roguelov · 3 months
Hi dear, how have you been?
Here, just a little idea I wanted to share with someone:
the reader makes digital art and shares it on the internet; Recently the reader writes short stories/comics where she draws Morpheus as the god of Dreams alongside herself as an OC, as if they were a couple, etc.
The art is very beautiful and everyone loves it, and it goes viral, making Morpheus more famous among humans. So people start to dream more about him and pay tribute.
Maybe something cute, funny or spicy... Or all together.
(Sorry for the bad English, I love you.)
Dream will be very confused at first as to why he is getting more and more recognition. He starts to like it a bit. People are recognizing his work and all he does for the Waking, he can’t help but feel some pride and joy bubble in his chest. But, perhaps such feelings take a turn when he sees what seemed to be a version of himself and you in others’ dreams. Why? And why is there a romantic undertone to the two of you?
Maybe he doesn’t approach you on it for quite sometime. And so you gain more followers and more and more people fall in love with the story you’ve created. And finally at some point Dream does his own research. So in his vast library he finds your story: a wonderfully illustrated comic, along with short stories and pictures.
This man is stunned. It is such a beauty story, pulling in aspects from old tales while making it your own. It’s romance, it’s comedy, it’s tragedy, and it’s a slice of life. And it’s also a bit spice at times. But, he makes a point to stop looking when more steamy scenes happen. But now he had more questions, more questions for you. And when he finds you in a garden on a comfortable chair - made more for indoors - with a tablet in your lap as birds sang, he knew exactly what you are doing: drawing and writing about the two of you.
When he decides to be blunt and ask you about it, you are embarrassed, horrified, and stuttering through your words, “I am so - so sorry. I - I didn’t mean to offend you or anything - I just - I’ll stop and -“
“Why?” Dream asks. “You do not need to stop, I simply want to know why you do it.”
“I uh … why not?” What an idiotic response, but it’s the truth. “I mean it’s just fun to write and draw things about you, the Prince of Stories … you’re like my muse.”
Dream will be so touched by your words, but he does have another question. “And the courtship you have illustrated?”
“Oh uh,” you look away, “you know how people are, they love a love story.”
He doesn’t fully believe your answer. “When I have more time later today we can discuss it further. I do have more to say … especially pertaining to the relationship you depicted and if you are willing perhaps fiction can be turned into reality.”
You blink at his answer. He has this coy smile as he spoke but soon it turns genuine.
“Please, do not stop. I do love your story.”
You smile, “Oh uh thank you … and I would like to talk more about … us.”
Dream nods, satisfied with the answers he has gotten. However, before he leaves, he leans in close, “And do not think I have forgotten about some interesting pictures you have drawn … ones that are … more indulging of the flesh -“
You tense up, feeling your body heat up.
“- do know however our discussion ends later tonight, I will be open to be more than just a muse, perhaps a model if you so please.”
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morpheusbaby3 · 7 months
🇧🇷: estou escrevendo algo pequeno sobre Morpheus x Leitor em que eles tem uma filha (novamente) e Morpheus está aborrecido por causa das primeiras palavras dessa criança.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: I'm writing something short about Morpheus x Reader where they have a daughter (again) and Morpheus is upset because of this child's first words.
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roguedoodles · 6 months
sandman characters on these shirts:
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Ohhhhh who would wear what????
Gay - Corinthian (or Johanna)
Slut - Desire (or Hob)
Abortion - Dream
Big Dick - Death (or Matthew)
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Hello, how have you been? I miss you. I see that you are slowly coming back, that's great 💖💖
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Thank you my love 🥺 honestly, ive been back for a while and ive been shitposting again. I JUST GOT OUT OF JAIL NOW THO SO THERES GONNA BE MORE FUCKERY WAHHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAH
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writing-for-life · 3 months
Tagged by @dreamaturgy
Rules: answer + tag some people you want to get know better and/or catch up with!
Favorite color: I usually don’t do colours. Only black. I might let a bit of red or purple sneak in. When I feel particularly adventurous, a smidgeon of hot pink (go away with pastels) or really bright turquoise.
Last song: Aria 2 (pt. 1) by Max Richter because I sometimes put on “Sleep” when I write. Yeah, sounds counterintuitive, I know 🤣 Great for focus though. At least for me.
Currently reading: Fathom Folk by Eliza Chan.
Currently watching: Not much. Not in a TV headspace at the moment, too much reading and writing going on.
Currently craving: Nothing in particular. Thinking of it, I could go a coffee…
Coffee or Tea: Oh, I just answered that question previously I guess. Coffee of course. Forever and always. Black and short. No shenanigans. I hate tea. I can tolerate fruit infusions on a good day in winter, but that’s about it.
no pressure tags: leaving out the peeps who’ve already been tagged and torturing @marlowe-zara @dreaminglibrary @sgam76 @leesgotwritersblock @poobtato @bobbole @morpheusbaby3 @duckland @notallsandmen @dixdafne No worries if this isn’t for you.
(And adding a tag for @withoutyouimsaskia and @cappulcino because I already did this one. Thank you for tagging me 🙂).
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thoughtsfromlayla · 4 months
I thought about this idea/imagine and would like to share it with someone hehe
The reader likes the stars on Morpheus's coat, so he gives the reader a pair of socks that have the same beautiful shining stars on them. But then the reader calls for him to see how beautiful the socks are, and then when Morpheus arrives he sees that his love is wearing the socks... but only the socks 👀🥵
(sorry if something is written wrong, English is not my first language)
Main Masterlist | One Shot Masterlist
I'd like to think this whole conversation came cause you were cold or something from falling into a river (idk work with me here) and Morpheus offers his jacket. Humans are so susceptible to the environment after all.
And to make it less awkward you just absentmindedly mention how pretty the inside of it is. You would trace your fingers across your favorite constellations as they come across your eye.
You think that he doesn't hear you, but he does. So after he takes you home and makes sure you warm yourself up with a nice shower, he goes back to the Dreaming and starts weaving you a pair of socks with the same design.
He left them on your bed and then left, not wanting to overstay his welcome.
When you come out of the shower, wrapped in nothing but a towel, and the shower steam that follows you from the bathroom, you immediately notice the socks on your bed. A smile would spread across your face as you put them on. Your towel falls off your body as you do so, but it doesn't matter - since you're alone.
You stand to get the feel of them and they are heavenly. Truly, it feels like you're walking on clouds and you can feel all of your fatigue seep out of you.
"Aw, Morpheus," You sigh as you continue to look at them.
He hears your call, thinking you want his company. So, when he appears in your room, his eyes widen as he just sees you, naked, except for the socks that he made for you.
Something in him loves it: you wearing his clothes, that he made. It's like you're wearing a part of him. He shifts in his spot as he feels something starting to grow hard in his pants and he tries to shift his eyes away.
But he can't and all he can see is the different things he would do to you tonight. It would help you stay warmer, he reasons with himself.
The socks stay on.
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Thanks for the ask/imagine @morpheusbaby3 :)
Also, your English is wonderful
♡ Yours, Layla
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madwomansapologist · 10 months
spotify wrapped tag game!
just show us your songs and artists of 2023!
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tagging: @madame-fear @shirebarbie @arraxesfire @wordbunch @harknessshi @pizzaisthebest @sotwk @morpheusbaby3
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roguelov · 6 months
Morpheus and his loves/partners with this audio 🥹🥹
Oh you really came for my poor little heart today 🥺
Because if it’s him saying ‘I love you’ he’s happy to tell you how much you mean to him and how he will always cherish you and will continue to love you with all his heart
But if it’s him saying ‘again’ it’s you reassuring him that you’ll never leave him that no matter what he has suffered through he doesn’t have to do it alone and how you see all his flaws and will love him endlessly
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morpheusbaby3 · 7 months
PTBR: Você e Morfeu têm uma filha, e ela conta a todos na escola que o pai dela fala com corvos.
EN: You and Morpheus have a daughter, and she tells everyone at school that her father talks to crows.
Aviso: menciona assassinato, matar pessoas.
Warning: mentions murder, killing people.
Language: Brazilian Portuguese.
— Eu os chamei aqui porque a sua filha, Alice, ela tem nos contado algumas coisas que parecem… Diferentes da maioria das crianças.
A professora falava olhando por cima de seus óculos em tons de verde pastel. O olhar indo entre você e seu marido (o rei dos sonhos e pesadelos), que estava sentado ao seu lado, em silêncio, uma expressão séria… E havia preocupação em seus olhos, o que era de se esperar; Orpheus não ia à escola quando criança, ou ia?
— Sim, eu entendo. E eu posso lhe assegurar que não há motivos para preocupações. Alice tem uma imaginação muito fértil, e em parte é nossa culpa. Não explicamos a ela sobre nossas profissões…
Você disse calmamente e entregou a ela uma pasta com alguns papéis, dentro haviam documentos que mostravam de uma maneira legítima e oficializada o “emprego” de Morpheus e o seu. A mulher leu rapidamente os papéis e sorriu, voltando a olhá-los, agora com mais suavidade.
— O senhor é veterinário! Que inesperado… — Ela olhou para Morpheus lhe mostrando um sorriso que parecia ter um pouco de… Alívio?
Morpheus, por outro lado, hesitou por breves segundos mas acenou com a cabeça, concordando com a mentira.
— Se é o que diz nesse papel, então eu certamente sou. Um profissional da saúde animal.
— E a senhora é psicóloga. Isso é ótimo. Então se a senhora é psicóloga, não tenho com que me preocupar. — A mulher disse levantando e se afastando de sua mesa. Agora ela parecia mais simpática e você sabia o porquê; ela achava que Morpheus, com aquela expressão e aquelas roupas era um assassino, talvez um agente secreto do governo ou qualquer coisa que envolva matar pessoas.
— Alice dizia o tempo todo como sua mãe lia mentes, e seu pai falava com animais, um corvo, especificamente. Mas agora vejo que é apenas parte da imaginação infantil dela. Sinceramente, estou aliviada.
— Então não houve nenhum outro… inconveniente envolvendo nossa filha?
— Eu sei que parece bobagem, mas nós ficamos sempre atentos a todas as necessidades, falas e gestos das nossas crianças. — Ela andou até a porta e abriu. — Senhor e Senhora Fahrenheit, obrigado por vir, vejo vocês na próxima reunião.
Você dá um cumprimento se despedindo da mulher e saem da sala dela, ambos aliviados.
— Fahrenheit? Esse não é o sobrenome daquele vampiro que você gosta?
Morpheus a olhava enquanto você dirigia para sua casa do mundo desperto. Você mordeu o lábio e deu de ombros, fingindo que não dava a mínima para isso, sendo que certamente poderia ter usado o seu sobrenome invés de ter “inventado” um para Morpheus.
— Esse é o sobrenome de um cientista muito importante. Achei que você gostaria de ter um sobrenome que fosse de alguém importante na história da humanidade, já que você é tão importante quanto ele, meu amor. — Você deu ênfase na parte da importância, mas ainda olhando para a estrada à sua frente.
Morpheus era facilmente convencido por você e suas palavras doces e elogios, então ele mudou de assunto.
— Você acha que vão acreditar nisso, na mentira sobre os empregos? Não é algo que eu possa facilmente intervir usando meus poderes…
— Não se preocupe, eles vão acreditar em nós… Doutores. Há! Aquela menina. Mas não é culpa dela. — Você olhou rapidamente para Morpheus que concordou apenas com um olhar. — Ela sabe que sou telepata e sempre vê você falando com o Matthew.
— Deveríamos ter falado a ela que não devemos falar sobre isso para outras pessoas. Ela estava muito feliz em poder fazer amigos e nos deixamos ser contagiados pela alegria dela, assim esquecendo as restrições.
— Sim. Mas poderia ter sido pior. — Você sorri e olha para o seu marido, que se perguntou como poderia ter sido pior. — Ela ainda não sabe que você é o Rei dos sonhos e pesadelos. Se soubesse… Não sei qual mentira eu teria que inventar.
Você riu e pode notar o pequeno sorriso nos lábios de Morpheus que entendia o quão cômico seria a situação, pelo menos no começo.
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roguelov · 1 year
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Thank you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 such a lovely and warm hug
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roguelov · 9 months
happy birthday christmas child 💖💖🥰🥰🥳🥳
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I quickly looked at your photo and thought it was jesus HHAHAHSHHA
btw who is your pfp? mine is fran descher my queen
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💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
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Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. 🤍
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While watching a video on Tiktok (from another fandom) I had an idea and needed to tell someone.
Morpheus has had a crush on the reader for a long time, he then decides to try to declare himself or talk to her/him/they. but he realizes that you have specific types (who don't look like him in appearance) so to try to win the reader's heart, our lord changes his form a few times, but the reader rejects him. (In the future the reader sees Morpheus with his "normal" appearance and is enchanted, of course.)
(sorry if there are mistakes, I'm using a translator)
Here is the video so you can understand better:
omg you like genshin impact?!!! I havent played that in monthssss lmao. i'm honored to be the person you told this to!!!
first of all, morpheus declaring himself in and of itself is so 🧍‍♀️🙄✋ incredibly extra of of him HAHAH. maybe its the way it was translated but declaring HAHAAH yeah he really would. omg okay go off king.
second of all, him changing his appearance for reader HAHAAH we love a pathetic meowmeow. i also think its funny and really fitting that when he used his 'normal' appearance, suddenly reader is like (; hey how you doing 🥰 HAHAH this is the most normal dream of the endless behavior HAHAH
dont worry about the mistakes!!! it's all goodie i can understand it perfectly (((: you shouldn't apologize for it. it's fine
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writing-for-life · 2 days
Thanks for the tag, @windsweptinred
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This should be interesting… or incredibly boring…
All from my camera roll and all taken by me apart from the Pratchett quote and Peter Murphy (obviously 🤣).
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That tiger is wrapped in Tunnock’s Teacakes wrappers btw (it’s by David & Robert Mach). It sums me up in a nutshell—in many, many ways. Like all of these really, but that’d be too deep 🤣
Tagging @tickldpnk8 @marlowe-zara @dxliriumoftheendless @cappulcino @morpheusbaby3 @sleepytitan @klarahimmeltheendless without any pressure whatsoever
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