strlessankt · 2 months
Ok, eu jamais gostaria de ter que vir aqui me expor a publico e expor minha vida pessoal em publico por conta de mentiras distorcidas sobre mim. Vou responder ponto a ponto sobre o texto abaixo.
Primeiramente, eu troquei de perfil para ter um pouco de paz e poder recomeçar, depois de ter errado em uma situação que já estava resolvida entre eu e as pessoas envolvidas. Fora que eu já queria mudar de user por não me identificar mais com o fandom do meu user. 
Segundo, minha intenção JAMAIS foi destruir o cp9, e sabem bem disso pelo sacrifício que eu fiz ao montar a codificação, uma que eu cometi um erro e eu ja pedi desculpas e reconheci que errei ao ter copiado códigos de outra codificação, e resolvi a questão no PARTICULAR, porque sei agir como adulta e resolver as coisas como devem ser resolvidas, com conversa, e não fazendo expond na internet, querendo acabar e destruir a imagem de uma pessoa, expondo prints de conversas privadas, algo que é crime, mas como me exporam primeiro, não vejo problemas em expor tbm rsrs. 
Na verdade, me questiono se a administraçao realmente no inicio me chamou para cuidar do projeto, porque gostavam de mim ou se foi porque estavam apenas interessados em algo que eu poderia oferecer, e depois me chutaram quando perceberam que eu não era mais util para eles. 
Terceiro, eu errei SIM ao copiar códigos, mas novamente, eu pedi desculpas e removi tudo o que tinha sido copiado e tentei me redimir, fazer algo novo e do zero, criado por mim e exclusivamente para o cp9. 
Inclusive, acho engraçado me acusarem disso agora e jogar pedras em mim, quando no OCORRIDO, falaram para eu NAO RETIRAR NADA, que eu estava CERTA na situação, eu tenho PRINTS de conversas e posso provar. Detalhe, muitas das conversas foram no servidor do CP9, um que simplesmente me expulsaram e nem ao menos conversaram comigo antes.
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Eu poderia acabar com a reputação de terceiros, com o que me disseram, e todos veriam que ninguém é tão santo quanto parece, mas se eu fizer isso eu vou estar me rebaixando ao mesmo nível de terceiros, algo que não pretendo fazer.
Quarto, me acusaram de não ter admitido que eu estava errada em momento algum, algo que é mentira, como podem ver abaixo, mas diferente de muitos, a situação foi resolvida como pessoas adultas resolvem. 
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Quinto, sim eu sumi. Sumi porque moro nos Estados Unidos como imigrante e acordo as seis da manha para arrumar casas e limpa-las também, sumi porque eu precisava de dinheiro para pagar as contas e dividas que minha família fez, sumi porque estava trabalhando igual uma condenada, de oito a dez horas por dia totalmente em pé e com um trabalho braçal, e quando eu chegava em casa eu tinha que arrumar a casa e ajudar na janta. Sumi porque eu sou uma PESSOA, que tem suas dores e suas lutas, mas muitos dirão que foi por que eu queria destruir um blog, porque é claro, é fácil julgar quando não se vive na pele. E comprovo isso 
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Como podem ver, da parte de terceiro, sempre entendo o meu lado, ou melhor, fingindo. Eu não tive tempo nem ao menos para conversar com minha TERAPEUTA, e detalhe, esse mês passado eu estava doente, eu estava mais que exausta
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Pessoas são falhas, elas erram, tem problemas mentais, afazeres, a vida não gira em torno de um aplicativo de fanfic. Eu errei sim em ter atrasado pedidos, mas se querem me pintar como vilã por conta disso, que seja. 
Agora vamos ao terem me acusado de ser ativa enquanto eu não estava ativa no CP9.  Mentira. A capa foi produzida no dia 30 de Junho, antes da minha ausência, que começou no início desse mês. Sobre o suposto blog que eu estava criando, ele é um blog que criei para aprender mais sobre codificação, eu não lançaria ele, e criei o perfil no spirit para criar um perfil com logo e me arriscar nessa area do design, visto que eu nunca lançaria o blog. 
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A conversa sobre o elvellyn sendo em Junho, mês que eu ainda era presente no cp9 e sobre ele ser um hobby, algo para estudo e aprendizado
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“O problema foi a vigarice que ela aplicou no reino, o produto que ela passou 40 dias para entregar, chegou com defeitos propositais, os quais atrasaram a entrega dos produtos, que era para ser no dia 02, mas acabou sendo realizado no dia 27. “, vigarice dizem, mas me apressaram a produzir o blog que já estava em andamento MESMO com meu trabalho, e o combinado era que as aberturas de pedidos seria por volta do dia vinte, visto que muitos designers haviam atrasado tbm e repassado pedidos de ultima hora. 
“mas era só ter sido sincera”, eu fui sincera, em 100% do tempo, quem não foi, foram meus amigos que me apunhalaram pelas costs, quem mentiu e foram falsos, foram as pessoas que eu confiei e sujei meu nome por. 
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Tanto que eu pedi para não envolverem o blog nisso e que eu somente levasse a culpa
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É muito fácil acusar, mas é difícil estar na pele. Não sabem nem ao menos um terço do que eu vivo todos os dias.
Deveriam ter resolvido isso como adultos, como gente de verdade resolve, sendo honestos, eu errei em ficar ausente do blog e atrasar pedido, mas por conta disso eu sou uma vilã? porque eu atrasei pedido de capa porque eu estava TRABALHANDO? Por favor kkkkkkk, cresçam
E eu apaguei sim minhas contas no SS, mas é porque não quero me misturar com pessoais assim.
Enfim, falem e digam o que quiserem sobre mim, eu não me importo porque eu sei da verdade e meus amigos sabem também.
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linkandorf · 2 months
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Art Fight 2024 Attack #20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ghastropod, from @cicadaghost
Flamora, from @slightabsol
Mr. Z., from Schmampus
Luvbug, from @rt-lots
Hal Polo, from ClapRose
Chorion, from BigBoyBuffBoy
Wayweaven, from @aphidoideart
Floranca, from Da-King-chaos
Feeny Swowdrop, from SweetUmami
Chip, from CozyLittleCurls
Ivan, from RolyPori
Watz, from Chrisstopher
Morozov, from kaijuinu
Wither, from @michaelsuperfuck
Floppy Disc, from MarbleMarley
Jane Matza, from @etheweirdo
Mrs. Wickersham, from @ejstrunck
Onigiri, from athenacykes
and all of them are paired with The Goof Party, from myself :>
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vendetta-if · 2 years
like, genuinely, why is your IF actually the perfect one for me in terms of preferences?
captivating characters +ROs
No punishment for being a tyrant?
actually yeah, its just no punishment for being a tyrant and hot people + great characters
also the choices aren't vague enough that i don't have to stress about what stat goes where cause i am dumb and somehow still cant read through intentions when it's obvious enough. idk if that made sense but it does in my head
hope everything goes well in your endeavors and the writing process for this story ❤️
Thank you for the kind words! ❤️ And I’m glad you’re loving the story and the characters 🥰
I suppose it’s fitting for ruthless characters in my story to succeed, considering the more corrupt city setting plus, MC’s family being a literal mafia family. Dealing with criminals and the criminal underworld on the daily basis, those who are strong and not scared to take the necessary actions, even if it might be cruel, would have easier time surviving and thriving. It’s a dog-eat-dog world after all and using fear as a tool to keep those people in line works.
And yeah, I really tried to make the choices as obvious as possible 😅 I’d like for readers to know what they’re probably going to get when choosing the options because that’s what I’d like too as a reader.
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certainkoalawombat · 9 months
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Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Anna Shcherbakova, Evgenia Tatasova, Vladimir Morozov, Mark Kondratyuk
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gambrygs · 2 years
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So yeah. My pal asked me if I can make him as a furry bear so here he is. Maybe I'll do also Artyom or anyone else, but I wanna read OG book trilogy and play games first.
Base by fernsaii and here is link to it -> https://www.deviantart.com/fernsaii/art/F2U-chibi-furry-base-947775523 Also check it on my DA -> https://www.deviantart.com/gambrygs/art/Pavel-950871032
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roughridingrednecks · 11 months
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nelsonpretto · 1 year
Quadro Conexões no programa Multicultura da Rádio Educadora da Bahia FM 107.5. Tema de hoje: #714 Evgenvy Morozov no país www.educadora.ba.gov.br
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tinymintywolf · 9 months
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im still not even confident in my choices for these categories but oh well! dmitri has still earned oc of the year in my heart and thats all that matters
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sillyballoonmilkshake · 5 months
Nikolai: I wanna bury myself in Bran so bad right now.
Landon, appaled: I bed your finest pardon?
Levi, choking on water: YOU WHAT NOW?
Nikolai: Did I say that out loud?
Bran, shaking his head: I'm not even surprised at this point
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marvelmusing · 4 months
The Darkling Wears Prada AU
Pairing: Aleksander Morozov x Fem!Reader
Summary: Aleksander Morozov is infamous within the fashion industry, as the Editor in Chief of Ravka’s most influential fashion magazine. As his assistant, you are one of the few who actually get to know the man behind the fearsome reputation.
Warnings [18+]: smut, nudity, mentions of sex, CEO x assistant trope
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The New Girl
Aleksander Morozov is the Editor in Chief of Ravka’s leading fashion magazine. As his First Assistant, you feel very responsible for his new Second Assistant - Alina Starkov.
Can I Ask You A Question?
Alina has lots of questions about her new job and your boss. Meanwhile, Aleksander has an important question for you - it just takes him some time to realise it.
The Issue With Skorts
As one of the most influential people in the fashion industry, Aleksander has lots of opinions when it comes to clothes. As your fiancé, he thinks you look incredible in anything.
Personal Shopper
In preparation for your honeymoon, you and Aleksander go shopping. Per usual, he has high standards.
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xoxoskai · 5 months
that no one really asked for, but everyone needs<3
Damien Orlov is Nikolai Sokolov's Godfather.
The one-slightly related to the mafia- kid that all the second-generation mafia kids are scared respect is Sebastian and Naomi's firstborn (I said what I said)
In the Morozov household, all arguments are solved through uno.
Ironically, the one with the best accuracy while firing a gun is the one with the least bloodlust in him, Gareth.
Annika is closest to Lidiya Morozova and the Orlov Princess.
Naomi and Sebastian are Gareth Carson's Godparents.
Adrian tries to homeschool his kids, but it backfires when neither of his kids let him work in peace as a sign of protest. He reluctantly lets them attend a private school with an army of bodyguards.
Kai Takeda becomes the next head of the Yakuza.
Vaughn is very good at playing video games to the point that he gets invited to play at events.
Maya and Gareth are the best at cheating while playing any kinds of board games and often defeat the rest (Killian loses because he's in a team with Nikolai who gets bored midway and tries to sabotage the game instead).
Damien is good at cooking while Kirill has a hidden talent for baking. Adrian finds the prospect of both of them wearing aprons funny until he is put on duty for washing the dishes. Wearing his daughter's purple, floral apron.
Jeremy becomes really good at lip-reading while he's trying to figure out what his parents are talking about over his head and as an adult, he's desperately trying to lose the habit around them.
The one who taught all the boys to drive a bike is Mio Orlov.
She also taught Sasha who nearly gives the Pakhan of the Bratva a heart attack when she figures out how to do wheelies with Rai cheering her on.
Kyle Hunter is exceptionally good at hide and seek and the kids could never find him whenever the Sokolovs were hosting sleepovers.
Annika has knocked endlessly and tirelessly on Adrian's office door till he let her in so she could demonstrate her pirouette the first time she had perfectly done it (Adrian had made Yan, Kolya and Boris give her a standing ovation).
Rai Sokolov is everyone's go-to Aunt for anything their own parents aren't letting them do. Asher and Reina won't send their sons to another continent for college? Enrolls her own son to go with them. The girls want to go to a concert? Sends an army of disguised bodyguards with them. One of the kids is drunk and needs to be picked up? She's already buckling into her car.
Adrian and Lia are Vaughn's Godparents.
Mia Sokolov starts giving plants as birthday presents and nearly makes Kirill and Damien bust a lung from laughter when she gives Adrian a cactus.
Karina Morozova has the reputation for giving the most bizarre gifts that the kids end up loving. Rents out an entire theater for Annika's birthday party. Buys all the game-machines in an arcade for Vaughn. Tells Maya they are going shopping for her birthday and flies her to Paris for it. Sees Jeremy reading bl when he's home from college one time and buys him an entire boxful of yaoi comics with a "I dog earmarked some of my favorites" note. She's extra that way and they all love it.
Damien, Adrian, Kyle and Kirill also have a group chat that Adrian has tried leaving multiple times. When Annika and Mia get boyfriends, Damien is laughing so hard at their predicament that Adrian reveals his daughter's secret relationship with the Pakhan's eldest son and then leaves the group. Again.
Lidiya Morozova becomes the first woman Pakhan after her uncle dares anyone to oppose her crowning with her getting backed up by four of the strongest Bratva families.
Vaughn and Kirill bond over making castles out of playing cards. They've spent lots of days, sitting cross-legged on the floor and stacking one card after another, using multiple decks. It's how he discovers his love for architecture.
Maya Sokolov is a natural at coding and hacking, but she finds it boring and even refuses Adrian's attempt to teach her to hone her skills.
Kyle is really good at magic tricks. Almost all the kids (minus natural cheaters, Maya and Gareth) fall for it even though some of them don't want to (Jeremy and Killian, they know it's a trick, but they can't prove it).
Naomi is not approving of Damien until she actually talks to him and realizes he's just a bakayaro.
Mia Sokolov is really good at escape rooms while Nikolai spends half the time going "That was a clue?"
Ilya Levitsky is only accepted into the family after he goes through extensive torture and lives on to say, "You can't keep me from her". He wins Kyle's respect with that.
Lia discovers that she's really good at drinking games when she's having a girl's night out with Sasha, Mio and Rai. She can throw darts with her eyes blindfolded.
The Volkovs have movie nights on Thursdays where the movies are decided based on a game of jenga. Annika swears she's not shaking the table (she is).
The Morozovs host the best sleepovers. We're talking Princess Diaries level of sleepovers with mattress surfing, vending and claw machines in the house and treasure hunts across the entire property.
The Orlovs are the best at throwing parties and love any occasion to do so. Cherry blossoms are blooming? Throw a party. His daughter got an A on her dictation? Throw a party. Someone bumped into Damien and he didn't kill them? Throw. A. Party.
The Carsons are the best at pretending they have no ties to the Bratva. You saw an army of bodyguards leaving their house? Must be the new interns Asher is hiring. Their oldest nephew has tattoos at the age of 11? But he loves drawings. Reina's twin is AWOL the whole time? She's just shy.
The Weavers are horrible at pretending they aren't related into some shady business.
The Sokolovs' house is synonymous with a common playground. Especially after Mia's kidnapping. If she's scared to go out and meet anyone else, ofcourse the rest of them are gonna come over at all times and spend time with her, it's only natural.
Don't even wanna promise a part two when I know I never commit but here's to hoping?
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strlessankt · 1 month
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، MOCCHIMAZZI ── signature ᭡
design delivered on the blog ❛ @desiresdesigns ❜ if inspired, credits are not required, but always apreciated ‹𝟹
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sahari-1307 · 5 months
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doodle + drawing i never fully posted😋
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vendetta-if · 2 years
What songs do you associate with the general feel/theme of the game, with characters and MC/certain types of MC? Do you maybe have a playlist? Quite curious about this. Like for example for some reason I associate Imagine Dragons - Bones with MC (yeah I know a lot of people hate this band, but some of their song are decent). This song got a little bit of feeling of restlessness and one line fits well - 'walking the path so many paced a million times'. Or nothing is safe by clipping. for obvious reasons fits the general theme/Morozov family, especially the tragedy with Viktor and etc. Dunno will you agree, but nevertheless I'm curious to see your song association (no explanation needed if you don't want to)
Ooh, just heard the song and it's good! They might be a guilty-pleasure band, but I actually like quite a number of their songs, especially their older ones, the album that also contained Radioactive and Demons (I actually don't know the name of the album 😅). Somehow, I also get the vibe of Vengeful MC from the song.
Also, I'm glad you're interested in the music I associated with the world because I love associating songs I listen to characters and stuff! And because of that, this post might be a little long 😂
As for your question about playlists, yes! I do have those. Right now, I have ones for MC, Luka, and Ash (although Ash's is still Work-in-Progress). I'll add more songs into them over time as I discover more songs that fit, or just old songs in my playlists that I rediscover (I have like close to 1.5K songs in total 😆).
I listened to a lot of songs while writing and depends on what kind of scenes I'm writing. When I need to write sad and emotional scenes, I listen to sad and melancholic instrumental music. But if I need to write brutal action scenes like the ones in Chapter 3, I put on aggressive Phonk songs 😂
For MC's playlist, I tried to fit as many different variations of MC, but I think most of them are fitting for Vengeful MCs in general. Some are also perfect for Ruthless MCs as well. Some of them have fitting lyrics, some just fit the vibes I am picturing.
For example: [Venger by Perturbator] and [Dead Man Walking by WAR*HALL] are really fitting for Vengeful MCs because of the lyrics. [I Chose Violence by iamjakehill] and [vendetta! by Sadfriendd] are fitting for Ruthless and more unhinged MCs mostly because of the aggressive vibes of the songs.
For Luka, it's more of songs that fit his vibes and songs that he will definitely listen to while driving 😁 He loves Electronic music, especially those with heavy basses and Phonk music in general too.
This one's for Ash. There are fewer songs in it because I'm actually still not really done with it (Haven't even made the playlist cover 😅). But the songs there are those whose lyrics I think fit Ash, or songs that they would listen to.
As a bonus, I'll also share two songs that I think fit The Killer 😉
Enemy - Imagine Dragons x J.I.D
Good in Red - The Midnight
For the Morozov Family, I immediately think of the theme song for GTA IV (still the best GTA theme song imo 😆) It sounds kinda solemn and melancholic, especially the violins in 2:42 😩Feels kinda fitting for all the deaths and tragedies that the family has gone through.
For the Aikawa Family, I think this song kinda fits, doesn't it? The beat just goes hard 😁
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vorbarrsultana · 2 years
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on fridays, we wear black and gold
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iwantofall · 2 months
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i got lazy
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