#most famous Turkish Actor
profesionalpartyguest · 5 months
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my contender for @cobycobsy2k's bachelor challenge! DOWNLOAD HER HERE! what's not big about Hazal Nebahat? she's got big boobs, big lips, big cleavage, big hair, big temper, big scandals, big fame, big houses and, although unknown to the general public, big talent. classically trained in shakespeare from a young age, her main goal in life is to become famous as REAL FILM ACTOR, not to be stuck doing the same roles on various mega popular soap operas. she's going on this show as a way to introduce herself to studio town (she doesn't really care for love or whoever the bachelors are). she's ready for her close up, bitch. More info under the cut!
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she only wears the most beautiful all-about-style & Joebart courture. ofc. her personality is: 4/5/7/8/1. she's turkish but is fluent in english. she aspires to popularity. her lifetime goal is to become an Icon (in the acting career from University). also also. she comes with 1 new piece of cc, a skinblend! made specifically with her in mind. note that the changes are AF only!
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(yes i used a face shine for a reason). the body textures are from joebart, the face textures is a blend of textures @whysim & @glorianasims. lips are from sims3melancholic, nose is an edit one from leh, eyelids are a blend of lilith-sims's dewy eyeshadow & io's eyelids, teeth and tongue are from sixfoothsims, blush is from pralinesims. additional hand-painting, recoloring & editing by me!
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ceoandslutler · 2 hours
have you heard kuro dubbed in any language other than english? or in any other asian language other than korean or chinese? well i found a persian one and it's so fucking bad that it's hilarious.
(also stay tuned to find out why the persian dub of kuroshitsuji being so bad has directly to do with anti-shipping sentiment and puritanism)
i would like to politely invite anyone who's ethnically from/lives in/speaks the language of a country with an ultraconservative government to contribute to this post if they know a dub of kuro (fandub or licenced by a company) in their language to contribute to this post (agree or disagree that policing media causes a drop in its quality and accessibility in other countries) but let's keep it civil. if you are not from a country like this but have something to say, feel free to add anything on, the conversation is open to all :)
so i just heard the homemade persian dub of kuro's first ep made by some young people who sound like they're in uni (probs 18-23 yr olds), tears have been flowing from my eyes for the past 20 mins
(link under the cut)
to save time, go watch the bits i linked below or just laugh at the whole thing (full link) but don't blame these kids for being awful at this or just skip to the end of the post. as i said, there is a reason this dub is so bad and no official dub exists and it has to do with... anti subculture?!?*
but first, the funny stuff
ciel's voice is awful but just listen to the goofy dub laugh seb's va did at the start I'M FUCKING SOBBING (00:15-00:35), and also not ciel's va MOANING after the op song (2:35) ??? i REPEAT the woman who VA'd ciel was fucking MOANING, the YAWN was the worst part, dub team shotacons???
also SHEEL FANTOMHAYO?? THE KID'S NAME WAS DUBBED AS SHEEL FANTOMHAYO. (refer to 6:30 in the video linked)
now this isn't because we lack a 's' in our language (my alias is literally a persian name meaning shadow aka ✦sayé✦), we've just transliterated it as shiyel, but SHEEL???
the other guy calls him fantomhayo too (8:25) and the fantomhayo condition strikes again with sebastian's va talking about the fantomhayo hospitality at 12:40 ish in the video.
this is particularly bizarre because we do have a V in persian, please guys, use it!
please note: i have nothing but good things to say about finny's va... the way the va says "sebaastiyaan!" (12:43) is so cute <3
at 13:00, we get this golden crumb "meyrin... oh meyrin" from this college aged dude doing sebastian (who is SO lost) then he proceeded to say in persian "i beg you, ON MY LIFE, just pour the fucking wine in the glass and walk away" save me from the bad dub, ono daisuke, save me...
the furnace scene is just gold (18:50 onward is comical, the scream at the end... priceless), these people deserve an award, im tempted to do subs on this whole video because the translation is so wrong yet absolutely too hilarious to leave untranslated. also, i like how you can hear other people talking in the background constantly, they didn't even bother finding a quiet room 😭😭
finally i translated some of the best comments under the vid (everyone fuckin hated it 😭)
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..tldr: irani/persian speaking netizens are brutal. but also, it shows that persian speakers are used to quality dubbing, otherwise this wouldn't be so offensive. if we were used to badly done dubs, the comments wouldn't look like this. many famous kdramas and jdramas and indian/turkish films have been dubbed. animated movies e.g. disney films and most commonly 70-80s anime have huge followings in iran and were dubbed extraordinarily well. in fact, in iran, many of our own films are dubbed especially if the original footage did not capture the audio well enough/the director was unhappy with the actor's delivery and it's usually hard to tell if this has happened because it's done very well. shockingly, dub is more popular than sub. so why does kuro not have an official dub? why is the fandub so bad???
*IMPORTANT: an anime like this is not allowed to be legally dubbed by studios in iran because iran is under an islamic theocracy (the islamic republic) and all media that promotes devil worshipping and blasphemy is banned, homosexuality is too (anyone can tell kuro has homoerotic undertones, the homophobic heads of media would never let this queer gothic romance through). oh and trans people are "allowed" on TV but only if they're not vulgar/explicit (not even then, half the time) & grelle would not make it into the anime AT ALL. even if we ignore all the devil worshipping and queerness, sex is banned too (as well as lewd appearances of women), so season 1/2 & boc would never make it. oh and alcohol, bom would never make it. oh and also, women's empowerment is banned too so boa would never make it. when will it end? will someday everything be banned? sure looks like it. but isn't this what anti shippers want? i mean kuro IS problematic media, it never condemns people for having sex or partaking in drinks, not even murder is condemned.
moving on, the subtitled version of the episodes are very well done for what they are but it's still not good, you won't understand what's going on properly. meanings are lost. a dub is much more accessible to those who can't read subs and generally a necessary option. people NEED dubs. don't get me wrong, the iranian fansub team are dedicated however subs are much easier for fans to do than dubbing. as you heard, kuro's persian fandub was frankly terrible. these kids didn't even know how to pronounce ciel's name and it's NOT because of the language barrier, my theory is that because the internet access is so limited, they had to figure out how to pronounce ciel's name purely from the japanese original or another lang dub and had no access to the eng dub. as you can see, they are not able to follow the mouth movements either (don't have editing software); i assume the internet restrictions targeted streaming platforms w the dub on it (because the government wants to CONTROL what media people consume) so they had to figure everything out from japanese or another language, (they probably used another fandub to translate since the ed seems to credit the eng vas while they can never be heard in the bg) which is not easy. unfortunately english is taught in schools around the world not japanese so the dubbers' translation was quite honestly terrible- after all, they had no official script to base their translation off. BUT if a professional dubbing studio (e.g. iran's glory entertainment) got their hands on kuro, it'd probably be dubbed very well. if mehrdad raissi, CEO of glory, was on for seb's role, it would be glorious (pun intended). if he did flynn rider well, he can do sebs well too. but that studio often has their shows played on state televisions and the last thing they want is to get blacklisted and arrested for dubbing the gay demon butler anime. please do not take this fandub as representing all persian-language dubs. and remember, kuro itself is banned for being problematic media in counties like iran... no sebaciel needed (although anyone can definitely see the gay undertones to the story from a cover alone).
if you want to ban people from shipping things or making fan works that are problematic... soon you'll have to get rid of problematic media in general. and already, antis sound like the media people in charge under a dictatorship. "violence is okay, murder is okay but s-sex?!? women in scandalous clothing!!! oh good heavens..!" this is the kind of mindset which leads people down the rabbit hole of "this is problematic!! let's ban it!!!" until there's nothing left, a slippery slope. imagine this was the english dub of kuro. imagine it was banned in western countries and a team of young'uns had to gang up and make their own dub using only the japanese raws. imagine problematic media like kuro wasn't picked up the west because it's "shota" and that's bad. we'd be stuck looking at the same sanitised stuff and if we wanted to watch kuro, our options would be trash dubs (no offense) like this one. pretty scary to think this could be the state of the english dub if puritanism was as bad here as it is in countries like iran. policing media and deciding what creators should or shouldn't create will take you to the side of theocratic dictatorships and you will fall into alt right puritan lunacy, fanpoll are about as woke as , remember that.
don't sound like this:
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NEVER sound like this.
it is clear that conditional freedom is no freedom at all. there should be zero criteria to the media we want to create, no religion or purity culture to it. just be media literate. let nobody control what you want to create or consume! (or you'll end up in a world where the media that is deemed "problematic" is maintained but only through underground circles, losing quality and accessibility day by day, until these channels are shut down too and only a sanitised husk of options for media consumption remain)
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homomenhommes · 7 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
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30 A.D. – Nerva, Roman Emperor born (d.98); Although much of his life remains obscure, Nerva was considered a wise and moderate emperor by ancient histories, a view which was later popularized by the 18th century scholar Edward Gibbon, who termed the rule of Nerva and his four successors as that of the Five Good Emperors. By adopting Trajan as his heir, Nerva is said to have established a tradition of succession through adoption among the emperors which followed.
Like many others of his times he enjoyed both women and his boys. Contemporary gossip records that his most celebrated liaison was with this imperial predecessor, Domitian. It appears that Domitian, while a student, had the same problem most modern students have – a shortage of funds. So he did what some enterprising young scholars continue to do today: he turned a few tricks, one of whom was the Roman senator, and later Emperor, Nerva.
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1883 – Charles Demuth was born on this date (d. 1935). He was an American Precisionist painter. Demuth was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and studied at Philadelphia's Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. While he was a student there he met William Carlos Williams at his boarding house. The two were fast friends and remained close for the rest of their lives.
He later studied at Académie Colarossi and Académie Julian in Paris, where he became a part of the avant garde art scene. The Parisian artistic community was accepting of Demuth's homosexuality.
While he was in Paris he met Marsden Hartley by walking up to a table of American artists and asking if he could join them. He had a great sense of humour, rich in double entendres and they asked him to be a regular member of their group. Through Hartley he met Alfred Stieglitz and became a member of the Stieglitz group. In 1926, he had a one-man show at the Anderson Galleries and Intimate Gallery, the New York gallery run by Stieglitz.
Charles Demuth used the Lafayette Baths as his favourite haunt. His 1918 homoerotic self-portrait set in a Turkish Bathhouse is likely to be set there.
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Turkish Bath with Self-portrait
His most famous painting, The Figure 5 in Gold (1928) (also sometimes called I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold), was inspired by his friend William Carlos Williams's poem The Great Figure. This is one of nine poster portraits Demuth created to honour his creative friends. He painted poster portraits for artists Georgia O'Keeffe, Arthur Dove, Charles Duncan, Marsden Hartley, John Marin and for the writers Gertrude Stein, Eugene O'Neill, Wallace Stevens and Williams.
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Three Sailors
Demuth's will left many of his paintings to his friend Georgia O'Keeffe. Her strategic decisions regarding which museums received these works cemented his reputation as a major painter of the Precisionist school.
Demuth suffered either an injury when he was four years old or may have had polio or tuberculosis of the hip that left him with a marked limp and required him to use a cane. He later developed diabetes and was one of the first people in the United States to receive insulin. He spent most of his life in frail health, and he died in Lancaster at the age 51 of complications from diabetes.
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1935 – Alain Delon is a French actor and businessman, with French-Swiss dual citizenship since 1999.
Delon acquired Swiss citizenship on September 23, 1999, and the company managing products sold under his name is based in Geneva. He is a citizen of the community of Chêne-Bougeries in the canton of Geneva.
At 14, Delon left school, and worked for a brief time at his stepfather's butcher shop. He enlisted in the French Navy three years later, and in 1953-54 he served as a fusilier marin in the First Indochina War. Delon has said that out of his four years of military service he spent 11 months in prison for being "undisciplined". In 1956, after being dishonorably discharged from the military, he returned to France. He had little money, and got by on whatever employment he could find. He spent time working as a waiter, a porter, a secretary and a sales clerk. During this time he became friends with the actress Brigitte Auber, and joined her on a trip to the Cannes Film Festival, where his film career would begin.
At Cannes, Delon was seen by a talent scout for David O. Selznick. After a screen test Selznick offered him a contract, provided he learn English. Delon returned to Paris to study the language, but when he met French director Yves Allégret, he was convinced that he should stay in France to begin his career. Selznick allowed Delon to cancel his contract, and Allégret gave him his debut in the film Quand la Femme s'en Mêle (When the Woman Butts In). Delon then appeared in the film Faibles Femmes (Weak Women/Three Murderesses). This was also the very first of his films to be seen in America, where it became a huge success.
In 1960, Delon appeared in René Clément's Purple Noon, which was based on the Patricia Highsmith novel The Talented Mr. Ripley. He played protagonist Tom Ripley to critical acclaim; Highsmith herself was also a fan of his portrayal. He then appeared in Luchino Visconti's Rocco and His Brothers. Critic Bosley Crowther of the New York Times said Delon's work was "touchingly pliant and expressive."
He rose quickly to stardom, and by the age of 23 was already being compared with French actors such as Gérard Philipe and Jean Marais, as well as American actor James Dean. He was even called the male Brigitte Bardot. Over the course of his career, Delon has worked with many well-known directors, including Luchino Visconti, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Melville, Michelangelo Antonioni and Louis Malle.
He continued to make successful films through the 60s and 70s. Then followed a string of box office failures in the late 1980s and 1990s. One notable film during this time was Jean-Luc Godard's Nouvelle Vague in 1990, in which Delon played twins. Delon's last major role was in Patrice Leconte's Une chance sur deux in 1998, another box office disappointment.
On 20 March 1959, Delon was engaged to actress Romy Schneider, whom he met when they co-starred in the film Christine (1958). During their relationship, he had an affair with German actress, singer and model Nico. On 11 August 1962, Nico gave birth to a son, Christian Aaron "Ari", fathered by Delon. The child was raised mostly by Delon's parents.
In December 1963, Schneider and Delon decided to break the engagement. On 13 August 1964, Delon married Nathalie Barthélemy. Their son, Anthony Delon, was born in September. The couple divorced on 14 February 1969.
In 1969, Delon and his wife found themselves at the center of a massive scandal when their bodyguard was found shot to death, his body left in a garbage dump. The subsequent investigation into his killing threatened to implicate many of France's most prominent celebrities and politicians in a sordid web of murder, drugs, and sex. Many predicted the demise of Delon's career, but he spun the tabloid headlines to his favor. In the eyes of many filmgoers, his myriad portrayals of gangsters, killers, and sexual deviants suddenly took on new reality in light of the similar exploits he experienced in his offscreen life.
A notorious television interview in which he admitted to past homosexual liaisons – as well as many other seamy adventures – tantalized audiences even more.
Delon announced his decision to give up acting in 1997, although he still occasionally accepts roles. Since the formation of a perfume label in his name, Delon has had a variety of products sold under his name including wristwatches, clothing, eyewear, stationery and cigarettes.
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1982 – Samuel Falson, better known by his stage name Sam Sparro, is an Australian singer, songwriter and record producer. He was signed to the British record label Island Records. Sparro is best known for his 2008 single "Black and Gold".
Sam Sparro was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. Sparro's father, Chris Falson is a gospel minister and recording artist of Maltese descent who has written music for Star Trek and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Sparro's mother, Karyn Falson (née Frankland) is from Australia. His brother plays guitar professionally while his mother plays organ at a Baptist church.
The family relocated to Los Angeles when Sparro was ten years old. His father had signed a deal there and was recording a soul album, he took Sparro to a church in Tujunga to hear some of the genre's singers. Fellow church goers, were the McCrary family. Chaka Khan became one of his early admirers after hearing Sparro's singing through knowing the McCrarys.
His first role as a child actor was in a McDonald's commercial. His stage name was derived from a family nickname, which in turn was inspired by the Sydney radio announcer Gary O'Callaghan's on-air character "Sammy Sparrow".
Sparro left Los Angeles and returned to Sydney, where he lived with his grandparents and worked for a public relations company, before travelling to the UK, immersing himself in the music scene in London. He returned to Los Angeles in 2002, where he took a job in a coffee shop. It was during this time that he wrote his single, "Black and Gold" with his producer, Jesse Rogg.
When growing up, Sparro regularly performed backing vocals at his father's concerts and on his music releases. He states "I'm a spiritual person, but … not into any religion. I was always kind of a non-denominational Christian" and "a bit of a gypsy".
Sparro is openly gay. He did an interview for Attitude magazine and was featured on the front cover. Sparro married his boyfriend DJ Zion Lennox in a private ceremony in California on 21 September 2018.
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1995 – Representatives of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays approached television stations in four US cities to buy advertising time for two ads, one on the prevention of suicide among gay and lesbian youth and one about gay bashing. All stations refused to air the suicide ad, and only two cable stations and one network affiliate station would air the gay-bashing ad. They were told the ads offended community standards.
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1995 – In Zimbabwe, Tribal Chief Norbert Makoni addressed Parliament, saying gays and lesbians should be sentenced to whipping.
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2003 – The first gay character comes out on Degrassi: The Next Generation. Marco, played by Adamo Ruggiero, comes out in the two-part episode titled "Pride."
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maybeevilsdays · 3 months
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Dafina Hoxha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dafina Bora Hoxha (born 17 March 2000)[1] is an albanian actress. She gained international fame portraying Kierra Boothman in The Daughter from across the sea from 2015 until 2018.
Dafina Hoxha speaks fluently four languages including: albanian; English; Japanese and Italian. She also know some Korean and Spanish. Is also said she started self teaching herself Turkish.
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Early Life
Dafina Bora Hoxha was born on 17 March 2000 in Tirana, Albania,[2] to Aida Hoxha and Ardit Hoxha. Her dad is from Tirana and her mother from Duress.
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Pyramid of Tirana, Albania
Hoxha was raised in Tirana in her early years, and later moved to Glasgow. She began boarding at Hyndland Primary School at age six, moving to Caldercuilt Primary School at age eight.
Dafina started acting at age six after her first school staged a show for the end of the year.
Early work (2006-2014)
While still getting background roles, Hoxha began appearing on the big screen thanks to Mike Navelle[3] rom-com movie Cupid’s Little Helpers (2006) for Scotland BBC.
She appeared in one episode of Doctor Who[3] “Whispers in the Sanctuary”[4] (2007); she was a guest star in a couple of episode of Game of Thrones[5] (2011-2014).
In 2013 Hoxha appeared in Only Lovers Left Alive[5] in a guest role. But it was in 2014 and early 2015 that she started getting some popularity thanks to KidUlt[6] (2014) and Hello, Hi-tech[7] (2015)
Breakthrough and worldwide recognition (2015-2018)
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Dafina Hoxha on the set of The daughter from across the sea
Hoxha is well-known for his portrayal of Kierra in the 2015 TvShow The daughter from across the sea. She was invited to audition by Lei Hoire the show’s director, after he had heard nice words about her. Hoxha said about Hoire “He changed my personal life and my career. At first the Korean team didn’t want me because of my basic knowledge of the language but he managed to change their minds.” [8] Dafina Hoxha was given eight weeks to improve her korean, so she started as soon as she left the audition venue to study the language. It took her only six weeks to get on a good enough level for the production team but never told them until she brought it up during an interview. Empire magazine ranked Hoxha’s portrayal of Kirra as the 20th Greatest Show Character of All Time.[9]
While in Japan she started putting together a couple of ideas which ended being the plot for A love so fragile[10] and She is called Mythology,[11] two of her most famous screenplays.
In Japan Hoxha had her debut as a magazine model, posing for Cosmopolitan[12], BAZAAR[13], GQ Japan[14], Dazed[15] and Vogue japan.[16]
She got overnight recognition in Japan being the first western celebrity with an Asian fanbase bigger than her western one.
Her fanbase in 2016 was composed by the 10% of Japanese and Korean celebrities, BTS[17] and Bigbang[18] are part of that percentage that knows and supports her.
Varied roles and further success (2019-present)
After coming back from Japan, Hoxha started working more behind the scenes as a screenwriter.
Her first project A love so fragile aired the 14th February 2019 and was praised by the critic, making Hoxha the youngest successful screenwriter in Hollywood.
Between 2019 and the end of March 2020 she kept a low profile as an actress and kept on working on writing from the big and small screen, creating a tv show called She is Mythology based on greek, Roman, Norse Egyptian mythology and more. The pilot, Freya’s Day, Cats’ day[19], was very successful. The critic said “Serafina Hoxha is a young mind, taking risks and bringing integrity on screen” as she pushed the casting directors to cast albanian actors for the show. She is called Mythology casted 20 albanian actors both in leading and supportive role.
2021 and 2022 were the years she went back into acting working on two movies, that expanded her western fanbase, Ephemeral Echoes[20]and Whispers in the Shadow[21]
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Dafina Hoxha on the set of Ephemeral Echoes
In 2021, while in Australia, Dafina Hoxha, met Chris Hemsworth. The two bonded over their appreciation for sharks. Hoxha was able to follow Hemsworth around during the shootings of Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth.[22]
The 3rd January 2022 another one of her screenplays, Killer Nights, was aired and got nominated for 2023 BAFTA’s Original Screenplay[23] which she won.
Upcoming projects
Late 2023 Hoxha announced she was going to host the 2024 Oscars Awards.
In October 2019 it was announced that she is will be starring in Disney+ limited series Unrequited friends.[24]
In May 2022, it was announced that she is set to star in Netflix remake of Only Lovers Left Alive.[25]
Personal life
Hoxha resides in Los Angeles as of 2021
She is a huge Canucks[26] fan and was spotted a couple of times at some games of the team, mostly in America until 2023. Between 2023 and 2024 she started attending their home games as well.
She dated Hailee Steinfeld between 2018-2020
She was rumored to have dated Dove Cameron.
Halfway through the hockey season of 2023 some rumors started going around about a relationship with hockey player Quinn Hughes. Hoxha and Hughes got photographed a lot while together.
Charity work
She has supported several charities, including Shatterproof, Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), The California Wolf Center, The Shark Research Institute, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, National Indian Child Care Association,  Indigenous Roots, Polished Man Campaign.[27][28][29[30][31][32][33][36][37]
Acting credits and awards
Main articles: List of Dafina Hoxha performances and awards and nominations
According to Rotten Tomatoes and Box Office Mojo, Hoxha's most critically acclaimed and commercially successful films and shows are Cupid's Little Helpers (2007), Game of Thrones (2011-2014), The Daughter from across the sea (2015-2018) and Hello, Hi-Tech (2015)
Hoxha has received a Golden Globe Award and an Oscar Award among other accolades.
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foxydivaxx · 1 year
Fate Actor AU
I am literally on a roll with these xD. Like these ideas keep popping up every time.
- This show was also produced and directed by Jonathan Joestar. Yeah Jonathan is the King of anime shows xD.
- This show has the most culturally diverse cast
- Gilgamesh is actually Turkish, well part Turkish part Iranian. He was born and raised in Istanbul and he and Eren Jaeger were best friends and neighbours since childhood
- They both promised each other that no matter what they would both make it in the entertainment industry and be successful and famous. Their wish came true years later and the two of them always talk about it in interviews
- Altoria is actually British like her character, Iskandar is from Greece, Lancelot is American, Hercules is actually South American, Medusa is from France, Emiya is Japanese but was raised in Italy, Cu is from Denmark, Diarmuid is also Dannish, Gilles is from France, The Hassans are all from Saudi Arabia, Medea is from Greece. Enkidu is Turkish as well
- Everyone speaks their national language at times and they kind of understand each other
- Everyone agrees that Kirei is the worst cook whilst Emiya is the best
- Gilgamesh is different from his character in the sense that he is an actual chill dude though he can be tsundere xD
- He got tummy aches from the laughs
- Speaking of the laughs, he did several takes because he just could not stop laughing and that is because Altoria always says something to make him laugh
- He respects Altoria a lot and is protective of her much to everyone’s amusement
- Altoria likes Gilgamesh and teases him a lot
- The gang always swap stories about their upbringing and whatnot
- Everyone is protective of the younger Masters like Ritsuka, Tine and Hakuno
- Kirei and Gilgamesh often play chess on set and often ask Tokiomi to hang with them
- Rin is Tokiomi’s real life daughter plus she plays both Ishtar and Ereshkigal plus herself
- Her bickering with Gilgamesh when in Ishtar mode makes everyone laugh
- Sakura plays a handful of characters as well as Shirou
- There was a character so many Turks requested for for years to be added to Fate Grand Order- Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror
- Jonathan always wanted to add this character but could not think of someone to play this character until Gilgamesh suggested one name: Eren Jaeger
- Jonathan was skeptical at first till he saw Eren did a reading for him. Plus seeing Eren in full costume complete with the signature turban and giving off some Gilgamesh-esque vibes helped
- Eren loved playing his character and thanked Gilgamesh for helping him land the role
- The segments involving the Sultan and Gilgamesh were considered hilarious as the dynamic between those two is similar to the one Gilgamesh has with Ozymandias and Iskandar. Only difference is that these two always bicker xD.
- Eren’s signature Mehmed laugh is similar to Gilgamesh’s laugh and he too got tummy aches from excessive laughter xD
- Ozy is a proud Egyptian and gave the casta t our of Egypt alongside the Egyptian servants
-Nitocris always gets nervous whenever she shoots a scene
- Cleopatra once got severe burns on set thanks to some skincare product she bought and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment
- Caesar eats a lot and Cleo worries about his health
- Speaking of Ozymandias and Iskandar, the both of them plus Arthur, Eren and Gilgamesh hang out off-set and often get into prank wars on set with Jeanne Alter, Altoria, Ushiwakamaru, Rin and Sakura
-Jeanne and Jeanne Alter are twins
- Nursery Rhyme and Jack the Ripper always play outside with the other kids from other sets
- Gilgamesh wishes to settle down soon. Altoria always nags him to go get a girlfriend and she and Enkidu have tried setting up blind dates for him. Truth is Gilgamesh is in love with someone and it is not Enkidu or Altoria or even Ozymandias as many suspect. People suspect Eren because one story about them getting it on onset. Both have neither denied nor confirmed it.
- Hercules is such a gentle giant and everyone loves and cares for him, plus he talks normally
- All the Roman servants often annoy the Turks on set who chase after them every time
- Nero always gives everyone chocolate every single Valentine’s Day
- Elizabeth is an actual good singer and was confused as to how to sing badly for her character
- Camille and the vampiric servants drink wine a lot and often invite Dio over for a chat
- The Jojo set is close to the Fate set so the Jojo cast often visits
- The younger servants love playing hide and seek on set and also tag. The young Jojo kids join in the fun.
- One of the highlights every evening is that everyone from the Jojo, Fate and other related sets come out and sit by a bonfire and start talking about life. The older folks give the younger ones advice.
- Snowball fights ahoy
- Everyone calls Jonathan either Jojo or dad
- There was a lot of fight and stunt training for the entire cast, something they all enjoyed
- Gilgamesh likes the whole concept of the show which was why he agreed to it in the first place
- Medea always forgets her lines
- Illya likes messing with Hercules’s hair
- Everyone plays the different versions of themselves
- Ashiya Douman is the resident troll on set
- Gilgamesh did not like the armour at first due to how bulky it was but he soon got used to it and ended up liking it
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mytalemyworld · 2 years
Some Cultural Context Lost in Translation - Part III
When the writers love making old Turkish movie references via Doruk...
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(From Episode 44)
"It must be a cat."
This line is from an old Turkish movie called "Aslan Bacanak" (1977) In the movie the male lead was afraid of the female lead's brother hence he always met the female lead secretly by walking on the rooftops of the houses without being seen but ended up creating a little bit ruckus for the residents. 
In time this line became very popular. For example if there is a noise and a person is worried about where that noise comes from (like it may be a burglar, your house may be crashing down etc) the other person who hides something and knows very well the source of the noise, can use this as a famous lie.
So Nebahat was about to look at outside of the house because she saw a shadow and thought it might be a cat but Doruk immediately said "yeah it must be a cat." to prevent her from going outside.
So that's why it suited perfectly. Because Asiye was shy about his mother in that situation.
However this line gained one more subtle daring meaning after Aşk-ı Memnu 2008 Tv Adaptation. 
While Behlül and Bihter were making love in the greenhouse they heard a noise from outside. They stopped immediately, got panicked. Behlül tried to reassure Bihter by saying "it might be a cat."
And "the cat" became a symbol for the both representations: "innocent love" or "sexual intimacy". 
Since Doruk is a 2000s child, I am not sure what he thought when he got caught and said this line. *whistling*
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(From Episode 44)
Kaan: "Professor, I can be the first one, if you want." Doruk: "Go on, little brother-in-law. Show yourself."
Little brother-in-law.
"Don't hold the little-brother-in-law back" is the actual line from an old Turkish movie called "Tosun Paşa" (1976) but in time people started using "little brother-in-law" part separetely.
Usually it refers to a person who tries to do some business that is beyond their capacity. So basically Doruk was referring Kaan's meddling in everything. It was the perfect situation for him to sass since this was their "my so-called brother who always betrays me" era and Kaan was everywhere where he shouldn't be in the very first place.
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(From Episode 36)
"This is our house with the pink shutters."
This is not a line but more like a symbol for the happy ending for the lovers. So in the most of old school Turkish movies lovers portrayed impossible love. I mean, cliche but pefrect formula. Rich woman & Poor man or vice versa, Sick Woman & Healthy Man or vice versa...These lovers had always dreams and these dreams mostly contained a house "with the pink shutters".
So Doruk, such a hopeless romantic, and as an old-school love representative in the viewers' eyes, painted a house like that and playfully said what it was when Asiye asked what he painted. Because to him, they will have their happy ending.
Old school isn't a bad thing, imo. When some things are done right, they turn into meaningful assets for the sake of story. You can choose these motifs for Asiye and Doruk because this is their main problem. Will they have a happy ending or not? Their theme is not about whether they will stop loving each other or not. Because I think we all know this is not even questionable anymore.
By the way when I started writing this post, I couldn't help but think that these actors could play period drama characters one day. Since Turkish drama industry broke the taboo that the partners wouldn't act together again, there is a probability that we can see that Onur & Yazgı will be co-stars again. That would be interesting.
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medusa1597 · 2 years
ok making an official guide to juzo itami's filmography <3
with itami, you will get beautiful humanist movies about the beauty of love and life and human connections but done in a format that is typically associated with made for TV movies with like silliness, and most of the time a lot of tackiness. also a lot of sex or sexual undertones (he was mentored by nagisa oshima) + political commentary (on people from the government, yakuzas and so on) but still in that weirdly elevated lifetime movie style (which works so well obviously). so like overall serious subjects but dealt with the codes of popular entertainment (cop movies, westerns, comedies and even erotic films kinda). also one thing to note is his amazing sense of visuals, you can count on him to always have amazing and very fun costumes and interiors. ok starting the guide now 😁😁😁😁💋💋💋💋💋
1 - the funeral (1984)
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movie about funerals and grief and fucking raw in the forest. actually the best depiction of funerals ive ever seen as in a very solemn moment cohabiting with the most simple and stupid daily events of life in a very touching way. starring his wife nobuko miyamoto and tsutomu yamazaki, another one of his main actor
2 - tampopo (1985)
gorgeous gorgeous movie about food and love and how both of these notions intertwine. probably his most famous movie, not my favorite but still an amazing film. starring the same girlies from the funeral because itami is going to work with the same actors for all of his life !
3 - a taxing woman (1987)
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a movie about tax evasion with nobuko starring as a tax investigator!!!!!! one of these itami movie where the line is kind of blurred and it really is a fun little cop movie but still insanely fresh and charming. again nobuko miyamoto and tsutomu yamazaki being great as a duo + amazing cigarette acting and fendi glasses
4 - a taxing woman 2 (1988)
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not as good and emotional as the first one but still fun. can't really remember honestly but the entire movie is about a religious cult and the amoral antics of their leader which is kind of a daring thing to do. nobuko gets a little twink advisor working under her and itami's third main darling masahiko tsugawa gets a bigger role
5 - tales of golden geisha (1990)
so bad 😭 do not waste your time. gay scandals at the bank, nobuko girlbossing it up with a buddhist bishop and a geriatric gouvernement official with an eye-patch. very big turkish soap energy not in a good way
6 - minbo : the gentle art of japanese extortion (1992)
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another movie about scamming and plotting, this time starring yakuzas!!!!!!!! this movie got him killed and it's not even good BUT we get introduced to sexy sexy takehiro murata and nobuko gets to slay in her 80s yuppie looks
7 - a quiet life (1995)
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kind of a departure for itami because this movie is about two siblings in the countryside figuring out life on their own while the adults around them struggle to do the same. sometimes very sweet, sometimes very clumsy. nobuko miyamoto has a small part and stuns very hard. overall a weird humanist movie with its itami true crime podcaster moments
8 - supermarket woman (1996)
very cute film about hope and standing up together as a community, very sweet comedy where we get to see nobuko miyamoto shining for the 1000th time with her little bowl cut. very good intro to his filmography in my opinion!!! highly recommend this movie and i think it should be shown all around the world because its such a beautiful universal little comedy
9 - woman in witness protection (1997)
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🚨 LEÏLA'S FAVORITE ITAMI MOVIE 🚨 nobuko miyamoto plays an egocentric DIVA separated from reality in what some may call the goldie hawn from first wife club register. amazing performance by nobuko who truly has the best range there is if you take a moment to look back. beautiful and sweet, heartwarming and a bit ironic. if you are into dramatic old women with ugly little dogs and cults, this is for you. a gay classic about a woman running away from death threats made by a man running away from death threats
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tilbageidanmark · 1 year
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Movies I watched (and books I read) this Week #101
First watch: Věra Chytilová’s seminal New Czech Wave Comedy Daisies, done during mid-60′s short window of permissiveness. An irreverent, Richard Lester surrealist romp of two carefree young women who don’t abide by any rules, except their own whims. Senseless mayhem, nihilist slapstick and constant eating, ending with a Mad Hatter Feast of pie fights and destruction. The Soviet Czech government banned the film because it promoted ‘Food waste”. 5/10.
Fellini's Casanova, another of his 1970′s bloated, over-the-top, exaggerated Baroque classics. The story of the always horny, lecherous cocksman, whose life avocation was to fuck anything female, be it young, old, hunchbacks, ugly, fat, thin, even mechanical dolls. Traveling all over Europe with his sexually-stimulated mechanical bird and ridiculous girdle in pursuit of female benefactors, but who longed to be considered a serious intellectual, and not just a famous womanizer. The infamous Chesty Morgan was cast in the film, but her scenes were deleted from the final cut. 2nd re-watch after 40 years. (Photo Above). 3/10. 
A blind viewing of an erotic Japanese New Wave film I never heard of, This Transient Life, part of the unique director Akio Jissoji’s ‘Buddhist Trilogy’. Jissoji apparently was known for his distinctive visual style which he used in horror films, children television and Sadomasochistic adult movies.
This beautiful but controversial 1970 story deals with Buddhist thought, family roles, religious art, obsession - and incest. It tells of an amoral young nihilist who fathers a child with his sister, even as he flirts with moral and philosophical values. Gorgeous black & white photography, constant camera movement - and social transgressiveness. It also touches on impotence, voyeurism, threesomes, suicide and murder. It ends with a climatic philosophical “duel” between a Buddhist monk and the ‘hero’, and a surrealistic dream scene involving a giant stone carp.
What a complex, strange experience - The surprising find of the week!
2 different foreign TV series:
🍿 The gift is a supernatural/fantasy Turkish TV series from 2019. I was under the influence when I saw the trailer for it (it felt longer), and also later when I watched the first episode. So I thought that this was one of the most visually-stunning productions I’ve seen in a long time, with superb stagecraft, surprising imagination, sophistication and modern uniqueness (quotes from my notes), original like ‘Close encounters of the third kind’. But as I watched the rest of season One, I realized that it was just an ordinary TV mystery of the Netflix kind. With lovely actress Beren Saat.
Kids, don’t do drugs. 2/10 
🍿 Marseille, a French TV series about power, corruption and revenge in a mayoral succession struggle. Starring Gérard Depardieu (”The second highest grossing actor in the history of French Cinema behind Louis de Funès”, but also alleged-rapist).
I was attracted to it because of the mysterious Egyptian ear worm cover Ya Sidi, to which I listened dozens of times in this past week. However, of the series itself, I only watched the first episode.
See how they run, another Agatha Christie adjacent murder mystery, a pleasant new comedy starring the always-lovely Saoirse Ronan (as well as Harris Dickinson who I saw just last week in ‘Triangle of sadness’). A meta-classic British whodunnit playing around the 100th performance of ‘The Mousetrap’ in 1953. 7/10     
My 3rd and 4th films by Ira Sachs (both with Greg Kinnear):
🍿 I was compelled to re-visit his low-key Frankie, the story of famous actress Isabelle Huppert who invited her family to a last Portuguese vacation, before she succumbs to cancer. It was my ‘Best film of the week’ about 5 months ago, but I now read it received mixed reviews upon its 2019 premiere. I can somehow see why: It’s a slow and melancholic art film, and the dynamics between the diverse characters are not very deeply explored. Still, the Sintra locations are magnificent and the final scene at the mountain top is transcendent.
🍿 Little Men is a quiet, humane drama about friendship of two 13-year-old boys in Brooklyn. It is now my favorite of his films. The boy who played the role of Tony, 14-year-old Michael Barbieri, was tremendous.
The new She said retells how the two female New York Times investigating reporters exposed Harvey Weinstein’s decade-long sexual abuse, thus launching the #metoo movement around the world. I wanted to like it very much, but like most ‘Based on a recent true story’ it started badly and only slightly improved. I hate the trumps, the Weinsteins and the Epsteins of the world with a passion, and I liked the fact that this was a feminist film done with mostly women at the helm, but ‘All the President’s Men’ it was not. Even though it was clearly an attempt to frame it as such.
Orson Welles X 2:
🍿 First watch: The stranger, Welles third feature film (after ‘Citizen Kane’ and ‘The Magnificent Ambersons’). He directed this Noir thriller to prove that he could make commercially viable films, and it did become his biggest box office success. It's a story about a Nazi refugee who hides in a small Connecticut town, and it was the first commercial film to use documentary footage from the Nazi concentration camps. Disappointingly mediocre. 3/10.
🍿“... How do you do, ladies and gentlemen? This is Orson Welles. I am speaking for the Mercury Theatre, and what follows is supposed to advertise our first motion picture..”
The Citizen Kane trailer, a four-minute, self-contained, "making of" promotional featurette, released in 1940 to promote his first film. Unlike other standard theatrical trailers of the era, it did not feature any footage of the actual film itself, but was a wholly original pseudo-documentary piece. It is considered to be a standalone short film, rather than a conventional "trailer".
Sr., a loving documentary by Robert Downey Jr. about his father, underground filmmaker, Robert Downey Sr. Filmed in the last 3 years of his life, so more than a family portrait and meditation about life, death and art, it’s also a tribute to saying goodbye. 5/10.
A short: A lock of Walt Whitman’s hair, Jack Kerouac’s boots, and Virginia Woolf’s cane are just a few of the items of literary paraphernalia available at The New York Public Library’s Collection of Weird Objects.
Central Park, my first book by French best-seller author Guillaume Musso, a thriller about a French policewoman who wakes up in NYC from a coma, handcuffed to a jazz musician she never met with the whole world after them. Poorly-written and empty-calories, it’s obvious that it was written to be optioned as a movie. I picked it up at a ‘Free Library’ stall at the University Train Station in Tel-Aviv, and read it in a quick tortured go on the plane back. 1/10.
(My complete movie list is here)
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steade1011 · 2 years
Snatch (2000) Film Review
If you are wanting absurdity, gangsters and ludicrous miss haps, filled with cockney-rhyming-slang sarcasm and undistinguishable Irish accents, then this is the film for you! After Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998), Guy Richies' first film which inspired the events in Snatch (2000) splashed across our screens, it was inevitable for me to watch this as Lock Stock was hilarious and a delight to watch. By already asking around if my friends and family knew the film, it was always followed by heads being thrown back with signs of “Suchhhhh a classic- you have to watch it!” Therefore I had to give it a watch. 
Snatch is set in London's criminal underworld, where the film consists of two overlapping plots: one is a quest for a valuable stolen diamond ending up in some unlikely places, whereas the other is when a small-time boxing promoter (Jason Statham) finds himself unwillingly wrapped around the pinkie of a ruthless gangster (Alan Ford), bending to his every command including inflicting sadistic violence. Albeit graphic and savage, the film is also witty and high-tempo, as the audience you are unable to tear your eyes away from the screen. As this film is directed by distinguished director Guy Richie, Snatch has a star-studded cast, (even though lots of them at the time weren’t at the height of their fame.) Irish traveler ‘One Punch Mickey’ O’neil is played by Brad Pitt, Russian arms dealer ‘The Blade’ is Rade Serbedzija, professional thief and gambling addict Franky ‘Four Fingers’ is Benicio del Toro, bounty hunter ‘Bullet-Tooth Tony’ is Vinnie Jones, ‘Turkish’ as Jason Statham and ‘Tommy’ as Stephen Graham. The filming is categorised by a kinetic direction and editing style, full of ironic twists and turns. Guy Richie also deliberately likes using many of the same actors in most of his films, such as Vinnie Jones, Jason Statthan, Jason Fleming and Alan Ford. 
The first parts of filming Snatch began in October of 1999, mainly in London (for many of the gangster shots) and Buckinghamshire (to film the Irish traveler's scenes.) The film was also relatively successful in both critical response as well as financial gross: Richie made the film from a budget of $10 million, where it grossed £12,137,698 in the UK, $30.3 million in the United States and Canada, (possibly from the innocuous fascination Americans have with the British and their slang,) giving a total of $83.6 million worldwide. I feel the main success of the film overall was it gained a cult following. This may have been down to the priceless one-line zingers from Guy Richies' extraordinary scriptwriting abilities, e.g. ‘You want the caravan? You’ll get the dog’ and ‘That’s Tommy. He tells people he was named after a gun. But I know he was really named after a famous 19th-century ballet dancer.’ (Kinda have to watch it to understand...) I also feel the soundtrack played a huge part in the movie's accomplishments. Songs such as ‘Diamond’ by Klint and ‘Cross The Tracks’ by Maceo and The Macks feature in the film, gaining so much traction that they eventually released not one, but two CD’S in 2001 called ‘Snatch: Stealin’ Stones and Breakin’ Bones.’ 
My two personal favourite scenes from the film are when Micky punches a fighter out cold in a bare-knuckle fight to when he hits the ground and suddenly is filmed in slow motion with ‘Golden Brown’ by The Stranglers echoing. The other is when Micky’s caravan is set alight with someone incredibly dear to him still inside, where once again it cuts to Micky being held back by his friends in slow motion while ‘Teardrop’ by Massive Attack plays. When I saw these two scenes for the first time, they genuinely gave me goosebumps because it was so stylishly done yet still nail-biting and intense, they just portrayed how exceptional Guy Richie is as a writer and director. Moreover, the camera effects in this film are fantastic; Richie uses a plethora of polished effects such as slow-mo, stills, black and white as well as colour, all highly effective in disorientating and thrilling the audience. Eventhough most filmmakers may use these techniques, Richie has a unique and fearlessly individual way of doing these things.  
Overall, Snatch is unquestionably a cult classic. It pulls back the veil into the criminal underworld of London in an almost incongruous light we usually see London in. Filmed intelligently and purposefully, it is very hard not to enjoy this film, so kick back, relax, and thank God you aren’t in Turkish’s shoes…
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abyrondeans · 8 days
More KO Tests
My mother when I was maybe 11 told me at about 14 when I was old enough to carry a heavy backpack, we'd do a trip to Turkey. (I should note, I left with a backpack properly full of food after passing through Turkey for a little over two weeks, even if I couldn't cook it, due largely to the generosity of people there; that said, I was abruptly approached by the police just after receiving a thousand Turkish lira in cash from a seemingly kindly man which hardly seems like a coincidence and I strongly suspect connects to the "beggar's tomb" theme in my music video demo. He wanted me to wear underwear when I've been in a kilt the whole time, which is a dead giveaway he was connected to a system of donations and therefore not acting independently). I have to say, the national parks and other wilderness areas in Turkey were truly extraordinary, with beautiful mountains and woods, and I felt I did some great thinking there. We didn't get the trip in when I was 14 which I think is typical of my parents, whom I've completely cut off. They often have a scatterbrained idea about everything.
I've still been wondering about the feeling of maybe being a king I mention in the video. One possibility is in a past life I tortured a lot of treason suspects as a king, and this is just a punishment leading me to receive that karma.
Anyway, one of the potentially kingly insights I had deep in the Turkish forests was when I imagined touring the world, doing presentations to people who check people into flights, and explaining how we arrived at the exact policies to protect them from burnout on the job. The reader will have to bear with me, but I connect it to a story my mother told me about how a soldier noticed Asian soldiers blown to pieces in combat had no atherosclerosis, while American soldiers did. So here's how I connect it.
So, I imagined showing up for the presentation, and telling my story of my life, which Tony Robbins does often. I would include Jeff Harris and Jacob's website with the "Keeping it real" motto Eric Johnson and I couldn't think of anything better than, and how actor Ben Foster told me a story about Jacob eating teacher Mr. Flesner's fern. Then, like Henry Ford, where in his famous trial where he argued successfully he was not ignorant, I'd bring in a team of experts to help explain the policies for checking people into flights. The idea is everyone could be forced into a completely rigid form of behaviour, like a human robot, as one extreme, or there could be an "anything goes" policy for verbal and physical abuse on the other. So finding the sweet spot is the key, and we'd use a team of experts to narrow in on it. So as the king I'd answer some of the questions, and call on the perhaps 8 experts for the ones I didn't know. So there's a natural balance of rules and freedoms we'd be trying to hit the sweet spot of with experts in general.
And that I think connects to the different races and their different levels of intelligence. The more intelligent races would naturally have more rules in the above equation. The Asians with slanted eyes are one of the most intelligent races, so that might explain why they didn't have atherosclerosis and the Americans did, since they could naturally absorb more rules, and there are a complex set of dietary rules to prevent atherosclerosis that might be too much for the white Americans. But my theory is the Asians with slanted eyes, being savages, took their perfectionism to an extreme, so it's not just atherosclerosis they wiped out. Then, being savages, they developed a deep sense of superiority, and sat on it for as long as possible. If they hadn't been savages they wouldn't have been so easily deluded into essentially a form of "loserdom".
I was imagining Africans and Latin Americans who have had their lives and economies overrun by the Asians recently, would do the justice in Asia, to teach them not to be savages and to respect as part of that the less intelligent races. That seems like a really good way to teach the lesson and there are some other ideas I have for that.
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onlyalperend · 2 months
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#AlperenDuymaz`ın başrolünde olduğu #AşkınPusulası dizisinin yapımcısı Alım Yapım`ın kurucusu Kadir Doğulu`nun , #Uruguay`daki #PuntaShow2024`de dizi hakkında söyledikleri.
What the producer of #AşkınPusulası , starring #AlperenDuymaz said about the series. #TraceofLove
Bu proje bir ask ve intikam hikayesi. Gordugunuz oyuncular Turkiye`nin en unlu ve en meshur starlari.Yaklasik 100 bolum olarak tasarladik ve 15nci bolumu su an cektik. Dizinin yayin kurulusu Gain Platformu oldu,yakinda orada bolumleri yayinlanmaya baslayacagiz.Burada , yani Guney Amerika cografyasinda da bu isimizi yayinlayabilecegimiz bir yayinci kurulus ariyoruz.Birbirimizi tanimak icin iyi bir firsat olarak goruyorum bu projeyi. O yuzden hem bazi yatirimlar yapiyoruz hem bazi yayin tv kuruluslari ariyoruz. Bir ask ucgenini anlatiyor, aslinda iyi bir ask hikayesi ve projenin onemi, olayin bir intikam hissiyle baslamasidir.Turk piyasasi dunyaya icerik uretmek icin cok disiplinli ve vizyonla calisiyor.Askin Pusulasi bu butunun bir parcasi.Hem dunya pazarina hem Turkiye pazarina bu tarz projelerle katki saglayabildigim icin gurur duyuyorum.
This project is a story of love and revenge. The actors you see are the most famous and renowned stars of Turkey. We have planned approximately 100 episodes and we have shot the 15th episode now. The publishing company of the series will be Gain Platform, and we will start broadcasting the episodes there soon. We are looking for a publishing company where we can publish our work here, in South America as well. I see this project as a good opportunity to get to know each other. That's why we are making some investments as well as looking for some broadcasting TV companies. The story is about a love triangle, in fact it is a good love story and the importance of the project is that it starts with a feeling of revenge. The Turkish market works with great discipline and vision to produce content for the world. Aşkın Pusulası  is a part of this whole. I am proud to be able to contribute to both the world market and the Turkish market with such projects.
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entertaiment-sites · 6 months
Best Can Yaman Series
Can Yaman is one of the most handsome and famous Turkish actors, who hit due to his dramas. He is one of the most graceful Turkish actors and his dramas are popular worldwide.
Many Can's dramas are famous due to the romantic, tragic, funny, and full of action.
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celebritydecks · 8 months
Theo James
Theo James
Theo James: From Divergent Heartthrob to Hollywood Icon
Theo James is an English actor who is famous for playing Tobias Eaton in The Divergent Series film. He is known for his good looks, his acting talent and his down-to-earth personality. He has a large fan base and he is considered to be one of the most promising young actor in Hollywood.
Introduction: Theo James
Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis (Theo James) was born on 16 December, 1984 in High Wycombe, England.
He is the son of business consultant Philip Taptiklis and Jane (née Martin), a National Health Service employee. He has Scottish and Greek ancestry. Theo James is the fifth kid of a family of five and he is the youngest of four siblings (two brothers and two sisters).
He went on to train at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School after receiving his undergraduate degree in philosophy from the University of Nottingham. He has also experience working in a bar.
He admits to being a fan of Marlon Brando, a Hollywood legend and lists “Apocalypse Now” as one of his all-time favorite movies.
Early Life and Career Beginnings
Theo James’s early life and formative experiences laid the foundation for his success as a Hollywood actor. Theo James immersed himself in a wide range of theatrical works while attending Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. His stage performances gave him the opportunity to explore different personas, refine his art and improve his basic skills.
Theo’s journey from stage to screen was highlighted by his entrance into the world of television. He made his television debut in two episodes of A Passionate Woman in 2010. In the same year, he played Turkish diplomat Kemal Pamuk in an episode of Downton Abbey‘s first season.
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robertgbarefoot · 1 year
kurulus osman season 4
Kurulus Osman is a Turkish historical series that follows the life of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire. The show is based on the book, The History of the Ottoman Empire, written by Osman's great-grandson, Ottoman historian, and author Turgut Ozal. The show has been praised for its accurate depiction of the Ottoman Empire and its culture, as well as its engaging storyline and performances.
Why We Want to See Kurulus Osman?
The show is incredibly entertaining and engaging, and it has become a popular choice for viewers around the world. It's based on a true story, which makes it even more interesting. The show also features some of the most talented actors in Turkey, who bring the characters to life with their performances.
Benefits of Watching Kurulus Osman:
There are many benefits to watching Kurulus Osman, including gaining a better understanding of the Ottoman Empire and its culture. The show also offers viewers an insight into the politics and dynamics of the time, as well as a look into life in the Ottoman Empire. It's also a great way to learn more about the Ottoman Empire's famous sultans, which is an important part of its history.
Kurulus Osman is an incredibly entertaining show that offers viewers an insight into the history and culture of the Ottoman Empire. kurulus Osman season 4 is so much interesting and educational for us. It's a must-watch for anyone who's interested in learning more about the Ottoman Empire and its culture. The show is filled with drama, intrigue, and amazing performances, making it an incredibly enjoyable viewing experience. With the fourth season coming soon, it will be interesting to see where the story takes us next.
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addtuioj · 2 years
Famous Italian Restaurants in Delhi and Mumbai
Food is one of the most important aspects of any trip. And while every city has its own unique culinary offerings, nothing beats a good old Italian meal. Which is why we’ve compiled a list of some of the best italian restaurants near me in Delhi and Mumbai. From taste-test winners to neighbourhood joints, take a look and find your next favourite Italian meal.
La Pizzeria
Indian restaurants in Mumbai and Delhi offer a wide variety of pizzas, pastas and desserts. Whether you're looking for Italian or Indian food, these restaurants have something for everyone.
Mumbai's most famous pizzeria is Gherkin, which was started by the sisters who own billion-dollar fashion brands Zara and Uniqlo. In Delhi, the best pizza can be found at Ananda Bhavan, which is owned by actor Aamir Khan. At both restaurants, you can order thin-crust or thick-crust pizza with different toppings, such as pepperoni, sausage and mushroom.
If you're looking for Indian cuisine, you'll find plenty of options at both these restaurants. At Ananda Bhavan, you can order tandoori chicken or naan bread with your pizza. In Delhi, try the kebabs or murg bhaji (a type of sandwich). Desserts are also popular at these restaurants – try the gulab jamun or rabdi (rice pudding) at Gherkin or samosas or pakoras (fried dough balls) at Ananda Bhavan.
Zaffaroni's is a popular Italian restaurant in Delhi and Mumbai. It has been in business since 1978 and is known for its fresh pasta and pizza. The restaurant has a garden setting with views of the Delhi skyline.
Trattoria della Madonna
Trattoria della Madonna is a popular Italian restaurant in Delhi and Mumbai. The restaurant has a rustic atmosphere with wooden tables and chairs. The menu features Italian dishes such as pasta, pizza, and risotto. The restaurant is known for its pizzas which are made using fresh dough and premium ingredients. The restaurant also offers a variety of wine options to choose from.
When it comes to Italian food, Delhi and Mumbai are two of the most popular destinations in the world. Whether you're a fan of classic dishes like pizza or pasta, or prefer something more daring and exotic, there's a restaurant in either city perfect for you.
In Delhi, some of the most well-known Italian restaurants include Rang Mahal and Benares. Rang Mahal is especially popular for its signature tandoori chicken dishes, while Benares is renowned for its charcoal-grilled meats and fish dishes.
If you're looking for something more modern and sophisticated, head to PizzaExpress in Connaught Place. This chain offers a variety of pizzas made with fresh ingredients, as well as tempting pasta dishes and salads.
Mumbai has its share of great Italian restaurants too. favourites include Il Fornaio and Zizzi, both of which serve up delicious pizza and pasta dishes. Il Fornaio is especially well-known for its wood-fired oven pizzas, while Zizzi is known for its simple but tasty pasta options.
There's no need to travel far to enjoy some delicious Italian food – all you need is a taste for good cuisine!
Lavazza Coffee House
When you're looking for a delicious Italian meal, Lavazza Coffee House is a great option in Delhi and Mumbai. Opened in 1974 in Delhi, Lavazza Coffee House is known for its fresh pasta, pizza and other Italian dishes. In Mumbai, the restaurant has been around since 1958 and offers more than just Italian food. You can also find Turkish food, sushi and international cuisine here. Whether you're hungry for pizza or pasta, Lavazza Coffee House will have something to satisfy your cravings.
India is a country that has a vast variety of cuisines, and it's not hard to find a mexican restaurants near me in Delhi or Mumbai that specializes in some variation of Italian food. Whether you're looking for a quiet night out with your friends or an action-packed weekend outing, there's surely something on this list for you. We hope you enjoy the read and please let us know if you have any questions about any of these restaurants!
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alpirofenz · 2 years
Good News For the Fans of #Fatimah Haroon In Pakistan and Turkey
Fatimah Haroon has not only established her name, but has also made Pakistan proud. She is an incredible role model for girls and women in Pakistan. Pakistan is a patriarchal country in which women are not allowed to pursue their goals. Women like Fatimah show how strong and bright females may use their skills to succeed in life. From a young age, the young photographer understood what she wanted and pursued her love. She evaded the country's gender-biased system and competed against notable male photographers. She defied preconceptions with tenacity and boldness, not caring what others thought. Fatimah Haroon became Pakistan's youngest female photographer when she was 15 years old. She travels the world, representing her nation and showing her abilities wherever she goes. She worked hard to attain her goals and has taken charge of her own life.
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Fatimah has also collaborated on big telefilm and film projects with well-known directors such as Anjum Shahzad. A film featuring Siddharth Malhotra is one of her most recent endeavours. She also visited the Cannes Film Festival, where she collaborated with stars including Aishwarya Rai, Deepika Padukone, and Sonam Kapoor. Now its time to work with Turkish stars.
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Turkish actors have gained popularity in Pakistan, owing mostly to the phenomenal success of the TV series Drilish Ertugrul. PTV then renamed the series Ertugrul Ghazi and published it in Urdu, breaking the record for most internet views in Pakistan by a wide margin. Turgut Alp, performed by Cengiz Coskun, was one of the most famous performances, making him a popular character among the Pakistani public. Our very own Fatimah Haroon aka Fatography has already filmed a stint with Cengiz Coskun over a month ago, so the wait is almost over. Given Fatimah's prior accomplishments, we can be certain that this photograph will be adored by viewers in Pakistan as well as the actor's admirers in Turkey.
For those unfamiliar with Pakistan's photography industry, this will not be Fatimah Haroon's first or last outstanding performance as the country's first female photographer. Ms Haroon has come a long way since starting out at the age of 15 with just her DSLR and a talent for capturing excellent stills, and she has continued to dazzle with a succession of successes and milestones to her name. Fatimah's collaboration with Cengiz Coskun will not be her first with an international celebrity. Returning to the awaited photoshoot, we do not yet know when we will be able to see it.
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Fatimah believes that you can never please everyone; sometimes people don't appreciate your work because they don't perceive it the same way you do; for example, a picture that is lovely to you may be something else to someone else, she adds. Despite this, she appreciates her profession and the difficulties it presents. She admires other artists' work since she has learned a lot from them. Girls in Pakistan should look up to Fatimah Haroon and realise that they, too, can build a name for themselves and pursue their aspirations, just like she did.
Fatimah Haroon built her Fatography company utilising social media technologies, including Facebook and Instagram, which helped her win hundreds of contracts, widen her service, and build her following. You may stay up to date by visiting the Fatography website and following Fatography Official on Instagram. Along with this photograph, Cengiz Coskun's followers are anticipating his next major release, the Malazgirt 1071, which is slated to be released this year.
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