 🙏
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lizaminnellifan · 1 month
Happy beautiful monday morning. Monyay
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2004-18-06 · 2 months
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mrpseanmorgan · 10 months
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What I wore today Monday August 14, 2023 A GTH MONYAY!
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heart-leeb-oh · 10 months
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Baby, stand up! It’s MonYAY and if you’re not walking into work with a joy-filled spirit you need to ask yourself WHY. You don’t have to work, you get to work - a privilege that many don’t have. Turn your head away from yesterday, tune into today, and be ridiculously recklessly repeatedly grateful for what you have been given. Whatever your job, do it well as if you are working for Jesus Himself because baby, let me tell you something, lean in realllllll close..........YOU ARE. #jesuslovesyou #nowgoactlikeit #nowisalwaysbetter #singlouddancebad #lovethecrapoutofeveryone
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hollyoxleylevel5 · 1 year
Material design - a functioning UI design
During my final crit, it was suggested that I look at Materials. This is a live document that lay outs how Google create their UI design. Their goal was to develop one system that allows people to have a consistent experience across different platforms (Google, n.d.). this will make their Apps and websites simple and easy to use because the users will know where to find buttons and information.
Using fundamental design elements such as typography, girds, space and colour allows Google to guide a users experience because they can create hierarchy and meaning (Google, n.d.). By looking at how google uses these features to create their platforms, I can create a simple foundation for my tool which will be easy to use.
One feature Google uses is a three-dimensional environment (Google, n.d.). This allows them to use light and shadows to draw attention to certain features. It also tells the user which parts can be interacted with.
One way they use shadows is to show overlapping sections (Google, n.d.). This tells the user that the two features they are seeing overlap because in real life if an object is placed on top of another object it creates a shadow. Therefore, google are using things that are common in everyday life to make their platforms easy to use. This makes it easy to understand for everyone. It follows the lays of the world because solid material cannot pass through other material. This is a rule in both the real and digital space.
However, the way Google creates the shadows are different, depending on the platform. For Android, they create shadows using materials on the z-axis, however for web they use the y-axis (Google, n.d.).
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This table sets out the elevation levels google uses for each feature. This creates a consistent system to create a functioning website or app, where the shadows and lights aspects are the same. It makes it easy for the user to find the menu, clickable buttons and background elements.
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These graphs allow me to visually see how Google lays out each feature. I think this makes it easier to see how they design their websites and apps because it shows the the action buttons and app bars are always on top of the information. This draws the users attention to them because the shadow shows they overlap the background features.
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By changing the elevation when a button is pressed it tells the user that they have engaged with the button correctly. This makes it easy to tell when they have pressed the the button they want.
Placing the app bar above other information also makes it clear that when scrolling down the page it will not move.
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I will look at using these to inform my own designs. This will make it easy to find and interact with buttons, menus and background information. However, I will also look at websites such as MonYay to see how I can make my website fun and engaging. Although Googles guidelines are useful to make my tool functioning it makes it look boring and repetitive which will make my tool boring to use.
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By looking at how google structures their platforms I can create quick and easy designs for my tool. It also shows me how they direct their users to different sections and features.
These structures show me that the fundamental features are in the same place across different devices. he side nav is always on the left side and the content is always in the middle. However, on a desktop there is less content placed at the bottom of the page. Instead more content is placed at the top. It also does not have a bottom bar.
Therefore, I will need to slightly change my designs across different platforms to make them easy to use for my audience. The majority of my audience commonly use tablets, however I will also need to make my design functional for phones and desktops.
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The templates and examples google show, hints at how they want the users to interact with different platforms. It also shows what basic grids they use. I have noticed that even though they shows different variations their are some common features. The images are always placed in the background or in a box on the right side of the page. Action buttons are placed at the bottom right side. This makes it easy to find because it is always in the same place. Their content is also place from left to right. This makes it easy for the user to navigate the page because they know to always read the information on the left side first.
I will use these features in my initial designs to create a basic structure that is easy to use. This will make my UX and Ui design easy to use because it uses features that m y audience knows and use everyday.
Google. (n.d.) Material Design. [Online]. Available from: https://m1.material.io/#introduction-principles/. [Accessed 29 May 2023]
Google. (n.d.) Layout- Structure. [Online]. Available from: https://m1.material.io/layout/structure.html#. [Accessed 29 May 2023]
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afrotumble · 2 years
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Kutlwano Angela Monyai uses paint, crochet and fabric to embody the Black female experience.
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chopmunky · 2 years
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Easing ourselves into Monday… #WeLoveDogs #dogwalker #dogwalking #dogwalkinguk #walkies #dogwalkeruk #DogOfTheDay #DogsOfInstagram #RoverRambles #doglovers #dogstagram #instadog #instapuppy #dogsofinsta #doggo #dogs #doglover #doglife #dogwalkersofinstagram #dogwalkinglife #frenchbulldogsofinstagram #doubledoodle #jackahuahua #doubledoodlesofinstagram #mondaymotivation #monyay #november (at Rothwell Country Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck7_-QBshHT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jnaintre · 2 years
Hi - :D - (nerd face) - I am thinking about picking back up my writing/journaling for a bit see how we go.
Today is Monyay, my last Monyay before I start my BRAND NEW JOB next week at KFORCE - excited !
This weekend, was lovely:
- Friday night I went over Nelly’s around 7pm, we had dinner hung out and watched half of TOP GUN. Amor hurt his back on Thursday so we took it easy & went to bed on the early side.
- Saturday we woke up around 7, as we do and as I love, and went for our Coffe, as we do and as WE LOVE - Saturday morning we chose ALL DAY but once there I realized I really wanted to get a WOD in (with Nathalia!) so picked up the bill quickly and amor followed even though he wasn't going to be working out. Thanks amor, we a team <3 The WOD was fire, it was my first time working out with Nathalia all week, she was a lil bitter about me having chosen to go to Nelly’s nephew’s bday party instead of her 40th - but she was in the process of getting over it I think - we then went just us 2 for coffee at PUREROAST, but her boy of the morning was already there so quickly I went back to hang with my Nellybooboo :) Nellybooboo and I went for a walk around Brickell key to get the old man moving a bit - it was nice, so nice, its always nice - that's one thing I love about us, its always so nice and chill. Then, we decided to go make brunch at his place - I MADE BRUNCH. and it was Fuego. Then I went to pick up 7 DONUTS FORM SALTY DONUTS & brought them to Elza and Mikus’ for BBQ with my other fav couple, Wattsi and Erick - Nelly didn’t join bc Nelly likes his Nelly time...which honestly is all good, I’m adapting to him not always being with me, like Renu was not always with Philz...I think the most important in relationships is to learn how to merge your life with someone else’s while still living the life you want to live - like 2 circles overlapping with your fav activities that you do together in the middle and the activities you do separately on the side. I love it. then went back to my boo’s and slept over.
- Sunday, was perfect, we woke up and decided to go out and explore, we got coffee on Sobe at Bebitos and it was lovely. We practiced out handstands (well, I did, Nelly boo still hurt back status) and just chilled around. Then, we picked up some bagels for brunch at moms (first time mom Alfie and Philzi and Peachy and Sienna were meeting Nelly and it was great !) before that though we stopped for a lil drinki at Chugs I had a rly good mimosa 8)
Sunday ended perfectly with amazing sex - I love sex and I love the way he gives it to me. ;)
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heather-in-heels · 4 years
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weebeasts-luvyou · 5 years
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💜🐉💕 hellooo!
✦ Name: Karla
✦ Specimen: dragon Weebeast
✦ Hatched: 8/172019
✦ Weebeast No. 216
✦ Habitat: hot rocks and castles
✦ Earth Treasure: carnelian
✦ Notes: She may look sweet but she’s quite the sneak. She loves popcorn but colorful fruit salad is her favorite treat!
Her carnelian life source fuels the heat to pop some popcorn within a couple of feet!

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