#more evajacks
feather000000 · 9 months
I am here just doing a good deed😊
If anyone wants to read/reread the first four chapters of acftl here is the link to them 🥰🥰🥰
I know I'm awesome your welcome😁
Here's the link to the file:
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evajackslover · 8 months
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these are actually so stunning!! might be some of my new favorite artworks, the details are insane and also so beautiful <3
artist @giannyfili on instagram!!
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annamatix · 4 months
i just realized everyone's favorite book boyfriends practically worship their wives/girlfriends
(or at least highly admire and are huge simps for them)
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poetglasses · 8 months
In Defense of Jacks in ACFTL
I do have spoilers, so this is your warning not to venture further if you haven't finished reading.
First off, I love how the story was told and how it ended. Could we have gotten more of the other characters? Yes. Did we really need to? Maybe, but I certainly didn't mind the absence. I didn't think we needed to address every character that we've met. We saw Castor and Lala, and I was happy about it, but I was strictly here for Evajacks story, and that's what I got.
I think Eva and Jacks had character development in this novel.
Eva isn't as trusting and hopeful as she was in the previous two books, and I was happy about it! Girl was getting murder attempted on her, and her husband is a narcissistic, manipulative psychopath. The only people she could trust were 1) being kept away from her or 2) avoiding her because they thought they were doing the best thing for her if they did so *cough* jacks
Jacks watched the girl he loved die! He blamed himself for what happened to Eva, and then continued staying away because he felt guilty and thought he was keeping her safe in doing so. He didn't know Apollo took Eva's memories away. He was too busy making sure Castor didn't go within 10 feet of Eva because Castor did attack Jacks after he went back in time to save her! He was still around Eva, he was just hiding in the shadows or out in the balcony peering through the windows. He genuinely thought Apollo was the better choice for Eva because at least Apollo hadn't done anything to her (as far as he knew).
Jacks apologized to her under the phoenix tree, saying that when he went back in time, he thought the stones would have taken something from him, not Eva, or are we all ignoring that because of that beautiful love confession Eva gave? He wanted our girl to live! When Eva met Castor in the Cursed Forest, Jacks literally put a knife through his best friend's chest in fear of having a repeat of the first timeline! Castor wasn't even doing anything, he was just trying to have a conversation with her.
Jacks was the tortured lover we all knew him to be. He wasn't Jacks, Prince of Hearts, with a trail of deadly kisses in search of true love in this novel. He was Jacks of the Hollow, a man who loved his girl so much he wanted her to live instead of dying at his kiss. We all know how badly Eva wanted to kiss him, and we all know Jacks can hear her thoughts. Can we blame him for staying away? He literally said that if she died again, he could not bring her back. The idea of that was terrifying to him. He already used the stones, and going to Honora would have the possibility of turning her into a vampire, maybe worse.
Jacks felt different in this novel because he finally admitted how much he loves Eva. We've seen him do so many things for her throughout the series. Was he holding back in the other two books? I'd argue not really, but he certainly wasn't going to let her be with him. He didn't want to admit he was in love with her. Dude literally held her like a grudge in the first novel, a secret in the second novel, and then a promise in the third. The hints were there for us. He would literally do anything for her. He just didn't want to admit to himself he loved her because if he allowed himself to there was the possibility that she could die.
Does Eva die in this book? No, thank god. But don't act like you read their kiss scene and didn't fucking break a little when Jacks went "No! Not again".
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star-burst365 · 9 months
“Children have treated toys better than you’ve treated me.”
As much as I love Scarlett (I’m an avid Tella hater im sorry), Evangeline is absolutely my favorite MC that Stephanie has written so far.
Here you have a deeply lonely character who hasn’t even turned 18 yet. All Evangeline wants is love — she gives so much of it (again and again) and it’s all she wants back. She forgives Marisol, befriends Luc again, and gives Jacks and the other Fates second and third and fourth chances. That’s why it hurts so badly when she gets so little of it. Everyone in the book uses her. Tiberius (to frame her for murder), Marisol, her Stepmother, Chaos, LaLa, and even Jacks. She stayed the entire night hugging (kind of) almost-vampire Jacks in the crypt just for him to abandon her when it was her under the venom 😭. In Jacks’s own words, she’s “the unluckiest person he’s ever met.” Our poor girl cannot catch a break: everyone in the books manipulate her for their own gain while she gets absolutely nothing in return, despite getting things done for the people around her. She found the stones, she unlocked the arch, and what did she get as a thank you? Dying in the arms of her almost-lover, before being turned away cruelly by said almost-lover and losing her memories. Jeez.
But that’s why it’s so inspiring seeing her get back up again and again. Evangeline would kill them with kindness if she wasn’t nice enough to try and save each and every one of them. She hugs and forgives LaLa after she placed a curse on her. She tries to talk Petra out of killing her (we all know how that went, yikes). She chooses Jacks again and again, because that’s what love is. It’s everything she stands for: fighting for the people you love and never abandoning them.
Idk, maybe it’s just me, but I really would love to see more of the characters appreciating her, this girl and her blind faith in everything that moves, who’s stubborn and fearless and determined to help others instead of herself. So excited for acftl <3
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rosesfox · 8 months
♡ more things that jacks did/said/thought that show how much he loves evangeline. ♡
❥ evangeline died in his arms in the previous book, and he is clearly traumatized by this. he gives her up because he knows that he will kill her if he stays with her (since he will kiss her), and prefers to leave her with another man because he thinks she would be safer. he says that, being a princess, she would always have everything she wanted.
❥ even though he chooses to leave her, he can't stop thinking about her. he can't stop wanting to be with her. then he goes to her and observes her in silence, distant. he says he just wants to make sure she's safe, that she's not sad or cold (coooOLD he is scared that she might be COLD HES SO IN LOVE
❥ he knows that he has to leave her, that she is on her own, so he tries to teach her to defend herself. (we all know he just literally couldn't stay away from her and wanted to touch her as much as he could, but he (also) had good intentions.)
❥ he is absolutely outraged by the killer who tried to kill evangeline, and then even more outraged when he sees that she is hurt. he literally kills this guy in cold blood (in one of the HOTTEST scenes in the book)
❥ then he simply says that evangeline could never look awful, he is all nervous and shy and puts a strand of her hair behind her ear as he approaches her and is suffering from wanting to kiss her and ARGHHHHH
❥ he ''kills'' chaos by being close to her.
❥ he tries to convince himself that it's better that she doesn't remember who he is, that she doesn't remember the feelings they shared when, in reality, he hates that she doesn't remember. he says that he wanted her to want him again, he puts his forehead on hers and begs her to remember him.
❥ evangeline discovers that the happiest day of his life (an ageless fate) was the day he spent with her, the night they slept together and when they had breakfast. she notices that he feels pain when he abandons this memory, when he leaves this place that was happy for him.
❥ he rents a room in an inn so she can rest. he calls her his bride and carries her to the bedroom (again, we know he just wanted to touch her, that it was his make-believe moment.)
❥ he almost starts crying because the time has come and he needs to leave evangeline at that inn and never see her again.
❥ he carries the letter that evangeline wrote, a letter that is definitely not a love letter, he keeps it close to his heart and reads it and re-reads it over and over again.
❥ he trades his heart for a cuff that will keep evangeline safe because there is nothing more important to him than her.
❥ he wants to set his own heart on fire because he knows that then he will be able to let her go (i don't know if you understand how much he was suffering. he wanted to set his own heart on fire because it seemed easier than letting her go.)
❥ he is literally psychologically destroyed and begs evangeline to let him go and he starts crying because he is suffering so much (in a beautiful scene where evangeline says: no, i will fight for you because i love you)
❥ in the end, when everything works out, he admits that he loves her and loves her so much that he knows he doesn't even like the idea of letting her escape so he promises that he will never let her out of his sight. and he says that that, that between them, is not just for that moment, it is for always.
❥ he also gives up pretending he's not addicted to touching her. he is physically incapable of not touching her all the time, he is always putting her hair behind her ear, touching her, hugging her from behind and giving her lots of kisses and bites. his love language is definitely physical touch.
❥ he literally doesn't let her out of his sight. in every possible ending he is close to her, watching her read a book, take a nap or feed the little dragons. evangeline also says that she hates leaving him, and that he doesn't even let her do that because he always catches up with her. they live in the greatest glue in all realities.
after everything he went through to get here, i'm so happy and content to see him like this. like i always said, he always cared. he was always the only person to genuinely care about evangeline. he loves her.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 8 months
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J A C K S + E V A N G E L I N E | Forever After
For @thesistersarcheron
“Happy endings can be caught, but they are difficult to hold on to. They are dreams that want to escape the night. They are treasure with wings. They are wild, feral, reckless things that need to be constantly chased, or they will certainly run away.”
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jacks appreciation post because i said so.
"don't fret, i won't tell your husband that you're obsessed with me."
has to be one of the greatest lines. AND THE FACT THAT HE SAID RIGHT AFTER THAT:
"i won't tell apollo that i caught you carrying around my knife, either. he and i are friends,(🤨) after all, and i'd hate for him to get jealous."
"i'm flattered you've taken such an interest in my wants. but you really should start thinking about your husband more than me."
"not interested in biting me anymore?"
"i also play chess" 😭 HE IS TOO FUNNY
i do not support cheating until it is THEM ok???
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starcrossedandstupid · 7 months
Personally I think people don’t talk about Jacks’s ‘I try not to think of you at all’ line enough!
Of course it comes off as a little bit rude, but it’s so romantic. The softness in his voice, the undertone of that little bit of heartbreak. He tried not to, because he knows he can’t have her and yet she consumes his mind. I have more thoughts, but I can’t form sentences on it. I have always thought it was a little heartbreakingly romantic and I realized that not everyone viewed in that way. It’s jacks’s raw thoughts, a look into how much he loves her, and how much that love is killing him, just a little.
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archerandthefoxx · 3 months
"When Jacks wanted something, it was with an intensity that could break worlds and build kingdoms. That was the energy pouring off him now, as if he wanted to destroy her and make her his queen all at once"
~The Ballad of Never After, Chapter 40
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intairnwetrust · 10 months
Nesta 🤝 Jacks 🤝 Xaden 🤝 Cardan
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feather000000 · 8 months
I swear to god I'm not normally a violent person... well may be a little bit violent but I just want to drown Apollo and aurora the r the fucking first i want to torture them rip out their nail... hammer screws in their fingertips, skin them alive sprinkle red pepper powder in then drown them in perfume and leave them out in the sun to fucking burn
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evajackslover · 6 months
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some evajacks for your feed 😌
this beauty is by the wonderful @bethgilbert_art on instagram 🎀
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annamatix · 4 months
i NEED a caraval and ouabh crossover. like i know they're set in the same world and some characters have technically met each other, but i need something big. like a party or something with everyone knowing what they know now
and everyone meeting each other and its like. angsty and drama filled and just waaaaah
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animezinglife · 6 months
I think what draws me in and completely captivates me with Once Upon a Broken Heart is the sheer, unapologetic fantasy of it all and the equally unapologetic appeal to the hopeless romantic in so many of us.
I actually find it refreshing that Evangeline is a little naive, but that that naïveté comes from that wish for and willingness to find a happily-ever-after. She IS very much that fairytale heroine who gets tossed into one scenario after another, but there’s always a very genuine (in my opinion) sense of love and hope flooding through her.
She won’t appeal to everyone, but she’s also not the ditzy, helpless protagonist I think some would make her out to be. She’s a believer in love. She’s getting a rather tumultuous crash course in what love is through her misguided deal with Jacks.
It’s not the fairytale romance with a prince or a first love.
It’s not something that ends once she has it.
Happiness is something she constantly has to work for. It takes gambles and risks. It’s messy and not always easy to understand. It’s a double-edged sword. It can both uplift and betray you; warm your heart and break it.
She’s learning. She’s growing. She’s figuring out what she wants; what it means and feels like to fall in love and fight for it.
I love too that Jacks genuinely is a trickster. He’s downright diabolical at times and Evangeline is never naive enough to think she can change that. She holds herself accountable for feeling too much for him or expecting him to act like her friend, husband, or lover. He’s not an easy person to love. He’s very obviously not fully human and can be hard to understand.
Yet she’s genuinely seeing that other, more human side of him when he doesn’t retreat from it. That side that’s capable of love and has fallen in love with her (which the readers can see much more clearly). She’s not misguided in her conflicted feelings. She just keeps moving forward with the directions her life takes her. She still believes in love. She still wants to believe in happily ever afters.
She’s learning that none of those things are easy and that they can constantly evolve.
I think a lot of women regardless of age can probably relate to just how much she’s learning about herself through this all.
I know I can.
Evangeline is a softer kind of heroine. She has a gentler strength and resolve. She doesn’t always make good or smart decisions, but she also doesn’t claim to.
She’s not a complicated protagonist. This isn’t going to win any awards for the most complex, intellectually stimulating, insightful narrative of all time or any esteemed awards in terms of craft.
But honestly? I love Evangeline, and I love these books. She’s kind of the embodiment of optimism and hopeful love, and she refuses to break. She’s kind and caring.
She’s that part of so many of us I think we tend to push aside or bury as we get older and more jaded on love.
A certain quote comes to mind about being old enough to read fairytales again. I think sometimes, that can also mean being gentle and nonjudgmental towards our own hopeless, inner romantics and that wish for something better that somehow keeps us going.
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clockworkbee · 7 months
I just love how Stephanie Garber cared enough to show that Tella was just an obsession for Jacks, the Prince of Hearts desperately looking for his true love, so much that he forgot about love and cared only about finding that girl who wouldn't die from his kiss, to then show how Evangeline was his love, the one he chose, the one who made him feel once again as a human would; as Jacks of the Hollow.
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