#more blood tests let’s goooo
cipher-the-sidhe · 5 months
I’m so fucking done with the medical industry! I’m not sure if this is truly infuriating or just… hilarious! Considering the joke hinges on my medical wellbeing, probably the former 🙃
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dark-frosted-heart · 10 months
Ellis Twilight Bond Story #5 - Adored
Bond lv. 7
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Ellis: Good afternoon. Are you looking for someone?
Roger called for you
Ellis: Roger? I wonder if he's treating me to a meal again... Or does he need a blood or drug test...?
Victor called for you
Ellis: Huh...really. Got it. Sometimes I get scolded because I forget to undo my ability. When was it...
Jude called for you
Ellis: Now that you mention it, I was supposed to go collecting tonight. He never lets things goooo... [Ellis is kind of whiny here]
Ellis: That man's at his happiest when he's torturing someone.
Ellis: Huh...Everyone dotes on me?
Ellis: That's not true. Everyone adores you more.
Ellis: Who are you happiest with? Who do you want to spend time with?
Ellis: Whoever you pick, I'll make it come true. Heh...Just tell me any time.
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leviathxn · 1 year
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“Cut Him Some Slack”
Okay so I used to write a bunch and I did a lot of requests for people and I can admit that my qqwriting improved 1000x over so I’m finally able to pick up my writing (I’m so sorry to all my Wattpad people that I just never finish the requests or stories for 😭). But I’m trying to format this and add things that usually are put here so let’s goooo
Miguel O’ Hara x fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst (ATSV Spoilers!!), blood and fighting (physical and verbal), sweet Miguel 🥹
Summary : You and Miguel are already in a (private and hidden) relationship and you didn’t have any issues with the things he had to do… until Miles came into the picture
Before we start, I took Spanish for 6 years and I want to say I understand it but I do not trust myself enough to use it fully so I’m really only gonna use small words or phrases (if I even use them at all) so I’m so sorry for the Spanish speakers if I manages to mess that up, and for the non Spanish speakers I’m gonna add translations next to the words
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Everything had happened too fast. At first Miguel attempted to explain it to Miles and it seemed he understood at first, but, naturally no one would want to stand idly by as their father was knowingly going to die. I understood every bit of confusion and pain that Miles felt and I desperately wanted to reach out and comfort him. However I know what would happen to me if I were to step out of line and help somebody who had the fate of the multiverse in their hand.
Miguel was cold, calculated and heartless… when it came to these types of things of course. But it’s when he got like this that I knew I had to be the one to step in. I was the only person that could stand in Miguel’s way that wouldn’t be immediately killed (I say immediately, because I’ve never tested it out and maybe he would snap my neck a little slower than the next guy).
We went from in HQ, to the train, then back to HQ. The whole time my head shook. How was this all happening, I asked myself over and over again as I ran to the “go home machine”. I reached it before Miguel, seeing Miles in the process of going home. I looked him in the eyes… well tried to since he was still invisible and nodded. I turned around and positioned myself, ready for Miguel. He bursted in, ready to pounce and get him out of there until he made eye contact with me.
“(Y/N) move now!”. He shouted and panted and I stood my ground. Miles was almost done being sent home and Miguel jumped to reach the platform. I had quickly webbed his foot, messing up his jump. I grabbed his arm and hoisted him back to the other side. He screamed in fury as Miles was finally gone. He laid on the ground for a moment, it was quiet all around us. He let out a scream of rage again and slammed the ground, causes multiple cracks. “Everybody out!”. I stood my ground and clenched my fists, I had never seen him so angry.
He slowly got up, before turning my around and grabbed my arm. I flinched at his harsh grip, everything telling me to run before I get hurt.
“Do you have ANY idea of what you just helped?” I didn’t like his use of the word ‘what’ to refer to Miles. He was a kid who wanted nothing more than to protect the ones he loved.
“A kid who wanted to save his dad?” His grip tightened and his fangs flared at him. I felt the fear creep into my body at every motion he did.
“You just helped an anomaly who could destroy the multiverse! ¡Eres Estúpida!”. My body began to shake as I tried to look Miguel in the eyes again. When I did all I saw was red. I shut my eyes again and took a breath.
“That wasn’t his choice and you know that. And oh it just be nice to stand by and yell at somebody for wanting to be selfish but you were in the same situation. You destroyed a whole world because you were selfish! Let the kid at least try!” A slap echoed throughout the room. My face stung and tears welled up in my eyes. He actually just hit me. I looked up to Miguel to see shock on his face.
“Querida-“ I shoved out of his grip
“Don’t call me that!” I back away from him and went towards the door. He turned and followed me fumbling over his steps
“(Y/N) please just let me talk, I didn’t mean to”
“I did just let you talk, and you slapped me!” I shouted turning around and punched his chest. It had done nothing to him. He was ready for it. I kept punching him over and over again, disgusted by what he just did. So why did I still care? Why did I still want to be with him? Why did I still want to try? I really am stupid.
He let me continue hitting him as I let the tears pour out. I shouted at him over and over again.
“You were crazy while chasing him! I’ve never seen you so animalistic! punch You thought he was dumb for not listening but what did you expect? punch You told the kid his dad was gonna die and we weren’t gonna let him do a single thing?? punch If he was an anomaly he would’ve been kicked out of his own world forever ago, punch the multiverse would’ve collapsed, punch world 42 would’ve collapsed!” I gave out a final punch, one that actually made Miguel take a step back. He coughed and stretched himself out. You were hitting hard. If he wasn’t ready for it, he would’ve been dead. He saw your shoulders slump as you looked down
“Mi Amor… listen I-I’m sorry. I know what I did to him was wrong.. I know what I did to you was wrong” he cussed my cheek and slid a finger under my eyes to wipe the tears. “But please you have to understand-“. I sniffled and smacked his hands away.
“We can’t disrupt our own canon events Miguel. We should’ve let him go back and let everything play out. If it was supposed to happen then it would. But if he’s supposed to save his dad, wether it was with or without the knowledge before hand, we have to let it happen. I don’t care if he wasn’t supposed to be Spider-Man…. The fact that he even got a canon event means the world recognizes him as one”. I sighed. Miguel still didn’t understand, he didn’t want to.
It was quiet, Miguel stared at me thinking. He reached up again and I flinched. I didn’t trust him not to kill me right now for disagreeing. He knows he was harsh, he shouldn’t have said all those things to Miles and he knows it.
“He’s a kid Miguel…. If you can’t even handle him how am I gonna want a family with you”. Miguel froze at that. 1. Because you wanted a family and 2. Because you were thinking that far ahead.
“Querida I’m sorry I just- I got so stressed and nervous and- this is my living (Y/N). I have been doing things this way for so long. I’m the villain to them but if they just understood-“
“They do understand… but you’re not understanding them. Yes you had your own experience but you’re not trying to relate to them and putting it down nicely. You slammed the kid into a fucking train”. He stood silent again. He was actually processing what you were saying. Miguel and I usually agreed on things. I trusted him with every fiber of my body until now. He knew that if I said something to him, then it was worth noting.
Then I finally saw it. I saw the pain and suffering in his eyes, the genuine guilt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me. He put hu hands on my waist and pressed his face into the crook of my neck.
“Lo siento… Im sorry for hitting you I’m sorry for not understanding him. I should’ve done it differently”. He melted into my arms. He kept muttering apologies in Spanish, desperate for my acceptance and forgiveness
“Miguel I forgive you so please… head up we need you. I’ll talk to Miles. We’ll fix this. But ever touch me again like that and I’ll have your head”. He chuckled and pulled me in closer for one last big hug
Although I didn’t know how we were gonna solve this, at least I got Mr. Grumpy pants to understand.
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Again super short, just kind of got it over with. I’m more willing to write more but I wanted feed back from people then I would keep writing and I’ll gladly take requests, especially smut requests 🤭
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Wake Me Up Inside(Chapter 2)
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Summary: Hope is a flickering light, coming and going as it sees fit. 
Author's note: Y'all like this? Color me surprised I thought everyone had cast Sujin aside based on tumblr post honestly, expected maybe 3 people to read this. I'm happy so many are enjoying, thanks for coming along for the ride. If any talented individuals want to make me a header that would be great, anyway enjoy the teen angst. More awful parenting, beware. it hurts me to write this but random immediate romance doesn’t make sense to me so here we goooo. 
The world seems larger, everyone towers over her as they squeeze by jostling her tiny body, she twists and turns desperately searching for a familiar face and faltering when there is none. Just blurred faces with stretched out smiles that are horrifying grotesque, almost as if they were painted on by a deranged circus clown. She begins to run frantically racing away from the figures, who are now reaching out for her grabbing her arm and tugging at her pigtails. She opens her mouth but nothing comes out, bringing a trembling hand to her lips she finds them sewn shut, silencing her petrified screams.
Then a hand clutches at her elbow and she's spun around, suddenly staring into the face of evil.
"Where have you been you brat? Everyone was waiting for you."
She tries to tug free of his punishing grip but his fingers tighten on her tender flesh, marking the delicate skin. Ignoring her evident trepidation he forcefully pushes her towards a table, with a large looming birthday cake.
"Hurry up and blow out these candles, you're almost old enough to be useful to me."
Screaming no in her mind, she breaks free of his hold running as fast as her compact legs will take her but she miscalculates and trips over a stray toy, tumbling over the edge of a pool she hadn't noticed there earlier. The cold splash of the chlorine scented water on her skin shocks her in a panicked daze and when she pries her eyes open the menacing face of her father greets her looking nonplussed by her hectic drowning.
"Good riddance." He smirks sipping from his cup as he stalks away, no longer bothered with her. 
Water constructs her airway and she continues to sink to the bottom. Forgotten and discarded.
With a flash she bursts from her nightmare silent scream on her tongue, it's his presence that silences her cry. Wide feline eyes regard her from his crouched position, it takes a moment to realize that the rapid puffs of air filling the room are coming from her lips. She grips at the mattress beneath her, hopelessly pleading with her heart and lungs as her body quivers from the intensity of her dream.
"Are you okay? You looked like you were having a bad dream, I called your name a few times."
She's decidedly not any semblance of okay and has no concept of what that would entail for her but she finds herself nodding, lying as easily as she always does.
"I'm fine." Clipped and brisk despite the cold sweat on her skin, she's probably soaked through his shirt the collar almost plastered to red collar bones.
He doesn't reply further than pursing his lips and walking over to a dresser she'd hadn't noticed earlier.
"That lie would probably be more believable if you didn't look as if you were going to pass out at any second." She can hear his eyes rolling at her and it raises her heckles, she doesn't need anyone looking after her, she is fine on her own.
"I should go." She says curtly, forcing herself out of the dangerously warm bed to walk across the room and test her previously soaked pajamas. Damp, but they'll do.
"I thought you had nowhere to go." He challenges finally standing to his full height, subconsciously she flinches at the sudden movement and immediately he takes a step back pressing himself almost flush with the wall. Lowering his head until they are almost eye level. Shame washes over her do strongly she has to turn away, so pathetic.
Speaking to his bedpost she answers, "That was last night. I can go home now."
Her father will be at work until late into the evening, she just needs to lock herself in her room and she should be safe until school tomorrow.
He hums at her sounding closer than he did earlier, "You don't have to go. I'll find an excuse to give my mom, you can stay here."
No she can't. She knows what's going through his mind, probably the same thing that went through Suho's when he saw the blood on her lip for the first time, you poor little thing. Pity was always the first reaction but it never lasted, eventually pity shifted to annoyance nobody wanted to be friends with someone getting beaten. It was depressing, and uncomfortable to discuss and there was nothing anyone could do to help her. It was her penance for being born a girl and not being the best at least to make up for that disappointment.
"I'm not a stray puppy, you can't just pick me up off the street and expect me to stay. I told you, I'm fine." This time she says it harder, sharper with a bite that screams don't push me.
Unsurprisingly enough Han Seojun doesn't seem intimidated by her.
This time she gets to witness the eye roll as he approaches her but still keeps his head lowered as if deferring to her. "I already told you that I don't pity you, you need help stop pretending you don't."
But she's not pretending, that would imply that she wants others to help secretly. That just isn't accurate, she wants nothing- expects nothing. Her father pound any inkling of hope she had out a long time ago.
Stepping into his space, her eyes narrow as she bites out, "I don't need anything certainly not help from you. You're not a nice person, what am I your one good deed? Just mind your business."
She pointedly glances away at the flash of hurt that scatters across his expressive face.
She expects him to lash out, stretch to his full form and berate her, reprimand her ungrateful behavior and an even darker side of her almost expects him to slap her. I see why your father does that, you deserve it.
"Suit yourself."
That's all he says solemnly with a shrug before tossing more dry clothes at the bed and silently exiting the room.
She feels worse than she did before. Guilt gnawing at her, she ignores the offered clothes she doesn't deserve his hospitality or warmth. She disrobes and puts back on the damp chilled pajamas, that matches her better.
That's what he gets for trying to help someone, his act of kindness thrown back in his face. Angrily he pours the boiling water into the waiting cup, starting his mother's mandatory morning tea. He's so lost in the routine that he doesn't notice her presence until she clears her throat. His pride stops him from turning around, her words were as painful as a dagger.
"Your clothes are on the bed. I called a cab."
He nods without looking back, "Get home saf--" He cuts himself off, maybe he's overstepping again. So he just hums and stirs the now perfect cup of tea with a splash of milk. His sister's will get three sugars, she has such a sweet tooth.
The soft snap of the front door closing is loud in the silence of the morning, the sun has barely risen. His mother will be out in an hour, he was worried for nothing. Nobody will even know she was here. He can pretend this was all a fever dream and listen to her advice, he's never minded anyone else's business why did he decide to start now?
Lesson learned.
He spends the remainder of his weekend not thinking about the bruises on her face and instead plays video games, bullying Suho into playing Call of Duty with him online until the stupid genius starts to win too often and it's no longer stress reducing.
"Sore loser." He scoffs at the staticky insult through his headphones, draining the can of soda he took from the fridge. He should start dinner soon, his mom and sister will be back from shopping any minute.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did." He can't help but roll his eyes at the lame response but he pushes on ignoring his brain shouting at him that this is the opposite of minding his business. He hardly listens to his brain, his gut is much stronger.
"Does Sujin have any siblings? Or does she like to box or anything like that? " He tries to make sense of the night, maybe it wasn't what he thought initially. From his memory Sujin comes from a very affluent respectable family, there's no way right?
"What? What kind of question is that?"
"Just answer me." He quips impatiently, ready to let go of this unwarranted worry that's been weighing on his heart.
After a long pause where he checks if his Wi-Fi disconnected he finally hears a response, "No. She lives with her mother and father, she's an only child. And I’ve never known her to do anything physical like that."
His chest tightens, not what he wanted to hear. Her flinch this morning flashes brightly in his memory. He wasn't mistaken. He's sure of it, she'd been scared. 
He can barely hear through the ringing in his ear, "Nothing. I have to go."
He signs off before the other boy can reply, walking autopilot to the kitchen to get started on dinner. Chopping vegetables does nothing to stop the nausea bubbling in his stomach.
Taking the bus the next day is out of the question, he has spent the entire weekend wishing he had the nerve to get the girl's number but anyone he asked would misunderstand why and he didn't need anymore rumors circulating, he would just have to get it from her himself. If she wanted him to mind his business she shouldn't have collapsed where he could see.
The engine rumbles between his legs as he brings his motorcycle to a stop, swinging off effortlessly before tugging the helmet off and shaking his hair free. He doesn't notice the various lecherous female and male eyes watching his very moment, too focused on walking into the school and finding her.
Turning a corner he sees her instantly, sandwiched between her two best friends, they look like a high school brochure giggling as they walk down the hallway garnering the attention of most of the male population. The purple bruise on her cheek is missing, nothing but smooth blemish free skin. He almost does a double take. As all three of them pass him, he locks eyes with Sujin for a moment, the mask slides off for a second but the moment he blinks the façade snaps back into place, nothing left but a pretty empty smile.
He follows them into class, sliding into his seat and promptly going to sleep. He has to catch her alone.
Doing so proves to be a near impossible feat, she's always surrounded by her two bestie shadows and Chorong and the gang are never far from him either. He sighs forlornly even time he sees her only for someone to interrupt before he can approach her. All too frustrated.
He's sitting dejected on the staircase when he hears the bustle of students in the hallway, their voices carrying down the long space and he rolls his eyes imagining what ridiculous situation they've deemed as drama now. Last time it was Ju-Kyung having pimples, a topic that was completely groundbreaking and worthy of weeks of discussion. So it's with the smallest shred of curiosity that he stands up wandering over to the commotion.
"What's going on?" He directs to the closest person, some mousy looking girl who stutters out an indecipherable answer. He looks at her confused before stalking away to find someone who has a better grasp of communication. He poses the question again, to a boy this time.
"I heard one of the girls started freaking out in the bathroom. Screaming not to be touched."
He stands frozen before the words register in his brain and his feet are moving without his brain's permission. Shoving past gossiping bystanders, he easily gets to the front only to see Ju-Kyung covering someone with her sweater as they walk down the hallway. Immediately the crowd comes alive and they surge forward like a wave all calling questions out at once, "What's wrong with you?", "Why did you freak out?", "Who do you think you are? Are you too rich to be touched or something?"
He twists his head around ferociously at the last question, everyone in front of him gulps while taking a step back. The hallway is a cacophony of voices and shouts and he can feel his anger boiling, slamming his fist into the nearest surface-a wall- he gets everyone's attention.
"Go back to your classes. Now."
Some of the male students look as if they are going to challenge his authority but another step forward is all it takes to get the student body scampering to their classrooms.
Inhaling deeply he stomps off to find the source of his unease.
It had been hard to disregard, how lacking of warmth her house was. Seojun's apartment had been brimming with warmth and love, the fridge bursting with papers and drawings documenting that someone cared enough to show them off. Her home was a large empty prison in comparison.
But she'd been right, it was dark and quiet proof that her parents were not home. With her heart in her throat she ran to her room, locking the door behind her. Sleep captured her before she knew she was in its grasps, waking up groggy hours later and forgetting where she was. Fierce pounds on her door reminded her instantly.
"Open this door now."
His voice is a low growl, even more terrifying than when he's screaming his lungs out. She grabs her vanity chair pressing it under the door knob for more protection.
She jumps when the door bulges, the loud crashing making it clear that he's slamming bodily into the door now determined to get to her.
"Please....stop." She pleads, tears already cascading down her bruised cheeks.
"Open this fucking door!!"
She's sobbing now, body folded as she cries her eyes out shaking viciously as her father continues to ran into the door, dread filling her stomach as he's never fought this hard before.
Then everything is quiet.
The pounding is gone as suddenly as it arrived. She doesn't let go her panic just yet, still too raw. Butt seconds crawl to minutes and she hears nothing so she finally exhales, sliding to the floor in relief.
She weakly crawls to her bathroom, turning the dial to the hottest temperature possible wanting to burn off his brand on her skin. After her shower she brushes her wet hair, staring at the bruise, it's turning yellow now with tinges of purple. Good thing she let Su-ah and Ju-Kyung convince her to buy foundation the last time they were in the beauty store. She will have to layer it on tomorrow.
She's starving but the thought of leaving her room with him in the house is enough to eliminate her appetite. Instead she puts on a warm sweater and sweat pants and wraps herself in a thick blanket, still too cold ice running through her veins.
She had never felt as warm as she did at his house.
A quiet knock thankfully pulls her away from such unnecessary thoughts. She simply listens.
"Su-jin, it's mom. I brought you food."
She sits up, crawling out of bed to stand in front of the bed. Her mother has never brought her food, even when she was nine and hadn't gotten a perfect score on her spelling test and her father locked her in the closet for two days with only a dictionary. She'd contemplated eating the pages before she was finally set free. Her mother had simply looked away, avoiding eye contact until she was safely back in her room.
But her stomach grumbles at the mention of sustenance and despite her best judgement she opens the door.
It's a mistake.
Immediately she notes that her mother has nothing in her hands, trembling herself and before she can slam the door shut a foot blocks her escape.
He uses the belt that time whipping her in places that others will never see, her back, thighs, and shoulders. Her mother's weakly calls out, "Don't hit her face she has to meet that boy you wanted this week."
It goes on for what seems like hours, he leaves her crumpled on the ground her body stinging as she refused to cry, blinking her tears away not wanting to give him what he wants. When her mother meekly walks over and extends a hand to her, she looks at her with listless eyes. Her mother has a fresh bruise on her cheek, her father hardly hits her anymore using Sujin has his punching bag instead but at times of high frustration he would regress.
She wonders if her mother knew that one day this would be her faith. If this was the purpose of her birth.
She doesn't take the hand. It seems there was still some hope left, it is extinguished now.
The school day had been easy she's been hiding her abuse for years, no teacher had ever suspected a thing and she didn't even blame them. It would just be bothersome, her father was a powerful man there wouldn't be much they could do.
She slaps on a smile, allowing herself to be dragged around by Su-ah and Ju-Kyung, listening as they giggle about their boyfriends chiming in the appropriate moments to not seem disinterested or jealous. She is jealous though, of their freedom and innocent problems, she'd lost her innocence a long time ago.
She knows Seojun is trying to talk to her but she can't handle seeing him right now, having to face someone who knows what she's going through sounds worst than being beat right now. So she jolts at every sight of the tall lanky figure, thankful for his fan club who seems to announce his every arrival. She's on her way to having a successful day when everything goes to hell.
She's in the bathroom drying her hands when a classmate comes in, responding to the small talk she answers the girl's question before nodding her head in goodbye.
"Oh your tag is sticking out."
That's all she hears before a hand is brushing across her sore beaten neck and her reaction is instantaneous, she turns around catching the offending hand and twisting it.
Her throat wheezes out, "Don't touch me."
The girl stares at her wide-eyed before tugging her hand away, then other girls begin to come of the stalls to see what's happening and before she knows it she's hyperventilating on the ground, nonsensical words dripping off her tongue. Everything is too loud and her head is splitting in half just when her vision is graying out, she smells a familiar perfume.
"Su-jin ah, you're going to be okay. Just breathe with me, follow me."
Ju-Kyung's voice is calming and sure, not touching her but covering them both in her sweater as she models how to breathe, she follows until her lungs are no longer burning.
"Good. You're doing so good, is it okay if I touch you? I'm going to help you up."
She grabs at the bathroom wall yanking herself until she's upright, trying to show her friend that she's not that weak but a look of hurt is displayed on her face and Sujin doesn't comprehend why.
The other girl shakes it off though, now covering her fully with her cornflower yellow sweater.
She's suddenly reminded of her nightmare this morning as she has to pass all the students in the hallway, all pointing and laughing as she falls apart some of them even have their phone out recording her and she sways uneasily before catching herself, trembling the whole way she walks down the hallway until a loud bang and a voice she recognizes all too well silences the uproar.
Resisting the desire to look back she allows Ju-Kyung to pull her up the stairs until they're on the roof. Air pumps into her lungs as she's finally free of all the judgmental eyes.
She expects the other girl to start interrogating her the moment the door closes but it never comes, instead Ju-Kyung places her sweater around her trembling body.
"You're okay. Just keep breathing."
She does her best to follow the uncomplicated directions.
After a few minutes, Ju-Kyung's phone suddenly rings disturbing the quietude. She barely hears blood rushing in her ears like the waves at the beach.
"Okay we're on the roof."
She stills at that utterance, turning in alarm.
"Who was that? Who did you tell where we are?"
Ju-Kyung looks guilty, as if she wasn't meant to hear that conversation. She doesn't want to see anyone right now, can barely stand to be with herself.
"Call them back and tell them not to come. I want to be alone."
Ju-Kyung holds her phone in her hands gingerly staring at the screen, clearly contemplating what is the right decision. She almost lunges for the phone to see who is the most recent call, but it's not needed as the roof door slams open.
"Why are you here?" She shouts, walking away now furious that tears are already filling her eyes now just at the sight of him.
"Nice to see you too princess." He drawls back, following her further onto to roof.
"Will you two be okay? I have to go back to class."
She spins to glare at her friend, why would she leave her alone with Seojun? They have had any interaction at school that hasn't been antagonistic.
"Yes, we need to talk." He answers for them and that's enough to make Ju-Kyung nod before walking off with a smile in her direction. The door shuts loudly behind her retreating back, Sujin wants to chase after her. Instead she turns back to him spitting fire and poison. 
"I told you to mind your business."
"Are you okay?" He counters, eying her like a wild animal who can bolt at any minute, he isn’t wrong.
"That's none of your business!"
His expression remains the same, those beguiling feline eyes that scream at her.
"How hurt are you?"
Her emotions come crashing down again. He just keeps pushing and picking at her, no matter how much she shouts and shoves him away he just won’t go away like everyone else did. What is wrong with him? Couldn’t he see that she was more trouble than she was worth?
"What do you want to hear, huh? That everything hurts, that he used a belt this time! Do you want to hear about how he beat me until I bleed! Why do you care what happens me, why won't you leave me the fuck alone!"
Sobs ravage her body, she keeps brushing the fiery tears away fighting with her emotions but they won't stop and her palms are wet from covering her face, her breath is hitching until she starts hiccupping uncontrollably and she starts to feel light-headed.
"Hey! Su-jin! Breathe!"
But she can't, she doesn't remember how. Her body only knows how to hurt.
"Breathe, damnit!" Despite his shout, she hears the slight quiver in his voice but she can't discern why it's there but it desperately makes her want to obey.
When he cups her head, staring her head on she feels the vine wrapped around her lungs shrivel up and air starts gushing in until she feels dizzy, she sways back and forth gravity now also working against her and then she's being reeled in, her head placed on his chest. The thumping of his heart lulls her into a meditative state, she starts to count the beats and before she knows it the cobwebs in her head subside. Embarrassed by their sudden closeness, his arms are still by his side now almost immediately retracting from her head but she can feel his warmth radiating onto the skin of her thighs, she begins to draw back.
"Just stay. It's helping."
She blisters at his words, preparing to push him away.
"It's helping me, seeing you like that....it scared me. I helped you the other night, you should return the favor."
She puffs up before deflating, she'll never admit it but this is helping having something else to focus on, his scent, his heartbeat, the way his chest expands and constricts with every breath. The buzz of their skin nearly touching, his deep voice rumbling through his chest and into her ears, all placating and soothing her worries away. 
She's never known Seojun to stay still for this long after years of attending the same school, always bursting with kinetic energy so she's pleasantly surprised by how long he simply stands and lets her rest on his chest, neither of them saying a word.
She stiffens when he suddenly starts moving disturbing their stillness, she sees his hands balled into tight fists by his side and wonders what's going through his mind.
"You can't go back there."
This again, she starts to remind him that she has nowhere to g--
"Stay with me."
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devinescribe · 3 years
Next Time, No Death, Yeah?
Chapter 10 of '100 Promises'
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Warnings: Swearing, weapons, violence, blood
You were somewhere in Tokyo. Where? You'd find out sooner or later.
Currently however, you were walking through an abandoned mall. Everything was abandoned, so it didn't make this one anymore special than the millions of buildings in Tokyo. There was broken glass under your shoes that crunched when you stepped on it. "That's fucking satisfying," you whispered. "You're weird," Last Boss said from besides you. "Ok, if anytime you talk it's an insult to me imma hit you," you said, glaring playfully at him. It was an empty threat, he noticed, seeing as your tone of voice was too light and playful to be a real threat. "I wouldn't test her patience. She can be a real bitch when she wants to," Niragi stated, walking in front if both of you. Last Boss saw your eyes narrow, like a cat about to pounce on its prey. You reached your hand out, and tugged on his hair. "I just said if you insult me I'll hit you," you laughed. "Ow. Fuck you," he cursed, rubbing his scalp as you laughed. You shrugged your shoulders walking faster, ready for anything to happen. 'What could go wrong?' You thought. 'All the militants must be pretty trust worthy if the have weapons.'
Well, that's what you thought when you first got there. Now, not so much. One of the militants had tried to escape, seeing as they got all they needed from the Beach. Hiding behind objects when the man had a gun seemed like the best idea. "Alright, so what do we do?" You questioned Niragi, who kept looking from the side of the cement wall you two were hiding behind. "Stop the guy, and try not to get shot," Niragi responded, a tone of sarcasm in his voice. You noticed, but really it was a solid plan. Not getting shot was the best outcome for both of you. "Sounds like a good plan to me, let's go!" You shouted. He found it amusing how only a few days into the borderlands, you had already adapted. There was so much change, and usually you didn't do well with change. But yet here you were. "He's going to run out of bullets. And he can't change them that fast. So, let's wait till he runs out, then we grab him and take the gun away," you suggested, pointing at a mirror that showed the reflection of the man. "His bullet case is strapped onto his belt... You damn genius," he said, petting the top of your head. You leaned into his touch, enjoying the feeling. You smiled, shrugging your shoulders. "You the left, I'll take the right," he instructed. "Oki doki, let's goooo I'm bored!" You exclaimed, loading up your pistol. He kneeled down, peeking out the side of where you were hiding. "On the count of three?"
You both ran at him, being concentrated on the gun. He tried to shoot, but he had already ran out. He reached to grab bullets, but you aimed your gun, shooting it at his arm. He dropped his gun, yelping in pain. Niragi kicked the gun away from him. "Nice shot (N/N)," he complimented, high fiving you. He turned his attention back to the man on the floor. Blood was passing through the hand that covered his wound, staining it crimson. "Damn, any last words? Regrets? You know, death to the traitors and all," Niragi asked, crouching down besides the man, pointing his gun at the man's chest. He gulped, and took a shaky sigh. ''Yeah. I only regret that a girl took me down," he said. Your eyes widened, and you grabbed the knife from its sheath on your waist. You bent down to his level, stabbing the knife into his stomach, and twisting it. He screamed in pain. "This girl knows how to murder and get away with it," you said. You let go of the knife stepping back. He immediately pulled the knife out, making both you and Niragi laugh. "Hey, dumbass. That makes more blood come out," Niragi snickered. The man tried making pressure on his stomach his shirt staining dark red. "Alright, I'm bored. Someone else can do that. I got his blood on me, I feel nasty," You said, grabbing Niragi's hand and pulling him along with you.
Once you entered a random store, you looked down. There was blood covering your hands, and your swimsuit. You cringed in disgust. "That was pretty fucking badass," Niragi said, walking around the store. You sighed, "I guess." It dawned on you that since you were a militant, you could wear actual clothes. "Wait, so on supply runs what do guys collect?" You asked. Niragi turned to face you. "Anything and everything that could be useful. And of course, we are allowed to bring back personal items if wanted," he answered. You smirked, grabbing some backpacks off of one of the shelves, giving one to Niragi. "These would be easier to carry things around in," you suggested. "Ok, well then you take the pink strawberry one," he said. You rolled your eyes, trading backpacks with him. "Suck up your fragile masculinity you stupid fuck~," you sang before laughing. He shook his head, following you around. It really was like you two never skipped a beat. Sure, your whole lives had gotten derailed, but being back together made most things ok. The longest you two had been without each other had been the two months you stayed with your grandmother. After that first summer without him, you always asked if he could go with you. Even though you had called each other every night, you couldn't go to sleep. It wasn't like he was with you every night, but knowing you'd see him the next day would always comfort you. You didn't know why, it just did. So every summer both of you would have two months of peace at your grandmother's house.
"Alright, that's two bags full for each of us. Let's see if we can fill a third?" He asked. You both put the bags in the car. The person who was guarding the cars thanked you both. She looked down at your hands, and back up at you. You gave her a friendly smile seeing her stare. You sort of forgot about your blood stained hands. She smiled nervously, waving you both away.
"What was her problem?" You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you both walked back. "Blood," he answered, pointing at your hands. "Oh... well, sounds like a her problem," you said nonchalantly. It was quiet. Something you hadn't taken the time to appreciate before. Living in the city, there was always something making noise, it was never quiet. But now, looking at the desolate city of Tokyo, you sighed happily. It reminded you of the quiet up at your grandmother's house when you were little.
"Hello? Earth to (Y/N), Earth to (Y/N)," Niragi teased, waving his hand in front of your face.  You shook your head snapping out of your daydream. "Sorry... spaced out. What else do we need to do?"
On the way back, people were more talkative and cheerful. They had done a lot, running through the empty streets to find things. You were quite excited to return back, as Chishiya had mentioned talking again when you got back.
"(Y/N), piece of advice. Don't go to the parties at the Beach... everyone's to drunk to notice anything, and no one stops anyone from doing anything. So be careful," Kuina said. You two had been talking for a while besides the pool, watching others splash each other with water. You nodded, looking around. "It also seems you've caught the attention of Chishiya. He seems to think you're quite smart. That's near impossible, good job girl," she complimented. You laughed, shaking your head. "This is the first time in months I've been... truly happy, I guess you could say," you said, looking down at blue water in the pool. "What do you mean by that?" She questioned. "Well, back in our world, I thought my best friend was dead, so... I wasn't in the best mental state," you answered. "Ew, sorry, I just made this conversation about me. Ick, I hate it," you shuddered, shaking your hands. "Please tell me something about you Kuina?"
"They seem to get along well. She keeps him in line, she could be very useful," Ann observed after hearing what happened at the supply run. "She's also quite the wildcard, if you ask me. Dangerous, but calculated. Seems like she'd be a methodical killer in a show or something," Last Boss commented. This drew some attention, as he never spoke about others that often. It was often short answers, but it seemed you'd peaked his interest.  "Well, it's no use just talking about their skills. Put them to the test!" Hatter suggested, a bit too cheerfully for everyone in the room. "Haven't they proven themselves already? She's pretty high up for a newcomer, and Niragi has been here for a while, he's a high rank as well," Ann questioned, turning to face Hatter. "They've proven themselves as individuals. But if we have a pair that is on the same level physically and mentally, who seem to find fun in the games, that trust each other..." Hatter started, trailing off. Ann caught on to what he was saying. "It's an advantage for us in the end... in using their connection, it makes them stronger players?" Ann said, suggesting her thoughts. Hatter smiled widely, "Bingo! The easier the games are to clear, the faster we can all leave!" Of course, Ann was a bit uneasy at the idea. You had both proven yourselves to be useful, even in the short time you'd been there. Niragi, while annoying to deal with at times, did have amazing abilities with guns. He was able to complete games without hesitation to hurt others to get his goal, and that's what made him such an asset to the Beach. People feared him. The more you fear a person or punishment, you are more likely to not do what lead to dealing with that person or consequence. You were already building quite the reputation. Although coming into the Beach with Niragi, you would expect people to avoid you. People backed away from you even more now, seeing as you were a militant, and a dangerous one at that. You two were equally as intelligent and dangerous, the only difference being you thought things out before rushing in. He was more impulsive. A do now, think later kind of person. You, however, you thought first, thinking of outcomes, and followed through.  It would be interesting to see how you two worked together.
Wow that took a while to write for no reason at all.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 18
lets goooo
I love the ‘no guns no swords no briefcases’ sign sm
NEVER over the ‘my first blaster(tm): big grip for little hands’ fucking iconic
‘get the hell out of my bar’ swerve lmao ily
so now we continue on with the remain in light arc, this issue subtitled ‘house of ambus,’ which is a dopeass name and also promises some ambus lore, which is exciting
first aid holding his gun sideways like a gangsta lmao I canttt
forgot there's literally a guy named dipstick LMAOOOOO that's funny on so many levels like...it sounds like dipshit, and also a urine dipstick is a urine test used to detect various stuff so that's the first thing I think of...what a name
‘put two and two together and make it a fist’ skids ily sm
pharma is in full-on dr thot mode over here, oh boy
lockdown looks like such a nerd on his edgy decepticon hoverboard
the fact that cyclonus immediately goes along w/whirls suggestion to disobey rodimus and attack the enemy....both of them are icons
OOOH ALL THE TITANS...that's such a good panel 
ok but I cant get over how lowkey funny it is that there's this battle going on rn where most of the participants can turn into various vehicles, but they're all riding around on dorky air scooters instead. this series, man
well, at least chromedome transformed
I fucking love that rodimus is always doing this like, ridiculous 80s action movie nonsense, I feel like that's perfect considering his g1 debut was in a ridiculous 80s action movie
poor tg just found out he’s gonna die in like 3 days and then rodimus immediately is like ‘wanna make that today?’ and does some crazy shit while tg clings to him like a terrified baby
rodimus mid-car transformation is fucking wild lmao
and now we finally get to see a bit more of what’s going on with our framing device flash-forward - it’s not just rodimus, everyone’s there! except ratchet...also, they’re in jail. woohoo!
and then there’s magnus, looking completely healthy but strangely unresponsive...
TYREST....this motherfucker....he is like, SO MUCH. the cape...the helmet crown thing...the holes....
tyrest told rodimus to ‘shut up or be held in contempt’ ayyyyyyyyyyyy
‘crimes against creation’ that's pretty dramatic dude
Let The Robots Swear!!
ok but rlly I find it funny that they're not allowed to say swear words (I'm assuming its not allowed rather than it being a creative choice) but all the death and violence and body horror is ok
chromedome is sitting there like oh holy shit did I find my now-dead husbands missing 1st husband after millions of years, like a WEEK after my husband died
chromedome mimicking the moustache with his finger...cute
its interesting to see a ‘sibling’ type of relationship here, since that's really uncommon for tfs since they don't really have families/lineage - of course, we don't really get to see dominus and minimus interact (until the FU), so
minimus really tried to pass himself off as a law-breaking smuggler lmaoooo that was never gonna work mdude
like he just continues acting exactly like ultra magnus except he pretends not to know these guys lol
‘forceful expressions of innocence’ tailgate ily
poor tg :( 
OH GOD pharma time. he’s out here looking totally unhinged and also thotty somehow, like usual
I SO subscribe to the idea that ratchet and pharma are exes are pharma still isn't over ratchet. that's the most entertaining and interesting way to read their interactions imo
dual chainsaw hands.....Bruh.
skiiiiiiiiiiiids....I love skids, he’s just such a good dude
also he’s really cool and also sexy. I feel like if anyone would be the mary sue of the series it would be skids rather than rung lmao 
oh shit I forgot skids gets skewered by star saber
aaaaaand ratchet’s in the box!!!! jesus pharma just say you kin the joker and go
HOW is ratchet alive tho like....wouldn't he need energon?? isn't energon basically blood for them, but also food, and fuel, and basically everything? I don't get it but yknow what, ill suspend my disbelief bc its so entertaining 
see, the little backstory on tyrest is really interesting, cause it seems to me that at one point, tyrest did have the best interests of the cybertronian people in mind, and he really did stand for true justice and tried to end the war peacefully - but somewhere along the way things went bad, and now here he is
oh rung, scolding somebody for revealing top secret information, that’s rich coming from mr hipaa violations himself 
lmao and minimus cant restrain himself from scolding rodimus either, and then very obviously fishing for information so he can ask questions without it being clear that he already knew all about the lost light 
vhbjahdbhjhdf im NEVER over rung passive-aggressively antagonizing minimus so he can accuse him of being ultra magnus hvbhjkdnfssfhsabjhdfk that's so funny
also its another example of rung maybe not being the best at his job - he’s basically manipulating magnus’s OCD to try to force minimus into revealing his identity...ethical? perhaps not. effective? oh yeah
I mean I guess you could say this is an example of rung being really good at his job, bc he was able to use psychology to deduce minimus’s identity...it’s more like he also decided to disregard medical ethics and ethics in general 
and then the reveal....ultra magnus is actually a much smaller green dude?! whaaaat!? 
ill talk more about it later but fr this is one of my favorite concepts that mtmte introduced, I fucking love it 
ahhhh I love this issue. tho tbh I love basically every issue. anyways tho I love the continuation of ratchet and pharma’s story, with pharma officially going off the rails with some complete bullshit, and also the big reveal about magnus/minimus! great stuff
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alkhale · 5 years
Out of context but a blurb I wanted to write, not really ohbab canon but a thing
Season four les goooo
Her hand hesitated above the doorknob.
“Don’t keep him waiting.” Kurono’s voice echoed in her head and Fuyu inhaled sharply. As if I could. There wasn’t a choice in the matter to begin with. If she was called for, she was to come.
His words are obsolete. Fuyu shut her eyes and felt her fingers curve around the cold metal. He’s your boss.
“You’ll be working for him from now on,” Fuyu opened her eyes.
He owns you.
“Shut the fuck up.”
A sharp pang split the side of her head and Fuyu winced. Her recent interactions with the young boss of the Eight Precepts had been strange enough already. She’d been hoping he wouldn’t seek her out further beyond her own missions and assignments and her time with Eri.
Fuyu felt her heart leap into her throat.
What if he’s here to take me away from Eri?
Fuyu felt something inside her steel itself and she twisted the knob open, stepping into the office. Only one way to find out, Fuyu.
Stark, pristine white. She hadn’t expected anything less. A simple, elegant banner was pinned to the adjacent wall with their logo and seal. A leather couch sat in the center of the room, gleaming and practically unused. His desk was polished and glinted sleek wood in the bright, florescent lighting. It was bare save for a few stacks of papers, neatly clipped folders and a tray with another set of papers. Fuyu felt her blood still in her veins, humming in tune with the quiet beating of her heart as she closed the door behind her and clasped her hands behind her back.
His hair settled neatly atop his head. Amber, molten eyes didn’t even glance her way as his gloved fingers followed the curve of his plague mask in his hands, sitting on the desk. Fuyu realized with a startled silence that this was the first time she’d ever seen him without it. A thick black surgical mask still covered the lower half of his mouth and he stopped once his finger reached the very tip of the beak.
“Chrono said you requested for me,” Fuyu said slowly, testing the waters as well as his mood. I can’t read him. At all. It’s too hard. Her eyes flickered and she fought down the urge to let them flash red once more. “What can I do for you, sir?”
Chisaki said nothing. He stared at his finger, pressed against the tip of the beak before his eyes finally rose up to where she stood. Fuyu felt as though he’d gone and taken thin pins, sliding them into place and holding her there as he gazed at her.
“Take a seat on the couch,” his voice like velvet and dark pierced the room. Fuyu waited quietly, casting her eyes down to her feet. “There’s something I want to discuss.”
Eri? Fuyu swallowed. She calmly urged her feet forward, feeling her heels scuff against the floor as she nearly dragged each step forward. Fuyu kept her eyes trained on the ground and slowly lowered herself onto the couch, back rigid and waiting as her back now faced Chisaki and she stared at the door. No, she’s been quiet and good... Could it be...?
Fuyu’s hand reached for the other and she gripped it hard.
Is he going to tell me to stop helping her?
She felt sick.
The sound of his chair sliding against the ground sent her senses on edge. Fuyu waited, inhaling softly as the quiet, even steps of his feet approaching her filled the room. She felt her blood shudder in anxiety, eyes flashing bright red for the briefest of seconds before she quelled the emotion. Just stay calm, damn it.
Fuyu stilled. His footsteps came to a halt behind the couch and directly behind her. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention and she swallowed, resisting the urge to turn around and face him.
“Did you cleanse yourself as ordered?”
Fuyu swallowed, “Yes, sir.”
“Good.” She could barely feel the warmth from his body behind her and Chisaki shifted. Fuyu went cold. “Do not move.”
And then his gloved fingers barely ghosted over the side of her head.
Fuyu felt her heart seize in her chest and she lurched. Her fingers scrabbled for a grip and she lunged forward, nearly slamming into the coffee table as she panted. Her head swung around, eyes wide and fearful as her eyes flashed a bright red for a second. Realization sunk heavy into her bones and Fuyu froze, chest rising and falling rapidly as she watched like a cornered rabbit.
I hate this feeling. I hate this feeling.
Chisaki’s hand still hovered in the air. Those amber eyes regarded her with a quiet darkness, allowing her no entry into his mind and his thoughts. Fuyu swallowed, trembling slightly as he glanced to his hand and then his eyes slid back over to her, pinning her in place.
“I noticed it before,” Chisaki said, “but it seems it was to a far larger degree than I had thought.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Fuyu bowed her head but kept her muscles tensed. “It’s... it’s an old habit and--”
“An unnecessary one.”
Fuyu’s head shot upwards but Chisaki regarded her with no amusement or mercy, placing his hands meticulously onto the back of the couch.
“Such a fear is unneeded. It will only serve to get in the way.”
Fuyu bowed her head. “I... I understand. I’ll work on it, sir—“
Featherlight fingers touched the side of her head.
Fuyu recoiled. Her eyes went wide, shaking and frantic as she almost threw herself from the couch, staring up in rigid silence at Chisaki’s unmoving expression.
Her blood ran cold.
“Move once more,” Chisaki said quietly. “And there will be repercussions.”
Fuyu felt like throwing up.
I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. Don’t don’t don’t don’t—
Chisaki raised one hand into the air. Fuyu watched it as though it were a snake about to strike.
“Then,” Chisaki said, his words like knives ripping her open and holding, holding so he could see it all. “Let’s try again.”
- yeah just this thing haha
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life-of-ice · 5 years
Masaki Sako's Entrance Exam
Trumpets blared out from the phone.
Masaki woke up, and leaned off his be to reach for his phone to turn off all five of his alarms. He blinked blearily and squinted to try and identify the time.
Maybe it’s 10:00? God, I really need to stop being so lazy and fix the settings on my phone.
After squinting at it for a few more minutes, he shrugged, and hopped out of bed. Getting the clothes he laid out the night before, he quickly got dressed, and made a mental note to do some laundry once he got home. And buy some groceries maybe, they needed some more. After all, Masaki’s parents were going to be gone all day. He put some bread in the toaster, and ran off to finish getting ready for the day.
Brushing his teeth and his hair, he idly scrolled through tumblr,  and resolutely ignored his contacts case which stared at him accusingly.
Ooh look, new posts about quirked animals! Can’t believe Nezu’s not on that list. Kinda weird, but okay. I think it’s time to go soon, let’s hurry back upstairs!
Masaki jumped as trumpets blared again from his phone, one more alarm set for the express purpose of making sure he wasn’t late.
Well shit.
And now he really needed to boogie. Grabbing his shoes, his prepacked backpack, an his piece of toast, he dashed out the door to reach the last train before it left for the docks.
“Aw shit!” He dashed back inside to retrieve his bag of jewelry, and then finally left, sprinting for all he’s worth towards the train station.
“Good luck on our exam!” yelled his neighbor as he rushed by.
“Thanks!” he yelled back.
Still sprinting he hears a chorus of mutters from besides him and sees a blue haired girl, making large leaps to go at a fast pace.
"Oh no I'm going to be late and miss the last train, if I don't make it I'm not going to get in….."
Having noticed Masaki, she looked up. 
"Oh hello! Based on what you're doing, I bet you're running late for the train too, huh?"
Masaki nodded in response, too busy running to respond properly.
She giggled, and he smiled at her.
They got to the train station, and somehow, when Masaki turned to make sure he was getting on the right train, he lost her.
That's a shame. It's kinda sad to ride the train by yourself.
Masaki got off the train, and ran to the docks, hoping that the transportation was not what he thought it would be. 
He looked up at a gargantuan boat, with TH printed on it in bright letters.
Of course it's a boat, the school's on an island, dumbass. Ok, so maybe it won't be that long.
"Hey applicants! Be prepared for a 30 min boat trip!"
Yeah, no. It wasn't going to be a short boat trip.
After a long, long boat trip in which Masaki queasily reconsidered all of his life choices to go to school on an island that he couldn’t fly to, they finally arrived at the dock of Taiyuu High School.
The place for hero hopefuls.
Three people welcomed the applicants on a podium, one was a lady with black and white hair, who was kinda scary looking. Another was a deer man in a suit, and the last was a dog. 
The dog looked smart.
"Hello! I am Mrs. Chikyu, and I'm the principal here at Taiyuu High. This is the vice principal, Mr Kazumi. Alright applicants! First there's the written test," the lady waited for the groans and moans to subside then continued, "Then there's the practical exam! The practical exam is an obstacle course where you'll have to beat up some robots, save some people, and get to the finish line as fast as you can!" 
She paused for their murmurs again."Also, the test is on another island. So be prepared for one more boat trip! But for now, follow either me, or Mr. Kazumi to go your written exam rooms."
Not another one.
All of the applicants finish in record time it feels like, die to the anticipation of the practical exam. And they board one more boat to get to another island.
Masaki sighs as he watches the other applicants mill around, all of which seem much more confident then he was. He started putting on his multitude of jewelry, first the iron ring, then the turquoise necklace, then the silver bracelet, and finally gold earrings.  Masaki glanced disastefully down at himself.
“Man, I haven’t been this mismatched in a longg time.” he muttered, eyeing the shininess of his jewelry in comparison to his drab sleeveless hoodie, sweatpants, and red shoes. 
A few minutes later, they finally arrived. 
Masaki looked up in astonishment at this humongous facility, that was used only once a year for just entrance exams.
Imagine what the real thing is like, Masaki.
The principal clapped her hands to grab their attention. “Alright folks, let’s get started! Don’t forget, you need to finish one lap through the course! Okay, GOOOO!”
Startled by the abrupt start, everyone froze to look at the principal who only smiled back at them. She shooed them forward, “I said go already! Come on, guys!”
Along with most of the other applicants, he finally took the hint and took off, dashing as hard as he could as he headed for his first obstacles.
It looked like the first zone was an absolutely trashed city. All of it was ruined, with building skeletons, fires, and wreckage, everywhere he looked. He vaguely remembered something about rescuing people from the principal’s first speech, but she skimmed over it so quickly that Masaki definitely could not remember what was said about it. 
Masaki was going to fly over the course to get to the end faster, and maybe get to the so called villains a bit faster. He did need a place to jump off from, because while his wings were strong, they acted more like a glider because of his body wasn't completely adjusted for wings. 
He ran towards the closest building skeleton with the intent of climbing it, when he stumbled over a humanoid robot.
I wonder what this is doing here. Maybe it’s a robot that someone defeated already?I
A sign flashed on the robot’s chest. It said “Rescue Me”.
“Alright, gotta do what the lady asks.” said Masaki shrugging. He picked up the robot, and ran towards the closest “safe zone” which were marked by the forcefield around it, to keep applicants safe if they needed a break, or to store these “people” to save. 
He was almost to the safe zone when he heard a heavy thud. He turned quickly to see what was behind him, and what he saw was a giant robot with a two printed on it, aiming a laser at the person on his back. 
Masaki looked up at the robot. “Well, that’s fun.” 
The robot made a big show of charging up its laser, and Masaki sprinted into the safe zone to get the person inside. The laser fired seconds after he entered, and it hit the barrier.
He wiped the sweat off his face in his short respite, and launched himself back into the fray, watching carefully as other people used their quirks to destroy robots and move forward, someone was punching very neat holes through the robot, someone appeared to be teleporting robots’ heads off, it was nuts. 
Masaki faced down the robot that was firing at him earlier, and eyed it. He already knew what he was going to do, but he needed to be sure that there was enough time for him to do it. 
Ok, let’s go!
Masaki started tapping his eyeballs frantically, and activated his quirk, forming two iron and turquoise knives. Dissipating his wings, he whipped out the knives to begin stabbing and climbing up the giant robot. Reaching the top, having barely broken a sweat, he formed a much, much larger chunk of turquoise and started bashing the robots head like there was no tomorrow. Satisfied with his destruction, he dissipated his weapons, reformed his wings, and launched himself off the robot, going on to the next robot that he saw repeating the process on quite a few others.
This is wayyy too easy. How’s this an exam? How many robots have I destroyed? How many people have I rescued? God, I hope I have enough points to pass…. Oh lol, she just fell off that robot!
Masaki had no idea how many he had destroyed, but he figured his point level was getting higher. He had made a few of the robots shoot at each other, and the ones with a 3 on them were easy to trip up. He continued to rescue people both from robots, and from other applicants who were being so stupid with their quirks. 
He growled in frustration as he threw up a wall of earth to protect the person he's rescuing.
Like really guys, it's not that hard to just aim!
Cursing as his eyes twitched in pain from the dust around him, he reached the next zone, only to find that it’s just a mountain.
Round two, same procedure. 
Make knives. 
Climb Robot.
Bash the robot’s head in, dissipate his weapons, and glide down. 
Rinse, and repeat.
Masaki made it to the next zone in record time, having an easier time making it uphill then the other applicants due to having climbed one of the robots and soaring over the peaks instead of climbing over it like an average pleb.
He reveled in the feeling of the wind through his hair, and wondered what it would be like to really have wings. Wings made of flesh and blood that he could feel. 
If only I were more like my parents. 
In the midst of his enjoyment, he winced as he realized that he probably missed a bunch of people to rescue. 
The mountain came to an abrupt end, as it started steeply plunging downhill, showing a terrain made of different sized rocks. It looked like a landslide. The robots looked like they were having a hard time navigating through the terrain. 
I’m going to have to be more careful.
Instead of rushing at the robots like he had earlier, now he went a bit slower, to make sure he wasn't knocking anything down. 
He climbed up on more robot, and knocked it out with his usual technique, when he realized that it was collapsing. 
Oh no. Oh no no no no.
Masaki watched in horror as he saw the thing tilt and crashdown, underneath him, and frantically leaped off, hopefully to avoid the giant landslide that he was sure was going to crash down and crush something.
He landed several meters away, and braced himself for the inevitable thud.
Only it didn't come. All the rocks remained in their exact positions before the robot had fallen.
Of course they wouldn't make it so it could hurt anybody. I guess the rocks really are stable!
Masaki had glided his way to the last zone, having rescued people and bashed robots along the way, when he came to what looked like a shore line. A big shoreline. There were floating robots with lasers floating around.
He could see the end in the distance, indicated by two bright yellow flags, and saw other competitors heading towards it already, making creative uses of their quirks to get across.
Masaki sighed and blinked his eyes blearily. There wasn't any place high enough for him to glide off of, so he's going to have to swim over to one of the robots and climb one of those.
Damn, I'm so tired.
He sighed, and got into the water, shivering at its cold temperature and began swimming. He agonized at the sight of all the other applicants making much better time than him, and when he finally reached the robot, he didn't even try to do anything cool. He swung up, bashed it with huge chunk of turquoise and called it a day.
He finally reached the top, and reformed his wings for the last time. He jumped and glided down from the robot, almost to the finish line when he saw someone struggling in the water.
It was a person covered with freckles and an awful tie dye job that he had seen earlier in the waiting room.
Oh dear. I think he's drowning. But how is he drowning? I mean, his head is above the water.
With a pang of shock, Masaki swooped a bit lower to see what was wrong, and misjudging his aim, nosedived into the water.
The other person, taking no notice of him, continued to struggle in the water.
"Hey-" Masaki coughed. " I'm going to try and get you out, ok?"
The winged boy dissipated his wings, and grabbed onto the other person by the arm, and tried dragging them to the finish line, which was so, so close, but so far away from a kid who had been going full force with nothing but his brute strength.
Why did I ever think I could rescue someone else in the water when I'm this exhausted? Also, why does the person feel like they got stabbed a bunch or something?
Masaki reached down to his feet and created a large piece of plastic to float on the surface of the water with the freckles person. 
Yeah, I'm not going to make it. This plastic is only going to last for a few more seconds, I hope someone's going to come out here to come help us.
Masaki felt a weight on the piece of plastic that was keeping them afloat. He looked up to see a grey skinned girl, reaching down and touching the two people. The world spun, and then they landed, thankfully, at the finish line.
Masaki got up from his face plant, and looked at his savior. 
"Thank you for saving me!" said Masaki rubbing his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, about that, I didn't mean to mess with your race."
She glanced at him for a moment, muttered something, and walked off.
He watched her leave and shrugged. Let bygones be bygones, right?
Masaki went to crouch by the freckles person, who now that he realized, was covered with holes. 
Yup, sure, why not.
The brown haired boy shook their shoulder.
" Hey. Are you doing ok?"
They stirred, and sat up. 
"How the fuck did I get here? I mean I know I fell off a robot, but jeez. Did I suddenly gain the ability to teleport?"
" Well, no, but that girl can teleport!" The holey kid with green eyes spun around to look at Masaki. " She got us out!"
"Oh that's good," They sighed, and frowned. "What do you mean, we?"
Masaki grinned sheepishly and blinked hard to try and clear his vision. "Um, I tried to rescue you? And I started drowning myself?"
He snorted. "That's one way to go."
Masaki grinned. "Yup, it sure is. Isn't it super cool that we made it! I hope we passed! And..."
The two walked off together towards the main building, and waited for the rest of the applicants.
".... And that's how my quirk works!"
The Principal butted in, and announced to the crowd of kids.
"Alright guys! See you next time! Your results will come in the mail in a few days! Good luck!"
With that, they were delivered back to the docks.
Masaki returned home to an empty house, and finished his chores for the day. He left a note for his parents telling about his day, and took off all his jewelry. 
As he fell asleep, there was only one thought in his mind. 
And now we wait.
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yoshkeii · 3 years
hi darling! hope you've been doing okay! finally got some time to give you some animal facts! and today is the very exciting human edition!! let's goooo! i might do a part 2 bc it got too long heheh
* even wondered why after a long night of shoveling a bunch of formulas and information in your head, you remember nothing when it's time for the test? to keep it short, our brains have developed in stages aka we have the animal brain and the human brain. the fight, flight or freeze response happens in our animal brain and when it's test time, your anxiety level rises and that animal brain takes it as a threat! it completely takes over and shuts down everything you learned in order to "save" you! omg that was long haha
* your liver is the only organ in your body that's capable of regeneration! a part of your liver can be removed and it will grow back in matter of weeks, if the liver is healthy of course
* why do we have wisdom teeth? well, our ancestors needed them to chew tougher food like nuts, roots and leaves. they no longer have a purpose so they're kinda just there :)
* when we blush, then so does our stomach, kinda! in a embarrassing situation, our adrenaline levels(aka our sweet stress handlin boyos) go 📈📈. that causes our heart rate to also 📈📈, resulting in more blood bumpin out! weirdly enough, when we blush, the lining of our stomach also turns red!
- 🐞
hellooooo.. im doing okay just feeling wonky <3 but ohhh more facts !!
i understand the first- one a lot since i have experiences like that often </3 but the blushing one- kinda- interesting? bizarre? something like that-
i also love how you explains things- because its similar on how I explain things- its so funny n cute to me <3 (and i do understand most of it-)
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dearkaelani-blog · 8 years
Dear Kaelani,
Wow 24 weeks already?! Mommy and Daddy are getting more and more excited as you grow and progress. Thanks to the Ovia App I downloaded I get to know how you grow and what happens while you’re in my belly. I’ve decided to make a blog because well first of all I find it super cool that a little human is growing inside of me and that basically at the end of pregnancy rips me to shreds. (kidding) I just think it would be cool to share our journey with you. Plus I’m super stoked for you to be here and can’t wait for you to see the world outside of my belly. Let’s see since we’re that far ahead already I’ll just sum up the previous months. You know what? Lets just start from the beginning. I actually had no idea I was pregnant with you up until late October. Reason being was that before hand in August I had something wrong with my kidneys and ovaries. I was on my period for almost a whole month! I was not so happy about bleeding almost every day so they put me on a bunch of hormonal meds and stopped me from taking birth control. The hormonal meds were to stop the bleeding completely and get me back on birth control after to help regulate the bleeding. Later they did an ultra sound to check up on my kidneys and ovaries... Turned out I had about 4 cysts. Which explained the long term period I had and I actually didn’t need to go through that treatment at all. Anyways my cycle got all mumbo jumbo so I was just spotting after they put me back on birth control and I was told it takes a few weeks for my body to regulate itself. They also had me pee in a cup several times to see if I was pregnant at that time and it was negative. In September on my birth control I got to the placebos and still no period. It was like omg I went from bleeding non stop to not bleeding at all. You would think I would be so happy but frankly I was worried. I kept thinking oh goodness now I’m pregnant? But because I was turning 21 on the 14th I decided to schedule my annual with the doctors and do my first pap and also have them do a blood test to see if I was pregnant. To me reading my hcg levels would be more accurate. (you would think) I believe this appointment was 4 four days before my birthday. They checked and told me the results were negative and cont to do my first pap. At this point I was relieved that I wasn’t pregnant and that maybe it was just my body still trying to regulate. Plus my 21st was coming up and I was so pumped to get totally wasted and just get messed up! Two weeks later I wasn’t feeling right.. I actually woke up and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. I also had the worst headache. I thought maybe it was just a migraine. Moved on and around late October I still didn’t have my period. I thought you know what, lets just take a pregnancy test for the heck of it. It didn’t wait for the full 2 mins or however long to show its results. There it was. The +. I was so shocked, I texted your dad so fast. Like I took my birth control every day. Except this one time.. I just took it at a different time. Shows how fertile I am. I started to freak out a little bit. So I took another one just to see if it was still going to be the +. And this one also didn’t wait either. Gee thanks for reminding me that YES I AM INDEED 100% PREGNANT. My thought process was omg how am I going to tell our families? How is Ciane feeling? What are we going to do financially? Where are we going to live? All these things and I couldn’t help but cry. At the time we had no idea how far along we were with you. Thanks to my unregulated cycle and also because of the blood test they had me do at the doctors that came up negative. I just assumed we probably conceived late September so your dad and I just said we were 9 weeks. Let me tell you the first two months after we knew was so hormonal crazy. Your poor dad had to deal with my crazy mood swings and crying and also I wanted to eat almost everything. Not only that the telling our families part went a lot better than we thought. We at first didn’t know if we should’ve kept you, only because of where we were at in life. But your dad is so supportive and incredibly loving and was making sure that for my mental health it would be okay. There was a time were I had to have an abortion before and it took a really big toll on my mental health. Your dad was worried about me going through it again. In my heart I knew keeping you would bring so much joy to us. I knew you would help us grow and better ourselves. Your dad is literally the man of my dreams. I love him so much and after we agreed to keep you, I couldn’t help but get overjoyed. He and I are starting a family together with you. What more could I want? After all that settled. We went in for our first appointment with you. Which was an ultrasound to see how officially far along we were.. which this is where your dad and I and even your doctor was shocked. Turned out we were further along with you than we thought. It also meant we conceived you in late August. And in our minds we were so confused on how that was even possible. Oh my god your due date was set to be in July and now all of a sudden it got changed to MAY? The drastic change. They had us go see the specialist aka the people who get to paid to due ultra sounds as a living. Your doctor just wanted to make sure that what she saw that day was 100% accurate. And it turned out she was right. We were about 4 months pregnant with you. How it was possible we had no idea. But hearing your heartbeat and seeing you move around was such an incredible experience. Our hearts were so happy. And also we got to know your gender sooner. And when I found out we were having a girl I got even more happier. These past few months have been incredible so far. Your dad sings to you almost every other day. And you move so much. I also crave and eat so much spicy food. Your dad doesn’t always agrees with our cravings and wants us to stick to eating healthy. But if I want a cheeseburger then I’m going to eat a cheeseburger damn it. Of course I eat healthy too. You seem to really like avocados and carrots and hummus and celery and pineapples. The amazing thing about this is that I have eaten so much yet only gained 1lb. I hope you’re enjoying all these yummy foods and having to make me pee every 30 mins. Your dad and I already love you so much and can’t wait for you to be here. I already said so much so I’m going to save the rest for later. 
Love always, Mommy  P.S. omg 3 more months to GOOOO!!!
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