#most dangerous place in the world
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i think the barbie movie would have a profound psychological impact on hua cheng
prev comic / next comic / follow for still more hualian barbie movie content because i am not done
bonus angsty version 🎉 i hate love expressions just a couple tiny lines on the mouth and eyebrows and it goes from silly to sad
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prideprejudce · 1 month
I feel like people have read into Alicent's response to Rhaenyra's ultimatum in both good AND bad faith ways, but i feel like I haven't seen much of what Rhaenyra was feeling about it!!
Personally, I feel like the ultimatum she gave Alicent was the product of 3 different motivations- first, it was the obvious political move to kill the usurper to her throne, duh. The second, is that I think Rhaenyra is super aware- and terrified of- being trapped in a cycle of loss, being passed over for a son, and her claim to the throne standing only because of what she represents not her as a person. Thats its own whole fascinating character essay i cant get into here lol.
But the third reason is that I THINK she has a desperate personal obsession with being chosen by Alicent over Aegon, and leans into the ultimatum as a way to extract what she needs from Alicent-- to be chosen and prioritized over her father's son, and be the centre of Alicent's attention (romantic or not).
The directors/writers have mentioned one of the crucial aspects of Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship is how many times Rhaenyra reaches out, only to be rejected by Alicent over and over. I think Rhaenyra, as someone who really internalized going after what she wants from a young age, is a bit spoiled, and is obsessed with Alicent's continuous rejection as both a novelty, and a deep source of insecurity.
Rhaenyra has a bit of magical thinking where she really does think that if she just pushes hard enough she can change the world into the shape she wants it to be, and I think when Alicent CONTINUES to deny her, she gets more and more frustrated.
Double this with her general issues around being passed over for a son, first from her father with baelon, and then COMPOUNDED with baby aegon stealing both her father AND alicent's attention as alicent prioritized birthing and probably caring for her son over rhaenyra's sulking when Rhaenyra was in the most pain she had been in yet in her life.
I think Rhaenyra is HIGHLY resentful about not just aegon usurping her throne, but also the lack of attention during the HEIGHT of her teenage years, where she already has a contentious relationship with her father AND .....stepmother?? first love??? sister?? (targaryen family incest issues are a wonderful icing on top of this cake)
It was very clear that the reason Alicent married viserys was SPECIFICALLY to have more children, and that Alicent CHOSE (from Rhaenyra's perspective) to put herself in that position JUST after Aemma died from the same cause, becoming a mother rather than staying with Rhaenyra and daydreaming about riding off into the sunset. In Rhaenyra's mind, she lost her mother to the promise of a son, only to lose Her Alicent™️ to ANOTHER promise of a son right after. This is probably the deepest rejection Alicent could have given her.
The entire second half of season 2 is more denial; Rhaenyra's marriage proposal of their children is rejected, Alicent rejects Rhaenyra's bastard sons in general, and Rhaenyra's choices by extension, then driftmark happens, then the ENTIRE USURPTION happens, rejecting Rhaenyra's claim to her own birthright.
Rhaenyra even tries AGAIN in season 3 - extending herself to go into Alicent's place of comfort to sue for peace, even telling Alicent bits of a personally sacred religious doctrine only to be rejected AGAINNNNNNN.
(I could write forever about how Rhaenyra indulges Alicent's religious but never gets the same back on her own customs)
Yah, I think when Rhaenyra sees Alicent next, its not just that the ultimatum is a political necessity, but its decades of rejection culminating in 'you need to choose and prioritize me over everything, including your son, bc i cannot take anymore rejection from you, and I cant handle NOT being the most important thing in your whole world tbh :)' Especially on the heels of her newfound radicalization i feel like Rhaenyra sees Alicent's 'Choosing Rhaenyra' this time as a Holy Blessing and the last crucial piece she needs to self actualize.
(Also never forget all of this takes place in the targaryen CESSPOOL that is Rhaenyra having Alicent as a sister/step mother/half employee?? Alicent was at least her subordinate at one point/only confidante/possible first love-- theres probably alot of projection on Rhaenyra's part for what Alicent's approval means to her)
sorry this is so long the word rejection has ceased to mean anything to me at this point
"Rhaenyra sees Alicent's 'choosing Rhaenyra' this time as a Holy Blessing and the last crucial piece that she needs to self actualize"
what if we all just set each other on fire
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medi-bee · 2 years
your header image is KILLING me oh my god the death grip on the pup PLEASE
naughty thieving pups get forcefully escorted from the premises (Five Pebbles)
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sesamenom · 6 months
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Quick hand sketch that turned into elrond with athelas water
I always forget to draw him with it but I headcanon him having pretty bad burn scars on his right arm/side from the kinslaying
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cog-go-boom · 4 months
Its pride month frost you know what that means....!
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( [[OOC:]] spamtoon is owned by @spamtoon !! )
(edit: also I know I forgot to fix HR's text and he says 's'. I write HR's text normally and I then need to do the switch later but I'm dyslexic so I don't notice or realize so please don't think idk how to write HR text </3 already insecure as is. i can't fix it anymore though oops! be nice)
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sunderwight · 11 months
Scenario where Crowley, actually being crow-like rather than snake-like in this regard (or perhaps dragon-like) has spent a lot of his time on earth accumulating a hoard of supernatural treasures that he just sort of keeps shoved in a storage unit somewhere.
Most of it are things that other demons or angels have lost on Earth, or occult tools that humans have made that proved a little too effective at doing dangerous or inconvenient things that like, threaten to unleash the hordes of hell onto the world (Hell approves of intervening because the understaffing issue means they don't actually want a whole bunch of demons suddenly taking unsanctioned holidays on Earth). But basically if an angel accidentally drops their celestial harp or some guy comes up with a way to hack a direct line to Satan, Crowley goes and fetches the relevant artifact and then, because Hell's bureaucracy is a joke and they never actually check, he just sort of keeps hold of them instead of sending them back to head office.
Crowley's got his own unit somewhere full of Indiana Jones style treasures. Holy grail, Ark of the Covenant type shit. Half of it is broken and a lot of it even he is uncertain of the provenance of, whether it was made by angels or demons or humans in some cases is tricky to discern, and some of those things are just objects that were causing trouble or seemed liable to and so he grabbed them and stuffed them in a box and forgot about them.
Usually he brings the books to Aziraphale first, but there are some he's grabbed while they were in "not speaking to one another" phases of their relationship, and Crowley only cared to remember to show them to the angel if he thought that Aziraphale would find them interesting. (Crowley, despite having spent a lot of time listening to Aziraphale talk about books, still does not actually know a lot about books, and so is not always a good judge of what might be interesting.)
Basically where this is going is: Crowley has had the Book of Life moldering in his storage locker for decades, and he has no idea. It just looks like a kind of shabby, big old book! There isn't even a title on the cover, and he could never get it to open, so he thought it was a dud book or something (again, he doesn't really 'get' books). He got it off of some charlatan occultists in the 1500's who were running a con about being able to summon angels, but then actually did manage to summon Aziraphale, which annoyed Crowley (interrupted dinner) so he stormed in all demon-like, put the fear of Satan into them, and took away all of their stuff. He would have shown Aziraphale the book, but they got into a fight straight afterwards so instead Crowley just added it to his hoard of crap and completely forgot it existed. The renaissance was going on, there were a lot of distractions! How would Heaven even lose something as important as the Book of Life?
Anyway, this has led to a massive misunderstanding that coincided with Aziraphale's genuine interest in books, where the Metatron thinks that Aziraphale somehow figured out that the Book of Life went missing and has been covertly blackmailing him for centuries with the offer to discreetly find it (via various rare book dealers and underground book circles specializing in occult books, like prophetic tomes and etc), and Aziraphale just thinks he's successfully convinced Heaven's upper management that a bookshop is a perfectly good celestial embassy.
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okay so what if. your world was just the corpse of a god and lifeless except for you. but you don't know it's a corpse, you hardly know anything about why life even works there's not even food around naturally but you need it. what then
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saintshigaraki · 1 year
You can’t just say Nanami has issues on this blog and then not elaborate <333 (/pos so /pos)
i think in general nanami would be a very good partner but he has to try very very hard not to just . add a few new locks to the door that only he has the key to
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Some memes + art from a project I’ve been calling “Nim”:
Context isn’t totally necessary, but the cliff notes are that story is set in an urban fantasy world, Nim and Lune are adopted siblings / father and daughter. They are part of a rarely-seen species who live isolated from the rest of the world and have immense magical power, but left their home in search of a better life shortly before being captured by local mad scientist Sammy. Nim was taken in by Delilah and her shapeshifting dragon son Dante after she was rescued separately from Lune.
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maranull · 5 months
even though I don't really care for the canon, I love that even in it, all the sniktlings (aside from Akihiro) are short
truly Logan's kids fr
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2024skin · 1 month
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Taking these tags out of context because I like them but also adding the context of this Jewish guy talking about a similar thing and how this very problem has shaped the cultural/political climate of Israel today
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houlebubo · 2 years
Brennan Lee Mulligan I know your tricks, I Know for sure that Steel is going to betray Suvi and that she was the reason her parents died. Look at me, I was fooled during Calamity when Asmodeus didn't have a character voice, I trusted that fucker, and I will not be fooled again, I know he uses his own voice for the most malicious and manipulating villains, I am smelling it on every word from Steel
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steakout-05 · 5 months
staffy expectations vs staffy reality (by someone who has an absolute sweetheart of an american staffy <3)
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#dogs#dog#staffy#staffordshire bull terrier#american staffy#this also applies to pitbulls#idk why staffies are always the ones who are depicted as aggressive and horrible when literally any dog can be just as aggressive#if not even more aggressive#like the only reason you'll see an aggressive dog is because of poor training or abuse#i don't think staffies deserve this poor reputation considering how wonderful they can be if you treat them right#that goes for any animal that has misconceptions of ''aggression'' piled on them#''you shouldn't keep a small child unattended around a pitbull/staffy!'' you shouldn't keep a child unattended around ANY animal#why are staffies always the exception. they are beautiful sweet little guys#ok ''little'' might not be the most accurate way to describe them but you get what i mean#they're literally just the loveliest stinkiest guys ever#my staffy is the sweetest little thing in the world#he does not growl and he does not bite. he will instead lick you and get the zoomies and demand tummy rubs#he always gets so excited when he sees other dogs but if one barks at him even a little then he will immediately get shy and back away#the only time he barks is when people are crossing the street but like. most dogs do that. and he howls at the ice cream truck <3#he's terrified of thunderstorms. like he gets so scared and needs someone nearby at all times#people would probably look at him like ''omg that's such a dangerous breed'' but if he hears even a little bit of thunder he starts shaking#like does that say ''dangerous and will murder people'' to you. no#the worst my dog will do to you is like. accidentally scratch you or something. that's literally it.#oh yeah and fun fact: my dog has one eye!#he had to get it removed because the lens fell out of place and it started getting really nasty and was hurting him a lot#he's lost a bit of depth perception and bumps into stuff sometimes but he's much happier now and has a cool scar on his face-#-where his eye was :)#having a dog with one beautiful eye is better than one who is always in pain#anyway yeah staffies do not deserve this slander. they are wonderful dogs and i will defend them to ends of the earth
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askdannysroleswapau · 7 months
How would Gumball react to this image? :)
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(assuming that you mean this in a /lh way)
i think Voidball would be flattered, considering most of their characterization is inspired by Megamind (and Nimona, to some extent) who would consider something like this a compliment
in fact, this sorta reminds me of that scene in Roxanne's apartment with all the hanging scraps of paper where she finally solves the big mystery... god i love Megamind its so good you should go watch it. why has this blog just become me telling you guys to go watch movies recently. what is wrong with me (its The Mucus)
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lobautumny · 1 year
I'm so goddamn tired of seeing people make fun of adults wearing diapers, especially when those people are otherwise anti-ableism, kink-positive, etc.
Beyond the surface-level (and far less important) issue that kinkshaming is stupid and you shouldn't do it, there's also the matter that, y'know, a lot of disabled people need them. And not just, like, ghoulish 80+ year old politicians and racist grandpas. Incontinence is just a thing that some people need to deal with, and most of them are perfectly fine people. On top of that, a lot of trans people (especially trans women because spironolactone, the most-prescribed T-blocker, is a diuretic) use them to avoid having to worry about needing to use public bathrooms, which may be extremely unsafe for them, especially in places like Florida. (As an aside, I know that there's also a contingent of trans women who have the secondary reason of wearing diapers to combat gender dysphoria, because tucking can be very uncomfortable and if you're wearing a diaper, there's a lot less of a notable bulge even if you're not tucking.) There's also a lot of people, such as fursuiters going to cons, who use diapers for simple convenience. And also, like, why should they not just be considered a normal underwear option that people can use for any reason they want? How are we not at that point yet?
But yeah, making fun of/insulting adults who wear diapers is, in fact, being mean to a lot of disabled and trans people, and it's really shitty that doing so is so normalized, even outside of the context of kinkshaming. Like, a lot of the time, it's just socially-acceptable ableist remarks. I grow so weary of it all.
Normalize adult diapers, even if for no other reason than the fact that disabled people should never be made to feel ashamed over their disability.
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horsesarecreatures · 2 years
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The Pine Barrens
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