#more thots later
alicenpai · 10 months
i finished reading dungeon meshi....... im.. i..............
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me rubbing my dunmeshi volumes on my face using my clammy hands to absorb miss kui's skills, (both in writing and her art,)
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scarlettriot · 10 months
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Warnings: Dildos, Multiple Orgasms
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♡ The last thing Ei ever wants to do is hurt you.
♡ He’s too sweet, too thoughtful, too caring.
♡ It’s why he goes out and buys at minimum 6 dildos of varying shapes and sizes.
♡ Each one unique in their own way but they’re all smaller than he is.
♡ No matter how much you beg for his cock, he insists on fucking you with each dildo first before giving you the real thing.
♡ Not moving on to the next until you’ve cum at least twice on each of them.
♡ It’s the only way he can make sure you’re ready for him.
♡ Only when you’re thoroughly fucked and dripping does he even consider trying to fit his fat mushroom tip inside your over stimulated hole.
“Still so tight, baby, fuck, should’ve picked up a few more huh…”
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15-lizards · 2 months
How do you imagine Queen Daenerys style evolution to be? From Essosi influences to slowly accomodate or create a new style?
my real life daughter
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I don't think Dany grew up with a particular style, due to being on the run and just wearing whatever she was given by her current host. But when she gets married, she has to wear the Mongolian-inspired garb I headcanon for the Dothraki. For ceremonies and formal gatherings, she wears a heavy and embroidered gown that's hard to move in, along with a horse hair headdress that makes her neck hurt. For more casual days, she wears comfortable leather pants and cotton wrapped robes, finely crafted for her status as Khaleesi. Once Drogo dies and she goes on the worst roadtrip of all time, her once fine clothing has deteriorated to filthy rags in the Red Wastes' heat.
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Dany's Qarth fashions are once again her being dressed up by whoever her host is, with no real identity through her clothing. Hm this might be an ongoing theme. My late Roman Republic inspired Qarth how I love you. Long, loose, simply shaped gowns made of thinner material that kept the heat out and a breeze flowing. Delicate crowns and headpieces, with long veils she drapes around her shoulders and waist. So so so many colors and different patterns that keep Dany feeling like a peacock as she is paraded around.
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Unfortunately I have lots of ideas about the slaver cities and their clothing, but they include the blending of multiple real life cultures, so there are no actual costumes to go off of, just cool art that I hope u mush together in ur mind :] But for Dany's arrival at Astapor, Yunkai, and Mereen, I think about a combination of ancient middle eastern cultures like Babylonia, Assyria, and ancient Egypt (though I am unfortunately not as well versed in their clothing histories as some other cultures). Dress here is far more complex than in Qarth, with multiple gowns and pieces of clothing wrapped around and tucked into one another, with decorated belts and fringed draperies and heavy jewelry. Dany often feels like she's drowning in it, but is determined to absorb herself into their culture.
And cut to if we ever get Winds and Dany sails for Westeros wearing a combination of the styles she has worn over the years, leather pants and linen tunics and short wrapped gowns, as an accumulation of everything she's learned, but this time she is confident and sure of herself :] though that's just a pipe dream George please release wi
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commander-goo · 1 year
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draw-you-coward · 7 months
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power level: how it started vs how it's going
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pregnancykink · 1 year
I think the thing w Sam & Dean’s actions in the show is “correct” or “redeemable” or whatever doesn’t necessarily apply; it’s about whether or not they’re understandable in context and they always are whether or not it’s something they SHOULD do or if it was the RIGHT thing to do or not. And, you know, their actions are always designed to fight against the other’s main “thing.” Sam uses demon blood to save Dean because he’s driven by grief but Dean is angry because he’s just spent 40 years being tortured by demons. Dean lets Gadreel possess Sam, who struggles with bodily autonomy. Sam lets the Book of the Damned unleash a biblical evil to save Dean, who has a savior complex. Etc etc. So idk, you can feel a type of way or not but I personally find “irredeemable” to be kind of a reductionist word to apply to, y’know, the things that drive the themes of the show. It’s ALWAYS grey, there’s never a black and white answer. And that keeps it interesting!
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phantangled · 2 years
no bad dreams… only memes 😌
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arsonforcharlie · 8 months
may have just biased myself on the cat name vote because i realized, if pigeon ends up winning...
my name is bert
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fate may sway my hand on this one
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tacticalfiend · 9 months
Been playing Lies of P a lot for the past month. I'm not sure how far in I am, but I recently beat king of puppets, and I gotta say it's a lot of fun. If you've been hesitant to play it because it looks like a "Bloodborne ripoff" I'd encourage you to set that apprehension aside and give it a try. To be fair, the game is clearly "ripping off" Dark Souls/Sekrio/etc. and it's honestly better for it. I find other 3D souls-like games never quite feel right. There's always something off about how they control, how the player character moves, or the combat is just missing something, but Lies of P really GETS IT. I think it also brings a lot of neat new things to the table that still make it distinct. PLEASE PLAY IT! And to the people who avoid the game because grimdark pinocchio bloodborne just seems bizarre as fuck well. IDK how to help you there. I've never really cared about the lore or story for these types of games so my condolences I guess. You should still play it.
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
I watched an episode of the twilight zone a few weeks ago where this guy had to relive the same day over and over again for a little over a year. and he was trying to win the affection of this lady, and find different ways to break his curse and move on from the day so that she could remember him. and after all these tries where she didn’t remember him, he just kinda. snapped. realized that she just wouldn’t remember tomorrow, so why not do what he wanted with her while he had the chance?
and what I’m trying to say is. yuuta. basically.
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keeperofmemory · 11 months
sorting the moving (무빙) parents into the sortinghatchats system - a quick character analysis
(if you’re new to this theory, your primary house is about why you do things, while your secondary house is about how you do things. you can take the quiz here — it’s fun!) 
[!!! spoilers below !!!]
jang juwon: [hufflepuff primary / gryffindor secondary + hufflepuff model]
“boss, was it about money in the end?”  “what else would it be? being a gangster is a job. (…) aren’t we all here to make money?" “no. i did it to protect our boys"
juwon, juwon, juwon, steel-skinned, soft-hearted monster of a man, who uses 존댓말 and doesn’t see jihee any differently because she is a person like any other, who’s in a gang for the sole purpose of protecting his boys. jang juwon is a hufflepuff primary because he treats people fairly and he belongs, he does not own. hufflepuff primaries value community, and bond to groups, rather than solely individuals, which you can see in his mentality regarding his gang. they’re his people, like he is theirs. they are together, and they are home, what do you mean you aren't here for nothing else but each other? 
of course, the ones he considers his end up betraying him, and he loses his way. (his hufflepuff primary burns, if you will. it is now safer to be alone.) where does he go when he has no home anymore? he does not know. but he finds jihee, and for the first time it feels like he knows where to go. (it does not solve everything, not really, but it is close enough.) 
in the end, he feels the most at home when he is part of team. and when the NIS is shut down and he is put inside walls in front of a screen that never listens, and a keyboard too small for his clumsy fingers, he feels lost again. this is not people, this is cold, lifeless walls, none of them he can run through. the team of superpowered people he later gets put in doesn’t feel exactly right, not really, but he is using what he is good at to help people, and that is the closest he can get to that feeling.
his secondary is a gryffindor; he runs into walls until the walls break, for it is the only way he’s ever known to get through things. (gryff secondaries meet their problems by charging at them, by responding directly to situations.) he has only ever chosen the easiest way, after all, and for a man whose body doesn’t break, simply running into things was the obvious easiest way. why change, why think, when he can simply push through and get through it anyway?
(he does model a hufflepuff secondary, once it's only him and his daughter. he does it for her, gives up everything to build her a better life. it's about doing the work, about showing up. it's odd jobs but honest jobs, moving constantly but still putting in the effort to show steadiness and consistency, to give his daughter a home despite the possibility of the NIS finding them at any moment.)
hwang jihee: [slytherin primary + gryffindor model / gryffindor secondary]
jihee is a healthy slytherin primary if i’ve ever seen one. she advocates for herself, (and she has to, doesn't she? or else nobody else will. not in the line of work she is,) puts herself and her dignity first despite it all. she does have a sense of justice (“that car hit and ran? did it hit you? do you want me to chase it?”) but it doesn’t eat her whole ("but if we find the culprit we split the money:)”) — it’s a nice gryff primary model she likes being in when her slytherin loyalties are not threatened.
juwon is the first person to see her fully as a person, and not a coffee lady. it softens her up immediately. — it doesn't make her fall for him, of course, nor does it get him into her circle. (if it did, she wouldn’t be a slytherin primary). she is a smart girl who advocates for herself, after all. but once he does, he does not leave. she will run into a mob of gangsters and disregard the police for him, will tell him to put himself first, even if it means having a more difficult life for both of them. because putting yourself, and the people that are yours, first, is what matters in the end.
she has a gryffindor secondary she shares with her husband. she can hold her tongue and be perfectly polite, but in the end her problems will be met head on. what other house would throw itself in 100+ mobsters without a plan? she said to hell with it, she’ll figure it out on the way.
gryff secondaries’ honesty is part of their personality and morality — jihee has seen the men play the sappy part only for their own selfish gain, and hates it deeply within her core. once she sees juwon isn’t pretending to be anyone but himself (he is also a gryffindor secondary after all) —  a simple man who reads books on stories where men are bloody but loved, who is willing to buy a ticket to simply share conversations with her  — she finally lets him in, slowly but surely. (her slytherin recognizes that he is also someone the world has shunned for who he is, for the labels they have stuck on him, and she embraces him warmly. he is hers now. and she is his.)
their kid is a gryff/gryff btw . she houseshares with her bf’s dad n i think that’s rlly cute . (her bf houseshares with her dad so . soulmates or whatever)
lee mihyun [gryffindor primary / ravenclaw secondary]
lee mihyun lee mihyun lee mihyun, who uses her powers like she uses her gun, carrying them around and doing the maintenance of each part every night. some would call it overdoing it, but she calls it a habit, calls it being prepared. (and amidst the very real danger that looms above her, can you blame her?) they're all tools she has on her, and years of training have taught her when to use which to get out of a situation with the upper hand. she's a ravenclaw secondary, the house that collects knowledge, tools or skills and then picks them up in times of need. she scouts for danger daily on social media, assesses the situation from a vantage point to collect intel; and yes, she's an agent, at this point it's probably second nature. but this is where she's most comfortable, pulling out from her pocket the information she gathered and the problem-solving systems she’s built whenever she gets tossed into danger.
lee mihyun’s specific brand of claw secondary has her being an adaptable problem solver — understandable, considering her tool set includes her heightened senses (six: her five senses and her common sense) and her gun (make that seven), as well as her general training as a black op agent. however, ravenclaw secondary tools are task-specific. sure, she can take out several enemy agents on her own with nothing but a gun and the strap of her handbag, but have her son bring a new pretty friend home and you’ll have her like a deer in headlights. (...the NIS did not prepare her for this)
her primary is a gryffindor, and it’s what makes her turn away from being an agent even after everything that’s on the line. it doesn’t matter, that she’s running away from the most powerful government agency, not if it’s the right thing to do. (it tires her, after losing her husband and having to do it all on her own. but she doesn't burn, not fully —she can't, not with her son still by her side.) now gryff primaries believe in trusting yourself and your gut, in doing so even if the whole world (or several hundred government agents) is against you. at the end of the day, the most important things is staying true to what’s inside of you. 
so in that fateful moment when the mission was clear, the orders indisputable, she turned away from her organization, her boss, her colleagues, to do what she felt was right. gun in her hand, she said to hell with consequences, i have to stay true to what i believe in — these people are enemies, but they are people and what we’re doing right now is wrong. (from afar, her future husband will see her act upon everything he had been feeling until then, will see a braver reflection of his own gryff primary, and he will fall in love.) 
kim dooshik [gryffindor primary/gryffindor secondary]
kim dooshik is a bit harder to sort; we really don’t see him as much as we could have. he has a gryffindor primary he shares with his wife; their whole story is about finding someone who believes in the same thing they do, stuck in an organization that tells them otherwise. he can look hufflepuff, in the way he values people and fairness — but the core of gryff primaries is about trusting your beliefs and doing your best to live by them. it’s about the bravery to pursue them, even if it leads him to a life of being chased, and captured, and tortured (…literally). 
he has a gryffindor secondary to go with it. that time he tried to diffuse the bomb on a civilian plane under no orders but his own? no orders, no plans, just him flying and trying to save people? very gryff/gryff of him. he also shares a lion secondary with his partner and they play off each other very well. (dooshik casually just letting juwon fall several hundred miles from the sky into where the enemies are and letting him figure it out… #justgryffsecondarybrosthingz)
sure, sure, one could argue for a ravenclaw secondary — but i think that’s just him being an agent. of course he would train and strategize. of course he would have backup plans. but at the end of the day, the method he falls back on is his charging, making it up as he goes. most of all, it’s his blunt honesty, his genuineness that we see shine in his actions. (even in the way he pursues mihyun — not a single disingenuous bone in his body) 
at the end of the day, he’ll rush into a problem when he believes it is right, no matter the consequences. he’ll fly into the enemy’s hands to protect his family, spend years imprisoned in a cave not faltering in his beliefs. a gryff/gryff through and through. 
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gregmarriage · 3 months
jesse armstrong randomly making tomgreg canon on a random day in june, a year after the show ended. like okay, pop off, i guess? ✌🏻😜✌🏻
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ozrockbitway · 1 year
Happy Monstober Month! 🎃 🐺 👑 🎃 📱📜🎃
Got any spooky thoughts or headcanons you'd be willing to share with us?! 👻
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>sees monstober
my brain, instantly: oh you mean dragons???
okay dragons aren't that spooky though (I'm biased <3) but!! I guess some spookier thoughts would be vampires?? I remembered this animation existing recently. I always forget/remember it but now I got vampire THOTS!! also been thinking about Nagas lately for whatever reason?? snek boys...
I don't really have headcanons atm my mind is too filled with the fact we're getting Glorious Masquerade in twst soon...no thoughts head empty only twink Frollo
but umm!!! werewolf!Jack and vampire!Vil seem neat!! One day I might do it...I think Vil wouldn't be that type of vampire who hates werewolves but he'd be so nitpicky about their fur lol helps Jack look nicer despite the fact he shouldn't?? He'd also be a very OP vampire...
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thisismeracing · 1 year
I have literally over 20 TWENTY wips to finish (blurb night requests included) yet I decided to watch Queen Charlotte and now I’m thinking about prince!charles and princess!reader who have to marry to save their kingdoms, but reader is in love w the king of spain (yes carlos) and she fight nails and teeth to saver her family without having to marry the prince of monaco but as it happens the prince of monaco fell in love with her and he’s torn between helping her get what she wants because he wishes to see her free and happy or stick with politics, marry her and have the chance of love - or hate because why would she love him when he took her free will from her in the first place? And also what will the KING of spain do? Is monaco ready for a fight? Anyways bare with me and this new wip that I have no idea if I’ll ever even start writing MWAH BYE lol
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cowwatcher · 6 months
watched dune2 and I rate it 9/10 I liked it
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rhythmcrown · 9 months
Screaming and clawing at the figurative dirt for the strength to do my solemn duty and finish these projects
I've been incapacitated by critically low iron for like half a week now and sitting at my desk has left me uncomfortable and short of breath, so I'm beyond mad about that. I have an impressive backlog that's going to require me to take some shortcuts, but that's what I get for waiting so long and failing to prioritize.
Still dealing with a tiny bit of financial instability but I'm choosing to be stressed about a narrow pile of things at any given time so I don't stick my head in the sand too bad. Anyway TLDR I'm still plugging away at too many things, and I could use a good tailwind
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