zayadriancas · 7 months
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Make me choose: @thedegrassidiaries asked: Choose between Jenna/Connor and Mo/Marisol :)
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nikkiruncks · 7 months
How would you grade each of these canon Degrassi ships on a scale of A - F?! (These are just about how much YOU like a certain ship, not assessing its objective quality or whatever!) Here we go...Drianca, Eclare, Clare/KC, Clare/Drew, Beckdam, Maya/Cam, Maya/Miles, Miles/Zig, Sellie, Semma, Spinner/Emma, Manny/Craig, Manny/Jay, Jiberty, Zasha, Morisol, and any other canon ship of your choice that I haven't listed!
Okay! This’ll be fun.
Drianca: B (only because they started out with cheating)
Eclare: B (because of the s13-14 stuff)
Klare: A- (cute first love)
Clew (don’t hate me eclare shippers): B
Beckdam: A+++
Camaya: A+
Matlingsworth: B
Zaya: C (it’s complicated)
Sellie: A++ (never getting over how disrespected they were by the writers and the show)
Semma (S1-2): A+
Semma (S3): C
Semma (S4 & S7): B+
Semma (S6) D-
Spemma: D (they have chemistry but that’s it)
Cranny: D (I’d say F if they weren’t so cute in S5)
Janny: A (I love me some unexpected pairings)
Jiberty: A (They used to be my otp of otps back when I was the fandom. I wanna go back.)
Zasha: A (cutie patooties. So happy they were endgame!)
Morisol: A-B (so pure and healthy)
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degrassi-ship-war · 1 year
Degrassi Ship War: Round 2B
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sporefound · 6 months
@stcrforged || cont.
it's interesting to watch marisol lay her truth out so easily. amanita cannot help but be drawn in by the natural display of emotion & sentiment tethers them for a moment. she wonders, too, if marisol will see her parents again. logic states that they will both be dead within the week. she hopes her observation is wrong, as she had been many times before.
" i don't have anyone waiting, " she hums, seeming pleased with the prospect. she would need to check in with her circle, feed them whatever information she gathered about her situation if she gets the chance. there were many she cared for & respected among her allies… but none of them were quite home. no, she had erected her home on her own private & hers alone. it was peaceful on amanita's terms.
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" but i do have a home. one tucked away from all this dreadful sunlight, built in my image. " her nose wrinkles at the thought. truthfully, she would rather be there now. the tadpole in her brain would kill her eventually, this she knew... but she would rather die in her own bed than die spending her last days grasping for answers. she forces her gaze to soften, just a bit, " for what it's worth… i hope you see your village again. "
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maya-matlin · 6 months
Five ships: Jonnor, Morisol, Spaige, Bhandallas, Beckdam
Five characters: Ellie, Ashley, Liberty, Terri, Emma
Bonus: Name your five most seemingly unpopular Degrassi opinions :)
1.) Spaige
2.) Morisol
3.) Jonnor
4.) Beckdam
5.) Bhandallas
1.) Liberty
2.) Ellie
3.) Emma
4.) Ashley
5.) Terri
As for my opinions:
1.) I'm not sure how to phrase this without it coming across like I'm excusing Tristan's biphobia or trying to shut down fans' rightful and completely understandable criticisms re: Tristan's biphobic moments. But, I think Tristan sometimes gets scapegoated as the biphobic guy. Degrassi always had a massive biphobia problem, and it didn't begin and end with Tristan. It's present as early as Paige's time on the show. Like many shows at the time and even some present day shows, they refused to label any polysexual characters. It's always "I like people". "I'm not into labels." "I don't like this gender, but I like you." "I'm open minded." Anything that talks around the possibility that a character could be anything besides straight or gay/lesbian. Obviously, sexual orientation isn't limited to a specific label. Oftentimes, people choose to remain unlabeled, fall somewhere under the queer umbrella, or consider things like this very complex and therefore don't take on a label. It's the casual way Imogen goes from "I like people" to being referred to as a lesbian during her final season and expressing disgust when contemplating getting involved with her canonical ex boyfriend. The writers' Twitter "confirmed" Imogen as pansexual years later and that's also how I interpret the character's sexual orientation, but.. it doesn't change how they chose to portray Imogen's sexual orientation. However, it's also true that society is only now starting to catch up and has started writing their characters accordingly. Tristan's ignorance about Miles's sexual orientation and refusal to put his insecurities aside and accept that he's in love with a bisexual man until his final season has no excuse. There could have been an arc dedicated to Tristan unlearning this behavior and being a better partner and person in general. This never happened. Degrassi did the absolute bare minimum by having Lola be the one to validate Miles's identity presumably after enough people called them out on social media following the premiere of Next Class season 1. Tristan sort of halfway accepts that Miles is bi, but it's Miles who has the dialogue explaining while there's never acknowledgement that Tristan hadn't accepted Miles up to this point or made him feel any type of way. And on that note, Miles isn't shown reacting to any biphobia. We don't know what he thinks, whether he's mad, feels rejected, insecure, feels as though he needs to be "less" to be accepted by his boyfriend, etc. I don't think I made any sort of point, but basically I feel like everything gets reduced to "Tristan is trash," and that's the end of the conversation when I feel like it goes much deeper?
2.) Eli wasn't out of character during seasons 13 and 14. There's a precedent for Eli lashing out and blaming Clare when things don't go his way or she does something he perceives as wrong. Also, while the timeline was baffling, Eli's only human and it's not surprising that he'd struggle with loneliness once he and Clare were physically separated. As for season 14, Eli being possessive and saying inappropriate, vaguely misogynistic things to Clare 100% lines up with canon. Eli also seemed fully lucid to me when he was calling Clare a whore. He was clearly getting off on that and only changed his stance when he realized she was carrying his child.
3.) This is so minor, but I don't give a flying fuck that Alex Steele came back as Tori and not Angie. It's television. Actors play multiple roles all the time. It's kind of annoying that this overshadows Tori's whole character and existence. I don't think she was around long enough to be super complex or anything, but I liked that character for who she was and the monthly comments complaining about this since like 2011 have been annoying.
4.) As much as I love the idea of Spinner and Terri getting together and possibly becoming endgame in a scenario where Terri sticks around, in actuality I think Spinner would have dropped the ball hard. Considering how he behaved with Paige during season 4, I doubt he would have been the best boyfriend to Terri with or without Paige's interference. As shady as Paige was, Spinner's interest switched from Terri to Paige extremely quickly.
5.) Ashley was depressed throughout her time on the show barring the year she spent in London and everyone missed it, the writers included. I don't know that this is actually unpopular, but she's constantly misunderstood and accused of being "moody" and "dramatic" and it's just very obvious to me that she's unhappy a lot of the time and feels very stifled. She's desperate to find some sort of way to express herself whether it be by writing and performing songs or altering her physical appearance. And at the end of season 4, I genuinely think her mental health had taken its toll which forced her to cut contact with Craig and get the hell away from Degrassi. While she came back seemingly with a new lease on life and appeared happier during season 6, by season 7 she was back to feeling limited and suddenly, the plans she made with Jimmy that used to make sense felt all wrong. IDK.
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i see eli and marisol as unlikely friends, but i only ship them platonically.. i like morisol too much. kake/morisol double couple
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degrassi-daily · 3 years
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FAVORITE DEGRASSI SHIPS (as voted by our followers) (25). MO MASHKOUR AND MARISOL LEWIS This is why I like you. You just wanna hold my hand.
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serenitysvision · 2 years
My favorite Degrassi: The Next Generation couples (Seasons 11-13)
Season 14 couples will be addressed in Next Class.
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Fiona Coyne and Imogen Moreno
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Drew Torres and Katie Matlin
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Marisol Lewis and Mo Maskour
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Owen Milligan and Anya MacPherson
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Adam Torres and Becky Baker
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Campbell 'Cam' Saunders and Maya Matlin
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Connor DeLaurier and Jenna Middleton
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Jake Martin and Katie Matlin
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Alli Bhandari and Mike Dallas
Honorable Mentions
Alli Bhandari and Dave Turner (When they were good, they were great)
Miles Hollingsworth and Maya Matlin (I would've shipped them if I wasn't busy rooting for them to be with other people)
Drew Torres and Becky Baker (Guilty pleasure, sue me)
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sayuresantos · 2 years
O Morosil Colágeno Reclame Aqui vai ajudar você a derreter a gordura do abdômen e do quadril de forma rápida, sua formula 100% natural com ingredientes exclusivos tem o poder de ajudar você a perder até 6 a 7 centímetros em 12 semanas, tomando diariamente da forma correta.
O ácido L-ascórbico, popularmente conhecido como Vitamina C, também está presente na formulação de Collagen. Esse nutriente atua no organismo como um valioso antioxidante que protege as células dos radicais livres e é indispensável com o Morosil Colágeno Reclame Aqui qual não há reclamações.
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reviewmarketing · 3 years
MOROSIL COLÁGENO VERISOL FUNCIONA? Morosil colágeno verisol como tomar? ...
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zayadriancas · 2 months
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lynleeitworks · 4 years
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if you could take a fruity gummy thast helps shrink the bloated cells and lower your bmi to prevent new fat from forming would you do it?
morisol blood orange extract to attack the fattening calories 
apple cider vinegar to support digestive health and deter overeating 
chicory root insulin 
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crentistt · 7 years
Question: what's your fav ship on Riverdale
Lili: Bughead
Cole: Bughead
Skeet: Bughead
Madchen: Bughead
Morisol: Bughead
Me: Bughead
My mom: Bughead
My cat: Bughead
Beyonce: Bughead
Obama: Bughead
A fucking tree: Bughead
RAS: Blablabla I can't hear what you are saying I'm just gonna make everyone kiss. EVERYONE BUT BUGHEAD
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darcysscissors · 7 years
Order these ships most liked/loved to least liked/hated Drianca Crellie Dolly J Bhandallas Camaya Bhandarco Charliona Bhandurner Clew Bonah Dralli Blue/Holly J Cake Drecky Crashley Chris/Emma Beckdam Cranny Dantay Damian/Emma Dylarco Alleo Fimogen Jatie Jaitlin Janny Imogeli Gracevas JT/Manny Jiberty Jonnor Fadam Griffin/Paige Hollingsong Jazel Eclare Jesse/Ellie Jashley Frankston Jackogen Fronah Huntlene Parcy Semma Spane Sparcy Sanya Sellie Shiny MOrisol Spanny Ownya Savvy J Torrivas Zaya
this is probably old but hi there! Jesus this is alot and took me like a half hour. I bolded the ones I feel strongly about.
1.    Semma2.    Camaya3.    Jiberty4.    Dolly J5.    Beckdam6.    Parcy7.    Jaitlin (even though he wasFUCKING TESSA CAMPONELLI lmao)8.    Bhandallas9.    Jazel10.  Janny11.  Spane12.  Jonnor13.  Sanya14.  Shiny15.  JT/Manny16.  Sellie17.  CakeI liked at the time because I was sooo anti-Eclare18.  Jatie19.  Huntlene(she went on to a better show but I miss Arlene)20.  Zaya21.  Gracevas(if Grace swung that way)22.  MOrisol23.  Drallikinda worked pretty well 24.  Crashleywas a good match..ever so briefly25.  Jashleywas cute in season  or whatever26.  Sparcy27.  Ownya28.  Fimogen(fanservice IMO but whatever)29.  Imogeli30.  Drianca31.  Blue/HollyJ32.  Bhandarco33.  Savvy J34.  Damian/Emma35.  Chris/Emma36.  Cranny37.  Dylarco38.  Jesse/Ellie39.  Charliona40.  Crellie41.  Frankston42.  Griffin/Paige43.  Bhandurner44.  Eclare45.  Jackogen (onlyso low cause I hated Jack)46.  Fronah47.  Bonah48.  Dantay49.  Torrivas50.  Spanny51.  Hollingsong52.  Fadam(she was using him)53.  Clew54.  Drecky55.  ALLEO
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maya-matlin · 5 years
Shawn Hunter or Sean Cameron? Emma Nelson or Jenna Middleton? Spinner Mason or Paige Michalchuk? Klare or Bhandurner? Laad or Morsiol? Reggie Mantle or Munroe Moore? Justin Foley or Zach Dempsey? Archie/Valerie or Archosie? Winston Chu or Baaz Nahir? Shay Powers or Lola Pacini? Drew Torres or Zoe Rivas?
Thank you!!
Shawn Hunter
Jenna Middleton
Spinner Mason
Reggie Mantle
Justin Foley
Baaz Nahir
Shay Powers
Zoe Rivas
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degrassi-daily · 6 years
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degrassi + endgame (part one)
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