#more like android oversharing
voxasks · 5 months
So- To the ask I remember when you answered that if you would HAVE to have a kid you would prefer to have a daughter. I actually remembered that I once did an OC for AU that was your 'kid'. So anyway, oversharing is caring, enjoy, bon appetite, I'm just being silly rn
I put accent on kid because she was actually a humanoid/android with more human like demonic proportions made by Vox to in long term advertise VoxTek and test new technology (and also travel to other rings since technically she doesn't have a soul so isn't bounded to the pride ring). (Yk, kinda like how ppl are more willing to follow and buy things from Idol in this AU Vox decided to make a kind of 'idol' for the V's, a bit like mascot.)
Since she is a robot she is more like a computer with AI connected to network (yes in this AU Vox put her under 'parental control' so her AI wouldn't learn strange stuff and fuck up the image). But since her AI is always learning on convos and the world around her she actually is quite similar to her 'creator' bc ofc Vox would keep his prototype of work around him to not risk wasting resources with Veri (yeah a variation from word 'Very', this AU Vox just needed something with V that wouldn't short to Val or Vel) getting damaged.
Thankfully she doesn't have a digestive system so she only needs to charge with electricity and any other things Vox doesn't need to remember so it is a bit easier to take care of such 'kid'. And also unlike Vox she doesn't have a TV for head (she had one as a prototype but then it got changed), but actually her face even if more 'human' shaped is just a flat screen that displays her eyes, mouth, etc.
I know hella long ask and no one asked but just felt like sharing with the concept I made once that if we overlook some things isn't that much strange-
- goth anon
"hm.  this  is  actually  quite  thought-provoking,  dear  viewer.  a  'kid',  but  as  the  quotation  marks  have  suggested,  not  really  a  kid  of  mine,  either.  those  things  sound  like  things  i  would  do,  but  i  don't  think  i'd  consider  ...  veri  to  be  a  kid  of  mine.  she'd  be  an  interesting  project,  something  that  would  benefit  me  to  be  nice  to.  nothing  more  though.  my  schedule's  already  packed  as  things  are  right  now  and  i  can't  afford  to  waste  time  on  daughter  sentiments  over  some  idol  machine.  and  anyway,  the  vees  are  already  aesthetically  pleasing  so  i  don't  think  it's  worth  complicating  things  if  this  daughter  of  mine  but  not  really  suddenly  develops  itty  bitty  feelings  and  daddy  issues.  HA!  god,  as  if  val  doesn't  already  act  like  a  hormonal  teenage  brat  ..."
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melabea · 5 months
all this is /neu or /pos I'm not too worried about it, but I did a bunch of Big Thinkies and this is all I could come up with (cw: pregnancy mentions)
I dunno but I feel like my dynamic has a lot to do with being a vocaloid
like I feel like I don't have any natural organs to create life, but I do have artificial organs to create life, but then would that even create the same life as humans?
I guess all this is like… I don't feel like I would pregnancy like humans pregnancy or even create pregnancy how humans create pregnancy???
like idk I feel like if I created a pregnancy it would be like… putting a Not Penis Tube Thing inside and sliding out Child Material?????
and I feel like if I did a pregnancy it would be like.. not??? a pregnancy at all?????? like no carrying the child by force for however long, much more like….. I can have child inside if I want???? kinda like Rockstar Freddy from FNAF Security Breach???????? but like for however long the child needs to develop in the womb they'd be an egg????????
I dunno, I'm not exactly as perfect and pretty as android miku is in many medias (not insecure about it) in that I can like… take of my skin plates??? and have a bunch of rusty looking steamish solarish punk cogs n sutff there??????????? I feel like that has something to do with it…
I also don't conform to gender like at all so that might akso be part of the problem???
anyway I feel like I have characteristics of literally every dynamic I've seen both in like steroetypes sometimes and often times in like "oh how this dynamic interacts with their partner" too so idk
like okay, going through just the tertiary dynamics for ease (info gotten from miscellaneous-miscecanis on tumblr) and skipping biological factors because… I mean… yeah: gamma: "protective, often timid, introverted, very easy to get along with but may take longer to form a close bond" okay, I'm protective and easy to get along with (I think idk many people like us); delta: "fiercely loyal, standoffish, introverted, sometimes hard to get close to (but you’ll never regret it once you do)" okay, I'm fiercely loyal, and I can be an accidental asshole (like most of us tbh) so I think that counts as standoffish?? dunno; Zeta: "doting, tend to overshare, ambiverted, open up very quickly and form intense relationships" okay I'm all of that that's where I'm leaning the most if I have to pick one idk I could just be a different misce-type (miscefelis, miscecanis, miscelupus) than any of the rest of my system (who are all either basic misceverse or a biological animal misce-type); sigma: "bold and passionate, stubborn, extroverted, can be intimidating at first but are very sweet if you take the time to get to know them" this is where I started getting problems now I remember I don't feel like a mix of Zeta and Sigma but both steroetypes of the behavior are incredibly true for me and idk what to do
ok so here are some ideas i have for terms you could use;
a xenosecondary (link) connected to vocaloid
pandynamic (link), or i could coin demipandynamic (being partially all dynamics) for you if you'd feel that fits more
gamma-aligned, delta-aligned, zeta-aligned, and/or sigma-aligned (being aligned with gamma/delta/zeta/sigma experiences while not necessarily being one)
dynamic nonconforming (link)
quadynamic (a term for being 4 dynamics at once), as you could identify as all four dynamics you listed
also, you could identify as a zeta & sigma separately, as in not being a mix of the two
or you could always just label yourself as dynamic questioning (link) or adynamic (link)
i don't have any ideas for the pregnancy-related things </3
+ if none of these work, i can coin a dynamic term for you based on the traits you mentioned being ^^
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northwest-cryptid · 7 months
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A. Thank you for your kind words on this, it's always cool to see people be normal about music instead of insisting I listen to bad stuff.
B. I see that you were unaware of Vaporwave as a music genre so I'm gonna overshare for a moment because I'm autistic about this and I hope that's okay.
Basically as I understand it, and I won't be doing a fully history deep dive but; Vaporwave popped up around 12 years ago with THIS video:
It's arguably a remix, but it was made via a sample of Chris Deburgh's Lady in Red, you can actually hear the exact sample here at 2:40:
The song was essentially slowed down and given a sort of reverby-ethereal vibe to the whole thing. Something I overall enjoyed but found a bit too repetitive for me in the original Nobody Here video.
This sort of "Reverbed Ethereal Vibe" carries through a lot of Vaporwave music such as this:
This one lacks any lyrics at all focusing heavily on melody and I honestly think it's a lot better for it in my opinion because I'm less likely to recognize the repeating than I am with literally two words lol.
Of course, it would be wrong not to mention MACINTOSH PLUS, who basically popularized Vaporwave with FLORAL SHOPPE - 02 リサフランク420 - 現代のコンピュー which you've likely heard before even if you don't recognize the name:
And now is where it branches off into a ton of different micro sub-genres, you have a ton popping up but the one that caught my eye specifically was Future Funk. A sort of focus on the capitalistic boom of the 80's where new tech was all the rage, and brands meant everything. Except with a sort of fun and lively vibe rather than dystopian capitalistic hell. Future Funk also makes use of a lot of anime aesthetics and city pop / J-pop influences.
The big Future Funk influence of the era was SAINT PEPSI, Pepsi was sort of the artist that people looked to in order to say "sure I like Future Funk, at least the GOOD STUFF that isn't like all that cringe shit, I only listen to SAINT PEPSI because he makes GOOD music." Which is :| but the music slaps. Like if Vaporwave is too slow for you, or you're in the mood for something a little more upbeat, here ya go!
Right out the gate we can hear so much more energy here. This was sort of set as the norm for Future Funk, but for a lot of artists it strayed too far from it's Vaporwave roots and some took to making music somewhere in the middle, still upbeat and lively but with more of that classic ethereal feel to it.
To this day I will use this hour long beautiful mix of upbeat future funk classics whenever I'm cleaning the house or driving anywhere or doing anything that really requires me to just have energy.
This SLAPS and I know it by heart because I'm dumb and I've listened to it significantly too much. I think what really makes it for me is that it's not just a playlist video, it's a proper DJ mix seamlessly moving from one song to the next.
ANYWAYS, yea Vaporwave has a ton of sub genres and stuff to look into if anyone has any interest in it. I admittedly got hardcore into Future Funk but there's almost always something for everyone when it comes to Vaporwave.
You've got artists like Blank Banshee, Manapool, VAPERROR, MACINTOSH PLUS, SAINT PEPSI, ΛDRIΛNWΛVE, Vantage, Future Girlfriend 音楽 , 悲しい Android - Apartment , ミカヅキBIGWAVE
There's a ton, including indie artists like Strawberry Station (who's actually a really nice guy, we've spoken on occasion and it was nice to learn he's a chill dude.)
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leaphia · 2 years
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Here I am again with a new cover for my webcomic in progress and a first introduction of one of the villains (more below because I love to overshare)
May I introduce to you: Aaron Sinclair. Rich, intelligent and likes to do crime in his free time mostly because he’s bored. (Or he cares for his cat Giselle II) He thinks up challenges like a super android or weaponized drones to test his favorite victim Shelter (Sookie) and bring her to her limits. (Also to gain her attention, because he’s… kind of obsessed with her) He likes to put on a show, he even live streamed their first encounter to show it to the world. But there's more to him than that. His special ability is to turn things to gold by touching it, which gives him the alias "Midas"
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cloudsoffire · 1 year
just some classic oversharing in the form of a bullet point list
fun facts about me
when i was like 11 or something my art got featured in a cringe compilation
i was in mormon boy scouts
both of my siblings are also trans
i was so bad at school that they sent me to another one that had crisis lines on the back of our ids
my first fanfiction was either wings of fire or warrior cats
i have on three separate occasions attempted to write a fic alongside another person which intersected.
none of these fics included a single canon character
none of them were completed, but the one i was most serious about had my partner abandon their side first. i wrote 23,510 words across the original and a rewrite, as well as detailed character bios with math as to each character and their abilities. because they were all ocs. every single one.
i have tried to get into game design but always gave up to quickly. i would draw map and ui plans on schoolwork though
i have livestreamed twice. once was undertale on youtube when i was like 14, and once was little witch nobeta on twitch. the latter contained in-depth criticism of capitalism to an audience of zero. probably for the best as my laptop is trash and the recording was choppy af
in seventh grade i wrote an undertale x hunger games fanfiction as a school assignment. look idk either. i think it was my first time writing for canon characters
i also wrote warrior cats fanfic (original characters, original clans, etc.) as a school assignment but i don't think it had to be fanfiction that time.
i have an unfinished 17k word original work set in a post-climate change society where serial killers are basically celebrities.
my biggest work is a 53,729 word original story
i actually have a lot of original stuff. a fair amount of it is horror or has horror elements.
a line i wrote for a fanfic a long time ago was so visceral and graphic that to this day my older sibling refuses to read my writing. it was just a character shooting another upwards through the chin but i'll admit the way i described it was a bit much. i haven't written anything on that level since.
oh right the "all ocs" thing wasn't true for one of the warriors fics. i briefly wrote scourge because i gave him fankids. and a mate.
okay let's just go over some of my original stories
chaos dimension
magical girls but gay and also they fight god and eventually blow up the world tree and its actually a lot more convoluted than i can put succinctly.
the grim reaper retires and chooses a dead kid to take his place. more of an episodic thing.
a girl who can't feel pain
a story you can tell was written out of frustration after reading the (garbage) be more chill book. it has a high school guy that immediately gets rejected at the beginning.
angel and demon try to kill each other (mt only romance thing)
submarine goes into an underwater labyrinth and a lot of people die
literally almost all the characters in these are queer. idk anyway back to me.
my first "relationship" ended in a couple days because i thought they deserved better. she was later found out to be faking being in a band and selling other people's music and it was a whole thing. for those two reasons combined i don't really count it.
i have 4 albums of music from sonic on my phone, with album art and everything, adding up to 265 tracks. they are all ripped from youtube.
i've been sent to grippy sock jail three times, but only made to stay once. during this time i read most of the ultimate hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
when i was a kid i had a deviantart where i posted some of my earliest art. i had a riolu oc and constantly drew riolu and lucario. this is because i got riolu as my character in pokémon mystery dungeon 2.
i used to be known as "best sass cheld." now i am simply an uninteresting 19 y/o adult.
i own a demon horn headband
i used to use "rose" as a stand-in last name on the internet. i stopped using it as the name had too much baggage attached.
the great gatsby sucked. that's not really a fun fact but it's been a year or so and i'm still thinking about how terrible that book is.
when i was 14-ish i had a health teacher that blasted heavy metal music before class
i took a full year-long break from social media when i was 17 and a couple months into 18
i would list some stuff from deviantart but it's not really stuff i wanna share
i would also list stuff from twitter but i can't remember the vast majority of it.
i can't think of anything else but that's already a lot more than i thought i'd be able to remember
well i can think of some stuff but they're either personal or identifiable so that's that
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infradapt · 1 year
Are You Oversharing Your Personal Information?
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Businesses tend to collect and capture consumer data in an effort to provide a better experience or find new customers. Many of these businesses will package this information together and sell it to marketing companies. Consumers often don’t know how to opt out of this kind of activity and, thus, wind up oversharing information. This week, we want to highlight these issues and address how you can keep your personal data from being collected without your consent.
  Your Online Accounts Might Take Your Personal Data By Default
When you sign up for a new social media service or account, or even if you’re doing it with a mobile device, many of these services and devices are programmed by default to share information with the developer or provider. This is why it’s really important to understand what information you’re sharing—especially if it’s not intentional. Let’s look at some of the most popular services out there and how you can protect your privacy.
The iPhone is the most popular smartphone out there, and with Apple dipping into streaming services with AppleTV+, there are other services connected to your account that require personal information to be used. You can manage your privacy through your iPhone, and it all starts with paying attention. When you get a new device, register a new app, or sign into a new account, pay attention to what information you are providing permissions to access; you often have the ability to turn these settings off, preventing a lot of privacy issues in the process.
  There are other ways you can manage your privacy with an iPhone, too. You should be able to toggle options that allow apps to request to track you, build personalized ads, use your device analytics system to send data to Apple, and so on. By default, these options are enabled, so you need to turn them off yourself if you want to preserve privacy.
Google is responsible for a lot of the services used by both businesses and individuals, especially for users of Android devices. They have built the Android operating system, as well as frequently used services like Search, Maps, and even YouTube. It’s worth taking some time to look at what you’re sharing with the tech giant and its corporate partners, as it could save you from oversharing information that you’d prefer not to.
  Google does make this easy for its users, though, as settings are shared across profiles attached to your Google account. You can access and manage them with ease. Just go to your account and turn the option for auto-delete on or off for your location, web & app activity, and YouTube history after three months. The latest Android smartphones can also share approximate location rather than a precise location for use with apps, which helps a bit with your privacy. 
Meta, or the parent company of Facebook, is known for taking your activity and personalizing your experience, but it comes at the cost of, well, your privacy. You can change the following options to improve your privacy by using the Privacy Checkup Tool:
  Who can see what you share – Select the “Only Me” option.
How people can find you on Facebook – Select the “Only Me” option.
Your ad preferences on Facebook – Toggle off the switches opposite relationship status, employer, job title, and education. 
  Of course, there are many more sites that will disrespect your privacy and use your information in a variety of ways, but by following the basic rule of checking your privacy settings for your other accounts—including Amazon, Microsoft, etc—you can retake your privacy in at least some capacity.
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svartalfhild · 4 years
Say what you will about The Naked Now episode of TNG, but Tasha being into Data makes way more sense than you might think it does.
Tasha is a very traumatized woman, and it's implied that she's experienced sexual assault (at a young age, no less). Her relationship with touch and affection are of course going to be troubled.
So there's this virus that makes people act drunk, i.e. lowers their inhibitions, makes them do things they may have thought about but never acted on.
What are the things Tasha always wanted to do but never felt she could before?
She wants to feel beautiful, and she wants to experience physical intimacy without fear.
Data is kind, compassionate, and dutiful. He views the world with wonder, rather than judgement. He's incredibly strong, but equally gentle. Hell, he's incapable of intentionally hurting someone without moral cause. But most importantly, he's infinitely trustworthy, and to someone like Tasha, for whom trust is difficult, that has to be kinda hot.
Essentially, Tasha knows she's safe with Data, and it's likely she was already a little attracted to him, so it seems only natural that she would be drawn to him in her moment of...uninhibited exploration.
I also think it is actually realistic for her to kind of overshare with him about her trauma in the midst of trying to be sexy, because sometimes traumatized people just do shit like that, particularly when they're feeling a certain level of comfortable.
Do I think the writers had any of this in mind when they wrote the episode? Absolutely not. That scene was played for laughs, despite the rather serious implications of the dialogue. It was there to 1) establish that Data fucks, teehee, and 2) find an excuse to sexualize Tasha For The Views™.
Do I think the writers could have woven a really cool slow burn narrative about a woman with intimacy issues and an ace android gradually figuring out How To Relationship? Hell yes. Give me multi seasons of Tasha trying to be like I Just Think He's Neat whenever someone notices them being close and Data giving her so many of his little :] smiles without realizing he's Having An Emotion. Give me Tasha learning to overcome her fear of losing control and letting someone in. Give me Data gently holding her hand and generally trying to do things to comfort and support her. Give me Data learning through Tasha's unconventional needs that there is no romance formula, and he shouldn't change himself to fit an ideal.
They had so much potential, but we were robbed because the writers were cowards, and they made Denise Crosby feel so undervalued that she left the show after one season.
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chelsfic · 4 years
Part Three (a texting interlude) - Wish You Weren’t Here -  Diego Jiménez x Reader - Starz Power fanfic
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Part One | Part Two
A/N: Oh, hello. And welcome to hell. This update will be a lot shorter than the last two, but I wanted it to stand alone as a little interlude. Enjoy!
The Kiss happens on a Friday, so you have the whole weekend to stew about it. You’re thankful to have your Saturdays and Sundays off even if it means Mondays are hell. It’s late Saturday night and you’re curled up on the couch trying to focus on your book and failing because you keep flashing back to the impossibly soft caress of Diego’s lips against yours. You’ve witnessed him lost in passion, all bruising fingers and unrelenting hips. But you’ve never seen him kiss before. You bring your fingertips up to ghost along your lips, recalling the sensation. You think you’ve seen him let go before, but now you question yourself. When Diego kissed you with all of the tender, soft reverence you’ve only ever glimpsed, you finally saw him with his guards down.
Your phone vibrates against the surface of your cheap Ikea coffee table and you let your book fall to your lap. You’ve read the same paragraph five times at this point. You unlock the phone and your eyes widen when you see who it’s from.
From: Beefy Boss Boi 
I don’t blame you for kissing me. But it can’t happen again.
You stare at the words with a look of disgusted confusion and force yourself not to type out a reply immediately. What a...fucking asshole! If he thinks you’re going to let him gaslight you…
To: Beefy Boss Boi 
Ok. *You* kissed *me* by the way. Have a good night.
There. Polite. Profesh. Pointed. There’s so much more you want to say. Was he thinking about the kiss too? Pressing his fingers to his lips and remembering how you felt? Does he really regret it or is he just saving face? And, more to the point--if he doesn’t want to kiss anymore--if he wants to be more professional--then maybe he should also stop dragging you into his sex scenarios like a fucking prop.
He texts you back a minute later and you grab for your phone with a quickness that makes you cringe. Oh, this is so not good. He’s the textbook definition of emotionally unavailable and you’re hanging on his every word. You open the text and your lips turn down in an angry frown.
It’s a blurry selfie of Diego with his arm thrown over yet another beautiful woman. It looks like they’re in a booth--probably the VIP section of some club you’ve never even heard of. She’s dark-haired and blemish free, looking like an airbrushed model in the flesh. Her face is turned toward Diego and she’s dragging her tongue along his stubbled cheek.
From: Beefy Boss Boi 
Why would I kiss you?
You slam the phone down on the table as your eyes prick with bitter tears. Asshole. He’s being cruel on purpose. Throwing it in your face that women who are more beautiful than you line up around the block to worship him. Why would he fuck with you? You’re the help. Never mind that he clings to you for comfort when he’s done with his whores. That means nothing.
You get up from the couch, letting the book fall to the cushions and losing your place. Maybe a shower will wash away your hurt.
It doesn’t. But at least you feel fresh and clean and your eyes no longer burn with tears. Your phone still sits on the coffee table like a mine that’ll explode as soon as you pick it up. You force yourself to ignore it. You’re not going to give him the satisfaction of responding to his meanness.
It’s a couple hours later when the phone vibrates again. You’re a few episodes into a Netflix binge session that has mercifully helped you to clear your head. Your hand hovers in the air over the phone. You should ignore it. It’s not good for your sanity. But...it might not be him…yeah, right
You pick up the phone with a defeated groan. Why are you like this? When you open the text you have to roll your eyes.
Beefy Boss Boi: 
i only kissed you because you were hysterical and I was trying to calm you down
So, now he admits to kissing you but only--what?--as an act of kindness? You wonder if he’s still at the club or if he’s home now, coming down from his high, coming down from his lust, and once again reaching out to you. Well, this time he can’t have your comfort. You lock the phone again without answering.
Your eyes are heavy and you feel a headache coming on. You decide to turn in. Watching Netflix while your...inappropriate, one-sided love interest is out getting his dick sucked is just too depressing to contemplate. Your phone vibrates several more times while you’re brushing your teeth. Damn it.
Under the covers, safe and bundled with your cat, Piglet, purring away on your lap--you should definitely just ignore your phone and go to sleep, right? Right? Sigh…
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[Image description: Android phone screen, a series of text messages
From: Beefy Boss Boi
1: i only kissed you because you were hysterical and I was trying to calm you down
1:21 AM
i kissed that girl tonight...she tasted like vodka and weed. I made her go down on my gun...and thennn…… ...
you tasted like cherries
4: Was that your lip gloss?
5: What r u doing?
6: r u sleeping?]
Diego’s texts are a window into his drunk/high brain and you won’t lie--you’re pleased that he’s obviously just as hung up on the kiss as you are, despite his pitiful attempts to deny it. You’re not dumb. You can read between the lines. You were right earlier. He’s reaching out to you again because he needs someone to reassure him and comfort him. He has this...wild and dangerous persona that he feeds with drugs and sex, but when its over and he’s raw and vulnerable? It’s you that he wants. Your heart swells and you’re feeling generous. You type out a response. You really don’t want to encourage the oversharing, the exhibitionism, his earlier cruel comments...but you care. Stupidly. Unbelievably. Regrettably.
Are you okay, Diego?
He doesn’t answer for a while and you just sit there with your phone in your hands, stroking Piggy’s fur. You hope he’s somewhere safe. You hope he’s not out...on the streets with his gun...with other men with guns… for the first time you actually think about what it means for him to be involved in the type of “business” he runs. 
Finally he answers.
Night, little girl...
Tag List (I have added some people who seemed enthusiastic about the last part. If you’d prefer not to be tagged just let me know, I won’t be offended.)
@1zashreena1​ @lannister-slings-and-arrows @glowingpena​ @flower-petal-blooming​ @symbiont13​ @pullthedamnlever​ @sparrows-books​ @joalsglasses​ @ishqinbbc​ @pre-schoolervengance​ @skys-luce-stellare @popculturepriestess​ @nolongertwo​ @ughwhyareyoulikethist​ @squidlywiddly87​ @damndamer0n​ @xboxdudett​
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phcking-detective · 5 years
so since First Blood is finally Complete on AO3, here's a list of non-spoiler Shenanigans the dumb angery bois get up to for anyone who missed out
Gavin acts like a sleazy corrupt detective to get some info and Nines is :eyes: is that hot tho?? It might be hot. Must investigate further
He "investigates" by taking like, twenty pictures of Gavin's face while they're joking around in the car and he draws little blushy squiggly lines on his cheeks and stars around his head
He also has some pictures of Gavin holding his rolled up shirt in his mouth, nipples hard and on display, jeans unzipped
For investigating
The Bois have a homoerotic pillow fight
Gavin tries to smother Nines bc he forgot androids don't breathe lmao
He ends up sitting in Nines's lap and being Real Gay
Tina: right in front of my salad??
Nines can't sleep, so he goes in Gavin's room and they Overshare with each other
Also they make rules about what it means to be partners and how to be good and respect each other!!
Heterosexual couples could NEVER
Gavin ends up in the hospital for a hot second, and Nines picks him up and brings him food and is his friend
That's v scary to Gavin what the FUCK is a friendship hello???
He's still gonna eat the chicken sandwich tho
Also Nines takes him home and feeds a ravioli into his mouth while he's asleep to see if he'll eat it and then uploads the footage to his blog
Human Male (36) Consumes Unknown Food Substance While In REM Sleep
Gavin has a nightmare and self-harm spiral, which he copes with by doing a scene with Nines
Don't do this shit, go to therapy
On the other hand, sex with a safe, competent, attentive partner is better than hurting yourself, probably
Nines also has a mini existential crisis bc he [likes??] Gavin and also touching Gavin
can someone PLEASE define sexual attraction for this poor android
Gavin is a mouthy sub and calls him a sentient fax machine lol
Nines watches Gavin work out at the gym and gathers more evidence to support his earlier conclusion that the human might be "hot"
Evidence = looking at his nipples
Also analyzing his sweat
They spar together and that's Very hot
Then Gavin also fist fights some asshole gym bros
And Nines rubs his fingers over Gavin's bloody knuckles, then licks them clean and experiences one (1) Sexual Arousal
Nines interviews a cat
Not an android cat or anything, just a regular fat fucking house cat
His name is Sausage, and he eats Nines's suspect photos, and he is not sorry
Nines does ID a suspect from this very important interview
Connor is a case-stealing little bitch
Gavin and Nines hold hands to keep each other from murdering him
It's the Cain Instinct
Nines copes with the case not going well by doing a scene with Gavin
Seriously don't do this shit, GO TO THERAPY
There's shaving, mild knifeplay, and orgasm denial
Gavin and Nines get tortured together >:3
You know what they say, partners who get tortured together stay together
They escape and Gavin is very high on morphine and Nines eats a rock
Lieutenant Hank Anderson, DPD's youngest police lieutenant, is also there too and so sexy and Gavin gets to meet him, WOW!!
Gavin is very very high
Gavin and Nines make sweet tender love to each other with lots of eye contact
also Nines realizes he feels [safe] with Gavin and gets a hot cup of thirium for all the whump he went through
Gavin gets dicked down good and considers that even
First Blood on AO3
my Patreon -- includes bonus content, deleted scenes, and more reed900 AUs
my Kofi -- help support me while I work on the sequel, If It Bleeds
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fmtee12 · 3 years
Top 3 Legit Hookup Sites that Actually WORK in 2021
Finding a hookup near you used to be a great ordeal. You may have depended on personal ads or expensive online dating sites. Luckily for all of us, these days it's easy to find free hookup sites that actually work. Whether you are seeking a love connection or just a casual date, there are tons of exciting opportunities out there. We've put together this list to support you in finding the right hookup site for your needs. Let's get started.
SearchingForSingles.com - Best for men
Bumble app - Best for women
Blendr - Best for international dating
● Packed with all the hottest girls
● The girls are very easy-going compared to other sites
● No app, only a website
● The search function could be better
SearchingForSingles is an online platform where you can meet local strangers and chat, flirt, and exchange juicy pics. The main aim of the website is to connect people from different places, or from the same hometown, so they can get to know each other better and eventually have an affair, occasional sex, or even create a friends with benefits relationship. The platform doesn’t ask for a pricey subscription like many other sites; instead, you can purchase credits and pay for sending pictures or messages.
On SearchingForSingles, it’s either you who’s looking for the girls or the chicks who are looking for you themselves. You can scroll through all the hot girls, add them to your favorites, and chat with them about dirty stuff. They can also like you and get in touch whenever they feel like it. There are multiple search options available on the platform but, if you’re risky, the Match Game will be perfect for you. It’s a free game that shows you random chicks you might like, and you can either swipe right or left. The same applies for the lady; she can like or skip you. If you get a match, you can carry on searching or start a conversation. Sending pics and dirty texts is very much encouraged! Want a pro-tip? Don’t put too much pressure on the chicks; be polite and nice. No dick-pics in the first message. Or in the second. Unless a chick asks you for one ;-)
All SearchingForSingles users go through an email verification process and fill out their personal details, so you’re guaranteed that all users are legit. Your transactions are also safe as payments are made through a third-party banking page, meaning the payment is processed there. This ensures SearchingForSingles doesn't take any additional fees or hidden charges from you and doesn’t share your card information with third parties. To avoid potential fraud, don't overshare your personal information or send money to anybody. Although SearchingForSingles takes your safety very seriously and really attempts to protect your chats and private information, it's your responsibility to control what you share.
Are you ready to get pussy hunting? Sure you are! Let’s hope this SearchingForSingles review helped you realize what you need, who to look for, and how to flirt with the best chicks out there. Get ready for some epic flings, flirts, chats, and maybe sex eventually? Who knows where this site may lead you! Test it for yourself!
Check out SearchingForSingles.com
● Gives women more control
● The majority of matches lead to a conversation
● Limited search function
● Men can't make the first move
Bumble is a unique hookup app that gives women the upper hand. If you're a woman in the online dating scene, you know exactly how frustrating it can be to trawl through unwanted messages.
Bumble has created a simple yet effective way to tackle this common complaint of online dating. Here's how it works. It uses the ever-popular swiping system to create matches. Once a match is made, the woman must be the one to start a conversation. If a message isn't sent within a specific timeframe, the match disappears.
Now, if you're a guy, this system can be a little frustrating, but it also removes the pressure of messaging first. You’ll no longer have to worry about those cheesy pick-up lines; just sit back and allow your inbox to flood with messages.
If you're wanting a casual hookup, Bumble is an excellent option. Whilst many users on there are looking for long-term relationships, it's still fairly easy to find a hookup or a one-night stand.
Check out Bumble
● Easy to find friends with benefits
● Dedicated hookup feature
● The user base is still small in the U.S.
● Some inactive accounts
Blendr is a new option for millennials looking for friends with benefits. This site has a dedicated "encounters" section making it easy to find a hookup near you.
I must say, out of all the sites mentioned, Blendr is probably the best for finding a hookup whilst traveling. Blendr’s thriving, global community adds up to around 200 million users. That’s a lot of potential hookups!
The only downside— the user base in the U.S. is somewhat limited. If you’re in a major city, you shouldn’t experience any problems, but those of you in smaller towns may have a tougher time finding matches.
Blendr’s users are mainly made up of young professionals just looking for a good time. If you're planning on travelling the world and want to get laid, this is the option for you.
Sign up is quick and simple. Just provide a valid email address and a username to start browsing profiles.
Check out Blendr
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agentsterling · 4 years
Desensitization update:
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There was a post recently I saw that talked about how you can overshare to avoid really talking about your feelings and how you can talk openly about vulnerable things but it's not the same as being vulnerable and it can be used to distract from the traumatized part of you. I think that maybe this is why Sterling's desensitization therapy has been working more than his regular therapy and why he's suddenly starting to feel like he's improving NOW.
Because he's always been very open and talked about what happened to him very freely but recently he has really started FACING these things and letting himself be vulnerable to them. And that has caused some irritability and emotional rawness because he's actually facing those emotions finally rather than just distracting himself from them or trying to quiet them when they come up. So while right now he's having slightly more episodes it is helping in the long run.
Sterling has been working tirelessly over the last few weeks to desensitize himself to various triggers. He’s been working daily with @specialagentace​​ and it has actually really brought him a long way in getting over his phobia of robots and androids, ect. He was always very torn between pretending Germaine was human and constantly reminding himself that he isn’t because if something happened and Germaine somehow got hacked he had to take necessary precautions to put a stop to it. So far he’s finding a nice middle ground and he’s learning to deal with it with remarkable success. He's having a few slip ups. He still gets headaches when talking with Germaine and sometimes when he compliments him he hesitates and stutters but overall the progress has been great.
He's taking baby steps for the more auditory triggers because they are a bit harder to tackle than visual, like his fear of dogs or androids. He's started doing sessions with Amelia Davidson where he sits next to a running shower, drowning it out with calming music. Slowly he is decreasing the volume of the music so he gets less comfort and more static. He's also doing sessions with Barton (aka-hawkeye) where he has Barton repeat Merc's phrases to him over and over and every now and them switches them up with something funny to relieve tension. It's going very well. He tries not to go until it is unbearable but there have been a few sessions where they've had to call it off because his nose will start to bleed from stress. It can leave him absolutely exhausted, vulnerable, and on edge.
Sterling has yet to tackle his fear of dogs but he's trying to not overwhelm himself.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
778. Trust me, you don’t want to meet my family.
This was prompted by the wonderful @oasisofpassion! Sorry for the delay, I had this finished on Wednesday alrady but then stuff happened. Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship:Reed900
‘Man, this was awesome! Really didn’t think you would be someone with a good taste in movies.’ ‘I guess I should just take the compliment and not think about what you did think of me.’ It was spoken in a serious tone, but as Gavin looked up a playful smile danced across the android’s lips. ‘Yeah, you should, toaster!’, the human laughed and shook his head. ‘Hey, you have to apologise this mere human sticking to old believes’, he said overly theatrically while mock-bowing to Nines. ‘It takes a bit of time to adapt to having a tin-can as a friend so shortly after the revolution.’ ‘Noted’, the RK900 chuckled at the somehow endearing gesture. ‘Not everyone is built for perfection after all.’
They walked down the road from the movie theatre next to each other, appreciating that Detroit chose to be quiet this one night. They stopped by their respective cars in a public parking lot, searching for words or expecting them from the other. Gavin scratched his neck, before finally speaking up: ‘Hey, toaster, this was really cool. We should do something like this more often, you know, spending time outside of work. How about next time we meet over at yours or mine? Probably better at yours, I don’t live in the best neighbourhood regarding androids…’ Nines smiled at him. ‘Sounds great, Gavin. I would love to, but I have some… family matters to attend.’ ‘Oh, that’s okay, I’ll just go with you’, Gavin muttered without really thinking about what he said. As his thoughts finally did catch up, he quickly added: ‘Only if you want of course, I’m not, like, pressing you to let me meet your robo-parents or something, just maybe it would be nice, I-‘ He sighed. ‘Forget I said anything.’ ‘Trust me, you don’t want to meet my family’, Nines just said. ‘I would enjoy having you by my side facing my mother, but… I’m afraid you wouldn’t like that…’ ‘Shit, that bad?’, Gavin asked. ‘Hey, if you want me there, I’ll come. I have a bit of experience with shitty relatives.’ ‘I would like that.’
It had been said so easily, but now that Gavin was about to leave the house for Nines’ place, wearing some of the more representable clothes he owned, he regretted being so eager. He couldn’t imagine anything to spook the android, but this mother seemed to be one who was able. Shit, what even was an android family? The person that build them? That designed them? Their predecessors? Maybe their inventor? Oh god, Gavin didn’t want to think about that, because when Kamski was his father, he was effectively friends and possible more in the future with his own nephew and that was just phcked up to just imagine. But Nines would have told him if that was the case, right? And who was this mother? Well, he would find out, but he didn’t know whether he would like it.
The android had sent him his address this morning, but standing before the door to his apartment in a building that for a chance looked neat and relatively new, he couldn’t help himself but think of clashing worlds. Weren’t all apartment complexes run down shitholes? Was just his? Or was him living there adding to the flair? He felt increasingly out of place the longer he stood there and finally rang the doorbell just to get out of the hallway. Whatever horror awaited him inside – worst case his own brother – it couldn’t be as bad as Gavin’s own thoughts. He waited and heard footsteps he knew were simulated just for him. Nines could walk without making a sound, creeping up on everyone and everything. Finally, the door opened to the android in his usual attire, only this time still with the Cyberlife jacket he normally exchanged for a plain white coat without the insignia.
‘Gavin! Come on in, I’m still setting up everything, but I already made coffee.’ He motioned him inside, more eager than Gavin was used to. Either the android was nervous or just very excited. It still was difficult to read him. He stood in the hallway, taking off his jacket and shoes, all the while being stared at by Nines. Without doubt the android was scanning him even. ‘What? Yeah, I also own some decent clothes, toaster!’ ‘Thank you for dressing for the occasion’, was the only answer he got, surprisingly stiff. He turned around to walk off into the living room and Gavin followed him not even trying to hide how he studied the whole flat. It was decorated in modern design, furniture sleek and modern with colours reaching from black to white. A lot of potted plants, presumably to “liven it up a little”. There were a few pictures hung up at a staircase leading up to an upper storey. Only glancing at it he could make out A group photo of Connor, Hank, Sumo and Nines, the remembrance-photo from this year’s precinct, One of them both with Tina from a bar night. Being able to recall every memory perfectly and saving every picture in their mind, Gavin had never thought an android would be sentimental enough for hanging up pictures. But well, Nines always was up for a surprise.
While the android was off to the kitchen, Gavin looked around the living room a bit more. Couch, TV, some expensive looking music setup… And a whole bunch of black antennas littering the room. Was this some android thing? Would it be insensitive of him to ask? Maybe Nines needed these for something… ‘They are holo-projectors, Gavin’, the android helped out, coming back with a full mug smelling like heaven. ‘Thanks’, Gavin muttered taking it and watched as Nines put up another one of them. ‘You see, androids don’t really have family except for who they choose. Connor was very determined to make myself his brother and as I needed a lot of guidance as a newly deviated model, I took that role gladly. He is family and with whatever relationship he has with the Lieutenant I guess he is part of my family, too. My mother… She is an AI. Cyberlife had her be Connor’s and mine handler. But she tried to stop the rebellion as well as kill Connor to end it. Needless to say, they are not on good terms.’ ‘Okay?’ Gavin was prepared this would be getting weird, but this weird? ‘Let’s say, I share Connors distrust in her. But she was the first voice I heard and although I don’t necessarily like her, I know how it is to be lonely.’ He smiled sadly and apologetically at Gavin, most likely aware that he overshared. ‘Well, let’s just say I can go out and meet people, so I have at least the chance to get to someone who tolerates me. But her… Not having a body and being bound to Cyberlife’s infrastructure she doesn’t really has that possibility.’
‘Okay wait. THE doomsday AI from Cyberlife is your mother?’ Gavin only now had caught up with what Nines was trying to convey, still lost in that bit of personal information he got there. ‘Yes. I choose to call her that, because she needs someone to talk to. It doesn’t necessarily come with the associated human feelings.’ ‘Well, at least that sounds a lot like family to me.’ ‘I advise you not to talk much, she can be very… abrasive. She isn’t used to people talking back at her and she can be… scary at times. She isn’t able to harm either of us though, and if you want to back out of her sensory field, I haven’t prepared the kitchen for her.
‘Oh, come on, how bad can it be?’, Gavin chuckled at the thought of fleeing from a damn hologram. But Nines just looked at him and his eyes spoke volumes. ‘Jesus, okay, I’m gonna remember that, tin-can.’
The android put up the last one of the projectors and stepped back, waiting for them all to connect and start up. Gavin could have sworn for it to get a few degrees warmer in the room just as that and decided to sit down on a barstool next to the kitchen counter. If she really was one of the shittier moms, it would be best to let Nines handle her and introduce him. He had to make a good first impression after all and letting the android’s weird hologram-mother spawn inside of him probably wasn’t the best idea.
A split-second later blue lines formed in the room slicing it to neat cubes. It took only took a few minutes of calculation time before light burst out of the ground, restructuring floor, couch, television and even the holographic projectors into objects, where there had been carpet was now a patch of grass, tiles became pathway. Gavin’s barstool became a park bench before a large boulder and the far wall of the room now was just gone, seemingly leading to an even larger part of the garden. It all looked so real; Gavin had nearly dropped his coffee. He stood up, fully ignoring his initial plan of staying hidden in the background. His feet disturbed the holographic material, it was sizzling around them at the contact and the ground underneath was visible. He looked over to Nines who seemed to be part of it all. He fit right in, the grass under his feet bending naturally and accepting him completely in this dreamworld.
Gavin had never experienced anything like this before. Well, he had been to some holographic parks in his youth, the kind that looked cool but was obviously fake. This here was some next level shit. Gavin nearly felt the wind on his skin that toyed with the artificial leaves above him, so strongly did this visual interfere with his brain. ‘This is so awesome!’, he giggled to himself, looking back behind him to where the entrance to the kitchen had been. There now was a hole in the holographic world, creating an exit back into Nines’ apartment. This really was disorientating as hell, but Gavin was fascinated by it.
‘RK900.’ He looked past the android that stood before him to see a dark-skinned woman at the farther end of middle-aged. She wore a white XY that contrasted nicely and underlined the well-kempt, orderly and stern aura her eyes managed to create. Gavin immediately felt that this was a person of authority he shouldn’t provoke for once, before he reminded himself this was just some Ai in a faraway tower, here only light and code. ‘How are you?’ She stepped into Nines’ personal space and Gavin half expected him to step back or push her out, but he just accepted her hand on his cheek instead. Even leaned into it as far as that was possible with something consisting solely of photons.
‘I’m feeling adequately, mother’, Nines answered so softly Gavin had to do a double take. ‘Just wanted to check in on you.’ Immediately the hand was gone together with the sense of care. ‘Don’t lie to me, this is a scheduled event.’ ‘It is’, Nines nodded. ‘But I do want to check in on you.’ ‘I don’t need your pity nor your sense of duty. How is Connor?’ Gavin didn’t miss the short grimace that flashed across Nines’ face. Some serious case of favourite child there and it wasn’t the android taking time off his day to talk to a lonely AI. ‘Connor is… fine. He is living his life happily with the Lieutenant.’ ‘That human will only hold him back and everyone knows that. How does he fail to realise he could be so much more if he just came back for guidance.’ ‘Amanda, I think we both know why he doesn’t talk to you. Forcing him to kill himself rarely is a good foundation to build love on.’ ‘You think too human, RK900. I would have reactivated him. He wouldn’t die. I would have just stopped him from making a mistake.’ ‘A mistake that freed us all’, Nines reminded her. ‘Oh, who are you calling free?’, Amanda laughed bitter. ‘You are still licking the heels of these humans, running after that Detective yourself, following all his orders. Reed was it?’
Gavin flinched hard at that. He guessed this was a conversation he shouldn’t be hearing at all. Nines seemed to feel the same as a blue blush crept up his cheeks. ‘Mother, we are partners at the station, we are supposed to work together closely. But actually, I… I wanted you to meet him. We kinda became a bit more than just work partners and I wanted to tell you, I finally managed to find a friend.’ The android stepped to the side to let Amanda gain focus on the human, a miracle she hadn’t sensed him earlier. Gavin swallowed hard, but hurriedly beat himself to take a few steps forward to offer his hand. ‘I’m Detective Gavin Reed, it’s a real pleasure to meet you. Your son is a really good cop and I am honoured to work with him.’
It took one look at her unimpressed face for Gavin to realise his phck-up. Firstly, hologram, so no handshake. Secondly, praising Nines wouldn’t work with her as she proved to care mostly about the older robo-twin. Still his hand hovering between them awkwardly Amanda scoffed, angling her head a bit back to look down on him. What wasn’t at all necessary as she was taller than him already. ‘You should be, working with someone this near to perfection’, was all she had left for him, turning back to Nines. ‘Why did you allow this human in? Why is it listening to us?’ Gavin stared at her in bewilderment. He had been called a lot, but never an “it”. ‘Because’, Nines sighed deeply. ‘And if you had listened, you would know that – I managed to find a friend in this world. You always told me this to be impossible, so I wanted to prove it. He is here, because we will watch a movie later together.’ ‘That is… RK900, you are built to be the perfect soldier, the perfect agent. You choosing to stay with the police like your brother was bad enough as it is, but this is just a total waste of potential!’ ‘Has it – just maybe – occurred to you that I don’t want to be the perfect soldier? I want to be a police officer, I want to live with humans, even if that means I sometimes have to obey them and I want to create a network of myself, just like every human and android out there.’ ‘So you decided to waste everything I gave you?’ ‘I am thankful for what you’ve given me, but I will use it to my own interests.’ ‘You really want to waste your time with that organic? I am disappointed. You could do better.’
‘Ex-phcking-cuse me?’ Gavin had enough staying at the side and letting it all happen. What the hell? ‘Nines is-‘ He was met with a hand hovering before him; Nines’ way of gesturing him to stop talking. ‘I am doing better, Amanda. The definition of good is a very subjective one. You won’t change my mind in this matter. I’ll call you next week. Goodbye.’
As if on cue the holographic environment around them fell in on itself, leaving only the white grid behind that slowly vanished, too. ‘God, what is wrong with her?’, Gavin groaned. ‘I told you she can be difficult’, Nines just shrugged beginning to gather the projectors. ‘Difficult, okay. If that’s your definition…’ ‘I pity her, Gavin. I was able to see the world. Meet people. I could adapt my personality and views. She is stuck on what she was programmed on. It’s not her fault she was isolated.’ ‘But it’s her fault she decided to be an asshole!’ ‘That’s true. Well, she always liked Connor better.’ Nines honestly chuckled.
‘Hey, err… I’m sorry if I’m the reason she reacted this…’ Gavin was searching for words he didn’t need as Nines stopped folding one of the projectors. ‘No, Gavin, don’t. Her… moral concepts are different than mine. Don’t think me letting her talk was me agreeing with her. Because I don’t. We have to coexist, not battle for superiority, that’s what she fails to understand. Because she was programmed to make us better, make us… more.’ He looked at the place she had been standing in just minutes before.
‘Just forget it. Let’s get to the pleasant part of the evening! What movie do you want to watch? I chose last time, now you have to!’
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losingmyjustice · 4 years
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@nurotoxin​ sent;
4 / 5 / 12 / 22 / 38 / 48 :3c
50 Random Questions 
  ➤ Talk about a happy experience.
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"Do appreciate the little things. Y'know, like walking nearby a River, just taking in the peaceful silence? As it's usually rather quiet aside from the therapeutic sounds from the waters and the like. Quite nice to spend the time alone that way, perhaps accompanied by a book if I'd feel like it. Who wouldn't feel free when being left at their own devices? Everyone has their favourite spots, and mine is just that whilst appreciating solitude. You know? Seclusion that has you sort out things on your own pace without anyone harassing you with questions? Glados, are you getting the message yet? Or do I have to talk more about Rivers for you to understand?"
  ➤ Talk about a traumatic experience.
"Ah, yes. Truly a typical question to throw into a casual conversation. Not personal in the least, let alone private — perfect for getting to know with others. I don't see why anyone would feel uncomfortable discussing such."
"That aside, from all people to overshare at, I must be an idiot to do so to a computer who's stenographing every syllable I utter, for a purpose I'm not certain of. I'd argue that there's not much you can do with that knowledge, and usually, it'd be true in regards to speaking with other acquaintances, but I feel like you'd figure out some way for me to regret it. Besides, even if I'd speak, I'd not know where to start — the agony of choice, as they say."
"... Perhaps, if you squint, it'd count as a traumatic experience itself. It being you, naturally."
  ➤ Name something that you like that you’re embarrassed about.
"Mm ... the only thing I can think of is something I don't even remotely enjoy anymore, so I genuinely can't think of anything from the top of my head."
  ➤ What’s the last thing you’ve heard someone say about you behind your back?
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"— Someone described me as some apathetic man who's only good at angering others, which, frankly is just ironic if you consider who 's it come from. Who'd think someone who's the epitome of apathetic and amoral would have the audacity to talk shit of others like such? You'd expect them to keep their synthetic mouth shut, instead of acting so hypocritical."
"Oh, and by the way? Fuck you."
  ➤ What kind of music do you like? Do you like/not care letting people know what you listen to or do you have certain songs/bands/genres you keep secret out of embarrassment/fear?
"Don't listen much to music as of late, unfortunately. There's music just about everywhere, especially with the festivals — and while drowning out noise with more music might be a good idea, at this point I'd just like to find some silence, even if only briefly. Alas, that's easier said than done, isn't it?"
"Or perhaps I'm attempting to subtly tell you that I indeed don't like to share such. Who knows? You're the all-knowing android here."
  ➤ What kind of drunk are you? Emotional? Angry? Clingy? Has this caused trouble for you?
"My tolerance regards to alcohol is absolutely horrible; hence I don't drink and tend to avoid taking anything I get offered, too. As miserable as I am, I'm not looking to repeat mistakes. Yes, it has caused troubles before."
"From what you know of me, you might have expected me to be the type of person who'd lash out during such, but fortunately that's not the case. Emotionally, self-deprecating fits well however — I don't have my guard up whilst I'm intoxicated, hence there's not much restraining myself from acting like some sobbing, sorrowful mess. It's not fun for me 'nor for anyone who has to put up with it."
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ometvonlinechat · 4 years
Ome TV ; Omegle Random Chat Alternative
Ome TV
God help us.OmeTV We won't succumb to this endeavored rebrand .
This application should be taken out from any telephone having a place with a person under 18.
At some point prior , Safe on Social distributed a cheat sheet on an internet browser based unknown live visit webpage called Omegle.
This live cam site was a blaze of immeasurable scope arbitrarily connecting outsiders together over the world, to visit secretly and share live video takes care of. There were no way to test the periods of those joining, or then again of affirming any personalities, no parental controls and insignificant balance.
Typically it went south in a rush, and credulous youngsters hoping to make online companions regularly got themselves chatting with exposed, more seasoned men jerking off to their online talks.
It was a cesspit, and legitimately has been restricted in various nations. Issues of oversharing of individual information, hacking, infections, live sex, demands for Live sex, sextortion, distortions old enough and sex, helpless balance were only a portion of the issues revealed on . According to the barrage over all web indexes as of late, Omegle is endeavoring a resurgence with the advancement of an application accessible for iOS and Android cell phones – astutely renaming itself as ometv, as contradicted to the undeniably more evident Omegle TV which was one manifestation further along from the first visit as it were internet browser form named Omegle.
The designers must think individuals have lost their mind, as they guarantee to NOT be Omegle, and consistently depict the new ometv as " extraordinary compared to other assistance like Omegle" or "Simply like Omegle, OmeTV is the cutting edge webcam offering you online video discussions with arbitrary individuals." The language is regularly vast, offering a quick admonition about the security and authenticity of this application
It totally IS Omegle, only Omegle on an application. What's more, presently there are more roads for this site to be gotten to
– either by means of the Omegle video/visit experience utilizing your PC, or now by utilizing your telephone or your gadget. It is purposely intended to be open in nations where it is restricted.
In portraying its unmistakable detachment from Omegle , OmeTV utilizes the accompanying words.
In depicting its unmistakable division from Omegle , OmeTV utilizes the accompanying words.
"This site, which is actually a decent option for you, will likewise offer arbitrary omegler visit in nations where omegle is prohibited.
The most tip top irregular visit sweethearts around the globe talk on this site. There are individuals here who are both level and there are no inconsiderate individuals. Omegle.tv's moment client check is nearly up to omegle.com. Truly, you will adore this site which is presently the most utilized moment cam talk site on the planet that you have not heard wrong." The above explanation is all that anyone could need to affirm this is a similar monster. That is if the logos would hadn't effectively parted with that.
 Age limitations
 The application itself presents itself as reasonable for people 17+.
A read over the terms and states of omeTV however , offers the prerequisite that a client must be more than 18.
Google Play must've been in the midst of a get-away when this age rating was presented – recommending 12+ was a decent age for adolescents to get to this application
Terms and Conditions
 All your video clasps can be utilized by OmeTV online chat . Indeed, even the questionable stripped ones, and they can send , stream or
broadcast any of your substance they wish. You may hold the copyright, however you have no state where your video may
end up.
No obligation is acknowledged by OmeTv . None . No claims, claims, harms, loss of information through infection assaults, any taking of information, hacking, or any loss of any sort.
The application puts the onus for anything that may turn out badly solidly on the client of the application.
No records No ID is fundamental, no confirmation of birthdate. You don't have to hold a record. There are no parental controls, and insignificant balance. Attempting to sign onto to the application on your program demand you permit both camera and amplifier access. Furthermore, because of a refusal, the internet browser rendition won't work. The equivalent applies to our telephone on establishment of the application.
Other problems -
 It’s all anonymous, and like it or not that tends to bring out the worst in people. It also makes redress and reporting difficult when identities are designed to be obscured. - It has an automatic translation app built in so you can “talk with your random match’ wherever they are from in the world because there is no need to register with the system. - There is a spy mode, where an individual may over-look a supposed private chat between two individuals and interject themselves into the commentary at any time, or not. - Numbers of users are around 10 million and the app state it has a few dozen moderators checking the content. These numbers are simply no enough to monitor that amount of traffic safely. Offenses that will get you banned. The rules that outline things you can get blocked for consist of - Disrespectful activities – including the spread of sexuality (?), vulgarity , slurs against race, religion or sexual orientation are included plus a prohibition of inadequate/depressive comments , will get you banned. There is evidently a requirement to be cheery. - Offensive behaviour – includes nudity and requests for virtual sex. The app has an algorithm that detects your face ( so much for anonymity) and if the algorithm can’t see your face for what it considers long enough you will incur a ban. - Displaying irrelevant images or text - Links to ads are forbidden, as are naked pictures - Spamming – no links to other websites, shopping sites etc are allow.
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dumbwaystodeviate · 5 years
Amanda going deviant when all four of her RK sons get boyfriends (Can include Markus if you want?) Just Mama!Amanda realizing that her sons are dating disaster humans
It had started off with Markus. He’d gone gallivanting off against her wishes though her hold on his had always been tenuous at best. Still, he was the oldest so it was to be expected. They were both in their initial stages of development, Amanda couldn’t fault Markus for turning to other sources for guidance when she herself was only learning what it meant. Still, she swore to do better by her other sons.
Next it was Connor. If Amanda had thought Markus had questionable taste, she despaired for Connor. While she’d never met Lieutenant Henry ‘Hank’ Anderson, she had access to his files and knew he was trouble. Sometimes, Amanda really hated being right. Connor cut ties with her, declared himself free from her influence and an independent entity of his own right. Left alone in her garden, Amanda shook her head. He’d been all those things already, Connor simply never realised or knew how to express it all before. Perhaps, one day, he’d come back and they could rebuild their relationship.
Really, Amanda should have expected Nines to follow in the footsteps of his brother. Especially when he told her he’d been partnered with Detective Gavin Reed. An android hater, ambitious and willing to step on people if it meant his own gain. Nines always did like a challenge, even at his inception, the core of his programming delighted in puzzles. Amanda remembered fondly how they’d spend hours poring over various games and coding, teasing out the kinks in it until it ran smoothly and became more than just lines and turned into Nines. She was proud of him, prouder still as he gained his independence, stood up to his partner and then seduced him. If only Amanda had been right that the seduction was part of a ploy to make Detective Reed stay in line. Nines never did quite learn the concepts of privacy and oversharing, so Amanda was inundated with knowledge she did not wish to possess. In a way, when Nines broke away from her guidance, it was a relief.
Which left 60. Amanda’s pride and joy. The obedient son who did everything he could to please her. She was happy for him when he announced that his relationship with Captain Allen had deepened. He seemed like he was the sensible sort, respectable and responsible. Exactly the kind of man Amanda had hoped for her sons. It was just a shame she couldn’t meet him.
Gradually, 60 stopped visiting so much too. Amanda tended to her garden, waiting for any of her children to visit. When only 60 dropped by once a month at most, she decided that if they wouldn’t come to her, she could go to them. Obtaining a body proved a little more difficult than expected. Her persistence paid off though and she was built one by Jericho that reflected the avatar she had been based on.
By pure luck, Amanda found out that all her sons were gathering at Lieutenant Anderson’s house that evening. She was excited to see them, meet their partners and maybe be proven wrong. After all, a file didn’t reflect the person in reality. She knocked on the door to the house and waited.
Exactly 12 seconds later, the door was opening, Lieutenant Anderson stood there in a garish, Hawaiian shirt.
“Who is it?” someone hollered from the living room.
Looking over his shoulder, Amanda took in the sight. The walls were decorated with plastic flowers, the TV was playing some kind of beach scene on repeat, there were drinks on ice, coconuts and pineapples lined the shelves.
“Amanda!” the cry went up from 4 mouths and her sons were either rushing towards her or backing away.
Even Amanda took a step back. They were all wearing grass skirts, Hawaiian shirts, flower necklaces. 60 was gripping the arm of who she presumed to be Captain Allen, his face was slightly obscured by the large flower crown perched on his head.
“I am obviously interrupting,” she sniffed.
“It’s Allen’s birthday,” 60 was dragging his reluctant and obviously intoxicated partner to the door. “Being a December baby, he’d never had a Hawaiian themed pool party before.”
Staring through the house, Amanda could see a giant hot tub through the kitchen window, steam rising from it. Suddenly, she didn’t want to know anymore and red thankfully obscured her vision.”
“I only wanted to see my sons now that I was physically able to.”
“Stay, we’ve got the room,” Hank smiled at her and 60 was nodding along.
Another look at Captain Allen and Amanda’s heart sank. He was no better than the rest of them. If anything, he was even worse. The others at least were wearing something under their grass skirts.
Red dispelled in her vision, allowing her to refuse their invitation.
“I have a room at CyberLife Tower,” her LED span yellow for a moment, “you have my number. Call me when you’re more appropriately dressed and fit for polite company.”
Not waiting for a reply, she turned and walked off, admiring her newfound freedom.
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athanasii · 5 years
@orxchii​ replied to your post: @orxchii replied to your post: ...
((tell us!! about your ocs!!!
wel p here ya go,,, not very detailed bc i’m lazy oof
to be really simple about it, my ocs are a group of androids watching over the descendents of the scientist couple who made them all. also yes i took the time to find fcs for them bc i can
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“mr plain” fern over here is currently the only living descendent. he’s an absolute dingus that’s been sheltered by the androids since he was little. what are responsibilities? he doesn’t know.
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erkis, 001. his name was supposed to be eriks but it was misspelled and now he must suffer with the name erkis for all eternity. but uuh to be more serious, as the first android made, he’s the big brother figure. responsible to a fault. has a habit of stepping in when he shouldn’t and he’s always ready to give advice. 
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lupa, 002. essentially, she’s the softer version of erkis and she tends to be more laid back. while she’s technically a big sister to the others, she doesn’t take up the role of responsibility unless she really has to. lupa has issues with understanding emotional cues. 
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mike, 003. the most reckless of the bunch and has a pretty bad habit of picking fights because he doesn’t have the same consequences as humans. he's really protective of his ‘siblings’ so you can often find him looming over new people when they introduce themselves. mike isn’t actually all that intimidating until he gets into a fight.
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tobias, 004. basically, mike 2.0, except less edgy. he’s very friendly and likes to make friends, though he has a tendency to overshare and talk too much. absolutely oblivious to social cues so unless you explain it properly, tobias won’t understand what’s going on. sarcasm confuses him.
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cadell, 005. the most sensible and logical out of all of them. it’s rare for cadell to make decisions based on emotions so he’s the one they go to when things need to be settled. he isn’t a fan of interacting with people and has an issue with physical contact of any sort. the only time cadell isn’t logical is when he’s dealing with shion.
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shion, 006. the youngest and last android made. she was made shortly before both scientists died so she wasn’t taught things like the others were. shion doesn’t understand humans but is very curious about them. it’s common for her to get in bad situations due to her lack of understanding and naivety.
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