#mortar and pestal
susoriginals · 5 months
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Vintage gray Marble Mortar and Pestle 6" Wide Only $15
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licantropa · 3 months
You always have like really interesting tracks on the alts so I was wondering if you have any particular headcanons their relationships
Yes yes yes I do!
Spark and Jeriah are two pieces of the same puzzle that do not go together to make the bigger picture. They’re both so similar. Spark who does things out of love for his goddess, and Jeriah who does things in spite of his god.
They met before Ianite arrived at Dagrun, but after Jeriah and the knights got basically excommunicated. Something interesting is that by just being allied with the knights, puts Dagrun as a whole against Mianite, so either Spark has his own issues against the god or he thinks Jeriah is the more lucrative ally to have.
Jeriah was infatuated with Spark after getting to know him, but it never went further than that and even dimmed down after Spark got with his lady. The things Spark wanted in a relationship (at the time) were things Jeriah couldn’t give him, however throughout their ten years in a different realm those feelings pop back up with a fervor, but Jeriah just waves it off as it being close proximity because they’re living together. He never knew whether or not Spark ever felt the same.
Jeriah cooks to sustain himself, while Spark cooks for the enjoyment of it. The issue comes from them having to cook for the other, as spark finds jeriah’s food far too bland at times, and jeriah feels as though spark’s food can be overwhelming.
Both of them can be patronizing to both Mot and Alyssa, while Spark at least means well (most of the time), Jeriah (to Mot) gets very rude very quickly. Mot can get under people’s skin pretty easily, jeriah being no exception to that, so they get into spats and arguments that are so bad that if not intercepted can get physical.
When Mot’s redstone and blacksmithing capabilities are combined with Sparks own designing and planning you get some pretty good competent (non-weaponry) creations. Most things are made with Spark kindly asking (more like begging) and Mot begrudgingly doing it because it’ll be better in the long run for him. Like should they be waisting materials to make a mortar and pestal? a skillet? a cafetera? probably not but at least Mot’s getting something out of it.
Mot and Spark have an overall positive relationship with one another, most of Mot’s opinions on him come from Dianite and his brief interactions with the guy. He does however think that a lot of his decisions in this other realm lean more towards stupidity than anything else. To trust this other Ianite just because she is a version of Spark’s Ianite, to Mot, is foolish and Spark doesn’t seem like he’s going to be listening to reason anytime soon.
The three of them share Mot’s last cigarette.
Alyssa, as she gets older, finds herself alone more often than not. What separates her from the rest is not champion status or godly attention, it’s age. The other three want her to ‘be a kid’ for as long as possible, but that’s difficult for her because of everything that’s happened, she feels as though she’s matured too much for that kind of mentality.
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witch-in-the-dirt · 5 months
The Evolution of My Magic,
Is such an interesting thing for me to think about. Lots of places online and paths you read about will discuss the different tools and uses and rocks and herbs etc. They will also say that all you really need is yourself and your intentions, and yet I don't see this.
My path has evolved. It looked like, expensive rocks, hand made wands, and fancy knives, a mortar and pestal, drying plants, in depth rituals and so many things like this.
Today it looks like the cup of lipton tea I made for my friend who was feeling under the weather.
Today it looks like a picnic in the park with my close friends.
Today it looks like a meditation that turned into a 30 minute nap.
Today it looks like a tarot reading on my porch in my pajamas.
Today it looks like cooking a meal, cleaning, writing, painting, walking, and reading.
Today my path is myself, honestly. Yes I have labels and funny lines to define myself within, but it is still within my own ability and daily life. A day in my life, a normal daily practice, is just my day.
Returning to my roots I suppose.
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tiredflowercrown · 6 months
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Homemade mortar and pestaled that shit
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mixedbloodedwitch · 2 years
In Honor of Valentine's Day!
Attracting Love Spell
This is small heart-shaped (or whatever shape you want) satchet/pillow that can be place beneath your pillow, in you pocket or bag, or even kept in your bra near your heart.
Red Salt
White Salt
(Optional) Himalayan Pink Salt
Cinnamon (Powder Form)
Cloves (Powder or Whole)
Allspice (Powder)
Sigil or Statement of Intention
Red Candle
Dry Daisy Petals (Optional)
Red or Pink Fabric
White or Red String/Thread
Sew your shape, leaving an opening for the mixture. If you can't sew cut the cloth in a large enough square that you can place the contents in the middle and tie if off well.
In a mortar and pestal grind up your rose petals, cloves, cinnamom, allspice, and chili pepper. Try to not place the daisy petals within this mixture.
Once well mixed, add your mixture of red and white salt. Your salt mixture should be 2:1 herb mixture.
Set aside the salt/herb mixture and prepare your sigil or statement of intention.
Charge the sigil within a red candle for passion and to strengthen your intention.
Once its charge coat your piece of paper or Bay leaf with some of the melted red wax.
Fill your satchet, placing the paper or leaf submerged in the salt/herb mixture.
On top add your dry Daisy petals for luck and or lust.
Seal or sew it shut including your intention into the knots of the threads. And your done! Keep close by you so your spells Magick grows.
Happy V Day and Happy Casting
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seabreeze2022 · 1 year
2023 Bahama Cruise, Part 17. April 8. Wemyss, Long Island. (Sharie and James Knowles).
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This was our night out on the island. A famous restaurant on the beach is Chez Pierre. A one man Chef restaurant from Montreal. He is notorious for being upset, if you don’t have a reservation and drop in. Even worse is being late for your reservation. It turns out this Island Soup Nazi (Seinfeld episode) has a great reason. He can only cook so fast and staggers the customers out. Nancy called and took the earliest time slot available. We have been anchored in a beautiful sandy beach cove, just in front of a round yellow house for two days. Nancy paddle boarded around the first day. Then we both got in the dinghy and went around the entire shore line, passing the yellow round house multiple times.
We were trying to get to an old plantation which we could see the only remaining chimney above the tree line. We stopped to asked directions from a guy working in front of his house. Turns out he moved here from Ramrod key in the florida Keys. We were unable to get to the ruins, but enjoyed walking the beach.
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We pulled anchor and motored around to Millers Bay, just south of us. Anchoring in the bay directly in front of the French restaurant. We got dressed up and dinghied in to the shore in plenty of time for our reservation. Don’t want to be kicked out, for being late.
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We were 20 minutes early and only the Chef and the beach dog were there. Chef was mad for us being early. Actually it is all an act. He was wearing a classic white T shirt and shorts, very island casual. He explained the rules. We were to mix our own drinks behind the bar, (see photo above). Beers were in a refrigerator around the corner. Which is what I homed in on. Keep track of our drinks. “Mind your P’s and Q’s” was a saying in the day. Meaning know how many pints and quarts you drank at the tavern, so you pay for the proper amount.
The next shift of customers came in. Two older couples, Nancy got to talking to them and the conversations continued off and on. Turns out we had been anchored directly off of their round yellow house for two days. They said, nobody ever anchors there! We received an invite to come visit.
We were able to finish our dinner and dinghy back to the boat prior to sunset. Which is why I wanted the early reservation. The sun set as we motored around Whale Head point back to our previous anchorage.
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This is Sharie and James Knowles, who invited us into their house and shared many a story with us. They returned back twenty years ago, to the island of his ancestors. The Knowles here owned 2,000 acres. First living in a tent high in the middle of the island. Tried raising sheep. Actually flew 3 sheep in on Bahamas Air to improve the blood line.
Above they are holding a large wooden pestal. The large tree trunk mortar was out side under a tree. These were used by his relatives only decades ago. She was grinning ear to ear, when she casually handed the pestal to me. As soon as I hefted it up, I knew what it was made of. Lignum Vitae! It must have weighed twenty pounds. So you can see why it sinks in water.
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Their passion is traipsing around the island at old plantations and caves looking for artifacts. They have an extensive collection of old bottles and Lucayan artifacts.
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Sharie showed us her collection of whale ambergris. She researched ambergris and became a middle man buying and selling ambergris for fun from the locals. One of her many stories was flying to meet a buyer from France in Nassau. They went to the hotel room where a large piece was examined and bought. It earned the local islander $10,000 US. She just got involved out of curiosity. Treating the locals fairly. The islanders dog is the one who actually found it. Kind of like a truffle dog.
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They told us of finding Right Whale skeletons. They have two whale vertebrae over their doors. She told the story of being in a bar when two Bahamians came in talking about the whale skeleton they found. She offered the use of her vehicle to transport the bones for the guy. She showed us a photo of bones stacked in her car floor to ceiling, with the pelvis strapped to the roof. The man sold the bones from in front of his house, eventually earning enough money to buy a car.
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Walking through their house was like being in a Museum of Natural History. Above is the skull of a flamingo they found, plus whale baleen to the left.
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There was an old cotton mill on their property, which is gone now. They took us on a tour where there is a Lucayan midden. We are sworn to secrecy on the exact location. It has been researched by the University of Florida. The photo on the right, is inside their garage. They lived in the garage for two years while they built the round house. Reminds me of my folks who lived in one small room, cooking over a camp stove while they built their first house in the Keys. I love the wood mallet on the wall which was used to beat sponges during the curing process.
Sharie also did her research on Conch pearls and became a middle man selling those. Locals would bring her conch pearls and she would pull out a light and jewelers loupe. After examining and rating it, she would pay them a descent price saying they could get more in Nassau. Most took the quick cash and headed to the bar. She mostly did it for fun and good story or two.
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The tamarinds at their house are huge. All sorts of things in their yard that they found beach combing. Above are the old metal bouys for nets. Inside the house, were the more rare glass bouys. The photo on the left, is another grey racer snake we saw during the tour. That brings to a half dozen snakes we have seen in the few hours we have spent on shore. Sharie stopped the ATV when she saw a Mangrove Cuckoo in the bush. On a sadder note. They also found parts of the flotsam while beach combing. From the ship El Faro, lost during Cat 4 Hurricane Joaquin Oct. 1, 2015. Thirty three people lost their lives when the ship went down in 15,000 ft. just east of Long Island. Their house had 17 inch of water in the ground level garage from the hurricane.
What a great couple and a fantastic day spent with them.
S/V Sea Breeze, Wemyss bay, Long Island, Bahamas
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noctilionoidea · 2 years
Mortar and pestals make a good stim toy. Huh.
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Promotional Video
I was able to compile all my finished assets into a video promoting my project and myself as a practitioner. I am please to formally introduce my Major Study Project: SolarPunk
The complete art book will soon be available here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lGxddY
List of Third Party Assets
Unreal Engine 5 Level
MYTHRA TECH. (2022). Mediterranean Coast. [Online]. Unreal Engine Marketplace. Available at: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/3a23dac323e646f38e2c7a744236478e?sessionInval [Accessed 29 July 2024].
3D Assets
Adobe Substance 3D Painter. (n/d). Smart Materials Library. [Online]. . Available at: https://substance3d.adobe.com/assets [Accessed 26 August 2024]. 
AlexDang. (2023). Scud ( Ballistic missile ). [Online]. Sketchfab. Available at: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/scud-ballistic-missile-30cf91617bad4a4bb07d0856ccd55ff0 [Accessed 22 August 2024].
Martinez, G. (2020). FUNCTIONAL PROPELLER FOR PLASTIC DRYER. [Online]. Sketchfab. Available at: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/functional-propeller-for-plastic-dryer-9a614d23ce254e2b8b5f49b1b5ef8 [Accessed 22 August 2024].
snrnsrk5. (2023). Soviet Heavy Tanks. [Online]. Sketchfab. Available at: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/soviet-heavy-tanks-4ef5ac2028c0439b806a1c3fe298e67b [Accessed 22 August 2024].
videoanimateitalia. (2024). jet engine. [Online]. Sketchfab. Available at: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/jet-engine-f5010f64424e415183c110c8e0132017 [Accessed 22 August 2024].
Assets by Quixel (Epic Games)
3D Assets
Binoculars leather case, candle Holders, concrete planter,  Nordic forest rock, Medieval Banquet (all food assets),  metal watering can, old Book, old cushion,  small concrete planter,  stone mortar, stone pestal, wax candle,  wooden stool.
Boston fern, bracken fern, broom creeper, common coleus,  common fern, crownbeard,  mustard, rhazya, thyme.
Antique rug
Epic Games. (n/d). Quixel Bridge. [Online]. . Available at: https://quixel.com/bridge [Accessed 22 August 2024].
Adobe Stock. (n/d). Sky Replacement Stock Images (Auto Sky Replacement). [Online]. . Available at: https://stock.adobe.com/uk/ [Accessed 22 August 2024].
macrovector. (n/d). Realistic set of gun flashes with fire sparkles and smoke isolated on black background vector illustration. [Online]. FreePik. Available at: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/realistic-set-gun-flashes-with-fire-sparkles-smoke-isolated-black-background-vector-illustration_26764910.htm#query=muzzle%20flash&position=4&from_view=keyword&track=ais_hybrid&uuid=f1ce68de-e84c-440c-ab67-7a6e2b2ce4c7 [Accessed 26 August 2024].
Nudaveritas, S. (2023). a river running through a lush green valley. [Online]. Unsplash. Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-river-running-through-a-lush-green-valley-1Ez51O4Otsg [Accessed 26 August 2024].
Quinan, M. (2015). Northern lights during night time. [Online]. Unsplash. Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/northern-lights-during-night-time-R3pUGn5YiTg [Accessed 26 August 2024].
Walczuk, M. (2017). green aurora. [Online]. Unsplash. Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/green-aurora-asc8mCGtSew [Accessed 26 August 2024].
Widodo, P. (2022). The hardest part of being candle is you must burn yourself out to light others. [Online]. Unsplash. Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-lit-candle-in-the-dark-with-a-dark-background-sbOnhWT5UGA [Accessed 26 August 2024].
VectorStock. (n/d). Simple green and blue aurora logo modern vector image. [Online]. Available at: https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/simple-green-and-blue-aurora-logo-modern-vector-44315782 [Accessed 28 August 2024].
Promotional Video
Busti. (2019). Flip Dot Display Demo. [Audio]. [Online]. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YPhtsflhf0 [Accessed 26 August 2024].
Futurescapes - Sci Fi Ambience. (2023). Arrival: Relaxing Alien Sci Fi Music. [Music]. [Online]. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fu6soG89v8&t=3s [Accessed 26 August 2024].
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barkingangelbaby · 5 months
I was able to eat the egg drop soup!!! then I was a fool who tried to eat just the inside of crab rangoons but unfortunately the place we ordered from had more choppy rather than creamy filling :((( so that uhhh hurt a bit
and the liquid tylenol I'm taking is SOOO FUCKING GROSS it makes me gag but I mixed my smoothie in and that was doable lol. time to use a small bowl and thicc knife as a shitty mortar n pestal to crush up my oxy again lmao
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acididk · 6 months
Bone spaghetti.
How do you make it? Simple.
Grab a human and use your deboning powers to remove all of their bones from their simpleminded bodies.
Grab a pestal and mortar and grind them into a powder. Remember, the wrist bones, although harder to grind up, taste the best.
Add eggs.
Add eggs.
Stir the bone-mixture with your eggs.
Insert it into spaghetti-strainer.
Add these.
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cat-lady-spinster · 1 year
A friend came into the shop stoned out of his goard, so I showed him how to play a singing bowl, then handed him a mortar and pestal to practice on. His sober spouse and I laughed so hard they could hear us in the back room
I'm not successful but damn it all if I'm not happy
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mogsue · 1 year
So very many nothings going on right now, it very much makes me want to run away. Today, I am mostly just tired of pain and the (literal) confusion in my mind the constant pain causes. I always feel muddled now, as if I am smashed and flattened by a mortar, the pestal is my own body ~ it doesn’t ever stop though. Always with the smashing with zero results, it just starts over everyday, every…
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daylesfordlonghouse · 2 years
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A full morning of pasta making with Gnocchi & Ravioli on the menu. The @marcellahazan Pesto Mortar & Pestal method is transformative. Inspo provided by @pastagrannies #marcellahazan #pastagrannies #gnocchi #ravioli #dlonghouse #daylesfordlonghouse https://www.instagram.com/p/CptenHXvs_W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alihsi · 4 years
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Monstober Day 9: Back to the original Monstober prompt list I was working from for the prompt: Baba Yaga. This one got complicated so it took a few extra hours. Plus my car battery died today and I had to spend some time dealing with that too. Part of the time was to research the various elements in the drawing, part of it was that I wanted to show the chicken-legged hut, and part of it was just rendering time. Pentel brush pen (which is leaking pretty badly so also a regular acrylic brush too), a Daiso brush pen, and a Sharpie Fine Point pen on Canson Mixed Media paper.
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oysterie · 3 years
my moms paying back for being racist to me all my childhood by buying expensive stuff from thailand
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benevolentscars · 4 years
the great cooking sadness when u have a tasty pre-made sauce but u add too much vegetables/ingredients and it dilutes the sauce too much..... regret.. despair..
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