#slow living tips
dragonmythfandom · 2 years
Slow Living = Moonhaven culture <3 amazing!!
Ecofriendly, naturebased, calm culture of Moonhaven does the same I love this style: Slow Living
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windonthewaters · 10 months
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oliviafitmomof3 · 2 years
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Consistency + Patience = Results 🙌
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aniah-who · 2 months
I have a vision, and it's green (:
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For those of you who don't know me, hi— I'm Aniah (: and I have a pretty big green thumb; and by this, I really just mean that I'm a proud plant mom. From succulents to vines, from palms to trees, I have it. However, recently, I've grown an itch to add an additional category of plants to the family- kitchen herbs! I'm super excited to get into the rhythm of research and even more excited to go shopping once I complete my Herbs-To-Buy list! A few herbs that have already added to my list are Oregano, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley, Dill, Basil, and Sage. If you guys have any tips or recommendations at all regarding ideal herbs or just gardening in general, feel free to drop a comment! By the way, these will all be indoors <3
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Summer productivity challenge , day 3
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Household chores
Harvest vegetables in the garden
Cook lunch for the family from scratch
Go for a walk with the dog
Wash the dishes
Arrange the new photographs I printed in the 'photo album
Apply sunscreen
Vitamin B12 supplement
Guided morning meditation
Read (Reasons not to Worry by Brigid Delaney)
20 min night meditation
Study session
Repeat aloud 20 pages geology x 3
Study Botany
What I ate today
Breakfast 🍳☕
4 slices of bread with avocado and poppy seeds
Smoothie (carrots, celery, apple, peach)
Lunch 🍚🌾
Chicken curry and basmati rice
Some sushi leftovers from yesterday's dinner
(I do intermitting fasting from 14:00 to 6:00)
Post note:
Also, I'd like to point out that as a proudly Italian girlie I cook everything with love and from scratch.
Most of the times vegetables are from my garden, eggs and chicken from my grandma's house and milk (and so other dairy products) come from cows grazing on the nearby alps in summer.
Everyday I feel so grateful and lucky to have the possibility to experience this idyllic kind of living!
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Some photos from my camera gallery ☺️
(quote me if you use my photos)
Of course, this lifestyle has its own great difficulties and disadvantages, but I'm still really grateful!
- Nightbunny
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theadhdhomemaker · 11 months
Creating a Cozy and Chaotic Haven: Welcome to The ADHD Homemaker
Home is where the heart is, and as homemakers, we have the incredible privilege of shaping and nurturing that heart. Welcome to The ADHD Homemaker, your online guide to the art of homemaking. Whether you're a seasoned homemaker or just beginning your journey, you've found a welcoming space where we celebrate the magic of home.
The ADHD Homemaker isn't just a blog; it's a community of people who are passionate about learning more about homemaking and finding peace within the chaos of this crazy world. Here, we explore the many facets of homemaking, from organization and decor to cooking, cleaning, and everything in between.
I believe in the transformative power of homemaking. It's not just about keeping a tidy house; it's about cultivating a nurturing environment that reflects your personality and values. Homemaking is an art, a labor of love, and we're here to help you embrace it with enthusiasm.
This blog is your resource for all things homemaking, offering a wealth of ideas, advice, and inspiration. In the upcoming posts, we'll dive deep into various aspects of homemaking, including:
Home Decor: Discover tips and tricks for decorating your living spaces to reflect your style and create an inviting ambiance.
Cooking and Recipes: Explore delicious recipes, cooking techniques, and meal planning ideas for all skill levels.
Organization and Cleaning: Learn how to keep your home tidy and efficient, making daily life smoother and more enjoyable.
DIY Projects: Get creative with DIY projects and crafts to add a personal touch to your home.
Homemaking is a labor of love, and it's even more rewarding when shared with a like-minded community. We encourage you to share your insights, ask questions, and engage with us and fellow homemakers. Together, we can make the journey of homemaking more enjoyable and fulfilling.
I am thrilled to have you join me on this homemaking adventure. Together, we'll find joy in everyday life, create spaces that envelop us with comfort, and turn our houses into homes filled with love. Stay tuned for our upcoming posts, and let's embark on this journey of homemaking and heartwarming together.
Thank you for becoming a part of our homemaking family!
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dearweirdme · 11 months
hi rain
Back on my defending Jimin bs. What taekookers have to understand is that jkkrs are insane, they will use anything and I really do mean anything as ammunition. Jimin didn't even mention JK and hasn't really all year unless asked about him. any jkkr holding onto the idea that tae is driving this wedge between their dumb ass ship is delusional and wasn't coming down from that fantasy anytime too soon. I thought jimin was hilarious and personable in his live and to me clearly missed taehyung and wished he was there.- Bym
Ps. Heyyy how you been I hope life slows down for you so you can relax and hang more ♥️
Hi BYM anon!
Jkkrs have had an odd year I think. I’ve been keeping up with them a bit and except for a few highs (Jk’s live and Jimin in NY) there’s been much doubts. Doubts because it’s been very obvious even to them (though they won’t admit it) that Jimin and Jk haven’t been as much a part of each other’s lives as they have with others. Jimin has been close with Yoongi, and doesn’t shy away from mentioning or showing that. And Jk has obviously been close with Tae. The difference is obvious. They’re throwing around all kinds of reasons, like ‘laying low for the military’, ‘Jimin is not willing to show us’, ‘they had a rough time’.. whatever just suits the moment best I guess. Tae is a disturbance to them. His mentions of Jk (due to actually spending time with him) to them come off as Tae stirring up shit. It doesn’t even register in their mind that Tae is the one being sincere here. To them it will never make any sense, because their core belief is wrong. They base everything on Jk and Jimin being together.. and if that’s your starting point you’ll always be confused and you’ll always need to place the cause of your confusion somewhere else.
Tkkrs hating on Jimin is sadly enough not a new thing. I suppose to some it’s hard to see Jk interact with Jimin freely while he can’t with Tae. And we have seen Tae hurt at times when Jk and Jimin interacted, so that is tough. But it’s not Jimin’s fault. Or it’s that Jkkrs and Jimin are a bit the same to them. But Jkkrs do not stand for Jimin. Imo Jkkrs are very often very wrong about Jimin, so they can’t stand for him.
The whole Jkkrs and Tkkrs situation is the oddest thing to me really, because so often it gets treated as though it’s a competition about which couple is the realest. I actually got an ask about me being hypocritical because I don’t regard both ships the same 😂. Ofcourse I don’t, one is real to me and the other is a group of people being mistaken. I don’t judge them the same, because they aren’t.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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from the 'sacred spaces {feng shui & adornment}' Pinterest board
It's been known ancestral wisdom worldwide that many in modernity are forgetting. Inward *and* outward beauty are naturally the result of investing in your wellness. It develops an unshakeable quality of self-love. You become bold enough to emanate your higher self, which incites compassionate action, glowing smiles, symbolic adornment, and inspiration in others to follow suite.
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princessproductivity · 5 months
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7 ways to organize your life...
Find a job that allows you to work the same days every week. I work a set schedule with my clients on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and my entrepreneurial ventures allow me to work flexibly around those days so I can arrange my home schedule to my liking 4 days a week.
Create a schedule for the main cleaning, yard care, and bill related tasks. For instance, I wash our bedsheets every Monday, and my husband tackles our yard care needs every other Saturday. Many of these tasks are reoccurring, and knowing when you will do them allows you to make time for smaller tasks that require no schedule.
Set yourself up for success the night before. Prep your coffee maker, set out your clothes, tidy up the house, and clean your kitchen so that breakfast doesn't have to wait on the dishes in the sink! A streamlined, stress-free morning is the start of a stress-free, productive day. Give yourself more time than you think you'll need so you don't need to rush, and have adequate time to prepare for the day ahead.
Stop "living in the now" and start planning ahead. Oftentimes a lack of organization stems from a general lack of preparation. Have a list of goals for your day, week, month, and year. When you feel the urge to scroll mindlessly on TikTok for the next few hours, ask yourself what you can do to accomplish the things on your list instead. In ten years, you won't regret not spending more time on TikTok, you'll regret not spending more time improving your life circumstances.
Control your screen time and dedicate that time to your goals. This will vary from person to person, but you may need to spend more time working out, studying for that next big exam, visiting with your loved ones, working on your business venture, connecting with your faith, etc. These days so many people are addicted to their screens, and it can be a huge hindrance to and distraction from our true ambitions in life. To learn more about how to reduce your screen time, check out my post where I share a few methods that helped me limit my own.
Refuse to see yourself as incompetent. Instead of telling yourself "I'm not the type of person who can start a business," ask yourself, "How can I become the type of person who can start a business?" It is easy to become dismissive of our own abilities over time, and by constantly telling yourself you are incapable you allow yourself to become truly incapable.
Allow yourself to relax. I've fallen into the trap many times, where I feel like I am wasting time if I'm not actively doing something productive every second of every day. While we shouldn't spend all of our time idle, it is fine to sleep in on occasion or take time to unwind and do something just for fun at the end of the day. Not every waking moment needs to be set in stone, and the best way to stay organized in the long term is to allow yourself some grace when you need a break.
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A bit about @princessproductivity! What is the 12 week year? 7 ways to reduce your screen time...
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windonthewaters · 11 months
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rainbowhearttribe · 2 months
One of those things we may not want to hear but need to! 😻🔆😂
If we have been slacking, this is our cue to get back up again! We got this! 🤝
Remember your wholeness within,
Love - Palalika
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meng-u-las · 1 year
Review Buku - Slow Living (Hidup Bukanlah Pelarian tapi Perjalanan)
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Buku Slow Living karya Sabrina Ara ini tidak sengaja saya lihat dipojokan harian Kompas, sebagai buku rekomendasi, karena tergelitik dengan judulnya, akhirnya saya mencoba mencari di marketplace dan langsung membelinya. Buku ini cukup tipis sekitar 111 Halaman, namun isinya cukup padat dan tentunya mengulas cukup dalam mengenai gaya hidup lambat. Alasan saya pribadi mengapa akhirnya memutuskan untuk membeli buku tersebut karena saat ini saya sedang berada di fase yang cukup lelah dengan keseharian, dimana sepertinya pekerjaan, kebutuhan bersosialisasi, sosial media, seakan begitu sesak menempati ruang-ruang jadwal yang dimiliki setiap hari dan anehnya semua terasa "buru-buru" atau "mendesak", maka buku yang menyajikan pengetahuan tentang gaya hidup lambat ini seakan menjadi sebuah harapan dari apa yang saya rasakan, oleh karena itu saya membelinya, jadi meskipun ada pepatah bilang jangan menghakimi buku dari sampul nya, saya sudah menghakimi dari sampul dan judulnya.
Kesan saya setelah membaca buku tersebut adalah buku ini memang membantu kita untuk bercermin ataupun memikirkan kembali kehidupan yang saat ini kita jalani, ada beberapa bagian yang memiliki aktivitas untuk semakin mengenali diri sendiri dan yang menyenangkan adalah dalam sebuah buku yang tipis, sepertinya pembahasannya cukup lengkap, dari melihat tentang zaman sekarang dimana semuanya terobsesi dengan kecepatan, mengenal tentang gaya hidup melambat, belajar menerima dan mencintai takdir, menerima kekurangan diri dan mencapai tujuan hidup dalam proses setahap demi setahap. semuanya bisa didapat dalam buku ini, namun untuk beberapa orang yang sering membaca buku serupa atau yang memiliki tema serupa, banyak hal terkesan mengulang-ulang dan kurang terasa gregetnya atau tidak terlihat ada suatu kebaruan, tapi membaca buku ini cukup membantu mengingat kembali hal-hal seperti mindfulness, belajar menerima diri sendiri atau menyadari bahwa hidup ini bukan merupakan suatu perlombaan atau persaingan, sehingga sangat bisa diterima apabila kita mengambil waktu istirahat atau menjauhi apapun yang kita lakukan sejenak, karena pada dasarnya manusia tidak harus terus berlari sepanjang waktu.
Setiap orang tentu memiliki cita-cita atau target, terkadang target itu begitu ambisius atau besar, untuk mencapai hal yang besar tersebut seakan satu-satunya cara adalah terus tancap gas tanpa kenal lelah, padahal yang perlu kita sadari bahwa diri kita ini memiliki keterbatasan, selain itu sebetulnya target yang besar tersebut bisa dipecah menjadi beberapa target kecil sehingga lebih mudah untuk mencapai target tersebut dan setahap demi setahap, lagipula tidak pernah ada yang melarang untuk mencapai keberhasilan-keberhasilan kecil setiap waktu atau setahap demi setahap, sering kali kehadiran media sosial membuat kita hanya melihat satu sisi dari hidup seseorang, yang selalu ditampilkan adalah kondisi mereka ketika berhasil saja dan memang natur dari media sosial adalah untuk pamer, namun yang menjadi salah adalah ketika melihat sesuatu tersebut, kita membandingkan dengan diri kita sendiri dan merasa kecil karenanya, oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk mengenali kembali diri kita dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangan dan senantiasa melangkah setahap demi setahap, rayakan setiap keberhasilan kecil jika perlu karena setiap keberhasilan kecil pun adalah buah dari usaha kita.
Hal lainnya yang menurut saya menarik juga adalah melalui buku ini kita juga diajak merungkan hal-hal yang terjadi dalam hidup kita sehari-hari, belum mendapatkan pekerjaan idaman, belum selesai jenjang pendidikan, belum mendapatkan jodoh dan lain sebagainya, kunci dari semuanya adalah bukan membuat kita semakin merasa kecil, melainkan menyadari bahwa dalam segala sesuatu mungkin kita belum atau tidak bisa mendapatkan yang kita inginkan, tapi kita bisa mendapatkan hal lainnya, atau mungkin yang kita inginkan sebetulnya bukan yang kita butuhkan, sehingga sentilan kecil tadi bisa membuat kita semakin mengenali diri kita sendiri, apakah impian atau target tersebut betul-betul kita butuhkan atau hanya sekedar untuk memenuhi harapan dari orang-orang sekitar agar mendapatkan cap "normal" ?
Satu hal yang pasti kita diajak untuk memaknai kehidupan ini dari sudut pandang yang baru, yang mungkin tidak bisa kita dapatkan apabila kita terlalu sibuk berlari mengejar ambisi pribadi kita, karena seperti sedang hiking ke gunung atau berjalan-jalan di alam, kita tidak bisa melihat ataupun menikmati keindahan alam apabila kita hanya berlari, hal yang berbeda terjadi ketika kita berjalan lambat, kita memiliki waktu untuk melihat ke sekitar dan bisa menyadari keindahan alam ataupun dunia tempat kita berada.
Banyak hal lainnya yang bisa di dapat dari buku Slow Living ini, yang tentunya tidak bisa saya ungkapkan dalam tulisan saya yang terbatas ini, silahkan cari bukunya dan baca sendiri untuk semakin mengenali diri kita masing-masing. Selamat membaca!
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Embracing Slow Living: A Guide to Living More Mindfully for the Bliss seeker.
Embracing Slow Living: A Guide to Living More Mindfully for the Bliss seeker. In today’s fast-paced world, where hustle and bustle seem to be the norm, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. We often find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of responsibilities, commitments, and constant distractions.  However, there is a growing movement towards embracing a slower, more intentional way…
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How to Plan Retirement Abroad on a Budget?
The allure of retiring abroad and embracing slow travel has captured the hearts of many, especially within our vibrant Retire Young Travel Smart community. However, alongside the excitement comes a wave of questions and concerns about the long-term practicality and sustainability of this lifestyle. A recent discussion within our Facebook group, Budget Slow Travel in Retirement, brought to light…
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magic--mama · 4 months
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Remember the life you're living is for you, nobody else. Pleasing other people will only get you so far, if you're never concerned about your own happiness and peace. Try putting yourself first for once, and watch yourself grow. 🌻
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