#moonhaven lifestyle
dragonmythfandom · 2 years
Slow Living = Moonhaven culture <3 amazing!!
Ecofriendly, naturebased, calm culture of Moonhaven does the same I love this style: Slow Living
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slverblood · 7 months
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From right to left — Ryndra, Gildí, Paityn Aylin traveled with many during her time, some fellow Swords of the Lady and some not. Her most constant companions and closest friends, however, are the three shown above. They were dubbed the Four Moons, each one said to embody the flanges of Selûne's Rod of Four Moons. All of them were fellow Swords of the Lady. All of them died in the Shadowfell and were sacrificed to create the Soul Cage. When Aylin was freed, so were they. Selûne rewarded their faith by uplifting them as Slivers. Although they no longer travel with Aylin as they once did, they will always aid her in her hour of need.
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DAME RYNDRA. Human Netherese Shadar-Kai. Barbarian, Path of the Berserker.
Ryndra grew up alongside Aylin in Moonhaven. She was orphaned young and thus raised in the temple. Being the only one consistently willing to scrap with Aylin and all around treat her like any other playmate, the two were thick as thieves. So close was their bond that they swore sisterhood at the age of ten and held to that all their lives. They likewise swore to become Swords of the Lady together. Aylin accomplished that at eighteen, and Ryndra followed four years after.
In 1385, she traveled with the rest of the Four Moons to Reithwin. Their mission was to uproot corruption in the area and investigate the rising Sharran threat. She was captured by Sharrans two years later, and subjected to Rivalen's ritual to turn a human into Shadar-Kai. She was rescued by her companions — but not soon enough. Her skin turned shadow gray; her eyes turned ink blank, the scelera totally indistinguishable from the iris. Her skin struggled to hold warmth as her heart struggled to hold mirth. It was as if the Shadowfell itself had infected her.
She found any method she could to fight the listlessness that threatened to overtake her. She took to decorating herself with vibrant colors: in her clothing, in her makeup, painted over her skin, dyed in her hair. She had ever been one to throw herself into battle with ferocity — a true berserker through and through — but that tripled in the aftermath. The flame of battle rage proved her surest defense against the numbing cold of the Shadowfell creeping through her soul. She often found she did not wish to leave her rages once the battle was done. She had not yet struck a balance when she died.
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DAME GILDÍ. Human. Paladin, Oath of Glory.
Gildí was born to the Gur of the Heartlands, those who call themselves the Children of Selûne. She did not grow up in the temples that Aylin and Ryndra knew well, but any worthwhile Selûnite community would welcome them, and the Swords of the Lady accepted all with a faithful heart. She proved the archetypal paladin in many ways: honorable, compassionate, true to her oath, a shining example that inspired others. She had a way with people, often acting as the face of the party when a softer voice than Aylin’s was required.
It was St. Erlona who paired her with Aylin initially. Gildí’s reputation within the order was favorable from the start and only grew with time. Erlona thus hoped she would temper the more reckless and headstrong Aylin. What she failed to realize, however, was that Gildí was a Sword of the Lady through and through. There were none more exuberant in battle nor any quicker to take mad risk. Her strength lay in her unpredictability and uncanny good luck. It was often joked that Selûne was her lady but Tymora was surely her lover.
All the Four Moons had their reputations repressed by Sharrans after their disappearance, but Gildí’s memory has persevered best. Her community’s nomadic lifestyle made it difficult for the Sharrans to pin them down, thus leaving the most intact record of the Four Moons in their keeping. They further accepted refugees from Reithwin and Moonhaven when Ketheric waged his brief war, helping to relocate many and embracing the rest.
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DAME PAITYN. Half-Elf Wererat. Rogue, Inquisitive.
Min was born to a colony of wererats living in the sewers of Neverwinter. All she knew of her mother was what her father told her. He said he'd loved her mother true and had been fool enough to believe she felt the same. The moment he revealed he was a wererat, however, she'd turned on him and their newborn daughter, driving them out under threat of death. Vermin was what she'd spat at the infant, so vermin he had named her — Min, for short. He made sure she never forgot that's what folk above thought of them.
But, Min was not entirely convinced. Any desire she expressed to leave their colony was harshly repressed, but still she was not convinced. She ran away when she was sixteen to live in the upper parts of the city (though she only made it past the slums when she was stealing). She fell in with another young thief who'd also run away from home. They quickly became inseparable — except on full moon nights when Min could not restrain her transformation. Curious about these disappearances, her friend followed her in secret, then fled in horror. That did not surprise Min. What did surprise her was when her friend returned days later, having decided to remain her friend.
Things changed when the Wailing Death descended on the city. People began to blame any "pest": rats and then wererats when the plague's magical nature was taken into account. Min had hardly kept in contact with her colony since leaving, but she was now key to their survival. The life she had established among the city's population made it possible for her to send supplies it was too dangerous for them to retrieve themselves. She trusted her friend to aid her in this, revealing the colony's location. But, her friend had high debts to their name and sold that information to pay them. Min's grief was unbearable. She gave herself over fully to the wererat, terrorizing Neverwinter until she was driven out.
She made a nighttime attack on a Selûnite temple in a small town. The cleric, though startled from deep slumber, was able to subdue her. When the townsfolk arrived with pitchforks to investigate, Min fully expected to die. But, the cleric defended her. Gave her coin and supplies from the temple, and set her free. Min took it all and ran . . . yet found herself gravitating to places of Selûnite worship along the way. She took a new name — Paityn — and dedicated both her faith and skills to the goddess. She did so with such competency that it draw Aylin's eye. Paityn did not believe herself worthy of knighthood, but when the Daughter of the Moonmaiden said she was, who could disagree? Aylin knighted her herself.
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willow-the-druid · 4 months
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We explored a great deal of the blighted village, a place once called Moonhaven. Scattered missing posters and an old school journal told me that children and their families had mysteriously disappeared over some time. Shadowheart seemed a little stirred up about that information. I feel like she's hiding something from me, but I don't want to press about what.
Exploring more of the village, we found a cave full of webs and a MASSIVE phase spider. There was a large pit near where she died, bur I thought better than to jump down it. We explored another buiding and found a cellar. Hidden behind secret passages and a magic mirror was a laboratory. behind a locked door was a cursed tome, which I quickly destroyed before we left. I was able to gather a fair amount of potion supplies, so it wasn't a total loss.
We then travelled south where we found two men yelling at an old woman. They claimed she was a hag who'd taken their sister. Due to a miscommunication, they attacked us, and were slain. The woman, Auntie Ethel, thanked us, and offered refuge in her home.
Entering the forest, a strange feeling washed over me. Looking around, I realized we were standing in a massive illusion. The lush forest melted away to reveal a putrid swamp. We ventured further, and made our way to Ethel's tea house.
Walking in, we spotted the girl Mayrina, but Ethel snapped her fingers and she vanished. I talked to Ethel for a moment, and she made mention of our tadpole problem. She offered to help, but I know better than to trust a hag. We attacked her there in her home, and we successfully killed her before she could escape us.
We headed down into her lair, looking to resuce her victims. We were able to recover a few, but some were too far gone to be saved. We rescued Mayrina, where she informed me that she had planned to trade her unborn child in exchange for Ethel reviving her husband. I found a cursed wand that might have done that, but I broke it out of fear of the evil magic within it.
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Exploring more of the swamp, we met a monster hunter! He said he had been set out to capture the vampire spawn, Astarion. A monster hunter after one of my companions? I'll admit, Astarion and I don't always see eye-to-eye, but to send him off with a hunter? I didn't have the heart to let him go. Especially after he traded his rogue lifestyle for that of a bard. He's become much more entertaining lately.
We took out the monster hunter rather effectively. I hope we don't come to regret it.
Looking over the map, I realized we were close to the marked location for Kagha's note. We explored further, took out some mud mephits, and found the letter. It turns out Kagha is working for the Shadow Druids! I can't let this stand. We need to return to the Grove and stop her before she completes the Rite of Thorns.
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moonhavencrypto · 3 years
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This is real, some of you have already heard about it but it’s worth repeating 🥸 These miners are hard to come by right now, but it is an incredible opportunity, especially for those in big cities 🌎 We just released a basic guide to Helium and what is on our MoonHaven blog, very simple and easy to grasp if you’re looking for a quick breakdown! 🔥💯 check out the link in our bio for more keep up with our page for weekly crypto projects that have moon potential 🌝 creating a safe haven for hodl worthy tokens/coins 😎 ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #inspiration #lifestyle #goals #love #entrepreneurship #believeinyourself #entrepreneurlife #selfcare #cryptocurrency #investor #realtor #marketing #wealth #money #motivation #investing #ethereum #bitcoin #business #fitness #invest #realestate #crypto #investment #financialfreedom #entrepreneur #investinyourself #success #finance #investors https://www.instagram.com/p/CQeuuIUjwZb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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slverblood · 7 months
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( enable my rambling // always accepting ) @ceyseli WROTE: hc + hobbies / relaxation / self care
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AYLIN HAS SPENT MOST OF her life on the road. She was hidden in Moonhaven / the Selûnite Outpost in her earliest years, but she was nevertheless young when she began traveling with St. Erlona and John Meadowlin. Moonhaven and later Reithwin were her home base, the place she returned between quests, but she might be gone for months or even years. Her every concept of hobbies, relaxation, self-care thus revolve around that lifestyle.
Hobbies are easy to answer. She loves theater, even puppet plays. She just loves stories in general, really. Meadowlin raised her on everything from fairytales to great epics, and went all in doing voices and acting out certain scenes. As she got older and came to know their favorites by heart, they'd act them out together around the campfire. It's not practical for her to carry around a load of books, but any bard, storyteller, and acting troupe she chances across will find an enthusiastic audience in her . . . or an enthusiastic heckler if their skills aren't up to snuff. When such entertainments are unavailable, she'll tell stories herself or ask stories of those around her. She is an excellent storyteller and has many to share. Alternatively, she'll pull those around her into a word game like she'd play with Erlona and Meadowlin. Something like inventing a story a line at a time or coming up with limericks based on their surroundings — they found ways to entertain themselves.
She's fond of other games as well. She carries a pack of cards on her and knows a frankly ridiculous amount of games with variants. She's not big on gambling but she'll find the card table in any tavern just to have people to play with. She was raised on strategy games, too: chess, backgammon, alquerque, you get the picture. Carrying around a bunch of game sets wasn't practical, but they could fit at least one travel sized game set, and many other games could be improvised with what was around them. Erlona was best with the card and table games, and she used them to teach Aylin how to strategize, read her opponents, present a bluff, analyze the stakes. How well those lessons really sank in is debatable, but she loves a board game night all the same.
These hobbies count as her relaxation and self-care. She doesn't have many personal possessions, and what she does have are practical for travel. She's very social — or was before being imprisoned — so a pub crawl or festival or loud party have been her preferred scene. Alcohol doesn't really help her unwind, though. She has to drink a lot more to get buzzed than most, unless she's drinking with like . . . goliaths or something. She does drink; it's just for socialization more than getting drunk. She appreciates a night in an actual bed and a hearty meal and a warm bath when she can get it, but she's not one to luxuriate in bed or really soak in the bath or savor a gourmet meal. Self-care and relaxation for her really are playing games and going out to have fun.
That having been said, after being freed, she can't handle the loud, chaotic, crowded venues she used to love. Not for many years, at least. (Being immortal gives her enough time for anything to change, but that can mean decades or centuries.) As she starts to understand and accept that, she really does start to gravitate toward game nights or storytelling / singing with a small group. Something fun but relaxed, social but with a small number she knows well.
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