#most of these things are between $230-$900
queenimmadolla · 6 months
what do you consider a reasonable price for an item on a wedding registry??? it’s definitely not $900, right????? because that’s completely absurd of you to expect from your wedding guests, right?!
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ridenwithbiden · 1 year
Hundreds of targets have been hit in Gaza by Israel following the Saturday incursion from Hamas terrorists, the group that controls the Palestinian territory of Gaza. More than 200 targets were struck in Gaza by Israeli forces in just one day, according to authorities.
In Gaza, at least 900 people have died -- among them 260 children and 230 women -- and another 4,500 have been wounded since Saturday, according to the latest numbers from Palestinian officials.
In Israel, at least 900 people have been killed and 2,600 others injured.
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip say they are living in fear as Israel retaliates for the actions of the militant terrorist group, with nowhere for them go.
There are no bomb shelters for Palestinians to hide from airstrikes.
An Israeli airstrike hit nearby the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza on Tuesday for the second time in two days, according to the the interior ministry in Gaza said.
"Gaza is a closed zone. There's nowhere people can evacuate to -- there's no shelters," said Laila El-Haddad, 45, a Palestinian-American living in Maryland whose family is currently in Gaza.
She continued, "The borders are all controlled and shut and the one border bordering Egypt was bombed earlier today. You know, unless they plan to swim out -- but there's a naval blockade -- they really have nowhere to go."
For many, crossing into Israel amid the attacks is not an option.
"Even during normal times, we're not allowed to leave," said Jason Shawa, 55, a Palestinian currently living in Gaza with his wife and two daughters. "Very, very, very few people in Gaza that have permission to leave."
Hundreds of apartments and homes have been destroyed in the Gaza Strip, including refugee camps, leaving more than 123,000 people displaced, according to the United Nations.
More than 73,000 people are sheltering in schools, while hospitals struggle to cope with the numbers of injured.
Shawa lives just miles from the city center where much of the shelling by Israeli forces is occurring. He has taken five other families into his home, which he said is safer than most because his house has a basement to shelter from the airstrikes.
"No one feels safe," said Shawa. "It happens everywhere, anytime. No warnings contrary to what we hear from Israel. My wife and I -- our major concerns are our two daughters ... They're very scared. Very, very scared."
Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that all food, fuel, electricity, and other necessities will be blocked from entering the Gaza Strip.
"Every single thing we eat, or drink or consume in terms of medicines, food or drink is strictly controlled by the Israeli military," said Shawa. "We have no control over that. So, as a result of their stringent control of Gaza, life has become literally unbearable. In Gaza, conditions are beyond horrible, and we have shortages in everything."
The land, sea and air blockade placed by Israel and Egypt restricts who and what is allowed in and out of the Gaza Strip under Hamas' rule, according to the United Nations.
The longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been ongoing, spurred by centuries-old disputes over land ownership in the region.
El-Haddad's childhood home in the city-center neighborhood of Remal was leveled Monday by Israeli-force bombings.
Much of her family still lives in Gaza and she was communicating with them to get first-hand accounts of the conflict in Gaza’s densely populated city center.
"Gaza is truly a pressure cooker and people are pushed into a corner," said El-Haddad. "No human being will be able to tolerate such conditions."
She continued, "When you understand the conditions that Palestinians are enduring, one might be left to ask not why this has happened, but why something like this has not happened sooner? And that is not to justify -- the loss of human life in any way, shape, or form is tragic. That is the question people should be asking: How can any human tolerate such conditions?"
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alisuqseo · 2 years
How To Find The Best Fridge In UAE?
Refrigerators are essential in every home, making up a reliable unit for the preservation of leftovers and fresh foods. However, with so many choices and types available in the market, the choice has become rather challenging. 
That is why, we have put together this brief guide to help you pick the perfect refrigerator for your home. 
What To Look For When Buying A Fridge?
With the rapid inclination towards smart living, home appliances have started integrating cutting-edge technology to serve up to the growing demand for innovation. Finding the best refrigerator in UAE is no more about searching a unit that offers longer service life and low-cost, there are also other factors you must look for while purchasing. Here is a list of things to factor in before you shop for an appliance. 
1.   Capacity:
The capacity a fridge offers is an essential factor that mostly relies on the size of your family and home. Contemporary models now come with larger storage spaces, extending up to 900 liters. 
If you live solo, a mini refrigerator with 50-80 liter capacity may be sufficient. However, as the number of people in the house grows, so does your table, and consequently, your food storage requirements also expand. As a standard rule, a family of 2-3 should have a 150-250 liter unit, a family of 4-5 would require 250-350 liters, whereas a 350-490 liters unit may be suitable for 6-8 family members. 
2.           Cost:
Budgeting is important when purchasing an appliance. But when you’re buying a refrigerator, it is important to factor in long-term investment that manifests itself in the form of operating cost. In order to keep meet your budget, you may have to compromise on certain advanced built-in refrigerator features. 
A standard single door refrigerator in UAE can cost between AED 900-4000, whereas heavy-duty models can extend up to AED 5000 and more. 
3.           Defrost Mechanism:
Automatic defrost mechanism prevents formation of thick ice on the walls of the fridge. Unlike convection units that circulate cool air within the compartment, advanced appliances with self defrosting mechanisms distributes air evenly. This means that there will be no need to defrost your fridge manually every few months. 
4.           Child-Lock
A safer choice for homes with kids and pets, a lot of newer models come with built-in child locks for extended security. The features a key and lock mechanism to ensure better protection against accidents. All you have to do is just lock the door, and open with the key whenever necessary.
Which Refrigerator Type Is The Most Appropriate For Your Home?
Now that the more practical features have been discussed, it is time to settle for a refrigerator type that is most suitable for you. Depending on the space available, you can pick a model that best fits your budget and capacity needs. 
1.   Single Door Refrigerator:
Single door refrigerators are great for apartments and homes housing 1-2 persons. The smaller body easily fits within compact spaces, making a suitable storage unit for smaller homes. 
With a built-in freezer next to a larger fridge compartment, these space-saving appliances are the go-to option for many homes. Although smaller in size, a single-door refrigerator has a reliable capacity of 150-300 liters. 
2.           Double Door Refrigerator:
Double-door refrigerators come in two configurations; one with a top freezer and the other with bottom freezer. These appliances are great for bigger families having extended storage requirements. With a capacity of 230-420 liters, they offer a lot more space than single-door variations. The best part is, most of these appliances come with built-in frost-free system to avoid crystallization.
Although, they are larger in size, and thus, take up more space within home. The robust unit also takes a lot more energy than a smaller fridge, so keep these factors in mind while purchasing. 
3.           French Door Refrigerator:
French door refrigerators are designed as a luxury variant - featuring a pantry-like layout - for a premium vibe. It also has two doors, but there is only one compartment inside. This way, there is more capacity to store, but less space covered. 
The drawers at the bottom slide out to reveal freezer compartment with a defrost mechanism. This option is great for someone who’s willing to invest more on a high-end fridge that delivers excellent performance, as well as reliable aesthetics. 
4.           Undercounter Refrigerators:
Undercounter types, as the name suggests, are compact enough to fit under a kitchen counter. This small refrigerator works as a built-in appliance, frequently found in offices, one-room rental apartments, and guest houses. 
Most of them have a single fridge or freezer compartment, but some models integrate both. Specialized units for wine and beverages are great as a support unit for homes where there is need for extra space other than the main unit.  
5.           Smart Fridge:
Smart appliances are compatible with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, allowing you to control your device operations with your touch phones and other smart devices. These tech-efficient models are integrated with a range of unique features, for example, touch screens, voice recognition, speakers, and more. You can also add special instructions about temperature and storage for specific foods to achieve the best results. 
6.           Side-By-Side Fridges:
Contrary to most refrigerator units, side by side refrigerators offer the same freezer and fridge capacity. It is also a dual-door variation that integrates more advanced features than standard one or two-door refrigerators. 
Side by side variations may be a bit heavy on the pocket, but that is only because of their superior conservation efficiency, advanced features, and wider space. 
How To Identify The Best Fridge Brands In UAE?
Consider the following factors when choosing a specific brand of your fridge. Remember, each brand has it own built-in features and special physical aspects that make it unique. Here are some ways you can choose the best brand for yourself. 
1.   Check Their Warranty:
The warranty period and damage recovery is one of the factors that determine the credibility of a brand. Ideally, the longer the warranty, the better are your chances of getting initial small fixtures done with zero investment. Most brands offer a one-year warranty for parts that are vulnerable to wear and tears. 
2.           Consider Brand Authority:
Brands retain their reputation by consistent delivery of quality products. This means that it is safest to opt for one that owns customer trust, and has positive consumer reveiws. This way, you won’t be compromising on the performance and features of your appliance. 
3.           Identify Primary Features:
There are certain key features of brands that make them stand out. When you’re making a decision, look if they offer practical features like temperature controls, Energy Star certification, and slide-friendly drawers. A little bit of extra research goes a long way. It will make the maintenance and operating cost of your appliance a lot more manageable. 
4.           See If Their Customer Service Is Reliable:
No matter how robust your home appliance or refrigerator is, it relies on regular maintenance to deliver optimal performance.  That is why, it is important to check if the brand you’ve settled for offers a reliable customer service. One way to check this is by talking to their customer representatives for purchasing advice before making a purchase. This will help you determine how speedy and competent their service is. 
Choosing an ideal refrigerator for your home should not be overly taxing. However, it may require some research and consideration. The key is to stick your to your budget and look for physical and technical features that are most practical for you. 
To explore your options, head over to Alisuq. Our refrigerator collection has a wide range of options in single-door, double door, and other fridge variations. Scroll away to find the ideal pick for your specific needs!
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grittyreadsfic · 3 years
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hello my friends, one singular person asked for this weeks ago so i’m here with my most unhinged rec list yet: tk and nolan.
now, this one was hard to reign in, so i really didn’t. this pairing had maybe 230 fics in the tag when i first started reading hockey fic, and it’s now over 900, and i’ve read far too many of them, and that makes it so hard to parse it down. so i just...didn't!
so with that said, please enjoy so you want to get into tknp: a beginners guide to a classic case of idiots to lovers
i told myself that i couldn’t rec an author’s entire body of work but then i remembered this is my blog and i do what i want, so i did some consolidating. here’s a list of the quintessential authors for this pairing, you can start at any of their profiles and pick any of their fics at random, and it’ll be one of the best ones for the pairing, hands down.
therainbowsedge: i’d start with the summer camp fic, or the sex toys one, as both beautifully capture the true idiots to lovers nature of this pairing, but just top tier writing all around
manybumblebees: the wedding fic is so tender and port stanley is a classic, but literally pick any single fic and you’ll have a perfect tknp fic. i’m not kidding
jamesvanriemsdick: their tknp fics in their series are some of the hidden gems of this pairing (the tk heartbeat fic makes me LOSE it) but the delaware fic or the seattle fic…..there’s really something for every mood
catchascatchcan: start with era of gods because i could write literal essays on how it’s some of the best fantasy worldbuilding i’ve ever read, but then just read everything else on their account, including non tknp fics. you won’t regret it
hackysack: ao3 user hackysack has written one of two timeloop fics that i absolutely adore, and i thought about just calling that one out in particular, but all of their work deserves the attention
canary: nothing to prove was the first tknp fic i ever read and i was immediately hooked. all of their fics are a good starting place for the pairing, and just really give you a feeling for the pairing
and now, for the fic recs!
to be, despite it all by smudgedfreckles
summary: or, nolan patrick’s gender thesis, by travis konecny.
why i love it: there’s not a lot ofo nonbinary characters in media, even in fic, but this fic’s treatment of nolan and their path to figuring out their gender just feels so real and made me feel so seen. tk’s characterization is also just top notch, and it’s just a super sweet story about two people who love each other
last ones standing by makeit_takeit
summary: If you’re committed to finding your future spouse, reads the last line of the ad, and are ready to look at yourself and your love life in a whole new way, apply now.
At the bottom of the ad there’s a link, and Travis finds his finger hovering over the screen, lip still caught between his teeth.
“I mean,” he says very reasonably, speaking out loud to his empty apartment like some sort of possibly-crazy person, “just applying doesn’t mean anything. Maybe I just fill it out, and see what happens. It’s not like I’m really gonna get picked to be on TV, come on.”
He snorts out loud, just to show his apartment he hasn’t lost his grip on reality or anything; he fully understands how ludicrous that would be.
Then he clicks the link anyway, because yolo or whatever.
why i love it: what part of a married at first sight fic doesn’t make you want to immediately dive right in? the concept is fun, the execution is absolutely flawless, and it captures their dynamic so well while letting it develop naturally
motivation by connectknee
summary: Kevin knows when to back off, the article said. He knows just when to shut up and leave Patty alone, something Travis has never known how to do.
why i love it: the thing i love about this pairing is that tk is loud and in your face, and nolan’s more reserved, a little quieter, a little harder to read. this fic does a really great job of exploring how tk could feel like maybe he’s just a bit too much and is one of my favorites in terms of miscommunication
a tenderness grows by rusesdeguerre
summary: Nolan wouldn’t say that landing a job as the Philadelphia Flyers’ psychotic and probably clinically insane mascot was a childhood dream of his. Maybe tangentially: playing pond hockey in –30°C weather and pretending to be Sidney Crosby is practically a rite of passage when you grow up in Manitoba. That, and experiencing the distinct displeasure that is thousands of mosquitoes sucking your blood out when your father drags you on a father-son camping trip into the backwoods of the northern Canadian Prairies.
why i love it: this was the first fic i recced on this blog, and i stand by that decision. a fic where nolan is not only not a hockey player, but is in fact the person in the gritty suit? absolutely perfect, and so charming from start to finish
meet me at my window by springsteen
summary: Travis has lived in Philadelphia for a few years now, long enough to know there isn’t a major city in America where superheroes don’t destroy an entire city block trying to save humanity or whatever. He can deal with all the super-shit, but Travis did not sign up for getting woken up from a deep sleep because some fucker’s trying to break in through his window.
(5 times the super-villain known as "The Cat" breaks into Travis's apartment, plus 1 time Travis invites him in.)
why i love it: there’s a lot of things to love here, but the concept is just absolutely one of my all time favorite aus ever. it’s fun and charming and the perfect glimpse into a world where heroes and villains exist, and what it’s like just to be a run of the mill kind of guy existing in it. tk and nolan’s back and forth in this make it so engaging, and it’s such a top tier fic
body’s in trouble by cloudsandpassingevents
summary: “Oh, sorry,” someone says. “Didn’t know anyone else was here.”
Nolan freezes, then turns around very slowly. When he looks up, Nicklas fucking Backstrom is standing behind him in a hoodie and baggy sweats, holding the biggest bag of Swedish Fish Nolan’s ever seen in his life in one hand.
“Uh,” Nolan says around the pop tart between his teeth. “Yeah.”
What the fuck, his brain helpfully supplies.
why i love it: from nolan’s inner voice, to the way the author explores all the dynamics within the team, to the way they write the unexpected but actually, it kind of makes sense friendship between nolan and backstrom, is just absolutely fantastic. there’s a lot of moments that circle back and build on each other in a way that really just makes it super compelling
rhizomatic foundations by lighthousetowers
summary: Twenty days after he moves in with Kevin Hayes, twenty days – three months, five months, depending on how you look at it – after not talking to TK, TK shows up at the front door with a plant the size of a basketball in his hands.
TK grins. "Patty, meet Reginald." He lifts up the plant. "Reggie, meet Patty. He's going to be your new - caretaker."
"What the fuck," says Nolan, not moving a single muscle.
Or: That Nolan can hear the plant talk might as well just happen.
why i love it: this is probably my favorite magical realism fic just about ever. it’s fun and charming and a little weird, but in the best possible way. there’s such a wonderful narrative in it, and lighthousetowers always has such beautiful writing, and it really shines in this one. the dialogue and nolan’s characterization are also part of what set it apart for me as one of the best tknp fics
in the dark of any town by mengetpegged
summary: If the voice has an accent at all, it’s a flat prairie Canadian, with none of G’s French-Canadian softness at the edges. But mostly, the accent is just ‘pissed off,’ which TK believes is a default setting for ghosts.
“Who are you?” TK asks, and he doesn’t like how strained his voice sounds, doesn’t like the tinge of anxiety tinting the rise of his question. He tries to regulate his breaths—in through his nose, hold, out through his mouth—but it feels like he’s not getting enough oxygen, which makes him panic even more.
“Someone with a fucking migraine, dickhead,” the voice says. “So keep the lights off and shut the hell up.”
(or: Nolan Patrick, Hotel X Ghost)
why i love it: i’m usually not super into ghost fics, both the spooky kind and the nonspooky kind, but this one is a rare exception. it’s charming and fun and tender and it’s got some of, in my opinion, the best characterization of tk and nolan in any fic. the way the author writes their dynamic and their dialogue is just unmatched
lets_make_this_moment_a_crime.mp3 by honeydripping
summary: Travis meets Nolan at a Midtown show in 2002 when he punches Nolan in the face. He can’t help it, “Like A Movie” just goes off.
But he does feel guilty about it.
TK and Patty work at a bakery together. They go to punk shows to pass the time.
why i love it: idk if anyone asked for an early 2000s emo/punk/alt au but wow! i sure am glad it exists! really the vibes of this fic, as silly as that sounds, are absolutely unmatched. i love the structure with the music, the development of their relationship, and just everything about how the author wrote the setting (there’s this whole thing with tattoos in it that makes me feel absolutely insane)
you’re ripped at every edge by you’re a masterpiece by conformityissuicide
summary: “Ugh, look, this yoga teacher has it out for me, man. And I can’t go back there without at least having some of the basics down. I’ve got to win this battle.”
“Yoga isn’t really something you win at,” Hartsy starts.
Travis cuts him off, “You can win at anything if you try hard enough.”
OR that time Nolan's a grumpy yoga teacher and Travis realizes he wants to bone him and prove him wrong about Travis' non-existent yoga abilities.
why i love it: listen, if you want tknp, at least one of them has to be an idiot, and this tk absolutely captures the obliviousness i love to see in him in fic. it’s such a great characterization of them both and such a great concept (and even better execution)
you form a terror pack (and i’m aware of that) by dalmatienne
summary: “Can I help you?” TK snarks, both eyebrows hiked up in a way that has earned her many elbow checks to the ribs.
The chick looks down her nose, long thick eyelashes fluttering. Red-bitten lips part to blow a florid pink bubble and TK can smell the chemical sweetness when it pops.
“Yeah,” she says in this monotonous voice that seems almost at odds with her bubble gum and neon skates. She jams her stopper into TK’s thigh again, literally inches away from where it’d really hurt. “Tie ‘em.”
why i love it: to be honest, i generally don’t read rule 63 within hrpf, but this one is just absolutely knocks it out of the park. the concept (i fuckin’ love roller derby), the characterization of nolan, the pacing, the rituals, the tone of the entire fic, it’s just all around a perfect read from start to finish
thrills and grills by bitter_leaf
summary: Travis can’t even begin to wonder what he did in a previous life to incur the wrath of this fucking cook. Travis thinks he’s a nice person, doesn’t conduct himself in any way that could be considered particularly dickish, and unless this guy has some sort of issue with hockey bros or people from the boonies, he’s not sure how he started shit without even knowing.
Patty has a vendetta. Travis just wants to eat his eggs in peace.
why i love it: honestly this is the enemies to lovers fic i’ve been waiting for. i remember seeing the reddit post when it first went viral and thinking it would make such a great fic premise, so stumbling across this one was just so wonderful. super engaging and fun and so hilarious to read!
nothing but room for you by fightingfuries
summary: When his agent tells him he’s going to be traded to the Devils, Nolan isn't sure how he feels about it. Might be easier if he was going somewhere farther away, like California or fucking Florida. Somewhere sun-soaked and foreign. Someplace so different from Philadelphia that he can forget he ever played for the Flyers, forget everything that happened there.
Or Nolan fucks up, gets traded, gets his shit together and falls in love. Not necessarily in that order.
why i love it: i cannot stress to you how much i love trade fics, and this one is one of my absolute favorites. the trade to the devils-so close to philly, still, but there’s more to distance than physical miles-was such an excellent choice and the split timeline adds so much to the narrative, and the emotions are real and messy and complicated in the best way
a couple of runaways (i’m glad you stayed) by overturnedgoal
summary: The person in the video he’s watching is super annoying. Some obnoxious holier than thou granola type who keeps talking about their environmental impact as if they aren’t driving a gas guzzler around, but the basic idea of living in a van, driving around wherever, camping all the time, just going hiking and swimming and seeing the whole country? It sounds pretty dope, honestly.
why i love it: i like to watch tours and conversions of vans/buses into tiny homes as a self soothing method, and this fic has the same impact that watching those do. it’s such a fun concept, and it’s so fuckin’ soft, and the dialouge between tk and nolan is just *chef’s kiss*
all candor and style in the crook of your smile by p3trichor
summary: It’s a photo of Nolan on his knees with someones’ fingers in his mouth, lips slick with spit. Travis flicks by it almost too fast and he’s only got seconds to decide if he wants to screenshot it, if he wants to just give up the ghost right then and there. Except Travis’s phone freezes momentarily and then the group refreshes, sidcros87, Bert59 and 14 others took a screenshot!
It’s gone before Travis even has time to process it and he already wasted his replay of the day on a stupid video of a stupid fish that Hayes caught.
Can you send me that screenshot Travis texts Bertuzzi before he can overthink it, his dick already stirring in his sweats. Tuzzi sends back the cry-laughing emoji and then the screenshot before Travis can be too annoyed at him.
Or, Nolan is being weird about Travis's break-up and TK is maybe not straight.
why i love it: i genuinely don’t think i have words for the amount i love this fic. it took me forever to actually read, but it’s absolutely one of my favorite fics, and it’s an absolutely riot to read. carter’s meddling and the presence of tyler bertuzzi both make it extra fun, in my humble opinion
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lobitoworks · 5 years
Fursuit Pricing, Explained
I had someone message me on Instagram politely asking why fursuits cost what they do. I had a little time tonight to delve into specifics to help enlighten them and others who have asked this same question.
EXAMPLE SCENARIO: A full fursuit that costs $4500 from a professional maker. This isn’t even considered all that high a price today but it’s a fairly average price for us currently, so we’ll use that as an example.
- MATERIALS: 6 yds fur: $125 - 230 half roll 1/2” foam: $15 half roll 1” foam: $15 half roll blue foam: $6 spray glue: $12 plasti-dip: $14 minky/vinyl/fleece fat quarters: $15 glue sticks: $7 2 spools thread: $7 pens, pencils, pins, chalk, etc: $5 2 rolls masking tape: $4 tagboard for drafting patterns: $2 thrift store sheets for testing patterns: $10 polyfil: $10 eye plastic, buckram, paints, zippers, misc: 30 spandex and other lining fabrics: 17 shipping box, tape, packing materials: $8 __________ MATERIALS -$300 - $405
-Payment Fees Every electronic payment service will charge fees for using them- the fees are fairly comparable between Paypal, Square, and Stripe. Mailed payments are possible for less or no fees, but you can’t beat the convenience of electronic payments.
PP FEES ON 4500: -$130
- TAXES: Self employed people have to set aside around 20% of all their earnings for taxes. So 20% of 4500 is $900. Tax refund?? Don’t know her!
- ACTUAL PAY? So $4500 fursuit minus cost of materials, taxes, and fees actually equals around $3100 in pay. And this is assuming no mistakes are made during fursuit construction that require more materials to be purchased, your equipment doesn’t need maintenance, and you don’t need any special materials not listed above. Also, I estimated the fur price based on a $21-35/yd, but faux fur can cost $65 a yard and higher depending on what it is.
- SUPPLY/DEMAND: Anyone in the market for a fursuit has undoubtedly noticed that virtually every full time maker usually has a full queue and opens for commissions infrequently. When a popular maker opens, they usually get to pick and choose what projects they want to take on and inevitably have to turn down some applicants. Despite there being more and more professional fursuit builders out there taking commissions, demand for fursuits continues to rise, and there’s still not enough makers to fill the demand. It is a seller’s market- we are able to raise prices yearly and demand does not waver. It’s anyone’s guess when/where we’ll find the ceiling on this market.
- NICHE GOODS: Fursuits are super niche market and only a relative few of us can 1. produce professional quality costumes 2. successfully run a home business and stay on top of deadlines, finances, customer service, etc So if professional fursuit builders are a rare breed, those who are reliable and timely are basically a unicorn. Niche markets for luxury items equals luxury prices.
- TIME TAKEN TO CREATE: Fursuits are a lot of work! There’s no getting around it. Even those of us who have been doing this a long time can take between 75-150 hours to create a typical fullsuit on average, and this doesn’t include all the other work like research, brainstorming, emails, social media, web shop maintenance, and packing + shipping.
- EXPERTISE: If you’ve been working at the same job for years, you can expect to make more money than someone just starting. The same is true for fursuit builders! We deserve raises as cost of living increases yearly and as we get better at our jobs. So it is not uncommon at all to see fursuit builders gradually increasing their prices year by year.
- NO JOB BENEFITS: Working for yourself is rewarding but also expensive. If you’re doing this full time and don’t have anyone else supporting you, you have to provide your own healthcare and make sure you have extra money saved for sick time, vacation days, all the stuff traditionally employed people don’t have to think about.
It is easy to be dazzled by the prices professional fursuit builders are charging and imagine we must be loaded, but all in all it is quite a modest lifestyle. Those makers who haven’t gotten fast/confident at building and don’t have a huge fan following may really genuinely struggle in the beginning (which is why I wouldn’t recommend just diving on into professional fursuit building without a plan or fallback). The most successful of us are still definitely not rich. We budget for the things we want and we need and have to weigh carefully any trips or luxuries, just like anyone.
Professionally made fursuits are not affordable to all, it’s true- that’s actually why I started making fursuits, I wanted one but couldn’t afford it. I still can’t justify spending the money to have someone custom create something for me, my lifestyle just doesn’t support that kind of luxury spending.
I was actually really reluctant to DIY my first fursuit it in the beginning, I had no experience with sewing or fabrics at all and had to learn everything from basics. I strongly recommend anyone interested in fursuits try making their own at least once- worst case scenario you waste a few materials and figure out you don’t enjoy it, best case scenario it ignites a hidden artistic passion within you like it did me! DIY can be a wonderful solution for those who want a fursuit but can’t afford a commission.
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terresdebrume · 5 years
The Witcher - Favorite Reads Masterpost
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So, the previous one was getting really super long and Tumblr refused to save the latest update three times, which I’m taking to mean I’ve reached some kind of length limit. In view of that, and with a poke to @nyliekeo​ who asked to be tagged, here’s the second volume of my Witcher fic-reading adventures!
(Pretty much all Geraskier, because I’m only a multishipper in the sense that I have many ships across many fandoms.)
Volume 1
Last updated: April 10th, 2020.
Non geraskier fic
Her Current Is Pulling You Closer - TheMarvellousMadMadamMim
Specs: 1 900 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Eist/Calanthe - Swimming, shameless flirting
Summary: After nearly three years of marriage, Eist Tuirseach realizes there are still things to learn about his wife.
Becoming Water - Orockthro
Specs: 3 456 words - Mature - Trans woman!Geralt, curses, happy ending
Summary:  When Geralt was a child his mother kissed his forehead, wove flowers in his hair, and let him dance around the campsite they shared with the other druids. He loved dancing, the way his body moved and flowed; he was like water.
And then she left him in the road, spilled water on his feet, and a faint trail of dust where she and the cart were no longer. And a man came and took Geralt and made him into something new.
“Were you short? Waifish? Did those witcher mutagens turn you into, you know, the hulking sexy man that you are? At least they gave you such male perfection, what with the stubble and the jaw and the--”
“Shut up, Jaskier.”
(Or, Geralt is cursed with a female body during their travels. Only it's not so much a curse as a gift she didn't know she so desperately desired until now.)
of cockroaches and men - Potrix
Specs: 1 442 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Yennefer & Jaskier, Getting to know each other, BAMF Jaskier
Summary: As if being stuck waiting for her supplier in this sorry excuse for a town full of narrow-minded, superstitious simpletons isn't already frustrating enough, the first familiar face Yennefer spots when she walks into the grubby tavern is that of her least favourite bard.
Or, alternatively; sometimes you misjudge people, but there's nothing some badassery and booze won't fix.
all cooped up - alittlebitmaybe
Specs: 4 205 words - Mature - Polyamory, Pandemic 2020, Non-explicit sex, instigator Yen
Summary: Geralt's old university roommate, Jaskier, needs a place to ride out the pandemic. Geralt and Yennefer conveniently have a couch and Geralt, inconveniently, has a crush.
Cover it over and write it out - TheArcheologist
Specs: 3 214 words - Mature - Dyslexia, implied child abuse, Dandelion is a noble
Summary: There is something Geralt has noticed, after traveling so long with Jaskier. It is nothing major, nothing world ending or even warranting bringing up, but it is there, nonetheless, a funny little habit he can’t unsee.
“You’re better at this stuff than me, Geralt, you read it.”
Geraskier fics
pride - Besully (Briar_Elwood)
Specs: 737 words - Teen & Up - Trans Jaskier
Summary: Geraskier Week Dealer's Choice
He only manages to get the shirt untucked from the bard’s trousers when Jaskier’s smile disappears, and he scrambles backwards, holding the edges of his shirt down.
Do It Again - thisgirlsays22
Specs: 6 771 words - Explicit - Time Loop
Summary: By the twentieth time Geralt has gone through the loop, he decides to just throw himself off the cliff’s edge after Borch.
He wakes up to his twenty-first attempt.
Interlude; The End of All Things - TabbyCat33098
Specs: 3 496 words - General Audiences - Growing Old Together
Summary: Geralt realizes Jaskier is growing old and tries his best to return the rest of Jaskier's life to him. If only Jaskier would cooperate and take it.
How much longer will Jaskier be content with weathering the elements and contending with the uncertainty of mercenary work? How long until Jaskier realizes that in devoting himself to crafting a legacy for Geralt, he has forgotten to create a legacy of his own?
After all, he does not have a wife or children, for their nomadic lifestyle is conducive to neither. He has no home to return to between stints with Geralt, whether a sprawling mansion vaunting his wealth or a comfortable cottage replete with souvenirs from his varied exploits. How many experiences has Jaskier sacrificed because some contract or irate nobleman drew them elsewhere? How many untouched fields of snow has Jaskier never seen; how many harvests at Novigrad has he yearned to celebrate from halfway across the Continent—
“You’re staring,” Jaskier points out.
“You wanted to go to the Kovirian coast,” Geralt responds. 
a tapestry of scars - splendidlyimperfect
Specs: 7 688 words - Mature - Modern AU, Birpolar disorder, self harm, references to previous suicide attempt and car accident.
Summary: Jaskier comes into Geralt's life on a sunny afternoon in May - wide smiles and baby blue eyes; breathtaking stories and half-written song lyrics. He's mesmerizing and full of life, and Geralt can't look away. But sunshine doesn't last forever, and when Jaskier disappears, Geralt learns that beautiful things have dark and broken pieces, and even damaged people can help fix them.
Summer Mornings - The UnamazingTrashKing
Specs: 3 241 words - Mature - Fluff
Summary: Geralt and Jaskier are sort of a couple. They definitely wake up together and talk about spending the rest of their lives together.
An Incomplete Happiness - BlossomsintheMist
Specs: 22 497 words - Mature - Serious injuries, injuries recovery, unresolved sexual tension, unresolved romantic tension
Summary: Jaskier is traveling with Geralt when a hunt goes badly wrong and Geralt ends up injured.  Geralt soon realizes that the bard can take care of Geralt better than he'd realized, in his own way.
Hide Behind The Mound of Dead Bards - Bones (Doctorbones)
Specs: 17 296 words - Explicit - Temporary character death, Graphic depiction of violence
Summary: Jaskier is really bad at two things: shutting up and staying dead. Luckily, he can do both at the same time...for a while.
faith in transience - unconscious
Specs: 12 532 words - Explicit - Monster of the week, Service top Jaskier, attempted mind control.
Summary:  “I learn stuff about you to enrich my songs, thanks very much.”  Geralt starts.
“Like what?”
Jaskier strums a chord. “Plenty of things. You always ask the contractor if they want the head or not instead of just showing up with it, because you don’t want to shock people. You eat normal amounts of food when eating in public, instead of your usual awe-inducing giant amount. You sleep more when you’re hurt, but that’s the only way I’d ever know. You’re a bit weird about your potions and you count them a lot.” He glances up and grins. “Shall I continue?”
A handful of contracts go sideways. Recovering is easier with Jaskier there.
when midnight breaks their sleep - SummerFrost
Specs: 16 736 words - Mature - Modern setting, polyamory, polyamory negociation
Summary:   The first Snapchat that anyone ever sends Geralt is a picture of his own irritated face.
shrike_princess: can u believe this dumbass finally got a snapchat bc a cute boy asked him nicely
"It wasn't even that nicely," Geralt says flatly.
AKA: The one where Geralt is a bartender and Jaskier sings karaoke.
he, who i love - kinneyb
Specs: 1 279 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Established relationship
Summary: Jaskier looked forward to these nights the most; he was playing in a rundown tavern in a small town near the coast, coins gathered at his feet, knowing that at any moment Geralt would come bursting through the door.
He spun on his heels, strumming his lute with nimble fingers, the mark of a practiced player.
Jaskier had thought he’d reached his peak when he was younger. He had been proven wrong, of course, practice truly did make perfect. He was getting more attention than ever, and only half of it probably had to do with his new songs, all depicting the Witcher’s love story with a bard of the human variety.
He never directly mentioned himself, but the people had made the connection fairly easily, anyway.
Near the Coast - IantoPace
Specs: 2 164 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Dresses
Summary: Geralt finds out some of the feminine things Jaskier likes. This is inspired by the images of Joey Batey & Madeleine Hyland in the woods wearing each other's clothes.
Shoot First, Ask Questions Later - Ladivviniatravestia
Specs: 3 427 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Defining the relationship
Summary: Geralt and Jaskier fuck, then try to define their relationship.  Too bad Geralt has no idea what he really wants and Jaskier has been hiding something.
parry, riposte - plutoandpersephone
Specs: 5 230 words - Explicit - Established relationship, competence kink, power dynamics
Summary: "How about it?"
Geralt looks at Jaskier like he’s just started to speak in some long lost, foreign tongue.
"You want to take me on in the sword ring?"
Jaskier challenges Geralt to a bout in the fencing ring. They both get more than they bargained for.
The Coast - NinjaSniperKitty
Specs: 1 856 words - General Audiences - Established relationship, overly protective boyfriend!Geralt
Summary: Geralt takes Jaskier up on his offer to get away and go to the coast for a while. While Geralt sees danger hiding everywhere along the coast, Jaskier hasn't been to the sea in years and only sees a good time!
Sweet, Silky, Soft, and Shiny - Girl_in_Red_Crossing
Specs: 3 251 words - Mature - Inappropriate use of candy
Summary: Just a couple of bros, sucking on sweet things... sharing silky things... lying in soft beds together... (kissing)...
The Witcher Wolf 2: Geralt’s POV - im_fairly_witty.
Specs: 15 338 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Animal transformation
Summary: It's been two weeks since Geralt drove Jaskier away from him on that mountain top and Geralt's been doing his best not to think about it by accepting every contract he comes across. But when a job goes badly he find himself cursed into the form of an injured wolf and is then saved by none other than Jaskier himself, who has no idea that the animal he's taken under his wing is his own witcher. Geralt must now try to alert Jaskier to his real situation and adjust to his new life traveling with the bard, learning several hard but very much needed lessons along the way.
Shadowplay - sospes
Specs: 26 539 words - Mature - BAMF!Jaskier, Espionnage
Summary: Geralt returns to Oxenfurt on a bright May morning to find flowers laid outside Jaskier's rooms and a fresh grave in the cemetery.
Except, as Geralt is about to learn, in Jaskier's world things are never quite what they seem.
An Old Man’s Tale - NotebooksandLaptops
Specs: 1 448 words - General Audiences - External POV, Old age
Summary: At the edge of the village, in a house surrounded by wild-flowers and weeds - re-built from its former crumbling foundations – there lived the Old Man. He’d earnt the rights for the capital O, capital M off of the rest of the villagers barely a week after he’d moved into their humble world. For he had not grown up here, like everyone else did. Yet he settled and settled as if he had always been there. He wandered the cliffsides, the beaches, the streets. He strung shells together and gifted them to the ladies of the village with a wink that betrayed the charming young man he once must have been. He bought the little ceramic pots Alicja sold on the market, and he filled them with weeds as if the weeds were flowers worth showcasing. And – most importantly – he sang.
Or, Jaskier settles in a costal village towards the end of his life.
For The Joy Of It - vvitchering (Witchering)
Specs: 848 words - Teen & Up Audiences - self esteem issues, body image
Summary: After spending years on The Path together, Jaskier and Geralt finally settle down. Jaskier notices one day that his new sedentary lifestyle has changed him in ways he fears Geralt won't accept.
The Silence Between Heartbeats - anarchycox
Specs: 7 969 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Jskier knows Geralt better than anyone
Summary: Geralt faced off with a sorceress, only instead of her magic killing him, it stole his voice. But this should be an easy fix, he knew many women who could heal this. But that would mean anyone noticing something wrong. He knew he was quiet, but seriously, did no one wonder why he wasn't saying a single thing? Months he traveled silent, no one noticing and it was driving him mad.
Until he runs into Jaskier, who notices immediately that something is wrong.Because of course it is Jaskier.
Who else in the end would it be, who properly saw the White Wolf?
tailored - jeannie_tangerine
Specs: 4 874 words - Explicit - Geralt has a kink and Jaskier is absolutely into it.
Summary: in which Jaskier finds out that Geralt has a kink and is more than glad to indulge it.
oh darling please be mine - kickassfu
Specs: 749 words - General Audiences - Introspective, fluff
Summary: Geralt’s head turns to him just as he’s jumping into his arms. Obviously, he catches Jaskier, in his very strong, very big arms. Still probably processing what’s happening, Geralt’s body is tense, unmoving. Jaskier doesn’t care.
New Monsters Stories - Kathkin
Specs: 20 209 words - Explicit - Urban fantasy, mutual pining
Summary:  “So do you have a name?”
“Yeah.” The man who had saved his life less than an hour ago – the white-haired, absurdly buff, weirdly sexy man Jaskier might have called taciturn if he was feeling charitable and surly if he was feeling less so – dug into his second burger.
Jaskier waited. “Are… you going to tell me what it is?”
The man paused mid-bite, and looked at him reproachfully as if to say how dare you. How dare you interrupt me. Can’t you see I’m enjoying my cheeseburger. Can’t you see this cheeseburger is the most important thing in my life right at the moment. He swallowed, and said, “Geralt.”
It turns out almost getting eaten by a werewolf can make your whole life go careening off in a new, terrifying, wondrous, artistically flourishing direction. Who knew?
Professor Pankratz - martistarfighter
Specs: 1 147 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Established relationship
Sumary:  “Come teach my class with me tomorrow.” He whispers in the witcher’s ear. He’s sporting a neatly trimmed beard these days, and it tickles Geralt’s neck in the most tempting way.
Geralt chuckles dryly, but the lack of an immediate quip tells him that Jaskier is serious. It’s a little scary how often they can read their minds by now.
“Don’t think so. You’re the teacher, Jask. I’ve got nothing to tell them.”
“But you’re the reason I’m still alive and teaching in the first place. Besides, you can just sit there, look pretty and answer some questions. My students have heard a lot about you, they’ll adore you.”
As someone pointed out, there's too much 'witcher watching out for his idiot' and not enough 'the witcher is a himbo who loves his college educated bard husband, who is qualified to teach' content out there. So I'm fixing it with a self-indulgent ficlet!
and i plan to be forgotten when i’m gone (yes, i’ll be leaving in the fall) - Stockholm_Syndrome
Specs: 18 083 words - Mature - Discussion of assisted suicide, discussion of suicide, depression, curse, no MCD
Summary: “That was more emotional than I expected.” He finally said “I didn’t think I’d have time to share this with you, and I.” Jaskier interrupted himself, as if unsure if he should continue. “I suppose I didn’t think it would upset you so.”
“Jaskier” Geralt growled, not able to express how ludicrous that idea was.
“Yes, I suppose I was wrong there.” Jaskier replied with a helpless shrug.
---- Or, Jaskier is cursed to turn into a monster. He doesn't think this is important information to mention.
Chopsticks - thisgirlsays22
Specs: 12 175 words - Explicit - Piano teacher!Jaskier, friends to lovers, modern setting
Summary: “Yennefer sent me a check for eight lessons for you,” Jaskier said the following weekend, wearing a beige button-down with--
“Does your shirt have owls on it?” Geralt asked, caught somewhere between amusement and horror.
Jaskier looked down and tugged on the front of his shirt as if he had to remind himself what was on it. He beamed at Geralt. “Yeah! Do you like it?”
“Not particularly.”
The smile swiftly disappeared.
“It’s not terrible,” he amended, stepping back to let Jaskier inside the apartment. Then Jaskier’s initial words sank in. “Wait. Yen did what?”
Hanging up on Yennefer was always a mistake.
what’s in a (pet) name? - janie_tangerine
Specs: 1 415 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Fluff, pet names
Summary:  "So," he clears his throat one evening, having just rinsed Geralt's now clean, soft white hair, and damn how he wishes the man would just take care of it somewhat decently, "I was wondering."
"What?" Geralt says after he doesn't go on for a bit. It didn't sound particularly annoyed. Right on.
"This is a very broad question, but I was just curious, no need to answer if you don't want to -" Jaskier starts, having learned that giving the man a way out is always a good bet.
"Just get on with it, won't you?"
Jaskier clears his throat, leans down, puts his elbows on the rim of the tub. "How do you feel about pet names?"
Or: in which Jaskier has a question for Geralt. It doesn't get answered the way he had assumed.
As Long As You Were Mine For A Little While - whisperedstories
Specs: 12 815 words - Explicit - Friends with benefits, mutual pining
Summary: It starts with Jaskier offering a helping hand when Geralt needs to let off some steam. The thing is, Jaskier likes taking care of Geralt—however he can—and Geralt lets him, so he just keeps doing it.
And as long as they never talk about how he's in love with Geralt, they're both happy with the arrangement, right? Right.
Of Debt and Debtors - sp_oops
Specs: 5 136 words - Explicit - Semi-public sex
Summary: Two bros, chillin' in a ta-vern, five feet apart ‘cause they—fuck, they really missed each other, not that Geralt will ever admit it—and anyway, in a minute here, they're gonna have to get closer than they ever thought possible. (Or, sometime after Episode 6, they meet again, Jaskier’s in trouble again, and Geralt saves them. Again.)
This One I Shall Choose - DorkMagician
Specs: 3 751 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Quiet pining, the exact moment Geralt falls in love
Summary: Geralt falls in the river fishing for a djinn and winds up soaked. Jaskier sees the opportunity to do as his mother told him a long time ago and takes the first step when he offers Geralt his handkerchief.
Skin Deep - Sospes
Specs: 8 935 words- Teen & Up Audiences - Fluff, getting together, non consensual tattooing, implied/referenced rape, implied/referenced childhood abuse
Summary: “What’s that?” Geralt asks.
Jaskier blinks. “It’s a tattoo,” he says. “Have you never seen a tattoo before, Geralt?”
Geralt fights the urge to roll his eyes. “I know it’s a tattoo,” he says. “What’s it a tattoo of?”
They say there are 5 ways to show your love (and I don’t know any of them) - Mayathelittlebee
Specs: 5 989 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Fluff, humor
Summary: May be if Geralt stopped being so dramatic for a moment he'd finally realize that loving Jaskier is not as hard as he thinks.
I don’t mind if I’m with you - janie_tangerine
Specs: 11 152 words - Explicit - In which Jaskier has to quelle his murder instincts concerning how much Geralt’s life sucks
Summary: or: five times plus one in which Jaskier finds out that Geralt is missing on good life experiences and promptly sees to fix it.
Fill Me Up - Mysticmajestic
Specs: 402 words - Teen & Up Audiences - Romance
Summary: Geralt only knows how to give, and give, until he's empty. What is he to do with Jaskier, who only wants to give back to him?
Little Things - QueenForADay
Specs: 3 315 words - General Audiences - Domestic fluff, Ciri ships it
Summary: In the first few months of knowing the Witcher, he experienced first-hand how shut-off Geralt could be with the world around him and those within it.
At some point, and he can’t pinpoint where, that shroud started to slip away. He saw how much Geralt could, and does, actually care. It’s as fierce as the way he fights.
They spend a great deal of time watching each other; when they finally fell into a bed together, they spent most of their nights learning what the other liked, mapping the plains of skin and muscle underneath the other.
But it’s the other things, the little things, that Jaskier thinks about the most.
O, Empathy - almostnectarine
Specs: 32 624 words - Mature - Body swap, friends to lovers, questfic
Summary: “How did you manage,” asked Geralt, with infinite patience and only a desire to know the facts, and not at all a little meanhearted glee, “to insult a sorcerer while his tongue was down your throat?”
“Don’t make me recount the entire sordid affair, Geralt,” said Jaskier, with a surprising note of desperation breaking through his gruff monotone. “I’m already having a rather shit day and all I’ve done so far is wake up.”
“In my body,” said Geralt.
“Yes,” said Jaskier, with the insolent cadence that was unmistakably Jaskier’s, but in Geralt’s voice, emerging from Geralt’s face and frame.
“And I’ve got yours,” said Geralt, from Jaskier’s.
and for that love to be with men - sebviathan
Specs: 6 734 words -Mature - Emotional constipation, self discovery, self acceptance, geralt is a whole ass gay man who doesn’t know what being gay is
Summary: Something's not right about what I'm doing but I'm still doing it—living in the worst parts, ruining myself. My inner life is a sheet of black glass. If I fell through the floor I would keep falling.
The enormity of Geralt's desire disgusts him.
at last, at last, at last, oh I thought you’d never ask - elegantwings
Specs: 15 040 words - Explicit - Arranged marriage, slow burn, trans!Jaskier, in this house we love Yennefer of Vengerberg
Summary: Geralt is given firm instructions from Vesemir: He is to get married to a Redanian noblewoman in the hopes of improving relations between witchers and the rest of the world. Once the ceremony is over, he plans to drop his new spouse off at their new home and carry on with his life as he always has. Little does he know, his future wife is not a woman, and not so easily left behind. He's not really sure he'd like to get rid of Jaskier, either. Over the next several years, they learn to navigate their new relationship, first while Jaskier completes his degree, and then when Jaskier insists on accompanying him on the road. And no matter what anyone else has to say about it, Geralt is absolutely not in love with his husband.
it’s what my heart just yearns to say - chasing_the_sterek
Specs: 1 071 words - Teen & Up - Slice of life, Jaskier: what if I found a way to make Geralt admit when he needs things
Summary: "If you could have one blessing," Jaskier says, eyes lit green by the fire between them, "What would it be?"
Geralt looks at him. The whetstone is smooth and friction-warm in his palm, edges rounded from use. It's been with him for a long time: almost four years.
Jaskier has been with him for even longer, but he's never done this. Geralt squints at him, but only thing different to this morning is the yellow firelight changing the colour his eyes appear.
"What," he says.
not a goodbye, a thank you - Potrix
Specs: 2 915 words - Mature - Graphic depiction of illness, near death experience, talk about death, found family
Summary: Somewhere further in the courtyard, Lambert yells out a colourful curse while Ciri cackles maniacally. Eskel is taunting the former through his laughter, and Vesemir’s voice joins in with barked commands and corrections once the clang of steel against steel continues. Somewhere above them, on one of the balconies overlooking the yard, Geralt can hear the scratch of quill against parchment as Yennefer works on her correspondence, interrupted every now and again by the tapping of nails against an inkpot.
He realises what’s wrong an instant before everyone else grows suddenly, eerily still; Jaskier is quiet.
After Summers of Fasting (I Feel Hunger At Last) - Artemis_Unbound
Specs: 3 793 words - Teen & Up Audiences - A six pack you can see is not a good thing, Jaskier tricks Geralt into Not Being Starving anymore, Love confessions
Summary: Defined six-pack abs are a sign that someone has been starving and dehydrating themselves, not a sign of incredible strength. It's just not healthy.
Jaskier sees Geralt shirtless for the first time, sees all that defined musculature, and is Horrified. He's slept with enough warriors and soldiers to know what that means. And he decides, this stops now.
Tunes Without Words - foxy_mulder
Specs: 22 021 words - Mature - Self-esteem issues, past abuse, miscommunications, misunderstandings
Summary: The plan is this:
He will note all the things that annoy Geralt, and he will stop doing them, and then Geralt will want him around. It will work.
It has to work, because Jaskier cannot be left behind.
The Path Not Taken - sospes
Specs: 40 149 words - Mature - Extraordinarily bad misunderstanding, Idiots in love, Explicit sexual content
Summary: Jaskier comes across an injured witcher in a backwoods town, months after the events of the dragon hunt. It all just sort of escalates from there.
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buticancarryyou · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
@wincestismyheart thank you for tagging me in this. I love these kinds of things. Sorry it's taken me over a month to do it myself! Ha!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 27 works currently. I've deleted a few over the years.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
207,118. That's actually crazy to think about.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Predominately, Supernatural. But I do write for Skam and its Remakes as well (Skam France and Druck currently).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) The First Time I Saw Your Face (263 Kudos, 4k, wincest) - I posted this one in 2019 crazily enough, so it's semi new and its also the only fic I have on ao3 that I attempted no promotion of. So how it ended up with the most kudos, is a mystery to me. This fic was a WIP for so fucking long and 2019 was a good year writing wise for me, so I was able to finish it up and post it. It's actually very endearing to my heart, because it's an over-compassing story in short glimmers of their love story from Sam's birth until Stanford!Era / Pilot.
2) Two Hearts, One Home (230 Kudos, 5k, evak - skam) - The first published fic for these two and it's literally just fluffy and porn. For some reason when I write them, I turn into a porn writing champion, which is a strange turn for me--as I usually struggle with it! Written in 2019.
3) Close Your Eyes & Make A Wish (203 Kudos, 7k, Datteo - Druck) - The first Druck fic I ever posted and it's a recanting of one of their episodes. I love Matteo and David so fucking much and they will always live in my heart. So happy I wrote this piece. Also written in 2019. (see what I mean about it being a good writing year?)
4) To Rise, We Must Fall (197 Kudos, 11k, Wincest) This was written for the 2014 reverse big bang. It was my first dip into challenges and I'm happy it exists because it gave me courage to attempt other challenges. I def don't think it's the strongest thing I've ever written, but I love it because it's Boy King related.
5) Treble Clef Confessions (191 Kudos, 1k, Elu - Skam Fr) - The first and only thing I ever wrote for Skam France. I don't anticipate writing anything in the future for them, but I do love this short little piece that reimagines a scene. This was also written in 2019.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Oh yes, I absolutely do. I am so grateful for any comments I get, because unfortunately they are few and far between. I wish my readers left more tbh, because they just fuel my desire to keep writing. So I definitely love to take care of those that do, just to also encourage them to do the same for others.
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
There's two that I think of, but I'll go with the one that has had more responses from the fandom. Everything's For You was written in my earlier tumblr days for a tumblr challenge. The prompt was basically to imagine: “Dean says time is different in hell, but what if it’s not? What if Dean really spent 40 years in hell before Cas put him back to 2008? Write what 40 years without Dean may have looked like for Sam.” And well, things get a little sad.
7. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I feel like I try to make sure all of my fics end on a happy note, just because I like to make the angst so severe throughout the fic. Lol. But the Skam piece I am currently working on and isn't posted yet, is def going to be the happiest. So look out for, A Weekend To Remember.
8. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
I haven't written one yet, not to say I never would.
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say hate, but I have had people challenge the way I write and say it's too flowery. People also try to correct the way I write Brother in Wincest fics with a capital B, but that's my creative freedom as a writer. They're not just brothers. They're Brothers. <3
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write it, but it really depends on the fandom I guess. When I write for Sam and Dean, I feel like the smut I write is few and far between. Not that it's hard to write, or that I don't enjoy it--but I enjoy writing them without it. Sometimes I feel like it means just as much without it, because that's just them. But then I put my Skam glasses on and I'm suddenly on a smut roll.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. I hope that never happens; I wouldn't handle that very well.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be open to it under the right circumstances.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing posted, but maybe between friends--yes.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Def, Wincest. I don't care how far away from SPN I get, I walk by a flower stand and see sunflowers and with always instantly be reminded of Sam. I'll see wanderer things and think of Sam. I'll see leather candles and think of Dean. I'll see an impala on the road and think of the boys on the road in the middle of the night. I will always see them everywhere and they will always be a part of me.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Probably the 900 J2 fics I've started. I want to finish one, but I usually get distracted and start something else.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think for me, it is dependent on how well I know a character...because if I know them like the backs of my hands, I can really get into the vein of them and write them well. The worst feeling for me is when I can't feel a characters voice as I write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably that I get distracted entirely too easily. An idea will come up and I'll be all about it, write 10k of it and then think of something else. And then it'll sit in my drafts as a WIP for years, staring at me with pleading eyes and I just try my best to not think about the 'what-ifs'.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I try to stay away from it if I can, because to me it is distracting.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Unpublished Nsync fanfic for sure. LMAO. But second fandom would be Supernatural.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
There's so many things I want to say, but in this moment, I can't help but think of: A Brother's Lament (A Slow Death). It was written for the spnj2bigbang for 2016 and it's probably the longest fic I've written, being that it's 46k. It is a love story to Dean's slow and maddening deterioration after Sam's death in Swan Song. Of how he tries to live the life he promised, but finds that he physically cannot do it. It's sad and violent, dark and upsetting, but I put my whole heart into it and it's not even the most well received thing I've written--but I fucking love it so much.
Tagging: @sammichgirl @nyxocity @hellhoundsprey and @homo-pink because they're some of my favorite writers. <3
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hatilead · 4 years
THE GRAND SHIP MASTERLIST !      A detailed collection of all the ships my muses can be found upon; for my future reference as well as yours.
CANON SHIPS; as found in their respected media with little to no alterations of my own hand for the most part.
HMS SURPRISE; class: Frigate / Sixth-rate guns: 28  9-pounders souls: 197 by movie statistics, but she needs a crew between 150 and 200 to sail.  relevant crew: Jack Aubrey important info: HMS Suprise is a larger sixth-rate with her 28 guns but still considered a small frigate. She is French built; going by the name of Unité before being captured by the British. During the time period during which Master and Commander unfold, sixth-rates were rather rare, and you can catch Jack Aubrey defending the Surprise at every corner. Try him, let me have a good laugh.
HMS INDEFATIGABLE; class: Frigate / Sixt-rate guns: 28 9-pounders souls: 230.  relevant crew: Archie Kennedy important info: The crew on board of the Indefatigable will always refer to her as ‘The Indy’ rather than her full name; at least when this is permitted. Even if the Indefatigable doesn’t classify as a ship of the line the reputation of the ship proceeds her. Due to the very capable hands on board, as well as the reputation of captain Pellew himself.
HMS DAUNTLESS; class: First-rate / Ship of the line guns: 100 9-pounders souls: 850 up to 900 relevant crew: James Norrington important info: Used by Weatherby Swann and Elizabeth Swann when they made the crossing from England to the Caribbean, with James Norrington as a Lieutenant serving on board her. Later, after the loss of the Interceptor, the Dauntless would become the flagship commanded by Commodore Norrington. The Dauntless is terrifying and without a doubt the most impressive ship on the list with the exception of the Flying Dutchman herself, but ghost ships hardly count, even if she still barely classifies as a first-rate due to her limited number of guns.
HMS INTERCEPTOR; class: Brig guns: 16 9-pounders souls: 155. No question. relevant crew: James Norrington important info: While the Dauntless might be the true power on the Caribbean waters, the Interceptor was without a doubt the fastest in the fleet. Captain Norrington used her as his flagship during his legendary pirate run before the events of the original POTC trilogy. Her class focuses on improving speed as well as manoeuvrability and even if historically pirates often used brigs for these reasons; the use of brigs by pirates in the Caribbean was limited, making the Interceptor perfectly capable of outrunning them during the chase.
ORIGINAL SHIPS; ships created to fit within the timelines of my original characters.
HMS ATLAS; class: Frigate / Fifth-rate guns: 32 in total. 26 18-pounders and 6 9-pounders souls: 245. Needing between 215 and 290 to sail relevant crew: Jackson Ayers  important info: While not a ship of the line, the Atlas was used during various battles with the Dutch; as well as the Spanish. An old ship by comparison but kept in good care by her captain. Never short on hands due to the promise of prize-money and adventure, for the good captain Voles his reputation as a man not afraid to throw himself into dangerous situations is well known.  
SANTA ROSA; class: Sloop-of-war guns: 24 9-pounders souls: 155, while the Santa Rosa can sail with around 130, Adelé is known to hire extra hands, especially female hands in need of a voyage or an escape. relevant crew: Adelé DesRosiers important info: Stolen from the British Navy while landed in Clew Bay, Adelé changed the name of the Jupiter to Santa Rosa in homage to her Spanish roots. Outfitted with a few extra guns as well as extra hands the Santa Rosa is a ship worth keeping an eye on. Nothing too impressive or extraordinary about her, with the exclusion of Adelé her own foolish risktaking / the captain is without a question the most dangerous thing about the ship.
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September 6, 2020
My weekly view of things I am up to and thinking about. Topics include the future of Earth, housing in California, the national debt, carbon pricing, and software complexity.
Earth’s Future
The funder is interested in developing a timeline of Earth’s past and future and placing human history in the geologic context. It’s a bit off the beaten path for us, but a fun project, and I spent some time this week on it. It got me thinking about Earth’s long term future.
We all know, in at least a vague sense, that Earth’s days are numbered. I think most of us know that we expect the Sun to go nova some billions of years from now (about 7.6 billion I think is the best estimate), and barring intervention from a future advanced civilization, no life will be able to survive that.
I found this paper by O’Malley-James et al. to be an interesting read. It discusses the future of life from an astrobiological perspective, asking what biosignatures a distant civilization might observe from Earth in the distant future. Plant life that depends on C3 photosynthesis, and by extension most animal life, has maybe 500-600 million years left, beyond which point carbon dioxide is too depleted. Plant life based on C4 photosynthesis might make it 900 million years. From then on it’s only microbes. Eukaryotic life might last 1.2 billion years before the oxygen is depleted. Prokaryotic life was here first, and it will probably be here last. The paper estimates 2.8 billion years as an upper bound for any microbes at all to survive in caves or underground. For the remainder of its existence, Earth is a sterile, lifeless world without oceans, an atmosphere, or geological activity.
Before all that, Earth’s biosphere may go into an irreversible decline after the formation of Pangaea Ultima, about 250 million years from now. At that time, the combination of merging of continents, cooling of the Earth’s core, and increasing of solar luminosity will result in a falling of carbon dioxide to the point where today’s biological productivity cannot be sustained. Earth is now 95% of the age it will be when this happens.
It is an unspoken and open question of how this general picture might be altered by a civilization that is capable of effecting meaningful change over geological timelines. Human civilization is not at this level presently, and it is unclear if we will attain it.
I wonder too how contemplation of the biosphere’s mortality influences how we think of environmentalism and sustainability. Perhaps 250+ million years is so vast a time that it cannot be distinguished from infinity in our minds. For my part, I can admit that the prospect genuinely bothers me.
Housing in California
California’s legislative session expired at the end of August, and with it, another opportunity for statewide zoning reform. Scott Wiener’s SB1120 would have allowed duplexes on single family lots. It is a modest but valuable proposal which had majority legislative support, but some last minute parliamentary shenanigans from the party leadership ran out the clock.
I continue to think that the housing issue in California is intractable, and that with its current strategy, the YIMBY movement will not be able to attain any but the most marginal victories. The Bay Area needs to increase its housing supply by at least 50%, maybe 100%, to really solve the problem. To achieve those kinds of numbers, allowing duplexes and ADUs is not going to cut it. The region needs to be open to horizontal as well as vertical expansion. Something must be done to break the dysfunction in the construction industries that prevents buildings and infrastructure from being delivered at a reasonable time and speed. The movement should also stop diddling around with measures that feel good but will backfire, like rent control and vacancy taxes.
Meanwhile, the tech industry is continuing to make tentative moves toward remote work. I continue to be hopeful but skeptical that widespread adoption of remote work can finally get housing costs under control.
My suspicion is that the YIMBY movement has succumbed to the Shirky Principle, which posits that “Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.” An ever-growing share of its energy is devoted to playing the Reds vs. Blues game, which is more than redundant in California. They have no vision of what an affordable California or Bay Area look like, no credible plan for getting there, and ideological blinkers that foreclose many important aspects of the solution.
As I’ve done several times before, I go back to Citizens Climate Lobby, which I see as the gold standard for political advocacy done right. They have a clear vision of passing a federal carbon fee and dividend plan. They don’t dilute their efforts on ancillary priorities or play partisan games. They have commissioned detailed economic modeling of the plan and have made every effort to insure it works from both a technical perspective and from a range of value systems. I don’t know if CCL will succeed, but at least they can succeed, unlike most activists, and CCL is one of the few major organizations I feel good supporting.
Red Ink
The Congressional Budget Office released an unsurprising but grim report on the national debt. The debt-to-GDP ratio stands at 98%, the highest ever except for a brief time at the end of World War II. It should cross the 100% mark next year and reach 109% by 2030.
Deficits are a classic gnarly problem. They are harmful but not catastrophic, and the harms are mostly at some indeterminate point in the future and are not clearly visible. This makes them easy to ignore, and ignoring the debt, or at best using it as a partisan talking point, is now an established bipartisan tradition.
Japan somehow continues to function with a debt-to-GDP ratio exceeding 230%. I don’t know how high the US can go on this metric and hope not to find out. We’ve seen debt crisis in Europe and Argentina recently. What I think is more likely is that debt service will be another ball and chain, along with population aging, stagnant productivity, and broken housing, health care, and education markets, on the American economy.
Carbon Pricing
Resources for the Future has a new carbon pricing calculator tool out, evaluating several proposals from the current Congress.
At the $52/ton level, four of the eight proposals stand out as having a positive benefit/cost analysis when economic costs are weighed against CO2 reduction alone. In all eight cases, “secondary” health benefits exceed the CO2 benefit as well as economic costs. As economic intuition would suggest, benefit/cost ratio goes down the higher the carbon price goes, since as the price goes up, we move down the ladder from most cost-effective emissions reductions to less cost-effective.
For my own part, I’ve generally been using a social cost of carbon of $50/ton. A few years ago, that seemed like a reasonable median estimate. At some point I want to review the literature again to see if I should be using a different figure.
The large health benefits are good for making the case for carbon pricing, but they raise some questions. The numbers strongly suggest that we should be thinking about air pollution reduction as the primary goal with CO2 reduction as a secondary goal. But if we do that, is carbon pricing really the most effective policy on air pollution?
Software and the Collapse of Civilization
I found this talk from last year by the game developer Jonathan Blow. He details ways in which the software industry is unable to deliver fast, reliable products and analogizes to historical failures of technological reproduction that are associated with past civilizational collapses. The talk is about an hour. I have to say it is a bit odd, but I found it worth watching.
Several time throughout my life, I have made attempts to get into the software industry, and at other times such as now I have programmed on a hobbyist basis. While I don’t see bad software as a major existential risk to civilization, there are clearly problems. Blow identifies what could also be called the bloatware problem: programmers tend to reach for libraries and abstractions in their code, needlessly inflating size, complexity, runtime, and bugs. He worries that abstraction has become so pervasive that the industry is not even capable of delivering reliable software at this point, and the knowledge of machine code programming has been largely lost.
Blow’s argument is reminiscent of the success problem, as described by Samo Burja, or the notion of social reproduction.
I’ve toyed with the idea of trying to develop the analogy between software bloatware and policy bloatware, a term to describe the phenomenon of public policy being designed in ever more complex manners. An overly complex policy environment increases the difficulty of coordinating the entities required for a solution, and it causes solutions to look more like patches and kludges over problems rather than actual solutions. An example is the attempt to address housing affordability problems by developing complex, multi-government affordable housing subsidies. Kludgeocracy is the best term I’ve seen for this phenomenon so far.
Casey Muratori identifies the same problem, which he called the 30 million line problem, so named because he estimates that to write the most basic “Hello World” web app requires, between the server and the client, at least 30 million lines of code and probably far more, with present technology. He proposes a solution based on a universal CPU instruction set and restoring root access to developers. Ironically, the talk (excluding Q&A) is over an hour when I think 10 minutes would have been sufficient to convey the key points without loss of essential detail.
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This might sound a little strange but how much does it usually cost to go to Gallifrey One? I can't find the prices on the website and thought you might know.
Not at all! I can only answer from my personal experience as I’m from the UK who has travelled to Gallifrey One twice now so it may vary for you depending on your budget and where you’re from. My friend who I travelled with this year has also done a Gallifrey one guide which I will post below;
Gallifrey One tickets for next year are on sale on April 13th.  
The first step is, of course, get a ticket. Even if you don’t manage it at the point of initial sale for any reason (remember the contends to sell out in 24 to 48 hours), all is not lost; the con operates a ticket transfer policy which gets going late in the year, and ends typically about a week before the con. Sellers post in the Facebook group for the event, and buyers contact them with an expression of interest. Tickets cost about £80 dependent on the exchange rate. Both times I have been, I have operated a “buy ticket now, worry about getting there later” policy. You do not need to immediately get a flight booked as soon as you get a ticket.Full-price flights can cost as much as £600-700 economy, but there are many opportunities to as much as halve this to £350-400 in airline sales, or if you have a credit card that gives you Avios (what used to be known as Air Miles), which can be used towards your flight. Air New Zealand and Aer Lingus are often the cheapest options, and people who have flown with them report good things. If you are travelling from elsewhere in the UK than London, and are an inexperienced flyer, British Airways offers a hassle-free experience of your domestic and international flight leaving from the same Heathrow terminal (Terminal 5) Remember to apply for your ESTA from the US Department of Homeland Security in good time. This is part of the Visa Waiver scheme for non-US citizens and everyone must have one that comes from a country participating in the scheme. It costs a nominal fee of about £30, and most of the airlines prompt you to do it as part of the booking process. Be aware it takes about 20 minutes to complete. They do tend to ask you some personal questions (your social media usernames). It is better to tell them everything for a hassle-free process, but this is a matter of personal choice.Hotels. The Marriott is expensive outside of the con-block rate. When the block goes online it sells out in literally seconds. Normal price for the Marriott is 230 USD a night. I have not managed to secure a room at the Marriott either time; have a backup plan, there are many excellent options a short walk away. The Crowne Plaza is only one block from the Marriott and is reasonably priced at 900 USD for 5 nights for 2 people – around £368 each. The Hilton is highly rated by con-goers next door, the Renaissance Marriott is next to the Crowne Plaza and is more basic. Cheaper options are to be had further away. Almost all hotels offer free airport transfer buses directly outside the International Terminal. Note it is not really practical to stay downtown and travel in, the subway is on the other side of the airport. There is an extension being built on the other side of the Marriott though whether it will be ready or convenient for next year I am unsure.Eating does not come cheap and you must remember that tax is not usually included in prices shown on menus, nor is a gratuity for which a minimum of 15% is the norm. A pizza in one of the hotels will cost between 17 and 20 USD before tax. If you are on a budget and have the arms and legs for it, visit Target or CVS and stock up on essentials. Eating in hotels is most expensive (though if you want to minimise your time away from the con is often a good idea), but fast food options exist close to the Marriott, with Subway, Carl’s Jnr and Denny’s all close by. Denny’s is due to be demolished soon (everyone was surprised it was still standing this year). In-n-Out Burger has several branches less than a mile away. For breakfast at Carl’s or Denny’s, reckon on about half of hotel prices (15 USD vs 30 USD)Travel around the city is remarkably cheap. A 10 USD subway travelcard will take you a long way. Hollywood with the Chinese Theatre and Walk of Fame are almost right outside Hollywood Highlands subway. Santa Monica is well worth a visit if the weather is favourable, with its iconic pier and glorious miles of clean beach. Other con matters. Autographs and photos are slightly cheaper here than the UK, often you will pay in USD what you would normally expect to pay in pounds, and even then, the very biggest guests will charge typically no more than around 40 – 45 USD. Evening receptions, where you get to have drinks with the stars rotating around tables for a couple of hours, are 95 USD. Diamond passes are around 235 USD, but are excellent value – multiple photos and autographs, often green screen, a free gift or print, and an hour-long meet and greet. Lines are not as long as in the UK and very well organised, so those wanting an auto or photo will certainly be seen. If you buy more than one Diamond Pass, you should certainly consider a Tardis Tag which was 795 USD this year, but gets you all of the big guests, plus any others that are Showmasters, rather than con-sponsored guests. Note that there are also Kaffeeklatsch (coffee morning) sessions, which last an hour, and offer a chance of talking to one of the less popular stars for an hour as part of a group of a dozen. These are free, and were done on a ballot process this year. As Simon has pointed out, your con ticket gets you so much more than a normal con. There 5 panel rooms including Program A in the main hall, and they operate all day, every day – ever wanted to learn circular Gallifreyan in a classroom? Now’s your chance. Most rooms keep going until 7p.m. and even then there are evening events taking place with quizzes, comedy sketch shows, karaoke and more until midnight in some circumstances. And of course, there is LobbyCon. The Marriott Lobby is the main socialising and hanging out area, where friends gather throughout the day, evening and into the small hours. The guests often hang out in the Lobby with each other (and if you know them from previous events, often, you), and in the evenings, the atmosphere is wonderfully friendly. Finally, ribbons. Ribbons are humorous or sometimes just direct quotes from the show, printed on fabric, with a small adhesive strip on the top. They stick to each other so you wind up with a long roll of them as you exchange them for those other people have brought with them. They are an excellent way to socialise, make new friends, and enjoy the con – there are ribbon exchange meets throughout the con, but often people also exchange ribbons in LobbyCon too. Its huge fun and I would recommend it as part of the con experience. As a guide, I paid around 100 USD for 250 ribbons this year and traded all of them by Sunday lunchtime. Ribbons Galore and PC Nametag are two of the most popular companies. Note that they charge a design setup fee, and then a unit price per ribbon. The unit price goes down as the quantity goes up, so play with the quantities a little to see how many you can get for what money – once you get up above 250 ribbons or so, you wind up getting more of the same design for free effectively. The big “but” here is delivery, which is horrendously expensive to have them shipped to the UK. If you have a kind friend in the US who will accept delivery and bring them to the con, then great, but the other alternative, is to have them shipped to your hotel, for which the hotel will charge you a nominal fee (5 – 20 USD), and pick them up from the concierge on check-in.Ticket: 80 GBPFlights: 350-400 GBPHotels: 350-400 GBPFood and subsistence: 45 USD per day (budget) 80 per day (expensive)Autos and Photos: vary on the person, say 150 USD, plus diamond passes and evening receptions for the more extravagant.Travel: 40-50 USDRibbons: 100 – 150 USDSo yes, Gally can be done for around about a thousand pounds, but a budget of 1500 GBP will make it a much more comfortable experience where you have to worry less about running out of cash. But be warned. Once you have done it, you may never want to miss it again, and you may never look at cons the same way again!
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hotmom51-blog · 6 years
Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap Dispenser And Coupon Guide For Consumers
People always get sick, and research and development in health care is a continuous process with new drugs discovered, patented, and marketed every day. The Prescription Drug Affordability Act of 2015 authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies to bring down costs for Medicare drug benefits. When you do not want to risk buying drugs on the internet without a prescribed from an online store of medicine or rouge clandestine, offshore web page that guarantees you good costs on drugs without a physician’s prescribed. In response, major drug makers cut off - or threatened to cut off - their supplies to Canadian pharmacies, and the Canadian government considered requiring people to see Canadian doctors before buying drugs. Canadian government allows Canadian manufacturers to bring out generic versions towards the later portion of the patent period, expediting the transaction of getting the generic versions to the place of traffic. Drugs available online are often produced by well-known manufacturers and like other drugs found in local pharmacies - are FDA approved. We support the right of Americans to import medicine from legitimate, licensed online and mail order international pharmacies. Currently, expanded their stores in the Republic of Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland with over than 900 branch stores and 230 in-store pharmacies. Many competitors try to prevent pain interfering with their performance by taking painkillers that are readily available in pharmacies and supermarkets, say the authors. However, people should still be wary in choosing which websites to get their medications from, for rogue online pharmacies are also proliferating the World Wide Web. Avoid Web sites that only sell a limited number of medications, especially “lifestyle” medications that treat obesity, impotence, herpes, pain and acne. One of the most striking examples of this difference in a high-profile murder is the case of Sirhan Sirhan and the shooting death of U.S. It's possibly one of the best, if not the best, travel search site for your iPhone. Desperado had a couple of celebrations for me, one that afternoon on the rim of the Canyon and a surprise breakfast party the next morning, which included 6 of our favorite friends. National Cancer Institute. Understanding the Approval Process for New Cancer Treatments. When I found out that Body Shop re-released the Viveyard Peach line I had to run and get a few stuff, because the last time they released this line I didn't get anything and I still regret it. But be warned, since your body can store these vitamins it can also overdose on these ones. 1/1 Target store coupon. Was he still holding weapons? On the off chance that you have any further inquiries, ask your specialist or drug specialist. I have also found that in nearly all cases described as “mass shootings,” the facts are fairly straightforward. Robert F. Kennedy. Having interviewed Rose Lynn Mangan, the indefatigable investigative researcher of the RFK assassination on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, it is evident that things are not as they always appear, canadian pharmacies online or as we are told. Websites selling medicines online are openly flouting the laws of India. Rewards and special discount are also offered to customers who have registered a Beautycard online. Rewards programs can save consumers anywhere from 5-20 percent on brand name and generic drugs as well as significant savings for 30- and 90-day refills. Im sure that you could even be a new brand of eBay for less money. Finally, in warm weather, bring your dog inside so that he doesn't have to handle the heat on his own. Also be aware of how much iron is being consumed, when taking Geritol there's no need to take extra iron supplements, this will prevent over-dosing of iron intake. When completed, it will contain more than 300 pages of documents. Jul 15, 2016. Ibuprofen learn about side effects, dosage, special precautions, and more. Thanks for visiting the page and commenting. CrochetNPray, Thanks for visiting and commenting. Thank YOU, Mel, and thanks to all USPS personnel across the nation! Critical insight into the first reports can be found within the police communications of the Aurora, Colorado Police Department (police dispatch to cars and officers, communications between cars, officers and dispatch).
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petiklimited · 3 years
Benefits Of Reviving Nigeria’s ‘Dead Capital’ In The Real Estate Sector
Real Estate Sector. Housing experts have advocated the institution of land policy that will confer title to landowners and enhance seamless transactions for poverty alleviation.
They said the present land policy and administration procedure has become a huge bottleneck, hampering the development of the mortgage sector, wealth creation, and overall economic development.
Nigeria is reported to hold close to $1 trillion worth of dead capital in residential real estate that should have been used as catalysts for the rapid economic development of the country and reduction of abject poverty among Nigerians.
PwC estimates that Nigeria holds at least $300 billion or as much as $900 billion worth of dead capital in residential real estate and agricultural land alone. The high-value real estate market segment holds between $230 billion and $750 billion of value, while the middle market carries between $60 billion and $170 billion in value.
The reasons for this include non-titling of real estate assets, lack of real estate titles, and the inability of owners to use titles to raise bank loans for other investment opportunities.
The experts traced the growing dead capital in the real estate sector to the tedious process of obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. “Regrettably, despite the fact that land title registration started in Nigeria as far back as 1863, available data indicate that only about three percent of the land in Nigeria is registered.
“This means that most of our land area (97per cent) are still not easily convertible to capital and constitute what land economists regard as dead capital,” according to a past president, Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV), Mr. Emeka Eleh.
He said: “It is said that under our present land policy, an individual or family with a plot or an acre of land cannot use the land as security for a loan to invest in a business. Our vast land resources remain dormant or dead capital due to lack of title, while the landowners remain in poverty due to lack of ability to create wealth with what they already have.”
NIESV President, Mr. Emmanuel Wike, said that unregistered land in the country had made it impossible to create wealth, noting that real estate is one of the vital sectors that can revamp the economy.
Meaning and Advantage of Real Estate
“We have been advocating abrogation of the Land Use Act (LUA) because we have been told that over 90 percent of land in Nigeria is not registered. That is an untapped potential because what it means is that you cannot use any land that is not registered for financial transactions,” he stated.
Eleh suggested a holistic reform of the land tenure system. “This process will go a long way not only in resolving the impediments created by the operation of the Land Use Act but will also foster economic development and wealth creation,” he said.
He said the reforms will also facilitate the development of the mortgage sector and generally encourage the reliance on properties as security for credit; generate substantial revenue for the state and federal governments through property-based taxation in form of ground rent, tenement rates, consent fees, stamp duties, and other transaction costs.
It will also create greater fluidity and confidence in our land market and reduce or eliminate communal or individual conflicts overland through proper delineation and land titling.
The Managing Director, NISH Affordable Housing Limited, Dr. Yemi Adelakun, said if this dead capital could be unlocked and invested appropriately, Nigeria stands to leapfrog its economic growth, rapidly develop its infrastructure and improve the quality of life of its citizens.
“More importantly, the real estate sector will experience phenomenal and geometric growth such that the intractable housing deficit may become a thing of the past.”
He said the federal and state governments as a matter of urgency need to simplify processes and accelerate the issuance of title documents as well as implement an electronic title registry for storage, retrieval of such titles for the continuous update, and easy verification.
Adelakun said governments should promote mortgage financing through special and revolving funding and provide a legal framework that will enhance mortgage transactions and commoditization of real estate in the country.
SOURCE: Guardian.
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alaskadiangelo · 3 years
Eating Out: Don't Be a Fast Food Giant
Eating out this occasion end of the week, or whenever throughout the mid year, the natural and modest can be appealing. Indeed, even the monsters of inexpensive food don't need to be colossal deviations from your obligation to eating soundly, in case you are an informed customer. Here are a few things to remember when examining the cheap food menus:
Mull over: A little Wavy fries has 450 calories, 210 from fat! The numbers for the steakhouse onion rings are practically indistinguishable. Only two potato cakes will give you 250 calories, 140 from fat (15 g). The Meal Ham and Swiss sandwich has 710 calories and 30g of fat. Indeed, even a medium meal meat has 420 calories, 16 g of fat. Be careful their Market Fresh® Sandwiches - every one is between 700-820 calories!
L.E.A.N. Alternatives: There are a couple of servings of mixed greens and wraps on the menu, yet a decent decision is the Hacked Farmhouse Salad with turkey and ham, coming in at 250 calories without dressing. In the event that you would incline toward the Slashed Farmhouse Chicken Plate of mixed greens, substitute barbecued chicken for seared. Simply be careful that everything except the extremely basic Hacked Side Plate of mixed greens, has 14g of fat or more. Dressings will make this number ascension, dramatically.
On their website you can make your dinner and see exactly the number of calories and fat you would be devouring with those decisions. Check their website for more nourishing information.
Burger Ruler
Mull over: A medium fries will hamper you 440 calories, with 22g of fat and 670g of sodium. Simply a plain Humdinger will give you 670 calories, 40g fat, and an incredible (play on words proposed) 980mg of sodium. A little cheeseburger has 300 calories and 14g of fat while a BK® Twofold Stacker has 560 calories, an awful 36g of fat and a stunning 1040mg of sodium.
L.E.A.N. Choices: It may come as a shock to realize that Burger Ruler's Beast Junior without cheddar or mayonnaise really has less calories (340 calories) than the chain's Tendergrill chicken sandwich without mayonnaise (520 calories). Another L.E.A.N. alternative is a nursery salad with (300 calories) or without (140 calories) barbecued chicken. Needles to say you will be in an ideal situation in the event that you pick a without fat or diminished fat dressing. On the off chance that you basically should have fries, you would now be able to arrange them 'unsalted'. Do as such!
Check their website for more healthful data.
Kentucky Seared Chicken
Mull over: One unique formula seared chicken bosom packs in 320 calories, 15g of fat, and an improper 710mg sodium. Extra Firm is likewise additional calories at 510, with 33g of fat and practically a large portion of your day by day portion of sodium, 1010mg. Keeping with our calorie-fat-sodium postings:
Huge popcorn chicken is batting 550-35-1600; Fresh Twister® with Firm strip is 560-24-1600. One of the most exceedingly awful dietary wrongdoers to the L.E.A.N. eating is the Renowned Bowls® Pounded Potato with Sauce. This bowl is all calories and sodium - 700 calories, 32g fat and a whole every day portion of sodium, 2260. Click here : 먹튀사이트
L.E.A.N. Alternatives: Pick a Caesar or side serving of mixed greens (on the off chance that you get the Caesar, request broiled chicken as opposed to fresh). Watch the dressings. On the off chance that you utilize the whole parcel it can dramatically increase the calorie and fat substance of your plate of mixed greens. For KFC chicken, barbecued chicken is much better than the seared. For this choice, the drumstick is a decent decision - 80 calories, yet 4g of fat and 230mg sodium. The bosom isn't the most exceedingly terrible guilty party with 210 calories, 8g of fat and a shockingly high 460mg of sodium. The best sides are green beans, fresh corn, three bean salad and "Mean Greens".
You need to download a pdf to see KFCs nourishing substance. Check their website for more nourishing information.
Mull over: French fries are a solace food. A medium fries at McDonald's has 380 calories, 19g of fat and a humble 270mg of sodium. It nearly abandons saying that the burgers are calorie wrongdoers, yet sodium endures a big cheese, as well. A Major Mac® has 540 calories, 29g of fat and 1040mg sodium; a Quarter Pounder with Cheese® is recorded at 510 calories, 26g of fat and 1190mg sodium. One of the greatest, yet at the same time not the most noteworthy in calories is the Angus Burger® with Bacon and Cheddar. The dietary data on the McDonald's site shows this as having 790 calories, 29g of fat and a mind blowing 2070mg of sodium.
L.E.A.N. Alternatives: McDonald's has a reasonable choice of plates of mixed greens, however the keen client realizes that that bacon, singed chicken and cheddar make a plate of mixed greens as stuffing and undesirable as a burger. To address this, request barbecued chicken, not fresh, and make certain to get low-fat dressing. A superior serving of mixed greens with barbecued chicken and low-fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing is around 260 - 360 calories. Side plates of mixed greens are consistently a basic, sound other option. For sandwich sweethearts, the fundamental burger has less calories (250) than a Top notch Barbecued Chicken Work of art (420). Barbecued Tidbit Wraps are additionally a superior alternative, with 260 - 270 calories.
Like KFC, you need to investigate the pdf posting of McDonald's Wholesome Information. Check their website for more nourishing data.
Mull over: On this finish of the range, the 6-inch Blowout has 550 calories, 23g of fat and a baffling 2610mg of sodium. The Meatball Marinara isn't greatly improved with 580-23-1530. You may figure, one treat will not hurt me. All things considered, these terrible young men pack 200 calories each, with a normal of 11g of fat and 150mg of sodium. Simply say no!
L.E.A.N. Choices: As inexpensive food goes, Metro is perhaps the most ideal decision. They have 8 6-inch subs with under 6g of fat. Furthermore, you can pick wholegrain bread, giving you a decent portion of sound fiber and omegas. The least calorie 6-inch is the Veggie Pleasure with only 230 calories, 2.5g of fat (contrast that with KFC!) and 410mg of sodium The most fatty substance sub in this classification is the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki still with a genuinely unassuming 274 calories, 4.5g of fat yet an astonishing 1010mg of sodium. You perceive how watch that wholesome data! Mixed greens at Metro are generally excellent choices, with under 200 calories, and 5g of fat. Watch the dressing, however, as usual.
Metro currently has an intuitive site where you can investigate their wholesome data.
Taco Chime
Mull over: Be careful with the solid sounding Fiesta® Taco Salad, which has an eating routine busting 770 calories (stay away from a significant number of those by not eating the shell). Then, at that point there's the Chipotle Steak Salad (I'm trusting they are utilizing that term freely!) that the Taco Ringer site shows has 900 calories, 57g of fat and 1600mg of sodium.
L.E.A.N. Choices: Taco Chime's Fresco® Menu is comprised of things with less than 400 calories and 9 grams of fat. The Fresco Style Chipotle Steak Salad zooms down to only 220 calories, 6 grams of fat. It's still genuinely high in sodium, notwithstanding, with 930mg. Their chicken Farm Taco Salad has very much like numbers: 240 calories, 5g of fat and 1080mg sodium.
Check their website for more dietary data.
Mull over: I can't remind you enough to be effectively aware of the dietary data at cafés. Indeed we discover a serving of mixed greens that is really un-L.E.A.N. Wendy's Baja Salad packs 550 calories, 33g of fat and 1610mg of sodium! That is without dressing. The most exceedingly terrible of the burgers is, obviously, the Bacon Exclusive Triple. With this 3-patty sandwich stacked with bacon, cheddar, and even onion rings, you will eat 1150 calories, 73g of fat and 2030mg of sodium. Certainly something to mull over.
L.E.A.N. Alternatives: A couple decent decisions incorporate the Mandarin Chicken Serving of mixed greens or the Chicken Caesar Salad. Both are under 200 calories without dressing or additional items (like bread garnishes, or bacon). The Jr. Cheeseburger makes an appearance with 270 calories, and 11g of fat while the Barbecued Chicken Go Wrap has only 260 calorie and 10g of fat. By a wide margin the L.E.A.N.- est choice is the side plate of mixed greens. The Nursery Side Serving of mixed greens has a simple 25 calories, NO fat and simply 30mg sodium. Indeed, even the Cesar Side Plate of mixed greens just has 60 calories, 2g of fat and 95mg of sodium. Top off on these, irreproachable!
On the website, Wendy's makes you go through every thing exclusively to see the wholesome substance. The thought is to assemble your supper, I assume. You can get an initially pdf from their site, too.
0 notes
adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: A top chef reveals his 30 kitchen essentials
— Our editors review and recommend products to help you buy the stuff you need. If you make a purchase by clicking one of our links, we may earn a small share of the revenue. However, our picks and opinions are independent from USA TODAY’s newsroom and any business incentives. Let's be honest: The difference between you and award-winning chef Thomas Keller isn't stuff. You can't buy your way into seven Michelin stars, no matter how much you spend on a knife set. But when one of the undisputed masters of modern cooking is willing to spill a few secrets about his kitchen toolset, I'm all ears. I recently reviewed Masterclass, the popular series of celebrity-taught online courses, and found the $180/year subscription quite reasonable if you have a life-long love of learning. I found myself hooked, "enrolling" in more and more classes to see what wisdom could be gleaned from the uber-successful. I'm no chef, but having been fortunate enough to once enjoy a memorable dinner at Bouchon, Thomas Keller's Masterclass jumped to the front of my queue. Keller's very first lesson is a walkthrough of his "essential tools" for the kitchen: 30 items he deems necessary to get the job done. It's a great list, but perhaps in the interest of fairness (or wanting to avoid legal complications), no brand names are mentioned in his class. So Reviewed is here to help. We've done the research and found the single best version of all Keller's recommendations. Related Are the MasterClass celebrity-taught online courses actually worth the money? 1. Cutting board Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar A good cutting board combines the right material, size, weight, and a price that matches your budget. Keller prefers larger cutting boards made of wood, as they make more of a presentation when you show food off to guests. Reviewed's kitchen experts tested several cutting boards and preferred a simpler (and cheaper) bamboo cutting board from Totally Bamboo. But if you want something a little more substantial, we also really loved this teak option from Teakhaus. Just remember to avoid cutting on ceramic and metal surfaces, which can prematurely dull your knife. Get the Totally Bamboo Kauai Cutting Board from Amazon for $19.95 2. Kitchen towel Credit: Reviewed / Jackson Ruckar Sometimes the simplest items are the most essential of all. A humble kitchen towel gets a lot of use from an active chef. In addition to using it as a hand wipe or something to clean up spills, a dry towel folded over a few times is really all you need for an oven mitt. Damp, a towel can go under the cutting board to keep it from slipping. When we tested kitchen towels, our favorite was an affordable option from Williams Sonoma. Get the Williams Sonoma All-Purpose Pantry Towels (4-pack) from Williams Sonoma for $19.95 3. Knife honer Credit: Wüsthof A dull knife makes for slower, sloppier, and more dangerous work, which is why Keller recommends a good knife honer. No, it won't actually sharpen the blades—you need an actual sharpener to do that (which we have tested extensively). A honer is what you use in the in-between times. "Honing realligns the molecules in the blade so the sharpness is maintained," says Keller. Wusthof, one of the most respected knife brands, makes one that users love. Get the Wushoff 10-inch Knife Honer from Amazon for $24.95 4. Slicing/carving knife Credit: Mercer Culinary "This is so versatile," says Keller about his beloved 10.5-inch slicer. He uses it for filleting large fish like salmon and bass, as well as carving meat, and even some chopping. In his Masterclass, Keller is using his own specially-branded set of MAC knives. The slicer is $230 or can be purchased as a part of a 6-piece set for $900. If that's too rich for your blood, we found a highly-rated alternative from Mercer for a lot less. Get the 10-inch Mercer Culinary Renaissance Carving Knife from Amazon for $40.20 5. Chef's knife Credit: Reviewed / Lindsay D. Mattison Most chefs would agree when Keller says that a chef's knife is "probably the most versatile knife we have." Fortunately, when our cooking team tested 14 of the leading chef's knives, we found that you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars for good quality. Our top pick overall is the Zwilling Pro 8-inch. But we also gave special commendation to Keller's pick—the MAC Professional Series 8-inch—for experienced home chefs. Get the Zwilling Pro 8-inch Chef's Knife from Sur La Table for $139 6. Bread knife Credit: Reviewed / Lindsay D. Mattison A long, serrated knife is just the thing for slicing through bread, as well as tomatoes. In our testing of bread knives, we found the Shun DM0705 Classic 9-inch to have the ideal balance of cutting power, comfort, and balance. If you need to save some dough (but still cut through it), Mercer Culinary also makes a decent option at an extremely low price. Get the Shun DM0705 Classic 9-inch Bread Knife from Amazon for $149.95 7. Utility knife Credit: Wusthof Some brands call them sandwich knives and some call them utility knives. Whatever the name, a mid-sized blade is great for lots of kitchen work where a chef's knife is too big and a paring knife is too small. As Keller says, "It has some flexibility in the blade, which I like when filleting fish." In my own home, we love our 6-inch Wusthoff Classic Ikon. Get the Wusthof Classic Ikon 6-inch Sandwich Knife from Amazon for $119.95 8. Paring knife Credit: Wüsthof A high-quality, short-bladed knife is just the thing for smaller jobs. "I can use for turning vegetables, I can use it for cutting small vegetables. It really is supportive in so many different ways," says Keller. We tested 10 of the leading paring knives and picked the Wusthof Classic as our favorite. Get the Wusthof Classic 3 1/2-inch Paring Knife from Amazon for $49.95 9. Knife storage Credit: Noble Home & Chef What's the point of investing in good knives if you're just tossing them into a drawer to get dulled and nicked? A simple, affordable wooden organizer will ensure a long and healthy life for your cutting tools. The Noble Home & Chef Knife Bamboo Organizer has over 2,000 5-star reviews on Amazon. Get the Noble Home & Chef Knife Bamboo Organizer from Amazon for $34.82 10. Kitchen Shears Credit: Moricai Sharp, strong kitchen shears can cut twine, herbs, and even small bones without losing their edge. It's not clear which specific shears Keller is using in his kitchen and he haven't tested them in the Reviewed labs (yet). But Serious Eats recommends the Moricai Kershaw Taskmaster Shears. They handle heavy duty tasks with ease and come apart at the hinge for easy cleaning. Get the Moricai Kershaw Taskmaster Shears from Amazon for $56 11. Peeler Credit: Reviewed/ Jackson Ruckar Peelers typically come in two shapes: Y-shaped and swivel-shaped. While Keller prefers the latter, we tested a bunch of peelers and have recommendations for both types. Our best overall is the Kuhn Rikon 3-Set Original Swiss Peeler (only $9.99 on Amazon), but if you want to go the Keller route, we liked the Messermeister Pro Touch best among all the swivel peelers. Get the Messermeister Pro Touch Fine Edge Swivel Peeler from Amazon for $9.95 12. Palette knife Credit: Masterclass One of the most striking tips Thomas Keller shares in his Masterclass is how he uses a palette knife. "I use this as my spatula for moving food around in the sauté pan," he states. "It has a lot of flexibility and a good length to it." The Wusthoff that Keller appears to be using on-camera is no longer available, but Ateco makes a highly-rated alternative in several sizes. Get the Ateco 10-inch Ultra Straight Spatula from Amazon for $8.49 13. This spatula/spoon thing Credit: StarPack Home This is the one item in the Masterclass that I found truly unidentifiable, at least the specific item that he's using in his video. Broadly speaking, they're known as a spatula/spoon, or sometimes a spoonula. "I'll use this in any way I need to stir something will I'm cooking it," says Keller. "Risotto, for example." We found a suitable stand-in with the StarPack Basics Silicone Spoonula, which has over 1,000 positive reviews on Amazon. Get the StarPack Basics Silicone Spoonula from Amazon for $8.89 14. Spoons Credit: Amazon They don't need to be anything special, but spoons are needed for everything from serving to tasting. Thomas Keller says to keep several of them handy, so we will. Get the AmazonBasic Stainless Steel Spoons (12-piece) from Amazon for $11.99 15. Bain-marie Credit: American Mug Pottery Bain-marie is really just a fancy French word for a hot water bath. Keller recommends keeping your spoons (see above) in a bain-marie to keep them clean, so long as you change the water frequently. Bain-maries come a variety of styles, but for this purpose, you really just need a ceramic or metal bucket. Get the American Mug Pottery Ceramic Utensil Holder from Amazon for $24.95 16. Kitchen scale Credit: Reviewed.com / Jackson Ruckar "In our restaurants," says Keller, "we've always been taught to weigh things." Volume measurements, like what you get from a measuring cup, are less accurate. Keller recommends ditching them entirely. We tested 13 of the most popular kitchen scales and our favorite is the My Weigh KD-8000. But if you need something a little cheaper, the AmazonBasics EK3211 is a fraction of the price and will do just fine for most people. Get the My Weigh KD-8000 from Amazon for $47.99 17. French whisk Credit: Best Manufacturers Keller recommends having two separate whisks: a narrower French whisk—perfect for getting into corners—and a wider balloon whisk. Keller uses the former mainly to emulsify ingredients into sauces. America's Test Kitchen tested several French whisks and recommends the Best Manufacturers Standard French Whip. Get the Best Manufacturers Standard French Whip from Amazon for $10.21 18. Balloon whisk Credit: OXO A balloon whisk is wider than a French whisk, used to create volume in things like meringue, hollandaise, and mayonnaise. The OXO Good Grips 11-inch Balloon Whisk comes highly recommended from reviewers and owners. Get the OXO Good Grips 11-inch Balloon Whisk from Amazon for $9.99 19. Drum sieve (aka tamis) Credit: Chef’n A sieve is useful for sifting flour or for getting the larger solids out of a puree. Not every kitchen may have room for something this large, but if you do, you should notice an appreciable difference in the final product. You can find drum sieves in various sizes. While most have a metal frame, the Chef’n Sift ’n Sieve's colorful plastic frame has convenient handles that might prove useful. Get the Chef’n Sift ’n Sieve from Sur La Table for $17.95 20. Slotted spatula/fish spatula Credit: Victorinox Also known as a fish turner or sometimes a Peltex spatula, a splotted spatula is wide enough to get under a fish for flipping, and the slots prevent the juices from splattering when you do. When a palette knife isn't wide enough to do the job, this is what Keller turns to. We haven't tested these spatulas yet, but Serious Eats recommends the Victorinox 40415 Slotted Fish Turner. Get the Victorinox 40415 Slotted Fish Turner from Amazon for $20.49 21. Microplane Credit: Microplane Otherwise known as a rasp, a Microplane is a perfect tool for grating hard cheeses and zesting citrus fruits. Keller also shared a Microplane trick that he uses in his restaurants: "We'll sometimes freeze herbs in a really tight bundle and grate herbs over pasta." Get the Microplane 40020 Classic from Amazon for $12.95 22. Pastry brush Credit: Matfer Bourgeat Pastry brushes vary in size and material. The silicone brushes are fine for basting meats and they're definitely easier to clean, but natural-fiber pastry brushes allow more precision and the bristles can hold more liquid in them. Keller appears to favor this one from Matfer Bourgeat. Get the Matfer Bourgeat 116014 Flat Pastry Brush from Amazon for $13.69 23. Offset spatula Credit: Ateco Keller uses his mainly for pastry. We haven't tested offset spatulas yet, but Eater recommends the affordable, durable Ateco 1385, which has a 4.5-inch blade. Get the Ateco 1385 Offset Spatula with 4.5-Inch Blade from Amazon for $4.12 24. Tweezers Credit: Adecco Long derided as the tool of overly fussy chefs, a decent pair of kitchen tweezers is surprisingly useful. Serious Eats, for one, makes a good case. Keller uses his to pick up fragile ingredients and garnishes. If you've never seen kitchen tweezers, they're quite a bit larger than the ones in the your medicine cabinet and very much up to the task of heavy kitchen work. These tweezers from Adecco come in 8-, 10-, and 12-inch sizes and have earned a lot of high user reviews on Amazon. Get the Adecco 10-inch Stainless Steel Tweezers from Amazon for $7.59 25. Smaller kitchen shears Credit: KitchenAid Frankly, this is the one item on the list that seems a little gratuitous, considering Keller already recommends slightly larger kitchen shears (see item #10). As far as we can tell, he's using the MAC Knife Kitchen Herb Snips, which are on Amazon for $35.95. But we found this highly-rated alternative for a fraction of the price. Get the KitchenAid Scissors Stainless Steel Kitchen Shears from Amazon for $7.99 26. Silpat mat Credit: Silpat "Portable teflon" is how Keller describes his Silpat mat. If you're not familiar, a Silpat mat is a safe, reusable, oven-safe alternative to parchment paper. It's widely used in homes and professional kitchens. Keller uses it when making tuiles, cookies, genois, and other baked goods that tend to stick to the cooking surface. Get the Silpat Premium Non-Stick Silicone Baking Mat from Amazon for $24.95 27. Chinois Credit: Winco Sometimes called a china cap or a bouillon strainer, a chinois has a finer mesh than a run-of-the-mill strainer. Keller recommends it to remove solids and impurities. "It gives us that silkiness in our vegetables and in our sauces that we love so much." Owners seem to love this particular chinois from Winco. Get the Winco CCB-8R Stainless Steel Bouillon Strainer from Amazon for $27.41 28. Mandolin Credit: Reviewed / Lindsay D. Mattison Mandolins have a scary reputation because, when used improperly, the razor-sharp blade may have some undesirable consequences. "We sometimes call these in our kitchen 'cripplers,'" says Keller, "because there have been times when we actually cut off the tip of our fingers and crippled ourselves." Don't panic. Our own kitchen experts tested the top-selling mandolines extensively and found the best models to be both effective and safe. Our top pick is the KitchenAid Adjustable Hand-Held V-Blade. Get the KitchenAid Adjustable Hand-Held V-Blade Mandolin from Amazon for $19.95 29. Kitchen timer Credit: Wrenwane Even Keller admits that he uses his smartphone as a timer when he's cooking at home. But if you'd prefer a cheap, no-frills option, the Wrenwane kitchen timer has thousands of 5-star Amazon reviews. Get the Wrenwane Digital Kitchen Timer from Amazon for $8.97 30. Butcher's twine Credit: Regency Dead simple but easy to forget, butcher's twine is necessary when roasting irregularly shaped cuts of meat to prevent the extremeties from scorching. Just make sure it is, in fact, butcher's twine and not something with synthetic materials that will burn or melt into your food. Real butcher's twine is made from cotton and has no dyes. Get Regency Natural Cooking Twine from Amazon for $4.99 Practice, practice, practice These tools won't make you a great chef, but the right tools can always make your kitchen work better, safer, and more efficient. Keller also recommends avoiding "gadgets" that look cute or have overly-specific functionality. Most importantly, he states, "Practice, practice, practice. I can't express how much experience will improve your skill." Start watching Keller's Masterclass series for $180/year subscription The product experts at Reviewed have all your shopping needs covered. Follow Reviewed on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest, deals, product reviews, and more. Prices are accurate at the time this article was published, but may change over time. Related Are the MasterClass celebrity-taught online courses actually worth the money?
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/lbff_bunwCs/a-top-chef-reveals-his-30-kitchen-essentials
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jhall9-blog1 · 5 years
Lab 8: Image Processing
*Link to website here:* https://jhall9.rhody.dev
How many images did you have to replace due to not following copyright laws.
None of my images were in violation of copyright laws, but I had to replace a few images because I wasn’t allowed to modify them. Some images were extremely large, and I couldn’t keep them if I wanted my site to load fast. For example, the main World of Warcraft logo I originally had was roughly 3000x6000 pixels and took more than a second to load on its own sometimes.
What did you have to change to make your site accessible?
The main thing I did was make sure the screen reader was reading all off the important information and skipping the unimportant information. I used aria-label for my links to give each link a description so that if someone was using a screen reader, it would describe the destination of the link instead of just saying “source” or “link <url>” or something like that. Likewise, I made sure all my images had descriptive alt text for the screen reader. I used aria-hidden to make unimportant information like table indexes are not read by the screen reader as well.
What tools did you use to remove the background of the image you selected?
I used the crop and magic wand on PIxlr to remove most of the background. I then used the eraser to clean up the image and make as perfect as I could.
How did you optimize your images?
I wasn’t allowed to modify World of Warcraft’s in-game assets all I could do was use jpg files when possible for screenshots. Some of the images, like the character portraits were transparent, and I couldn’t convert those to jpg without it being considered ‘modification’. For the few modifiable assets I had, I used a couple web-based optimizer tools to reduce their filesize. I used TinyPNG (which also accepts jpgs) to compress images and I used imageoptimizer.net to easily resize the images. With this, I was able to reduce the file size of the images by upwards of 70-80% in some cases.
How long did it take your site to load pre and post-optimization?
Index.html: ~1000 ms
Maps.html: ~900 ms
Classes.html: ~800  ms
Most of these were because of the 3000x6000 pixel image I used for the logo of my site, which I completely removed and replaced with a smaller, custom image.
Index.html: between 230 and 400ms
Maps.html: between 400-600ms
Classes.html: ~220ms
I’m not 100% sure that I was measuring the load time of the webpages correctly, though. For some reason the load time of the websites would spike and take a lot longer to load than normal. Even 1-3KB images would take more 150ms to load by themselves.
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galaxia-decima · 5 years
Auto Title Loans Are Big Business
You've seen them in the city corner, yet have you seen all the various sites that give data on the best way to set up your own auto title loan business? The sites guarantee to give the assets and preparing you'll require so as to "kick off" (pardon the joke) your business. In fact, there are benefits to be made in this industry. In any case, you'll need to ensure you know your state's laws and guidelines when you plan on beginning a business that makes auto title loans.
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For example, even military families have as of late met with hard budgetary occasions. Along these lines, they've gone to transient loans so as to pay a portion of their bills or to bring home the bacon. But since transient loans have higher financing costs than long haul ones, they're more enthusiastically to satisfy. While trying to satisfy one commitment, a few people take out one more transient loan, which makes an interminable cycle. In 2007, the United States Department of Defense topped financing costs on car title loans (truth be told, a wide range of loans) at 36% yearly rate (APR) to individuals from the military and their families.
In contrast to the military, singular states and districts have purview over the organizations that work inside their fringes, not the government. What's more, a few states have more guideline than others. Those states where the title loan industry has been fruitful in its campaigning and are liberal with battle commitments still charge triple-digit financing cost. The quantity of customer facing facades in a specific state additionally recount to a story: There are 900 title loan banks in Alabama, more than 230 in Missouri, more than 272 in Mississippi, 150 in Virginia, and 111 in only one Tennessee region.
A few states have embraced increasingly stringent guidelines. In 2008, New Hampshire topped loan fees at 36% APR. Additionally in 2008, Iowa shut a portion of its escape clauses which brought about a top of 35% APR, and Oregon brought down the most extreme reasonable number of loans. Different states that have as of late received comparative guidelines incorporate Arkansas, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and West Virginia.
A few states necessitate that title loan moneylenders should be authorized. Nevada is one such state. In spite of the fact that it doesn't have a financing cost top, the territory of Nevada commands certain divulgences, and limits the measure of times a loan can be moved over. Tennessee is another express that requires its title loan banks to have a permit.
So all things considered, in whatever structure your inclusion with auto title loans comes, you need to know the laws in your specific state. Realizing them will mean the contrast between a gainful and an unbeneficial business, and potential issues with claims and different issues.
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